Pile #1 is my story from beginning to the end! He is a cancer and I was the gift! Everything was going great when we were together. He got the big head thinking it was him and ultimately abandoned me. Now his life is full of chaos and I’m still living in the most humble way. God does not play about me! Thank you for the message it confirmed everything!!
I chose pile 1 and am working on not getting people too comfortable in my energy bc it’s a repeated situation. It’s not only on me, but it’s definitely something I do to make it something people feel comfortable doing.
I watched pile one and i feel like the reading resonated. I broke up with my ex boyfriend a month ago and we haven't talked since then. I constantly pass him in the halls and he always keeps his head down or continues to talk with his friends. He has a new girlfriend now. That's high school for you. Maybe he'll reach out. All I know is I won't. I felt drained when I was with him. I'm doing better on my own. I miss him. But he was not worth my peace. thank you lynn for this reading
Picked pile 2 Yep he’s a player n he has a lot of options. So you’re not wrong. N we do have a weird magnetic energy to each other it’s hard to explain and it’s also intensely sexual I can’t explain it. however I know my worth and I wasn’t going to stick around while he played around. I realised quite quickly he has no intention of changing. We haven’t spoken in a while 2 years to be exact.
Omg Lynn... thank you! it resonated so much. Pile 2 and it's ironic cuz the relationship with his mom was really complicated and even though he loved his mom so much, they were playing games with eatch other like enemies. Yes he was definitely manipulative and cheated twice(Ik... I made a mistake)and I later on found out he was praying on some other girls for attention as well. Damn he was so egotestic and even though I'm not thinking about thim that much I always feel his overbearing energy of luring me in and wanting me back but he fked up real bad and I don't have a plan to let him back... at all. Even though I have a feeling that he's my twin and we're actually really similar in so many ways... I'm so frustrated with him and with my chance of him being such an asshole and being aware and proud of it. I was dreaming of him even before seeing him in reality and omg. He needs too much healing to do and unfortunately this lifetime's gonna be me feeling him and seeing him sending messages to me through my intuition and I painfully receive them all. And that's it. Gosh it's so hard to be a tf.
i chose pile 1 and it totally resonates, i’ve been wanting to drop a friend cause i don’t feel happy around her anymore and she’s been trying to come back into my life but i just want to protect my energy, thank you
Pile 2, he honestly tried to to propose to me before all of it broke down. He ran because he felt this was the only true love he could have and he was scared it would break us. Honestly, his fear alone was enough to change my mind. His mom even begged him to take me as a partner 😅 every choice he could mess up, he did!
I chose pile number #2 and it was so spot on it made me cry.... It was about myself and my ex baby daddy relationship and there was a third party when we were almost going to get back together but we didn't. I also didn't speak to him for 3 years straight this is by far one of the most accurate readings ever. Thank you for this because I really needed this ❤️🙏
Pile 1- what a shame lol yeah I lift people up into light when they are in a darker vibration. I shower them with love and remind them of their potential, but they take me for granted. they don't do any work on themselves and when Im gone, they regret that decision. because me? im gonna be okay as long as love is in my heart, and it always is. they don't get that. thank you :) sucks for them .
Pile one just blew my mind 🤯😱🥹just SO ON POINT, it’s crazzzzyyy!!! Thank you so very much for all these readings, you are extending Christmas for me 🎉what a wonderful gift!!🎁 You are such a light Lynn🙏May you be very blessed in life❤
Gosh I was just thinking about someone when this popped in my recommended. On point! Thank you so much! Picked pile 1 and hopefully that person approach me first before I do :'>
my intuition was telling me to watch this video and ended choosing pile one. it’s been a few months after our break up and he was my best friend but i had to let him go. you’ve described our experience to the tee especially at this delicate time in my life. it’s as if you were directly speaking to me. thank you for this.
We manifested SOOOO MUCH together, we talked about it often, how the relationship, was the keys to a lot of successes as it IS our path to be one Thank you!
Just discovered your channel the other night and you are MY FAV. I have been watching many readers over the past several months, but you’re so on point. I honestly feel like you’re reading specifically for me and me only 😂. It’s insane. I love love love you and your chill vibe. You’re doing amazing! Keep it up! ❤️
Lynn, your accuracy amazes me over and over!! 😮 The reading for Pile 2 was spot on - from him being an opportunist and player, to me leaving and demasking him. Thank you for the confirmation. ❤
pile two, thats legit so crazy i came into this thinking ab how I've never had a raw reading ab the person, I feel like most readers have in a way sugar coated messages and lol thank you so much for being so genuine and real ab it def am so happy to come across your vid/channel!!
I wasn’t going to comment but I had to watch again. Pile 2 was a karmic you read for me and I wasn’t expecting to hear anything about it. I left it in the past. I came here for someone else and that reading ended up being in Pile 1. I chose Pile 1 on accident and so I clicked off to chose pile 2. I ended up needing to watch both. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, Thank you. Both readings resonate for two different individuals. P2 was spot on for my karmic situation.
Pile 2... I broke up with him 4 years ago.... Shit!! I met him two days ago,, and he was glancing at me, then I looked puff.. there he was. Just Staring at me. Then we just looked at each other. I wanted to appologize to approach him. But I didn't want him to think I'm desperate. But I realised yday that I keep thinking about him. Cause maybe I still care and love him.And I felt like before I was just his situationship. I didn't think the break up would affect him this much. The energy I get from him is Bitter. Not hate. And I've just decided to keep things intact, my dignity and self respect. And just let go. He was so greedy and power hungry. And even if we reconciled I don't think it would work cause we are not the same. I'm really proud that his persistence got him where he is today, but I still don't think he's my type. He's a Taurus. And I'm a Gemini.
Wow! I always pick pile 2 and let me tell you , you are completely in tune with everything that happened I’m a Scorpio and he is a fire sign we have a VERY strong connection and I know how he operates because I watched him and ask key questions about his childhood the relationship he had with his mom etc he keeps people around to pass the time since I moved outta state, he tries to lie but I investigate.. he only deals with people he can get something from whether it be sex, money or handouts.. he tried doing it to me but I willingly wanted to do things for him because that’s my love language. He wears a mask as this person who has it all together but we have been doing “US “ for a while so I have seen him in the trenches I know his struggles financially , mentally and emotionally which is why he fears me because I will tell him about himself I know he loves me but he still wants that control and to try and leave me but does not have a solid foundation and can’t get over tryna be a player.. I can go on but .. everything you said is 💯✨ I have to subscribe I was nodding my head the entire time.!
i haven’t listened to the reading yet but i’m just gonna say right away you have really wholesome vibes man it feels like a friend reading tarot for me i already like it
Pile 1 .. uhhhhhh exactly the story of me & my ex. Last Jan I was in my darkest place with him and now I’m thriving no contact 1 year later. he’s dumbfounded I never replied to his message this fall, about me being in his heart forever & the source of his healing and rebirth after his “ego death”. Delusional for sure, hes been so blind to the magic I brought him. Glad he’s waking up. Gunna take more to ever talk to me again though lol he disrespected me and deserves my absence
I don't watch ABC, NBC, CNN, or whatever is out there anymore. I watch your channel, and I'm in the know. You predicted something so precisely this past summer, and now you are doing it again. Staying tuned! When I want to know the weather inside or out, this is IT 😉💯 ... and when you say, 'I don't know', you DO know. Thank you kindly! 😊
Pile 1: I do have ahh-mazing stuff! 😅 He can kick rocks for life! I won't ever take him back! His loss, frfr! Honestly, I don't feel like he'll ever reach out and it's best for him if he doesnt! I got serious ish to say! 😅Thx for this reading, Lynn! Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow!wow!! Fucking WOW!!!!! My story all of pile 2. In and out, always with problems, played on my feelings. I know and truly felt he love me because he told me he hate the way he feel about me. He said I was his calmness. But he kept bringing me his storms. I just cut all contact and ghost and blocked him. Some how he sent message from different phone and emails. He would always tell me how his mom would do things and says shit to get on his last nerve. But he never asked me for money. Your 💯💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️
Pile #1 is my story from beginning to the end! He is a cancer and I was the gift! Everything was going great when we were together. He got the big head thinking it was him and ultimately abandoned me. Now his life is full of chaos and I’m still living in the most humble way. God does not play about me! Thank you for the message it confirmed everything!!
wow same story for me
Sameeee I'm in the same situation. Scorpio sun he's cancer sun
Same here he was a Cancer I’m a Taurus he also abandoned me and threatened me when I told him I didn’t want to be with him anymore
Me too exact same. We pushing forwards ♥
Can I just say thank you for posting more often, Lynn! Easily one of my favorite readers!! I love your vibe ❤
thank you for your support 🤍🤍
I chose pile 1 and am working on not getting people too comfortable in my energy bc it’s a repeated situation. It’s not only on me, but it’s definitely something I do to make it something people feel comfortable doing.
I watched pile one and i feel like the reading resonated. I broke up with my ex boyfriend a month ago and we haven't talked since then. I constantly pass him in the halls and he always keeps his head down or continues to talk with his friends. He has a new girlfriend now. That's high school for you. Maybe he'll reach out. All I know is I won't. I felt drained when I was with him. I'm doing better on my own. I miss him. But he was not worth my peace. thank you lynn for this reading
Picked pile 2 Yep he’s a player n he has a lot of options. So you’re not wrong. N we do have a weird magnetic energy to each other it’s hard to explain and it’s also intensely sexual I can’t explain it. however I know my worth and I wasn’t going to stick around while he played around. I realised quite quickly he has no intention of changing. We haven’t spoken in a while 2 years to be exact.
Pile 1 really resonates. It's coming to pass, and it's confusing to the blood sucker!
Dont know whether to be mesmerized or scared of your accuracy Lynn 😭 You’re amazing!!
Exactly!!! Pile 1!!! You are so right on. Keep doing what you're doing. You're getting better and better!!! Congrats!!!
yesssssssss let's go! 😁😁
I feel this 😂😂😂😂
Omg Lynn... thank you! it resonated so much. Pile 2 and it's ironic cuz the relationship with his mom was really complicated and even though he loved his mom so much, they were playing games with eatch other like enemies. Yes he was definitely manipulative and cheated twice(Ik... I made a mistake)and I later on found out he was praying on some other girls for attention as well. Damn he was so egotestic and even though I'm not thinking about thim that much I always feel his overbearing energy of luring me in and wanting me back but he fked up real bad and I don't have a plan to let him back... at all. Even though I have a feeling that he's my twin and we're actually really similar in so many ways... I'm so frustrated with him and with my chance of him being such an asshole and being aware and proud of it. I was dreaming of him even before seeing him in reality and omg. He needs too much healing to do and unfortunately this lifetime's gonna be me feeling him and seeing him sending messages to me through my intuition and I painfully receive them all. And that's it.
Gosh it's so hard to be a tf.
Pile 2. Very accurate. Player and overbearing mother. That’s all I needed to hear. You are very gifted! Thank you!
Pile 1 is exactly what I'm living right now ! That's the first time I watch a tarot reading video
i chose pile 1 and it totally resonates, i’ve been wanting to drop a friend cause i don’t feel happy around her anymore and she’s been trying to come back into my life but i just want to protect my energy, thank you
Pile 2, he honestly tried to to propose to me before all of it broke down. He ran because he felt this was the only true love he could have and he was scared it would break us. Honestly, his fear alone was enough to change my mind. His mom even begged him to take me as a partner 😅 every choice he could mess up, he did!
Both piles resonated PERFECTLY. Even down to the fire/earth energy and signs. You are truly gifted!
Pile 1 - yes I was rejected. You are very on point.
Most accurate reading I’ve had in along time . Asé to you . I love channelers and not ppl who can just read cards .
I chose pile number #2 and it was so spot on it made me cry.... It was about myself and my ex baby daddy relationship and there was a third party when we were almost going to get back together but we didn't. I also didn't speak to him for 3 years straight this is by far one of the most accurate readings ever. Thank you for this because I really needed this ❤️🙏
I choose pile 2. You hit the spot. And i am very thankful. Merci beaucoup. ❤️❤️
Amazing energy , calm demeanor. 🙏 signature elephant motif cushions 🙏
Pile 2: Absolutely needed this rn!! Like it feels so accurate. I cant wait to see how this all goes :)
Awesome Lynn as always. I chose pile 1 Thank you for your accurate readings!!! Big hugs from Nancy in Argentina.
Yeah....reading 1 and 2 are connected-I thank you for bringing your energy and your gift!!!
It's 1 in the morning and I woke up to this notification. I am so fkn excited
Pile 1- what a shame lol yeah I lift people up into light when they are in a darker vibration. I shower them with love and remind them of their potential, but they take me for granted. they don't do any work on themselves and when Im gone, they regret that decision. because me? im gonna be okay as long as love is in my heart, and it always is. they don't get that. thank you :) sucks for them .
You’re an awesome reader. Thank you ❤
Pile one just blew my mind 🤯😱🥹just SO ON POINT, it’s crazzzzyyy!!!
Thank you so very much for all these readings, you are extending Christmas for me 🎉what a wonderful gift!!🎁
You are such a light Lynn🙏May you be very blessed in life❤
I got excitement when I see your new video 🤩🤩🤩💜
You are the truth .. dealing with a vision impaired person isn’t for the weak
Excellent read tyvm.....I gave him pure LOVE.....
He didn't think I would leave him....ever....and I did....because he hurt me
I chose both piles... they both resonated lol 🤷♀️. Thank you again Lynn!! Sending you 💙 💡 and gratitude 🤙😊
Lynn has done it again! Pile one was so accurate.
Dam Dam Dam. You’re amazing. Pile 2 totally resonated. Felt like a personal reading. Thank you and please keep those readings coming 🙏🏽
Gosh I was just thinking about someone when this popped in my recommended. On point! Thank you so much! Picked pile 1 and hopefully that person approach me first before I do :'>
Pile 2 resonante 100% Leo a Narcissists driven by the Devil, a Twin Flame who thought that I didn't know the Devil ways. 🙄
I know I keep repeating myself but I really look forward to your readings. Your energy is just so positive and soothing. Thank you! 💚💚💚
my intuition was telling me to watch this video and ended choosing pile one. it’s been a few months after our break up and he was my best friend but i had to let him go. you’ve described our experience to the tee especially at this delicate time in my life. it’s as if you were directly speaking to me. thank you for this.
I love your readings so much. I chose pile 2 and it was very accurate. thank you for the readings ❤
We manifested SOOOO MUCH together, we talked about it often, how the relationship, was the keys to a lot of successes as it IS our path to be one Thank you!
Just discovered your channel the other night and you are MY FAV. I have been watching many readers over the past several months, but you’re so on point. I honestly feel like you’re reading specifically for me and me only 😂. It’s insane. I love love love you and your chill vibe. You’re doing amazing! Keep it up! ❤️
"Running a muck in the palace" (Mama D) 🤣🤣🤣 You my kinda people, Lynn!!
Lynn, your accuracy amazes me over and over!! 😮 The reading for Pile 2 was spot on - from him being an opportunist and player, to me leaving and demasking him. Thank you for the confirmation. ❤
Nailed itttttt
Your pick a card readings always pop up right on time - pile 1 💯✨
Pile 1. This Reading Reminds Me Of The Song "Don't Hurt Yourself" By Beyonce "You Know I Give You Life" Thanks For The Reading. Happy New Year💛
Love your energy brother! Becoming one of my favourite readers on here, definitely on point! 💪🏻😃
Lynn!! Can’t wait for you to hit 20k 🎉🎉🎉
🙏🏾🤍🤍 thank you for the support!
Pile 2..Exactly our situation! 🎯 🎯
Can’t wait for Scorpio reading! Congrats on the growth of your channel!
We love Lynn ❤️
Thank you so much Lynn! I appreciate you! Thanks for posting.
Right on point Lynn pile1 congrats for sharing your extraordinary talent❤ Nancy from Argentina.
Wow phenomenal 👏 Lynn omgosh Tuarus leo ♌️ work flow lol spot on omgosh I love you your freakn amazing he does put on a facad on there face 😀 ❤️Pile 1
pile two, thats legit so crazy i came into this thinking ab how I've never had a raw reading ab the person, I feel like most readers have in a way sugar coated messages and lol thank you so much for being so genuine and real ab it def am so happy to come across your vid/channel!!
I’ve seen a few of your videos and I can see you got some real talent with tarot. You’re spot on every time
Wow! I choose pile 1, it’s absolutely on point and resonated here. Great great reading. Thank you so much.
Pile 2 definitely resonates thank you 🙏
I wasn’t going to comment but I had to watch again. Pile 2 was a karmic you read for me and I wasn’t expecting to hear anything about it. I left it in the past. I came here for someone else and that reading ended up being in Pile 1. I chose Pile 1 on accident and so I clicked off to chose pile 2. I ended up needing to watch both. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, Thank you. Both readings resonate for two different individuals. P2 was spot on for my karmic situation.
YOU ARE SO ON POINT Lenny!!! Pile 3 especially. Everything!!!!! Down to his Mother.
Sir, you have such a beautiful energy. It is so genuine and refreshing!
Wow pile 1 definitely. When I heard you say connected I heard the TV also say connected at the same time as you 😅
Your pile 2 reading is very accurate.
Pile 2... I broke up with him 4 years ago.... Shit!! I met him two days ago,, and he was glancing at me, then I looked puff.. there he was. Just Staring at me. Then we just looked at each other. I wanted to appologize to approach him. But I didn't want him to think I'm desperate. But I realised yday that I keep thinking about him. Cause maybe I still care and love him.And I felt like before I was just his situationship. I didn't think the break up would affect him this much. The energy I get from him is Bitter. Not hate. And I've just decided to keep things intact, my dignity and self respect. And just let go. He was so greedy and power hungry. And even if we reconciled I don't think it would work cause we are not the same. I'm really proud that his persistence got him where he is today, but I still don't think he's my type. He's a Taurus. And I'm a Gemini.
Wow! I always pick pile 2 and let me tell you , you are completely in tune with everything that happened I’m a Scorpio and he is a fire sign we have a VERY strong connection and I know how he operates because I watched him and ask key questions about his childhood the relationship he had with his mom etc he keeps people around to pass the time since I moved outta state, he tries to lie but I investigate.. he only deals with people he can get something from whether it be sex, money or handouts.. he tried doing it to me but I willingly wanted to do things for him because that’s my love language. He wears a mask as this person who has it all together but we have been doing “US “ for a while so I have seen him in the trenches I know his struggles financially , mentally and emotionally which is why he fears me because I will tell him about himself I know he loves me but he still wants that control and to try and leave me but does not have a solid foundation and can’t get over tryna be a player.. I can go on but .. everything you said is 💯✨ I have to subscribe I was nodding my head the entire time.!
Your readings (pile 1) ring truth and clarity for me. Thank you so much.
You are simple the best!!
Thank you for the reading ❤
i haven’t listened to the reading yet but i’m just gonna say right away you have really wholesome vibes man it feels like a friend reading tarot for me i already like it
You are so accurate. Thank you!
Pile 2 🙏🏽 just found your channel and daaamn 😭 thank you so accurate❤️
I choose pile 2, scary accurate. Even our zodiac placements. Thank you so much!
Pile 1 Extremely accurate 🎉 happy new year Lynn 💓💓
Pile 1 .. uhhhhhh exactly the story of me & my ex. Last Jan I was in my darkest place with him and now I’m thriving no contact 1 year later. he’s dumbfounded I never replied to his message this fall, about me being in his heart forever & the source of his healing and rebirth after his “ego death”. Delusional for sure, hes been so blind to the magic I brought him. Glad he’s waking up. Gunna take more to ever talk to me again though lol he disrespected me and deserves my absence
I really love how you read, i wish to be able to read like this someday aswell❤ this reading helped me, thank you a lot. wishing u the best!!
I don't watch ABC, NBC, CNN, or whatever is out there anymore. I watch your channel, and I'm in the know. You predicted something so precisely this past summer, and now you are doing it again. Staying tuned! When I want to know the weather inside or out, this is IT 😉💯 ... and when you say, 'I don't know', you DO know. Thank you kindly! 😊
Your channel is really growing, very quickly! Great readings and amazing attitude 💫
Yay! More n more Lynn readings. Thanx! We're blessed!
Wow. Your readings just awesome. It feels like you know the exact situation. Just wow wow!
pile 2 resonates with me and my ex soo much like it’s literally spot on 😭
Most def caught on to his games. Pile 2 was very accurate for me.
THANK YOU! I had asked about one person but turned out the message was about my ex. pile 1
u are so good! love the way u break down with tarot, pile 2 - his mother hated me, wanted me "dead" at one point. super OVERBEARING to a tee.
Lynnnnnnnn!!! Your videos are truly timeless🥹❤
My first time watching you. 😊 definitely resonated Thanks 🙏🏾 so much love 🌻
Pile 1: I do have ahh-mazing stuff! 😅 He can kick rocks for life! I won't ever take him back! His loss, frfr! Honestly, I don't feel like he'll ever reach out and it's best for him if he doesnt! I got serious ish to say! 😅Thx for this reading, Lynn! Have a wonderful weekend!
Love this reading. Pile 1
Pile 1 extremely accurate. I am a Pisces sun. Gemini moon. My bf is a fire dominant Scorpio. He has the audacity 😭
Pile 1 and 2 Is SOO ACCURATE!! How do you do that? And I’m a cancer. Thank you for this reading! 💕
❤❤❤ ty Lynn u always resonate. I have to listen to every pile lol
Spot on readings as usual. You are so gifted! Thank you for sharing your energy with us🙏✨
This is why all this time, I never picked it until now😂😂😂😂
Hey Lynn, wishing you a great new year, I hope you get all you desire this year + more 🧸💖❤️💖
Wow!wow!! Fucking WOW!!!!! My story all of pile 2. In and out, always with problems, played on my feelings. I know and truly felt he love me because he told me he hate the way he feel about me. He said I was his calmness. But he kept bringing me his storms. I just cut all contact and ghost and blocked him. Some how he sent message from different phone and emails. He would always tell me how his mom would do things and says shit to get on his last nerve. But he never asked me for money. Your 💯💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️
The second reading. Spot on!
Love your readings and your vibe, Lynn! Pile one and he is obsessive and arrogant.
Right on time, ima about to clean & I love your readings 💗
Awesome reader + Awesome beard 🤙🏾🤙🏾
Thanks for the insight ❤
Thank you so much! Your reading was on point. I love your energy! 😊❤
You the Goat 🐐! Periodt! Pile 1