*TIMESTAMPS* 0:00 Introduction 0:47 Who is Shaykh Hasan? 2:21 Where did the Shaykh study? 5:56 The image of Muslims before 9/11 6:59 The extremists before 9/11 7:40 Allaamah Muqbil رحمه الله refuting Bin Laden pre-9/11 10:02 The clarity of the people of the Sunnah and their dissociation from Bid'ah and its people 12:53 The spread of Allaamah Muqbil's Da'wah 14:04 Allaamah Muqbil's students from various countries 14:51 The most significant thing the Shaykh witnessed when he visited Dammaj, Yemen? 16:10 Allaamah Muqbil's love for knowledge and some of the books he taught? 17:06 How long did it take for an individual in Dammaj to learn Arabic (and the environment therein)? 19:14 The advice Allaamah Muqbil gave to the Western students? 21:48 Advice for students of knowledge coming back to the West 23:45 The issue of Sadaqah boxes in the Masaajid and misunderstandings 26:04 Other scholars the Shaykh had the opportunity to learn from 27:32 Dealing with the differences of opinion between the scholars 29:23 Advice for students having financial difficulties upon returning to their lands 33:21 Where did the Shaykh go after leaving Yemen? 35:31 The opening of Masjid Tawheed Grangetown, Cardiff 37:16 The Shaykh benefitting from Shaykh Abu Iyaad 38:06 The consistent Da'wah of the Salafis and the inconsistency of the deviants 41:19 When did the Shaykh go to Philadelphia for Da'wah? 43:12 The Da'wah in Phildelphia 43:44 Why Philadelphia was a city where a lot of Muslims resided? 46:10 The "Nation of Islam", the Ahbaash (Habashi sect), and the Qadianis 48:22 The amount of people accepting Islam during Ramadaan in Philly? 50:01 Advice to people on how to give Da'wah to their non-Muslim parents 52:23 The issue of giving Da'wah through videos 59:23 The reach of the Salafi Da'wah on the internet 1:02:10 Dealing with current affairs 1:04:42 Social Justice and how to and how not to deal with it 1:08:09 People not understanding and applying the correct meaning of 'Laa ilaaha illaa Allaah' 1:10:56 Having Tawheed is the foundation for solving all of the world's problems and evils 1:12:46 Atheism/Naturalism being a root cause of immorality spreading and Islam addressing all issues 1:15:35 Importance of students to mix, interact and benefit the community 1:18:49 Nothing would satisfy the heart except for Tawheed 1:20:59 Advice to parents in nurturing and admonishing their children 1:25:25 Closing remarks
Alhamdulilah great Interview next time Clarify the Issue of Risk when u went Study in Yemen it's very important for Anyone who wants to travel and Study there
اللهم بارك جزاكم الله خيرا I enjoined listening every second. Very beneficial podcast. Beautiful advice from Shaykh Hassan Somali at the end regarding our children. We look out for the next Podcast with a special guest. May Allaah preserve you all!
Shaykh Hasan and Shaykh Tahir Wyatt would have a great conversation and do good work for Philadelphia,, may Allah unite the people of Kitaab and Sunnah and Imaan
I ask Allah to bless our sheikh Abu AbduLlah Hasan Somali. Indeed, we have benefited from him immensely and I ask Allah to reward him with His Jannah. Amīn !
May Allaah subhan wa ta'laa bless ustaad Hassan As-somalee and the brother's of Daarusunnah. May Allaah preserve and protect you guys they way you preserve the Sunnah in these difficult times, ameen ya rabb.
Inshallah more young men will be inspired to seek knowledge and stick to the journey. Good work guys! May our brother shamsi mother be granted forgiveness and ease of discomfort ameen
2:05 Hasan somali is correct and Shamsi is wrong here. Jews consider lineage from Mother. That's why if you notice once when shamsi was debating with a Jewish person and shamsi showed him his friend who was Jew and became Muslim so the jew asked the revert if your mother is Jewish indicating that they lay more focus on the side of mother i.e you are Jewish if your mother is Jewish and not a one if father is one Though it might be mentioned in torah that lineage is from father, they don't follow it just like they don't follow a lot of other things in it
SubhanAllah, had no idea he (may Allah preserve him) studied in King’s College! It’s one of the top universities at the moment. May Allah preserve the sheikh❤
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatu my beloved brothers I just can't stop crying I feel so jealous of you brothers brothers are in the west and they are making effort I wish I had brothers like you who understand Deen so deeply no to criticize but here in South Africa it is like the dawah of salafi is so rare and I don't even have knowledge to try and push it coz I just got in touch with it recently but it is so clear coz the main sect or methodology here is tablighi jamaat and I have been doing for some time and I would find that I become a bit stronger when I go out so now what should I do should I stop going out with the jamaat and what should I do to keep myself on Deen and learn about the salafi and unlearn the things I learned from jamaat help us with a guide that will help me get closer to my Allah in the manner that he loves may Allah bless you my brothers and please give us some literature for Muslim who are coming from a sect of the jamaat tablighi May Allah grant u the highest stage in jannah
Salam 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Jazakumullahu Khayra Hayakumullah BarakAllahu Feekum Hafidhakumullah Wa Billahi Tawfiq Was Saddad, O Allah Love and Be Pleased With us and you and all of us and Have Mercy on us, and Grant us Hasanah in the Dunya and Akhirah and Save us from the Chastisement of The Hell Fire, Amin O Allah, Accept from us and you and all of us, Amin
Na’am habibi shamsi you need to visit us in Philadelphia too Insha’Allah not one sided like the shaykh said ha😂May Allah preserve all our brothers on this meeting BarakAllah feekum
Is there a playlist or audio where The The Religion of Islam is a Perfect Solution for all Problems BY SHAYKH AS-SA'DI lessons mentioned by Shaykh Hasan Somali, please i would really benenfit from that Jazakallhakhair
Regarding the videos, we have examples of current people of knowledge who are not using videos still their da'wah is more expanding such as Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Ubayd (from among the Kibār Ulama), Shaykh Abu Iyaad, Shaykh Moosa Richardson (from among the students of knowledge). Wallahu 'Alam....
جزاكم الله خيراً اخي ابو كنزة وشمسي والشيخ حسن مبكم من بلاد الحرمين ، و اقترح الاستمرار في عمل برودكاست لمواضيع تشرح بعمق مسأئل العقيدة وبراهين نبوءة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم و التربية وطلب العلم الديني والأخلاق والحقوق والواجبات بين الأزواج وتربية الأبناء والحضارة الإسلامية لأنها ماينقص المسلمين في بلاد الغرب مثل : 1. سلسلة التدارس في كتب العقيدة مثل العقيدة الواسطية والعقيدة الحموية والعقيدة التدمريّة والعقيدة الطحاوية 2. سلسلة التدارس في أدلة وجود الخالق من القرآن والسنّة و كتب علماء الإسلام المتقدمين 3. سلسلة التدارس في براهين نبوءة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم مثل الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن ومعرفة المستقبل ومعرفة اسرار الكون والتاريخ القديم والمعجزات في التشريع والمعجزات البلاغية والمعجزات الأخلاقية التي جاء بها والمعجزات الأخرى في سيرتهُ مثل حماية الله لهُ من اعداءه او معجزاته التي شاهدها أصحابة الخ.. 4. سلسلة المدارسة لأهم كتب العقيدة في نقد الأديان والمذاهب الأخرى : فمثلاً مدارسة كتاب أصول العقيدة الأثنى عشرية للمؤلف ناصر القفاري وكتاب منهاج السنة لابن تيمية مهم تدارسها ليكون دليل لكل الشيعة الناطقين بالإنجليزية لفهم أن دينهم باطل ، مدارسة أشهر الكتب في نقد الأشاعرة والصوفية ، مدارسة كتب علماء الإسلام الذين نقدوا بعض أفكار الفلاسفة اظن كتاب كشف الظنون لابن تيمية احداها ، مدارسة بعض طقوس الصوفية وممارساتهم والرد عليها ، الخ.. من المذاهب المنحرفة . 5. سلسلة المدارسة للأمور التربويّة والأخلاقيّة : مثل حقوق وواجبات المرأة مع الزوج و الأسرة والمجتمع ، تربية الأبناء ، تعليم علوم العربية وعلوم الإسلام لأطفال المسلمين في بلاد الغرب ، التدارس لموضوع الأخلاق المحمودة والمذمومة في الإسلام للدرر السنيّة ، التدارس في تأسيس جيش من الدعاة والمشائخ المسلمين في بلاد الغرب كيف يمكن تأسيس أعداد كبيرة من المشائخ والدعاة المسلمين ليقودوا الدعوة من بعدكم بعد طول عمر إن شاء الله الخ.. 6. سلسلة التدارس عن الحضارات الإسلامية والمعرفية عند العرب المسلمين والامازيغ المسلمين الخ.. والتاريخ الإسلامي الخ.. لتصيحيح المعلومات المغلوطة بأننا بدون حضارة أو معرفة أو تاريخ ، أو ان الإسلام يتعارض مع العلم الخ... والافضل استضافة أفضل العلماء والمفكرين المسلمين المتخصصين في هذه العلوم والمسائل لتنوير المسلمين .
Can you tell me when Hasan became a sheikh and who was his teachers and whywhen speaking about Abo khadeejah did he say havathallah when all the Ulamah warns against following him or SPUBS
The senior scholar, Shaykh Rabe'e referred to Hasan as a "shaykh" i.e. a teacher of Islam and Sunnah so there is nothing wrong in us likewise referring to him as shaykh: soundcloud.com/germantown-masjid/shaykh-rabee-advice-germantown-winter-conference. Our teacher, Hasan is a student of Shaykh Muqbil in Yemen rahimahullah. All the Ulamah warn against following AK and SPUBS?! Fear Allah and know that you will stand before Him The Most High on yawm Qiyama and made to answer for this lie
A man who studied with Sh Muqbil in the late 90s, likewise Sh Ubayd in Saudi. Also got Tazkiyāt from the likes of Shaykh Rabee Sh Hasan Al Banna As Salafi , and on top of all of that has been calling to salafiyah in the west for 20 + years. Is he anything less than a Shaykh? Ask your self why you have a problem with him being referred to as a shaykh.
Lots of students of Sheikh Muqbil rahimahullah in our country (Indonesia) benefited us for knowledge Alhamdulillah
Me too..
So hows the salafiyah movement in Indonesia?
brother can you recommend me mosques and places who held lessons which took knowledge from him? I'd like to know more around jabodetabek area.
@@ndhikaatubebanyak d jabodetabek akhi
@@abdulhamid2000.the salafi dawah is flourishing in indonesia alhumdulilah
Alhamdulillaaah we're so privileged to have this amazing Sheikh in the city of Philadelphia, Mashallaah.
May Allaah preserve the Shaykh, benefited a lot from him
Allahuma ameen, same akhi
Me also
I still have the 30 themes from 30 verses downloaded to my phone from TH-cam. BaarakaAllahu Feekum Sheikh.
0:00 Introduction
0:47 Who is Shaykh Hasan?
2:21 Where did the Shaykh study?
5:56 The image of Muslims before 9/11
6:59 The extremists before 9/11
7:40 Allaamah Muqbil رحمه الله refuting Bin Laden pre-9/11
10:02 The clarity of the people of the Sunnah and their dissociation from Bid'ah and its people
12:53 The spread of Allaamah Muqbil's Da'wah
14:04 Allaamah Muqbil's students from various countries
14:51 The most significant thing the Shaykh witnessed when he visited Dammaj, Yemen?
16:10 Allaamah Muqbil's love for knowledge and some of the books he taught?
17:06 How long did it take for an individual in Dammaj to learn Arabic (and the environment therein)?
19:14 The advice Allaamah Muqbil gave to the Western students?
21:48 Advice for students of knowledge coming back to the West
23:45 The issue of Sadaqah boxes in the Masaajid and misunderstandings
26:04 Other scholars the Shaykh had the opportunity to learn from
27:32 Dealing with the differences of opinion between the scholars
29:23 Advice for students having financial difficulties upon returning to their lands
33:21 Where did the Shaykh go after leaving Yemen?
35:31 The opening of Masjid Tawheed Grangetown, Cardiff
37:16 The Shaykh benefitting from Shaykh Abu Iyaad
38:06 The consistent Da'wah of the Salafis and the inconsistency of the deviants
41:19 When did the Shaykh go to Philadelphia for Da'wah?
43:12 The Da'wah in Phildelphia
43:44 Why Philadelphia was a city where a lot of Muslims resided?
46:10 The "Nation of Islam", the Ahbaash (Habashi sect), and the Qadianis
48:22 The amount of people accepting Islam during Ramadaan in Philly?
50:01 Advice to people on how to give Da'wah to their non-Muslim parents
52:23 The issue of giving Da'wah through videos
59:23 The reach of the Salafi Da'wah on the internet
1:02:10 Dealing with current affairs
1:04:42 Social Justice and how to and how not to deal with it
1:08:09 People not understanding and applying the correct meaning of 'Laa ilaaha illaa Allaah'
1:10:56 Having Tawheed is the foundation for solving all of the world's problems and evils
1:12:46 Atheism/Naturalism being a root cause of immorality spreading and Islam addressing all issues
1:15:35 Importance of students to mix, interact and benefit the community
1:18:49 Nothing would satisfy the heart except for Tawheed
1:20:59 Advice to parents in nurturing and admonishing their children
1:25:25 Closing remarks
Alhamdulilah great Interview next time Clarify the Issue of Risk when u went Study in Yemen it's very important for Anyone who wants to travel and Study there
اللهم بارك
جزاكم الله خيرا
I enjoined listening every second. Very beneficial podcast. Beautiful advice from Shaykh Hassan Somali at the end regarding our children.
We look out for the next Podcast with a special guest. May Allaah preserve you all!
A Beautiful Joyful Sitting With Our Shaykh Hassan Somali May Allaah Reward Him
Shaykh Hasan and Shaykh Tahir Wyatt would have a great conversation and do good work for Philadelphia,,
may Allah unite the people of Kitaab and Sunnah and Imaan
I ask Allah to bless our sheikh Abu AbduLlah Hasan Somali. Indeed, we have benefited from him immensely and I ask Allah to reward him with His Jannah. Amīn !
Shaykh Hassan AsSomaalee. One of my favourite teachers Allaahumma baarik. May Allaah preserve you all. Aameen
May Allaah subhan wa ta'laa bless ustaad Hassan As-somalee and the brother's of Daarusunnah. May Allaah preserve and protect you guys they way you preserve the Sunnah in these difficult times, ameen ya rabb.
Barakallahu feekum. Lovely, beneficial podcast by the brothers....pls get Ustadh Abu Iyaad also for a conversation...
Inshallah more young men will be inspired to seek knowledge and stick to the journey. Good work guys!
May our brother shamsi mother be granted forgiveness and ease of discomfort ameen
جزاكم الله خيرا
May Allah bless and reward Shaykhanaa Shaykh Hassan and the rest of the brothers who work on this podcast and in the theatre of da'wah
2:05 Hasan somali is correct and Shamsi is wrong here.
Jews consider lineage from Mother. That's why if you notice once when shamsi was debating with a Jewish person and shamsi showed him his friend who was Jew and became Muslim so the jew asked the revert if your mother is Jewish indicating that they lay more focus on the side of mother i.e you are Jewish if your mother is Jewish and not a one if father is one
Though it might be mentioned in torah that lineage is from father, they don't follow it just like they don't follow a lot of other things in it
So shamsi was correct and the practices of the modern jews are incorrect 😐
BarakAllāhu feekum, very beneficial podcast. May Allāh continue aiding the Dawah across the western world.
Walahi I enjoyed listening to this. Please do more podcasts, بارك الله فيكم
للهم بارك
جزاكم الله خيرا we need to have a podscast with Sheikh abu khadeejah e
Masha Allah, may Allah keep brothers like this in the dawah.
The unity in those thobe cuts are just Masha’Allāh
Please invite Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam ..
جزاكم الله خيرا
Jazakumullahu khairan shaykh Hasan as Somali and Brothers. Fruitful discussion may Allah bless you all.
Jazaakumullahu Khairan Sheikh. BaarakaAllahu Feekum
Please continue this podcast ! Lot of information , BarakAllah y Fik
جزاكم الله خيرا وحياكم الله آمين !! الحمد لله!!
Spread the salafi dawah to your homeland. We are waiting for salafi communities to flourish in Latin America. وفقك الله
Just so beautiful, Alhumdulillah.
May Allah reward shaykh hasan and the other brothers
May Allah bless you all.
SubhanAllah, had no idea he (may Allah preserve him) studied in King’s College! It’s one of the top universities at the moment. May Allah preserve the sheikh❤
Jazakallahu khair
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatu my beloved brothers I just can't stop crying I feel so jealous of you brothers brothers are in the west and they are making effort I wish I had brothers like you who understand Deen so deeply no to criticize but here in South Africa it is like the dawah of salafi is so rare and I don't even have knowledge to try and push it coz I just got in touch with it recently but it is so clear coz the main sect or methodology here is tablighi jamaat and I have been doing for some time and I would find that I become a bit stronger when I go out so now what should I do should I stop going out with the jamaat and what should I do to keep myself on Deen and learn about the salafi and unlearn the things I learned from jamaat help us with a guide that will help me get closer to my Allah in the manner that he loves may Allah bless you my brothers and please give us some literature for Muslim who are coming from a sect of the jamaat tablighi May Allah grant u the highest stage in jannah
Salam 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
Jazakumullahu Khayra
BarakAllahu Feekum
Wa Billahi Tawfiq Was Saddad,
O Allah Love and Be Pleased With us and you and all of us and Have Mercy on us, and Grant us Hasanah in the Dunya and Akhirah and Save us from the Chastisement of The Hell Fire, Amin
O Allah, Accept from us and you and all of us, Amin
Jazaaka Allahu Khayraa
May Allah reward you
We expect vedios on
Spiritual science and philosophy
Jazakallahu khair for this
Na’am habibi shamsi you need to visit us in Philadelphia too Insha’Allah not one sided like the shaykh said ha😂May Allah preserve all our brothers on this meeting BarakAllah feekum
جزاكم الله خير الجزاء
Beautiful MashaAllah
Please continue to make these podcasts 🙏🏼
May Allah preserve us all
JhazakhAllah khair.
BarākAllāh fīk
ما شاء الله
Is there a playlist or audio where The The Religion of Islam is a Perfect Solution for all Problems BY SHAYKH AS-SA'DI lessons mentioned by Shaykh Hasan Somali, please i would really benenfit from that Jazakallhakhair
Ome with abu hakeem or abu khadeejah would be a Gem
Regarding the videos, we have examples of current people of knowledge who are not using videos still their da'wah is more expanding such as Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Ubayd (from among the Kibār Ulama), Shaykh Abu Iyaad, Shaykh Moosa Richardson (from among the students of knowledge).
Wallahu 'Alam....
At 1:07:04 he talking about Omar suliman
Jazaakum Allah gayran. Which Quran translation do you use, Muhsin Khan and Hilali?
Yes this is the one the salafis use
Hassan Al banana as salafi and Muhammad Al banana recommended it. And they know English
Does anyone know the statement from Ibn Al-Qayyim in which is mentioned the importance of La ilaha illa Allah? Is was around 1:08:09
Brothers, get whiter light in sha Allah. Barakallah feekum
جزاكم الله خيراً اخي ابو كنزة وشمسي والشيخ حسن مبكم من بلاد الحرمين ، و اقترح الاستمرار في عمل برودكاست لمواضيع تشرح بعمق مسأئل العقيدة وبراهين نبوءة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم و التربية وطلب العلم الديني والأخلاق والحقوق والواجبات بين الأزواج وتربية الأبناء والحضارة الإسلامية لأنها ماينقص المسلمين في بلاد الغرب مثل :
1. سلسلة التدارس في كتب العقيدة مثل العقيدة الواسطية والعقيدة الحموية والعقيدة التدمريّة والعقيدة الطحاوية
2. سلسلة التدارس في أدلة وجود الخالق من القرآن والسنّة و كتب علماء الإسلام المتقدمين
3. سلسلة التدارس في براهين نبوءة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم مثل الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن ومعرفة المستقبل ومعرفة اسرار الكون والتاريخ القديم والمعجزات في التشريع والمعجزات البلاغية والمعجزات الأخلاقية التي جاء بها والمعجزات الأخرى في سيرتهُ مثل حماية الله لهُ من اعداءه او معجزاته التي شاهدها أصحابة الخ..
4. سلسلة المدارسة لأهم كتب العقيدة في نقد الأديان والمذاهب الأخرى : فمثلاً مدارسة كتاب أصول العقيدة الأثنى عشرية للمؤلف ناصر القفاري وكتاب منهاج السنة لابن تيمية مهم تدارسها ليكون دليل لكل الشيعة الناطقين بالإنجليزية لفهم أن دينهم باطل ، مدارسة أشهر الكتب في نقد الأشاعرة والصوفية ، مدارسة كتب علماء الإسلام الذين نقدوا بعض أفكار الفلاسفة اظن كتاب كشف الظنون لابن تيمية احداها ، مدارسة بعض طقوس الصوفية وممارساتهم والرد عليها ، الخ.. من المذاهب المنحرفة .
5. سلسلة المدارسة للأمور التربويّة والأخلاقيّة : مثل حقوق وواجبات المرأة مع الزوج و الأسرة والمجتمع ، تربية الأبناء ، تعليم علوم العربية وعلوم الإسلام لأطفال المسلمين في بلاد الغرب ، التدارس لموضوع الأخلاق المحمودة والمذمومة في الإسلام للدرر السنيّة ، التدارس في تأسيس جيش من الدعاة والمشائخ المسلمين في بلاد الغرب كيف يمكن تأسيس أعداد كبيرة من المشائخ والدعاة المسلمين ليقودوا الدعوة من بعدكم بعد طول عمر إن شاء الله الخ..
6. سلسلة التدارس عن الحضارات الإسلامية والمعرفية عند العرب المسلمين والامازيغ المسلمين الخ.. والتاريخ الإسلامي الخ.. لتصيحيح المعلومات المغلوطة بأننا بدون حضارة أو معرفة أو تاريخ ، أو ان الإسلام يتعارض مع العلم الخ...
والافضل استضافة أفضل العلماء والمفكرين المسلمين المتخصصين في هذه العلوم والمسائل لتنوير المسلمين .
I have the fist book can’t wait for the one about wd Mohammed comity I came from noi
How to get this book. Allaahu yubarak feek
1:12:20 Why worry about Allah above the Throne when we are faced with Atheism & Liberalism! #HassanAsSomali Answers!
💀💀💀💀Rejecting Allah's trasendence is rejecting Qur'an
where the other episodes at? they all left
How old is Hassan as Somali! And Shamsi Hafidhahullah
Late 30s
Please what is risala mentioned by akhi kareem of Shaykh Sa'di
I also want to know
الوسائل المفيدة للحياة السعيدة
Beneficial means to attain a happy life by imam Sa’di
Dawah tu Salafia Dawatu Mubarak
Asaalamu alaukum. Are y’all on Apple podcast? Because I can’t seem to find the channel on there. Barkallahu feekum
2:09 For the Jews you can’t be Jewish without being born to a Jewish mother.
Modern Jews yes but shamsi clearly states the old testament torah instructs the liniege is from the fathers seed
Where does the shaykh teach at? You said America so I am interested
Did he say Abu Hassan Malik ?? Is that the brothers name I wanted to research him .. barak allahu feekum
Na’am Shaykh Abul Hasan Malik, Who also studied with Shaykh Muqbil in Yemen.
@@Athawri barak allahu feekem bro
Can you tell me when Hasan became a sheikh and who was his teachers and whywhen speaking about Abo khadeejah did he say havathallah when all the Ulamah warns against following him or SPUBS
The senior scholar, Shaykh Rabe'e referred to Hasan as a "shaykh" i.e. a teacher of Islam and Sunnah so there is nothing wrong in us likewise referring to him as shaykh: soundcloud.com/germantown-masjid/shaykh-rabee-advice-germantown-winter-conference. Our teacher, Hasan is a student of Shaykh Muqbil in Yemen rahimahullah. All the Ulamah warn against following AK and SPUBS?! Fear Allah and know that you will stand before Him The Most High on yawm Qiyama and made to answer for this lie
I found the risala please ignore my message
when did hasan and shamsi became shayookh lol come on bro this ghuloowi
Shaykh Hasan bin Abdul Wahhab Marzuq al Banna referred to Hasan as Somali as a shaykh th-cam.com/video/bPc_TfGOGkg/w-d-xo.html
A man who studied with Sh Muqbil in the late 90s, likewise Sh Ubayd in Saudi. Also got Tazkiyāt from the likes of Shaykh Rabee Sh Hasan Al Banna As Salafi , and on top of all of that has been calling to salafiyah in the west for 20 + years.
Is he anything less than a Shaykh? Ask your self why you have a problem with him being referred to as a shaykh.
Name your scholars and students of knowledge you take from
جزاكم الله خيرا