OMG this video is waaaay better than those Architecture Digest house tour. That Ilve Milano 8 burner is my dream stove. Your house is my dream! 祝你同馮小姐新屋入伙愉快!
Thank you for your sharing with us a tour of your beautiful house. The only thing missing was a glimpse of a Security System. Most houses of this size in N America comes with an extensive surveillance system. I don’t mean you should elaborate in any detail but an approximate mention will be relevant. And what about an all weather Sprinkler / Irrigation system with sensors, remote functions which can be controlled on the cell. This system is sophisticated, but not expensive at all. It’s just pipes, sprinkler heads, and an electronic chip control board. Also missing is a fire alarm with sprinkler system esp in the kitchen.
Wardrobes are attached to wall. So they are fixtures and so the seller can’t remove them. They have to be included in the sale together with the house.
Hi Mr. & Mrs. Bob Congratulations to your house move ! Really like the design of your new house. I had watch your channel before in HK mainly was for cooking. I was like you, years ago lived in Chelsea moved to Richmond lived right by the Thames, finally moved to a very old village in Kent which is around 1 hours drive to Central London. You cannot beat the quality of life once you are in the country side and my neighbours are like family to me. P.s. great to hear a fellow Hong Konger with a lovely British accent & proper manners that are trying to explain life in UK that is not distorted ......................
有樓底高+通風呢兩大優點住都住得健康d! 多謝bob叔同馮小姐的用心分享,呢個可以話我睇過最好睇的house tour片,唔淨只因為屋靚(其實本人比較鍾意住city),更重要係bob叔嘅片一向都係內容、視覺效果同節奏都配合得恰到好處所以睇得好舒服好享受!好似真係帶左我入屋錦! I can’t get over it! 我頂!😭
Uncle Bob, best wishes for you and your wifey. You guys are heroes of HK and we will never forget you. Live the very BEST lives and if you guys can spare, care for HK. No pressure.
Bob 叔, 正 👍👍👍!!! The black and white combi at the entrance area and the wall panelling is very colonial, very classy! One suggestion: Do replace that small bench next to the door and staircase on ground floor. It is out of character. 魔鬼在细节啊,Bob 叔!
Nice house, bright & airy. Glad is not a WAG's stereotype interior ( overly bling). Ceiling height: typical New build houses cater for the average family tends to have low ceiling mainly to conserve energy and use less material to keep cost down. Where as your house is more bespoke to meet your previous owner's need. Therefore, the higher ceiling. However, if you walk in any upper middle class Victorian or Georgian houses, they will have 9-10ft ceiling as well as full of original classic features, eg real fireplace, cornices, ceiling rose, deep ornate covings, wainscoting, basement etc. Which, they are all back in fashion now. Strange you hang shower curtain for your walk-in shower though.🤔
Congrats on your new home in UK. It looks great and elegant! I can tell how much efforts you have put in it. The video clip isnt long. I enjoyed watch every single minute of it!
Very stylish decor, my guess you've hired a British interior designer. I'm glad you've gone for tranquil living away from London and not like most HKers just sticking to the noisy and polluted city. This is truly how the upper middle class would live in the UK 😄
What an splendid house. I guess central AC is not very common among UK houses. Since you mentioned the school quality, does that mean you and Ms. Fung are planning for a little one? Congratulations!!!
Congratulation on settling into your new home Uncle and Auntie Bob. Everything looks so amazing and tasteful. You should have done a before and after for a more dramatic effect!
Uncle Bob, 我是香港的,由讀大學看到你而家,看了你的影片好多年了,由你cooking shows 和郵輪vlogs。 可能我錯了重點,但你對老婆的說話方式真的很溫柔👍🏻,要老婆做野幫忙不停說謝謝👍🏻。從女性角度,每個女人都希望自己的另一半這樣對待自己,我也相信這是雙向的。十分好看的房子裝修和vlog。給💯個讚👍🏻
Say thank you and 溫柔唔係做人同伴侶嘅基本?????
@@本英柒系 啱~其實應該係雙向,不過人多數會變得自我為中心。
你嗰間係from the ground up,大把嘢拍啦!好似睇空間大改造咁,我都非常之期待!
@@scleung2620 沙律改造王就有
恭喜Bob 叔、馮小姐新居正式入伙🎉 簡直係集豪華與實用於一身。
個廚房咁正,Bob 叔你會拍多啲煮食片呵?👍🏼
聽見Bob叔同馮小姐講嘢嘅語氣,真系感覺到你好錫老婆 🥰 祝你們係英國繼續你們幸福的生活!!
對!無論相處左幾耐都好 我永遠覺得尊重係首要!
@gochrome 我覺得係為咗鼓勵馮小姐啫
大佬佢第一次主持 仲要home tour
bob 叔你間屋簡直係香港人既dream house 😎
睇咗bob 叔 啲片咁耐( 雖然我可能仲老過你), 一直都好支持你, 見到你身體狀況出現警號而家移民英國, 然後喺呢度安居樂業, 其實真係感動到想喊, 希望好人一世平安, 開開心心, 或者生翻 D Bob 仔Bob 女, 開心要Bob 嘢唔開心都要Bob 嘢.
Swimming pool is a waste in UK weather, the upkeep cost outweighs the pleasure, just drive to nearby beach to enjoy the nature!!
@@jckc2282 要泳池就黎LA 啦! :)
多謝Bob叔你無私奉獻嘅分享! 其他人就算有著Bob叔同樣嘅學識同社會地位,都唔會同我地分享咁多. 令我地大開眼界. 祝Bob叔馮小姐生活美滿,身體健康!
終於有全片睇啦😍👍 首先好鍾意室內每對門既色,又好欣賞Bob叔有唔少野都有保留前業主既家品,只要岩用就留,翻新過又用得👍👍👍絕對唔會浪費/堅持要全新👍👍👍 三文魚顏色幾有趣🤣 全間屋一睇夠光真係舒服好多!有一間房有冷氣真係高級享受 , 其實頂樓都真係正 , 又有齊雪櫃同爐仔~ 最搞笑應該係我見識少原來可以咁樣推隻天窗再推出去做露台仔~真係長知識~ , 花園有自種香草真係岩晒你煮野食~ BTW 見到花園間爛木屋仔果刻笑左出聲~ 格格不入既屋但又HIDE得幾好 , 你個區直頭係享受人生區~ 無得輸!~ 仲洗乜去倫敦同人鬥快~舒適生活最緊要~
Bob 叔對著太太講嘢特別特別溫柔,寵妻一族!👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
OMG this video is waaaay better than those Architecture Digest house tour. That Ilve Milano 8 burner is my dream stove. Your house is my dream! 祝你同馮小姐新屋入伙愉快!
@@dannytam544 有長㖭,間屋
Congrats Uncle Bob & Wife,You must be the the Richest Couple of all the HK BNO Holder's in UK Very Beautiful Detached Property!!!
花園角落頭個窿好似 The secret garden 😆
好欣賞你哋, 唔止有錢有品味, 仲唔浪費, 會保留前業主啲靚傢俱👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
bob 叔間新屋實在令人太羨慕啦......草地咁大, 直頭可以起間Glasshouse , 一年四季種蔬果, 再加太陽能, 自給自足
I like the neoclassical interior, farmhouse sink, beautiful contemporary style house. The only thing missing is the pool
恭喜曬Bob叔 馮小姐🥳
咁大間屋,淨係打掃剪草都有排搞;又有gym又有game room,廚房又正,搞到又要做運動又要煮嘢食(大家知英國啲牛油幾貴啦),搞到自己鬼死咁忙。喺英國做二等公民簡直慘絕人寰呀~~~🤣
@@jackmusk5256 千祈唔好去中國囉!共同富裕,錢入左去匪國 就出唔返來🤣
@@tcp0023 錢可以出來的,洗一下就得,麻煩啲
恭喜新屋入伙! 睇左咁多香港人介紹既英國屋, 呢間係我第一次覺得好靚好舒服既屋! 正呀!
Congrats Bob叔 & 馮小姐新居入伙🥳🥳🥳
師奶仔嘅我表示最正嘅係個walk-in pantry😍😍😍 可以收埋要用嘅嘢,一打開門就所有都係齊度,好似叮噹法寶一樣🧿 全間屋真係正到不得了, excellent job 🥰
記得Bob叔講過,對於馮小姐肯主動同外國人溝通感到好欣慰,今條片相信係一個新嘅起點,令馮小姐可以更融入Bob叔嘅fans club,不再單單做guest,good start!
全國top 3 top 5嘅學區房,竟然價錢比首都更平,英國人真係唔識炒樓
that walk in pantry and ilve stove top is a DREAM.
All the best to your new chapter of life uncle bob and ms fung!!
Wow! The colour palette and interior design of the house are beautiful!! Modern, classic and elegant!!
氣派非凡 Bob 叔叔 太威水,另我眼界大開,增加見聞,太感謝你,恭敬你長命百歲
Enjoy every minute of this video, the house is enormous & elegant. Wish you both a happy live in U.K., all the best
恭喜恭喜Bob叔, 馮小姐新居入伙, 間屋好靚, 好有氣派呀!
全間屋都光猛, 顏色配搭好舒服, 留下前業主嘅家具好似新一樣, 又靚又實用!
Such a Dream House! 🥂🥂🥂🥂
Thank you for your sharing with us a tour of your beautiful house. The only thing missing was a glimpse of a Security System. Most houses of this size in N America comes with an extensive surveillance system. I don’t mean you should elaborate in any detail but an approximate mention will be relevant. And what about an all weather Sprinkler / Irrigation system with sensors, remote functions which can be controlled on the cell. This system is sophisticated, but not expensive at all. It’s just
pipes, sprinkler heads, and an electronic chip control board. Also missing is a fire alarm with sprinkler system esp in the kitchen.
Did you say fire sprinkler system? You must be one of a kind!
Bob 叔,替你和馮小姐開心,單單睇片就感覺到2位好開心,祝你哋生活愉快、身體健康 😃
Beautiful! Virgina Water or Wentworth?
我鍾意 D 門鎖 " 卡擦 " 果一聲, 証明係用名廠嘢
Bob 叔, 我哋一家幾年前喺element 見過你同馮小姐,你真係nice ! 如今大家都喺英國,希望有一天再遇到你哋!
Bob叔間屋靚得黎閒約,唔浮誇,夠實用👍全屋我最鍾意Walk-in pantry同頂樓個天窗,好鬼正!
我睇到7分幾鐘,已經要pause 左佢即刻俾返個like先,好撚正,尤其係間OFFICE
Wardrobes are attached to wall. So they are fixtures and so the seller can’t remove them. They have to be included in the sale together with the house.
The roof is about to be replaced. It should be 20 years. Life span should be about 25 years. But you don’t want to wait till it’s leaking
Hi Mr. & Mrs. Bob Congratulations to your house move ! Really like the design of your new house. I had watch your channel before in HK mainly was for cooking. I was like you, years ago lived in Chelsea moved to Richmond lived right by the Thames, finally moved to a very old village in Kent which is around 1 hours drive to Central London. You cannot beat the quality of life once you are in the country side and my neighbours are like family to me. P.s. great to hear a fellow Hong Konger with a lovely British accent & proper manners that are trying to explain life in UK that is not distorted ......................
Did he mention what area he's actually in? I re-watched this twice and didn't catch it. Is he in Kent now?
@@saysumadri Sunningdale.
这里应该是Surrey最好的区域,Cobham, Stoke D'Abernon或者是Esher区。你们很幸运,好好Maintain房子和花园吧。
睇呢條片我 嘩 左至少10次
This is soooo nice. Not only looks comfortable but efficiently renovated. Congratulations! This is what we called good life 👍
睇返d原有傢私and decoration, the ex-owner also has good taste...the new design is totally consistent with the existing one... prefect match....
有樓底高+通風呢兩大優點住都住得健康d! 多謝bob叔同馮小姐的用心分享,呢個可以話我睇過最好睇的house tour片,唔淨只因為屋靚(其實本人比較鍾意住city),更重要係bob叔嘅片一向都係內容、視覺效果同節奏都配合得恰到好處所以睇得好舒服好享受!好似真係帶左我入屋錦! I can’t get over it! 我頂!😭
在香港嘅人睇見人哋英國間屋 先至知道自己原來係隻雀 , 一直住緊個鳥籠 : (
not sure if I would like to live in Sunningdale but good for you.
Uncle Bob, best wishes for you and your wifey. You guys are heroes of HK and we will never forget you. Live the very BEST lives and if you guys can spare, care for HK. No pressure.
Bob 叔, 正 👍👍👍!!!
The black and white combi at the entrance area and the wall panelling is very colonial, very classy!
One suggestion:
Do replace that small bench next to the door and staircase on ground floor. It is out of character. 魔鬼在细节啊,Bob 叔!
看見你們夫婦平安在英國過新生活 現在安居 希望你 養好身體拍 多些 生活的片給我們看 多些遊山玩水的片 我是獨居老人沒有機會往外國的祝你們生活愉快身體健康🤣😊 你的片幾年了 第一次留言。
間屋靚到癲,我最鍾意地下果層,綠色配搭真係好靚,又vintage feel
電視、組合櫃及廚房好正,另外 bob叔 office 選擇既顏色好warm真是得意之作❤
Nice house, bright & airy. Glad is not a WAG's stereotype interior ( overly bling). Ceiling height: typical New build houses cater for the average family tends to have low ceiling mainly to conserve energy and use less material to keep cost down. Where as your house is more bespoke to meet your previous owner's need. Therefore, the higher ceiling. However, if you walk in any upper middle class Victorian or Georgian houses, they will have 9-10ft ceiling as well as full of original classic features, eg real fireplace, cornices, ceiling rose, deep ornate covings, wainscoting, basement etc. Which, they are all back in fashion now. Strange you hang shower curtain for your walk-in shower though.🤔
The house is absolutely stunning!
Wait what - Uncle Bob is moving into my town?! Welcome to Sunny Uncle Bob!
好正呀!! life is good....when you are rich, haha.😄
恭喜Bob 叔、馮小姐新居正式入伙🎉
Congrats on your new home in UK. It looks great and elegant! I can tell how much efforts you have put in it.
The video clip isnt long. I enjoyed watch every single minute of it!
Bob, 你煮得,食得,玩得,吹得,好有要求👍👍👍👍👍
多謝bob叔分享 睇得好開心 好羨慕 希望你們生活愉快
馮小姐唔係香港睇落真係好幸福 好開心 睇落仲幸福肥左小小, 第一次見佢拍咁長既片又出聲出樣 仲要介紹.
Congrats for your new house, really proud of you and thanks for sharing that with us.
With that dream of a kitchen, when will you film more cooking videos? Those were great!
Bob 叔, your house is stunning. Love u. Happy for u. 馮小姐is so elegant. Want to see her more in your video.
睇到哇哇聲 bob 叔固然有錢 但都好有taste 間屋裝修得好靚👍🏻
Hi guys so lovely house,i was wondering how you clean up the house daily , on yr own?
恭喜bob叔,新屋好靚呀👍🏻 英國而家好多太陽能版,有獨立屋可以考慮裝,多個後備電源
好有品味,看過很多屋,這間最great,we’ll done
恭喜你呀,去咗個新環境新生活 間屋好靚好有品味 一切安定落嚟 就要出多啲片,尤其是煮食片
祝你哋生活愉快 支持你哋💕💕
10:44 Any reason to choose steamer only and not a plumbed in combi-steam oven?
Very stylish decor, my guess you've hired a British interior designer. I'm glad you've gone for tranquil living away from London and not like most HKers just sticking to the noisy and polluted city. This is truly how the upper middle class would live in the UK 😄
前屋主個 ground floor 一字形間隔 真係好正!
恭喜哂!新居入伙! 願你哋生活安逸! 期待新嘅煮食片!
What an splendid house. I guess central AC is not very common among UK houses. Since you mentioned the school quality, does that mean you and Ms. Fung are planning for a little one? Congratulations!!!
移民去英國,做二等公民,住間屋咁大,去個廁所分分鐘要搭shuttle bus,清潔又辛苦,
恭喜晒你地呀!終於都完成啦,要Enjoy ur life ❤
Congratulation on settling into your new home Uncle and Auntie Bob. Everything looks so amazing and tasteful. You should have done a before and after for a more dramatic effect!
正呀 dream house Bob叔!!介唔介意講下水電氣大約幾錢?清潔方便係咪要自己落手落腳做?有冇做下後備能源儲備?
IG post 左咁耐終於完成左 恭喜哂~~祝你同馮小姐生活愉快!!
有大廚房煮下野食, 有套電子鼓夾下Band, 有Gym健下身. 有花園可運動和種下花.非常寫意.
恭喜你地真正"安居", 我相信香港人睇到會好有感觸 :)
Bob叔間屋好正,好舒服。人一世物一世,可以有間理想安樂窩 I am happy for you and Ms Fung 🥹