  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ahhh i did it ^^ i got EP7 out 🫶🤩
    Notes used:
    Tommy wakes up in the same room he had been in for the last 24/hrs. He coughs violently, his chest still hurt from when Dream had kicked him against the wall. It hurt to talk but he let out a small “D-Dream?” Tommy called for Dream and here came Dream. “Ah Tommy finally! I want every single death of yours to be remembered!” Tommy squirmed at the memory of all his past deaths. The first death of his was in the final control room, then the duel, and then exile. Tommy flinched at the thought of exile, it made him shiver. Dream looked down at Tommy, “aw you poor thing, funny how your ‘best friend’ left you.” Dream paused and then he smiled. A big smile, full of a green glow. “He left you to die. You should know that.” Dream laughed as he said this, Tommy was sitting against the wall he was previously thrown against. “What choices did you give him? Was it death or i die?” Tommy smiled a bloody grin, “Because if those were the choices…i’m glad he left me to die” Tommy stood up, he stumbled and fell over. He got up again and stood before Dream, Dream smiled “it was either keep you a ghost or have you suffer :)” Dream expected for Tommy to yell and scream, but instead Tommy smiled again “i’ve suffered my entire life. This is no different.” Dream frowned “Trying to act all mature are we?” Tommy nodded “i’ve acted mature my entire life, you were to busy being a baby to know.” Tommy laughed and chuckled in the same taunting way Dream did. Dream became upset and threw Tommy against the wall. “Your the fucking kid, your the immature baby, the fucking annoying teen” Dream yelled as he violently punched Tommy in his throat. Tommy knew what he had said made Dream upset…at least his last words were powerful. After Dreams tantrum he looked down at Tommy, his windpipe had been crushed in his rage, Tommy would’ve stopped breathing long before Dream stopped. The life in his eyes still seemed to remain, this for once actually made Dream shiver.
    Tommy lands on a train station floor, he felt cold, he was also very sore. “Tommy? Again?” Tommy looked up, it was Wilbur. “Haha yeah…” Tommy looked down, “is it ok if i visit Mexican dream?” Wilbur smiled “of course.” Tommy stood up and stepped inside the train, Wilbur stood before the moving Train “as upsetting as it is seeing him here so often, it’s good for him to visit those he misses” Wilbur turned around and pulled out a deck of cards. Tommy sat in the train seat and thought to himself “i don’t have much long bef-“ Tommy fell forewords onto his hands and knees, he coughed and shook. The pain in his heart made him want to scream, his throat still felt like it was crushed thus making it impossible for him to call out for Wilbur, for anyone. Tommy left the train, without making it to his destination. The train arrived at Mexican Dreams limbo, “ayy man!” But no one answered, Mexican Dream walked over towards the Train and peered inside, no one was there, no one sat in any of the seats. Mexican Dream shrugged and walked back over towards his spot, he felt eerie but still left and sat down. Tommy woke up, again in the same spot as before, Tommy would’ve spoken but the pain in his throat stopped him from doing so. Dream entered the room “finally going to be quiet?” Dream asked smirking, Tommy couldn’t say anything, he just nodded. “Ooh! Extra quiet!!” Dream smiled and laughed to himself “your better then that ghost!” Dream didn’t waste a minute before throwing an axe towards Tommy’s head. It all went black again.
    Tommy again woke up in limbo, this time on a train…he looked outside the window, nothing. It was just pitch black, ‘no, no! I don’t wanna be alone’ Tommy ran towards the door and shook them violently but to no avail, they stayed shut. Tommy got another idea, he ran towards the front of the train and pulled open the doors leading to the control room. No one was there, just a music disk player. ‘Great it’s taunting me…’. Tommy walked from carriage to carriage, he was all alone. Tommy hated being alone. Tommy went and sat down on a seat “Is he not going to revive me? Not this time?” Tommy sat their for what seemed like forever, until the train came to a stop, Tommy was flung off the seat, “agh what the fuck?” Tommy stood up and peered outside ‘what the fuck? Exile?’
    And as always! Have a good day/night and don’t forget to eat/drink! ^^

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