Any possibility of visiting the same places around Christmas time? Ie. - Christmas Markets. I am planning a driving trip in Europe to see Christmas markets after 2 disappointing River cruises that ended up being expensive bus tours because of water levels on the rivers. I bet these places would be enchanting at Christmas time.
Those villages are the perfect Christmas gateway and have some of the best Christmas markets in Europe! I recommend to start looking for places to stay as Alsace is one of the most popular places in France to travel during the Christmas season.
I’m 1/2 alsacien myself! It’s definitely a common name ending “ mann” , it means ‘man’ in German. I don’t know what means Hart in German , you should look it up!😉
@ I know it is French NOW! It is as much French as sauerkraut is. I spoke about German people WHO built it. Technically today part of France, Alsace historically spent long periods under German rule and is seen as a culturally German. Strasbourg (or, indeed, Straßburg) was, in fact, German for much of its history. People in Alsace changed nationality at lease 5 times - without ever being asked.
@ Strasburg - the capital of Alsace - as the name tells you - was originally German. Its origin (founded by the Romans in the province “Germania Superior”), most of the architecture, and many dishes - are typical German. Strasburg was Celtic, then Roman and from 600 it became German for 1000 years - until the 1630s then French until 1840 and regained in 1918 and 1945.
Still in bed 😉 We like to get up and see as much as we can as early as possible before the crowds arrive. Usually our rule is to go see everything before 10:30..... Anything before that is not busy, as soon as 10:30 comes around everyone always shows up. A chunk of this was filmed at 7 AM
hell know how the Stratholme can be such a beautiful place today, but yestoday been masscred by the force which leaded by prince arthas. and a good place to go of whom once the fun of warcraft.🥃
Большое спасибо! Фильм замечательный!!!
большое спасибо!🤙😃
Realmente parecen sacados de un cuento de hadas. Me encantan las casas y que no pierdan la estructura original.
Un saludo desde España. 🫂🇪🇦
Gracias por mirar la vídeo ! Estoy feliz que te encantan los pueblos! Saludo de Francia 🫂🇫🇷
Zo mooi die oude dorpen, ik hou van die middeleeuwse sfeer 🙏🥲💞
Excellent footage of some magical places!
Thanks for your kind words
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good art village
Absolutley. Its a fantastically artistic area of France
Any possibility of visiting the same places around Christmas time? Ie. - Christmas Markets. I am planning a driving trip in Europe to see Christmas markets after 2 disappointing River cruises that ended up being expensive bus tours because of water levels on the rivers. I bet these places would be enchanting at Christmas time.
Those villages are the perfect Christmas gateway and have some of the best Christmas markets in Europe! I recommend to start looking for places to stay as Alsace is one of the most popular places in France to travel during the Christmas season.
Nice.. what month did you visit alsace?
Last week of June 2023! It was perfect weather!😊
I'm 1/4 Alsacian, wish I knew more about that side of my the family, but the family name was Hartmann.
I’m 1/2 alsacien myself! It’s definitely a common name ending “ mann” , it means ‘man’ in German. I don’t know what means Hart in German , you should look it up!😉
Where is Princess Belle at
🤩😍🥰😘❤❤❤❤💯💯💯💯 К Р А С О Т А !!!!!!!!
Those German people who built it certainly loved the colors. Just as much as their sauerkraut.
BAHAHAHAHA they certainly did
it is french!!!!!!!!
@ I know it is French NOW! It is as much French as sauerkraut is.
I spoke about German people WHO built it.
Technically today part of France, Alsace historically spent long periods under German rule and is seen as a culturally German.
Strasbourg (or, indeed, Straßburg) was, in fact, German for much of its history.
People in Alsace changed nationality at lease 5 times - without ever being asked.
You probably do not come from Europe or you skipped part of your history education, right?
@ Strasburg - the capital of Alsace - as the name tells you - was originally German.
Its origin (founded by the Romans in the province “Germania Superior”), most of the architecture, and many dishes - are typical German.
Strasburg was Celtic, then Roman and from 600 it became German for 1000 years - until the 1630s then French until 1840 and regained in 1918 and 1945.
Where are the people ?
Still in bed 😉 We like to get up and see as much as we can as early as possible before the crowds arrive. Usually our rule is to go see everything before 10:30..... Anything before that is not busy, as soon as 10:30 comes around everyone always shows up. A chunk of this was filmed at 7 AM
Saya mau tinggal di Elsace
Музыка очень громкая, мешает👂
배경음악 없으면 좋을거같아요
Thank you for the feedback!☺️👍
hell know how the Stratholme can be such a beautiful place today, but yestoday been masscred by the force which leaded by prince arthas. and a good place to go of whom once the fun of warcraft.🥃
No residents?.
Early bird specieal. We fimed a chunk of these early in the morning just after sunrise
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God Bless You All
This was an interesting video until you decided to concentrate on the woman's backside.
Appreciate the feedback