HEAVY on this comment!!! Little boys are molested as well, I have male friends who have disclosed trauma . This poster is part of the problem by minimizing this incident because it involved a boy instead of a girl.
Facts! There's a new teacher abusing a little boy AND getting pregnant by them in the news every fucking week but society dismisses it, time and time again. Shit sad for real.
Treating boys and girls differently within this situation is so weird and sick to me. We should be just as worried for boys because most of them don't seem to understand that they were molested
Facts. I don’t like he said “I’m glad it’s a boy” f that boys need protection too! Women and men groom them. Tf we glad it’s a boy for? Should not be ANY child. Gender doesn’t matter when it’s a child.
Thank you! I hate that ppl feel like we don't have to protect our boys just as much as we have to protect our girls smh! Even Akademics in his response made it seem like boys can't be groomed!
I honestly don't think it's a big deal for a teenager to be in gaming/streaming groups with adults if the adults are mentoring or just looking out for the teen in a big brother kinda way, but this shit is disgusting. There should be absolutely no sexual conversations or discussions, ESPECIALLY talking TO the child and asking these nonsensical predatory questions, if they are streaming video games playing together. Those group of grown ass men DEFINITELY shouldn't be in groups with anymore kids because they cannot be trusted.
I also disagree with you saying it’s cool for older men to try and put younger boys onto sex. That shits strange and people have a problem recognizing that the way they grew up might not have been the normal or the best way to have come up. And the gender also doesn’t matters, kids are kids and there no situation where 30 year old men should be talking to kids like that.
@ It’s irritating when I hear men say that, because for the boys to have sex, you literally have to be okay with young girls having sex, cause who else they gonna be having sex with ? And then they say it’s cool to put older women onto boys, so it’s cool for women to be pedos ? It’s a sick mentality no matter how they slice it.
I agree with this. We keep hearing it after this whole AK thing. I get why some people are saying this because it did happen to them. The problem is that they were too young to realize it was not normal, and what they were experiencing should not have happened to them either. They keep saying, "Back in my day," this was normal. It was never normal, and the folks doing it to them were weird, too!
@@TaTa-ut4nw They also don’t understand that they’re inadvertently saying it’s fine for young girls to go around having sex. Cause who else are these boys gonna be sleeping with ? Unless the think it’s cool for grown women to be predators
So, here’s the thing: it’s disgusting regardless of gender or orientation. It’s grooming even if YOU enjoyed it, or you turned out okay, or you were not protected as a child. It’s awful.
And they never turn out okay they end up resenting women and don’t know it’s stemming from their innocence being taken some are porn addicts hyper sexual or turn out just as creepy as their abuser
I hate that boys don’t receive the same anger when they are being groomed, young men losing their v cards to older women has been normalized for far too long now we have grown men feeling comfortable to have these conversations with children. I don’t want anyone encouraging my minor child to have sex male or female because that’s not what we teach up in here.
Yeah but as an older millennial, I thought that would always be the case for girls too. As a little girl I can't even remotely try to count the nasty shit I went thru like it was gd normal, the non stop cat calling people in public trying to touch you, guys keep pushing themselves on you and older guys well don't get me started. We just learned to cover up parts and took a lot of it in thinking it was our fault. Then gen z and younger milenials came around and said tf with this crap, and we saw real ass change within years.
@fakechloe207 you just wanted to go against the grain, huh? Irregardless of this video, the majority of people do not have the same views on what's appropriate, whats harmful or what's considered abuse, when it comes to boys and girls. So with or without this situation, the original comment is relevant and stands alone
As a grown man I don’t see how you think it would be cool “to be putting little man/bro on?” Like looking back at it yes, when we were kids growing up we thought it would be cool to smoke, drink and hook up, but now as adults and looking back at it it’s like na that wrong. Especially for adults to be trying to do this to kids, boy or girls it doesn’t matter
It is disturbing that you think any part of this is acceptable. You may have been too young at 16 to understand, but your experience in the club was also inappropriate. Any adult exposing to sex as a minor should be locked up. Just because this toxic behavior is common doesn't mean it's right. ALL children should be protected.
I was 16 a few years ago and the way boys think you would be surprised as to why in some situations it would be perceived as fine but YOU ARE NOT WRONG
@ and he was so down for what they were saying until they started talking very very inappropriately and him telling the story of how he was the same age being taken to grown up parties with strippers smfh, that’s nothing to be proud of
For real I have a brother around the same age and it has me pissed off. I tell him all the time if anyone talks weird with him then tell me even if you domt think its that bad.
I just want to emphasize that just because you had a similar experience does not mean that what happened to you was right. When you are a kid , family or not , it’s wrong! Let kids be kids.
It's different for guys, cause at 15 a guy is already stronger than a woman. Plus, it's easier for a woman, she get hit on all the time, she can wait until she's 18, 20, cool. Guys don't get that lucky since we're always expected to have the initiative, and it's hard to go after the girl you like if you got no experience and don't know how to talk to girl, he'll be a virgin for life.
The things that are normalized for young boys is insane and needs to stop. It’s no wonder why many men struggle with having families within a marriage or just avoid it. The intro to sx too early and not taught to have self-control, or values has messed many of y’all up in your adult life. That 15yo was raised RIGHT!! Bless his parents!! He will make a wonderful hus/father one day.
@chrysanthemums4963 You know there's an invention called the television. There's this thing that the kids love called "the internet." Today's children are mostly self-taught due to the easy on-going access to all kinds of information on the internet and social media.
@@EverydayGumbo you know there’s a thing called parents? Ya their job is to guide, direct, discipline, correct, protect, teach,..etc children in the way they should go. If that means no sm, turn the tv off (😉), or monitoring everything they do online while time managing…then do it! No Excuses! Parents are lazy asf today and would rather give their kids an iPad and allow the internet, sm, and schools to raise their kids which is why this gen is the most mentally ill compared to previous gen’s. It’s a shame!
@@EverydayGumbo you know there’s a thing called parents? Ya their job is to guide, direct, discipline, correct, protect, teach,..etc kids in the way they should go. If that means no sm, turn the tv off (😉), or monitoring everything they do online while time managing…then do it! No Excuses! Parents are choosing to allow their kids to access these things (un)intentionally raising them which is why this gen is the most mentally ill/dysfunctional compared to previous gen’s.
This 15 year old keep telling them he's 15 and even using words like grooming, weired, and pulling him in a case, yet these idiots still did not stop their foolishness. They need to be investigated and prosecuted for grooming. Kendrick said it, they definitely ain't like us ...
Stevie thought it was cool when they were talking sending him girls. But what Stevie fails to understand is, this how the abuse starts for most young boys. The conversations always start with “what you are you into, you like girls? “. NO man should be asking boys, teen boys about their sexual interests Stevie. Even fathers should tread lightly as to how they approach the subject. How can you as a father be okay with strangers, friends, etc engaging with your kid like this. I get it, the circumstances surrounding sexuality is a double standard for boys and girls. But we should be trying to change that full stop Conversations like this, experiences like yours, do way more harm than good.
A bunch of youtubers/streamers doing that, shit is just sad and infuriating, but also explain why AK didnt really apologize for it, no one seems to want to call him out when speaking to him and they let him spin whatever excuse he wants and they eat it up. This wasnt a one off joke they tried again and again and again to engage in that type of conversation while the kid tried to no not participate(btw if the kid wanted to participate iT WOULD STILL WRONG, ITS A KID A KID A KID).
I’d disagree about the “put on” comment. You want to put a kid on? Then teach him finances, career choices, deals, etc… I don’t talk about anything sex related with a kid. If it’s my family then the pregnancy talk happens nothing more…
He’s saying that because that’s what happened to him. People tried to do that to me too…both older females and older males…and I hated it because I wasn’t ready at all. I just wanted to do everything at my own pace
You should be talking more than pregnancy with family kids.. kids in my family I make sure to ask them especially if I peep anything weird “ has anyone made you uncomfortable, you have the right to say NO, do you have trusted adults you can talk to if you need to?” The conversations go way beyond pregnancy…. Smh… that’s literally the problem.. do you think if an adult ONLY talked to him (the kid) about pregnancy he would have had enough sense to know the age gap would lead to a CHARGE….that is taught knowledge not knowledge your born with lol……we need to be protecting our kids in our families ESPECIALLY when we know family members are not doing their job as parents…
That story about what happened when you were a teenager actually explains so much about your current personality, projected morals and standards. Like makes PERFECT sense why you say the things you say and behave the way you do.
I have 3 kids Stevie this is infuriating my sons are gamers as well I try to police them as much as I’m able but bruh this is wild and alarming and his response made me even move livid SOCIETY IS BROKEN!!!! 🤬
Wtf type of timing you’re on dude. You think it has to be the opposite sex to be on “Diddy” behavior? What if a 35 year old man talked to your son like that while he’s gaming?
I think he was making comments before he saw the entire tape. I was thinking the same thing until I saw the entire podcast..doing same thing, he did..AK and his Hennessey equals stupid and talking from the heart or call Saucy Santana.
He only showed real emotions when they talked about g@y sex. The fact he thought the other things were just “locker room talk” says a lot about how much his “sexual experience” with that older lady messed him up smh
did you guys watch the rest of the video? He didnt even know half of how bad it was until he kept wacthing and CLEARLY changed his mind. 10:49 what ELSE is he supposed to say?!?!?
@@kheatherthompsonwtf are you talking about? Do you know what the definition of a victim is? This isn’t some trauma induced amnesia shit. You can’t be a victim if you genuinely don’t have an issue with what happened to you. He doesn’t view himself as a victim
I am unsubscribing from your page. You are part of the problem. Boys need to be protected too. How do you think predators are made? You saying " Trying to put little man on is cool" -is crazy work!
Ak responded to this by basically saying in so many words that it was no big deal because it was a little boy, not a little girl. You know, the same way you're admitting that it's a double standard and you're ok with certain parts of it too. I'm not sure if you're even seeing the irony here but if not, let me continue. Downplaying certain parts of this is WHY weirdos like Ak think that this sht is ok. You should NOT be fine with it being a double standard because a child is a child regardless of gender! I'm tired of seeing so many men not recognizing that little boys are victims too.
Then they come and make videos on how women aren't held accountable or the double standards when women groom kids, especially young boys. But that's what they're also doing. They think it's something cool.
Stevie, that’s a super disappointing take from you on it being normal to be an adult and exposing kids to sex and sexual content. I get that it happened to you and you want to feel like that was normal, but it’s not.
@T9x610 my dad is a guy I speak to a few times a year and haven't seen for 8 years. I'm don't think anyone would find that funny. And yes, it is common. I'm pretty sure I would know being a Psychology graduate in the process of getting my Masters.
Whether it's a girl or boy, this is weird behavior. Shouldn't be a double standard. They are children and shouldn't be subjected to this kinda shit from adults, and the boy was clearly uncomfortable with the whole conversation and trying to move on from it.
How is Stevie a weirdo? He literally says any video he gets a chance to wish pedos death, everyones like "hes apart of the problem", for what? Reacting? YOU clicked on it dawg 😭😭
@BoundlessVlogs07 Lmao you’re under everyone’s comments caping for him and it’s sad. I watched the whole video, and he only got mad when Ak & his friends brought up g@y sex. He literally called that other stuff they said to that kid as “locker room talk”. Save me that bs, weirdos talk about how they hate and wish bad on other weirdos all the time. It’s performative, but nobody’s fooled.
I don’t think he realized it was gonna get dark fast. Like he opened his mouth too soon without the context. Plus he projecting his own desensitized unhealed trauma via toxic masculinity
This baby just dropped all the recipts, yall! AK knew and tried to get the kid the delete the stream...AND they knew this kid was streaming at the time!
@@Dontbadummy a petition or some type of public action should speed the process up. I can’t believe Stevie said, “he trying to give Ak the benefit of the doubt”. THIS IS SOMEBODY’S CHILD….!!!!!🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Damn bro. The reason you remember it like it was yesterday, is because you were 15, 16 and you were sexually assaulted . You were exposed to all that and it traumatized you. You laugh it off and we all talk it off as normal, but it really isn’t. I was exposed to pornography by some older kid in my apartment when I was 11 and it changed me forever … also other things with my father … being exposed to sexual things like that at such an early age affects us… I’m still barely learning to accept that .. speaking of which , I should probably see a therapist …
Little boy or little girl, this is a problem. Protect the boys and protect the girls. You don’t joke with a kid like that. The problem is that ppl try to normalize this why boys and that’s not okay… that’s why some kids think this may be normal. It’s not.
Talking about strippers is weird too. Talking to him about smashing other girls his age is weird too. But you more upset about homosexuality being brought up into it? Its all weird dude. Talking about sexual shit in a non-educational manner with any kid, boy or girl, is weird. "Puttin homie on" is just grooming too.
You're wrong about it being ok when they were just "trying to put the young bol on..." when asking about any 15yr olds he could ... It's ALL DISGUSTING FOR ALSULTS TO BE INTERESTED IN, DISCUSS, ENCOURAGE OR INSERT THEMSELVES IN ANYWAY INTO THE SEXUAL LIVES OF TEENAGERS. JUST LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU AT THE STRIP CLUB WAS WRONG
They talked about being inside a kid. What the hell is wrong with you, defending this makes you just as weird. Boy or Girl a kid is a kid you creep. Now all these big names are defending AK and we have to be looking side eyed at yall to. Seriously I can't believe the take these people are taking what is wrong with everyone???
Ima have to unsubscribe after this ya response to this was creepy and weird in itself and I ain’t wit that downplaying little boys being groomed over little girls and you tryna find an excuse that maybe it wasn’t Ak but AI like he didn’t already admit to it is beyond crazy do better and do ya homework before reacting to things like this
Stevie Knight I've been watching your videos for a minute. But I need you to start looking more of the video before you start talking about you're trying to make it seem like at the beginning oh he's just talking about getting him some strippers and his axle more context than that and I noticed that you do that in a lot of your videos now instead of hearing out the whole to get a better understanding
Thank you for saying because the way he started the video was horrible to me. Down playing the situation because he’s a boy vs a girl like that matters.
I play video games, work on cars , skateboard, longboatd , do calisthenics, and f1 and rally cars addicted . 2 kids and married for 11 years already. Handy man in most areas of jobs ,so what's your point on video games 😂
Stevie, u seriously lost all my respect. THIS IS A CHILD. A CHILD. A 22 year old father raped & sodomized his 3 month daughter a couple weeks ago. The city is in raged. She had to have a almost 4 hr surgery to repair what they could. He entered her vaginally & then anally. She will never have children & have to wear a colostomy bag. She also had broken ribs. The entire city & all around is in pain. A CHILD….!!!!!!! A CHILD Y’ALL…!!!😢😢😢😢😢😢 & to hear this hurts me even worse. It starts mentally. I can’t believe this. This is so hurtful. I have a 4 month grandson. BRESTHE IN HIS FACE & SEE MY WRATH. THis is a CHILD!!!!!!!🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
There are so MANY disgusting & despicable stories like this. Which is absolutely shocking in-itself. But boys being exposed to $€% ual content too early even as a teen can change their brain chemistry & then if they were sa -ed too with no therapy can continue the cycle. That’s why SK’s own story was NOT ok. Normalizing a young boy being w/an older woman is STILL p€d0 behavior! It’s WRONG for both girls AND boys! A child is a child.
I'm so sorry to have to be the one to tell you that being s*xually taken advantage of as a minor or brought into a s*xual situation by adults isn't something to brag and laugh about. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm sorry it molded you to believe that a boy's innocence is not worth as much as a girl's. Edit: On some advice, seriously, no hate: Harmful takes like these are probably part of why your channel's been having problems.
RIGHT! I’ve read a few comments letting him know too. ALL of that was 100% wrong! Boys brains are even fully developed until 24. There is a REASON why clubs, bars, sites etc. have AGE limits! Would SK be ok with his teenage son getting fed a beer and being put in that situation? Seeing & experiencing ALL of that at a young age CHANGES you & your perception! It already did, he said when he went to the room & 2 girls being $€%*a| w/each other on top of tons of money he said he thought that guy was “SUPERMAN!” Right so a man who owns a stp club w/nkd women being $€% ual w/each other and tons of cash is a SUPERHERO?! He’s also making it sound ok because he had someone w/him that he trusted. That’s actually WORSE! She & her boyfriend could’ve gone to jail exposing a minor to s€%, 🌽ography AND giving him alcohol AND taking him to an establishment for adults!
RIGHT! I’ve read a few comments letting him know too. ALL of that was 100% wrong! Boys brains are even fully developed until 24. There is a REASON why clubs, bars, sites etc. have AGE limits! Would SK be ok with his teenage son getting fed a beer and being put in that situation? Seeing & experiencing ALL of that at a young age CHANGES you & your perception! It already did, he said when he went to the room & 2 girls being $€%*a| w/each other on top of tons of money he said he thought that guy was “SUPERMAN!” Right so a man who owns a stp club w/nkd women being $€% ual w/each other and tons of cash is a SUPERHERO?! He’s also making it sound ok because he had someone w/him that he trusted. That’s actually WORSE! She & her boyfriend could’ve gone to jail exposing a minor to s€%, 🌽ography AND giving him alcohol AND taking him to an establishment for adults!
I have to remove myself because violation is violation. Men enjoy abuse, but that same abuse affects males in different ways and it's not always positive.
The fact that you thought any of this was ok is wild. Just because grown people spoke to you a certain way as a child doesn’t make it okay. Kids need to be kids. No1 should be recommending strippers to kids male or female. What was said to you as a kid was WRONG. Maturing is realizing that and not pacifying nonsense.
When AK said "What if dude said instead of being beside you, I can be Inside of You" I tapped out fam! Nahhhhhh Akademiks is 1,000% Cancelled! He done! Drake Done!!! Get both of them outta here! Kendrick told ya'll everybody associated with Drake is on this Pedo stuff.
This just made you look weird too. You didn’t say any of the people you were around were weird, foul, pieces of garbage for not only having you in that environment. Just causally brought up a worse situation and then point the finger at Ak? He’s nasty, but you’re like the kid here coming out and saying “I liked it”. So what? Ew lol.
What he’s saying is… it’s different between girls and boys from a heterosexual perspective. A high schooler period shouldn’t be actively searching for adults to have relations with… but HS guys seek after these type of experiences with older women (especially if they’ve been sneaking Corn or in an athletic locker room) That’s why it’s important to raise them accordingly against what the world okays.
Honestly man it sounds like you have some repressed childhood trauma. This shit is wrong no matter how you slice it. There's a difference between someone who's like around your age. Maybe if they were 17 and he was 15 and they were fucking around. That's one thing but they're adult men
Darling what you explained about your own situation is "grooming" as well. This is not right whether it's a male or female. And the baby looked so uncomfortable. Please don't cosign this.
Just over 3 mins in and it’s clear you’re part of the problem. I can’t imagine having a son and condoning this behavior but you do you I guess. Hopefully others will be around to protect him in cases you clearly won’t.
Making excuses for this shit is disgusting and makes u part of the problem I bet if he wasn't someone u look up to u wouldn't be makeing excuses thau he just playing
The beginning of this video weird af. Like males cannot also be preyed on or something. Saying this aint some Diddy stuff like Diddy didn't prey on males too. And then you just keep going down the hole. Just because you experienced it young doesn't mean it was okay, and just because you feel like it wasn't inappropriate doesn't mean it wasn't. Hard pass.
Halfway through vid but trying to put someone underage on an older woman or really trying to get someone underage to have s** is weird under all circumstsnces not just streaming. Just felt like the take was 'this is fine just dont do it in public'
4:51 - this story is weird & uncomfortable af. What those adults did was disgusting. Wtf is wrong with you ? You shouldn’t be trusted around underage boys either if you think that’s cool. If i found out you took my 15 yr old nephew to a strip club, gave him liquor, took him to a room with 2 escorts doing s€xual acts, I’d have you arrested. Straight up.
@@NateRiver5454 the fact is ak worships drake, he sees himself in drake that's why he defends his the way he does.. that's why that bar hits even harder now cause they be moving in flocks
@Costa173 the thing is tho drake doesn't see himself in AK he doesn't him anywhere near him, the thing is AK has a misconception about Drake and it is making everyone else think the same
Naw Stevie. In no circumstance is it cool for a 15 year old to be talking about engaging in sexual activity with a female either. A lot of men are victims but don't want to admit it. This shit doesn't just apply to females.
These conversations are why ppl do not take things seriously when it comes to our boys. You preach about the "simps" and men feeding into the OF girls but are ok when young boys are "put on" w sex workers. Where do you think this starts??
Watch 👀 the ones who co-sign this behavior or the "this not so bad. I was doing this at this age" ones. Talk to my child and yes 15 yo is a child...we are having problems including you're going to jail.
This is disgusting and there's no way anyone can sugar coat it! Anything other than COMPLETELY CONDEMNING this type of behavior is completely UNACCEPTABLE. FULL STOP! Nothing about this is okay. And we really have to side eye people who make excuses for this nasty sh*t.
For a grown man to openly put a boy on to cat whether it’s a girl his age or older is NASTY! How would you like to hear that a thirty something year old man is showing a male how to get your daughter’s cat……while smiling…..think about it……
We need to protect boys just as much as girls! Kids are kids!! I have a son who goes online. How can you say this isn't that bad?!! No child should be exploited like this. If it was girl it's wrong but it's ok to say this to a young boy. This is disgusting boy or girl!! This is insane! We are lost as a society. Why would you tell a story about being exploited as a child that's weird.
If you don’t realize what happened to you is wrong you may start normalizing it and when it happens to other kids you may let the cycle go on or minimize the action bc you never accepted it was wrong and accept it as normal.
I can’t wait till protecting lil boys is taken as seriously as protecting lil girls. A child is a child, gender shouldn’t matter.
HEAVY on this comment!!! Little boys are molested as well, I have male friends who have disclosed trauma . This poster is part of the problem by minimizing this incident because it involved a boy instead of a girl.
Facts! There's a new teacher abusing a little boy AND getting pregnant by them in the news every fucking week but society dismisses it, time and time again. Shit sad for real.
Treating boys and girls differently within this situation is so weird and sick to me. We should be just as worried for boys because most of them don't seem to understand that they were molested
Facts. I don’t like he said “I’m glad it’s a boy” f that boys need protection too! Women and men groom them. Tf we glad it’s a boy for? Should not be ANY child. Gender doesn’t matter when it’s a child.
100% for men it’s hardeee to talk about this
It's a child! It doesn't matter the gender. I don’t care if the child is an influencer. He shouldn't be in a group of adults that he isn't related to.
Thank you! I hate that ppl feel like we don't have to protect our boys just as much as we have to protect our girls smh! Even Akademics in his response made it seem like boys can't be groomed!
The human said NO -end of discussion. The fact it’s a CHILD male or female means PRISON time. No mean NO MF🤬
Right? What happened to Bieber???
I honestly don't think it's a big deal for a teenager to be in gaming/streaming groups with adults if the adults are mentoring or just looking out for the teen in a big brother kinda way, but this shit is disgusting. There should be absolutely no sexual conversations or discussions, ESPECIALLY talking TO the child and asking these nonsensical predatory questions, if they are streaming video games playing together. Those group of grown ass men DEFINITELY shouldn't be in groups with anymore kids because they cannot be trusted.
Exactly! Little boy or little girl, you don’t “joke” with a kid like that. That’s weird.
I also disagree with you saying it’s cool for older men to try and put younger boys onto sex. That shits strange and people have a problem recognizing that the way they grew up might not have been the normal or the best way to have come up. And the gender also doesn’t matters, kids are kids and there no situation where 30 year old men should be talking to kids like that.
@@YesserSirMrSir 💯
@ It’s irritating when I hear men say that, because for the boys to have sex, you literally have to be okay with young girls having sex, cause who else they gonna be having sex with ? And then they say it’s cool to put older women onto boys, so it’s cool for women to be pedos ? It’s a sick mentality no matter how they slice it.
@@YesserSirMrSir then they blame women for not caring abt men's problems
I agree with this. We keep hearing it after this whole AK thing. I get why some people are saying this because it did happen to them. The problem is that they were too young to realize it was not normal, and what they were experiencing should not have happened to them either. They keep saying, "Back in my day," this was normal. It was never normal, and the folks doing it to them were weird, too!
@@TaTa-ut4nw They also don’t understand that they’re inadvertently saying it’s fine for young girls to go around having sex. Cause who else are these boys gonna be sleeping with ? Unless the think it’s cool for grown women to be predators
So, here’s the thing: it’s disgusting regardless of gender or orientation. It’s grooming even if YOU enjoyed it, or you turned out okay, or you were not protected as a child. It’s awful.
And they never turn out okay they end up resenting women and don’t know it’s stemming from their innocence being taken some are porn addicts hyper sexual or turn out just as creepy as their abuser
Jesus people learn one word just call you it
@@jrlearns ?
@@jrlearnsAre you a groomer?
@@jrlearns Found another one 🤣
I hate that boys don’t receive the same anger when they are being groomed, young men losing their v cards to older women has been normalized for far too long now we have grown men feeling comfortable to have these conversations with children. I don’t want anyone encouraging my minor child to have sex male or female because that’s not what we teach up in here.
Centuries of conditioning. It’s gon take a while for the pov’s to near equivalency when it comes to males n females, with this kinda thing
Yeah but as an older millennial, I thought that would always be the case for girls too. As a little girl I can't even remotely try to count the nasty shit I went thru like it was gd normal, the non stop cat calling people in public trying to touch you, guys keep pushing themselves on you and older guys well don't get me started. We just learned to cover up parts and took a lot of it in thinking it was our fault.
Then gen z and younger milenials came around and said tf with this crap, and we saw real ass change within years.
Just watch the video dawg, he began the video with no context.... when he saw the context is from 08:30
I agree y4come and it need to be a written law for it
@fakechloe207 you just wanted to go against the grain, huh? Irregardless of this video, the majority of people do not have the same views on what's appropriate, whats harmful or what's considered abuse, when it comes to boys and girls. So with or without this situation, the original comment is relevant and stands alone
As a grown man I don’t see how you think it would be cool “to be putting little man/bro on?”
Like looking back at it yes, when we were kids growing up we thought it would be cool to smoke, drink and hook up, but now as adults and looking back at it it’s like na that wrong. Especially for adults to be trying to do this to kids, boy or girls it doesn’t matter
wow Knight..you kinda spinning yourself in circles here my guy.....grooming a minor is still grooming a minor regardless of gender or sexuality.
That part!
It is disturbing that you think any part of this is acceptable. You may have been too young at 16 to understand, but your experience in the club was also inappropriate. Any adult exposing to sex as a minor should be locked up. Just because this toxic behavior is common doesn't mean it's right. ALL children should be protected.
You can tell Stevie isn’t healed . He desensitized to $exual trauma trying to make it “normal” . Far from normal it’s traumatic and illegal
That part. He's exposing himself and don't even know it.
Thank you for pointing this out. I hate how people change their views based on whether the CHILD is a boy or girl.
You are talking about a topic everyone wants to cover up
I was 16 a few years ago and the way boys think you would be surprised as to why in some situations it would be perceived as fine but YOU ARE NOT WRONG
I'm confused... Why does it make a difference that it's not a girl? It's a FIFTEEN year old child
Bc Stevie was groomed to think this way
@@ashxpotatoes Exactly, and this is the mentality they stay with unfortunately. All because of the grooming.
You ain’t gone be laughing in a minute, just cause he’s a boy doesn’t mean it’s ok to do that, he’s a minor 🙄
@@Asannitocaboca. idk why he thought that was acceptable to say , that’s not and he showing his true colors
@ and he was so down for what they were saying until they started talking very very inappropriately and him telling the story of how he was the same age being taken to grown up parties with strippers smfh, that’s nothing to be proud of
"Them Predators move in flocks"
- Kendrick Lamar
aging like Dom Perignon
@@J.B.Whitesideyou had one job
The owl don’t fall far from the tree
Man's not even part of the owl gang shits sad more like a flying snake playing dress up
😂😂😂😂 Facts
I have a 15 year old son. This is so sad.
@TomdaKat00you’re soft asf
For real I have a brother around the same age and it has me pissed off. I tell him all the time if anyone talks weird with him then tell me even if you domt think its that bad.
*Fukkin SICK as a father to an 8yr old this burns me UP. Him and Lawbrey need to burn in 🔥*
Disturbing 😳
I just want to emphasize that just because you had a similar experience does not mean that what happened to you was right. When you are a kid , family or not , it’s wrong! Let kids be kids.
It's different for guys, cause at 15 a guy is already stronger than a woman. Plus, it's easier for a woman, she get hit on all the time, she can wait until she's 18, 20, cool. Guys don't get that lucky since we're always expected to have the initiative, and it's hard to go after the girl you like if you got no experience and don't know how to talk to girl, he'll be a virgin for life.
A lot of men were groomed and still don't even realise it 😶
The things that are normalized for young boys is insane and needs to stop. It’s no wonder why many men struggle with having families within a marriage or just avoid it. The intro to sx too early and not taught to have self-control, or values has messed many of y’all up in your adult life. That 15yo was raised RIGHT!! Bless his parents!! He will make a wonderful hus/father one day.
All of this!
@chrysanthemums4963 You know there's an invention called the television. There's this thing that the kids love called "the internet." Today's children are mostly self-taught due to the easy on-going access to all kinds of information on the internet and social media.
@@EverydayGumboyo statement is pointless... you sound like a complicit groomer type mf
@@EverydayGumbo you know there’s a thing called parents? Ya their job is to guide, direct, discipline, correct, protect, teach,..etc children in the way they should go. If that means no sm, turn the tv off (😉), or monitoring everything they do online while time managing…then do it! No Excuses! Parents are lazy asf today and would rather give their kids an iPad and allow the internet, sm, and schools to raise their kids which is why this gen is the most mentally ill compared to previous gen’s. It’s a shame!
@@EverydayGumbo you know there’s a thing called parents? Ya their job is to guide, direct, discipline, correct, protect, teach,..etc kids in the way they should go. If that means no sm, turn the tv off (😉), or monitoring everything they do online while time managing…then do it! No Excuses! Parents are choosing to allow their kids to access these things (un)intentionally raising them which is why this gen is the most mentally ill/dysfunctional compared to previous gen’s.
This 15 year old keep telling them he's 15 and even using words like grooming, weired, and pulling him in a case, yet these idiots still did not stop their foolishness. They need to be investigated and prosecuted for grooming. Kendrick said it, they definitely ain't like us ...
What are you talking about at least it's a boy? You sound weird.
Cuz he was a victim himself-
@@MaynardsSpaceship and he don’t even know it
I don’t think he realized it was gonna get dark fast. Like he opened his mouth too soon without the context
He sounds like a damn moron. HE IS 15 YOU BAFFOON!
Stevie thought it was cool when they were talking sending him girls. But what Stevie fails to understand is, this how the abuse starts for most young boys. The conversations always start with “what you are you into, you like girls? “.
NO man should be asking boys, teen boys about their sexual interests Stevie. Even fathers should tread lightly as to how they approach the subject.
How can you as a father be okay with strangers, friends, etc engaging with your kid like this.
I get it, the circumstances surrounding sexuality is a double standard for boys and girls. But we should be trying to change that full stop
Conversations like this, experiences like yours, do way more harm than good.
You saying it's better it's a little boy then a little girl is not only stupid but it's extremely dangerous.
A bunch of youtubers/streamers doing that, shit is just sad and infuriating, but also explain why AK didnt really apologize for it, no one seems to want to call him out when speaking to him and they let him spin whatever excuse he wants and they eat it up.
This wasnt a one off joke they tried again and again and again to engage in that type of conversation while the kid tried to no not participate(btw if the kid wanted to participate iT WOULD STILL WRONG, ITS A KID A KID A KID).
And admitting his sister groomed him underage also!!
Yeah this mfer needs his brain examined.
it’s likely the young boy will victimise young girls afterwards - so the cycle continues
@@sunflowerbeth3830 Stevie really sat up here and justified men sending a random 15 yr old strippers
I’d disagree about the “put on” comment. You want to put a kid on? Then teach him finances, career choices, deals, etc… I don’t talk about anything sex related with a kid. If it’s my family then the pregnancy talk happens nothing more…
@@Krmtx 100%
Stevie was a clown in this video
@@titus0953had to unsubscribe respectfully
He’s saying that because that’s what happened to him. People tried to do that to me too…both older females and older males…and I hated it because I wasn’t ready at all. I just wanted to do everything at my own pace
You should be talking more than pregnancy with family kids.. kids in my family I make sure to ask them especially if I peep anything weird “ has anyone made you uncomfortable, you have the right to say NO, do you have trusted adults you can talk to if you need to?” The conversations go way beyond pregnancy…. Smh… that’s literally the problem.. do you think if an adult ONLY talked to him (the kid) about pregnancy he would have had enough sense to know the age gap would lead to a CHARGE….that is taught knowledge not knowledge your born with lol……we need to be protecting our kids in our families ESPECIALLY when we know family members are not doing their job as parents…
Just cause it ain’t nothing new don’t mean it is not grooming and it doesn’t mean it is correct.
Right. Not Stevie bragging about being groomed his damn self. Why do you need to “put a 15 yr old on some booty”
That story about what happened when you were a teenager actually explains so much about your current personality, projected morals and standards. Like makes PERFECT sense why you say the things you say and behave the way you do.
He needs therapy
@@lucilleadams13 So many like him too though. Not as bad as the rest but still perverted morals.
It really does.
Facts, explains a lot about him
A child is a child. It doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl.
I have 3 kids Stevie this is infuriating my sons are gamers as well I try to police them as much as I’m able but bruh this is wild and alarming and his response made me even move livid SOCIETY IS BROKEN!!!! 🤬
This man said, “it’s not like it’s some Diddy shit”. My mouth dropped.
Wtf type of timing you’re on dude. You think it has to be the opposite sex to be on “Diddy” behavior? What if a 35 year old man talked to your son like that while he’s gaming?
My mouth dropped. This person literally said, “it’s not like it’s some Diddy sh*t”.
I think he was making comments before he saw the entire tape. I was thinking the same thing until I saw the entire podcast..doing same thing, he did..AK and his Hennessey equals stupid and talking from the heart or call Saucy Santana.
He only showed real emotions when they talked about g@y sex. The fact he thought the other things were just “locker room talk” says a lot about how much his “sexual experience” with that older lady messed him up smh
Everyone keeps outing themselves.... just gotta let them talk
did you guys watch the rest of the video? He didnt even know half of how bad it was until he kept wacthing and CLEARLY changed his mind. 10:49 what ELSE is he supposed to say?!?!?
If this had been a little girl, the reaction would have been different. And that pisses me the fuck off.
low key it proves many black men low key hate and seek to destroy black boys under the guise of being big bro
@@Seoul_Soldier right, it’s ridiculous for him to be ok with it because it wasn’t a girl they were talking to 🤦🏾♀️
Not you calling your abuser "big sister" poor thang
Exactly SK don’t realize he was being groomed by Big sis and her man
This is the part I caught too because it's always a trusted figure in our life, and he doesn't realize that he's a victim.
@@kheatherthompsonwtf are you talking about? Do you know what the definition of a victim is? This isn’t some trauma induced amnesia shit. You can’t be a victim if you genuinely don’t have an issue with what happened to you. He doesn’t view himself as a victim
I am unsubscribing from your page. You are part of the problem. Boys need to be protected too. How do you think predators are made? You saying " Trying to put little man on is cool" -is crazy work!
Me too. When people show you who they REALLY are, believe em.
No one cares if yall unsubscribe this is just me off topic 😂
Ak responded to this by basically saying in so many words that it was no big deal because it was a little boy, not a little girl. You know, the same way you're admitting that it's a double standard and you're ok with certain parts of it too. I'm not sure if you're even seeing the irony here but if not, let me continue. Downplaying certain parts of this is WHY weirdos like Ak think that this sht is ok. You should NOT be fine with it being a double standard because a child is a child regardless of gender! I'm tired of seeing so many men not recognizing that little boys are victims too.
Then they come and make videos on how women aren't held accountable or the double standards when women groom kids, especially young boys. But that's what they're also doing. They think it's something cool.
Yo is stevie saying grooming is okay if its a boy? Edit: im glad im not the only one who was disturbed by him saying that wtf
Stevie, that’s a super disappointing take from you on it being normal to be an adult and exposing kids to sex and sexual content. I get that it happened to you and you want to feel like that was normal, but it’s not.
It's more common than you are thinking.
@ common doesn’t mean normal. It’s fucked up either way
@aturboford1 No, it doesn't. Yes, it is fucked up either way.
@@taylort7619Common?! This is normal?? Where is your dad at? 😂😂😂
@T9x610 my dad is a guy I speak to a few times a year and haven't seen for 8 years. I'm don't think anyone would find that funny.
And yes, it is common. I'm pretty sure I would know being a Psychology graduate in the process of getting my Masters.
This was the weirdest take I've seen and really disappointing. The boy himself is talking about it being grooming.
I have a 15 year old son and that's just as serious as my daughter, you can't minimize the gender homie
Whether it's a girl or boy, this is weird behavior. Shouldn't be a double standard. They are children and shouldn't be subjected to this kinda shit from adults, and the boy was clearly uncomfortable with the whole conversation and trying to move on from it.
He is 15 years old wtf
And tbh this reaction is creepy as hell
Exposing yourself as a weirdo too. Love that! Let’s get you out of here as well.
@@ChillingWithMonie Monie the goat! You see this foolishness too? He’s literally just like them smh
How is Stevie a weirdo? He literally says any video he gets a chance to wish pedos death, everyones like "hes apart of the problem", for what? Reacting? YOU clicked on it dawg 😭😭
@BoundlessVlogs07 Lmao you’re under everyone’s comments caping for him and it’s sad. I watched the whole video, and he only got mad when Ak & his friends brought up g@y sex. He literally called that other stuff they said to that kid as “locker room talk”. Save me that bs, weirdos talk about how they hate and wish bad on other weirdos all the time. It’s performative, but nobody’s fooled.
@BoundlessVlogs07 Yes, you dummy. Because of his reaction. Literally. Are you slow? 🤦🏾♀️ Dummy.
I don’t think he realized it was gonna get dark fast. Like he opened his mouth too soon without the context. Plus he projecting his own desensitized unhealed trauma via toxic masculinity
This baby just dropped all the recipts, yall! AK knew and tried to get the kid the delete the stream...AND they knew this kid was streaming at the time!
Feds should have been knocking on his door the next day.
@@kavoniagilford9777 hopefully they will be...the kid said he is taking legal action
@@Dontbadummy a petition or some type of public action should speed the process up. I can’t believe Stevie said, “he trying to give Ak the benefit of the doubt”. THIS IS SOMEBODY’S CHILD….!!!!!🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
@@kavoniagilford9777 alot of theses reactors are trying to justify this! Eyes on them too!
@@kavoniagilford9777 a couple reactors are trying to justify this! All eyes on them too!
Damn bro. The reason you remember it like it was yesterday, is because you were 15, 16 and you were sexually assaulted . You were exposed to all that and it traumatized you. You laugh it off and we all talk it off as normal, but it really isn’t.
I was exposed to pornography by some older kid in my apartment when I was 11 and it changed me forever … also other things with my father … being exposed to sexual things like that at such an early age affects us… I’m still barely learning to accept that .. speaking of which , I should probably see a therapist …
I hope you do for the betterment of yourself 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾
Love you bro . And sorry that happened to you, it is not normal at all. We got to stop normalizing $3xual trauma ! Love to you on ur healing journey
He is a child! This is not right! A child should not be subjected to sexual situations. And what happened to you was horrible as well.
Little boy or little girl, this is a problem. Protect the boys and protect the girls. You don’t joke with a kid like that.
The problem is that ppl try to normalize this why boys and that’s not okay… that’s why some kids think this may be normal. It’s not.
How you do you put a 15 year old on?? That’s just disgusting
Talking about strippers is weird too. Talking to him about smashing other girls his age is weird too. But you more upset about homosexuality being brought up into it? Its all weird dude. Talking about sexual shit in a non-educational manner with any kid, boy or girl, is weird. "Puttin homie on" is just grooming too.
You're wrong about it being ok when they were just "trying to put the young bol on..." when asking about any 15yr olds he could ... It's ALL DISGUSTING FOR ALSULTS TO BE INTERESTED IN, DISCUSS, ENCOURAGE OR INSERT THEMSELVES IN ANYWAY INTO THE SEXUAL LIVES OF TEENAGERS. JUST LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU AT THE STRIP CLUB WAS WRONG
I'm siding eyeing you, like I'm side eyeing AK. A child is child dude. Boy or girl... TF are you talking about?!!
They talked about being inside a kid. What the hell is wrong with you, defending this makes you just as weird. Boy or Girl a kid is a kid you creep. Now all these big names are defending AK and we have to be looking side eyed at yall to. Seriously I can't believe the take these people are taking what is wrong with everyone???
We normalize this type of behavior in our community and it's sad
Very important topic- ur worst video ever
Unfortunately this is the problem. Normalizing sexual abuse with minors. Why are grown men in chat rooms with kids not talking about the video games.
Ima have to unsubscribe after this ya response to this was creepy and weird in itself and I ain’t wit that downplaying little boys being groomed over little girls and you tryna find an excuse that maybe it wasn’t Ak but AI like he didn’t already admit to it is beyond crazy do better and do ya homework before reacting to things like this
Stevie needs therapy
Is crazy that he tried to defend himself saying that is a male... But he is a 15 years old KID!. And the boy say himself that he feel uncomfortable
Stevie Knight I've been watching your videos for a minute. But I need you to start looking more of the video before you start talking about you're trying to make it seem like at the beginning oh he's just talking about getting him some strippers and his axle more context than that and I noticed that you do that in a lot of your videos now instead of hearing out the whole to get a better understanding
Thank you for saying because the way he started the video was horrible to me. Down playing the situation because he’s a boy vs a girl like that matters.
The first video only played what he responded to. He had to find a second video👍🏼🤝🏼 As long as he gets through the process it's a good thing
I play video games, work on cars , skateboard, longboatd , do calisthenics, and f1 and rally cars addicted . 2 kids and married for 11 years already. Handy man in most areas of jobs ,so what's your point on video games 😂
I think he’s trying to watch what he say eversince he’s been having issues with TH-cam.
This is not the first time he's displayed similar views. He's got some sexist takes.
Stevie, u seriously lost all my respect. THIS IS A CHILD. A CHILD. A 22 year old father raped & sodomized his 3 month daughter a couple weeks ago. The city is in raged. She had to have a almost 4 hr surgery to repair what they could. He entered her vaginally & then anally. She will never have children & have to wear a colostomy bag. She also had broken ribs. The entire city & all around is in pain. A CHILD….!!!!!!! A CHILD Y’ALL…!!!😢😢😢😢😢😢 & to hear this hurts me even worse. It starts mentally. I can’t believe this. This is so hurtful. I have a 4 month grandson. BRESTHE IN HIS FACE & SEE MY WRATH. THis is a CHILD!!!!!!!🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
There are so MANY disgusting & despicable stories like this. Which is absolutely shocking in-itself.
But boys being exposed to
$€% ual content too early even as a teen can change their brain chemistry & then if they were sa -ed too with no therapy can continue the cycle. That’s why SK’s own story was NOT ok.
Normalizing a young boy being w/an older woman is STILL p€d0 behavior! It’s WRONG for both girls AND boys! A child is a child.
Right like wtf am I watching?
I'm so sorry to have to be the one to tell you that being s*xually taken advantage of as a minor or brought into a s*xual situation by adults isn't something to brag and laugh about. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm sorry it molded you to believe that a boy's innocence is not worth as much as a girl's.
Edit: On some advice, seriously, no hate: Harmful takes like these are probably part of why your channel's been having problems.
RIGHT! I’ve read a few comments letting him know too. ALL of that was 100% wrong! Boys brains are even fully developed until 24. There is a REASON why clubs, bars, sites etc. have AGE limits! Would SK be ok with his teenage son getting fed a beer and being put in that situation? Seeing & experiencing ALL of that at a young age CHANGES you & your perception! It already did, he said when he went to the room & 2 girls being
$€%*a| w/each other on top of tons of money he said he thought that guy was “SUPERMAN!” Right so a man who owns a stp club w/nkd women being $€% ual w/each other and tons of cash is a SUPERHERO?!
He’s also making it sound ok because he had someone w/him that he trusted. That’s actually WORSE! She & her boyfriend could’ve gone to jail exposing a minor to s€%, 🌽ography AND giving him alcohol AND taking him to an establishment for adults!
RIGHT! I’ve read a few comments letting him know too. ALL of that was 100% wrong! Boys brains are even fully developed until 24. There is a REASON why clubs, bars, sites etc. have AGE limits! Would SK be ok with his teenage son getting fed a beer and being put in that situation? Seeing & experiencing ALL of that at a young age CHANGES you & your perception! It already did, he said when he went to the room & 2 girls being
$€%*a| w/each other on top of tons of money he said he thought that guy was “SUPERMAN!” Right so a man who owns a stp club w/nkd women being $€% ual w/each other and tons of cash is a SUPERHERO?!
He’s also making it sound ok because he had someone w/him that he trusted. That’s actually WORSE! She & her boyfriend could’ve gone to jail exposing a minor to s€%, 🌽ography AND giving him alcohol AND taking him to an establishment for adults!
I have to remove myself because violation is violation. Men enjoy abuse, but that same abuse affects males in different ways and it's not always positive.
Men enjoy abuse?
A video needs to be made about people like you
@@kevdadude3329 Damn near 90% of folk out here. I listen to know how they move so I can maneuver away from them in real life.
A child is a child, no matter the gender they should be protected... you being toxic right now stevie.
The fact that you thought any of this was ok is wild. Just because grown people spoke to you a certain way as a child doesn’t make it okay. Kids need to be kids. No1 should be recommending strippers to kids male or female. What was said to you as a kid was WRONG. Maturing is realizing that and not pacifying nonsense.
When AK said "What if dude said instead of being beside you, I can be Inside of You" I tapped out fam! Nahhhhhh Akademiks is 1,000% Cancelled! He done! Drake Done!!! Get both of them outta here! Kendrick told ya'll everybody associated with Drake is on this Pedo stuff.
I usually disagree w cancelling ppl but here I 100% agree ppl who exploit kids don’t deserve a platform that they can use to exploit kids
Then he say pause after that like it’s supposed to make it sound better….
This just made you look weird too. You didn’t say any of the people you were around were weird, foul, pieces of garbage for not only having you in that environment. Just causally brought up a worse situation and then point the finger at Ak? He’s nasty, but you’re like the kid here coming out and saying “I liked it”. So what? Ew lol.
r kelly was made by being introduced to underage straight sex. Knight thinks that his job as big bro. dude needs a therapist
Your comment is fine. No need to add "lol" to soften the blow.
What he’s saying is… it’s different between girls and boys from a heterosexual perspective. A high schooler period shouldn’t be actively searching for adults to have relations with… but HS guys seek after these type of experiences with older women (especially if they’ve been sneaking Corn or in an athletic locker room)
That’s why it’s important to raise them accordingly against what the world okays.
@@syoung4724either you want the real, or be in delusion.
@ never good to be the “what he’s saying is” guy.
Awww you where taught to disrespect females at a young age. The conditioning to be low vibing as if its ok. 😒🙁
Right?? And he says playing video games with kids is the weird thing
Chile….smh. And was smiling big while telling his story🤦🏾♀️
Right. Hence his shirt and merch.
That’s y I can’t rock with dude sometimes.. he gives me bad vibes
Right this a problem in our community young boys getting turned out it happened to my brother by our older cousin had a grown woman take his V smh
Honestly man it sounds like you have some repressed childhood trauma. This shit is wrong no matter how you slice it. There's a difference between someone who's like around your age. Maybe if they were 17 and he was 15 and they were fucking around. That's one thing but they're adult men
This Is not AI. It was confirmed later by AK. This is inacceptable. AK got some weird cases, why is he around?
So what if it's a boy and not a girl? Wtf 🤦🏾♀️
And that’s the problem. It doesn’t matter what the gender is. That’s a child.
Exactly, this coming from a grown man. But they’ll cry if men’s issues aren’t taken seriously
@ChialukaGold Exactly!! And nowadays, these nasty mfs are into little boys now. So I'm confused as to what that stupid statement even means. Smfh
Darling what you explained about your own situation is "grooming" as well. This is not right whether it's a male or female. And the baby looked so uncomfortable. Please don't cosign this.
Just over 3 mins in and it’s clear you’re part of the problem. I can’t imagine having a son and condoning this behavior but you do you I guess. Hopefully others will be around to protect him in cases you clearly won’t.
Making excuses for this shit is disgusting and makes u part of the problem I bet if he wasn't someone u look up to u wouldn't be makeing excuses thau he just playing
The beginning of this video weird af. Like males cannot also be preyed on or something. Saying this aint some Diddy stuff like Diddy didn't prey on males too. And then you just keep going down the hole.
Just because you experienced it young doesn't mean it was okay, and just because you feel like it wasn't inappropriate doesn't mean it wasn't. Hard pass.
Stevie Knight has been a part of the "Manosphere" for years. I don't expect him to say and think any differently than he did in this video 😒
Sad. I had high expectations for him. This entire video is sad. Lost mad respect for his “commentary” on this subject
@@Sponsorshipzhow’d you lose respect for him? What did he say that you didn’t agree with?
How can you say this isn't that bad.
he even closed the video hype to push underage sex on boys
I had some hope unfortunately
The fact that he was so bold doing this type of behavior in sight of dozens of people, what is he doing in the dark.
So you excuse it cause it's not a girl or could be "worse"? Damn. Just, damn.
Put it simple, would you talk to your co workers child like that. That's someone's kid
It’s crazy that the 15 year old had to tell THEM “slow down yo”
Ak felt comfortable enough saying this IN PUBLIC…imagine what is said in private. Giving these continuous passes needs to STOP.
"Tryin strike a cord and its probably A minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
Halfway through vid but trying to put someone underage on an older woman or really trying to get someone underage to have s** is weird under all circumstsnces not just streaming. Just felt like the take was 'this is fine just dont do it in public'
I have said it before, let’s all keep our kids close. Have a close relationship with your kids.
4:51 - this story is weird & uncomfortable af. What those adults did was disgusting. Wtf is wrong with you ? You shouldn’t be trusted around underage boys either if you think that’s cool. If i found out you took my 15 yr old nephew to a strip club, gave him liquor, took him to a room with 2 escorts doing s€xual acts, I’d have you arrested. Straight up.
Dot said the predators move in FLOCKS!!!
Drake dont even mess with AK leave my boy out of this one
@@NateRiver5454 the fact is ak worships drake, he sees himself in drake that's why he defends his the way he does.. that's why that bar hits even harder now cause they be moving in flocks
@Costa173 the thing is tho drake doesn't see himself in AK he doesn't him anywhere near him, the thing is AK has a misconception about Drake and it is making everyone else think the same
@@NateRiver5454drake uses ak constantly 😂😂😂 and ak is just striving to be just like Drake
@@NateRiver5454we see way they in competition with each other trying to strike a manorrrr😅
DJ Akademiks is like Drake for sure.😅
Drake is 100% NOT like AK
Naw Stevie. In no circumstance is it cool for a 15 year old to be talking about engaging in sexual activity with a female either. A lot of men are victims but don't want to admit it. This shit doesn't just apply to females.
That’s why they don’t want Kdot to perform the song at the Super Bowl. He’s exposing them!
Exactly. I hope the NFL and Hov let him do it. Drake ain’t gonna do nothing
Steve that strip club story was crazy thats how little kids get groomed bro your a victim for real
These conversations are why ppl do not take things seriously when it comes to our boys. You preach about the "simps" and men feeding into the OF girls but are ok when young boys are "put on" w sex workers. Where do you think this starts??
Watch 👀 the ones who co-sign this behavior or the "this not so bad. I was doing this at this age" ones. Talk to my child and yes 15 yo is a child...we are having problems including you're going to jail.
This is disgusting and there's no way anyone can sugar coat it! Anything other than COMPLETELY CONDEMNING this type of behavior is completely UNACCEPTABLE. FULL STOP!
Nothing about this is okay. And we really have to side eye people who make excuses for this nasty sh*t.
Keep the family safe 💪🏾
AK making the OVO glazers look worse 🤣
For a grown man to openly put a boy on to cat whether it’s a girl his age or older is NASTY! How would you like to hear that a thirty something year old man is showing a male how to get your daughter’s cat……while smiling…..think about it……
We need to protect boys just as much as girls! Kids are kids!! I have a son who goes online. How can
you say this isn't that bad?!! No child should be exploited like this. If it was girl it's wrong but it's ok to say this to a young boy. This is disgusting boy or girl!! This is insane! We are lost as a society. Why would you tell a story about being exploited as a child that's weird.
If you don’t realize what happened to you is wrong you may start normalizing it and when it happens to other kids you may let the cycle go on or minimize the action bc you never accepted it was wrong and accept it as normal.
He tryna sweep this under a bunch of random posts. Thank you for not ignoring this weird shit
Stevie is part of the problem. This isn’t funny. This wouldn’t be better or worse if it was a 15yr old girl.
And wearing it like a badge of honor is goofy and clown behavior
Katt Williams still calling out 2025 time to call out these PDFs
Love watching this sinking ship
Oh so you’re a weirdo too⁉️
This is why the standard needs to be set in stone… 📜 📜 📜
I'm not gonna lie, you came across a little weird in this one. Shouldn't matter if it's a boy or girl
Knox Hill dissed Drake and AK on "Scrub"! Gotta check it out!