LOVE when you call out the bullshit!! I was a fitness instructor and personal trainer for 28 years and am so glad that I am not in the gym environment anymore. I do miss some of the equipment etc (things that a home gym can't have), but the whole vibe at many gyms are disgusting now. Again, I 1,000% agree with your take on things!
it is SO SO SO insidious to use sobriety as part of a fitness program! that feels like an incredibly slippery slope regarding individuals struggling with their relationship with alcohol, especially because some reputable studies suggest a connection between substance abuse and eating disorders. respect as usual for your reasoned and amazing takes, justina!
I think a lot of people don't realise how much lighting, body makeup, angling, genetics, routines, and overall life-long-lifestyles play into a body they see.
I would LOVE for you to include the misinformation around “glute shapes”… as a fitness coach that specializes in helping women overall but hugely helping them to grow their glutes there is SO MUCH misinformation being pushed around… Its not new but stuff like “workout to get rid of hip dips” etc basically people using “glute shapes” aka the natural genetic bone structure & fat distribution of an individual👀 & pushing workouts to “change” this shape… anywho I got in hot water after calling out a creator about this but it def needs to be talked about more
Your content is flipping good , I’m a PT only for the last year and I want to help as many women over 40 feel good and age well I don’t bull shit my clients or claim to know everything, I learn so much from you and lately hearing my clients say things like my “ my mental health is better, I snap at my kids less, I wore a dress with out Spanx, I lifted my bike over a gate which I couldn’t do 6 months ago” makes me know I’m doing a good job Thank you Love from the UK
DON"T GET ME STARTED ON THE WHOLE POV THING!!!!! 🤣😭Definitely going to check out your core video as I've been having trouble getting my mind around the whole core engagement thing lately. That swing! What is happening?!?!
If you have a legit counterpoint and someone blocks you, they CLEARLY don't know what they are talking about. Kettlebells are dangerous when done improperly! I used to teach kettlebell classes and they needed to be VERY small groups or individualized. That was a cringy "swing". Also, I am now a Respiratory Therapist and when I see medical shows that clearly don't consult anyone in the medial field, i also cringe. Lol
One of the most interesting things from this video was how you mentioned two accounts that have blocked you. You said both pretty casually, but it was cool to see your perspective on a business account blocking you versus a personal account blocking you.
@@JustinaErcole I hadn't really thought about it much before! I definitely agree with you; except for obvious extremes of if people were coming and harassing others in their comments or something. But that is akin to banning someone from a brick and mortar business anyways. Which again, is an extreme and not even anywhere close to what you were doing.
thanks girlie pop for another one of these~!!🤣🤣 Justina you are amazing! im learning so much! completely random comment, but I go twice a week to a fitness class and while the exercises are great the instructor keeps saying things like "do you feel the burn? it has to hurt to work!" or "we don't want flappy arms" or cellulite! each time I remember you and I imagine what face you'd do hearing these!lol!!
"My husband had to tell me to calm down". Low-key mine also gave me the side eye LMAO. Pilates arms and dancer arms would forever bother me. And to the most important question on this video: I'm Hufflepuff (no I really did the hat thing in a Comic Con and that's what came out).
Please make more of these videos. Your analysis and comment is accurate and educational. And your personality shines through them which is why I watch your videos.
I'm loving your videos! As someone who recently started a fitness journey to improve my health it's been very eye opening and helps me know what to believe or not! thank you
Influencers that still use the spot reducing/tone your wtv in X days baffle me. Are they deluding themselves that what theyre doing is helpful? They're so adamant that how they word their ads is okay/accurate. Even when confronted in private they keep up the charade. Im always just unsure if theyre just hustling to keep up the image of their business or do they believe their BS..
Gryffindor!! And for the Pilates arms I agree I’ve lost weight and will never have those “Pilates” or “toned” arms because of my lose skin, it is what it is.
Brilliant video. I very rarely drink alcohol. Had 3 alcoholic beverages since New years Eve. But if I am honest, there is very little change! I am still knackered! Still get headaches etc. Think I just need to accept that as a 42 year old mother of 2 who works almost full time, that being tired is normal!
I never comment on anyone's YT videos, but I can't keep this to myself: you're amazing! I'm forever grateful for completely changing my POV (haha) on exercise after 15 years of consistently training. Thanks for being so upfront and honest, I looooooove it
Some real gems there Justina! My first reaction to the Melissa Wood Health video: “Damn, Mother Theresa has had a serious glow up!” (Is there literally nothing she can’t fix?😂). The POV lady missed such a good caption option. Really it should have been: “Is your FUPA all FUBAR?” (she can have that one for free). That kettlebell “swing” 🙀! That is so bad (not Jillian Michaels bad, but still bad).
Thought from a fellow Ravenclaw 😊 I have a coworker who went on Ozempic last year to help with her diabetes. Her doctor started her with a low dose and took a few months to slowly increase it to the full dose. She initially did great with it but then started to have a consistently upset stomach every time she ate. It got to the point where she was afraid to eat or drink anything and wouldn’t throughout her entire workday. She eventually figured out that this started once she reached the full Ozempic dose. Her doctor took it back down to an amount she’d done well on but it’s taking her awhile to get over her fear of eating and drinking ☹️ She’s the person I now think of whenever I hear about Ozempic now
I love this video. Might be my favorite on the channel. I have been telling hubby that I don't like certain TH-cam trainers wearing skimpy sports bras and grabbing their boots in their thumbnail and have a major crush on the Swat actor and now he gives me a hard time and tells me the Swat actor has no shirt on and what's the difference 😂
There’s also the highly likely probability that trainers/celebrities who say “I only do this” either a) don’t actually do it, or b) do much more than that one thing. How many times have you seen “Pilates arms” where you KNOW weights were involved?
Also I found Hiyo at my Sprouts and I’m obsessed. It is a tonic with lions mane, and no alcohol. Just a nice little way to end my day! And a bowl of popcorn 😊
Oh my gosh, the form one! I edited content for a health and wellness website for years, and we edged into fitness stuff a little bit (10 Yoga Poses for Relaxation, say). And once I took my fitness instructor training, looking for stock photos for these articles was the WORST THING EVER! I would have to go pages and pages deep to find someone who wasn't doing plank pose with their neck cranked all the way back or bicep curls with their shoulders in their ears. Inevitably, I'd either have to settle for terrible lighting and angle but proper form or some vague reference to the move in question. It was so painful. So, it's rampant ;)
That was Kelly Osbourne? I did NOT recognize her. Also, I totally get where you're coming from about alcohol. I had the same issue, until I cut alcohol three years ago. I still drink, but now it's only for special occasions, and I feel a lot better. Glad I made the decision.
I'm a Ravenclaw, too! And it kills me inside my Ravenclaw heart that not many people followed the direction of letting you know their house. (but great video)
Kelly Osborne's comments are wild given her own mother has spoken about how it harmed her. It really shouldn't be given to already thin people to try to shave off 10 lbs.
I’d love to know more about the benefits of sobriety related to health. The ppl around me always uses the “one red wine” things to excuse for their excessive drinking.
Diet most definitely should be top of list for weight loss. I use to run daily in all weather conditions but snacked out every evening and yeah.....put on weight. So, changed all that and weight is down to normal. Still love my workouts.
Miley also has been disrespected as a Disney star and her musical capabilities until as an older woman and it felt connected to distract from conversations taking her music seriously
April Whitney is the 'petite workout girl' and tbh she really doe a good job. The advice she gives isn't specific to petite women, she just markets it as such. But she's not wrong, many petite women do believe that they need to eat in an extremely restrictive manner to loose weight and she is generally directing women in the right direction, even if she's using some dumb marketing tactics to do it.
@@JustinaErcole Sure, she does a good job of that, probably worth it though if it convinces her targeted audience of petite women to start strength training instead of starving themselves.
I remember seeing a video on tik tok from a Pilates instructor thats said the clasic "when you start doing XYZ workout and now your wsist is tighter" blurb. U mentioned that many fitnesd professionals have said that was untrue and she responded "its literal science. Try pilates"
I am SO confused on the Miley arms thing...she doesn't have muscular arms...she has slim arms. People look at a pic of her taken in a nanosecond where it looked like she had some muscles and lost their mind....Miley is a slender woman, she's not muscular like Janet Jackson back in the day. I'm SO CONFUSED.
I am loving these videos & i’ve been wanting to make a vid like this for a while because I do reactions & corrections to misinformation on tiktok already!
I am loving scrolling through your videos for the first time since finding you today! ❤As a Registered Dietitian, THANK YOU for educating on staying within your “scope of practice!” It is against our professional Code of Ethics to give advice outside of our scope.
BTW thank you for the last year. You inspired me to become a NASM CNC. Thursday I tested and passed first time. Thank you for being inspiring and real which is rare.
I agree with Ladders wording totally weird and not right, but I've been doing their free workouts, mainly The KB one and I actually really enjoy them, the intensity and short workout time. Good for when I don't have a lot of time. I really enjoyed this video thank you !
The Melissa Wood video weirded me out because I would be so embarrassed if I had a video of people thanking me and crying and claiming I changed their life or "brought them back" from an eating disorder or breakdown, and her fake-beatific smile that came off as patronizing bugged me.
13:35 Justina!!! I came to watch this video that I had never finished to make up for your newest probably being demonetized and now I have to go watch another one after this one!!! 😂😂😂😂
I do Pilates once a week for years and my arms look nothing like Mileys😂 I love how my body feels from activating all the muscles I do not use so much in my day to day but it is an addition to strength training and cardio.
I am Hufflepuff and love it as i am a kitchen witch. But i have many friends in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and even two in Slytherin. So long as i can get my hands into soil and spend time calming the venomous tentacula, i am happy
That Miley Cirus arms trend was soooo disturbing! I mean she is young, she really is! She is rich, she has no kids. And her mom actually looks amazing for her age so she has a good genetics too. There is no reasons to be so much impressed that she looks good, really
It's not just the creators to blame. Even people ask stuff like: what workout should I do to get a body like ______. But, it's not that serious considering their lack of fitness knowledge. Trainers promoting the same... Not acceptable. Another superb video 👍 Touched so many important points.
2:07 lol maybe its because Usher doesnt have any abs. Which is surprising because hes fairly lean. Its actually quite unusual for a guy to be that lean and have no discernable abs whatsoever. But tbh, guys want to look far better than what Usher does currently. By curremt male fitness standards he's considered "skinnyfat" and im actually not joking, which is....honestly terrifying.
Miley Cyrus has a hole in her heart. She was born with it. This means she can’t actually smoke and she can’t actually work out strenuously. This means she does what she can. I’m so tired of people arguing over what she does. I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s at a different pace than the rest of us and just because you do what she does doesn’t mean you’ll look like her.
4:17 I... got nothing to say. They have got to be actresses. Also, i see these vlogmas names in your bowl over there 👀, can't wait to see who is next! One last thing, i'm team Slytherin!
You are the first person to say anything about that fitness girl that says short girls have to do everything way differently. I joined her free fb community and followed her on socials and man it was giving cult vibes.
Can you strengthen parts of your body and have it appear smaller? Clearly if your strengthen muscles you are probably also going to reduce fat all over or in the areas your body is genetically predisposed?
Opinion; Vuori, is very expensive for clothing that falls apart FAST. I would not recommend. I bought shorts and t shirts for me and my boyfriend and after one month the quality was diminished. ~BYE BYE~
As an almost 1 year sober person, I can say that I have seen people who also struggled w/ alcoholism fall into tris trap of sober fitness (most of them relapsed). It honestly sucks. Being sober is great, but if we are being honest, working out is not going to make you sober just like that. I was an alcoholic from 14-17 and yeah fitness helped, but these people who push their programmes as the solution to people who want to get sober, suck. I worked my ass off in the gym and at home to try and take my mind off alcohol, but yk what helped? Getting professional help! Fitness is a great tool, but to push it as something that will make you sober just makes me so angry. If it works for you, great! But do not market it as a solution? Sorry for the long comment, I just am very sensitive to people doing this stuff.
"Stop reducing women for what their body looks like!" period. Yes yes with two hands and thank you Justine!
She should have merch saying this.
LOVE when you call out the bullshit!! I was a fitness instructor and personal trainer for 28 years and am so glad that I am not in the gym environment anymore. I do miss some of the equipment etc (things that a home gym can't have), but the whole vibe at many gyms are disgusting now. Again, I 1,000% agree with your take on things!
It’s hard to find a gym you vibe with for sure!
Totally agree, left teaching at gyms in 2020 & I despair at what’s going on now, teaching for 25 years & I’m thinking of a career change for sure
@@fitnicstudio7483what are the main reasons youre doing this? what is wrong with the gym do you think?
it is SO SO SO insidious to use sobriety as part of a fitness program! that feels like an incredibly slippery slope regarding individuals struggling with their relationship with alcohol, especially because some reputable studies suggest a connection between substance abuse and eating disorders. respect as usual for your reasoned and amazing takes, justina!
"Can we stop reducing women to what their godammed body looks like, please?" Hell yeah Justina! I am with you, 100000000%
Deep core... That sounds like a music genre, lol 😂
Lol you’ve got a more tame mind than I do 😂
@@icegirl1691 Well... I wasn't going to say anything more, lol! 🤣
@@Chantellabellaaa 😆😂
Now I'm disappointed that it's not
I think a lot of people don't realise how much lighting, body makeup, angling, genetics, routines, and overall life-long-lifestyles play into a body they see.
I would LOVE for you to include the misinformation around “glute shapes”… as a fitness coach that specializes in helping women overall but hugely helping them to grow their glutes there is SO MUCH misinformation being pushed around… Its not new but stuff like “workout to get rid of hip dips” etc basically people using “glute shapes” aka the natural genetic bone structure & fat distribution of an individual👀 & pushing workouts to “change” this shape… anywho I got in hot water after calling out a creator about this but it def needs to be talked about more
yes this 100% and we’re also dangerously close to a return of the thigh gap era
"My husband has to tell me to calm down" hahahahahah made my day
I was going FERAL
Your content is flipping good , I’m a PT only for the last year and I want to help as many women over 40 feel good and age well I don’t bull shit my clients or claim to know everything, I learn so much from you and lately hearing my clients say things like my “ my mental health is better, I snap at my kids less, I wore a dress with out Spanx, I lifted my bike over a gate which I couldn’t do 6 months ago” makes me know I’m doing a good job
Thank you
Love from the UK
Love right back to you!
DON"T GET ME STARTED ON THE WHOLE POV THING!!!!! 🤣😭Definitely going to check out your core video as I've been having trouble getting my mind around the whole core engagement thing lately. That swing! What is happening?!?!
Hahahaha I can’t unsee the POV thing!
If you have a legit counterpoint and someone blocks you, they CLEARLY don't know what they are talking about. Kettlebells are dangerous when done improperly! I used to teach kettlebell classes and they needed to be VERY small groups or individualized. That was a cringy "swing". Also, I am now a Respiratory Therapist and when I see medical shows that clearly don't consult anyone in the medial field, i also cringe. Lol
One of the most interesting things from this video was how you mentioned two accounts that have blocked you. You said both pretty casually, but it was cool to see your perspective on a business account blocking you versus a personal account blocking you.
It’s definitely my personal opinion, but i think businesses blocking people is a no go.
@@JustinaErcole I hadn't really thought about it much before! I definitely agree with you; except for obvious extremes of if people were coming and harassing others in their comments or something. But that is akin to banning someone from a brick and mortar business anyways. Which again, is an extreme and not even anywhere close to what you were doing.
thanks girlie pop for another one of these~!!🤣🤣 Justina you are amazing! im learning so much!
completely random comment, but I go twice a week to a fitness class and while the exercises are great the instructor keeps saying things like "do you feel the burn? it has to hurt to work!" or "we don't want flappy arms" or cellulite! each time I remember you and I imagine what face you'd do hearing these!lol!!
Haha ohhh yes the group fitness mindset is tough with coaches.
"My husband had to tell me to calm down". Low-key mine also gave me the side eye LMAO. Pilates arms and dancer arms would forever bother me.
And to the most important question on this video: I'm Hufflepuff (no I really did the hat thing in a Comic Con and that's what came out).
The shirt came off and I went feral lol
@@JustinaErcole it was a collective (and understandable) reaction.
Please make more of these videos. Your analysis and comment is accurate and educational. And your personality shines through them which is why I watch your videos.
I’m so glad you enjoyed!
I'm loving your videos! As someone who recently started a fitness journey to improve my health it's been very eye opening and helps me know what to believe or not! thank you
Influencers that still use the spot reducing/tone your wtv in X days baffle me. Are they deluding themselves that what theyre doing is helpful? They're so adamant that how they word their ads is okay/accurate. Even when confronted in private they keep up the charade. Im always just unsure if theyre just hustling to keep up the image of their business or do they believe their BS..
They’re either completely uneducated or simply don’t care.
Gryffindor!! And for the Pilates arms I agree I’ve lost weight and will never have those “Pilates” or “toned” arms because of my lose skin, it is what it is.
You are a delight! Thank you for calling out all of this BS.
Brilliant video. I very rarely drink alcohol. Had 3 alcoholic beverages since New years Eve. But if I am honest, there is very little change! I am still knackered! Still get headaches etc. Think I just need to accept that as a 42 year old mother of 2 who works almost full time, that being tired is normal!
Omg you’re doing great mama!
This is my first video ever seeing of yours. Instant subscribe. Love everything you’ve said!!! ❤
I never comment on anyone's YT videos, but I can't keep this to myself: you're amazing! I'm forever grateful for completely changing my POV (haha) on exercise after 15 years of consistently training. Thanks for being so upfront and honest, I looooooove it
thank you so much for being here!
Justina! Congrats on your 50k subs! I've been with you since your early Lagree coaching days. Keep shining!
Aww thank you!! So happy to have you here ❤️
Some real gems there Justina! My first reaction to the Melissa Wood Health video: “Damn, Mother Theresa has had a serious glow up!” (Is there literally nothing she can’t fix?😂).
The POV lady missed such a good caption option. Really it should have been: “Is your FUPA all FUBAR?” (she can have that one for free).
That kettlebell “swing” 🙀! That is so bad (not Jillian Michaels bad, but still bad).
Hahaha glad you enjoyed!
There's definitely some hot takes in there but I really enjoyed your all of your opinions. And I loved the editing! Also, proud Gryffindor here❤🦁💛
Thank you so much for watching!
Thought from a fellow Ravenclaw 😊 I have a coworker who went on Ozempic last year to help with her diabetes. Her doctor started her with a low dose and took a few months to slowly increase it to the full dose. She initially did great with it but then started to have a consistently upset stomach every time she ate. It got to the point where she was afraid to eat or drink anything and wouldn’t throughout her entire workday. She eventually figured out that this started once she reached the full Ozempic dose. Her doctor took it back down to an amount she’d done well on but it’s taking her awhile to get over her fear of eating and drinking ☹️ She’s the person I now think of whenever I hear about Ozempic now
I love this video. Might be my favorite on the channel. I have been telling hubby that I don't like certain TH-cam trainers wearing skimpy sports bras and grabbing their boots in their thumbnail and have a major crush on the Swat actor and now he gives me a hard time and tells me the Swat actor has no shirt on and what's the difference 😂
There’s also the highly likely probability that trainers/celebrities who say “I only do this” either a) don’t actually do it, or b) do much more than that one thing. How many times have you seen “Pilates arms” where you KNOW weights were involved?
10 seconds into the video, definitely cackled loudly at the announcement that this is a s**post 😂😂😂
Oh man I giggled hard on this one...always a fun ride with you Justina! Slay that bs!!!!
Thank you for watching!
Also I found Hiyo at my Sprouts and I’m obsessed. It is a tonic with lions mane, and no alcohol. Just a nice little way to end my day! And a bowl of popcorn 😊
Oh my gosh, the form one! I edited content for a health and wellness website for years, and we edged into fitness stuff a little bit (10 Yoga Poses for Relaxation, say). And once I took my fitness instructor training, looking for stock photos for these articles was the WORST THING EVER! I would have to go pages and pages deep to find someone who wasn't doing plank pose with their neck cranked all the way back or bicep curls with their shoulders in their ears. Inevitably, I'd either have to settle for terrible lighting and angle but proper form or some vague reference to the move in question. It was so painful. So, it's rampant ;)
oh nooooooo
Love you, girlie pop!! 😂😂❤️
That was Kelly Osbourne? I did NOT recognize her.
Also, I totally get where you're coming from about alcohol. I had the same issue, until I cut alcohol three years ago. I still drink, but now it's only for special occasions, and I feel a lot better. Glad I made the decision.
Oh wow good for you!
I'm a Ravenclaw, too! And it kills me inside my Ravenclaw heart that not many people followed the direction of letting you know their house. (but great video)
Kelly Osborne's comments are wild given her own mother has spoken about how it harmed her. It really shouldn't be given to already thin people to try to shave off 10 lbs.
Even though I KNOW it's nonsense, Instagram loves to show me this kind of spot reduction garbage to make me feel bad. Needed this video.
So glad it resonated with you!
You look great! 😂
I’m a ravenclaw, too! I feel like there aren’t many of us!
Ravenclaws unite!
LOVE this video, for obvious reasons!!! Keep doing what your doing Justina.❤
Thank you so much!
Girl!!!😂😂😂😂 FUPA!!!😅😅😅😅 I almost died
calling out the Chat GPT nonsense was absolutely my favorite! such chaotic language and it's just getting more popular!
I'm also a Ravenclaw! 😊 Love the video as always ❤
😊 thank you
Oh my god, I've laughed so much watching this video...
Bye bye 🤣
Hahahahah like WHAT
Thank you again for the great video. More people need to hear these faux fitness theories debunked. House Slytherin representing!
My husband is also slytherin!
I’d love to know more about the benefits of sobriety related to health. The ppl around me always uses the “one red wine” things to excuse for their excessive drinking.
More and more research basically shows there's no benefit to alcohol. It's basically poison!
Love these! It’s scary how much bad influence these people have over our lives.
8:24 that girl drives me crazy. Im short and have to do nothing different when working out.
Diet most definitely should be top of list for weight loss. I use to run daily in all weather conditions but snacked out every evening and yeah.....put on weight. So, changed all that and weight is down to normal. Still love my workouts.
Miley also has been disrespected as a Disney star and her musical capabilities until as an older woman and it felt connected to distract from conversations taking her music seriously
April Whitney is the 'petite workout girl' and tbh she really doe a good job. The advice she gives isn't specific to petite women, she just markets it as such. But she's not wrong, many petite women do believe that they need to eat in an extremely restrictive manner to loose weight and she is generally directing women in the right direction, even if she's using some dumb marketing tactics to do it.
She does a good job of…lying to people through dumb marketing tactics?
@@JustinaErcole Sure, she does a good job of that, probably worth it though if it convinces her targeted audience of petite women to start strength training instead of starving themselves.
@@Jade93972 And there are plenty of amazing coaches out there who don't lie to their audience that I would rather support.
🔥 this made my day! Hufflepuff over here 😆💪
Ok edit to add: laughing my ass off on the Hoboken light rail.
And yay, fellow Aries! 🔥
hahah yay aries!
I’m a trying to get sober movement girlie! Fun idea throw a party everyone bring a creative task to share instead of let’s get together and drink
Also a Ravenclaw girly ❤😊
Ravenclaw girlies unite!
I remember seeing a video on tik tok from a Pilates instructor thats said the clasic "when you start doing XYZ workout and now your wsist is tighter" blurb. U mentioned that many fitnesd professionals have said that was untrue and she responded "its literal science. Try pilates"
Hahaha it’s giving “trust me bro” energy
Speaking of toned and snatched: I noticed Somble used toned in the goals questionnaire.
Oh interesting! That’s a new feature so I’m gonna go poke around and see if I can modify that :)
THANK you for pointing out how everyone uses POV incorrectly. It ticks me off so much lol
Which Ladder were you talking about? I know of Kelly Matthew’s Ladder fitness app and saw that they’re pretty solid so that might not be it?
That’s the one! And it’s not her app, it’s just the one she works for. Their coaches are great but their marketing is manipulative trash.
I am SO confused on the Miley arms thing...she doesn't have muscular arms...she has slim arms. People look at a pic of her taken in a nanosecond where it looked like she had some muscles and lost their mind....Miley is a slender woman, she's not muscular like Janet Jackson back in the day. I'm SO CONFUSED.
It’s because we’re back in that trendy phase of being so thin to see muscle underneath = muscular for women 🙄
ALSO no shade to Miley and her arms at all!
@@JustinaErcole it’s no shade at all, we’re simply describing her body type which a slender. She’s not muscular / jacked which is…true.
I am loving these videos & i’ve been wanting to make a vid like this for a while because I do reactions & corrections to misinformation on tiktok already!
That clip with kelly Osborne is upsetting. She’s treating medication like a handbag
& a medication with so many long term side effects as well...
I think we can all agree that Justina is our favorite Sweet Baby Angel Boy! 😄🤩🤣
I am loving scrolling through your videos for the first time since finding you today! ❤As a Registered Dietitian, THANK YOU for educating on staying within your “scope of practice!” It is against our professional Code of Ethics to give advice outside of our scope.
So grateful to have you here!
Fellow Aries! (April 3rd) I'm a Slytherin who is married to a Hufflepuff and our eldest is a Ravenclaw and our middle and youngest are Gryffindor.
BTW thank you for the last year. You inspired me to become a NASM CNC. Thursday I tested and passed first time. Thank you for being inspiring and real which is rare.
I agree with Ladders wording totally weird and not right, but I've been doing their free workouts, mainly The KB one and I actually really enjoy them, the intensity and short workout time. Good for when I don't have a lot of time.
I really enjoyed this video thank you !
There’s plenty of coaches who don’t prey on insecurities that I would highly recommend instead!
I was going to recommend checking out Models Doing Ballet re: that last video, but you mentioned it already 😂
The Melissa Wood video weirded me out because I would be so embarrassed if I had a video of people thanking me and crying and claiming I changed their life or "brought them back" from an eating disorder or breakdown, and her fake-beatific smile that came off as patronizing bugged me.
it gives me very weird vibes
13:35 Justina!!! I came to watch this video that I had never finished to make up for your newest probably being demonetized and now I have to go watch another one after this one!!! 😂😂😂😂
Omg that yuri kettlebell swing lol
I’m a slytherin and I just finished my gym set two hours ago!!!!!!!!!
Great job Slytherin!
I do Pilates once a week for years and my arms look nothing like Mileys😂 I love how my body feels from activating all the muscles I do not use so much in my day to day but it is an addition to strength training and cardio.
Love that!
YASS big Aries energy! Suddenly everything makes sense (I’m March 28) 😂
Also: Hufflepuff
Hahaha I didn’t realize I give off such strong Aries energy!
That Melissa Wood Health video is truly disturbing.
It’s so bizarre!
No wonder I enjoy your content so much, fellow ♈ girlee!!!
Yesss Aries!
I am Hufflepuff and love it as i am a kitchen witch. But i have many friends in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and even two in Slytherin. So long as i can get my hands into soil and spend time calming the venomous tentacula, i am happy
Brilliant video! Had me cracking up 😂
Glad you enjoyed!
Shoulda known you were an Aries 🔥 🔥 some of my favorite people
Subscribed! That was awesome.
So happy to have you here!
"toned Taylor arms" -this is so silly 😭
That Miley Cirus arms trend was soooo disturbing! I mean she is young, she really is! She is rich, she has no kids. And her mom actually looks amazing for her age so she has a good genetics too. There is no reasons to be so much impressed that she looks good, really
It's not just the creators to blame. Even people ask stuff like: what workout should I do to get a body like ______.
But, it's not that serious considering their lack of fitness knowledge. Trainers promoting the same... Not acceptable.
Another superb video 👍
Touched so many important points.
This is a Ravenclaw household 💯
I know we shouldn't comment on FUPAs but my cat's FUPA hangs LOW and I can't resist😆 It might be my Slytherin nature, though.
Yesss love the primordial pouch!
Your sweater is great!! You are a marvelous Ravenclauw, with some excellent helpfull content, keep it up 💙 I am Slytherin 💚
Thank you!!
I thew out my lower back just watching that kettlebell swing.😮
fantastic video. good job :)
Thank you very much!
2:07 lol maybe its because Usher doesnt have any abs. Which is surprising because hes fairly lean. Its actually quite unusual for a guy to be that lean and have no discernable abs whatsoever.
But tbh, guys want to look far better than what Usher does currently. By curremt male fitness standards he's considered "skinnyfat" and im actually not joking, which is....honestly terrifying.
Fair points! I still went feral when his shirt came off 🤤
You crack me up. Keep it up 😂
This month for me was an insanity of powders advertised in the past month - so annoying. People you do not need these powders 😢.
Miley Cyrus has a hole in her heart. She was born with it. This means she can’t actually smoke and she can’t actually work out strenuously. This means she does what she can. I’m so tired of people arguing over what she does. I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s at a different pace than the rest of us and just because you do what she does doesn’t mean you’ll look like her.
4:17 I... got nothing to say. They have got to be actresses.
Also, i see these vlogmas names in your bowl over there 👀, can't wait to see who is next!
One last thing, i'm team Slytherin!
Next vlogmas video is soon!
I really don't see what is wrong with the term "Toned".
It makes sense to me....🤷🏾♀️
By all means, if anyone can let me know........
You can’t tone muscle. You can build it or let it atrophy. But influencers and scam coaches use it to convince people of spot reduction.
@@JustinaErcole ok. I see what you mean now.
No one uses POV right and it drives me nuts! 😂
When it was pointed out to me I couldn’t unsee it lol
You are the first person to say anything about that fitness girl that says short girls have to do everything way differently. I joined her free fb community and followed her on socials and man it was giving cult vibes.
oh yikesssss
Another great video 🙏
Thank you!
Can you strengthen parts of your body and have it appear smaller? Clearly if your strengthen muscles you are probably also going to reduce fat all over or in the areas your body is genetically predisposed?
I am also a Ravenclaw!
Opinion; Vuori, is very expensive for clothing that falls apart FAST. I would not recommend. I bought shorts and t shirts for me and my boyfriend and after one month the quality was diminished.
Oooh thanks for the info! BYE BYE 😂
Have you ever looked into Kaleigh Cohen? She does a lot of free strength workouts on TH-cam. I really like her and I do her workouts quite often.
I know she's in my big bowl of coaches from vlogmas! Hopefully I'll pick her one month :)
As an almost 1 year sober person, I can say that I have seen people who also struggled w/ alcoholism fall into tris trap of sober fitness (most of them relapsed). It honestly sucks. Being sober is great, but if we are being honest, working out is not going to make you sober just like that.
I was an alcoholic from 14-17 and yeah fitness helped, but these people who push their programmes as the solution to people who want to get sober, suck. I worked my ass off in the gym and at home to try and take my mind off alcohol, but yk what helped? Getting professional help!
Fitness is a great tool, but to push it as something that will make you sober just makes me so angry.
If it works for you, great! But do not market it as a solution?
Sorry for the long comment, I just am very sensitive to people doing this stuff.