Got the square a few days ago and loving it for the price. Just like I'm seeing on my device, backspin needs a tighter deviation. I believe the ball plays a big part in this at the moment. Hopefully in the long run we have more options on balls. For now all I care about is distances and shot shape that are comparable to real life and the square is doing that for me.
I have to admit, I've been very skeptical with the Square LM. However, I have to say, they've done a great job with this unit and really good to see the company continuing to work to make it better. For the money, no question which LM I'd go with if I had less thank 1K to spend. I think Square could have charged $300-$400 more for this unit but glad to see they didn't because it forces other manufacturers to rethink their pricing strategy.
Good job. Thank you. I am using Square G LM and I felt more back spin, less run and less total distance especially at driver shot, ball speeds were so close though. You showed me the same results that I felt. I will purchase the 1-Year Subscription from GSPro tomorrow. Square G. LM. is good, but I think the software needs more upgrade.
this machine is absolutely crazy for the price - with less spin, its tracking it pretty well without losing accuracy at higher ball speeds - what on earth! im flabbergasted Joe!
Pretty incredible isn't it... It's definitely a game changer and has already forced some change in the industry from other companies! Still a little bit of work to do on spin and spin axis but it is already great.
Unless your a +handicap where being a yard out on carry or left/right can be detrimental, I just can’t see the benefit of spending £8k v £650 for the at home golf setup.
There's websites that sell a "tattoo"- like sticker that gives any ball the square dot pattern. Mine arrives next week - if you are interested I can put the link in a reply comment. If not, I can let you know how they work. For me, using a crap 2 peice ball is a no go. If the stickers don't work, I'd try an RPT ball next, as I've heard they work (even if Square says they won't).
RPT balls work 60% of the time from my testing. Not reliably enough to use. I use the stickers now from users in the Facebook group. They work extremely well and do not mark my projector impact screen.
Works pretty nice inside where its "dark", but darn shame this doesn't work outside due to the sunlight and reflections on the lens, great price, only if. I'll keep my MLM2Pro with the latest updates for outdoor use.
hi great video Joe like always. Asked and answered by you. What I have realized is during most of your square golf videos, if it gets a miss read none of the metrics look normal not just backspin. If it miss reads backspin and the ball speed and launch angle correct it is square golf's own fault not interference . They still have to fine tune all those spin numbers which should be an easy thing to fix since it is a high speed camera based algorithm which MLM2 Pro does perfectly as good as GC3 as you know. I wish you could have access to one of those golf robots where it hits the ball exactly same every time so that you could compare without any doubts at all. 😉 I was seriously considering to swap my MLM2 Pro for this since it doesn't need too much space for it to work and it includes putting as well which would help me sell my Exputt too ;) But the numbers need to improve for sure...
Thanks mate! Yes it's very close now to being perfect but if you have the mlm2pro and exputt that is an absolute KILLER combo... You literally have the best of both worlds. I would keep that set up for a bit but if I was a first time buyer without a device id get the square if I was on a budget if not I'd be going potentially the EML as the next step up.
Does aligning the square dot pattern carefully every time make a difference? Like purposely placing the middle of the circle pattern towatds the launch monitor cameras.
It's funny with driver I did do this just because naturally as someone who is very diligent I would always place the dots facing the unit.. just out of habit I did it without even thinking.
@@RoyOfCon-j8g I'm also interested in this. It would be a shame if they can't make some minor improvements. I'm not expecting perfect results for the price point. Just some assurance that the ball shape is correct for the swing (and correctly take gear effect into account) and the distances are somewhat close.
Joe, thanks for the side by side. With the interference issues, perhaps a doppler based device would be a better test. Like Mevo+ with a silver sticker applied. However, IMHO "truly accurate" launch monitors for simulator golf is an unwise obsession. Here's why... Most golfers will tell you that their indoor swing is different than their outdoor swing. As we change from indoor to outdoor, we adjust. Just like we adjust when it's windy, or cold, or hot, or at elevation or sea level. My advice: Pick a launch monitor that has the features that makes sim golf the most fun for you. Don't kill yourself wondering if that wedge shot that reported 6000rpm spin should have really been 7500pm.
Unfortunately Doppler radar for indoor use is ALWAYS going to be flawed for spin axis. This is just due to the hardware limitation of radar... I work with radar and I understand how it works... You are not going to be able to accurately capture spin axis with it. This is why I think my individual testing and comparison on the same day is ultimately the best test for these devices... I agree with you on your second point. And I can definitely tell if a unit isn't reading correctly by using it. For me "within tolerances" is going to be the best you can expect. Data sets over a lot of golf balls hit and using the unit over a longer period of time is what's going to give me my understanding and ultimately my opinion on a launch monitor. That's why I always wait and give my review videos quilt a while after I've had the unit and used it a LOT lol
I have a Square coming was thinking running the MLM together. If I get interference from the MLM I might be able to cover the infrared on the MLM with painters tape and see what happens. I could still use the MLM cameras maybe
Hi Joe, thanks for providing such useful tests for a unit many people are so interested in. Is there a chance, you could do a comparable test, doesn't have to be as extensive as this one, where you might try hitting normal balls but place such a club marker to one of your clubs? That would be great to get a feeling for how their calculations work (afaik, those come into play when these stickers are used). Another useful test would be with Almost Golfballs, again, I've seen many people asking you to test this or that, maybe if you have the time, give it a shot.
Thanks mate I will absolutely do this I'm going to sticker up all my clubs and play 18 holes on GS Pro so it will be a really good test for spin axis and spin with a lot of different clubs 👍👍
I can confirm that the Square does read both the yellow Almost Golf Balls & the orange SciCore balls. I'm a 72 YO high handicapper and really don't swing consistently enough to do legitimate testing, but maybe Joe could. When I set the Square ball setting to the 10% boost I can surprisingly get fairly long drives for my low swing speed with the SciCore ball. I'm guessing the distances are close to the expected yardage loss with these balls. The SciCore balls seem to go a bit further than the Almost Golf ball. I played 9 holes setup on a Square software course ladies tees and it was a fun experience. I hit in my garage & only use the SciCore balls when I have to keep my car in the other side of the garage.
Joe, I've been using the Square for 1 week now. Please do a comparison with the square to any unit on greater side spin hits . My feels and doing same shot comparison to R10. On the lower side spin hits Square does well however the greater the spin the more Square increases spin.... I want to know if I have a greater side spin than I am believe due to R10 algorithm...I just don't see my slice strikess going 70 yards right maybe 35 yards IRL.just thinking the square is having troubles on greater side spin hits, also use stickers on clubs when test is done. Lots of R10 users wants to know.
Almost 10k subs! Joe, you need to test Vs the MLM2PRO. I don't think there's any interference between them. Pity youre not in the UK I could send you a custom RPT/ Square ball. I think you have stickers- easy to do on a Pro V1. Cover all faces with RPT pattern, the side facing the Square get the 5 dot pattern on it, manual placement of dots. You obviously have to place the ball in the correct direction each time. Also test if the Square works with RPT ball dots.
Thanks mate! Yes sooo close to that goal 🥹. The mlm2pro is a fantastic launch monitor and in my testing is pretty much on par with the gc3 for accuracy. Even in that test though you will still potentially get IR interference. For me I think the best testing protocol for me is to just do individual sets and compare the data over multiple sessions and days. Also just playing golf with it... Over time I can 100 percent tell if it's registering shots correctly. The Swuare after this update is incredibly Close but for me it just needs tightening slightly again with spin and spin axis. It's so close most people wouldn't know.
@JLagGOLF the MLM2PRO will actually work with the IR flash covered up (put some card over it with a rubber band to hold it) if the room lighting is good. I've done this before when testing a different LM. With the IR window covered (as you know!) it's using Radar for measuring the ball and club, spin would be passive optical. If the Square could match the MLM2PRO for spin accuracy then it would make it the new gold budget standard.
Thanks Joe for your immense work on the testing :) One request from my side, or maybe just your comment, a test of Trackman 4's indoor ability to read side spin / gear effect. It absolutely drives me crazy when I mishit a shot on the heel and I, as a fader, ends up with a gigantic double cross and potential round killers. In the TM app you get the data on club path and face angle, and that seems absolutely correct, path out-in and the face closes a lot, now that simply translates to a pull-hook and no fade back what so ever, am I the only one that falls victim to this?
Don't get me started on Trackman 4 indoors lol I have made my feelings on this clear in other videos hahahaha it's isn't great indoors again because it's a radar based unit. It uses the camera to see where you hit it on the club face and then adds a gear effect estimation or algorithm to then predict the ball flight. This is an issue because you need to have perfect lighting for the trackman to be able to do this and even with the perfect lighting it still struggles and this is because it's a radar based unit that sits behind the ball and is not the best position or technology for indoor use. Outdoors it's fine as it can track the ball for its flight but indoors this is and will always be an issue for trackman 4... It's a hardware limitation that they are trying to fix with software bandaids.. even Trackman knows this and that's why they now have the IO unit that sits overhead and uses cameras and suplimented by radar. Oh man you got me hahahaha hook Line and sinker.
Thanks for all the great content Joe, these videos are a great help for those of us starting a home sim. Nice to see the improvement in the backspin data! Question: if you had the budget to increase do you think a used GC2 would be worth it over the square or do you think it’s better to go with the newer supported tech. I plan on only using it for an indoor sim and will have gs pro, I like the no 3rd party subscription both these units offer.
Thanks mate I really appreciate that! That is such a good question... I mean that is really tough because although I absolutely loved my gc2 and still recommend it it can be tough to find one and be confident that everything works. Serial numbers and flash boards are important as you need the new N3 flash board to support the 3rd party flashes... So there's a fair bit of research that you need to do.. also working bluetooth. Purchase spare flashes... Alignment can also be tough as the HLA on slower speed shots isn't the best with the GC2. So I guess the things that I didn't like about the gc2 and ultimately why I upgraded was: alignment wasn't easy and I often questioned it, ball speeds for me were about 2mph high but I don't see this from everyone it might have been my device although it was seriously consistent, no support although you do have Andy in the states that can fix them and make spare flashes, no IR (uses flashes), and HLA on slower ball speed shots ie putts wasn't the best but GS Pro has its putting assist to help this. Having said that I absolutely LOVED my gc2 and would still buy one.. it never missed a shot and was super easy to connect to GS Pro and reliable. The Square addresses a lot of these issues alignment is actually fantastic with that little alignment stick... I didn't think it would actually work and be as good as it is. It uses IR which is great, has support, HLA on putting is great.. connection to PC isn't the best for me but the connector is still in beta so hopefully it will get more reliable. They need to keep refining spin and spin axis. That's my thoughts! Hahaha bit of a word vomit lol but hopefully that helps your decision.
What id love to do see is using that special club that shoots the ball without having to swing. Setting that up in power level 1 through 5 and then testing it on each unit separately. This way you have the best baseline for each shot. Kinda an out of the way test but would be cool to see. But even with this video it goes to show how much value you are getting in the square. Give it 6 months and alot of these companies are gonna be dropping their prices on their units.
Absolutely mate we have already seen the market change because of the Square! This device has made waves in the industry. Absolute WAVES... Look at Uneekor for example massive sales the biggest and longest sales I've ever seen. Rapsodo adding an option to pay up front and have a lifetime membership! Foresight having a sale on their ball data gc3.. this unit is really having a big impact on the market.
Great testing :) Looks like side spin still needs work (I do not think there is much interference as it was picking up back spin well, but you never know). Will you be looking at the raw data measurements for club data sometime and comparing to GC3. I am trying to decide if I need something more expensive like eye mini light to give me things like angle of attack to improve my game.
Great video, been loving my square and for a new sim owner - it does everything I need it to and more. You said in one video that an LM has to "convince" you on shots and ill say the square does that for me. Thanks for the comparison and data, good to know its limitations!
My swing has 10 times more variance than these two units. If I buy the square maybe I could afford some lessons 😂😂😂 My take-away… the Square is amazing for the money and will only get better with future updates AND WAY BETTER ON PUTTING
Hi Joe, i know that you probably prefer to always test a product as per the manufacturers recommendations, but im sure lots of people (myself included!) would be interested in warching you test your normal gamer ball using the club stickers. I'd be very interested in yiur thoughts about how well you think the device estimates the various metrics when not using the dotted ball. As one example, If you were to hit 10 x 9 irons with uour TP5 using club stickers and then 10 * 9 irons using the dotted ball...would you expect to get more distance with the TP5 becuase it's a better ball, or less because of the spin estimation?
Yeah absolutely the issue is if you have an impact screen you are going to get black marks all over you golf balls and club face 👍 if you're in a net it could potentially be an option but for me it's a bit too messy.
Why is there so little run after carry on the Square numbers? The carry distances seem pretty close but total distance is off because the Square is showing very little run.
For me I think keep the Saint 9 golf balls but also add options like a Titleist Pro V1 and V1X as ball options... Add the Taylormade TP5 and TP5X as options. Keep the cheaper options but also add some brand name premium options.
Hey Joe last year I purchased a mlm2 pro and loved it but did have issues from time to time. Do you think it would be a wise decision to sell the unit and buy the square?
Honestly it depends on what you're after mate. Was it connection issues you have with the mlm2pro? I'm going to film my final square review tomorrow. I think for the price it's a fantastic unit... Doing putting and chipping to an aging standard! But it still has its own issues for instance the connector to my PC isn’t perfect. It’s still in beta and often I have to restart my computer to get it to connect.. and the spin and spin axis isnt perfect. It's seriously close though... I think a lot of people wouldn't even notice. I think it's a great device if you're looking for an entry level monitor that can do it all! If you're looking for a step up though I'd go the EML 👍👍
@ thanks for the response. Yes it was connection issues but I haven’t used the unit in about 3 months due to buying a new house and haven’t put another sim room together yet so hopefully it works a little bit better and I would keep it. Otherwise EML is definitely on my mind
My subscription on the MLM2 is due in a week but this video has me wondering if I am going to jump ship instead . I can only see the Square getting better .
Yeah I believe it will keep getting better and better. It's a tough one! Right now I have to say the mlm2pro is still more accurate in my opinion for spin and spin axis. The Square though if you're wanting something that does it all... Man it's good. The putting is great.
@@Overswinggolf I think Trackman was aware about the limitations about radar indoors and tried to fix it by using the camera to estimate strike location to then add the gear effect algorithm.. but then they realised it's still not perfect so finally just went IO using cameras and suplimenting with radar. Just my 2c and how I see it.. I'd love to test the IO! The VG3 software looks incredible as well
Yes absolutely you can use the Square application and play their courses and use the practice facility. If you want to play GS Pro you will need a gaming PC 👍
It's definitely in the planning phase lol the licence is a LOT of $$$$.. and for something realistically I'm probably not going to use it's hard to justify. The graphics do look great though!
Just bought a square yesterday... I haven't seen a better deal than $630 for a launch monitor with a pay to play subscription... and no gaming lap top to use the basics? Sold
The square is just the way forward, can’t compete with the price. It’s only had one major update too, it’s only going to get better. I’d rather save money with the square and be able to to put more money into projector, PC etc
I know it wasnt the mission, but driver distance was horrendous on the Square being 10-20 yrds short almost every shot in comparison. I stand with what i have said since first video i saw weeks ago, Square needs many updates to fix bugs before its worth the money. If it wasnt for the putting im not sure you can justify even $500 for it… yet.
Played on the square tonight, and just ended up putting !! So good for putting it’s unreal !!
It's crazy isn't it... I was absolutely amazed at the putting and still am
@@JLagGOLFWould love to see a comparison of the square golf putting vs the Exputt considering they are both coming from the same company.
Got the square a few days ago and loving it for the price. Just like I'm seeing on my device, backspin needs a tighter deviation. I believe the ball plays a big part in this at the moment. Hopefully in the long run we have more options on balls. For now all I care about is distances and shot shape that are comparable to real life and the square is doing that for me.
I have to admit, I've been very skeptical with the Square LM. However, I have to say, they've done a great job with this unit and really good to see the company continuing to work to make it better. For the money, no question which LM I'd go with if I had less thank 1K to spend. I think Square could have charged $300-$400 more for this unit but glad to see they didn't because it forces other manufacturers to rethink their pricing strategy.
Yeah I have to agree mate! 👍👍
Nothing .. NOTHING can beat square for the price. Not even higher prices units like skycrap which i have. Amazing job Joe
Rapsodo is much better IMO. Square is basically R10 at this point given how innacurate it is.
I agree. I have an OG. Skytrak but I am not using it anymore.
@@smevox7490so you just didn’t watch the video? Orrrrr what?
@@samuelyeet6006just mad cause he has a rhapsodo
@@taylorburch7761 right lmao
Thanks for doing this Joe! Very informative and seems like all things that Square can't sort out in a firmware update.
Yeah I definitely agree! Give it a little bit of time and I think we will have a lot of people questioning more expensive devices
Good job. Thank you. I am using Square G LM and I felt more back spin, less run and less total distance especially at driver shot, ball speeds were so close though. You showed me the same results that I felt. I will purchase the 1-Year Subscription from GSPro tomorrow. Square G. LM. is good, but I think the software needs more upgrade.
Yep you nailed it mate! I'm sure we will see more firmware upgrades. Hopefully some other options for balls as well 👍👍
this machine is absolutely crazy for the price - with less spin, its tracking it pretty well without losing accuracy at higher ball speeds - what on earth! im flabbergasted Joe!
Pretty incredible isn't it... It's definitely a game changer and has already forced some change in the industry from other companies! Still a little bit of work to do on spin and spin axis but it is already great.
Unless your a +handicap where being a yard out on carry or left/right can be detrimental, I just can’t see the benefit of spending £8k v £650 for the at home golf setup.
It's just getting so competitive and good in this lower cost market... They are definitely closing the gap! 👍👍 Exciting times for us consumers
@DoctorRalphBugelmein spot on.
There's websites that sell a "tattoo"- like sticker that gives any ball the square dot pattern. Mine arrives next week - if you are interested I can put the link in a reply comment. If not, I can let you know how they work. For me, using a crap 2 peice ball is a no go. If the stickers don't work, I'd try an RPT ball next, as I've heard they work (even if Square says they won't).
Would love to know where you got them
I’m also very interested in this “tattoo”
RPT balls work 60% of the time from my testing. Not reliably enough to use. I use the stickers now from users in the Facebook group. They work extremely well and do not mark my projector impact screen.
Works pretty nice inside where its "dark", but darn shame this doesn't work outside due to the sunlight and reflections on the lens, great price, only if. I'll keep my MLM2Pro with the latest updates for outdoor use.
Very informative. Thanks mate.
Cheers mate I really appreciate that! 👍
hi great video Joe like always. Asked and answered by you. What I have realized is during most of your square golf videos, if it gets a miss read none of the metrics look normal not just backspin. If it miss reads backspin and the ball speed and launch angle correct it is square golf's own fault not interference . They still have to fine tune all those spin numbers which should be an easy thing to fix since it is a high speed camera based algorithm which MLM2 Pro does perfectly as good as GC3 as you know. I wish you could have access to one of those golf robots where it hits the ball exactly same every time so that you could compare without any doubts at all. 😉 I was seriously considering to swap my MLM2 Pro for this since it doesn't need too much space for it to work and it includes putting as well which would help me sell my Exputt too ;) But the numbers need to improve for sure...
Thanks mate! Yes it's very close now to being perfect but if you have the mlm2pro and exputt that is an absolute KILLER combo... You literally have the best of both worlds. I would keep that set up for a bit but if I was a first time buyer without a device id get the square if I was on a budget if not I'd be going potentially the EML as the next step up.
Did you ever try changing positions of the unit to try and eliminate or reduce interference
Does aligning the square dot pattern carefully every time make a difference? Like purposely placing the middle of the circle pattern towatds the launch monitor cameras.
It's funny with driver I did do this just because naturally as someone who is very diligent I would always place the dots facing the unit.. just out of habit I did it without even thinking.
for the price... it's punching in the region. They just need to dial in those backspin numbers... Great test Joe.
I heard that they won't be able to due to the design of the device. It doesn't have enough capture on the spin to get it correct.
Absolutely agree Mike! 👍👍
@@smevox7490 Where did you hear that?
@@RoyOfCon-j8g I'm also interested in this. It would be a shame if they can't make some minor improvements. I'm not expecting perfect results for the price point. Just some assurance that the ball shape is correct for the swing (and correctly take gear effect into account) and the distances are somewhat close.
Joe, thanks for the side by side. With the interference issues, perhaps a doppler based device would be a better test. Like Mevo+ with a silver sticker applied.
However, IMHO "truly accurate" launch monitors for simulator golf is an unwise obsession. Here's why...
Most golfers will tell you that their indoor swing is different than their outdoor swing. As we change from indoor to outdoor, we adjust. Just like we adjust when it's windy, or cold, or hot, or at elevation or sea level. My advice: Pick a launch monitor that has the features that makes sim golf the most fun for you. Don't kill yourself wondering if that wedge shot that reported 6000rpm spin should have really been 7500pm.
Unfortunately Doppler radar for indoor use is ALWAYS going to be flawed for spin axis. This is just due to the hardware limitation of radar... I work with radar and I understand how it works... You are not going to be able to accurately capture spin axis with it.
This is why I think my individual testing and comparison on the same day is ultimately the best test for these devices... I agree with you on your second point. And I can definitely tell if a unit isn't reading correctly by using it. For me "within tolerances" is going to be the best you can expect. Data sets over a lot of golf balls hit and using the unit over a longer period of time is what's going to give me my understanding and ultimately my opinion on a launch monitor. That's why I always wait and give my review videos quilt a while after I've had the unit and used it a LOT lol
I have a Square coming was thinking running the MLM together. If I get interference from the MLM I might be able to cover the infrared on the MLM with painters tape and see what happens. I could still use the MLM cameras maybe
Hi Joe, thanks for providing such useful tests for a unit many people are so interested in. Is there a chance, you could do a comparable test, doesn't have to be as extensive as this one, where you might try hitting normal balls but place such a club marker to one of your clubs? That would be great to get a feeling for how their calculations work (afaik, those come into play when these stickers are used). Another useful test would be with Almost Golfballs, again, I've seen many people asking you to test this or that, maybe if you have the time, give it a shot.
Thanks mate I will absolutely do this I'm going to sticker up all my clubs and play 18 holes on GS Pro so it will be a really good test for spin axis and spin with a lot of different clubs 👍👍
I can confirm that the Square does read both the yellow Almost Golf Balls & the orange SciCore balls. I'm a 72 YO high handicapper and really don't swing consistently enough to do legitimate testing, but maybe Joe could. When I set the Square ball setting to the 10% boost I can surprisingly get fairly long drives for my low swing speed with the SciCore ball. I'm guessing the distances are close to the expected yardage loss with these balls. The SciCore balls seem to go a bit further than the Almost Golf ball. I played 9 holes setup on a Square software course ladies tees and it was a fun experience. I hit in my garage & only use the SciCore balls when I have to keep my car in the other side of the garage.
Joe, I've been using the Square for 1 week now. Please do a comparison with the square to any unit on greater side spin hits . My feels and doing same shot comparison to R10. On the lower side spin hits Square does well however the greater the spin the more Square increases spin.... I want to know if I have a greater side spin than I am believe due to R10 algorithm...I just don't see my slice strikess going 70 yards right maybe 35 yards IRL.just thinking the square is having troubles on greater side spin hits, also use stickers on clubs when test is done. Lots of R10 users wants to know.
Almost 10k subs! Joe, you need to test Vs the MLM2PRO. I don't think there's any interference between them.
Pity youre not in the UK I could send you a custom RPT/ Square ball. I think you have stickers- easy to do on a Pro V1. Cover all faces with RPT pattern, the side facing the Square get the 5 dot pattern on it, manual placement of dots. You obviously have to place the ball in the correct direction each time.
Also test if the Square works with RPT ball dots.
Thanks mate! Yes sooo close to that goal 🥹. The mlm2pro is a fantastic launch monitor and in my testing is pretty much on par with the gc3 for accuracy. Even in that test though you will still potentially get IR interference. For me I think the best testing protocol for me is to just do individual sets and compare the data over multiple sessions and days. Also just playing golf with it... Over time I can 100 percent tell if it's registering shots correctly. The Swuare after this update is incredibly Close but for me it just needs tightening slightly again with spin and spin axis. It's so close most people wouldn't know.
@JLagGOLF the MLM2PRO will actually work with the IR flash covered up (put some card over it with a rubber band to hold it) if the room lighting is good. I've done this before when testing a different LM. With the IR window covered (as you know!) it's using Radar for measuring the ball and club, spin would be passive optical. If the Square could match the MLM2PRO for spin accuracy then it would make it the new gold budget standard.
Thanks Joe for your immense work on the testing :) One request from my side, or maybe just your comment, a test of Trackman 4's indoor ability to read side spin / gear effect. It absolutely drives me crazy when I mishit a shot on the heel and I, as a fader, ends up with a gigantic double cross and potential round killers. In the TM app you get the data on club path and face angle, and that seems absolutely correct, path out-in and the face closes a lot, now that simply translates to a pull-hook and no fade back what so ever, am I the only one that falls victim to this?
Don't get me started on Trackman 4 indoors lol I have made my feelings on this clear in other videos hahahaha it's isn't great indoors again because it's a radar based unit. It uses the camera to see where you hit it on the club face and then adds a gear effect estimation or algorithm to then predict the ball flight. This is an issue because you need to have perfect lighting for the trackman to be able to do this and even with the perfect lighting it still struggles and this is because it's a radar based unit that sits behind the ball and is not the best position or technology for indoor use. Outdoors it's fine as it can track the ball for its flight but indoors this is and will always be an issue for trackman 4... It's a hardware limitation that they are trying to fix with software bandaids.. even Trackman knows this and that's why they now have the IO unit that sits overhead and uses cameras and suplimented by radar.
Oh man you got me hahahaha hook Line and sinker.
Thanks for all the great content Joe, these videos are a great help for those of us starting a home sim. Nice to see the improvement in the backspin data! Question: if you had the budget to increase do you think a used GC2 would be worth it over the square or do you think it’s better to go with the newer supported tech. I plan on only using it for an indoor sim and will have gs pro, I like the no 3rd party subscription both these units offer.
Thanks mate I really appreciate that! That is such a good question... I mean that is really tough because although I absolutely loved my gc2 and still recommend it it can be tough to find one and be confident that everything works. Serial numbers and flash boards are important as you need the new N3 flash board to support the 3rd party flashes... So there's a fair bit of research that you need to do.. also working bluetooth. Purchase spare flashes... Alignment can also be tough as the HLA on slower speed shots isn't the best with the GC2. So I guess the things that I didn't like about the gc2 and ultimately why I upgraded was: alignment wasn't easy and I often questioned it, ball speeds for me were about 2mph high but I don't see this from everyone it might have been my device although it was seriously consistent, no support although you do have Andy in the states that can fix them and make spare flashes, no IR (uses flashes), and HLA on slower ball speed shots ie putts wasn't the best but GS Pro has its putting assist to help this.
Having said that I absolutely LOVED my gc2 and would still buy one.. it never missed a shot and was super easy to connect to GS Pro and reliable.
The Square addresses a lot of these issues alignment is actually fantastic with that little alignment stick... I didn't think it would actually work and be as good as it is. It uses IR which is great, has support, HLA on putting is great.. connection to PC isn't the best for me but the connector is still in beta so hopefully it will get more reliable. They need to keep refining spin and spin axis.
That's my thoughts! Hahaha bit of a word vomit lol but hopefully that helps your decision.
What id love to do see is using that special club that shoots the ball without having to swing.
Setting that up in power level 1 through 5 and then testing it on each unit separately. This way you have the best baseline for each shot.
Kinda an out of the way test but would be cool to see.
But even with this video it goes to show how much value you are getting in the square. Give it 6 months and alot of these companies are gonna be dropping their prices on their units.
Absolutely mate we have already seen the market change because of the Square! This device has made waves in the industry. Absolute WAVES... Look at Uneekor for example massive sales the biggest and longest sales I've ever seen. Rapsodo adding an option to pay up front and have a lifetime membership! Foresight having a sale on their ball data gc3.. this unit is really having a big impact on the market.
Great testing :) Looks like side spin still needs work (I do not think there is much interference as it was picking up back spin well, but you never know). Will you be looking at the raw data measurements for club data sometime and comparing to GC3. I am trying to decide if I need something more expensive like eye mini light to give me things like angle of attack to improve my game.
would love a comparison between numbers with square vs GC3 and numbers of MLM2PRO with GC3. Put them in an excel to compare
I have done the gc3 vs mlm2pro in a seperate video if you want to check that out 👍👍
for sure! Might be time to put them together in one video to help people decide
Great video, been loving my square and for a new sim owner - it does everything I need it to and more. You said in one video that an LM has to "convince" you on shots and ill say the square does that for me. Thanks for the comparison and data, good to know its limitations!
My swing has 10 times more variance than these two units. If I buy the square maybe I could afford some lessons 😂😂😂
My take-away… the Square is amazing for the money and will only get better with future updates AND WAY BETTER ON PUTTING
Hi Joe, i know that you probably prefer to always test a product as per the manufacturers recommendations, but im sure lots of people (myself included!) would be interested in warching you test your normal gamer ball using the club stickers. I'd be very interested in yiur thoughts about how well you think the device estimates the various metrics when not using the dotted ball. As one example, If you were to hit 10 x 9 irons with uour TP5 using club stickers and then 10 * 9 irons using the dotted ball...would you expect to get more distance with the TP5 becuase it's a better ball, or less because of the spin estimation?
Absolutely mate I have a video coming 👍👍 I'll be playing 18 holes on GS Pro with the stickers on
You can just buy a ball marker for the square golf monitor then use any ball you want
Yeah absolutely the issue is if you have an impact screen you are going to get black marks all over you golf balls and club face 👍 if you're in a net it could potentially be an option but for me it's a bit too messy.
Why is there so little run after carry on the Square numbers? The carry distances seem pretty close but total distance is off because the Square is showing very little run.
That's just the software and how they have set it up with the ground being quite soft.
Hi Joe, when are you going to review the Garmin R50. Want a reliable assessor like yourself to confirm whether the hype is justified. 🙏
Hey thanks for that comment! That’s the plan.. fingers crossed I’ll have one in my hands this side of Christmas 🤞🤞 if not early next year.
Great. Looking forward to your review. Exciting times. Thanks mate.
Could the fade bias of the Square be a unit alignment issue? Maybe twisting the unit in one direction or the other by a degree or so may help.
Both were aligned to the best of my ability and HLA was very consistent between them. Alignment was good 👍👍
Hi Jay, you mentioned using premium balls with the sqaure, what do you think people would pay for 12 good balls?
For me I think keep the Saint 9 golf balls but also add options like a Titleist Pro V1 and V1X as ball options... Add the Taylormade TP5 and TP5X as options. Keep the cheaper options but also add some brand name premium options.
@@JLagGOLF I'm going to get my hands on some premium balls with the design, id like to send you some to review if you're interested
Hey Joe last year I purchased a mlm2 pro and loved it but did have issues from time to time. Do you think it would be a wise decision to sell the unit and buy the square?
Honestly it depends on what you're after mate. Was it connection issues you have with the mlm2pro? I'm going to film my final square review tomorrow. I think for the price it's a fantastic unit... Doing putting and chipping to an aging standard! But it still has its own issues for instance the connector to my PC isn’t perfect. It’s still in beta and often I have to restart my computer to get it to connect.. and the spin and spin axis isnt perfect. It's seriously close though... I think a lot of people wouldn't even notice. I think it's a great device if you're looking for an entry level monitor that can do it all! If you're looking for a step up though I'd go the EML 👍👍
@ thanks for the response. Yes it was connection issues but I haven’t used the unit in about 3 months due to buying a new house and haven’t put another sim room together yet so hopefully it works a little bit better and I would keep it. Otherwise EML is definitely on my mind
My subscription on the MLM2 is due in a week but this video has me wondering if I am going to jump ship instead . I can only see the Square getting better .
Yeah I believe it will keep getting better and better. It's a tough one! Right now I have to say the mlm2pro is still more accurate in my opinion for spin and spin axis.
The Square though if you're wanting something that does it all... Man it's good. The putting is great.
Have a square on order once it arrives going to do a comparison on Trackman
I have my thoughts about trackman 4 indoors... For me it's not great due to the hardware it's using. It would still be a fun test though!
@ Yeah we have the new iO at work its better for sure
@@Overswinggolf I think Trackman was aware about the limitations about radar indoors and tried to fix it by using the camera to estimate strike location to then add the gear effect algorithm.. but then they realised it's still not perfect so finally just went IO using cameras and suplimenting with radar. Just my 2c and how I see it.. I'd love to test the IO! The VG3 software looks incredible as well
@ I can’t wait to get my square. And appreciate all the advice.
Does Square work ok with an ipad and projector or do you need a gaming pc? I assume it doesn't work with Macbook Pro. Thank you
Yes absolutely you can use the Square application and play their courses and use the practice facility. If you want to play GS Pro you will need a gaming PC 👍
I wonder how it would compare to the Mevo plus…
You should do a video on the new e6 apex software it has courses now. And works with square
It's definitely in the planning phase lol the licence is a LOT of $$$$.. and for something realistically I'm probably not going to use it's hard to justify. The graphics do look great though!
Just bought a square yesterday... I haven't seen a better deal than $630 for a launch monitor with a pay to play subscription... and no gaming lap top to use the basics? Sold
Yes I agree if you're looking for a home simulation device and are on a budget then this device is the best option! 👍👍
Can you just draw dots on a tp5x or prov1?
I have some dots coming soon that I'll be able to show off on the channel 👍👍
The square is just the way forward, can’t compete with the price. It’s only had one major update too, it’s only going to get better.
I’d rather save money with the square and be able to to put more money into projector, PC etc
It's definitely the new entry level standard for people getting into a home simulator... There is nothing out there that can do everything it can.
Has anyone produced ball dot stickers for this like they do for the MLM2Pro? Square would be so much better if you could use your own balls.
I know it wasnt the mission, but driver distance was horrendous on the Square being 10-20 yrds short almost every shot in comparison.
I stand with what i have said since first video i saw weeks ago, Square needs many updates to fix bugs before its worth the money. If it wasnt for the putting im not sure you can justify even $500 for it… yet.