The consequences of an unrepentant heart can be severe and long lasting and for some a simple rebuke with encouragement will suffice. For others, the rod of chastening with encouragement is required.
Great message. It would be good if every believer struggling with sin or addictions of any kind listened to it. I sure wished I had been taught these truths very early after I was saved. I was joyously and powerfully converted and saved from sins penalty over 40 years ago, but I sure didn't understand about being delivered from sin's power or authority over my life. I have no excuse because I believe our ultimate teacher the Holy Spirit of God gave me the truth, but perhaps I didn't know how to apply it or I loved my sin more than I loved God. I let the sin nature have dominion, control over me. God impressed me to adopt Romans 12:1,2 as kind of a life's verses. I wished I could say everything turned out ok, but sadly, it didn't. I blame nobody but myself, but I only type this as a warning to new believers or anyone struggling with sin. Sin, any sin, will destroy your Christian life if you let it have the power or authority to rule your life. You either choose day by day by faith to let the Holy Spirit of God help you to defeat the impulses of the flesh or you will yield to your old master, the flesh. "Sin shall not have dominion (right to rule) over you." Romans 8:11,12 gives the ultimate victory through trusting the Holy Spirit to help you mortify or put to death the deeds of the flesh. Our sinful nature will be there until we die, but we do not have to yield to it's authority to made us slaves to sinful desires and habits. Like Pastor Lutzer said, deliverance from sins penalty takes place in a moment of time, but deliverance from sin's power is daily for the rest of your life. It is by reckoning that the authority of the old Adamic sin nature is broken at the cross and that you now have the indwelling Holy Spirit to trust for deliverance from sin's power over you. You never again have to be a "slave to sin." I can tell you w/o question, more Christians will fail in their service for God because they don't understand this truth than perhaps any other reason. You CANNOT defeat the old man, the flesh nature, in your own strength. It is by faith by trusting in what God says about you not being a slave to it any longer and then relying on the Holy Spirit for victory. The Bible teaches this truth a number of times in different ways in the epistles especially. "Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts (overwhelming desires) of the flesh." Galatians 5:16 That is exactly what the Greek word for lusts indicates btw. "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled (literally continuously controlled by) the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18 To be walking in the Spirit and controlled by the Spirit indicates yielding to Him continuously day by day and trusting Him for victory over the old nature. Confess your sins and failures to God when you sin, get back up, and yield again. The more you yield the more you will experience victory over the "dominion" or "rule" of the flesh. If you've read this far please, please read this too. When you commit a willful act of sin you MUST confess it to God and trust Him for forgiveness. God DOES NOT forgive unconfessed and unforsaken sin. If you have sinned against another person you also MUST ask their forgiveness as well. I suggest very careful reading of First John 1:6 to 2:2 and carefully ponder what it says. That passage is specifically written to show believers how to obtain forgiveness and cleansing when they fail God and commit sin. Our cleansing from sin's defilement is also by the same blood of Christ that saved us from sin's penalty. That is a VERY, VERY important point.I hope you don't miss it. If so, you absolutely will never gain victory. Satan will condemn you and the sin nature will continue to control you if you don't know how to get back into fellowship with God and with the Spirit of God. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption." All sin grieves the Holy Spirit and that same chapter names those sins as "works of the flesh." The answer is to "Walk in the Spirit" through yielding to Him and dependence by faith upon Him.
Pastor Lutzer is very wise. As someone who works with people addicted to pornography, I can attest to the wisdom of never touching something that God would not approve of, which has the propensity for addiction.
Romans 6:3-4 Do you not know that all of us who have been ________ into Christ Jesus were ________ into his death? We were buried therefore with him by ________ into death, in order that,just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Fill in the blanks. He doesn’t want to attach it to baptism,like Paul does.
Maybe you should consider reevaluating. The big sins. Yes. I’m and an alcoholic trying to get right and straighten up. Yet I ride home with a convicted murder who did a considerable amount of time in prison. You addiction sermons cause judgment on me. Where is your compassion. You caused some static between work mates. Because he judges me still. I don’t judge. I drink beer. I’m still going to heaven. Hope to see you in the boosom of Abraham
Excellent! Thank you Jesus🙏
Messages on repentance can be painful to listen to... but those preached by pastor lutzer were delivered in a firm yet encouraging tone
The consequences of an unrepentant heart can be severe and long lasting and for some a simple rebuke with encouragement will suffice. For others, the rod of chastening with encouragement is required.
Thanks be to God for using the preacher (Erwin Lutzer) to deliver His message to us.
i give thanks to the LORD for having a preacher like you preaching boldly the gospel. God bless you ptr from the phil.
Great message. It would be good if every believer struggling with sin or addictions of any kind listened to it. I sure wished I had been taught these truths very early after I was saved. I was joyously and powerfully converted and saved from sins penalty over 40 years ago, but I sure didn't understand about being delivered from sin's power or authority over my life. I have no excuse because I believe our ultimate teacher the Holy Spirit of God gave me the truth, but perhaps I didn't know how to apply it or I loved my sin more than I loved God. I let the sin nature have dominion, control over me. God impressed me to adopt Romans 12:1,2 as kind of a life's verses. I wished I could say everything turned out ok, but sadly, it didn't. I blame nobody but myself, but I only type this as a warning to new believers or anyone struggling with sin. Sin, any sin, will destroy your Christian life if you let it have the power or authority to rule your life. You either choose day by day by faith to let the Holy Spirit of God help you to defeat the impulses of the flesh or you will yield to your old master, the flesh. "Sin shall not have dominion (right to rule) over you." Romans 8:11,12 gives the ultimate victory through trusting the Holy Spirit to help you mortify or put to death the deeds of the flesh. Our sinful nature will be there until we die, but we do not have to yield to it's authority to made us slaves to sinful desires and habits.
Like Pastor Lutzer said, deliverance from sins penalty takes place in a moment of time, but deliverance from sin's power is daily for the rest of your life. It is by reckoning that the authority of the old Adamic sin nature is broken at the cross and that you now have the indwelling Holy Spirit to trust for deliverance from sin's power over you. You never again have to be a "slave to sin." I can tell you w/o question, more Christians will fail in their service for God because they don't understand this truth than perhaps any other reason. You CANNOT defeat the old man, the flesh nature, in your own strength. It is by faith by trusting in what God says about you not being a slave to it any longer and then relying on the Holy Spirit for victory. The Bible teaches this truth a number of times in different ways in the epistles especially. "Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts (overwhelming desires) of the flesh." Galatians 5:16 That is exactly what the Greek word for lusts indicates btw. "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled (literally continuously controlled by) the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18 To be walking in the Spirit and controlled by the Spirit indicates yielding to Him continuously day by day and trusting Him for victory over the old nature. Confess your sins and failures to God when you sin, get back up, and yield again. The more you yield the more you will experience victory over the "dominion" or "rule" of the flesh. If you've read this far please, please read this too. When you commit a willful act of sin you MUST confess it to God and trust Him for forgiveness. God DOES NOT forgive unconfessed and unforsaken sin. If you have sinned against another person you also MUST ask their forgiveness as well. I suggest very careful reading of First John 1:6 to 2:2 and carefully ponder what it says. That passage is specifically written to show believers how to obtain forgiveness and cleansing when they fail God and commit sin. Our cleansing from sin's defilement is also by the same blood of Christ that saved us from sin's penalty. That is a VERY, VERY important point.I hope you don't miss it. If so, you absolutely will never gain victory. Satan will condemn you and the sin nature will continue to control you if you don't know how to get back into fellowship with God and with the Spirit of God. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption." All sin grieves the Holy Spirit and that same chapter names those sins as "works of the flesh." The answer is to "Walk in the Spirit" through yielding to Him and dependence by faith upon Him.
The knowledge he presents is valuable. I enjoy his sermons. I get insight to the scriptures. Thaaanks for the video.
Pastor Lutzer is very wise. As someone who works with people addicted to pornography, I can attest to the wisdom of never touching something that God would not approve of, which has the propensity for addiction.
This sermon is sound and encouraging!
powerful sermon, thank you🙌🙏
Amen to this message.
Thank you for your effective preaching in to my life.
Romans 6:3-4
Do you not know that all of us who have been ________ into Christ Jesus were ________ into his death?
We were buried therefore with him by ________ into death, in order that,just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
Fill in the blanks.
He doesn’t want to attach it to baptism,like Paul does.
Maybe you should consider reevaluating. The big sins. Yes. I’m and an alcoholic trying to get right and straighten up. Yet I ride home with a convicted murder who did a considerable amount of time in prison. You addiction sermons cause judgment on me. Where is your compassion. You caused some static between work mates. Because he judges me still. I don’t judge. I drink beer. I’m still going to heaven. Hope to see you in the boosom of Abraham