I agree with you. Why do they even have this poor baby if they are going to just keep him in a cage all the time. Oh, I remember why now, it's just for the money. They can't stand the poor babies but they love the money they get for the videos of them. It makes me sick to see this happen to them.
If he’s locked in a cage why do you have a diaper on him or her that’s just asking for a rash I can see having it on if he’s out running around in the house but in a cage where you can pull that tray out and clean it I don’t understand. But I guess he did climb out of the cage so I said all that for no reason whatsoever I just wanted toPut my two cents in very cute monkey
You need to hold him/her & love the baby monkey for it to thrive. Why can't you hold him/her????? Give her to me!!! I'll take good care of her & love & comfort her. You people are not doing anything. I'm not watching anymore or subscribing cuz it's pointless
Ini tergolong lutung sih
Protected !!! Or is supposed to be
That baby is cute needs a little blanket. I wish would have some in English
Bagus juga lutung lucu
Наверно он вкусный, мясо молоденькое, нежное, и скорее всего лишней жиринки нет, и долго варить наверно не надо.
Kak Monyet nya sama kayak monyet kami
Daerah mana kamu kak
Ukurannya segitu apa bisa gede lagi
Por tira da floresta para prdndery
Esta gracioso con esa cara oscura y su bonito pelo dorado.
Popoknya pake apa tu mas?
Lucu tuh bg beli nya di mna bg pasti mahal x yaa
Such a cute baby!!
Ещё бы молчал, его писк раздражает, я бы его взяла за шкирку, и хорошенько тряханула, чтобы заткнулся. Бесит этот писк.
Dilindungi tuh.. bisa masuk penjara
Клетка🥺нет еды, нет воды... Старая, грязная лестница....хоррор😫
Его хорошо кормят. Умеет с ложки. А держат только в клетке или вольере. Иначе нельзя.
Очень жалко,хочет свободы,а не жить маленькой клетке.
I agree with you. Why do they even have this poor baby if they are going to just keep him in a cage all the time. Oh, I remember why now, it's just for the money. They can't stand the poor babies but they love the money they get for the videos of them. It makes me sick to see this happen to them.
Хороший он. Спокойный, ест с ложки. К сожаленью их держать только в клетке или вольере. Иначе нельзя, они пакостники до старости.
Punya Kyk gtu beli Dmn mas
mum can you give baby a blanket and Teddy in cage please!🥰
Can I buy monkrh
If he’s locked in a cage why do you have a diaper on him or her that’s just asking for a rash I can see having it on if he’s out running around in the house but in a cage where you can pull that tray out and clean it I don’t understand. But I guess he did climb out of the cage so I said all that for no reason whatsoever I just wanted toPut my two cents in very cute monkey
Isn’t it against the law to have one of these poor babies??
They eat the evidence, routinely
Omg these are so pretty why would they do that
Yay! Love langurs
GUNAH AllAH göruyor
Es ist geschützt und gehört sofort gemeldet damit solche geldgierige ins Gefängnis kommen
Aku ada simpay tapi sudah mati😭 sakit rasanya kepikiran terus
Sama.. Sedih bgt rasanya
You need to hold him/her & love the baby monkey for it to thrive. Why can't you hold him/her????? Give her to me!!! I'll take good care of her & love & comfort her. You people are not doing anything. I'm not watching anymore or subscribing cuz it's pointless