This is a fascinating move in the ongoing struggle within the Anglican churches between folks more focussed on the Beatitudes/Sermon on the Mount and the folks more focussed on Leviticus/Romans. We all READ the Bible in church, but we struggle with the implications - and often read in a way that confirms our prejudices rather than challenging them as Jesus did. The AoC is one smart fella.
This is a fascinating move in the ongoing struggle within the Anglican churches between folks more focussed on the Beatitudes/Sermon on the Mount and the folks more focussed on Leviticus/Romans. We all READ the Bible in church, but we struggle with the implications - and often read in a way that confirms our prejudices rather than challenging them as Jesus did. The AoC is one smart fella.
Thank You
I would like to hear more messages like this. Maybe the Archbishop can do regular weekly messages