I am 55 years old and carry a revolver, I worked in bad neighborhoods for years, I have only been in one situation where I needed my gun, and only had to show the handle sticking out of my shirt, conversation over. We are not living in a video game, a 5 shot revolver will certainly save your life and remember you must also be willing and capable of using it if you ever need to, focus on that aspect rather than trying to out do everyone with fantasy situations, there is only one, bad guy with gun, good guy with gun.
@Azaziz Donasdogamatastos 1st. rule of self defense...never pull your gun unless you have intentions of using it. But I would not use it on someone that is running away if there has been no harm committed towards me or others.
The ONLY time I have ever had to deploy my firearm, merely seeing the revolver in my hand was enough to suddenly remind an entire gang of young "tough guys" of a previous engagement elsewhere. And considering how quickly they left, it must've been pretty important and/or they were really late. Revolvers for me!
Couldn't agree with your comment more. I once had a bad guy approaching me fast on an intercept course Christmas Eve 10pm on the outskirts of a Walmart parking lot. When the guy got to within a couple of car lengths away, I stopped, lifted my sweatshirt and put my hand on my OWB holstered revolver grip and asked him to stop where he was. He stopped, looked at me and said the stupidest thing I've ever heard. "Man I don't want no trouble". I told him "Then beat on out of here. I'm calling the cops". He literally took off running the way he came. I watched until he left the parking lot. I guess what he meant was he didn't want any trouble from his victim.
I think the 5-shot snubby is capable against a mass shooter. The reason is that the mass shooter has dozens of people to shoot at with his high capacity firearm, as where the _trained_ 5 shot snubby user only has _one_ assailant to take down. Take that to the next level with a 3" .357 mag 5 shot revolver, I think a revolver can be capable, but only in the hands of a person that knows how to use it.
Well said Sam I totally agree. To be honest id say ANY hand gun against an AK47 with multiple 30round mags is very certainly not going to end well for the guy with the handgun. Besides that... my main concern is to get my family out of there . Not risk theyre lives trying to be a hero. Like yankee marshall says.... ITS NOT MY FAULT THESE PEOPLE WERE NOT PREPARED TO PROTECT THEMSELVES.
I agree, hell I believe Massad Ayoob with a 5 shot j frame in .38 spl could take down an active shooter I wouldn't put it passed those trained by our intelligence communities and counter espionage or counter insurgencies to take down someone with a derringer It all comes down to training, training, training
Almost always these mass shooting cowards will turn and run or self destruct at the first sign of resistance .. a revolver stopped 3 AK-wielding terrorists in a church in Africa recently.. one dead terrorist and the other 2 ran .. the answer to mass shootings is aggressive self defense by the public .. at least until police can arrive .. and most of the time police arrive it is all over
I carry a five shot revolver plus a speed strip because it's the most comfortable gun to carry. Better than the 17+1 semi-auto that gets left at home because it's so uncomfortable doing daily activities.
Police and civilians have two different goals in a shooting situation. The cop’s goal is to apprehend the suspect, be that dead or alive. The civilian’s goal is to break contact and get out alive, either by driving the suspect away, putting him down, or providing a means of escape. Two completely different goals. If you fire 5 rounds and are not seeking cover, well, that’s just suicidal.
Is 5 enough? Well, 99% of the time it is. That's good enough for me. A lot of people carry pistols holding 5-7 rounds. Has anybody EVER done a reload in a SD situation?????? I would NOT feel adequately armed against an AR-15 with ANY handgun. That's not a fair question.
5 bullets is sure as shit not enough what if there are multiple attackers? what if you miss? what if they have a proper gun for themselves like a glock carrying 15 rounds?
Just found your video. I carry a snubby, get chided by every fanboy about it. They, like you, bring up various what if stories involving multiple shooters, heavy weapons etc. They live in a fantasy world where their Glock can resolve all issues and take all comers. Not so. If you are out manned or grossly out armed, i.e. rifle vs handgun, your likely dead. Carry what you like, but don't think your poly 9 is magic. And leave us revolver guys alone.
So true !!! Unless you're John Rambo or walker Texas ranger no matter what you carry be it a glock 17 or 637 jframe if multiple attackers come for with AR15 rifles you're probably gonna die even you have a rifle
I couldn't agree more. Ask many of those Glock fans how many shootouts they've been in and unless they are law enforcement, they probably have never used their gun for self defense or to save the day. I think this guy's point was regardless of what you carry, carry extra ammo. That's just what I got from it. I carry a 1971 S&W Mod. 36. I have 2 of them and I usually have one on me and one in the car. Between speedstrips and speedloaders, I have 46 rounds on me. Only 5 are left in my car with the second gun. I have already likely loved half my life and I've never used a gun in self defense ever. Chances aren't likely that I ever will. I carry a revolver because for one, I hate Glocks, two I like to have something that's different from what most others carry and three, because a gun is a gun. I even have a 38 spec Derringer that I'll carry into a place if I really don't want people to know I have a gun. A Derringer can kill someone just as quick as anything else. Those guys that get off jerkin off on their pile of Glocks "what if" to death. A rock could fall out of the sky and hit me in the head and kill me, but I'm not going to stay inside just because it "could" happen. I "could" win the lottery, but I'm not going to plan for what I'll do with the money just in case. I guess it depends on what you do and the places you go or live. Revolvers are cool as can be. They have faithfully served people for 130 years before the autos took over. I don't carry a gun to be a big hero and save the day anyhow. I carry a gun to get myself out of trouble, not to engage in it. With all the what ifs these high capacity guys come up with, we'll you may as well carry an assault rifle, a Shotgun, several handguns, a good knife, tazer, boxes of spare ammo, a few grenades and drive a tank. I mean, you never know, what if you need all that?? At what point does it just get ridiculous and absurd? I literally carry 4 speedstrips, 2 speedloaders and my two Smiths both loaded up. That is a log of firepower that doesn't take up a ton of space. I wonder how many Glock guys have 46 rounds on them? My speedstrips I put 6 rounds in them. I've seen people say they refuse to fill that last spot if they only have a 5 shot. That's ignorant to me. One more bullet will take up no more room than it already is in your pocket and with 4 speedstrips that's almost another full cylinder worth of rounds, just in case. I'm pretty sure I'll never need it, but the only what if that matters to me in the gun community is, what if you need a gun? That's it. Any other "what if" is just over thinking the situation. Am I going to need more than 5 rounds at the grocery store? Probably won't even need the gun period let alone 21 round mags. People watch too many movies, that's the problem Everyone likes to think they're John Wic or Wick or however you spell it. Everyone fantasizes about some crazy Hollywood shootout that isn't likely to happen. Good. I'm glad there are less people who like revolvers. Means we are part of a much smaller group of people. I don't like to be a follower, so I pick the gun I want, not the one everyone else has lol.
@@erictalkington5674 you carry 46 rounds... you fill up your speed loaders... you believe in having plenty of rounds... you prefer to have your 46 round in several groups of 6... by why be so upset and against someone who would rather carry their 46 rounds in 3 groups of 15 and the 46th in the chamber? I have had the misfortune of being robbed at gunpoint... the 1st time was as I was walking into church for service, the second time happened as I was getting out of my car to go into the grocery store. I live in a small city in the midwest with a relatively low crime rate! Because of those two incidents i got my conceal carry permit. In both of those incidents the attacker had a semi-auto pistol... or what you call a poly gun... both happened in broad daylight and in a public parking lot... there were actually plenty of witnesses in both cases. Both seemed to happen in an instant... but in truth, I did not have the situational awareness then that I have now.... back then I would drive by cars in a parking lot and not notice if there were people inside, I just drove down the row os cars looking for a parking space. Today, I pay attention to every car I drive by in the lot and look for people sitting in them. I look in my rear view mirror and do a complete 360 scan before I unlock my doors to get out. I have better situational awareness today because I know that both of my attackers were in plain sight, sitting in a car waiting, but I did not notice them until they were right up on me with a semi-auto pistol.. one put it in my face.. the other jammed it right in my abdominal area right below my lung cavity just at the bottom of my sternum... I will tell you this, that poly gun shoved into my sternum hurt and left quite a bruise... I have better situational awareness today because I now ponder the "what if" that I didn't back then. I own several guns now and spend time at the range and in self-defense classes. I have 3 revolvers that I like.. I also have semi-autos.. and yes, 3 Glock... even a Glock 19 which is what the guy who attacked my in the grocery store lot had... I only know that because he was finally arrested... unfortunately not before he shot a man whiling robbing him at another grocery parking lot.
I believe the most important consideration is how quickly you can get that first shot off. A snubby in the front pocket is easy to grab, pull out and shoot quickly. The first to get a hit usually wins.
You are exactly correct. When the first shot is fired, everyone starts to scatter. The first person to get a hit almost always wins. Step 2 is to break contact as fast as possible. I've carried semi-autos for the last 30 years. I've found myself carrying a revolver more often than not lately.
Will five shots from a snubbie vs guy with an AR give you the warm and fuzzies? No. On the other hand, you'd also be a fool to feel well-heeled with a Glock 19 vs an AR.
In a close quarters situation, sometimes the handgun has an advantage over a semi auto rifle. If cover is available, you do not have to expose as much of your own body when shooting a handgun.
The main question is do you have the cahones to shoot another human being? If you do, you have an advantage over anyone else. Some folks carry expensive, high capacity handguns with extra magazines but will never have the nerve to pull the trigger on a human being. If you have the balls and determination, a 5 shot snubby will be enough for personal protection.
At the same time they had those revolvers, they had shotguns and thompson smg available at the station if they expected big trouble. When Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed, none of those shooting were using revolvers.
@@PODSMPSG1 phh so? are horses better than cars? no there not, old antiquated technology for people who are anti gun libtards, you don't want people with a 15 round mag because guns scare you, you want people with low capacity guns, fuck you libtard, libtard in disguise
In the 1980s the state prison system issued .38 revolvers and pump shotguns to farm officers and the security towers were issued 2 pump shotguns. Only the sallyport tower and communication tower were issued Thompson's submachine guns. Only the communication tower had a semi auto 30.06 with an amount sight.
I carry 2 revolvers plus one speed strip. IMO there is just no way a person is gonna be able to reload a revolver in the middle of a fight unless you can make it to cover. I think the same can be said of clearing a jam on a semi auto.
Not all revolvers accept moon clips or speedloaders. A couple of stripper clips or a magazine loaded with whatever revolver ammo you're carrying would work though.
The fbi learned in miami that even cover won't allow revolver reloads. Even back in the american civil war the cavalry learned to carry multiple pistols, swapping to the next as each one emptied.
@@wizardofahhhs759 some can be converted by a competent gun smith though.... maybe should look for better grips (or speedloader) if speedloader does not fit.
Caliber & shot placement are more important than if it is semi auto or revolver, if you can't get effective hits on target it doesn't matter how many shots you have.
Remember the age-old and proven "rule of threes". Meaning the average defensive gunfight lasts 3 seconds, uses 3 rounds or less, and is at 3 meters. So, yes, a 5 shot revolver should be more than enough to handle most any situation. The key is your own capability and shot placement. If you can't hit the target, then it doesn't matter how many shots you carry. If your gun jams at the first round, it doesn't matter how many rounds are in your magazine. And if you really need more than 5 shots, isn't that what a speed loader is for? Isn't that what practice and training are for?
Yes! Even if you were the one with the AR 15 you still going to lose in a three to one fire fight. Unfortunately you usually encounter groups of three to five bad guys.
I personally think a revolver is enough with a backup gun in your pocket but the main reason I care revolver is it's the only thing I can comfortably carry and have on me all the time
insecurity with your ability is the issue and not potential effectiveness of your weapon. Develop the one shot mentality. That is make every shot count as if you had only one shot. If he has a machine gun and you put the first bullet correctly. You have the better weaponry. Jeff Cooper taught us how to deal with several. Shoot the first two and the rest run unless it is military assault. By all means carry a speed loader for the worst case. but it is all about bullet placement. You are not under gunned. You may have a situational disability. The "many round" mentality is a prescription for collateral damage.
I’m 65 years old and, up until recently, I’ve carried a Glock or Walther. I’m visually impaired and it was becoming more and more difficult to reassemble my lil Glock 43 and I just got to where I wasn’t comfortable carrying it, so I gave it to my daughter and bought a lil S&W 642 with a laser for myself. As a civilian, I don’t feel the need to go around carrying extra magazines as if I were on the frontlines in a combat zone. Many people love to buy all this shit with marketing buzzwords like tactical and duty to feel like they are special forces or a swat team. Pfffff
I lost a family member in a mass shooting, The Jewish Community Center shooting in Overland Park Kansas in April of 2014, since then I carry a Glock 19 with spare magazines and a J frame with a couple speed loaders.
I have carried 6 shot snubbies and I carry 2 speed strips in my back pants pocket as they print like a wallet. In my front (L & R) jacket pockets I carry one speed loader each for a total of two. I carry my Detective Special in a Triple K skeleton holster on my strong side pants belt. So my total is 30 rounds of 158 GR LRN standard old fashioned .38 Special. I don't need the report & flash of +P and I am not freaking out about over penetration. Practice - practice and practice and when you do all that practice some more. That's the key to developing your life saving skills. Nothing less will do. God bless and thanks for the video.
I LOVE the spare tire analogy !! It's Perfect ! Your videos are ALWAYS welcome and we need to see more of them. I appreciate your calm demeanor and level headed thinking very much !
I've only ever pulled my gun once and it was in my own home. Once the guy trying to come through my window saw the barrel pointed at him he left in a hurry. Stopped the crime without firing a shot. Just the presence of a gun can stop a crime is tracks. The trouble comes when the criminal has a gun too. At that point it's shot placement. If there's more then one assailant, well, godspeed.
Excellent video, excellent presentation. My edc is either a Smith and Wesson 442 (5 rds) or a Rock Island Armory m 206 (6 rds) bobbed hammer, snub nose revolvers both. I also carry 2 speed strips. The only time I have ever had to present my firearm, merely looking down the barrel of the .38 Special in my hand suddenly reminded a gang of young hoodlums of a previous engagement elsewhere. Judging by how quickly they left, it must've been a very important appointment, they were very late, and it was quite some distance away. In my (hopefully correct) opinion, if I'm ever in that situation again, my assailant or assailants will probably not be part of an army of ninjas, looking for me specifically, but a terrified drug addict looking for an easy score, and will display the same amount of courage as that other bunch. I'm not a cop; I'm no longer in the Armed Forces. I think a 5 or 6 shot .38 Special is more than adequate to handle the job.
@@hasgunwilltravel6840 Thank you. I appreciate your advice. Mine must be one of the better ones, as I have several thousand rounds through it. it is however a warrantee replacement gun, so apparently their QC was spotty when mine was made 5 years ago. The new ones seem to be much better.
@@hasgunwilltravel6840 Thanks. I must've gotten a good one, as I've never had any problems with it after several hundred rounds fired. This is actually the second one I've bought. The first had a bobbed hammer, and I was at a gun store with a friend, and seeing the one with the conventional hammer, he offered to buy my old one, which let me buy my present one. That first one was a warranty replacement on my original m 206. Excellent customer service. Since our previous conversation, my Smith & Wesson 442 has worn out, and S & W wouldn't repair or replace it. It's been replaced with a Charter Arms Undercover, a Taurus 856 Ultra Lite, & a Charter Arms Police Undercover (in rotation).
@echosixnoble Like I said before. If you live in a neighborhood that requires you more than 15 rounds of a (let say) M&P 40mm to feel protected, you should have thought about U-Haul or Penske 6 weeks ago. Me and my 5 round 357 mag, is way more than the neighbor with his "Gun Free Zone" yard sign. I carry a 5 shot 357 mag snubby. Have 2 speed loaders 5 round each. The house is protected by a S&W 357 mag 6" until I get my 12ga 9 shell pump gun. If I need more to feel protected, I'm very fast out of there. Were is the next U-Haul station?
@@herrmahlzahn6924 conditions can go to hell in a matter of minutes. Just look how fast the la riots after rodney king turned neighborhoods into a war zone that the police wouldn't enter.
@@johngraesser4911 True. Depending on the next election, Police bashing morning noon and night, Ferguson, Washington, Dalles, Black Life Matters, Antifa could be back in a New York Minute like they have it in Europe all over the Places. And then you really right.
A lot of people live in just such neighborhoods in this country. L.A., Detroit, Houston, Denver, Baltimore, Chicago etc. they all have bad neighborhoods and a lot folks live in them. Not everyone gets to live in the suburbs or gated communities and poor folks have the same right to self protection as the well off.
Most criminal encounters are stopped by merely showing your gun, no one wants to be shot. But the rare cases where the criminal insist on taking your peace away, 1-3 is the average.
Excellent thought-provoking presentation, and that makes this a superb video. After reading about a guy who was sneak-attacked in his driveway, and nearly died from stab wounds after his SIG 220 jammed in the close contact fight, I altered my carry habits. My primary weapon is now the 5-shot 38 revolver, backed up by a Glock 19. In considering the possibility of facing a rifle-armed, mass shooter, I would rather my backup to the J-frame be a 4-inch, 6 or 7 shot 38/357 revolver (Ruger GP 100, S&W 686+, etc), due to the excellent long range accuracy of the revolver. Plus the crisp SA of a revolver makes sniper-like long range handgun shots very practical and possible. Definitely a possibility to consider. I used to shoot my Ruger SP101 357 3-inch barrel at 50 yards, and the little gun was superbly accurate at that range using 38 SPL +P 158gr LSWC-HP's! After considerable persuading and a good offer, I sold the SP 101 to a friend for his wife to use, as she loved shooting that gun with 38 SPL ammo. Have regretted it ever since!
Let's be real how often do people come in contact with a threat with which you have to shoot more than five times and we are talking about self defense especially in the home
A Glock 26 with three magazines won’t help you if you can’t place effective shots. A five shot j frame is sufficient if you can place two shots effectively.
I feel like a contact shot is a bit more likely than a running gun battle with multiple assailants. I'm 37 so I came up with autos, but I was jumped by 4 guys. It gets bad breath distance really fast. I was lucky my wasted buddy came screaming in to help😁
I carry a 6 shot Windicator snubbie. My thought behind carrying is this- i have 6 shots to defend myself while getting away from the situation. I have two speed loaders ready if i CANT get away or if i need to stop someone from carrying out a crime. However- my carry is to get away from danger while defending myself. The bark and flash from a .357 load is a psychological stop on top of that. You pop off your 9mm and my .357 booms at you, you may feel outgunned and run. Meanwhile- im running too.
The problem today is to many people go around fantasizing about getting into some Hollywood movie shootout, when in reality you'll be more likely to hit the lottery than get into a gun fight... depending on your lifestyle ofcourse.. but the Average person you'll never really need it and if you ever do 5 shots would be plenty unless you get scared and shoot to fast, but if you take ya time 2-3 good hits from a 357 and the fight will be over.. heck the loud bang alone will scare them like holly shit what he shooting lol
I carry the j frame 442 most of the time along with the MP Shield depending on the circumstances. I am currently mulling over picking up the G30sf to get something with a tad more power. We can't cover all the circumstances and scenarios but in my mind the j frame still covers most situations. Easy to conceal and fast to deploy and not easy to get it taken away or rendered non-op in a hand-to-hand encounter. I feel like the J frame can be used as a backup or primary as well. I like the versatility.
If you are going up against a person with a rifle and you have ANY pistol, you are woefully outgunned. My .357 LCR gives me peace of mind when I am out and about, but the G19 in my waistband helps as well. In the end, you gotta run what you brung but I think a 5 shot revolver is plenty for almost any situation most people would ever face.
Look at the firefighter who was being carjacked in chicago he had a 5 shot snub nose revolver those guys ran off when he started defending himself unfortunately he came from cover and took a fatal round which had nothing to do with capacity having any firearm to fight back when life is dependent is good
I generally carry a full size .45 1911, with a spare mag or two. Last week I bought a 1973 S&W Model 60 in 100% MINT condition. I carried it all of this past week, and I’m still alive. I did carry a speedloader, and have carried revolvers in the past. I’m not 100% comfortable with the limited capacity, but I am confident in my skills at reloading a revolver. I’d love to find some stats on civilians who ran out of rounds, and were killed or injured. The Miami Dade FBI shootout provides one case, but that raised issues over not only capacity, but caliber as well.
I carry a revolver as a secondary weapon, and a glock 19 as primary gun. The revolver is just in case a jam or any malfunction with my glock 19. With a jam in a gun fight you will need something as backup until you can ger a safe place and get some time to fix the problem and keep fighting.
If you're going up against a guy with a rifle in a shopping mall and all you have is a handgun, you need cover. His hundred yard shots are going to be more accurate than yours. If you're just five feet away, anything you have of sufficient caliber should work. If he has accomplices, grab his gun. He doesn't need it anymore if you've dealt with him.
RMR's on pistols have really closed the accuracy issue between pistols & rifles. With an RMR you can easily make 50 yard shots standing with a pistol. The problem is the rifles power. I don't know many if any at all things in a mall that would stop a rifle round from penetrating through and hitting you.
If I am 100 yds. away with cover, I am not confronting the active shooter anyway. I'm outta there. I carry to protect my family and myself, not to be a hero. If I hear the pop, pop sounds of a firearm from a distance, I start looking for an escape route, not a confrontation.
@@reb1050 Spot on. Especially at my age I am not going to be performing the task of paramilitary or police. I want to end my engagement as quickly as possible.
Are there any known circumstances where a 5 shot revolver failed against an assailant with a semi-auto? Meaning the defender ran out of ammo? Most assailants will run as soon as they are met with armed resistance .. it is different for police .. they have to subdue and take assailants into custody and it sometimes requires an extended gunfight to do that..
You made a lot of valid points, but I'm not sure you're going to change many people's minds. People don't like to think that their way of thinking might be wrong! But I hope some will perhaps reevaluate theirs. Thank you for at least putting it out there. Maybe it will save someone's life. ATB Sam Adler
Revolvers are for self defence. I mean a close confrontation or contact combat. It's like having a better faster knife. They're aren't for defending the mall aganist attackers with automatic rifles. If this happens run for cover like everybody else.
sure truger needs to catch on great company great revolvers but they are really behind the game since smith charter and Taurus all got 6 shot snubbies now
Just stumbled upon your channel today, and I'm really enjoying your lessons and chats. You have enlightened me and got me thinking about lots of stuff. Wish I lived in TN, because I would definitely swing by for some lessons.
My off duty is a 6 shot 38 colt with speed loader...its just fine...its in the event of an up close personal encounter...same revolver for 30 years...never ever not one single time ever has my off duty failed at the range...
What if, what if, what if...you could go on with what ifs forever. Carry what you are comfortable with. Myself, I prefer a wheelgun because I have NEVER had any malfunctions with one (I am not saying they don't happen) whereas, I have had malfunctions with semi autos. Granted, not often since I have always had quality semi autos and used quality ammo. But it has happened. But the main thing is, I can empty my revolver without ever taking my hand out of my pocket and if I did have a misfire, all I have to do is pull the trigger again. Not something one can do with a semi. But, as I said, there are thousands of handguns on the market. Carry the one you are familiar with, have practiced with, and are comfortable with.
I carry an SP101 .357, 2.25" for the following reasons: 1) I have hand tremors that make controlling a light weight handgun next to impossible. The weight of the SP101 counters that. 2) I started with a S&W Shield 9mm but found I'd have to train often to be accurate. I only get range time once a month at best. 3) I know from experience that I can pick up that SP101 cold and put rounds on target. 4) I have a 1911 that I can put on target cold but it's not a practical carry gun imo. In short, my specific circumstances make the SP101 a more logical choice for me. 5 (or 15 with 2 speed loaders) rounds in target beats 17 rounds going who knows where. I agree however, that a semi-auto is a far more practical choice. If you can carry a semi-auto that should be your first choice.
I have used a j frame as a ccw since retiring in 1996. I carried a L frame with a 6 inch barrel as a duty weapon with the state prison system. At present I carry an airweight and it is very comfortable to carry and at the same time I feel perfectly safe because it's so unnoticeable.
There is no perfect solution for self defence. I agree that revolvers have a disadvantage because of their capacity. But revolvers have good ccw advantages too, ones which may be more important than the capacity issue. With ccw you're more likely to get killed because you failed to draw and shoot straight in time than because you ran out of ammo. Low-skill defenders with semi-autos often lose time racking/switching off safeties and clearing jams. Sometimes the mags just fall out (even police mags) particularly where grappling is involved. And it seems that revolvers are generally quicker to draw anyway, because of their superior handles & grips. In ccw the first two seconds after you start to draw usually decide who loses and who wins, so the above issues are extremely important. If I had lots of training, I might carry a semi-automatic or use it for home defence, but they look too fiddly for beginners in ccw, and if a semi-automatic has low capacity, well then it has the worst of both worlds. In any case, we hear repeatedly on gun channels that the level of training/skill is much more important than exactly which gun you have. And yes, I believe that. There must have been many well-armed (but defeated) defenders who made too many mistakes. And yes, I agree about the spare ammo bit. It surprises me when people say they would never need a second mag/moon clip, speed strip or whatever.
Five shots should be enough if one has the proper mindset and lots of training! Most criminals don't train and don't want to get shot. Most of these active shooters go to gun free zones knowing no one has a firearm. Let's consider the element of surprise and what's more important, "Situation awareness"'
One point you forgot to mention and it's extremely important what is the person comfortable with shooting someone who is used to shooting revolvers probably isn't going to be as accurate with a automatic and vice versa so the more important question is what are you comfortable with and not how many rounds you are carrying
Magazines can break. A buddy of mine said that his magazine from a well known European Company came apart getting out of his vehicle and cartridges everywhere.
5/6 rounds is a lot better than nothing. If all you can afford or handle is a .357 /38 spl then the ability to use it Effectively is paramount. Shot placement is also critical.
Very smart mind set has changed a lot over the years I started my carrying days with a shot revolver moved up to a 1911 always have two extra mags sometimes add a backup revolver that's just me
Assuming it's a powerful cartridge such as .38 special +p or stronger and not a .22 I feel like a 5 shot revolver is adequate for personal carry but you should always have a speed strip of extra rounds in your pocket
I feel a hell of a lot more adequately armed with a ported, 4", six-shot, .44 Magnum than I would with the instructor favorite Glock 9mm....short of a John Wick fantasy scenario.
Good luck against a rifle. Personally I'm no hero. I would use every last shot in my 17 round magazine to lay down covering fire while me and my family move towards an exit.
That 44 mag is going to have alot better chance than a 9mm between the two. You're gonna need all them 9mm rounds if you can't hit the heart or head. That 44 mag though will stand a better chance of stopping the attacker even if it doesn't hit the heart or head. I carry my 500 magnum 4 inch for that reason. And yes. Stopping exists with a 500 magnum
If you are about to carry a gun you might as well prepare for any kind of encounter What is the reason of carrying it in the first place, if it's not for the safety. So I believe as you say yes carry extra. As much as you can handle. No five is not enough.. You never know what you may encounter. Better safe than sorry!! God bless you for taking the time to explain..
Mr. Ziegner you are currently my favorite gun channel. I just subbed last night and watched your vid on how to clear 3 malfunctions. it was presented very clearly and humbly. i dont have any experience with semi auto's just revolvers. your channel is very helpful to me. and your demeanor is awesomme to add!!! i am picking up my first semi auto this wednesday. a Glock 20sf 10mm. I hope to find time to train in our local gun range here at San Jose CA. your vids on malfunctions has been very helpful. i am not shooting this gun until i learns to take it apart safely and ofcourse clear it safely. i hope you continously put up vids. your channel and Paul Harrel are my faves. God Bless.
1 can never have tooo much ammo, water, med kits and did i mention AMMO. Day time, i have a snubby true, nice car weapon but when possible or night time and on the road, its browning all the way. nice clear video, thanks
I have a small snubbie. It has its place. I usually carry a 9mm with a spare mag. It depends on what day and what I’m wearing. My .38 special is the gun I use as a backup or as my gas station I need milk/bread/eggs or beer gun. It has its place. Let’s be honest here though. If I ever ended up (God forbid) in a situation where I needed to defend myself against an active shooter, I’d really be wishing I had my rifle. Sure and handgun is way, way, better than a handful of nothing, but it’d be nice to have that versus my double stack 9mm.
Appreciate the thoughts Jerry. One more variable I think about is ammo choice. Usually in the chamber and loaded mag I have high quality hollow points, and my extra mags have loads known more for penetrating clothing, barriers... My thought process is depending on the threat certain rounds are more ideal for certain situations. Today for instance I had 45 rounds of 40S&W, mixed between +p medium weight hollow points, heavyweight hollow points, and light weight solid coppers. I also stagger extra mags on both my left and right never knowing which hand I may have free to reach with. Some may think I am over prepared but I believe the lives of my loved ones and fallow citizens are worth the extra effort if ever called to defend at a moments notice. God bless.
I'll keep my revolver with two safariland speedloaders in my pocket and feel pretty damn good cause I'm not gonna have a jam or "catastrophic" malfunction. I'll just keep squeezing the trigger.
For most of my years( 50+) I did not own firearms. I mostly avoided trouble and dumb$#*. However, a violent incident unprovoked happened to me. That was the catalyst that turned me to becoming a firearm owner. I pride myself on staying away from drama and BS but this world has lost its mind. I carry everywhere I legally can and after much trial and error I have chosen 3 guns that I have become very proficient with. They are my .357 snub, my Shield Plus 9mm and my LCP max .380. I feel very comfortable and safe carrying any of the three. Which one I carry depends on my clothing and ability to conceal. My first response is to try and leave a dangerous situation first and foremost but if my life or someone I love is on the line, I am a firm believer in A gun is better than NO gun and I will use it. A really love the meme “because I can’t throw a rock at 1100 feet per second.”
Some very important considerations raised in this video. When I carry a revolver I always carry a speedloader. More often. I carry a small auto-loader as a N.Y. backup with an extra mag. So usually approaching 14-15 rounds total. I don't plan on shooting it out with an active shooter to the death. But if they come around the corner I want to stop it - fast with an element of surprise. I won't have an AR for distance work. I plan on my own extraction for myself and my family. A break contact situation. I may not even be the only concealed carrier in the building so assuming the person I see with a gun is the active shooter can get an innocent concealed carrier killed, either them or myself. Seeing it as cut and dried will find you ill prepared in certain situations.
I can carry my Smith &Wesson M&P340 5 shot jframe all the time and I do ! I also carry other pistols but not 100% . I just try to give myself a better chance every day . I guess some days I’m giving myself a better chance . Great Vid ...... I think about this topic all the time !
I've always carried a revolver , for 56 years I used and carried the revolver.. Is it capable ? To me it is otherwise I wouldn't carry one.. I carry one speed loader which holds 6 rounds for a total of 12 . I train a lot with mine , very important is to put shots on target to get results. I see no reason for me to carry 16+1 or 19+1 pistol , for one I would not feel any safer than I would carrying my S&W with 6 rounds. Could very well be high a capacity pistol would and will offer more fire power but how many bullets does anyone need to put on target to stop the threat I ask myself?
Great vid! I started carrying a Glock 19....now I carry my Glock 43 or my Shield 2.0. But I’m getting ready to carry my new acquisition...I just bought a Ruger Speed Six .357, 2.75”. I’m on the market for a holster, speed strip and ammo. Just to see what’s like to carry a revolver. I’m a land surveyor so I pretty much always where a lot of people don’t go....357 is my choice in the woods. In urban areas I go lighter (.40 or 9mm). But I always carry!
These guys always live in a fantasy realm. If you have a CCW you carry your weapon primarily for you and your family. You are not a Cop. Most people don't face your scenerio's. Perfect Practice is key with whatever firearm you choose to carry. If it's in fact a revolver keep two speed strips in your pockets.
One LEO range training officer I know well says "You can never miss fast enough." Meaning shot placement and training is vital. And USCCA will tell you the typical gun fight is over in 3 to 5 seconds.
The thing to remember is that no matter how good you are on the range, you are not the same person is bad situation. Not saying cops are great pistoleros, but in a gunfight, they statistically have a twenty-five percent *or less* on target rate, and this is usually at 7 to 10 yard ranges. You don't suppose this might be why police overwhelmingly carry semi-autos now, do you? A revolver might be OK for a single assailant, but at a twenty percent on target rate *(1 round in a J frame)* you do not have enough ammo to deal with 2, let alone 3, attackers.
Recites the statistics from the FBI and crime center then proceeds to completely ignore them based on personal feelings and anecdotal evidence. I should’ve assumed what his take would’ve been the minute I saw that Glock perfection flag in the background.
A semi-auto with a minimum of 10 rounds and at least 1 spare magazine should be the “bare minimum” that someone carries. If carrying a revolver as a “backup” to your semi-auto makes you feel more at ease, then by all means do it. In everyday settings, I’d rather carry an extra magazine as opposed to carrying an extra firearm, but “different strokes for different folks.”
I am 55 years old and carry a revolver, I worked in bad neighborhoods for years, I have only been in one situation where I needed my gun, and only had to show the handle sticking out of my shirt, conversation over. We are not living in a video game, a 5 shot revolver will certainly save your life and remember you must also be willing and capable of using it if you ever need to, focus on that aspect rather than trying to out do everyone with fantasy situations, there is only one, bad guy with gun, good guy with gun.
Just the sight of any firearm usually sends the bad guy running.
@Azaziz Donasdogamatastos 1st. rule of self defense...never pull your gun unless you have intentions of using it. But I would not use it on someone that is running away if there has been no harm committed towards me or others.
The ONLY time I have ever had to deploy my firearm, merely seeing the revolver in my hand was enough to suddenly remind an entire gang of young "tough guys" of a previous engagement elsewhere. And considering how quickly they left, it must've been pretty important and/or they were really late.
Revolvers for me!
You said the magic words "save your life". Displaying or if needed firing a few rounds off will probably give you the time to beat feet.
Couldn't agree with your comment more. I once had a bad guy approaching me fast on an intercept course Christmas Eve 10pm on the outskirts of a Walmart parking lot. When the guy got to within a couple of car lengths away, I stopped, lifted my sweatshirt and put my hand on my OWB holstered revolver grip and asked him to stop where he was. He stopped, looked at me and said the stupidest thing I've ever heard. "Man I don't want no trouble". I told him "Then beat on out of here. I'm calling the cops". He literally took off running the way he came. I watched until he left the parking lot. I guess what he meant was he didn't want any trouble from his victim.
I think the 5-shot snubby is capable against a mass shooter. The reason is that the mass shooter has dozens of people to shoot at with his high capacity firearm, as where the _trained_ 5 shot snubby user only has _one_ assailant to take down. Take that to the next level with a 3" .357 mag 5 shot revolver, I think a revolver can be capable, but only in the hands of a person that knows how to use it.
Well said Sam I totally agree. To be honest id say ANY hand gun against an AK47 with multiple 30round mags is very certainly not going to end well for the guy with the handgun. Besides that... my main concern is to get my family out of there . Not risk theyre lives trying to be a hero. Like yankee marshall says.... ITS NOT MY FAULT THESE PEOPLE WERE NOT PREPARED TO PROTECT THEMSELVES.
I agree, hell I believe Massad Ayoob with a 5 shot j frame in .38 spl could take down an active shooter
I wouldn't put it passed those trained by our intelligence communities and counter espionage or counter insurgencies to take down someone with a derringer
It all comes down to training, training, training
Almost always these mass shooting cowards will turn and run or self destruct at the first sign of resistance .. a revolver stopped 3 AK-wielding terrorists in a church in Africa recently.. one dead terrorist and the other 2 ran .. the answer to mass shootings is aggressive self defense by the public .. at least until police can arrive .. and most of the time police arrive it is all over
People need to sell everyone up. In an ambush as typical, the best trained and armed die. Your lifestyle matters more.
John Doe truth ..
I carry a five shot revolver plus a speed strip because it's the most comfortable gun to carry. Better than the 17+1 semi-auto that gets left at home because it's so uncomfortable doing daily activities.
Police and civilians have two different goals in a shooting situation. The cop’s goal is to apprehend the suspect, be that dead or alive. The civilian’s goal is to break contact and get out alive, either by driving the suspect away, putting him down, or providing a means of escape. Two completely different goals. If you fire 5 rounds and are not seeking cover, well, that’s just suicidal.
Is 5 enough? Well, 99% of the time it is. That's good enough for me. A lot of people carry pistols holding 5-7 rounds.
Has anybody EVER done a reload in a SD situation??????
I would NOT feel adequately armed against an AR-15 with ANY handgun. That's not a fair question.
5 is more than enough but 17 plus 2 extra mags is way more than enough. I'm not shy about imprinting.
5 bullets is sure as shit not enough what if there are multiple attackers? what if you miss? what if they have a proper gun for themselves like a glock carrying 15 rounds?
sycamorebacker1 has
I'd be happy with 5 rounds, in my model 700 from across the street.
@@library_dork1321 and if there were two of them then it would be sure sure.
Just found your video. I carry a snubby, get chided by every fanboy about it. They, like you, bring up various what if stories involving multiple shooters, heavy weapons etc. They live in a fantasy world where their Glock can resolve all issues and take all comers. Not so. If you are out manned or grossly out armed, i.e. rifle vs handgun, your likely dead. Carry what you like, but don't think your poly 9 is magic. And leave us revolver guys alone.
So true !!! Unless you're John Rambo or walker Texas ranger no matter what you carry be it a glock 17 or 637 jframe if multiple attackers come for with AR15 rifles you're probably gonna die even you have a rifle
I couldn't agree more. Ask many of those Glock fans how many shootouts they've been in and unless they are law enforcement, they probably have never used their gun for self defense or to save the day. I think this guy's point was regardless of what you carry, carry extra ammo. That's just what I got from it. I carry a 1971 S&W Mod. 36. I have 2 of them and I usually have one on me and one in the car. Between speedstrips and speedloaders, I have 46 rounds on me. Only 5 are left in my car with the second gun. I have already likely loved half my life and I've never used a gun in self defense ever. Chances aren't likely that I ever will. I carry a revolver because for one, I hate Glocks, two I like to have something that's different from what most others carry and three, because a gun is a gun. I even have a 38 spec Derringer that I'll carry into a place if I really don't want people to know I have a gun. A Derringer can kill someone just as quick as anything else. Those guys that get off jerkin off on their pile of Glocks "what if" to death. A rock could fall out of the sky and hit me in the head and kill me, but I'm not going to stay inside just because it "could" happen. I "could" win the lottery, but I'm not going to plan for what I'll do with the money just in case. I guess it depends on what you do and the places you go or live. Revolvers are cool as can be. They have faithfully served people for 130 years before the autos took over. I don't carry a gun to be a big hero and save the day anyhow. I carry a gun to get myself out of trouble, not to engage in it. With all the what ifs these high capacity guys come up with, we'll you may as well carry an assault rifle, a Shotgun, several handguns, a good knife, tazer, boxes of spare ammo, a few grenades and drive a tank. I mean, you never know, what if you need all that?? At what point does it just get ridiculous and absurd? I literally carry 4 speedstrips, 2 speedloaders and my two Smiths both loaded up. That is a log of firepower that doesn't take up a ton of space. I wonder how many Glock guys have 46 rounds on them? My speedstrips I put 6 rounds in them. I've seen people say they refuse to fill that last spot if they only have a 5 shot. That's ignorant to me. One more bullet will take up no more room than it already is in your pocket and with 4 speedstrips that's almost another full cylinder worth of rounds, just in case. I'm pretty sure I'll never need it, but the only what if that matters to me in the gun community is, what if you need a gun? That's it. Any other "what if" is just over thinking the situation. Am I going to need more than 5 rounds at the grocery store? Probably won't even need the gun period let alone 21 round mags. People watch too many movies, that's the problem
Everyone likes to think they're John Wic or Wick or however you spell it. Everyone fantasizes about some crazy Hollywood shootout that isn't likely to happen. Good. I'm glad there are less people who like revolvers. Means we are part of a much smaller group of people. I don't like to be a follower, so I pick the gun I want, not the one everyone else has lol.
This guy ^ right here!!! 👏🏻
Eric Talkington I love revolvers! I only conceal carry one in the winter in my coat pocket, but it’s cool if people use them 365/year.
@@erictalkington5674 you carry 46 rounds... you fill up your speed loaders... you believe in having plenty of rounds...
you prefer to have your 46 round in several groups of 6... by why be so upset and against someone who would rather carry their 46 rounds in 3 groups of 15 and the 46th in the chamber?
I have had the misfortune of being robbed at gunpoint... the 1st time was as I was walking into church for service, the second time happened as I was getting out of my car to go into the grocery store.
I live in a small city in the midwest with a relatively low crime rate! Because of those two incidents i got my conceal carry permit.
In both of those incidents the attacker had a semi-auto pistol... or what you call a poly gun... both happened in broad daylight and in a public parking lot... there were actually plenty of witnesses in both cases.
Both seemed to happen in an instant... but in truth, I did not have the situational awareness then that I have now.... back then I would drive by cars in a parking lot and not notice if there were people inside, I just drove down the row os cars looking for a parking space. Today, I pay attention to every car I drive by in the lot and look for people sitting in them. I look in my rear view mirror and do a complete 360 scan before I unlock my doors to get out. I have better situational awareness today because I know that both of my attackers were in plain sight, sitting in a car waiting, but I did not notice them until they were right up on me with a semi-auto pistol.. one put it in my face.. the other jammed it right in my abdominal area right below my lung cavity just at the bottom of my sternum... I will tell you this, that poly gun shoved into my sternum hurt and left quite a bruise...
I have better situational awareness today because I now ponder the "what if" that I didn't back then. I own several guns now and spend time at the range and in self-defense classes. I have 3 revolvers that I like.. I also have semi-autos.. and yes, 3 Glock... even a Glock 19 which is what the guy who attacked my in the grocery store lot had... I only know that because he was finally arrested... unfortunately not before he shot a man whiling robbing him at another grocery parking lot.
The most important thing in a gunfight is to have one! Lol!😀
Brooklyn in The Rare old Times I live in the burbs I ccw a j frame I go to the city Glock 17 all day
I believe the most important consideration is how quickly you can get that first shot off. A snubby in the front pocket is easy to grab, pull out and shoot quickly. The first to get a hit usually wins.
You are exactly correct. When the first shot is fired, everyone starts to scatter. The first person to get a hit almost always wins. Step 2 is to break contact as fast as possible. I've carried semi-autos for the last 30 years. I've found myself carrying a revolver more often than not lately.
Will five shots from a snubbie vs guy with an AR give you the warm and fuzzies? No. On the other hand, you'd also be a fool to feel well-heeled with a Glock 19 vs an AR.
In a close quarters situation, sometimes the handgun has an advantage over a semi auto rifle. If cover is available, you do not have to expose as much of your own body when shooting a handgun.
The main question is do you have the cahones to shoot another human being? If you do, you have an advantage over anyone else. Some folks carry expensive, high capacity handguns with extra magazines but will never have the nerve to pull the trigger on a human being. If you have the balls and determination, a 5 shot snubby will be enough for personal protection.
Law enforcement entrusted their lives to revolvers for over 100 years.
At the same time they had those revolvers, they had shotguns and thompson smg available at the station if they expected big trouble. When Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed, none of those shooting were using revolvers.
yeah only because there was nothing better for a long time, why would you carry a shitty revolver when you can carry a glock with a 15 round mag?
@@voluntarism335 if Revolvers are shitty, why have they been around for almost 200 years?. Revolvers have been around longer than semi autos.
@@PODSMPSG1 phh so? are horses better than cars? no there not, old antiquated technology for people who are anti gun libtards, you don't want people with a 15 round mag because guns scare you, you want people with low capacity guns, fuck you libtard, libtard in disguise
In the 1980s the state prison system issued .38 revolvers and pump shotguns to farm officers and the security towers were issued 2 pump shotguns. Only the sallyport tower and communication tower were issued Thompson's submachine guns. Only the communication tower had a semi auto 30.06 with an amount sight.
Someone was knocking on my door last night as my family slept and here I am today getting ready for my first self defense gun.
I carry 2 revolvers plus one speed strip. IMO there is just no way a person is gonna be able to reload a revolver in the middle of a fight unless you can make it to cover. I think the same can be said of clearing a jam on a semi auto.
Moon clips make it pretty close to a mag drop
Not all revolvers accept moon clips or speedloaders. A couple of stripper clips or a magazine loaded with whatever revolver ammo you're carrying would work though.
ALOT 2 B SAID 4 A NEW JERSEY RELOAD! , I practice that technique all the time, lol
The fbi learned in miami that even cover won't allow revolver reloads. Even back in the american civil war the cavalry learned to carry multiple pistols, swapping to the next as each one emptied.
@@wizardofahhhs759 some can be converted by a competent gun smith though.... maybe should look for better grips (or speedloader) if speedloader does not fit.
revolver or semi-auto makes sure you have your weapon on you and carry additional ammo... its that simple
Does anybody EVER reload for self defense?
@@sycamorebacker1 Very occasionally. Its probably a good idea to carry a reload though for civilians one will probably suffice.
And making sure you know how to use it.
@@sycamorebacker1 Yes, police do quite often. Civilians are in the same situation as them in that regard.
Caliber & shot placement are more important than if it is semi auto or revolver, if you can't get effective hits on target it doesn't matter how many shots you have.
Remember the age-old and proven "rule of threes". Meaning the average defensive gunfight lasts 3 seconds, uses 3 rounds or less, and is at 3 meters. So, yes, a 5 shot revolver should be more than enough to handle most any situation. The key is your own capability and shot placement. If you can't hit the target, then it doesn't matter how many shots you carry. If your gun jams at the first round, it doesn't matter how many rounds are in your magazine. And if you really need more than 5 shots, isn't that what a speed loader is for? Isn't that what practice and training are for?
Excellent points here! 👍🏻
The key is to make sure you carry something! It's all about the surprise.
Yes! Even if you were the one with the AR 15 you still going to lose in a three to one fire fight. Unfortunately you usually encounter groups of three to five bad guys.
...and knowing how to use it
I personally think a revolver is enough with a backup gun in your pocket but the main reason I care revolver is it's the only thing I can comfortably carry and have on me all the time
*If you can, carry an extra mag already inserted in a backup gun with 1 round in the chamber. NY reload, baby!*
insecurity with your ability is the issue and not potential effectiveness of your weapon. Develop the one shot mentality. That is make every shot count as if you had only one shot. If he has a machine gun and you put the first bullet correctly. You have the better weaponry. Jeff Cooper taught us how to deal with several. Shoot the first two and the rest run unless it is military assault. By all means carry a speed loader for the worst case. but it is all about bullet placement. You are not under gunned. You may have a situational disability. The "many round" mentality is a prescription for collateral damage.
If you are comfortable with a revolver carry one if you are comfortable with a semi carry one any gun is better than none
Also the best way to handle a situation where people are assaulting others if possible is to avoid the situation
I’m 65 years old and, up until recently, I’ve carried a Glock or Walther. I’m visually impaired and it was becoming more and more difficult to reassemble my lil Glock 43 and I just got to where I wasn’t comfortable carrying it, so I gave it to my daughter and bought a lil S&W 642 with a laser for myself. As a civilian, I don’t feel the need to go around carrying extra magazines as if I were on the frontlines in a combat zone.
Many people love to buy all this shit with marketing buzzwords like tactical and duty to feel like they are special forces or a swat team. Pfffff
I lost a family member in a mass shooting, The Jewish Community Center shooting in Overland Park Kansas in April of 2014, since then I carry a Glock 19 with spare magazines and a J frame with a couple speed loaders.
I have carried 6 shot snubbies and I carry 2 speed strips in my back pants pocket as they print like a wallet. In my front (L & R) jacket pockets I carry one speed loader each for a total of two. I carry my Detective Special in a Triple K skeleton holster on my strong side pants belt. So my total is 30 rounds of 158 GR LRN standard old fashioned .38 Special. I don't need the report & flash of +P and I am not freaking out about over penetration. Practice - practice and practice and when you do all that practice some more. That's the key to developing your life saving skills. Nothing less will do. God bless and thanks for the video.
I LOVE the spare tire analogy !! It's Perfect ! Your videos are ALWAYS welcome and we need to see more of them. I appreciate your calm demeanor and level headed thinking very much !
I carry 637 Smith I'm a novice shooter why I like a revolver is it simple and I think 5 round is capable my opinion
I've only ever pulled my gun once and it was in my own home. Once the guy trying to come through my window saw the barrel pointed at him he left in a hurry. Stopped the crime without firing a shot. Just the presence of a gun can stop a crime is tracks. The trouble comes when the criminal has a gun too. At that point it's shot placement. If there's more then one assailant, well, godspeed.
These are the things we ponder ! Guess we will be debating this for many years to come !
i love these intense talk from this guy. im subbing
Excellent video, excellent presentation. My edc is either a Smith and Wesson 442 (5 rds) or a Rock Island Armory m 206 (6 rds) bobbed hammer, snub nose revolvers both. I also carry 2 speed strips.
The only time I have ever had to present my firearm, merely looking down the barrel of the .38 Special in my hand suddenly reminded a gang of young hoodlums of a previous engagement elsewhere. Judging by how quickly they left, it must've been a very important appointment, they were very late, and it was quite some distance away.
In my (hopefully correct) opinion, if I'm ever in that situation again, my assailant or assailants will probably not be part of an army of ninjas, looking for me specifically, but a terrified drug addict looking for an easy score, and will display the same amount of courage as that other bunch.
I'm not a cop; I'm no longer in the Armed Forces. I think a 5 or 6 shot .38 Special is more than adequate to handle the job.
I would not carry that m206. I had one break 2 times on me in approximately 120 rounds (used to have exact count written somewhere)
a humble, used, 5 shot, 38sp taurus 85 loaded with plain jane target ball ammo convinced some urban honor students to exit my vicinity in march 1986.
@@hasgunwilltravel6840 Thank you. I appreciate your advice. Mine must be one of the better ones, as I have several thousand rounds through it. it is however a warrantee replacement gun, so apparently their QC was spotty when mine was made 5 years ago. The new ones seem to be much better.
@@hasgunwilltravel6840 Thanks. I must've gotten a good one, as I've never had any problems with it after several hundred rounds fired. This is actually the second one I've bought. The first had a bobbed hammer, and I was at a gun store with a friend, and seeing the one with the conventional hammer, he offered to buy my old one, which let me buy my present one. That first one was a warranty replacement on my original m 206. Excellent customer service. Since our previous conversation, my Smith & Wesson 442 has worn out, and S & W wouldn't repair or replace it. It's been replaced with a Charter Arms Undercover, a Taurus 856 Ultra Lite, & a Charter Arms Police Undercover (in rotation).
Honestly. If you live in an area where you need more than 10 rounds to protect yourself, you live in the wrong neighborhood.
Like I said before. If you live in a neighborhood that requires you more than 15 rounds of a (let say) M&P 40mm to feel protected, you should have thought about U-Haul or Penske 6 weeks ago.
Me and my 5 round 357 mag, is way more than the neighbor with his "Gun Free Zone" yard sign.
I carry a 5 shot 357 mag snubby. Have 2 speed loaders 5 round each. The house is protected by a S&W 357 mag 6" until I get my 12ga 9 shell pump gun. If I need more to feel protected, I'm very fast out of there. Were is the next U-Haul station?
@@herrmahlzahn6924 conditions can go to hell in a matter of minutes. Just look how fast the la riots after rodney king turned neighborhoods into a war zone that the police wouldn't enter.
Depending on the next election, Police bashing morning noon and night, Ferguson, Washington, Dalles, Black Life Matters, Antifa could be back in a New York Minute like they have it in Europe all over the Places.
And then you really right.
South Africa here...
A lot of people live in just such neighborhoods in this country. L.A., Detroit, Houston, Denver, Baltimore, Chicago etc. they all have bad neighborhoods and a lot folks live in them. Not everyone gets to live in the suburbs or gated communities and poor folks have the same right to self protection as the well off.
Most criminal encounters are stopped by merely showing your gun, no one wants to be shot. But the rare cases where the criminal insist on taking your peace away, 1-3 is the average.
Excellent thought-provoking presentation, and that makes this a superb video. After reading about a guy who was sneak-attacked in his driveway, and nearly died from stab wounds after his SIG 220 jammed in the close contact fight, I altered my carry habits. My primary weapon is now the 5-shot 38 revolver, backed up by a Glock 19. In considering the possibility of facing a rifle-armed, mass shooter, I would rather my backup to the J-frame be a 4-inch, 6 or 7 shot 38/357 revolver (Ruger GP 100, S&W 686+, etc), due to the excellent long range accuracy of the revolver. Plus the crisp SA of a revolver makes sniper-like long range handgun shots very practical and possible. Definitely a possibility to consider. I used to shoot my Ruger SP101 357 3-inch barrel at 50 yards, and the little gun was superbly accurate at that range using 38 SPL +P 158gr LSWC-HP's! After considerable persuading and a good offer, I sold the SP 101 to a friend for his wife to use, as she loved shooting that gun with 38 SPL ammo. Have regretted it ever since!
Six round snub with 1 speed loader. I do carry 9mm auto-loaders in certain situations, but prefer revolvers.
I prefer both!
Let's be real how often do people come in contact with a threat with which you have to shoot more than five times and we are talking about self defense especially in the home
A Glock 26 with three magazines won’t help you if you can’t place effective shots. A five shot j frame is sufficient if you can place two shots effectively.
it can keep them busy
I feel like a contact shot is a bit more likely than a running gun battle with multiple assailants. I'm 37 so I came up with autos, but I was jumped by 4 guys. It gets bad breath distance really fast. I was lucky my wasted buddy came screaming in to help😁
As Clint Smith said, one is none, two is one. This was a saying when I was active duty as well.
The 5-shot revolver is fine, as long as you aren't confronted by a crowd.
I carry a 6 shot Windicator snubbie. My thought behind carrying is this- i have 6 shots to defend myself while getting away from the situation. I have two speed loaders ready if i CANT get away or if i need to stop someone from carrying out a crime. However- my carry is to get away from danger while defending myself. The bark and flash from a .357 load is a psychological stop on top of that. You pop off your 9mm and my .357 booms at you, you may feel outgunned and run. Meanwhile- im running too.
I recently switched back to a snubby ( sw360j) from carrying a Glock 30
The problem today is to many people go around fantasizing about getting into some Hollywood movie shootout, when in reality you'll be more likely to hit the lottery than get into a gun fight... depending on your lifestyle ofcourse.. but the Average person you'll never really need it and if you ever do 5 shots would be plenty unless you get scared and shoot to fast, but if you take ya time 2-3 good hits from a 357 and the fight will be over.. heck the loud bang alone will scare them like holly shit what he shooting lol
I carry the j frame 442 most of the time along with the MP Shield depending on the circumstances. I am currently mulling over picking up the G30sf to get something with a tad more power. We can't cover all the circumstances and scenarios but in my mind the j frame still covers most situations. Easy to conceal and fast to deploy and not easy to get it taken away or rendered non-op in a hand-to-hand encounter. I feel like the J frame can be used as a backup or primary as well. I like the versatility.
i have a 357 magnum 8 shots, and the worse for any fire weapon is not practice really often at the shooting range
If you are going up against a person with a rifle and you have ANY pistol, you are woefully outgunned. My .357 LCR gives me peace of mind when I am out and about, but the G19 in my waistband helps as well. In the end, you gotta run what you brung but I think a 5 shot revolver is plenty for almost any situation most people would ever face.
Look at the firefighter who was being carjacked in chicago he had a 5 shot snub nose revolver those guys ran off when he started defending himself unfortunately he came from cover and took a fatal round which had nothing to do with capacity having any firearm to fight back when life is dependent is good
I generally carry a full size .45 1911, with a spare mag or two. Last week I bought a 1973 S&W Model 60 in 100% MINT condition. I carried it all of this past week, and I’m still alive. I did carry a speedloader, and have carried revolvers in the past. I’m not 100% comfortable with the limited capacity, but I am confident in my skills at reloading a revolver. I’d love to find some stats on civilians who ran out of rounds, and were killed or injured. The Miami Dade FBI shootout provides one case, but that raised issues over not only capacity, but caliber as well.
Plus, these were LEOs who were chasing down bad guys. Not the typical self-defense scenario.
the goal in a conflict situation is to get away safety without getting hurt. like to shoot semi autos and revolvers
I carry a revolver as a secondary weapon, and a glock 19 as primary gun. The revolver is just in case a jam or any malfunction with my glock 19. With a jam in a gun fight you will need something as backup until you can ger a safe place and get some time to fix the problem and keep fighting.
If you're going up against a guy with a rifle in a shopping mall and all you have is a handgun, you need cover. His hundred yard shots are going to be more accurate than yours. If you're just five feet away, anything you have of sufficient caliber should work. If he has accomplices, grab his gun. He doesn't need it anymore if you've dealt with him.
RMR's on pistols have really closed the accuracy issue between pistols & rifles. With an RMR you can easily make 50 yard shots standing with a pistol. The problem is the rifles power. I don't know many if any at all things in a mall that would stop a rifle round from penetrating through and hitting you.
If I am 100 yds. away with cover, I am not confronting the active shooter anyway. I'm outta there. I carry to protect my family and myself, not to be a hero. If I hear the pop, pop sounds of a firearm from a distance, I start looking for an escape route, not a confrontation.
@@reb1050 Spot on. Especially at my age I am not going to be performing the task of paramilitary or police. I want to end my engagement as quickly as possible.
Are there any known circumstances where a 5 shot revolver failed against an assailant with a semi-auto? Meaning the defender ran out of ammo? Most assailants will run as soon as they are met with armed resistance .. it is different for police .. they have to subdue and take assailants into custody and it sometimes requires an extended gunfight to do that..
You made a lot of valid points, but I'm not sure you're going to change many people's minds. People don't like to think that their way of thinking might be wrong! But I hope some will perhaps reevaluate theirs.
Thank you for at least putting it out there. Maybe it will save someone's life. ATB Sam Adler
Revolvers are for self defence. I mean a close confrontation or contact combat. It's like having a better faster knife. They're aren't for defending the mall aganist attackers with automatic rifles. If this happens run for cover like everybody else.
Smartest comment all day, thanks!
I carry a 7 shot 357 and 2 speedloaders. And a 5 in fix blade knife. I think I'm pretty good.
If you're gonna go the revolver route go for a 6 shooter.
sure truger needs to catch on great company great revolvers but they are really behind the game since smith charter and Taurus all got 6 shot snubbies now
Boils down to attitude and mindset - period
I carry a 5 shot snub nose 38 Special. If I carry it all the time it is better than an automatic that is harder to conceal and I may not carry.
Just stumbled upon your channel today, and I'm really enjoying your lessons and chats. You have enlightened me and got me thinking about lots of stuff. Wish I lived in TN, because I would definitely swing by for some lessons.
My off duty is a 6 shot 38 colt with speed loader...its just fine...its in the event of an up close personal encounter...same revolver for 30 years...never ever not one single time ever has my off duty failed at the range...
What if, what if, what if...you could go on with what ifs forever. Carry what you are comfortable with. Myself, I prefer a wheelgun because I have NEVER had any malfunctions with one (I am not saying they don't happen) whereas, I have had malfunctions with semi autos. Granted, not often since I have always had quality semi autos and used quality ammo. But it has happened. But the main thing is, I can empty my revolver without ever taking my hand out of my pocket and if I did have a misfire, all I have to do is pull the trigger again. Not something one can do with a semi. But, as I said, there are thousands of handguns on the market. Carry the one you are familiar with, have practiced with, and are comfortable with.
I carry an SP101 .357, 2.25" for the following reasons: 1) I have hand tremors that make controlling a light weight handgun next to impossible. The weight of the SP101 counters that. 2) I started with a S&W Shield 9mm but found I'd have to train often to be accurate. I only get range time once a month at best. 3) I know from experience that I can pick up that SP101 cold and put rounds on target. 4) I have a 1911 that I can put on target cold but it's not a practical carry gun imo. In short, my specific circumstances make the SP101 a more logical choice for me. 5 (or 15 with 2 speed loaders) rounds in target beats 17 rounds going who knows where. I agree however, that a semi-auto is a far more practical choice. If you can carry a semi-auto that should be your first choice.
Great video Jerry. You really make us think and that is a great thing!
I have used a j frame as a ccw since retiring in 1996. I carried a L frame with a 6 inch barrel as a duty weapon with the state prison system. At present I carry an airweight and it is very comfortable to carry and at the same time I feel perfectly safe because it's so unnoticeable.
I'm completely comfortable with a revolver. Make your hits count. Miss less.
There is no perfect solution for self defence. I agree that revolvers have a disadvantage because of their capacity. But revolvers have good ccw advantages too, ones which may be more important than the capacity issue. With ccw you're more likely to get killed because you failed to draw and shoot straight in time than because you ran out of ammo. Low-skill defenders with semi-autos often lose time racking/switching off safeties and clearing jams. Sometimes the mags just fall out (even police mags) particularly where grappling is involved. And it seems that revolvers are generally quicker to draw anyway, because of their superior handles & grips. In ccw the first two seconds after you start to draw usually decide who loses and who wins, so the above issues are extremely important.
If I had lots of training, I might carry a semi-automatic or use it for home defence, but they look too fiddly for beginners in ccw, and if a semi-automatic has low capacity, well then it has the worst of both worlds.
In any case, we hear repeatedly on gun channels that the level of training/skill is much more important than exactly which gun you have. And yes, I believe that. There must have been many well-armed (but defeated) defenders who made too many mistakes.
And yes, I agree about the spare ammo bit. It surprises me when people say they would never need a second mag/moon clip, speed strip or whatever.
Five shots should be enough if one has the proper mindset and lots of training! Most criminals don't train and don't want to get shot. Most of these active shooters go to gun free zones knowing no one has a firearm. Let's consider the element of surprise and what's more important, "Situation awareness"'
One point you forgot to mention and it's extremely important what is the person comfortable with shooting someone who is used to shooting revolvers probably isn't going to be as accurate with a automatic and vice versa so the more important question is what are you comfortable with and not how many rounds you are carrying
If I carry a revolver as my primary, I usually carry a pocket 380 or 9mm for backup.
I think it's best to carry both, revolver and a semi auto.
Jerry, I really appreciate the information and ideology that you articulated in this video!
Magazines can break. A buddy of mine said that his magazine from a well known European Company came apart getting out of his vehicle and cartridges everywhere.
5/6 rounds is a lot better than nothing. If all you can afford or handle is a .357 /38 spl then the ability to use it Effectively is paramount. Shot placement is also critical.
Well i carry a G43 with 2 Taran Tactical plus3 mags and one E.S.T. 12round mag ....you cover kevin
Very smart mind set has changed a lot over the years I started my carrying days with a shot revolver moved up to a 1911 always have two extra mags sometimes add a backup revolver that's just me
Tip, bring two revolvers😁
Assuming it's a powerful cartridge such as .38 special +p or stronger and not a .22 I feel like a 5 shot revolver is adequate for personal carry but you should always have a speed strip of extra rounds in your pocket
I feel a hell of a lot more adequately armed with a ported, 4", six-shot, .44 Magnum than I would with the instructor favorite Glock 9mm....short of a John Wick fantasy scenario.
Good luck against a rifle. Personally I'm no hero. I would use every last shot in my 17 round magazine to lay down covering fire while me and my family move towards an exit.
That 44 mag is going to have alot better chance than a 9mm between the two. You're gonna need all them 9mm rounds if you can't hit the heart or head. That 44 mag though will stand a better chance of stopping the attacker even if it doesn't hit the heart or head. I carry my 500 magnum 4 inch for that reason. And yes. Stopping exists with a 500 magnum
If you are about to carry a gun you might as well prepare for any kind of encounter
What is the reason of carrying it in the first place, if it's not for the safety.
So I believe as you say yes carry extra. As much as you can handle.
No five is not enough..
You never know what you may encounter.
Better safe than sorry!!
God bless you for taking the time to explain..
Mr. Ziegner you are currently my favorite gun channel. I just subbed last night and watched your vid on how to clear 3 malfunctions. it was presented very clearly and humbly. i dont have any experience with semi auto's just revolvers. your channel is very helpful to me. and your demeanor is awesomme to add!!! i am picking up my first semi auto this wednesday. a Glock 20sf 10mm. I hope to find time to train in our local gun range here at San Jose CA. your vids on malfunctions has been very helpful. i am not shooting this gun until i learns to take it apart safely and ofcourse clear it safely. i hope you continously put up vids. your channel and Paul Harrel are my faves. God Bless.
I don’t think I’d feel adequately armed against a rifle unless I had a rifle lmao.
How many gun fights you plan on getting in????
1 can never have tooo much ammo, water, med kits and did i mention AMMO. Day time, i have a snubby true, nice car weapon but when possible or night time and on the road, its browning all the way. nice clear video, thanks
I carry either a 1911 or a shield 45 both with a spare mag and if I’m going to a rough area I even will carry my 5 shot revolver as a backup as well
I have a small snubbie. It has its place. I usually carry a 9mm with a spare mag. It depends on what day and what I’m wearing. My .38 special is the gun I use as a backup or as my gas station I need milk/bread/eggs or beer gun. It has its place. Let’s be honest here though. If I ever ended up (God forbid) in a situation where I needed to defend myself against an active shooter, I’d really be wishing I had my rifle. Sure and handgun is way, way, better than a handful of nothing, but it’d be nice to have that versus my double stack 9mm.
Appreciate the thoughts Jerry. One more variable I think about is ammo choice. Usually in the chamber and loaded mag I have high quality hollow points, and my extra mags have loads known more for penetrating clothing, barriers... My thought process is depending on the threat certain rounds are more ideal for certain situations. Today for instance I had 45 rounds of 40S&W, mixed between +p medium weight hollow points, heavyweight hollow points, and light weight solid coppers. I also stagger extra mags on both my left and right never knowing which hand I may have free to reach with. Some may think I am over prepared but I believe the lives of my loved ones and fallow citizens are worth the extra effort if ever called to defend at a moments notice. God bless.
I'll keep my revolver with two safariland speedloaders in my pocket and feel pretty damn good cause I'm not gonna have a jam or "catastrophic" malfunction. I'll just keep squeezing the trigger.
For most of my years( 50+) I did not own firearms. I mostly avoided trouble and dumb$#*. However, a violent incident unprovoked happened to me. That was the catalyst that turned me to becoming a firearm owner. I pride myself on staying away from drama and BS but this world has lost its mind. I carry everywhere I legally can and after much trial and error I have chosen 3 guns that I have become very proficient with. They are my .357 snub, my Shield Plus 9mm and my LCP max .380. I feel very comfortable and safe carrying any of the three. Which one I carry depends on my clothing and ability to conceal. My first response is to try and leave a dangerous situation first and foremost but if my life or someone I love is on the line, I am a firm believer in A gun is better than NO gun and I will use it. A really love the meme “because I can’t throw a rock at 1100 feet per second.”
Some very important considerations raised in this video. When I carry a revolver I always carry a speedloader. More often. I carry a small auto-loader as a N.Y. backup with an extra mag. So usually approaching 14-15 rounds total. I don't plan on shooting it out with an active shooter to the death. But if they come around the corner I want to stop it - fast with an element of surprise. I won't have an AR for distance work. I plan on my own extraction for myself and my family. A break contact situation. I may not even be the only concealed carrier in the building so assuming the person I see with a gun is the active shooter can get an innocent concealed carrier killed, either them or myself. Seeing it as cut and dried will find you ill prepared in certain situations.
I can carry my Smith &Wesson M&P340 5 shot jframe all the time and I do ! I also carry other pistols but not 100% . I just try to give myself a better chance every day . I guess some days I’m giving myself a better chance . Great Vid ...... I think about this topic all the time !
I've always carried a revolver , for 56 years I used and carried the revolver.. Is it capable ? To me it is otherwise I wouldn't carry one.. I carry one speed loader which holds 6 rounds for a total of 12 . I train a lot with mine , very important is to put shots on target to get results. I see no reason for me to carry 16+1 or 19+1 pistol , for one I would not feel any safer than I would carrying my S&W with 6 rounds. Could very well be high a capacity pistol would and will offer more fire power but how many bullets does anyone need to put on target to stop the threat I ask myself?
Great vid!
I started carrying a Glock 19....now I carry my Glock 43 or my Shield 2.0.
But I’m getting ready to carry my new acquisition...I just bought a Ruger Speed Six .357, 2.75”. I’m on the market for a holster, speed strip and ammo. Just to see what’s like to carry a revolver.
I’m a land surveyor so I pretty much always where a lot of people don’t go....357 is my choice in the woods.
In urban areas I go lighter (.40 or 9mm). But I always carry!
These guys always live in a fantasy realm. If you have a CCW you carry your weapon primarily for you and your family. You are not a Cop. Most people don't face your scenerio's. Perfect Practice is key with whatever firearm you choose to carry. If it's in fact a revolver keep two speed strips in your pockets.
One LEO range training officer I know well says "You can never miss fast enough." Meaning shot placement and training is vital. And USCCA will tell you the typical gun fight is over in 3 to 5 seconds.
The thing to remember is that no matter how good you are on the range, you are not the same person is bad situation. Not saying cops are great pistoleros, but in a gunfight, they statistically have a twenty-five percent *or less* on target rate, and this is usually at 7 to 10 yard ranges. You don't suppose this might be why police overwhelmingly carry semi-autos now, do you? A revolver might be OK for a single assailant, but at a twenty percent on target rate *(1 round in a J frame)* you do not have enough ammo to deal with 2, let alone 3, attackers.
Cops are usually in uniform. The ccw civilian or off duty cop has the element of surprise. Be the grey man.
@@DS..69 especially when you have 5 shots in your jacket pocket pointing at your target.
Recites the statistics from the FBI and crime center then proceeds to completely ignore them based on personal feelings and anecdotal evidence. I should’ve assumed what his take would’ve been the minute I saw that Glock perfection flag in the background.
Is a 158 gr. Bullet at 900 fps fast enough to have adequate knock down power?
A semi-auto with a minimum of 10 rounds and at least 1 spare magazine should be the “bare minimum” that someone carries. If carrying a revolver as a “backup” to your semi-auto makes you feel more at ease, then by all means do it. In everyday settings, I’d rather carry an extra magazine as opposed to carrying an extra firearm, but “different strokes for different folks.”
This guy makes a lot of sense