I agree; her attitude to students almost shows maternal love, which is the most powerful force that propels us forward and enables us to achieve our full potential. When you’re bathed in such love, nothing is impossible! All teachers should learn from Cheryl!
I think because Christ lives within her… she loves her students so much it makes me think she believes in Jesus, because He is the LOVE! Cheryl you are incredible! I love you!))) and I believe you when you say you love us 😉I would love to meet you some day but probably will see you only in the Heaven with these lockdowns…( I am from Russia 🇷🇺 I would love to hear more about you, which state, which church you go to. I have many friends in the USA, who knows probably one of them go to the same church as you do, though as I know your churches are SO HUGE . May God bless you!!!🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Oh my lord she is incredible, mostly kids force their voices and vibrato. She’s got a gift. This teacher is a beautiful person. And I love her outfits ❤
Do I have a good pop singer quality? th-cam.com/video/M09iwdhKKc0/w-d-xo.html A song tribute to MICHAEL JACKSON by 15 year old boy. With no autotune , no background music , no voice coach 100% confidence and dedication. So lovely !!!😍😍😍😍😍......................
I love you Mrs. Cheryl Porter.. You are like one of God's Angels here on earth.. Helping young people find their beautiful singing voices..I just found you recently, but I love your channel... And this little girl has so much talent it blows me away.. Thank you for sharing 🥰
Such a pure tone! I love how this girl achieves such a clear tone without forcing the breath, what a talent! This is one of the best child voices I’ve ever heard.
Sometimes we forget that we not only cry when we're sad, heartbroken or miserable. We do also cry when we're overwhelmed by warmth, love and happiness.
@NoTearsLeftToCry you ever seen her national anthem video at 8 years old? She defiently improved in technique. I'm a huge ariana fan but even she had to learn to be as good as she is.
my dream would be to have a trainer just like you, you are perfect, you have a perfect voice, this little girl is like that thanks to her enormous talent❤️❤️
Every is talking about this little girl being a star... Let's just appreciate how incredible Cheryl is as a vocal coach!!!! I am so happy she is trending on Facebook and TH-cam. Cheryl you are amazing.
The most fulfilling feeling between a Teacher and the student. When the student succeeds in translating the knowledge and skills successfully. The greatest tuition any student can pay a teacher.
Cheryl teaches how to sing but most important, she gives confidence to her clients. She makes them feel proud of themselves. It's rare to find a teacher who makes you a better version of you, while you learn a skill. This is the spirit all of us should have when talking to each other.
The girl is amazing. Now for her coach: I would pay her to just sit in my home and smile. That is the most amazing smile I’ve ever seen. Her smile could like up all of Yankee Stadium. The woman radiates an almost unearthly aura of warmth and love.
@@LiamaniSings Oh, thank you so much darling! I'm so honoured to receive your answer. I know, Cheryl is an awesome coach. But you are amazing too! Thank you, and merry Christmas to you and your family!
Omg ♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏😭😭😭😭 Wow… just wow…. Ms. Porter, you are a GIFT FROM ABOVE. A true gift. God bless you, you incredible human being!!!!!!
Ms Porter you are a voice whisper! How beautiful! From a single light of your spirit you are lighting up the sky with all your little star lights..Thsnk you
The little girl is talented.The coach is just amazing, She's a rare nature.her smiles are contagious. The way she look at that little singer with all the love in her heart and soul made her more beautiful than she's already.
Look at how that little girl moves when she sings. Her coach didn't teach her how to sing she taught her how to feel what she's singing. That's why she's crying.That's a real coach. God bless❤️
@@umm8446 lol I guess that comment did seem ignorant for the reason you put forth. However I think what she meant, if I'm not mistaken, is that the coach has taught her much MORE than voice usage and voice control; she has imparted in her student the ability to connect emotionally with the music (in addition to having taught how to physically use the voice). And a singer probably cant make the most of her voice unless she goes above and beyond, "feeling" the music and connecting with it emotionally as this singer here appears to be doing.
Liamani Sings you are one of the best singers I’ve ever heard and your so young, you are easily better than some of the older singers I’ve heard. God bless you. You could easily get a record deal or something
Your tears of pride in your students a well earned Miss Cheryl. I have never seen a Music Coach so dedicated and passionate as you. I love you Miss Cheryl, I wish I had you as my Coach when I was a child.
the love of that girl can be feel it through the mobile, so i can image the impact in person. The coach is just a great and big soul, so i can see her sensibility in front of such love made into a shape girl format :)
She is crying cause she know she just made a future star, so beautiful
How do you not have any comments ??? I’ll be the first🤗
Yea honestly this little girl has a huge future!
Absolutely =)
She controls her voice perfectly, and I can’t even control my feelings
Ah yes relatable
I have never related to a comment this much
Okay, that just hurt my soul cause I related so much lmao
I mean, I felt that. Lol.
The way she looks at her is a proud look of a mother to her daughter
Nice abs
Really it's make me emotional 😥
Happy birthday
I’m in tears this comment is so true ❤️
Billy Bagins you just made this reply funny 🤣😂😭
I don't know what I want more from this woman: an hour's vocal lesson or a long, tight hug.
I want the hug the most ❤
the hug 100%
the hug!
Me neither. I’m torn between the two!
The hug! My word Miss Porter is a balm to my soul and I'm just listening and watching!
I love how she loves her students so much as if they were her own kids.
Me also
sabrina pedraza I’m the 666th like...
im the 999 like 🤣
O my god that’s amazing
I'm the 1218 like
This woman just makes her clients feel so confident and special, shes amazing
♡♡♡♡ #TeamLiamani
I need this vocal coach
She is also so so beautiful 😍 gorgeous
kaitlyn u ain’t wrong sis
I can’t wait to see where this kid goes. She’s a gift.
Kam Chan yeah
she is
She defiently is
Kam Chan me too
She looked like a proud mama blown away by her baby's talent. That child gave me goosebumps.
Maybe cause that’s her daughter
@@siimplyflrrxia9152 I'm sure if that was her child, she'd say so🤔
@@siimplyflrrxia9152ella no tiene hijos
@@siimplyflrrxia9152 They're "not" related....Ms. Porta was her voice coach a while back.
The way the teacher is looking at that girl is like she is watching the most precious thing ever.
777 likes lel
She is
Its like meeting her daughter for the first time after years and years. (Shes not her daughter i said "its like")
I love when teachers do that it's so wholesome to me.
She loves her job and when teachers love their job you get teachers like this!!!!
That vibrato is more stable than anyone’s future
listen balkan music and and you will see that it is not😉
@@Ema-kq4yi ne seri
Bella zi forza Napoli. Juve merda
So true..
Me: I think I’m a great singer!
Her: Would you walk awayyyyyy
Me: yeah..so I guess I’m an okay singer...
“You’re gonna go far kid.”
Wow I thought it said "you're gonna fart kid" i'm sorry haha
B E L L A i cant tell if you’re making a song reference or if it’s just a coincidence that I’m thinking of the song with that title.
@@sunny_jayx Do u mean the Offspring?
She is.
She has control over her voice more than I have control over my life
Fr 😂😂😂😂😂
She looks at her as if she's looking at her own daughter. I can tell she already loves this future star💜
Thank you so much!♡♡ #TeamLiamani
I am blown away‼️
Yo army!!!
The extraordinary thing about her is that she sees her students as her own someone and makes them confident about themselves.
I agree; her attitude to students almost shows maternal love, which is the most powerful force that propels us forward and enables us to achieve our full potential. When you’re bathed in such love, nothing is impossible! All teachers should learn from Cheryl!
@@essexitagermeng5504 😍
I think because Christ lives within her… she loves her students so much it makes me think she believes in Jesus, because He is the LOVE! Cheryl you are incredible! I love you!))) and I believe you when you say you love us 😉I would love to meet you some day but probably will see you only in the Heaven with these lockdowns…( I am from Russia 🇷🇺
I would love to hear more about you, which state, which church you go to. I have many friends in the USA, who knows probably one of them go to the same church as you do, though as I know your churches are SO HUGE . May God bless you!!!🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
This girl should go to "the voice" 😍if she will go there she would be the winner
I agreeeee
She's so special
Lebkuchen Suchti that’s what I was thinking lmao
The Voice is not what it used to be, she could be made a fool on stage. She does have a beautiful voice, though
There are tons of kids who can sing like/better than her.
Oh my lord she is incredible, mostly kids force their voices and vibrato. She’s got a gift. This teacher is a beautiful person. And I love her outfits ❤
the fact that this little girl can go from hugging her teacher and laughing right back to singing beautifully like nothing even happened is incredible
Thank you Ms Emily!! #TeamLiamani
@@LiamaniSings you're welcome! you're amazing at singing
I agree. I always put this video with you so that my baby can fall asleep
Do I have a good pop singer quality?
A song tribute to MICHAEL JACKSON by 15 year old boy. With no autotune , no background music , no voice coach 100% confidence and dedication.
So lovely !!!😍😍😍😍😍......................
Super incredible. I noticed that, too!
"You're so incredible..you're so special"
damn imagine someone saying this to you. I'd never forget it
You're SO incredible..you're so special, Viktoria 😊
bia Awww, thats so nice of you! :D
You are the most incredible and special person ❤❤
When did she said that?
you’re amazing, beautiful, incredible and really special.
The way she look at the little girl... My mother never looked at me this way.
Dang this hit hard
@Stygian Eons Hmmmmmmmm
@Stygian Eons not mine anyways😂😂😂
Vexin sending ❤️ your way!
Lmao same
This woman is full of Love. The soul connection with her students is beautiful.
Jesus loves you all! God bless!
Her audience too
They are both beautiful, beautiful humans. A lifelong friendship, I bet
Her: sings better then most professional artists
Me at that age: *trying to balance the light switch in between on and off*
Wait, so I am not the only one who does that?
@@igot7armytaekook308 nope you're not the only one I also do that
I can sing like her UwU I feel special after 2 years
Never a more relatable comment 💀
She's only 10 years old but she sing like an angel
Angel's can be 10🤔😁
Haha i know this is irrelevant kinda but 666th like
She is an angel
Im 11, im singing well, but NOT LIKE THAT!!
I know right she so good
I love you Mrs. Cheryl Porter.. You are like one of God's Angels here on earth.. Helping young people find their beautiful singing voices..I just found you recently, but I love your channel... And this little girl has so much talent it blows me away.. Thank you for sharing 🥰
That is exactly what I was thinking. She is an angel on earth!
As soon as she realized she was crying she hugged her. This is adorable!!!!!!
I love Ms. Cheryl so much!♡♡ Thank you! #TeamLiamani
@@LiamaniSings 💞
She's wearing a wonder woman shirt, but she's the wonder woman. Her love and warmth saves lives.
The way she's watching dat Angel sings is heart warming
And a superman head scarf ! 😍
Her coach has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.
I was thinking the same!!
Thought I was the only one watching that beautiful smile
@Saber Cayenne
Also her eyes, can't explain them other than beautiful. When you look her she makes you feel like everything is going to be okay.
Such a pure tone! I love how this girl achieves such a clear tone without forcing the breath, what a talent! This is one of the best child voices I’ve ever heard.
She’s the type of person to leave Simon SPEECHLESS with that golden buzzer voice
Abby yess
She control better her voice, than me my life
eldertiger grr HAHA, and Cheryl agrees
The woman in the red jacket is absolutely beautiful
So u don't know her 😂😂😂😂
Jennie Gunn that’s the vocal coach if you didn’t know!
That is Cheryl Porter ladies and gentleman!!!
Jennie, She sure is a beautiful woman. She has beauty love caring and compassion. Bless her.
Ma’am! You are the definition of a coach!!!!!! ❤❤❤ This has me in tears! This baby is incredible!!!
She should remember her singing teacher when she’s famous
Shes already Famous :v
She is so famous rn
they're both famous lmao wdym
She won't, Cheryl is one of those people that have such a profound impact that it lasts
FYI its a vocal teacher.
*She doesn’t need auto tune. Auto tune needs her.*
And that’s on peridottttt
Auto tune can't do anything for you if you don't know how to sing beforehand.
Sunset Bunny so right brah ;-;
I’m not going anywhere else I can see you guys at school I wanna was your a birthday 🎁
She’s going to be much more incredible than she is now
Thank you so much for the sweet comment!♡♡ Welcome to #TeamLiamani ♡♡♡
I'm not crying, you're crying.😭Such a beautiful voice.
Her: *sings like an angel*
Me at that age: *trying to see if I can’t tickle myself without laughing*
Lol! Thank you!♡♡ #TeamLiamani
Aubrey franco 😂😂😂
Lol 😂🤣
Who agrees that she will be a famous singer when she is older?
I do.
Thank you so much!♡♡♡ #TeamLiamani
Liamani Sings Wow! You have an amazing voice!
@@catereenacat Thank You!!!
I think she will be soon
Jay_mo she already is
Her: oh no dont cry
Also her: sings a note that could bring geralt of rivia to tears.
Geraltnof rivia would never unlesd is ciri
I'm a witcher fan and this is so funny 😂
That child has a very beautiful and angelic voice. Brought me to tears. And the vocal coach is beyond amazing and is truly gifted and blessed.
“awe don’t cry” AWWWE
I love how much she supports her she even said “sing it baby”
Liamani Sings AHHH wait you actually replied OMG IM CRYING 😭
@@J3h13 Happy New Year!! ❤❤❤
Liamani Sings happy new year to you to and I know one day your going to be a star 💕
She's just a great vocal coach and person.
She was looking at her and hugging her like her own mother wow so cute i cried too
Dom de Deus. Amei
@Andreea Palici huh?
666th like(:
This lady is just so inspiring and beautiful inside out. I need her in my life, even just for her hug and her "you're so special" 😢❤
Sometimes we forget that we not only cry when we're sad, heartbroken or miserable. We do also cry when we're overwhelmed by warmth, love and happiness.
Beautifully said!
This comment made my day ❤️
That's very much try hell I cried as well
Thank you so much! I love happy tears! Hugs to you and Welcome to #TeamLiamani ♡♡♡
@corny catSTOP yes she is cause arinna grande could not sing that good when she was her age so stop
@corny cat you nonsense cat soory i dont wanna be mean but dont give hate she is amazing for her age
@Chloe Myers yes I did not know because well I dont really listen to ariana's music so I did not know sorry🙂
@NoTearsLeftToCry you ever seen her national anthem video at 8 years old? She defiently improved in technique. I'm a huge ariana fan but even she had to learn to be as good as she is.
@Lara Kevill It called “Love me anyway” by Pink.
The way she watches her sing made me cry.
Amber FFTFOMSICHTS literally
I love Ms. Cheryl so much!♡♡ Thank you! #TeamLiamani
1:54min that instant switch from happy hugs & smiles back to the emotional singing was fire
The reaction of the girl when she sees her teacher cry is priceless
I had to hug her!♡♡ I love her so much!
this baby girl has a voice of an angel wow she can sing.
I agree
I'm completely amazed
Have you ever listened to an angel singing? 😂
She knows she’s going somewhere. That’s why she’s crying
that is the 1st thing that came to my mind...
Still listening and loving the purity of her voice and the joy in your smile... Just moves me
She literally cried like a proud Aunt, the reason why I want to meet her in person. She's so genuine. I stan.
@@kyragorman3017 lmaoooo
Kyra Gorman the confusion JUMPED OUTT 🙈🙈🙈
@@xoxi306 More like the Belela Throne jumped out 🤭
Oh, that's why she cried.lol
Omg, this blew up, I didn't expect this, Im just an aspiring singer-wannabe who always believe there's hope for my voice.
Cheryl You've a pretty little Star in your hands, so don't lose sight of her, she will be a Mega Super Star.
Cheryl you're very pretty when you cry.
my dream would be to have a trainer just like you, you are perfect, you have a perfect voice, this little girl is like that thanks to her enormous talent❤️❤️
The voice control is insane!!!! That’s a star in the making!!!
I know
She sings like an angel ❤❤❤❤❤
@@isaiaschmollinger7799 llleva 998oo,jsorijrqOpmm k @×171-(
Ñ la 977 minutos y la otra bz*€77.79
Me too
Tingles on my body from first moment I heard her singing. So much love shines through that baby girl!!!!!!!
If she were my vocal coach, I would cry like her. OMG I love her, she is an icon
If you're moving Cheryl Porter to tears, then you know you're doing something right
I'm not sure if I can find it on and what we are ok y'all good for the same thing I have to get a good deal for me to have
@@boeyou4310 what the-
@@boeyou4310 wtf
@@boeyou4310 Uh ok?
Every is talking about this little girl being a star... Let's just appreciate how incredible Cheryl is as a vocal coach!!!! I am so happy she is trending on Facebook and TH-cam.
Cheryl you are amazing.
Ms. Cheryl is the best!♡♡ Thank you!♡♡ #TeamLiamani
Awwww honey thank you so much 😘❤️💋💥 Liamani is so awesome 💋
Amen want he do it ..
Agree. She created a masterpiece! And THAT takes talent!
Cheryl beste lærer i verden. ❤
The most fulfilling feeling between a Teacher and the student. When the student succeeds in translating the knowledge and skills successfully. The greatest tuition any student can pay a teacher.
Cheryl teaches how to sing but most important, she gives confidence to her clients. She makes them feel proud of themselves. It's rare to find a teacher who makes you a better version of you, while you learn a skill. This is the spirit all of us should have when talking to each other.
I 100% agree with you there
FACTS! 👏🏻❤️
Absolutely True 💯
Students not clients :)
Wish i had this when I was younger. Ended up giving up on myself like everyone else did.
If i had her voice, i’d NEVER- AND I MEAN NEVER SHUT UP.
Daisy Trotter look I don’t have half her talent but I never shut up XD
Please don’t... with or without her voice. :D
I know like I go on stage to sing i sing better like not better better like better confidence
Yeah I think me too 😂
@@u_adore_me_but_I_adore_twice ooof😅
I mean if she’s this good already at 10 if she keeps training when she’s older she’ll be a hit!
Yeah but the only problem is puberty it might changed her voice😁
Lerick Capili it wont change that much, girls voice dont change that much with puberty , guys voices change a lot
She’s better than me 😂😂
@@Tarikkb yeah that true-_-
Lerick Capili girls voices don’t change that much...
Cheryl is beaming like a very proud mamma. This child has a very beautiful voice!
The girl is amazing. Now for her coach: I would pay her to just sit in my home and smile. That is the most amazing smile I’ve ever seen. Her smile could like up all of Yankee Stadium. The woman radiates an almost unearthly aura of warmth and love.
She has the best smile ever
She is absolutely stunning!
Totally! She's stunning!
The highest compliment a singer could ever receive is tears of joy while someone listens to us sing,.
Agree 100%
Definitely true
I wish all children had someone telling them those sweet words
The world would be a better place, wouldn't it?
Allyson it really really would.
this woman has so much pride and love for everyone it’s amazing if a warm loving hug was a person it would be her ❤️
Wow amazing 🥰 ❤️I wish to sing like you bb girl 🙏
This girl is a real brilliant talent. She knows how to touch a soul even still being so young. God bless you, honey.
God bless you too. Thank you! :) #TeamLiamani
É de emocionar
Mauro Teixeira da Cunha exactly!
The little girl saying her "Oh, don't cry" is just the cutest thing 😭 Anyway, this little girl is SOOO talented!
Gosh, I never had so many likes on a comment... Thank you everyone!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I love Ms. Cheryl so much!
Hugs to you and Welcome to #TeamLiamani!♡♡ God bless you! ♡
@@LiamaniSings Oh, thank you so much darling! I'm so honoured to receive your answer. I know, Cheryl is an awesome coach. But you are amazing too!
Thank you, and merry Christmas to you and your family!
Superwomen is emotional, talented, supporting, apsolutely, stunning, QUEEN
Indeed she is a QUEEN! #TEAMLIAMANI
Omg ♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭♥️😭💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏😭😭😭😭 Wow… just wow…. Ms. Porter, you are a GIFT FROM ABOVE. A true gift. God bless you, you incredible human being!!!!!!
Cheryl should be a The Voice Coach even just for once. Who’s with me?
She should be❤
Agree but her way not their way
Look out world because here she comes Simon Cowell you need to sign her!!! Beautiful song who sings that or was that original
This vocal coach is one of the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life
That little girl is perfect
Yes she’s gorgeous
Agreed! So very beautiful!
Tears of pride,love,such beautiful people.Id be a happy camper too.Heck of a voice.She is a very beautiful lady yes,very beautiful.
Imagine not knowing how an angel sings until you hear her pure heart warming
❤️❤️❤️ Yes she has the voice of an angel 😇
Now I know there is really angels . Thank you for this. I cried too.Never heard anything so beautiful.
Oh my goodness YESS! WHAT A PERFECT way to describe her and her gift from God.....
Ms Porter you are a voice whisper! How beautiful! From a single light of your spirit you are lighting up the sky with all your little star lights..Thsnk you
I can see it in her eyes she was saying THATS my girl and taught her well 🥺🥰
Que voz encantadora
I love how she looks at the kid like it's her own child i i was a parent i would trust her with my kid.
Relate. Cz I even don't trust my kiddos with everyone, but Cheryl would be my exception. 😭🤧
Lol yas queen
@@barbiessimphony She just seems like she’d protect anyone with her own life.
Literally thought it may have been her mom.
Liamani: sings with perfect vibrato
Me at that age: shaking my head to let my vibrato out
Divyn Nikka thats so true
i have to say i did this too haha
Me sitting here with my mouth WIDE OPEN listening to how beautiful her voice is!!! And she is so cute!!!!
Her teacher is so proud of her. I felt that.
Me tooooo👍👋🤗
The little girl is talented.The coach is just amazing, She's a rare nature.her smiles are contagious. The way she look at that little singer with all the love in her heart and soul made her more beautiful than she's already.
I need someone who will hug me like Cheryl hugs this girl
🤗... 💓💗💖💝
Come on i hug u
Blessings to you and remember God always has a big hug for you and So Do I 🤗🤗🤗🤗❤🙏
Cheryl radiates love! She brings out the best in her students. This little girl sang with such depth and has fantastic vocal control.
How does someone so young put a lifetime of emotions into a song? She is amazing
She makes me cry too 😍 so Amazing voice, she's so cute 🤩🤩
Yes she has the most amazing voice
She’s an old soul!
Look at how that little girl moves when she sings. Her coach didn't teach her how to sing she taught her how to feel what she's singing. That's why she's crying.That's a real coach. God bless❤️
God bless you too! Thank you!♡♡ #TeamLiamani
@@umm8446 lol I guess that comment did seem ignorant for the reason you put forth. However I think what she meant, if I'm not mistaken, is that the coach has taught her much MORE than voice usage and voice control; she has imparted in her student the ability to connect emotionally with the music (in addition to having taught how to physically use the voice). And a singer probably cant make the most of her voice unless she goes above and beyond, "feeling" the music and connecting with it emotionally as this singer here appears to be doing.
Silverbush B how much time do u have on your hands?
I love how she goes from hugging her to singing beautifully in like two seconds. Shes going places, I’m telling you
Thank you! ♡♡♡
Liamani Sings you are one of the best singers I’ve ever heard and your so young, you are easily better than some of the older singers I’ve heard. God bless you. You could easily get a record deal or something
Thank you so much!♡♡ #TeamLiamani
I know I'm gonna try that song on y yt channel check it out
I know your right
Liamani Sings your welcome :3
@@LiamaniSings QUISIERA CANTAR COMO TU? eres una persona extraordinaria
When she hugged her at the end and was shaking her head with tears in her eyes and whispered “You’re so incredible. You’re so special.” I went 🥺🥺🥺
Awe.. That hugs was so special to me! Thank you for watching!♡♡♡ #TeamLiamani
I just felt the same thing... Seven times in a row. What a sweet coach, what an incredible singer. This video will make me cry a several times... !
When she gets really famous just remember we were here with her sense she was 10 years old.
ionlystantalen 1 *since. And will you be wanting a medal, or...?
Army 🌚✌
Your tears of pride in your students a well earned Miss Cheryl. I have never seen a Music Coach so dedicated and passionate as you. I love you Miss Cheryl, I wish I had you as my Coach when I was a child.
We need more teachers like her, nothing will then stop us from excelling
And money to appreciate teachers like her
What is stopping you from excelling now? Be your own inspiration.
Not only is this coach absolutely gorgeous but the young girl is an amazing singer too. keep it up.
Love to get it to work out to see you go to sleep but I'm sorry to see you go back to work I have been trying. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
É ele ou ela eu estou confusa
For a youngster she has the voice of an angel she sings so effortlessly and has amazing breath control just wow wow wow!!!!
Thank you so much! Hugs!♡♡♡
the love of that girl can be feel it through the mobile, so i can image the impact in person. The coach is just a great and big soul, so i can see her sensibility in front of such love made into a shape girl format :)
God in heaven PLEASE protect that baby.
@@ddlump1336 good lord can’t we enjoy the talent without bringing race into it!!!!
@@ddlump1336 Just imagine a white person saying this about white babies, lol.
You'd throw the racist card, right?
Pathetic hypocrites.
My question is “why are you offended by a comment about God protecting all the black babies?”
The coach is such a beautiful looking lady and her soul just radiates love.
Well said
She truly is!!! Her beauty & energy radiates even through a screen - my goodness imagine being in her presence. She has an anointing - truly!
Truth. Emanates beauty.
@corny cat stfu
@corny cats lucky shoutouts What are you doing here, you 5 year old🙄🙄🙄
I think Cheryl is an angel put on this earth...disguised as a vocal coach 😂
I love her so much!♡♡ Thank you for watching!♡♡ #TeamLiamani
I agree. Her passion is inspires me.
I agree. I need a teacher like her❤️
@@LiamaniSings .
She looks like me but I don’t wear glasses.
I get a welling up inside of me and cry when I hear someone with a beautiful voice… and so young… wow!!
My 28 year old self:
When I grow up, I wanna sing just like her.
Rubi Romero awww 🥰 😹😹😹😹💕
STILL sing ❤️
😂😂 Me too
The fact that she started crying means she has a big heart and loves her students ❤️
I want to be friend with her or have her as an aunt!
me too 😍
Arianna Anthony SAME
Same, she is so sweet.