#Daniel Edelsytn. Joseph Stiglitz is a crony closet globalist lackey, cheering on for Main Street while secretly serving the corporate masters!!! Here's my evidence!!!! Go to Google and type, """World Economic Forum Joseph Stiglitz says get rid of cash, move to a digital currency!!!""" WHAT??? LOL, Paging Mr. Orwell, paging Mr. Orwell, you have a telephone call sir, it's Big Brother Mr. Orwell, he wants a cashless society and prefers a monitored centrally planned digital currency backed by IMF Special Drawing Rights Mr. Orwell!!!!! Need I say more??????
@Bainsworth there is some truth to what you say, but not relevant to my point. Monetary policy in general needs to be more democratic, and allowing a revolving door between Central Bankers and Multinational corporations (World Economic Forum) should be the last thing an economist promotes if he truly believed in American freedom.
Maybe Stiglitz has not deepened about difference between inequality of outcome and inequality of opportunities, which is a main theme accross the world. Of course most liberal-wing economists advocate inequality of opportunities in order to lower the gap. But one thing is for sure, beyond all phraseology: lower-income people need an improvement of salaries to take-off in the USA. Then and only then we may talk about issues on inequality.
Joseph Stiglitz is a brilliant economist, but I've come to realize that he is an apologist for Western domination. I still read his thoughts and conclusions, yet I realize that much of what he says is wrong because he does have ideology coloring his conclusions.
Capitalist Economists only interpret what is happening but never ever say how it should be changed. Workers need to overthrow Capitalism. Or misery will be endless. What do old men do with $Billions anyway. Life extension maybe? Maybe as they die on life support their Billions will lift them up to Jesus. While the rest of us just die! Socialism roaring up and full equality for all of us. Not difficult!
La Grande Fracture Joseph Stiglitz, prix Nobel d’économie préconise que l’aggravation des inégalités rend plus difficile une reprise solide. 1 % de la population de la planète détient aujourd’hui près de la moitié de la fortune mondiale. Si on mettait 80 multimilliardaires dans un autobus, il contiendrait une fortune équivalente à celle de la moitié la plus pauvre de l’humanité. L’inégalité massive qui émerge aux Etats-Unis et dans beaucoup de pays avancés est devenue tellement frappante qu’elle fait l’objet de nombreuses images et métaphores. Elle est également le sujet de l’ouvrage de Joseph Stiglitz, La Grande Fracture. Un sujet qui peut paraître galvaudé, mais auquel économistes et politiques ne se seraient intéressés que trop récemment, n’ayant pas réussi à saisir les conséquences de l’ascension de l’inégalité et à élaborer des politiques qui auraient pu permettre de changer de cap. Pour M.Stiglitz, ‘‘crise financière et inégalité sont inextricablement mêlées’’: « l’inégalité a contribué à provoquer la crise; la crise a exacerbé les inégalités préexistantes; et leur aggravation a plombé l’économie et rendu encore plus difficile une reprise robuste ». Stiglitz estime que les Européens « ont oublié » que la dette est « l’assurance de la prospérité future, quand elle finance des investissements clés ».
To imagine that you are somehow maverick in describing the divide..you are apparently unaware of the dozens of authors and groups that decades beforehand have more honestly, and specifically depicted our 'condition'. See Professor Carol Quigley, Even at the Doors, Tupper Saucy's Rulers of Evil.
Ronald Reagan's trickle-down economics started the downward trend in income equality that persisted up through today. Obama did not achieve any reversal of that trend.
Obama completed *_TARP_* then Christmas for BigPharma BigInsurance BigHosp then lots of fake wars for War St. to distract Americans while they steal $15,000,000,000,000 in bailout money as American homeowners lose $15,000,000,000,000 in home equity in the largest single shift in wealth, only eclipsed by Trump's tax cuts. But I would trade it all if the dickhead would restore 800 yrs of Habeus Corpus and let Assange / Manning go free from Hillary's killers.
TWO QUESTIONS... #1... Could Stiglitz Call Center give me an example of any IDEA he peddles in the West at $250 an hour that I couldn't import from via LIVE VIDEO-LINK from an Asian Call Center for $25 an hour? #2... Would Stiglitz Call Center still support free trade if it included FREE TRADE IN IDEAS? Mark Gendala, Melbourne, AU
I have noticed something very particular about these guys at "upper" institutions. And to be quite honest, I come from an "upper" institution, but I do not carry this sense of arrogance around. They literally believe that they should "determine" the "right amount of inequality" that a society should have. God, their envy and jealousness of rich people shines right through. We live in a world of scarcity. Like the commissar orders coming down from your "elites" should determine how much someone should have. What a joke. There's only one of two options with these people. Either they know what they say is a joke and are not being genuine and want to make more money by selling more stuff. Or they actually believe that the government is somehow going to set the level of inequality so that the people (which people I don't know) are "better off" and just the right amount of "equality" that a society should have. All that we should have is EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW. The law should treat all people EQUALLY, not "determine" if someone should be given more or less, or "determine" other affairs of FREE MEN. People are perfectly able to do that by themselves.
+Mike Smith I have to agree. The degree of arrogance of people like Stiglitz is simply amazing. He has no modesty at all and is so totally ignorant of his own limitations. The reality is he talks of equality but what does he do for those who are have less than he does? Absolutely nothing. Does he give up his privileged position to allow others to take his place? No. Does he take account of the fact that to some others he is one of the wealthy elite he talks about? No. He plays the tune for others to dance to. That's typical of socialist preaching power seekers. They offer nothing in terms of understanding or improvement for all just and push their own envy barrow for their own personal gain. He pushes Thomas Picketty but fails to admit Picketty has been shown to have provided evidence which is hugely faulty and badly researched and even admitted he got things wrong. He sates "you couldn't help notice the high level of inequality" when he was growing up in America. He fails to mention (deliberately) the even higher level of inequality in socialist countries at the same time.. He fails to mention that at that time the mean wage in the USA was by far in excess of any nation in the world especially the socialist countries of that time. The average American had a wage which was the envy of all other countries. Especially the countries that had huge government control of economies and wages like he proposes. That alone makes his assertions more than misleading and even fraudulent. Yet he goes on to say there has been a history of inequality except for from the end of WW2 and 1980. How can that possibly be? Did everything reverse for period year in advanced countries? No. There is no evidence of that reversal in the statistics. Stiglitz the sticks his head in a noose with this assertion on the periods of wealth between WW2 and 1980.. Did wealth somehow get turned on it's head then and just turn he other way? No. That's simply impossible to believe since there would be evidence for it ? Also his reasoning is highlighted by this statement. If that reversal is a fact and the stats did Not show it then why would it be that the statistics would show the reversal after that period. Of course the answer is that what he says is clearly not supported by fact and the only facts one can conclude is his reasonig (lack of it) on this matter is so poor that he must have just made it up for the sake of his argument.
Rob Mews I agree with you. Brilliant way of putting it. It's very easy for some of these people to misconstrue history, cherry pick, and fabricate results and statistics. Trust me, you see it on the news all the time. It's just to mostly say things and pull people towards their constituency. That's all it is most of the time. Personally, I believe that they know what they say is wrong (in other words, they are DELIBERATELY misguiding people) because it's the only way to sell books. Plus, to be quite honest, I think people feel sorry for themselves in life because they feel like they don't have a chance to become super rich or rich or even middle class. What they need to do is stop feeling sorry for themselves and pull their fucking heads out of their asses. We have somewhat grew up in a capitalistic system (some parts are not free market anymore) and have a great wide variety of opportunity to become wealthy. Actually, we have a great opportunity to become super wealthy (even in this corporate nightmare that we have right now in America). What amazes me is how these people can come on so arrogantly and tell other people what the fuck kind of equality is "perfect" for their society. THEIR VISION. It's ok now that we have this much or that much equality. WHAT THE FUCK. People are unequal. I DON'T FUCKING PLAY GOLF AS GOOD AS TIGER WOODS, BUT I AM NOT ASKING THE LAW OR THE POLICEMAN TO BREAK TIGER'S KNEES SO THAT I CAN BE EQUAL. Nor do I ask the law to take Tiger's money away from him. I ask the law to respect everyone's rights to engage in free activities with one another. Equality under the law. See, I have been to these socialist countries. I have been born in the U.S., but still go to Europe all the time. It's sickening how people over there literally think they are somehow closer to equality and better than the U.S. because they somehow believe in a closer "equality in this world's goods". They are not equal. Let me ASSURE YOU OF THIS FUCKING TRUTH. LET ME ASSURE EVERYONE OF THIS FACT. There is political privilege. Nothing else. There are still good and bad schools. There are still mansions and poor villages. People are not equal. People still argue. People get along and don't get along. What's different over there is that they have been brainwashed to believe in big governments. I can understand how they believe it. Frankly, most people don't think about why the US had been established. Frankly, people tend not to think all the time. You have to understand that over in Europe, respect and adherence to political privilege is key. People accept that they are submissive to the state. At least in the US (which by the way is becoming closer to political privilege more than ever fucking before in the history of the US), the government is to serve the people. They are supposed to be public servants. I will say that the arrogance displayed by some of our congressmen, presidents, and representatives is that they are celebrities. PURE GODS. This elitist attitude is what fucking makes me sick. They literally believe that they are better than other people. It's this attitude that brings political privilege to power. Some people act like this normally. I don't give a flying fuck that Justin Bieber or whatever athlete or whatever celebrity is cocky and arrogant. You have every right to be. You can associate freely among people. I don't give a flying fuck about that. BUT WHEN YOU ARE APART OF THE POLITICAL PRIVILEGE, DON'T EVER FUCKING TELL ME TO BE YOUR LITTLE BITCH AND TREAT ME DIFFERENTLY UNDER THE LAW. DON'T EVER FUCKING DO THAT. It's this attitude that allows some people to take from one person and give it to others that kills me. And the funny fucking thing is, people actually allow it. WHAT THE FUCK?!!!! Like I said, they play into the envy people have of the rich. That's why these progressive socialist types get elected. Nirvana is not for this world. The only thing that has gotten these people out of poverty is capitalism and largely free trade. FREEDOM TO ASSOCIATE WITHOUT CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE HARM. OR HARM TO THEIR FUCKING PROPERTY FOR THAT MATTER.
A.Plosky Appeal to authority. Nonsensical argument. "Where can I find your papers?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA How about referring to Hayek, Von Mises, Rothbard, Milton Friedman, Williams, Block, James Buchanan, Say, Knight, Sowell, Salerno, Robert Bork, Schumpeter, Bastiat, Tocqueville. I could name a thousand more. Is that a good enough start? Did I adequately answer your condescending question? Furthermore, I have my dual doctorate in pharmacy and pharmacology, so we could appeal to authority all day long. I could write articles off the top of my head doing circles around Stieglitz and Piketty in pharmacoeconomics. Stop trolling before you hurt yourself.
@@alancrandall3863 No, they appealed to the 1/4th wits that make up way too much of the US population. In other words the blue collar, barely made it of high school crowd who got hosed badly by Reagonomics, but think the problem is Latino immigrants.
In a free enterprise capitalist system USA.almost all the people are living in a comfortable life. And I am strongly believe FREEDOM is more important than anything in life!
Coughing your last breath with Covid 19 and unemployed facing homelessness is comfortable for 40M USians? Mind you you don't have to look for a job so that could be a free world. "Free at last free at last ,thank the Lord I'm free at last"!
You should probably visit the united states if you think everyone is living comfortably! Every highway on the west coast has huge populations of people living under them! Maybe hold on to your false stereotypes!
+Tor Fredrik Grøndahl I'm perfectly understanding of his difficulty, and it's a shame it doesn't alter the fact that I can't listen to him, because I'd like to. I just can't. I suppose I should read his books, as you say, but I've more pressing things to read about.
I really like Prof Stiglitz
Great video! Love Joseph Stiglitz!
Listening to Joseph Stiglitz is like guzzling in real knowledge; pure Economic knowledge. He is brilliant and has Professional oratory.
Stiglitz is brilliant!
#Daniel Edelsytn. Joseph Stiglitz is a crony closet globalist lackey, cheering on for Main Street while secretly serving the corporate masters!!! Here's my evidence!!!! Go to Google and type, """World Economic Forum Joseph Stiglitz says get rid of cash, move to a digital currency!!!""" WHAT??? LOL, Paging Mr. Orwell, paging Mr. Orwell, you have a telephone call sir, it's Big Brother Mr. Orwell, he wants a cashless society and prefers a monitored centrally planned digital currency backed by IMF Special Drawing Rights Mr. Orwell!!!!! Need I say more??????
@Bainsworth there is some truth to what you say, but not relevant to my point. Monetary policy in general needs to be more democratic, and allowing a revolving door between Central Bankers and Multinational corporations (World Economic Forum) should be the last thing an economist promotes if he truly believed in American freedom.
when you do not watch the speking, you would think George W Buch has come to senses...
the unitigg stakes.
Maybe Stiglitz has not deepened about difference between inequality of outcome and inequality of opportunities, which is a main theme accross the world. Of course most liberal-wing economists advocate inequality of opportunities in order to lower the gap. But one thing is for sure, beyond all phraseology: lower-income people need an improvement of salaries to take-off in the USA. Then and only then we may talk about issues on inequality.
Joseph Stiglitz is a brilliant economist, but I've come to realize that he is an apologist for Western domination. I still read his thoughts and conclusions, yet I realize that much of what he says is wrong because he does have ideology coloring his conclusions.
Capitalist Economists only interpret what is happening but never ever say how it should be changed. Workers need to overthrow Capitalism. Or misery will be endless. What do old men do with $Billions anyway. Life extension maybe? Maybe as they die on life support their Billions will lift them up to Jesus. While the rest of us just die!
Socialism roaring up and full equality for all of us. Not difficult!
Who doesn't, though?
La Grande Fracture
Joseph Stiglitz, prix Nobel d’économie préconise que l’aggravation des inégalités rend plus difficile une reprise solide. 1 % de la population de la planète détient aujourd’hui près de la moitié de la fortune mondiale. Si on mettait 80 multimilliardaires dans un autobus, il contiendrait une fortune équivalente à celle de la moitié la plus pauvre de l’humanité. L’inégalité massive qui émerge aux Etats-Unis et dans beaucoup de pays avancés est devenue tellement frappante qu’elle fait l’objet de nombreuses images et métaphores. Elle est également le sujet de l’ouvrage de Joseph Stiglitz, La Grande Fracture. Un sujet qui peut paraître galvaudé, mais auquel économistes et politiques ne se seraient intéressés que trop récemment, n’ayant pas réussi à saisir les conséquences de l’ascension de l’inégalité et à élaborer des politiques qui auraient pu permettre de changer de cap.
Pour M.Stiglitz, ‘‘crise financière et inégalité sont inextricablement mêlées’’: « l’inégalité a contribué à provoquer la crise; la crise a exacerbé les inégalités préexistantes; et leur aggravation a plombé l’économie et rendu encore plus difficile une reprise robuste ». Stiglitz estime que les Européens « ont oublié » que la dette est « l’assurance de la prospérité future, quand elle finance des investissements clés ».
+Mohamed Chawki Abid Je preconize le même, depuis le commence de les measures d´austerité. Je voulez mon nobel maintenain, merci!;)
To imagine that you are somehow maverick in describing the divide..you are apparently unaware of the dozens of authors and groups that decades beforehand have more honestly, and specifically depicted our 'condition'. See Professor Carol Quigley, Even at the Doors, Tupper Saucy's Rulers of Evil.
Ronald Reagan's trickle-down economics started the downward trend in income equality that persisted up through today. Obama did not achieve any reversal of that trend.
Obama completed *_TARP_* then Christmas for BigPharma BigInsurance BigHosp then lots of fake wars for War St. to distract Americans while they steal $15,000,000,000,000 in bailout money as American homeowners lose $15,000,000,000,000 in home equity in the largest single shift in wealth, only eclipsed by Trump's tax cuts. But I would trade it all if the dickhead would restore 800 yrs of Habeus Corpus and let Assange / Manning go free from Hillary's killers.
Exactly. Thou obama did pass Obamacare thereby indirectly igniting left tendencies in the Democratic party
TWO QUESTIONS... #1... Could Stiglitz Call Center give me an example of any IDEA he peddles in the West at $250 an hour that I couldn't import from via LIVE VIDEO-LINK from an Asian Call Center for $25 an hour? #2... Would Stiglitz Call Center still support free trade if it included FREE TRADE IN IDEAS? Mark Gendala, Melbourne, AU
I have noticed something very particular about these guys at "upper" institutions. And to be quite honest, I come from an "upper" institution, but I do not carry this sense of arrogance around. They literally believe that they should "determine" the "right amount of inequality" that a society should have.
God, their envy and jealousness of rich people shines right through.
We live in a world of scarcity. Like the commissar orders coming down from your "elites" should determine how much someone should have. What a joke.
There's only one of two options with these people. Either they know what they say is a joke and are not being genuine and want to make more money by selling more stuff. Or they actually believe that the government is somehow going to set the level of inequality so that the people (which people I don't know) are "better off" and just the right amount of "equality" that a society should have.
All that we should have is EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW. The law should treat all people EQUALLY, not "determine" if someone should be given more or less, or "determine" other affairs of FREE MEN. People are perfectly able to do that by themselves.
+Mike Smith I have to agree. The degree of arrogance of people like Stiglitz is simply amazing. He has no modesty at all and is so totally ignorant of his own limitations. The reality is he talks of equality but what does he do for those who are have less than he does? Absolutely nothing. Does he give up his privileged position to allow others to take his place? No.
Does he take account of the fact that to some others he is one of the wealthy elite he talks about? No.
He plays the tune for others to dance to. That's typical of socialist preaching power seekers. They offer nothing in terms of understanding or improvement for all just and push their own envy barrow for their own personal gain.
He pushes Thomas Picketty but fails to admit Picketty has been shown to have provided evidence which is hugely faulty and badly researched and even admitted he got things wrong.
He sates "you couldn't help notice the high level of inequality" when he was growing up in America. He fails to mention (deliberately) the even higher level of inequality in socialist countries at the same time.. He fails to mention that at that time the mean wage in the USA was by far in excess of any nation in the world especially the socialist countries of that time. The average American had a wage which was the envy of all other countries. Especially the countries that had huge government control of economies and wages like he proposes.
That alone makes his assertions more than misleading and even fraudulent.
Yet he goes on to say there has been a history of inequality except for from the end of WW2 and 1980. How can that possibly be? Did everything reverse for period year in advanced countries? No. There is no evidence of that reversal in the statistics.
Stiglitz the sticks his head in a noose with this assertion on the periods of wealth between WW2 and 1980..
Did wealth somehow get turned on it's head then and just turn he other way? No. That's simply impossible to believe since there would be evidence for it ?
Also his reasoning is highlighted by this statement.
If that reversal is a fact and the stats did Not show it then why would it be that the statistics would show the reversal after that period. Of course the answer is that what he says is clearly not supported by fact and the only facts one can conclude is his reasonig (lack of it) on this matter is so poor that he must have just made it up for the sake of his argument.
Rob Mews I agree with you. Brilliant way of putting it.
It's very easy for some of these people to misconstrue history, cherry pick, and fabricate results and statistics. Trust me, you see it on the news all the time. It's just to mostly say things and pull people towards their constituency. That's all it is most of the time. Personally, I believe that they know what they say is wrong (in other words, they are DELIBERATELY misguiding people) because it's the only way to sell books. Plus, to be quite honest, I think people feel sorry for themselves in life because they feel like they don't have a chance to become super rich or rich or even middle class. What they need to do is stop feeling sorry for themselves and pull their fucking heads out of their asses. We have somewhat grew up in a capitalistic system (some parts are not free market anymore) and have a great wide variety of opportunity to become wealthy. Actually, we have a great opportunity to become super wealthy (even in this corporate nightmare that we have right now in America).
What amazes me is how these people can come on so arrogantly and tell other people what the fuck kind of equality is "perfect" for their society. THEIR VISION. It's ok now that we have this much or that much equality. WHAT THE FUCK. People are unequal. I DON'T FUCKING PLAY GOLF AS GOOD AS TIGER WOODS, BUT I AM NOT ASKING THE LAW OR THE POLICEMAN TO BREAK TIGER'S KNEES SO THAT I CAN BE EQUAL. Nor do I ask the law to take Tiger's money away from him. I ask the law to respect everyone's rights to engage in free activities with one another. Equality under the law.
See, I have been to these socialist countries. I have been born in the U.S., but still go to Europe all the time. It's sickening how people over there literally think they are somehow closer to equality and better than the U.S. because they somehow believe in a closer "equality in this world's goods". They are not equal. Let me ASSURE YOU OF THIS FUCKING TRUTH. LET ME ASSURE EVERYONE OF THIS FACT. There is political privilege. Nothing else. There are still good and bad schools. There are still mansions and poor villages. People are not equal. People still argue. People get along and don't get along. What's different over there is that they have been brainwashed to believe in big governments. I can understand how they believe it. Frankly, most people don't think about why the US had been established. Frankly, people tend not to think all the time.
You have to understand that over in Europe, respect and adherence to political privilege is key. People accept that they are submissive to the state.
At least in the US (which by the way is becoming closer to political privilege more than ever fucking before in the history of the US), the government is to serve the people. They are supposed to be public servants. I will say that the arrogance displayed by some of our congressmen, presidents, and representatives is that they are celebrities. PURE GODS. This elitist attitude is what fucking makes me sick. They literally believe that they are better than other people. It's this attitude that brings political privilege to power.
Some people act like this normally. I don't give a flying fuck that Justin Bieber or whatever athlete or whatever celebrity is cocky and arrogant. You have every right to be. You can associate freely among people. I don't give a flying fuck about that. BUT WHEN YOU ARE APART OF THE POLITICAL PRIVILEGE, DON'T EVER FUCKING TELL ME TO BE YOUR LITTLE BITCH AND TREAT ME DIFFERENTLY UNDER THE LAW. DON'T EVER FUCKING DO THAT. It's this attitude that allows some people to take from one person and give it to others that kills me. And the funny fucking thing is, people actually allow it. WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!
Like I said, they play into the envy people have of the rich. That's why these progressive socialist types get elected. Nirvana is not for this world. The only thing that has gotten these people out of poverty is capitalism and largely free trade. FREEDOM TO ASSOCIATE WITHOUT CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE HARM. OR HARM TO THEIR FUCKING PROPERTY FOR THAT MATTER.
+Mike Smith Poe's law in action
+Mike Smith
You obviously have superior insights about economy compared to Piketty and Stieglitz.
Where can I find your papers?
A.Plosky Appeal to authority. Nonsensical argument. "Where can I find your papers?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
How about referring to Hayek, Von Mises, Rothbard, Milton Friedman, Williams, Block, James Buchanan, Say, Knight, Sowell, Salerno, Robert Bork, Schumpeter, Bastiat, Tocqueville. I could name a thousand more. Is that a good enough start? Did I adequately answer your condescending question?
Furthermore, I have my dual doctorate in pharmacy and pharmacology, so we could appeal to authority all day long. I could write articles off the top of my head doing circles around Stieglitz and Piketty in pharmacoeconomics.
Stop trolling before you hurt yourself.
People of greater ability will out perform those of lesser ability. Pareto Principle at work.
So how does that explain the half witted family in the White House?
Richard Mycroft I guess it means they beat the quarter wits they ran against.
@@alancrandall3863 No, they appealed to the 1/4th wits that make up way too much of the US population. In other words the blue collar, barely made it of high school crowd who got hosed badly by Reagonomics, but think the problem is Latino immigrants.
@@richardmycroft5336 you sound very intelligent, plz tell us more
@@danielsals5770 No thanks, I think you have quite enough information.
V n
He is a front line economist but he is too political. He compromises his economic knowledge to be alarmist and urgent.
In a free enterprise capitalist system USA.almost all the people are living in a comfortable life.
And I am strongly believe FREEDOM is more important than anything in life!
Coughing your last breath with Covid 19 and unemployed facing homelessness is comfortable for 40M USians? Mind you you don't have to look for a job so that could be a free world. "Free at last free at last ,thank the Lord I'm free at last"!
You should probably visit the united states if you think everyone is living comfortably! Every highway on the west coast has huge populations of people living under them! Maybe hold on to your false stereotypes!
The materialistic flood bailly fail because wall perplexingly shave next a rabid answer. spurious, grateful gratis kenneth
I'm sorry, Joe, but I find you impossible to listen to, and I ought to be somewhere in your natural constituency. You seem unprepared. Try harder.
+Dick Hamilton yeah, he's not a great orator, mainly because he stutters. You should read his books though, because he's a great author.
+Tor Fredrik Grøndahl I'm perfectly understanding of his difficulty, and it's a shame it doesn't alter the fact that I can't listen to him, because I'd like to. I just can't. I suppose I should read his books, as you say, but I've more pressing things to read about.