how did you talk with him? I want to get in contact with him to ask him some questions but All I can find are some cal tech emails where im skeptical on how accurate they are
I've been posting this story for a while, now. Is it possible they're related? Time is fascinating. I worked the subway stations for nearly 10 years. From one end of the city to the other. Every so often I would notice the city would be saying that, "Today just flew by" or "The day was just dragging along." How can an entire city, with no interaction with each other until they used the subway, complain about the same time paradox unless it was effected by it? Maybe a time distorted bubble the earth passes through in its revolution around the sun. Maybe random waves of time distortion hitting the earth? Maybe they're given off by the sun. Maybe they're from outside our Terran system and reach us in intervals. ???? Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side. Yes, it is
I believe Neil Tyson described a possible situation where he says i believe every individual is on a different time line, and once a person intercepts with another, our timelines cross, for example it would be you in the subway hearing all this people. Ya'lls timeline intercepted, but unless you all have influence on each other's timeline, then perhaps your day could be going slower than somebody else in that same train. That is why time i relative to the beholder.
If you had sufficiently sensitive instruments, could you detect gravity waves from the binary black holes orbiting each other as they alternatively are in alignment and at a 90 degree angle from each other relative to the frame of reference of the instrument, and assuming the two black holes were on the same plane as the instrument? It seems that you wouldn't need the collision to create the wave.
With sufficiently sensitive instruments, you could see black holes orbiting. But we can only see gravitational waves right before collisions because our instruments aren't nearly precise enough to do that. Yet!
Dear National Science Foundation, please correct the spelling on Kip Thorne’s title card. He is a “theoretical” physicist not a “theortetical physicist.”
Google search Tr3b astra-hit the video icon-go to the night time footage of a Tr3b powering up its gravity wave propulsion system until it disappears. U.S. space forces near stellar workhorse.
SINGULAR BIG BANG THEORY (FAIRY TALE): (copy and paste from my files): Okay, for those who believe that the singular big bang theory is really true and that all the energy and matter in this universe came from a very dense singularity: Please also honestly and accurately answer: 1. Where did the singularity come from or did it eternally exist throughout all of eternity past? 2. Where did the 1 iota of energy come from to trigger the singularity to 'bang' one day in eternity? 3. What forces of nature existed to allow the singularity to exist and to 'bang'? 4. What forces of nature allowed our current forces of nature to come into existence? 5. What exactly is 'space' and how exactly does space expand? 6. What exactly is 'time' and how exactly does time vary? 7. What exactly is 'gravity' and how exactly does gravity do what gravity does in this universe? 8. How exactly do numbers and mathematical constants exist in the universe for math to do what math does in this universe? 9. RED SHIFT: Consider the following: Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. 'IF' a photon red shifts, where does the energy from the red shifted photon go? And what makes that energy leave the photon? 10. CMBR from a singular big bang should be long gone by now and should not even be able to be seen by us. 11. There are other more 'normal' physical explanations for the 'red shift' observations.
AGE OF THE UNIVERSE: SPACE IS FINITE AND TIME IS INFINITE: (copy and paste from my files): ('Space' being energy itself, 'Time' being the flow of energy, 'SpaceTime' being energy and it's flow): Consider the following, utilizing modern science and logic and reason: a. Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly a finite amount and eternally existent, or modern science is wrong. First Law Of Thermodynamics: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." b. An 'absolute somethingness' cannot come from 'absolute nothingness', 'absolute nothingness' just being a concept from a conscious entity in 'absolute somethingness'. Hence, an 'absolute somethingness' truly eternally existed throughout all of eternity past, exists today, and will most probably exist throughout all of future eternity. That eternally existent 'absolute somethingness' most probably being energy itself. c. The universe ALWAYS existed in some form, NEVER had a beginning, will most probably ALWAYS exist in some form, and possibly NEVER have an end. Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, have been replaced by actual reality. No Creator needed. * Some people for some reason (social conditioning/brainwashing/wishful thinking) believe in future eternity without end but do not accept eternity past with no beginning. d. And for me, 'space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. 'Space' is most probably gravitational energy fields, electrical energy fields and magnetic energy fields, varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. 'Time' is the flow of energy. Hence 'spacetime' being 'energy and it's flow'. 'Spacetime' had no beginning and will possibly have no end. e. Note also: The singular big bang theory is a fairy tale for various reasons as well as the CMBR from the supposed 'big bang' should be long gone by now and the 'red shift' observations have more 'normal' already known physic explanations. No dark energy or dark matter needed. * There is really only 1 single truly eternal day that had no beginning and will never ever end. The 'day' of truly eternally existent ever flowing energy.
QUESTIONS: Okay, it is claimed that gravitational waves warp the fabric of spacetime. 1. What exactly is 'space' and how exactly does space warp? 2. What exactly is 'time' and how exactly does time warp? 3. "IF" spacetime is warped due to a gravitational wave, then how come the detector located in spacetime is not warped as well during the time of the passing of the gravitational wave?
"Warped" in this context means the same thing that happens when put something in a vise; it gets higher and thinner. Only for gravitational waves it happens on an extremely small scale and only last for an extremely short amount of time. The way I understand it is that the detector is very long. The gravitational waves moves with the speed of light. One part of the detector is hit by the gravitational waves before the parts located further away for a very short amount of time. But long enough to affect the laser and be detected.
My idea so I get to name it! What I mean is, no one has claimed it so I'm officially calling, "dibs." Voyager 1 is now in Milky Way's interstellar time or "Mikey's Time." "V-ger's" message has sped up now that it's outside our suns time bubble or, "Terran Time." It will be faster still when "V-ger" sends a message from beyond the Milky Way's time bubble. Then there's Outside the Local Group time bubble. So on and so on until we get outside any influence and into the, "True Interstellar Time Standard." Or, "T.I..." ;-P Now that "V-ger" is in interstellar space, it's also in the Milky Way's STANDARD, faster moving, interstellar time or "Mikey's Time." This can be proven by turning off everything except its clock and transmitter. Have "V-ger" read time for as long as possible. They WILL show the flow of time speeds up the further away you get from any celestial bodies. Until you reach the Milky Way's time standard or "Mikey's Time." •Our sun's time bubble: "Terran Time" we know and have measured. •Milky Way's time bubble or "Mikey's Time." The rate/flow of TIME outside any influence but within the Milky Way: We just got there and are still figuring. Wild guess I'd say time will increase in speed, now and until V-ger is outside the Ort cloud .00007-.0007% faster, maybe. Just for reference. •Local Group's time bubble or the rate/flow of time outside of any influence but within the Local Group: Name still open and unknown. Wild guess .08% to a couple seconds faster, maybe. Used just for reference. •Outside any influence in the, "True Interstellar Time Standard." (or T.I...) ;-P This name is NOT up for grabs. The rate/flow of time is fastest here. (Time flows fastest here so it's best to use a motor boat and hold tight. Always applies when you're in T.I....) ;-P A minute is a minute in all. It's the rate/flow I'm talking about. Heck, rivers of time flowing differently might explain dark energy and dark matter. The Milky Way's Interstellar Time Standard will be known as, "Mikey's Time." Pass it on, please and thank you.
You want to see a deer in headlights? Ask him what the force carriers are for gravitational waves or the energy of the big bang. He'll start twitching when you ask what is a dark matter particle. The answers are: gluon; photons, and; gluon condensate in a yoctometer droplet.
CMBR: (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation): Consider the following: Per QED (Quantum Electro Dynamics, whereby 'em' interacts with the electrons in atoms and molecules) and QCD (Quantum Chromo Dynamics, whereby 'em' interacts with the nucleus of atoms), matter has to exist for 'em' to be given off by that matter. What matter exists in outer space for that microwave 'em' to be seen by us? And 'if' it were from when matter first came into existence during the fairy tale of the 'singular big bang', that 'em' should be long gone by now and should not even be able to be seen by us. BB -> Matter and 'em' are created -> 'em' moves at the speed of light, matter moves more slowly -> (Billions of years go by) -> matter (and us) here ..........................................'em' long gone. (And there is no matter 'out here' yet for any 'em' to come back to us via QED or QCD).
How about this? Dark Energy is EQUAL to Energy plus TIME, for our purposes here, "HEAVY TIME." Mira, look, we see this electron orbit however many times a minute. We set that as our base reading, right? For our plain of existence, anyway. However, in these pockets of, "heavy time," that same electron now has readings of a billion times a minute because time is HEAVY here and passes a billion times faster. Or, energy where there shouldn't be energy / dark energy / Heavy Time. See, in that same minute to us, that electron aged a billion times faster and therefore has given off readings of dark energy. Dark energy IS "HEAVY TIME." It's the difference in TIME that we're seeing! Maybe. The light from these galaxies have been aged by going through pockets of dark energy or "heavy time." Numbers used for reference only. TI-I-I-IME IS ON MY SIDE! YES, IT IS! Now we look at the other side of the coin, dark matter. Pockets of dark matter are actually pockets of "LIGHT TIME." Mira, look, if heavy time is faster pockets of time. It stands to reason, light time would be slower pockets of time, right? Making our base electron seem to stand still. Get a pocket full of seemingly motionless nothing and you get a pocket of starving dark matter. In this case, "starving," or slower pockets in time is the same as creating a vacuum in space. Since this pocket of "Light time" is "starving" and everything outside this pocket of dark matter is in a "heavier time," it makes it appear dark matter is attracting when really it's just a vacuum, IN TIME, trying to equalize. Making it stand to reason, by my, "I'm not smart enough to give anything more than this simplified reasoning, that Dark Matter is "LIGHT TIME" and Dark Energy is "HEAVY TIME." Maybe. Now think about this. As light travels through the universe and passes through these pockets or rivers of Heavy Time or Light Time, doesn't that alter that particular beam of light? Doesn't that beam of light that is say 40 million years old now look like it's 100 million light years away? Or vice versa, a 100 million years old beam of light now looks 40 million light years away. If I'm right, it would explain why these 6 "old" galaxies are being discovered. Also, if I'm right and someone proves it, you must name it after me and give me a cut of the Nobel prize winnings. Pass it on please. and thank you. P.S. I may have gotten the names, LIGHT and HEAVY, backwards. Thanks again and don't worry. Where I come from, crazy is a compliment. ;-P
waiting for your next book Dr Kip. Thank you for all contributions!
So happy for him!!!
His name is in the history books. It would be amazing to see how we can use the waves to determine more what this black thing we are in.
Sir… I must say that I love your rainbow tie❤
Happy to chat with you yesterday, Kip!😄
how did you talk with him? I want to get in contact with him to ask him some questions but All I can find are some cal tech emails where im skeptical on how accurate they are
Dr. kip, i´m a big for your work, eargerly waiting for your new book...
What a brilliant scientist!
Time may not be a fixed quantity. Perhaps Einstein was wrong about time as a fixed unit of calculation in all dimensions.
I've been posting this story for a while, now. Is it possible they're related?
Time is fascinating. I worked the subway stations for nearly 10 years. From one end of the city to the other. Every so often I would notice the city would be saying that, "Today just flew by" or "The day was just dragging along." How can an entire city, with no interaction with each other until they used the subway, complain about the same time paradox unless it was effected by it? Maybe a time distorted bubble the earth passes through in its revolution around the sun. Maybe random waves of time distortion hitting the earth? Maybe they're given off by the sun. Maybe they're from outside our Terran system and reach us in intervals. ???? Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side. Yes, it is
I believe Neil Tyson described a possible situation where he says i believe every individual is on a different time line, and once a person intercepts with another, our timelines cross, for example it would be you in the subway hearing all this people. Ya'lls timeline intercepted, but unless you all have influence on each other's timeline, then perhaps your day could be going slower than somebody else in that same train. That is why time i relative to the beholder.
Where can I get a tie like that?
You have changed a lot in the last 45 years. "Gravitation" needs to be re-written and corrected now.
One who understands frequencies understands the universe!
Waves ,simple harmonic motion .
But there are the forces of nature and their interactions withe fermions and not with Bosons ,yet bosoms control space/ time dimensions.
ChatGPT only spits out answers based on available knowledge on the net but it does not add knowledge
If you had sufficiently sensitive instruments, could you detect gravity waves from the binary black holes orbiting each other as they alternatively are in alignment and at a 90 degree angle from each other relative to the frame of reference of the instrument, and assuming the two black holes were on the same plane as the instrument? It seems that you wouldn't need the collision to create the wave.
With sufficiently sensitive instruments, you could see black holes orbiting. But we can only see gravitational waves right before collisions because our instruments aren't nearly precise enough to do that. Yet!
Dear National Science Foundation, please correct the spelling on Kip Thorne’s title card. He is a “theoretical” physicist not a “theortetical physicist.”
Thank you for spotting that, poor form on our part. We've released another version with the card corrected!
Google search Tr3b astra-hit the video icon-go to the night time footage of a Tr3b powering up its gravity wave propulsion system until it disappears.
U.S. space forces near stellar workhorse.
SINGULAR BIG BANG THEORY (FAIRY TALE): (copy and paste from my files):
Okay, for those who believe that the singular big bang theory is really true and that all the energy and matter in this universe came from a very dense singularity: Please also honestly and accurately answer:
1. Where did the singularity come from or did it eternally exist throughout all of eternity past?
2. Where did the 1 iota of energy come from to trigger the singularity to 'bang' one day in eternity?
3. What forces of nature existed to allow the singularity to exist and to 'bang'?
4. What forces of nature allowed our current forces of nature to come into existence?
5. What exactly is 'space' and how exactly does space expand?
6. What exactly is 'time' and how exactly does time vary?
7. What exactly is 'gravity' and how exactly does gravity do what gravity does in this universe?
8. How exactly do numbers and mathematical constants exist in the universe for math to do what math does in this universe?
9. RED SHIFT: Consider the following: Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. 'IF' a photon red shifts, where does the energy from the red shifted photon go? And what makes that energy leave the photon?
10. CMBR from a singular big bang should be long gone by now and should not even be able to be seen by us.
11. There are other more 'normal' physical explanations for the 'red shift' observations.
('Space' being energy itself, 'Time' being the flow of energy, 'SpaceTime' being energy and it's flow):
Consider the following, utilizing modern science and logic and reason:
a. Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly a finite amount and eternally existent, or modern science is wrong.
First Law Of Thermodynamics: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed."
b. An 'absolute somethingness' cannot come from 'absolute nothingness', 'absolute nothingness' just being a concept from a conscious entity in 'absolute somethingness'. Hence, an 'absolute somethingness' truly eternally existed throughout all of eternity past, exists today, and will most probably exist throughout all of future eternity. That eternally existent 'absolute somethingness' most probably being energy itself.
c. The universe ALWAYS existed in some form, NEVER had a beginning, will most probably ALWAYS exist in some form, and possibly NEVER have an end. Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, have been replaced by actual reality. No Creator needed.
* Some people for some reason (social conditioning/brainwashing/wishful thinking) believe in future eternity without end but do not accept eternity past with no beginning.
d. And for me, 'space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. 'Space' is most probably gravitational energy fields, electrical energy fields and magnetic energy fields, varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. 'Time' is the flow of energy. Hence 'spacetime' being 'energy and it's flow'. 'Spacetime' had no beginning and will possibly have no end.
e. Note also: The singular big bang theory is a fairy tale for various reasons as well as the CMBR from the supposed 'big bang' should be long gone by now and the 'red shift' observations have more 'normal' already known physic explanations. No dark energy or dark matter needed.
* There is really only 1 single truly eternal day that had no beginning and will never ever end. The 'day' of truly eternally existent ever flowing energy.
Baby Boomers leading the way 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👨🏿⚕️👨🏿⚕️👨🏿⚕️✌🏿
QUESTIONS: Okay, it is claimed that gravitational waves warp the fabric of spacetime.
1. What exactly is 'space' and how exactly does space warp?
2. What exactly is 'time' and how exactly does time warp?
3. "IF" spacetime is warped due to a gravitational wave, then how come the detector located in spacetime is not warped as well during the time of the passing of the gravitational wave?
the detector is warped and causes the reflection of a split laser beam to be mismatched at the detector
"Warped" in this context means the same thing that happens when put something in a vise; it gets higher and thinner. Only for gravitational waves it happens on an extremely small scale and only last for an extremely short amount of time.
The way I understand it is that the detector is very long. The gravitational waves moves with the speed of light. One part of the detector is hit by the gravitational waves before the parts located further away for a very short amount of time. But long enough to affect the laser and be detected.
My idea so I get to name it! What I mean is, no one has claimed it so I'm officially calling, "dibs." Voyager 1 is now in Milky Way's interstellar time or "Mikey's Time."
"V-ger's" message has sped up now that it's outside our suns time bubble or, "Terran Time." It will be faster still when "V-ger" sends a message from beyond the Milky Way's time bubble. Then there's Outside the Local Group time bubble. So on and so on until we get outside any influence and into the, "True Interstellar Time Standard." Or, "T.I..." ;-P
Now that "V-ger" is in interstellar space, it's also in the Milky Way's STANDARD, faster moving, interstellar time or "Mikey's Time." This can be proven by turning off everything except its clock and transmitter. Have "V-ger" read time for as long as possible. They WILL show the flow of time speeds up the further away you get from any celestial bodies. Until you reach the Milky Way's time standard or "Mikey's Time."
•Our sun's time bubble: "Terran Time" we know and have measured.
•Milky Way's time bubble or "Mikey's Time." The rate/flow of TIME outside any influence but within the Milky Way: We just got there and are still figuring. Wild guess I'd say time will increase in speed, now and until V-ger is outside the Ort cloud .00007-.0007% faster, maybe. Just for reference.
•Local Group's time bubble or the rate/flow of time outside of any influence but within the Local Group: Name still open and unknown. Wild guess .08% to a couple seconds faster, maybe. Used just for reference.
•Outside any influence in the, "True Interstellar Time Standard." (or T.I...) ;-P This name is NOT up for grabs. The rate/flow of time is fastest here. (Time flows fastest here so it's best to use a motor boat and hold tight. Always applies when you're in T.I....) ;-P
A minute is a minute in all. It's the rate/flow I'm talking about. Heck, rivers of time flowing differently might explain dark energy and dark matter.
The Milky Way's Interstellar Time Standard will be known as, "Mikey's Time."
Pass it on, please and thank you.
Yes!! 😊🎉
You want to see a deer in headlights? Ask him what the force carriers are for gravitational waves or the energy of the big bang. He'll start twitching when you ask what is a dark matter particle. The answers are: gluon; photons, and; gluon condensate in a yoctometer droplet.
CMBR: (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation): Consider the following: Per QED (Quantum Electro Dynamics, whereby 'em' interacts with the electrons in atoms and molecules) and QCD (Quantum Chromo Dynamics, whereby 'em' interacts with the nucleus of atoms), matter has to exist for 'em' to be given off by that matter. What matter exists in outer space for that microwave 'em' to be seen by us? And 'if' it were from when matter first came into existence during the fairy tale of the 'singular big bang', that 'em' should be long gone by now and should not even be able to be seen by us.
BB -> Matter and 'em' are created -> 'em' moves at the speed of light, matter moves more slowly -> (Billions of years go by) -> matter (and us) here ..........................................'em' long gone. (And there is no matter 'out here' yet for any 'em' to come back to us via QED or QCD).
With all respect, could Kip Thorne give the name of his wife when referring to her equally brilliant work?
How about this? Dark Energy is EQUAL to Energy plus TIME, for our purposes here, "HEAVY TIME."
Mira, look, we see this electron orbit however many times a minute. We set that as our base reading, right? For our plain of existence, anyway. However, in these pockets of, "heavy time," that same electron now has readings of a billion times a minute because time is HEAVY here and passes a billion times faster. Or, energy where there shouldn't be energy / dark energy / Heavy Time. See, in that same minute to us, that electron aged a billion times faster and therefore has given off readings of dark energy. Dark energy IS "HEAVY TIME." It's the difference in TIME that we're seeing! Maybe. The light from these galaxies have been aged by going through pockets of dark energy or "heavy time." Numbers used for reference only. TI-I-I-IME IS ON MY SIDE! YES, IT IS!
Now we look at the other side of the coin, dark matter. Pockets of dark matter are actually pockets of "LIGHT TIME."
Mira, look, if heavy time is faster pockets of time. It stands to reason, light time would be slower pockets of time, right? Making our base electron seem to stand still. Get a pocket full of seemingly motionless nothing and you get a pocket of starving dark matter. In this case, "starving," or slower pockets in time is the same as creating a vacuum in space. Since this pocket of "Light time" is "starving" and everything outside this pocket of dark matter is in a "heavier time," it makes it appear dark matter is attracting when really it's just a vacuum, IN TIME, trying to equalize.
Making it stand to reason, by my, "I'm not smart enough to give anything more than this simplified reasoning, that Dark Matter is "LIGHT TIME" and Dark Energy is "HEAVY TIME." Maybe. Now think about this. As light travels through the universe and passes through these pockets or rivers of Heavy Time or Light Time, doesn't that alter that particular beam of light? Doesn't that beam of light that is say 40 million years old now look like it's 100 million light years away? Or vice versa, a 100 million years old beam of light now looks 40 million light years away. If I'm right, it would explain why these 6 "old" galaxies are being discovered. Also, if I'm right and someone proves it, you must name it after me and give me a cut of the Nobel prize winnings. Pass it on please. and thank you.
P.S. I may have gotten the names, LIGHT and HEAVY, backwards. Thanks again and don't worry. Where I come from, crazy is a compliment.
If the gravitational “waves” are confirmed, then it proves that there’s something faster than the light! Oops
They are confirmed. LIGO. Nothing can move faster than light speed through space time. Not even gravitational waves!
Gravitational waves move at the same speed as light.