played your build in supp, its really comfy to be able to take and stay longer in fights, I end up doing lots of damage even without much ap just because im always up and running, well thought !
You can search me on Vietnam server: AKissIsNotAKiss #6969 Its my clone account, i'm currently playing rank with velkoz tank I actually played a lot of tank velkoz on my main account but the winrate is unstable so i'm starting again with the new account
You first need to see someone pick Vel'koz and thats rare, i play this build cuz i love the champ and i was also 70%, now not sure but had some 4v5 games maybe if i don't count its still 70
hey azzap! is there any possibility for uncut selected games like this? would be nice for learning macro when you dont have time to watch them streams :D
hi, im almost 1mil velkoz player, and i need to ask do you also feel like the W is bugged on Velkoz? earlier i could insta cast the w after any ability, but recently my combos just doesent go off well the W just doesent cast after i use E or Q
@@skadavra8009 would say never take conq on Aurelion sol, build could work well if your looking to be more of a split push farming laner later on until you can roam with a far w. Don't play to much asol my self this is just my view on it
Hi bro, have you tried full magic pen velkoz? Cryptbloom, stormsurge, shadowflame, deathcap, void is the build. Do you think its viable without a mana item and only rely on manaflow band for mana? Thanks
played your build in supp, its really comfy to be able to take and stay longer in fights, I end up doing lots of damage even without much ap just because im always up and running, well thought !
For sup I just ignore tear and do directly FH or Jak, then riftmaker + situational, it’s pretty good, 65%+ in diamond
i have yet to see anybody actually get a win with this build other than Azzapp
You can search me on Vietnam server: AKissIsNotAKiss #6969
Its my clone account, i'm currently playing rank with velkoz tank
I actually played a lot of tank velkoz on my main account but the winrate is unstable so i'm starting again with the new account
You first need to see someone pick Vel'koz and thats rare, i play this build cuz i love the champ and i was also 70%, now not sure but had some 4v5 games maybe if i don't count its still 70
I have 100% wr with it!
It's just hard to actually get to the tank items before everybody is one shooting you
@@Omegeddon Tear - the 1300 rod component then rod at 8-11 depending on kills and you should be fine from there
do you think tank’koz is best now? does that make your recent mid guide different?
hey azzap! is there any possibility for uncut selected games like this? would be nice for learning macro when you dont have time to watch them streams :D
Can i use this build as a support ?
hi, im almost 1mil velkoz player, and i need to ask
do you also feel like the W is bugged on Velkoz?
earlier i could insta cast the w after any ability, but recently my combos just doesent go off well
the W just doesent cast after i use E or Q
I thought this was just me. It feels like if I press w too fast after e, the w does not come out.
@@carlosfuentes-vd9uq YESYES TYTY
Does anyone know the outro music's name?
where can i find this song
leo gattuso-lofi
double health growth this season is insane, with roa you get higher level faster and you get like 300 hp. *NUTs*
For anyone who plays anivia this build is amazing, you can change your runes i genereally do to electrocute
can this build work for aurelion sol? maybe using the conqueror + unending despair lux tech ?
@@skadavra8009 would say never take conq on Aurelion sol, build could work well if your looking to be more of a split push farming laner later on until you can roam with a far w. Don't play to much asol my self this is just my view on it
Hi bro, have you tried full magic pen velkoz? Cryptbloom, stormsurge, shadowflame, deathcap, void is the build. Do you think its viable without a mana item and only rely on manaflow band for mana? Thanks
He did kill someone 100-0 wiht 1 Q because of Stormsurge and pen once. It got nerfed though.
Can you even buy void staff with cryptbloom?
@berkeefeeren I think you can, but the %pen doesn't stack so I don't know why you'd ever do it
@@corysample3628nope cant buy cryptbloom and void staff together
When I said in one of the comments "tanks often do most DMG in the game" someone said its skill issue. I was right.
And you like to play with no flash like I do, right on lol. Sometimes you just need more of a challenge with velkoz 😂
gotta try it
11:13 180 Armor 🤔🤔
is this the game that syndra top and the jungler typed "you make syndra looks balanced" video?
where's that part at🤣🤣
For some reason I can't pull this off in my server. Almost all my tankoz games have been full of inting players and we never make it to late game
U can skip roa, take cosmic drive, rift maker, jak sho. It will be faster, more cdr. Then ur upgrade ur tear, and will have shield and cdr.
I always said off-tank will be viable on most champs. Nobody believes me still. I think 5 off-tanks is going to become meta
Doesn't work if your team gives up minute 5 for no reason and runs it down...
Gg man
8 games, i win 6