I wish john noticed that the employee of the month monster can only be seen in your peripheral vision until it starts hunting you. Really loved that little feature of them personally
Technically all characters ever made are 'copyrighted' because "copyrighting" as a verb isn't actually a thing. The moment something is created it is instantly and automatically protected by copyright law. Despite common misconception there's no process one has to go through to 'copyright' their creation.
Seriously I’d love to see John do a horror game houses/apartments tier list, just casually roasting all the weird layouts and bad decorations and disproportionate furniture and everything. That’d be so fun.
Oh... I played the first game a while back and there is MUCH more of it. As in you only played 1/2 of the game. 😮 I think I looped 3-4 times, and even got to see a really cool ending with a cool "dev room". I wonder if they released a new version since then with half of it cut out, or if you simply got a "game over" and didn't know there was more to it.
Okay, I actually kinda really dug that first game. The super wacky beginning taking a sharp turn into "wait there's something in here with me" was awesome
"By the way, this game (the Chucky one) is not made by the same people who made the Ghostface, Leatherface, Michael Myers games using the DBD models." Yeah, of course no, those guys are patiently waiting on Chucky to be put on DBD so they can rip off THAT model before they can make HIS game.
The first game was so funny with the jazz and the “woo” for anytime the worker did a task. That guy was asking way too many questions, and then was such a perv! I guess it’s good you picked SFW, since you’re working. I assume that’s why she wears underwear in the shower. Girl, if you don’t grab the blanket and use it to handle the heat of the door! Or if it was blocked, go to the bathroom and use the water. This guy is so gross! Completely agree with you John on how to handle this, but in typical horror-protag fashion, she kinda loves making the worst decisions. Interesting how he kidnaps you and brings you to a different location. Chucky game was a fun mess.
I'm kinda new to the whole TH-cam..watching videos of let's play I always thought it kinda boring to just sit and watch other people play games but my teenage son got me into it by showing me some good videos of you and a few other youtubers that are really funny . I am now hooked on horror let's play videos lol and I thoroughly enjoy watching your resident evil playthrough and more and I laugh everytime u call something in the game an idiot lol u do that alot lol!
So the first game had a little more to it, I'm not entirely sure how to get around the hard reset that you encountered, but it basically makes you go through the whole list of tasks again while avoiding that giant monster. Typically the game will send you to pocket dimensions after being caught that you have to find your way through to get back to the store and continue the tasks. While there was a little bit left to see in the game, you didn't miss much!
That motel manager in Deadly Night’s sassy head turn at 18:23 got me 😂 that weirdo lol. I definitely hope you’ll be playing the full game when/if it comes out.
John, is there ever a chance you'll revisit old bad games you played? Like how you did with the "Still Scary" series? I was reminded of Consternation because of Chucky.
There's a lot of old bad horror games he did i would pay gold to watch him play again ahahah That one game where the guy planned to kill his friend with the file on his computer is still gold
@@TailsIsDisappointed i would like for him to do like a top 5 list of the worst games he's played ever Doubt he would do it because it's way too much research and replay for one video (also why would he torture himself again ahah) Oh well, would like still scary to come back
The re is a whole lot more to employee of the month that you missed. It's got a lot more depth. You might want to revisit and replay it. It took a good half hour or so to figure out what was there.
Deadly Night seems like the perfect _setup_ for a horror movie/game. Like, all the stuff with the motel owner's been established (glad we saw SFW mode tbh), the protag has to wake up at noon for whatever, and then Mr Scythes McGee hooks her and takes her back home. I really hope the full game follows through, because it looks good. Perfect size for a demo, imo.
Hey John, there’s a relatively new game called Cooking Companions that needs its own video! It’s really interesting, one of the only games i’ve seen with an unreliable narrator and genuinely scary imagery that made me exit full screen :)
So far my favorite part of the third game is just how *SHINY* everything is, for no good reason at all. Someone just learned how reflections worked and went crazy with it.
the first game alone took me tf out, everything about it is hilarious I'd love for you to play it some more. The frog-throated Professor X boss that disappears in the parking lot, the robot (?) in the parking lot, the fact that it's your first shift lmaooo
@@AnonymousBuddha the blood splatter PNG, the awful bright blue "Chucky" in a disgusting typeface, none of the typefaces match, every text is styled differently, I could keep going.
:D The Chucky one was exactly what I thought it would be! I wish the middle one hadn't been quite so heavy-handed, but if it's going to be a full game at least they can still adjust it. As it stands it looks like it'll just gorge on gross material for shock value, if I'm honest.
I will second John’s recommendation on Grave Encounters the movie. Nothing scares me anymore, I’ve seen it all (I even used to sleep with Paranormal Activity 3 playing just for BG noise lmao) but this series honestly gave me quite a few jumps.
It's the kind of movie that feels like the writers sat down and came up with as many ideas for scares as they could, and are super excited to show them off. Plus the clear spoofing of Ghost Adventures is just a delight.
I genuinely love the "I Hate My Minimum Wage Job" horror trope. Earlier I saw Puppet Combo mention the idea of a "metaverse dystopian consumerism" title based on companies thinking VR shopping is a great idea.
It's always a good day when John uploads a video in this series, especially when the three games are... as mixed a bunch as these. I liked the look of the first two games well enough, but that last game didn't even seem bad in a fun way. It just seemed bad.
I'm glad you noticed the monster right away in Employee of the Month. I watched someone else play and they didn't see him until nearly the end of the game!
"This is a game where you are a minimum-wage employee working for a giant corporation that doesn't care about you" So, basically, every American working-class citizen ever. Also, why does the boss sound like Kermit the Frog?
My serious favorite part for the employee one was the creature design, the creepy long-arm creature only appearing on the cameras at first and the shadow figure, but my ACTUAL favorite part for the employee one was the boss' voice sounding so goofy. The motel one was probably scariest in terms of realistic horror, but I'm with John, whyyyyy would you go confront the scumbag directly?? and then her first response after escaping is to GO BACK and smash the camera (why didn't she do that in the first place??) instead of going to the police after the guy tried to lock her in?? The protag has some serious skewed priorities. And lmao my favorite part of this video was John in disbelief at the proportions/layout of the house in the Chucky one (especially the basement under the basement leading to a big fancy stone cemetery??? WHAT). "Move into an apartment!" lol
Employee of the Month looks like so much fun. As much as John likes to mock the bizarre house layouts, and it is fun to listen to, I absolutely LOVE real-world buildings with buckwild renovations that don't quite add up. It's like an accidental funhouse! Always a treat. (But yeah, unless you're doing a bit, your game should probably have some logic to its environments. Much as I enjoy them.)
Hey John, the first game being played, it's a looping game so the more loops you do the more fucked up as you go. The loop you were about to begin, a monster appears and there are secrets, if you have ever heard of manlybadasshero on TH-cam he did a playthrough and it was really cool, he found a lot of the secrets and the game gets "spookier". Good video man, I'm happy your uploading more afain.
John: "so this game is clearly inspired by [popular horror games that also took place in a convenience store]" Me: "john you clearly don't know what are you getting into lol"
I was literally thinking "John looks like he thinks this game is a joke, I wonder why he bothers finishing," and then John went, "You know, sometimes I wonder why I bother finishing these games," lol.
I had no idea Stay Out of the House was still in development. I watched another streamer play it and it seemed like a completely finished game, as it took him about 3 hours to complete. In fact I might go as far as to say it may be Puppet Combos best game yet. Looking forward to John playing it.
33:57 I fault you, not. I just nearly shat myself when you made me realize she also starred in 7th Heaven. And no... that doll ain't from any Chucky film or series lol
Omg was just thinking on you and how nice that it would be to watch a video of your channel while on a work break. Thank you so much John ❤️. Wishing you the very best of the best, same to Kimmy, family and friends ❤️
When Deadly Night first popped up i did a double take because John’s facecam was blocking the “ht” in “night” so before he said the title i was like “theres no way John is about to say the title of this game”
I definitely recommend watching Chucky. The franchise is awesome and the real charm of the movies is Chucky (Or Charles Lee Ray) himself. Hes very mocking with his victims and doesnt take anything seriously. Theres also a new canon Chucky TV series and it continues from where the last movie stopped. Except for the one robot spin off. This game literally had nothing to do with the movies they just used the character's apperance
i feel like the house in chucky being so weirdly spacious is because the guy just plopped everything down and didnt actually check to see if it looked right or made sense when in first person lmao
"Chucky" might be one of the worst games visually I've ever seen 😂 I appreciate John's critique of interior design in these reviews. Also can we talk about the Lord Farquaad doll on the couch? Who is that 😂
The first scare in the first game was so effective, I was laughing so hard at the noises he was making while kinda still getting all excited over it seeming so much like Night of the Consumers, I was smiling and laughing and the second I seen something on that tv my heart sunk and so did my smile
I dunno how much it would fit with your channel vibe, but gosh I would love to see you critiquing house layouts and decor for a whole video XD Thanks for sharing! :D
Hearing you say Davey, or Davy (my name) made me smile lol. I haven't met another Davy in over 10 years! I'm surprised to see it in a video game even tho it's not spelled the same.
Fairly new to the channel, but I basically binge watched this entire series. Hope there are new videos soon. This is one of my favorite concepts for videos, because it shows you a real sampling of what's out there, and you get interesting feedback on the games.
I hope John plays Employee of the Month again on his own, or watches Kravin or Manly’s videos on it. There’s a lot more to it, and it gets pretty surreal. I love the boss’ voice, the monster you can only see on camera and in your peripheral vision, and the mysterious figure out by the dumpsters that John didn’t get to meet. I’m excited for the full game, I hope John revisits it when it comes out.
I love random horror games. It's my favorite John Wolfe segment. I made the mistake of binge watching his random horror game playlist, that I have no more else to watch. That's why thanks to this.
in the first game the boss is in a wheel chair but his office has stairs???????? love it
Joe swanson vibes
Noticed that too 😂😂
And on top of that he's just a stump.
Lmaooo you’re right
I died at ‘The parents died guarding their lone possession, GARAGE KEY 2.’
Sounds like Crusaider Kings game to me
John's sass was ratcheting up and he was roasting that empty ugly house. Perfect timing!
John was absolutely savage in his criticism of Chucky.. and hilarious!
8:18 “I’m at my fucking limit” this automatically makes the game 10/10
I wish john noticed that the employee of the month monster can only be seen in your peripheral vision until it starts hunting you. Really loved that little feature of them personally
I love how "horror games featuring blatant copyrighted characters" has become a mini series :)
Books movies and more
Do the game makers not get told to take them down, or get sued?
We're talking about 90's/ early 0's slasher icons... n
Idk if the companies care enough
Technically all characters ever made are 'copyrighted' because "copyrighting" as a verb isn't actually a thing.
The moment something is created it is instantly and automatically protected by copyright law. Despite common misconception there's no process one has to go through to 'copyright' their creation.
As someone who has already seen Grave Encounters, I would pay to watch John react to horror movies.
It would be sass-attack, and I’m already on board.
@Brittany Me too! 😆
I would watch that. Mystery science theater type of thing.
I’ve never heard of it lol now I wanna watch it too! Lols
Love that movie and idea!
Seriously I’d love to see John do a horror game houses/apartments tier list, just casually roasting all the weird layouts and bad decorations and disproportionate furniture and everything. That’d be so fun.
I'll always be impressed with John's horror at bad house interior design.
Oh... I played the first game a while back and there is MUCH more of it. As in you only played 1/2 of the game. 😮 I think I looped 3-4 times, and even got to see a really cool ending with a cool "dev room". I wonder if they released a new version since then with half of it cut out, or if you simply got a "game over" and didn't know there was more to it.
Yeah, it loops several times. It's weird that the game sends you back to the start menu if you die instead of restarting a loop.
Wait, really? I thought this was a demo. That’s all I can find on itchio. (I probably missed something; watching the video too close to bedtime lol)
Okay, I actually kinda really dug that first game. The super wacky beginning taking a sharp turn into "wait there's something in here with me" was awesome
That first game was so strange I can’t help but love it.
the fact the voice acting sounds like John when he’s mocking us is killing me 😭😂😂😂😂
That's definitely an impersonation of someone's real-life terrible boss, and I love it.
"By the way, this game (the Chucky one) is not made by the same people who made the Ghostface, Leatherface, Michael Myers games using the DBD models."
Yeah, of course no, those guys are patiently waiting on Chucky to be put on DBD so they can rip off THAT model before they can make HIS game.
Now it's only a matter of time...
@@MidwesternMortician The prophecy must be fulfilled!!
John saved himself some grief picking SFW mode.
In terms of making it 'YTFriendly'?
@@Roadent1241 the game is something else of NSFW mode lmao.
@@Roadent1241 Watch Markiplier he recently played it in nsfw mode
@@maritofuentes4690 I think I'll avoid that section of the video then, I assume that's #77?
@@Fitzcarin404 I assuming that makes it more 'interesting' for regular people into that sort of stuff then XD
You know Chucky had no chance of catching John, all this time playing DBD paid off
The first game was so funny with the jazz and the “woo” for anytime the worker did a task.
That guy was asking way too many questions, and then was such a perv! I guess it’s good you picked SFW, since you’re working. I assume that’s why she wears underwear in the shower. Girl, if you don’t grab the blanket and use it to handle the heat of the door! Or if it was blocked, go to the bathroom and use the water. This guy is so gross! Completely agree with you John on how to handle this, but in typical horror-protag fashion, she kinda loves making the worst decisions. Interesting how he kidnaps you and brings you to a different location.
Chucky game was a fun mess.
I'm kinda new to the whole TH-cam..watching videos of let's play I always thought it kinda boring to just sit and watch other people play games but my teenage son got me into it by showing me some good videos of you and a few other youtubers that are really funny . I am now hooked on horror let's play videos lol and I thoroughly enjoy watching your resident evil playthrough and more and I laugh everytime u call something in the game an idiot lol u do that alot lol!
very wholesome I must say
This may sound odd but I really appreciate the way you present your sponsors. Great video, John!
i like that all the sponsors he does accept are ones that you would believe he actually enjoys too
@@cereyza exactly!
This first guy sounds like he's doing Teddy from Bob's Burgers. It's an... interesting creative choice.
I got more of a Sesame Street Ernie vibe
Or a deep voiced Kermit.
Personally, I thought of Brian Posehn.
The sitcom music confirmation noise is so soothing lol
So the first game had a little more to it, I'm not entirely sure how to get around the hard reset that you encountered, but it basically makes you go through the whole list of tasks again while avoiding that giant monster. Typically the game will send you to pocket dimensions after being caught that you have to find your way through to get back to the store and continue the tasks. While there was a little bit left to see in the game, you didn't miss much!
John: *leaves all lights on*
Also John: Did you sleep with the lights on? Weird...
Also: doesn’t wear the same clothes after a shower.
That motel manager in Deadly Night’s sassy head turn at 18:23 got me 😂 that weirdo lol. I definitely hope you’ll be playing the full game when/if it comes out.
Did he turn you on?
@@jameswent48 ..dude
@@jameswent48 wow another creep
John's little "oh!" was so funny as well
Where to play?
John, is there ever a chance you'll revisit old bad games you played? Like how you did with the "Still Scary" series? I was reminded of Consternation because of Chucky.
There's a lot of old bad horror games he did i would pay gold to watch him play again ahahah
That one game where the guy planned to kill his friend with the file on his computer is still gold
@@nopenope4848 That was a funny game, but I was thinking _real_ old games, like back from years back... Stalker, Groundskeeper, Evil, etc.
@@TailsIsDisappointed i would like for him to do like a top 5 list of the worst games he's played ever
Doubt he would do it because it's way too much research and replay for one video (also why would he torture himself again ahah)
Oh well, would like still scary to come back
I love still scary wish he would played stalked again I remember when he played it and oh man that was so long ago.
I'm still waiting for him to replay imscared
"What?! I'm not reading that!!" 🤣John: Always a man of class.
That first game has a lot of charm to it.
Interior Decorator Critiquer, John Wolfe, is definitely a personal favorite of mine.
I love that "Objective Complete" music in the first game, lol.
That doll in the Chuckie game on the couch looks like Lord Farquaad.
My first thought, too!
The re is a whole lot more to employee of the month that you missed. It's got a lot more depth. You might want to revisit and replay it. It took a good half hour or so to figure out what was there.
Could you elaborate or recommend a video for the extra info? I’m curious ^_^
@@AnonymousBuddha same here
@@AnonymousBuddha The MrKravin video explores it a bit more but it doesn't do everything I don't think.
There’s also ManlyBadassHeros version as well for like a detailed play through
Deadly Night seems like the perfect _setup_ for a horror movie/game. Like, all the stuff with the motel owner's been established (glad we saw SFW mode tbh), the protag has to wake up at noon for whatever, and then Mr Scythes McGee hooks her and takes her back home. I really hope the full game follows through, because it looks good. Perfect size for a demo, imo.
Grave Encounters is one of my favorites! It's definitely cheesy but I love it, and found footage has a special place in my heart.
Hey John, there’s a relatively new game called Cooking Companions that needs its own video! It’s really interesting, one of the only games i’ve seen with an unreliable narrator and genuinely scary imagery that made me exit full screen :)
That game is very novella like though, with little to no actual gameplay. Not sure if John would enjoy that
@@大銀河帝国の皇帝 i thought about that, but if he wants a chill stream sometime it would be nice to check it out :)
If I remember correctly there was someone manly who played it. He was a badass hero I’m pretty sure.
@@justine487 manly and superhorrorbro both played
@@大銀河帝国の皇帝 I mean, John played Doki Doki which is the same type of game.
So far my favorite part of the third game is just how *SHINY* everything is, for no good reason at all. Someone just learned how reflections worked and went crazy with it.
my first thought too lmao, like why is your house Wet
the first game alone took me tf out, everything about it is hilarious I'd love for you to play it some more. The frog-throated Professor X boss that disappears in the parking lot, the robot (?) in the parking lot, the fact that it's your first shift lmaooo
30:06 This has got to be one of the WORST game menu screens that I’ve seen 😂
Any particular reason why? I’m just curious lol
@@AnonymousBuddha the blood splatter PNG, the awful bright blue "Chucky" in a disgusting typeface, none of the typefaces match, every text is styled differently, I could keep going.
:D The Chucky one was exactly what I thought it would be! I wish the middle one hadn't been quite so heavy-handed, but if it's going to be a full game at least they can still adjust it. As it stands it looks like it'll just gorge on gross material for shock value, if I'm honest.
I love Grave Encounters, I love John and I love Random Horror Games.
@hfgfdfg tfyfffg hard agree on the metal also. your English is great, don't worry :)
I will second John’s recommendation on Grave Encounters the movie. Nothing scares me anymore, I’ve seen it all (I even used to sleep with Paranormal Activity 3 playing just for BG noise lmao) but this series honestly gave me quite a few jumps.
It's the kind of movie that feels like the writers sat down and came up with as many ideas for scares as they could, and are super excited to show them off. Plus the clear spoofing of Ghost Adventures is just a delight.
that is the strangest BG noise preference I've heard lol
I thought it said “ft. Chunky” and I immediately thought of a thiccc Chucky.
So happy to be watching this instead of sleeping before moving house 256 miles in the morning at 7... well worth the sleep deprivation!!!!
Good luck, it can be tiring and stressful but it always works out in the end
You got this hun! Try to get some rest though, you’ll need it!
Get as rest as you can and remember to hydrate at least!!
Thanks guys! We have officially moved now and managed to fight through the stress! Now to unpack! But all in good time! Thanks for the well wishes 🥰🥰
@@singingmyhopesaway6632 Glad it went well!
Nice John. Excited to watch this one! 🙏
PS I personally enjoyed working for Kermit in Employee of the Month lol
25:42 HAD ME HOLLERINGGG I LOVE SEEING JOHN CRINGING LMAOO. This whole game was worth it just for the uncomfortable reactions
That first game was… Something alright. I liked it, strangely 😂
The way he said it, It sounded very much like Davey left the ice cube he slipped on pinned to one of the shelves in the warehouse!
The threatening red dialogue choices of the second game lol
I genuinely love the "I Hate My Minimum Wage Job" horror trope. Earlier I saw Puppet Combo mention the idea of a "metaverse dystopian consumerism" title based on companies thinking VR shopping is a great idea.
I was worried they would be full of poorly used flipped assets, half-assed scares, and/or illegal IP use.
Was I wrong? Yesn't.
It's always a good day when John uploads a video in this series, especially when the three games are... as mixed a bunch as these. I liked the look of the first two games well enough, but that last game didn't even seem bad in a fun way. It just seemed bad.
"Gotta complete em. Gotta..." you can see the pain in his eyes 45:35
I'm glad you noticed the monster right away in Employee of the Month. I watched someone else play and they didn't see him until nearly the end of the game!
Ooh man i laughed hard at the "I'm not reading that!!" @25:39 XD
"could you take the late shift?" - "im not taking orders from a friggin muppet!" is what he should have answered ^^
Boss: Are you playing a video game at work?!?
Employee: It's ok! It's SFW mode.
"This is a game where you are a minimum-wage employee working for a giant corporation that doesn't care about you"
So, basically, every American working-class citizen ever. Also, why does the boss sound like Kermit the Frog?
My serious favorite part for the employee one was the creature design, the creepy long-arm creature only appearing on the cameras at first and the shadow figure, but my ACTUAL favorite part for the employee one was the boss' voice sounding so goofy.
The motel one was probably scariest in terms of realistic horror, but I'm with John, whyyyyy would you go confront the scumbag directly?? and then her first response after escaping is to GO BACK and smash the camera (why didn't she do that in the first place??) instead of going to the police after the guy tried to lock her in?? The protag has some serious skewed priorities.
And lmao my favorite part of this video was John in disbelief at the proportions/layout of the house in the Chucky one (especially the basement under the basement leading to a big fancy stone cemetery??? WHAT). "Move into an apartment!" lol
The music that plays when you complete a task sounds like music that would play during a scene change in a sitcom 😂
Yep, like the Mind Your Language sitcom
Employee of the Month looks like so much fun.
As much as John likes to mock the bizarre house layouts, and it is fun to listen to, I absolutely LOVE real-world buildings with buckwild renovations that don't quite add up. It's like an accidental funhouse! Always a treat. (But yeah, unless you're doing a bit, your game should probably have some logic to its environments. Much as I enjoy them.)
protagonist got themselves a cybertruck in the first game.
Hey John, the first game being played, it's a looping game so the more loops you do the more fucked up as you go. The loop you were about to begin, a monster appears and there are secrets, if you have ever heard of manlybadasshero on TH-cam he did a playthrough and it was really cool, he found a lot of the secrets and the game gets "spookier". Good video man, I'm happy your uploading more afain.
25:45 John's reaction makes this even more funny XD
John: "so this game is clearly inspired by [popular horror games that also took place in a convenience store]"
Me: "john you clearly don't know what are you getting into lol"
Im gonna be honest John your one of the real ones fam.. keep up the great content.
Found footage horror is also not my type, but i appreciate that suggestion, thanks
33:57 Tbh I thought that was Lord Farquad from Shrek
I was literally thinking "John looks like he thinks this game is a joke, I wonder why he bothers finishing," and then John went, "You know, sometimes I wonder why I bother finishing these games," lol.
I had no idea Stay Out of the House was still in development. I watched another streamer play it and it seemed like a completely finished game, as it took him about 3 hours to complete. In fact I might go as far as to say it may be Puppet Combos best game yet. Looking forward to John playing it.
45:24 John discovers the sunk cost fallacy.
John, I would like to thank you for actually making an honest effort in completing the games you play. You’re a man who knows how to deliver quality.
"they were nudists!" had me ROLLING
I fault you, not. I just nearly shat myself when you made me realize she also starred in 7th Heaven.
And no... that doll ain't from any Chucky film or series lol
Omg was just thinking on you and how nice that it would be to watch a video of your channel while on a work break. Thank you so much John ❤️. Wishing you the very best of the best, same to Kimmy, family and friends ❤️
Chuckys been vibing recently with that actually decent tv series
I really like it
When Deadly Night first popped up i did a double take because John’s facecam was blocking the “ht” in “night” so before he said the title i was like “theres no way John is about to say the title of this game”
08:17 - that must be the best sign ever, I saw this game before on Manly's channel and I laughed just as hard now
Glad to hear stay out the house is still on the cards I can’t wait for the full play through
I definitely recommend watching Chucky. The franchise is awesome and the real charm of the movies is Chucky (Or Charles Lee Ray) himself. Hes very mocking with his victims and doesnt take anything seriously. Theres also a new canon Chucky TV series and it continues from where the last movie stopped. Except for the one robot spin off. This game literally had nothing to do with the movies they just used the character's apperance
Coming back to a John Wolfe video always feels like a warm welcome from an old friend haha
i feel like the house in chucky being so weirdly spacious is because the guy just plopped everything down and didnt actually check to see if it looked right or made sense when in first person lmao
The whole bit about the parents in the third game had me crying
I kinda feel like puppet combo is slowly becoming a genre and I'm not even complaining.
"Chucky" might be one of the worst games visually I've ever seen 😂 I appreciate John's critique of interior design in these reviews.
Also can we talk about the Lord Farquaad doll on the couch? Who is that 😂
2:30... John with his Baraka voice impression. 😂😭
The first scare in the first game was so effective, I was laughing so hard at the noises he was making while kinda still getting all excited over it seeming so much like Night of the Consumers, I was smiling and laughing and the second I seen something on that tv my heart sunk and so did my smile
John's comments on the third game really makes my day especially the part he saw the dead parents
How dare you give us a smug look in the thumbnail.
The first game was very funny and interesting I might rewatch this again
Grave encounters is so good! The second is good too
I dunno how much it would fit with your channel vibe, but gosh I would love to see you critiquing house layouts and decor for a whole video XD
Thanks for sharing! :D
That voice for that boss in that first game is perfect. I swear my old boss at Subway talked exactly like that.
We all appreciate your sassiness, John 👍🏻👍🏻
LOL "oh gross I'm not reading that!" 😂
Thank you for playing these bad horror games so we don't have to! Appreciate you completing even the most awful ones 😆
The first game's boss is a riot. Bob the Oblongs with Teddy from Bob's Burger's voice.
John went into interior decorating at Game 3. I can just imagine him just touring a home and being absolutely apalled. Someone, please animate him 🤣
Hearing you say Davey, or Davy (my name) made me smile lol. I haven't met another Davy in over 10 years! I'm surprised to see it in a video game even tho it's not spelled the same.
Fairly new to the channel, but I basically binge watched this entire series. Hope there are new videos soon. This is one of my favorite concepts for videos, because it shows you a real sampling of what's out there, and you get interesting feedback on the games.
literally loved john criticizing the house on the last part. love it!
I hope John plays Employee of the Month again on his own, or watches Kravin or Manly’s videos on it. There’s a lot more to it, and it gets pretty surreal. I love the boss’ voice, the monster you can only see on camera and in your peripheral vision, and the mysterious figure out by the dumpsters that John didn’t get to meet. I’m excited for the full game, I hope John revisits it when it comes out.
I love random horror games. It's my favorite John Wolfe segment. I made the mistake of binge watching his random horror game playlist, that I have no more else to watch. That's why thanks to this.