0:00 - Why She Had a NDE 4:31 - Near-Death Experience 8:24 - Taught What Really Matters in Life 10:13 - Told To Do 4 Specific Things 12:42 - How Life Changed After NDE 13:34 - How You Already Won the Lottery 15:50 - What Her NDE Taught Her 17:35 - The Delooping Method 18:10 - 3 Steps to Stop Negative Thoughts 20:30 - The Power of Our Thoughts
Hey buddy, third time listener, and I just subscribed. I have a question for you, in 2012 I was in a 12 day coma and all 5 major organs shut down, and I did die and went and explained Heaven, which is the most beautiful amazing place, we could ever believe, while here on earth! so I'm just wondering how I could share my experience with you, anyway sorry so long and God Bless You and Your family! 🙏
Of course I can, I'm just not the best with computers, all I have is my phone, so I really don't want to text it all down, but I'd be gladly to email you and give you my phone number, if you would be willing, and we can talk and I'll tell you the whole experience, is something like that possible? 🙏
@@d.w.935 unfortunately I don’t give out my phone number. You can record it as an audio file and email that to me if that’s easier or upload it to TH-cam and send me the link. If you make the upload “unlisted” or private no one will be able to find it unless you give them the link if you are concerned about privacy.
I have been battling Alcoholism basically since I was 18 now I’m 39.. I’ve been to two rehabs AA meetings you name it. Never could seem to kick it. Something pulled me towards these videos I guess I have been thinking I’m getting close to irreversible damage. Watching loved ones die from this it’s an awful way to go.. but something clicked inside me and I thought I don’t have to die an awful death or be the family drunk.. I can choose to stop and become the person I had thought I would be when I was a child.. also that life’s a gift and we are only here for a minute. Day one sober and never want to go back.
I'm so glad you have come to this awareness. I was a weekend binge drinker and I smoked marijuana 24/7 and I have just achieved 5 years clean and sober. Very best of luck to you in your new lease on life ❤
Hey mate im an alcoholic myself and I have been sober 4 years.. it’s completely life changing. My stepdad is also an alcoholic he looks pregnant from kidney failure and hes yellow from liver disease his skin’s falling off he has alcoholic dementia he wears nappies and is always shitting all over himself because it’s diarrhoea he cant walk if he cuts himself it turns into a huge festering wound he has a bucket on his wheelchair that he vomits black blood into all day long and he has mouth cancer and his tounge is so huge it sticks out his mouth so he can’t swallow or eat so his neck is swollen and full of saliva. He hallucinates all the time and we have just put him in palliative care to let him die . My mum took care of him for 25 years of his diseased life. It was hell for her. That’s the reality of life as a severe alcoholic. You just rot away. I hope 🤞 to god You recover ❤ sending love
A trick that I have learned is that when I catch the negative thoughts or fear-based thoughts, any thoughts that are anxious or born of anger or stress, or whatever, they're all basically fear-based thoughts. I say to myself immediately the moment. I catch it. Thank you for showing me This issue has already been solved .. and I repeat that until I start thinking about something else. It works Instantaneously ..it shifts your energy and it has been very helpful in the manifestation Of positive things in my life..rather than negative..remember that thoughts really do become things
Some people have no escape from negative thoughts. Like people who are in constant physical pain. Or people in third world nations who are starving. Your ideas are for first world people with first world problems. Positive thinking has its limits in the face of real problems.
WOW! Thats amazing and I have to start doing that! I hate old or negative thoughts that constanly bother me everyday! If we can learn how to control and fix those thought changing them to live in the present and focusing on good things we can do for God, ourselves and others!! Maybe you should start a youtube channel helping people to do this. We need encouragement and to not feel alone that we have these thoughts! To know we arent just weird or that something is wrong with us and no one else! Thats so not true! We all have issues and all of us deal with something all the time! Get off the hamster wheel! Hey...that could be the name of the channel...The Hamster Wheel!!
As long as one continues to deny their sinful condition (spiritual depravity) they will never be saved, born again and enter the kingdom of heaven. When does one stop believing the enemy and break free from his power of deception? Acts 26:18 King James Version 18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. (Jesus Christ)
It just irritates me a bit that a lady living in a nice home with beautiful wooden furniture and flowers and birds outside the window should tell people who don’t have any of those things that they need to be grateful for their lives here on earth. I just really feel that so many of us don’t realise how hard life can be for others 😢 i’m almost certain she wouldn’t be giving this message were she in my life.
This person didn't even have a full on NDE, though it's one of the most powerful messages I've ever heard. What really matters is our relationships with people, and to let them know how much they meant to you. That effected me a lot.
I am one who has had a near death experience. Your outlook on life is radically changed afterwards! Death is only a transition to the next plane of existence! I hope and pray the whole world makes the transition to Peace and Love! The time is upon us! Love you all, especially you Shaman Oaks!
When she talks about how she's there physically but she's also observing everything and everyone around her as another POV, gave me chills. I've had lucid dreams exactly like that from time to time since I was a small child. 😮
My TH-cam channel is all about connecting with others and will all of life. I sat with my dog before he died and told him how much he meant to me, how much he taught me about love, how valued he is. He went very peacefully, and I felt I had allowed him to feel safe to be released. We are all one. This is a great message!
You just talked about the very reason why we are here. It is good to hear you talk about it. I’ve heard it many times about “why” we are here. It would be a heavenly human experience if everyone would turn the light on in their heart.
If this is what you took away from the video then great. I only watched a part of it, but I am very happy you are discovering this. There is no mistake in your comment - everyone needs to do that. Is there a job in the universe which is greater than the job of helping God? In worse worlds, your help is not effective because your tools to help are love and forgiveness. In better worlds, your help not needed. This is the place. You signed up to be a first responder for God. Ask God for your best approach.
Learn "What" you are and don't worry about the "who" you are. This alone will take time ( or have an NDE - NOT recommended however ) and your desired shaft will begin, as there is "knowing" but the true understanding that is required is so very rare.
Read your bible; humanity is not good that's why Jesus Christ was sent to die for the forgiveness of sins. No religion needed. Just faith, faith plus nothing. We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but no one a right to make up their own truth. There is only one Truth, his name is Jesus Christ. This world, atheists and the devil (Satan) offer no hope. Jesus Christ is our only hope. Our blessed hope. John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
I have a tough time believing coming here was a choice. I am in excruciating pain every day from an incurable disease. I'm alone. Life has broken me. I am unable to walk anymore. Cannot do much anymore.
Gosh I'm so sorry. Are you in a lot of pain?? I understand feeling alone too. I'm suffering to . Life has broken me too. I would not want to ever come back either. ❤
Like the people who say you came to Earth to learn a lesson! What? Tell that to people with degenerative diseases or Concentration Camp victims. Something very sinister seems to be feeding off this, just saying.
This is going to help me SO much! I was led hear, by no doubt, God as every time I ask a question, it’s like I almost get it instantly. Maybe not instantly bet I’m led to the answer I’ve been asking. I’ve been asking God that I had to get myself out of the looping of fear and terror I’ve have been experiencing immensely lately. I knew and still know that I had to get out of it. I was first led to one NDE and that talked about what I am basically doing , down to the exact freaking activity in my everyday life that is keeping me stuck there. And how important my thoughts are. I had also seen this one when scrolling and so I knew I had to watch this one because of how the title included how important your thoughts are. And she takes about looping. And boy oh boy do I loop, all the time, every day about a few extremely frightening thoughts I can’t get out of. Many gems that feel like they were said just for me! So I’d say my question about how dear God, do I get out of these looping thoughts that will ultimately create that very reality that I do not want at all was answered! I hope that made some sense but these two videos, I think are going to change my life drastically if I stay the course and do the work and most importantly LOVE until my heart explodes! Another thing Im asking God to show me is what it is and most importantly teach me, how I can be my authentic self. Im not sure how else to be anything other than I already am so I guess I feel like im already authentic. we always hear how important that is and how we have forgotten who we really are. I still haven’t been led there yet but for now, here is a very good place for me to start! Much love to you and always remember that you are loved more than you could ever know! ❤
Jesus Christ is real and He loves you and is very interested in your life! We were never promised lives without problems and believe me I know we don't like them either! But, we go through them to grow..to learn and hopefully to become better! Our lives are SO SHORT here...but we should be looking at our future as where we are going when we leave here! Our spirits will be leaving to go to the next place...that place will be determined by how we lived while we were here! There is only 1 way to paradise...that is only through God's Son Jesus! He is the way..He is the One who lights the way there..and when you get there..He will also be the Light so much so there will be no need for a sun there!
I remember being in a toxic narc relationship. He controlled my every move and made me abort my child. Fast forward years later I found a relationship with Yahweh and got married. God sent a dream saying “I am sending my daughter back.” I had no idea every child had so much value and purpose in this life. I hope this encourages you to know that you were the strong one wanting to come down here. You do make a world a better place no matter how loud evil try to run rampant in our streets. Father God saw fit that you were needed in this little world. XoXo
12. I'm dying for friends and love 13. I spend my whole entire life, procrastinating and running away 14. I am in so much emotional pain, it seeps into my bones, and saturates every cell of my being
Wow this lady has enlightened me more in 20 minutes if my life than i have in 46 yrs she is not wrong in any experience we learn how to set our selves free love and respect to all .❤
Thank you so much for the humble and clear way you present the speakers on this channel, Alan. It is so gentle, undistracted and helpful to watch and listen to
Gotta luv it! Express more kindness... Forgive more easily... Unconscious loops are the main one... This is where self awareness will help as step one. Collectivly choose kindness over worry/fear! Thank you, more people are waking up to their true selfs and our natural energy of love ;)
I have just found your channel and am so glad to have shorter videos to watch. I have begun to skip videos that go well over an hour as I don’t have the time or mental energy to invest with these. Thank you for finding these interviewees who share profound life-stories and NDEs in this simple and easy to follow format. The content is superb in life-affirming and inspirational ways. They’re just what I need to lift my spirit and give me hope. Please be careful to not give the videos titles that sound too negative or shocking as I avoid those. I’ve begun to mistrust that type of title and see it as click-bait. I offer this as helpful feedback and advice to separate your videos out from the crowd and to add value to the content.
I believe her story; her insights are genuine because they resonate with my own insights that I achieved in the most stressful situation of my life, which is basically the most important thing is how you treat people.
She's so beautiful! Thank you for your time and for your sharing your story, amazing lady! All the best and many blessings! Plenty of success with your podcast as well, content creator, Shaman Oaks! 🙂P.S. Thank you so much for these absolutely sublime life lessons and advices! They are worth so much! Much respect!
Absolutely blown away your nde testimony made me think about relationships and how I've treated people so think you for your genuine kindness and warmth it touched me
Thoughts are powerful! This is why I'm here! I have learned this a long time ago that your thoughts determine your reality! Not only that but they say who we really are inside! To do a kind deed brings it's own reward. It does not hurt just to be nice to people! Practicing the golden rule is not very hard to do once you start. It can mold you into a better person. God loves all of His creations!
13:35 “There is a line of souls waiting to get here…” This reminds me of the Pixar movie “Soul”. Gives me chills realizing the Truth behind that very spiritual movie. Will watch it again.
Ironically, the retreat delivered what it promised 🤪 There are relationships I got myself into where I know I was dimming my inner light to service the wounded egos of others. Many times. Those people (and myself) are easier to forgive. I chose to abandon myself, and it was probably a lesson I’d constructed to help me to have more integrity. The more difficult resentments are with the people in my life who delivered crippling, incapacitating blows because of their self/ego-centered fear when I’d actually stood with integrity for my own needs and compassion for theirs. Those resentments run sooooo much deeper.
You are very well-articulated and I appreciate you sharing this exceptional interpretation… I could not have said this better myself, there are some resentments that cannot be logically dispensed with… I have only been able to accept them as they must represent the “peak of the curve” of our tolerances; if all challenges were “easy”, we wouldn’t not know our limits… thank you again for your insightful comment🙏
@@michaelgpartridge2384 thank you for the compliment :) and I can say likewise, that's a very helpful interpretation! It reminds me of an anecdote the Dalai Lama gave in How To Practice. I listened to that audiobook over and over and over again about 10-15 years ago, before these worst betrayals happened. The Dalai Lama talks about a tortured Tibetan monk who said his darkest moment was when he was afraid he might lose compassion for the Chinese. Yeah... His leading edge is waaaaaayyyyyy further than mine. But good to practice the stretch goals wherever they may lie. 😅🙏
Sounds like life on earth is similar to the ‘camp’ she also signed up for! I don’t doubt the messages, appreciate them. Life & earth existence is truly hard and some of the people in our lives, cannot meet us where we are or accept the intentions. Just do our best to live honestly and as kindly as possible.
At work every morning I make coffee for people. I have started making "conscious coffee" where I ask the guides and loved ones of every person who will drink that coffee to "bless" it in a way that heals those individuals or gives them what they need for the day. 💖✌️
I appreciate this channel and am happily subscribed. I learned so much from what she shared and taught. I look forward to reading her book and redirecting myself as she recommended! What she learned deeply resonated with me.
Very interesting and inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing. I noticed something very surprising at 21:57 !! I hear a voice whispering, something like "hurry". So strange! ❤❤❤ Thank you again for sharing your story ❤❤❤
I had known her story from watching her share it on a similar channel a few years ago. While I'll admit that her pleasing appearance helped, what really stood out and stands out to me is her brilliant mind, meticulous perception and eloquent way of sharing her experience and insights and learnings accrued since and from her NDE. For slightly different reasons, but very similar circumstances, I, too, took a deep, interdisciplinary dive into all things at the intersection of the physical and 'mental ' / spiritual and in particular what the exact nature of their "hinge" and connection is. My personal take away from all this for now would be something like this: It doesn't necessarily boil down to "mind _over_ matter", but rather "mind _and_ matter", with both being so inextricably intertwined and conjoined that the ultimate nature of both remains an enigma whose true nature can only be experienced, never be fully understood nor analyzed. However, she comes very, very close as far as having analyzed this very nature, at least where I'm concerned and from where I'm typing. Thank you! Would have probably enjoyed seeing her on stage in her performing years. ☺️🙏
Thank you for this excellent video. I really enjoyed listening to Barbara's NDE story, it was so interesting to hear. Her helpful advice of how to overcome negative thoughts, the importance of healing relationships while we're still on earth, and being kind to others very much resonated with me.
Loved your story, beautiful lady! Thank you for sharing the wisdom you learned through ;your NDE. You shine. I learned so much from listening. Namaste, Ella
Thank you for sharing your story. It brought tears to my eyes because I have things I need to take care of as well and I’m not brave enough to do tackle them 😢
This lady made a lot of sense that's the way I try to live my life by being kind,, I'm being good to people when they turn negativity on me I turn it around by talking to them and turn it around and ask for forgiveness if they have a problem with me ❤ kindness and love and forgiveness go hand to hand 💟 God teaches us real love 💗
Beautiful testimony I saw Barbara testimony before it's in my top three Thank you both for sharing ps.I love Barbara's second name ❤️ 😊. I am from Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤️ 😊. God bless and Thank you again
Whenever I catch myself in a negative thought, I immediately ask myself, "Is this helping me or the situation?", then I can often move out of it quickly. Now to work on catching them all. There are so many in a day.
There's a concept that all the events of our lives are recorded in the biomagnetic field that surrounds us. I always find it interesting that when the soul leaves the body, there is a life review. It's as if the soul leaves the body and is now directly interacting with that information stored in the biomagnetic field.
Worried is only praying for everything that you don't want to happen, and because thoughts and words are energy and we are powerful beings that create our own reality with our vibrational frequency, always choose the frequency of your words and thoughts carefully. There are lower vibrational ones and higher vibration ones. And we all have free will❤ all the stuff comes from subconscious programming in childhood because of various traumas and emotional neglect because our parents had no idea how to master their own thoughts or frequency or that they were only supposed to observe their thoughts .. they certainly hadn't done their own inner child healing
Amazing. One thing? We DO have all the love “over there”…. There and here are one and the same ❤. As we believe, as we focus, as we choose thoughts…. We create ❤❤❤
Thank you Barbara, this really spoke to me as I know now that I need to focus on a relationship that has caused me emotional pain for years. I have forgiven but I can do more. 🙏
0:00 - Why She Had a NDE
4:31 - Near-Death Experience
8:24 - Taught What Really Matters in Life
10:13 - Told To Do 4 Specific Things
12:42 - How Life Changed After NDE
13:34 - How You Already Won the Lottery
15:50 - What Her NDE Taught Her
17:35 - The Delooping Method
18:10 - 3 Steps to Stop Negative Thoughts
20:30 - The Power of Our Thoughts
Hey buddy, third time listener, and I just subscribed. I have a question for you, in 2012 I was in a 12 day coma and all 5 major organs shut down, and I did die and went and explained Heaven, which is the most beautiful amazing place, we could ever believe, while here on earth! so I'm just wondering how I could share my experience with you, anyway sorry so long and God Bless You and Your family! 🙏
@@d.w.935 awesome! I would love to hear it! You can email me shamanoaks@gmail.com
Of course I can, I'm just not the best with computers, all I have is my phone, so I really don't want to text it all down, but I'd be gladly to email you and give you my phone number, if you would be willing, and we can talk and I'll tell you the whole experience, is something like that possible? 🙏
@@d.w.935 unfortunately I don’t give out my phone number. You can record it as an audio file and email that to me if that’s easier or upload it to TH-cam and send me the link. If you make the upload “unlisted” or private no one will be able to find it unless you give them the link if you are concerned about privacy.
I have been battling Alcoholism basically since I was 18 now I’m 39.. I’ve been to two rehabs AA meetings you name it. Never could seem to kick it. Something pulled me towards these videos I guess I have been thinking I’m getting close to irreversible damage. Watching loved ones die from this it’s an awful way to go.. but something clicked inside me and I thought I don’t have to die an awful death or be the family drunk.. I can choose to stop and become the person I had thought I would be when I was a child.. also that life’s a gift and we are only here for a minute. Day one sober and never want to go back.
We support you. From our souls to yours: Keep going, you are wonderful!
I'm so glad you have come to this awareness. I was a weekend binge drinker and I smoked marijuana 24/7 and I have just achieved 5 years clean and sober. Very best of luck to you in your new lease on life ❤
Hey mate im an alcoholic myself and I have been sober 4 years.. it’s completely life changing. My stepdad is also an alcoholic he looks pregnant from kidney failure and hes yellow from liver disease his skin’s falling off he has alcoholic dementia he wears nappies and is always shitting all over himself because it’s diarrhoea he cant walk if he cuts himself it turns into a huge festering wound he has a bucket on his wheelchair that he vomits black blood into all day long and he has mouth cancer and his tounge is so huge it sticks out his mouth so he can’t swallow or eat so his neck is swollen and full of saliva. He hallucinates all the time and we have just put him in palliative care to let him die . My mum took care of him for 25 years of his diseased life. It was hell for her. That’s the reality of life as a severe alcoholic. You just rot away.
I hope 🤞 to god You recover ❤ sending love
Sending love and positive light your way
Wow. Keep watching these kinds of videos!!!
“There are a line of souls waiting to come here” gave me chills. Tell those souls to turn around and abort mission 😂 ❤
I agree. Statistically speaking all they’ll know is pain and struggle.
Some of us will refuse to come back so they are welcome to take my spot!
Soul trap 😁
They can take my spot now
A trick that I have learned is that when I catch the negative thoughts or fear-based thoughts, any thoughts that are anxious or born of anger or stress, or whatever, they're all basically fear-based thoughts. I say to myself immediately the moment. I catch it. Thank you for showing me This issue has already been solved .. and I repeat that until I start thinking about something else. It works
Instantaneously ..it shifts your energy and it has been very helpful in the manifestation Of positive things in my life..rather than negative..remember that thoughts really do become things
Some people have no escape from negative thoughts. Like people who are in constant physical pain. Or people in third world nations who are starving. Your ideas are for first world people with first world problems. Positive thinking has its limits in the face of real problems.
@@Ragnar-Lothbrok967 we create our own reality
WOW! Thats amazing and I have to start doing that! I hate old or negative thoughts that constanly bother me everyday! If we can learn how to control and fix those thought changing them to live in the present and focusing on good things we can do for God, ourselves and others!! Maybe you should start a youtube channel helping people to do this. We need encouragement and to not feel alone that we have these thoughts! To know we arent just weird or that something is wrong with us and no one else! Thats so not true! We all have issues and all of us deal with something all the time! Get off the hamster wheel! Hey...that could be the name of the channel...The Hamster Wheel!!
@marilynjack6031 I don't think kids choose to get cancer, or choose to starve.
@@Ragnar-Lothbrok967 We are all responsible, because ALL is chosen. At the deepest levels there is not a thing that is not chosen.
What a beautiful lady. " Row , row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily life is but a dream."
I’ve known of this song for as long as I can remember and never looked at it that way.
As long as one continues to deny their sinful condition (spiritual depravity) they will never be saved, born again and enter the kingdom of heaven. When does one stop believing the enemy and break free from his power of deception?
Acts 26:18
King James Version
18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. (Jesus Christ)
It just irritates me a bit that a lady living in a nice home with beautiful wooden furniture and flowers and birds outside the window should tell people who don’t have any of those things that they need to be grateful for their lives here on earth. I just really feel that so many of us don’t realise how hard life can be for others 😢 i’m almost certain she wouldn’t be giving this message were she in my life.
This person didn't even have a full on NDE, though it's one of the most powerful messages I've ever heard. What really matters is our relationships with people, and to let them know how much they meant to you. That effected me a lot.
I watch these just for the reminder s from heaven. when people have the courage to share these experiences it's helping so many of us.
I am one who has had a near death experience. Your outlook on life is radically changed afterwards! Death is only a transition to the next plane of existence! I hope and pray the whole world makes the transition to Peace and Love! The time is upon us! Love you all, especially you Shaman Oaks!
When she talks about how she's there physically but she's also observing everything and everyone around her as another POV, gave me chills. I've had lucid dreams exactly like that from time to time since I was a small child. 😮
My TH-cam channel is all about connecting with others and will all of life. I sat with my dog before he died and told him how much he meant to me, how much he taught me about love, how valued he is. He went very peacefully, and I felt I had allowed him to feel safe to be released. We are all one. This is a great message!
she is such a radiant, beautiful soul inside and out!
You just talked about the very reason why we are here. It is good to hear you talk about it. I’ve heard it many times about “why” we are here. It would be a heavenly human experience if everyone would turn the light on in their heart.
I want to listen to this over and over. I need to shift from being goal-oriented to people-oriented. ❤
If this is what you took away from the video then great. I only watched a part of it, but I am very happy you are discovering this. There is no mistake in your comment - everyone needs to do that.
Is there a job in the universe which is greater than the job of helping God? In worse worlds, your help is not effective because your tools to help are love and forgiveness. In better worlds, your help not needed. This is the place. You signed up to be a first responder for God. Ask God for your best approach.
Learn "What" you are and don't worry about the "who" you are. This alone will take time ( or have an NDE - NOT recommended however ) and your desired shaft will begin, as there is "knowing" but the true understanding that is required is so very rare.
Love this comment❤
We're on the cusp... I pray that the good of humanity will prevail!!!
Read your bible; humanity is not good that's why Jesus Christ was sent to die for the forgiveness of sins. No religion needed. Just faith, faith plus nothing. We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but no one a right to make up their own truth. There is only one Truth, his name is Jesus Christ.
This world, atheists and the devil (Satan) offer no hope. Jesus Christ is our only hope. Our blessed hope.
John 11:25
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
We will, all civilizations go through this growth and process.
I have a tough time believing coming here was a choice. I am in excruciating pain every day from an incurable disease. I'm alone. Life has broken me. I am unable to walk anymore. Cannot do much anymore.
Gosh I'm so sorry. Are you in a lot of pain?? I understand feeling alone too. I'm suffering to . Life has broken me too. I would not want to ever come back either. ❤
@RecoveryASMR unfortunately yes, pain is very distracting, I try to carry on as best I can.
My prayers 🙏 for you both.
Avoid the Light and Reincarnation Trap.
Like the people who say you came to Earth to learn a lesson! What? Tell that to people with degenerative diseases or Concentration Camp victims. Something very sinister seems to be feeding off this, just saying.
This is going to help me SO much! I was led hear, by no doubt, God as every time I ask a question, it’s like I almost get it instantly. Maybe not instantly bet I’m led to the answer I’ve been asking. I’ve been asking God that I had to get myself out of the looping of fear and terror I’ve have been experiencing immensely lately. I knew and still know that I had to get out of it. I was first led to one NDE and that talked about what I am basically doing , down to the exact freaking activity in my everyday life that is keeping me stuck there. And how important my thoughts are. I had also seen this one when scrolling and so I knew I had to watch this one because of how the title included how important your thoughts are. And she takes about looping. And boy oh boy do I loop, all the time, every day about a few extremely frightening thoughts I can’t get out of. Many gems that feel like they were said just for me! So I’d say my question about how dear God, do I get out of these looping thoughts that will ultimately create that very reality that I do not want at all was answered! I hope that made some sense but these two videos, I think are going to change my life drastically if I stay the course and do the work and most importantly LOVE until my heart explodes! Another thing Im asking God to show me is what it is and most importantly teach me, how I can be my authentic self. Im not sure how else to be anything other than I already am so I guess I feel like im already authentic. we always hear how important that is and how we have forgotten who we really are. I still haven’t been led there yet but for now, here is a very good place for me to start!
Much love to you and always remember that you are loved more than you could ever know! ❤
Jesus Christ is real and He loves you and is very interested in your life! We were never promised lives without problems and believe me I know we don't like them either! But, we go through them to grow..to learn and hopefully to become better! Our lives are SO SHORT here...but we should be looking at our future as where we are going when we leave here! Our spirits will be leaving to go to the next place...that place will be determined by how we lived while we were here! There is only 1 way to paradise...that is only through God's Son Jesus! He is the way..He is the One who lights the way there..and when you get there..He will also be the Light so much so there will be no need for a sun there!
I remember being in a toxic narc relationship. He controlled my every move and made me abort my child. Fast forward years later I found a relationship with Yahweh and got married. God sent a dream saying “I am sending my daughter back.” I had no idea every child had so much value and purpose in this life. I hope this encourages you to know that you were the strong one wanting to come down here. You do make a world a better place no matter how loud evil try to run rampant in our streets. Father God saw fit that you were needed in this little world. XoXo
Wooow. Well said
There was 1 that I aborted because of fear and lies I believed. I know that life was meant to come here. I'll always wonder. 💔
@@Earthalien89 Life is not the body. Know that you harmed no one. That life is here, or will be here. It cannot be harmed.
@scotthiddleston8246 thank you friend 🧡
@@ScottPaiste How much more can I disagree? Life ONLY occurs IF there is a body. Abortion is the opposite of life.
Thank you so much for this video!!! It really spoke to my spirit, and I was moved so deeply!
This NDE is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your love and light!
Beautiful ! Just saw this. I have always believed “relationships” is the only thing that matters here. 💕 Thank you 🙏
I always appreciate your posts Shaman Oaks ❤ thank you for helping us open our minds, souls and hearts.
Thank you, I appreciate that!
YES. I’m glad to
see you still spreading yours and others’ Lights.
12. I'm dying for friends and love
13. I spend my whole entire life, procrastinating and running away
14. I am in so much emotional pain, it seeps into my bones, and saturates every cell of my being
Wow this lady has enlightened me more in 20 minutes if my life than i have in 46 yrs she is not wrong in any experience we learn how to set our selves free love and respect to all .❤
Thank you so much for the humble and clear way you present the speakers on this channel, Alan. It is so gentle, undistracted and helpful to watch and listen to
My pleasure! I’m glad you enjoyed it! 😊
@@ShamanOaks I'll second that... thanks for letting your deserving guests have the floor without interruption.
Gotta luv it! Express more kindness... Forgive more easily... Unconscious loops are the main one... This is where self awareness will help as step one. Collectivly choose kindness over worry/fear! Thank you, more people are waking up to their true selfs and our natural energy of love ;)
Probably one of my favorite NDE commentaries.
Thks Brother Alan & Sister Barbara. ❤
Thank you!
I have just found your channel and am so glad to have shorter videos to watch. I have begun to skip videos that go well over an hour as I don’t have the time or mental energy to invest with these. Thank you for finding these interviewees who share profound life-stories and NDEs in this simple and easy to follow format. The content is superb in life-affirming and inspirational ways. They’re just what I need to lift my spirit and give me hope. Please be careful to not give the videos titles that sound too negative or shocking as I avoid those. I’ve begun to mistrust that type of title and see it as click-bait. I offer this as helpful feedback and advice to separate your videos out from the crowd and to add value to the content.
Wow, what an inspirational story! Thank you for continuing to put these out there! And thanks also for all your healing energy video!
I believe her story; her insights are genuine because they resonate with my own insights that I achieved in the most stressful situation of my life, which is basically the most important thing is how you treat people.
She's so beautiful! Thank you for your time and for your sharing your story, amazing lady! All the best and many blessings! Plenty of success with your podcast as well, content creator, Shaman Oaks! 🙂P.S. Thank you so much for these absolutely sublime life lessons and advices! They are worth so much! Much respect!
Absolutely blown away your nde testimony made me think about relationships and how I've treated people so think you for your genuine kindness and warmth it touched me
Thoughts are powerful! This is why I'm here! I have learned this a long time ago that your thoughts determine your reality! Not only that but they say who we really are inside! To do a kind deed brings it's own reward. It does not hurt just to be nice to people! Practicing the golden rule is not very hard to do once you start. It can mold you into a better person. God loves all of His creations!
What is a golden rule sir
@@jyothisuma2238 Mt. 7 12. Imagine the world where all the people did just this. "Treat others as you would have them treat you".
@@CommonSenseTipsAndTricks thankyou sir
Still an amazing channel after all these years, well done Allan . Barbara is such a wonderful story teller, she is amazing. Thank you both so much !!
I love Shaman Oaks's work on this channel. He has such a great energy to work eith this subject and his guests.
13:35 “There is a line of souls waiting to get here…” This reminds me of the Pixar movie “Soul”. Gives me chills realizing the Truth behind that very spiritual movie. Will watch it again.
What a wonderful woman to listen to…great voice and face! I could hear her talk for hours…
Very different nde. Very helpful with specific instructions. It’s all good but right now I really like this one, she is a positive force
Ironically, the retreat delivered what it promised 🤪 There are relationships I got myself into where I know I was dimming my inner light to service the wounded egos of others. Many times. Those people (and myself) are easier to forgive. I chose to abandon myself, and it was probably a lesson I’d constructed to help me to have more integrity. The more difficult resentments are with the people in my life who delivered crippling, incapacitating blows because of their self/ego-centered fear when I’d actually stood with integrity for my own needs and compassion for theirs. Those resentments run sooooo much deeper.
You are very well-articulated and I appreciate you sharing this exceptional interpretation… I could not have said this better myself, there are some resentments that cannot be logically dispensed with… I have only been able to accept them as they must represent the “peak of the curve” of our tolerances; if all challenges were “easy”, we wouldn’t not know our limits… thank you again for your insightful comment🙏
@@michaelgpartridge2384 thank you for the compliment :) and I can say likewise, that's a very helpful interpretation! It reminds me of an anecdote the Dalai Lama gave in How To Practice. I listened to that audiobook over and over and over again about 10-15 years ago, before these worst betrayals happened. The Dalai Lama talks about a tortured Tibetan monk who said his darkest moment was when he was afraid he might lose compassion for the Chinese. Yeah... His leading edge is waaaaaayyyyyy further than mine. But good to practice the stretch goals wherever they may lie. 😅🙏
I can totally relate. Thank you, that was well said.
Sounds like life on earth is similar to the ‘camp’ she also signed up for! I don’t doubt the messages, appreciate them. Life & earth existence is truly hard and some of the people in our lives, cannot meet us where we are or accept the intentions. Just do our best to live honestly and as kindly as possible.
At work every morning I make coffee for people. I have started making "conscious coffee" where I ask the guides and loved ones of every person who will drink that coffee to "bless" it in a way that heals those individuals or gives them what they need for the day. 💖✌️
I've watched this several times, and Im sure I will again. Really great video and so helpful. Thank you. ❤
Soo needed to hear this today. Thank you Barabara. And thank you to Shaman Oaks for the interview.
I appreciate this channel and am happily subscribed. I learned so much from what she shared and taught. I look forward to reading her book and redirecting myself as she recommended! What she learned deeply resonated with me.
I just love this beautiful soul!!! Thank you soooo much for this !!! 🙏🙏🙏
This is fantastic and right on time. Thank you!
Very interesting and inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing. I noticed something very surprising at 21:57 !! I hear a voice whispering, something like "hurry". So strange! ❤❤❤ Thank you again for sharing your story ❤❤❤
I heard something too! It sounds like a female voice saying “our hands”, as if to add to her list of things we can control.
@@marscott9403 Yes, like if it was part of her list, that is what is suprising me!!
I heard that too!
This was such a gift to listen to. What a high level
If divine consciousness streaming through 🙏🏼
Being alive is the greatest test the spirit will ever take on. That's why souls line up to come here, to prove themselves!
Thank You, Shaman, for your work. It's soul retrieving. ❤
Lets be kind and gentle
. . . which is only understood/appreciated when we experience unkindness/hostility. BOTH are needed in our sphere, for our learning.
Thanks for this interview with Barbara Ireland. Her story is inspiring, and I'm looking forward to reading Barbara's book.
Glad you enjoyed it! 😊
Imagine getting to be here AND winning the actually money lottery, what a lucky person !
You create your luck. ✅💯💥
Love this woman’s -energy her vibe is amazing and she is beautiful 💙❤️❤️🩵💜💚
It’s so nice to get to hear her story again told with more observations and from different perspectives
Magnificent video! Thank you very much for sharing and for your book ❤
I had known her story from watching her share it on a similar channel a few years ago. While I'll admit that her pleasing appearance helped, what really stood out and stands out to me is her brilliant mind, meticulous perception and eloquent way of sharing her experience and insights and learnings accrued since and from her NDE.
For slightly different reasons, but very similar circumstances, I, too, took a deep, interdisciplinary dive into all things at the intersection of the physical and 'mental ' / spiritual and in particular what the exact nature of their "hinge" and connection is. My personal take away from all this for now would be something like this: It doesn't necessarily boil down to "mind _over_ matter", but rather "mind _and_ matter", with both being so inextricably intertwined and conjoined that the ultimate nature of both remains an enigma whose true nature can only be experienced, never be fully understood nor analyzed.
However, she comes very, very close as far as having analyzed this very nature, at least where I'm concerned and from where I'm typing.
Thank you! Would have probably enjoyed seeing her on stage in her performing years. ☺️🙏
Beautiful soul, beautiful lady, truthful eyes and expression. beatully narrated and presented.
Thank you for this excellent video. I really enjoyed listening to Barbara's NDE story, it was so interesting to hear. Her helpful advice of how to overcome negative thoughts, the importance of healing relationships while we're still on earth, and being kind to others very much resonated with me.
Loved your story, beautiful lady! Thank you for sharing the wisdom you learned through ;your NDE. You shine. I learned so much from listening. Namaste, Ella
I just ordered the book! and I agree with you 110%. It is our thoughts.
I love her. She brings so much inspiration to my heart with her message.
I really like her manner of speaking, I think she has a great personality. I hope she does live streams cause she’s fun to listen to.
You hit the mark on the loops that we have in our head.
Dear lord I wlll do it this weekend and I wish hope and pray because it would take me out of the hostel life
Wow, sounds intense. Grow through what you go through. ❤
Love listening to Barbara! Thanks for the interview
Very Beautiful Interview and the Truth she says❤Millions of Thank you❤
Thank you for sharing your story. It brought tears to my eyes because I have things I need to take care of as well and I’m not brave enough to do tackle them 😢
So very inspiring and practically helpful! Thanks for this interview! Getting her book and subscribing to your channel:)
This lady made a lot of sense that's the way I try to live my life by being kind,, I'm being good to people when they turn negativity on me I turn it around by talking to them and turn it around and ask for forgiveness if they have a problem with me ❤ kindness and love and forgiveness go hand to hand 💟 God teaches us real love 💗
Thank you I felt your truth ,I been using your method and did not know it. You have help in my understanding of my life, so thank you again.
Beautiful testimony I saw Barbara testimony before it's in my top three Thank you both for sharing ps.I love Barbara's second name ❤️ 😊. I am from Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤️ 😊. God bless and Thank you again
This information is priceless! Thank you for getting it out to people
Mind is not a place yet is a process. Now she is most certainly right about the "here and Now" statement.
Wow! That was powerful. No doubt.💙
So very similar to my experience!! So beautiful.
Absolutely, one does not have to have a near death experience to get it. It's all about faith.
So beautiful how Jesus & God appear to us even when we aren’t believers. God is so gracious and loving 🥹🙏🏻🤍
Hay we need some new content mr oaks thank you for all your work thus far brother
Whenever I catch myself in a negative thought, I immediately ask myself, "Is this helping me or the situation?", then I can often move out of it quickly. Now to work on catching them all. There are so many in a day.
There's a concept that all the events of our lives are recorded in the biomagnetic field that surrounds us. I always find it interesting that when the soul leaves the body, there is a life review. It's as if the soul leaves the body and is now directly interacting with that information stored in the biomagnetic field.
Worried is only praying for everything that you don't want to happen, and because thoughts and words are energy and we are powerful beings that create our own reality with our vibrational frequency, always choose the frequency of your words and thoughts carefully. There are lower vibrational ones and higher vibration ones. And we all have free will❤ all the stuff comes from subconscious programming in childhood because of various traumas and emotional neglect because our parents had no idea how to master their own thoughts or frequency or that they were only supposed to observe their thoughts
.. they certainly hadn't done their own inner child healing
Wow a truly amazing an beautiful story, thank you for sharing it ♥
Nice she’s on kindle unlimited! 💖 Awesome lady! 🎸
She is so nice.
Amazing message… thanks! 💫🥰🙏🏽 love&light
thank you ,great NDE and great advice
Heaven is standing in an endless line 🙂🙏
I found this really interesting and insightful especially about the importance of how we relate to others, I agree that its the most important thing.
Glad you got something out of it! So much wisdom in some NDEs
That was wonderful Shaman Oaks and Barbara, thank you!
Most people have NDE experiences, also suffer, great depression afterwards, and become extremely suicidal. I relate to those people more!
Wonderful visualization, Alan. Thank you and your guest Soul
Amazing. One thing? We DO have all the love “over there”…. There and here are one and the same ❤.
As we believe, as we focus, as we choose thoughts…. We create ❤❤❤
Thank you Barbara, this really spoke to me as I know now that I need to focus on a relationship that has caused me emotional pain for years. I have forgiven but I can do more. 🙏
You can get to a place of gratitude because things you've experienced have made you who you are.
Love her and her messages! Thank you 💝
When she said we dont have the love that's over there , i cried, and realized, im on the wrong side
very interesting. I love practical advice
So good ❤ Loved her experience and advice
You are such a wonderful man and host ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you! 😊
I agree! He listens/You listen so thoughtfully. It is moving!💕
@@janeomans8146 thank you! 😊