Ishowspeed needs some respect bro he's getting treated horribly and so has his friends just respect him for what he's done made us happy made us laugh and deserves some damn respect give his friends some damn respect
4:23:53 bro got mad outta nowhere 💀 3:08:28 Aliyah sells the bag 💀 3:08:44 speed breaks up with Aliyah 3:10:22 speed apologies 3:10:55 speed blames chat for break up 3:11:43 speeds attempt to rizz her up 💀 3:19:50 Fortnite sex 🤤 3:23:29 Aliyah carried speed 3:28:17 just hide
Props? It's a fucking stream and his job. Do you give the same props to your teachers grading your homework every evening or nurses working 12 hour shifts. Pathetic generation
1:10:45 bro that's north is Indian not new zea land😂😂 btw ik what he's tryna tell u to say it's "I love u mizo people" i think mizoram is a state and their launguage is mizo which i live in lol
C’mon speed if you keep doing that you will lose fans , subscribers, and respect!! You have no idea how excited we are when your live pops up , and we haven’t been getting the endings we deserve, we need your W ends again ma bro!
IShowNinja'sDiscord, this stream changed my life. My entire view on everything that exists in this world. in fact, even in the entire universe. I can never look at anything the same way again. This stream represents emotions that most humans could never understand, but I can. Thanks to this stream, I have been awakened to many things previously considered unimaginable. Thank you for this exquisite stream.
Dear ishowspeed, sorry for all the hate from your haters. This stream has changed my perspective of the world. I have realized that the world is full of hate, love, and jealousy. Please continue to stream often. This world cannot live without you. Don’t die. From, undisclosed.
Hey man, if youre having a hard time with all the mean comment's i js wanna say that you have been through so much and yet YOU still ENTERTAIN us with your amazing content. Ive seen all the memes and shit but everytime i see u stream u seem so nice. Its just the people that bring out the stuff you'd see on those weird shorts. Stay safe speed, we all love you. God bless 🙏
1:36:07-1:37:56 That was the most crazy sequence 😭😭
Thats joshy the youtuber
It was joshy
It is always a good day when speed streams more than 3 hours
Free Tibet
Speed check out South African Teams.
Don't forget when he rages
Omg ishowspeed commented on my most recent video!!
4:16:08 someone needa take that soundboard from him LMFAOOO
“I love you from afar” is just end it right there bruh 😭🤣🤣
Ishowspeed needs some respect bro he's getting treated horribly and so has his friends just respect him for what he's done made us happy made us laugh and deserves some damn respect give his friends some damn respect
ong ppl know dang well hes funny
@@Myself-e8x get a new quip, lame-O. if you don't have anything productive to comment, don't bother replying with your pathetic attempt at humour.
1:36:04 this is what y’all looking for right?🤣
1:10:45 Mizo moment 😂
FS lord a 😂😂
He look like itztimmy
Hei hi lawm ka zawn char*😂
A va hmuhnawm e
Keep doing what you do man and don’t let weirdos in chat offend you.
Speed is trash, go cry about it 😂😂
Speed check out South African Teams.
W bro
@@arrieussims1235”W bro”? You’re one of the weirdos he’s talking about 😅
@@jarvismane6700he literally didn’t do anything quit being on your period
1:36 wtf 😂😂😂😂
What lol
1:10:46 best part of this video😆
Dik khawp mai
Bro become retard
Speed and Aaliyah are duo we want to watch more
Speed never disapoint with his unexpected endings
4:23:53 bro got mad outta nowhere 💀
3:08:28 Aliyah sells the bag 💀
3:08:44 speed breaks up with Aliyah
3:10:22 speed apologies
3:10:55 speed blames chat for break up
3:11:43 speeds attempt to rizz her up 💀
3:19:50 Fortnite sex 🤤
3:23:29 Aliyah carried speed
3:28:17 just hide
3:32:10 speed abandons Aliyah
@@HellnahLrizzw bro frfr
Speed never fails on terrible endings
green apple!
The Scottish kid at then end is probably the best character in a while for an ishowspeed stream
The best moment is meeting mizo😂😂
1:42:59 this is scary , bro don't worry ok
Oh my god
Br this one scared me alot 1:36:12
What happened?
@@mynameistriple_w I don't know
1:36:04 - 1:38:49 TH-camr Hacker on Omegle
It's Joshy
honestly speed has been streaming so much props to him.
No, props to you
Props? It's a fucking stream and his job. Do you give the same props to your teachers grading your homework every evening or nurses working 12 hour shifts. Pathetic generation
@@SpicedIce123 what
Ending stream bc getting swated❌Ending stream randomly✅
Bro let him be he look bored
bro stop ending your stream over some Fortnite kids 😭
& bro somebody leaked your house address on twitter 💀
Stop lying bro
@@thelittlespecdragonebro I’m deadass in his twitter community somebody posted his house address 💀 and the picture of it
He really ended over fortnite
1:10:47 ishowspeed Mizo tawng fuh ve ngei🤣😹😊
We need a speed and Liyah gym stream
Bro entered his villian arc at 4:16:14 💀💀
W Stream, W first win with AALIYAH❤️🔥
speed should do a 24 hour live stream
He should do a two day stream
he should do a three hour live stream
No 167 years
3:33:15 speed says "your death was sacrificed for a reason" just to die 10 seconds later 😂
That big ass fly in her room is crazy 😂😂☠️
Happy thanksgiving dawg🦃
4:36:46 nah that was actually smart how he builds a block for him not to pass😂
4:39:21 I really wanted to be hokage 😭😭💀💀
Mizo awm ve zawng like keuh❤😂
speed is going to make me cry
that emo interaction was funny lmaoooo 1:22:32
The best black man on earth bro keep on fire we know you are kind inside 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Yaya I have also black😁,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I am joking 😜😜,,don't serious brother❤
This is my favorite live part on 31:13
Even tough he got swated he still streamed. Legend
Bro left his soul at 1:37:47😂❤
Best part of the stream 1:35:58 no cap
TF is real 💀💀💀
bro was traumatised
Who was the TH-camr trolling him?
bro a ishowspeed x jynxzi collab would be crazy good
Yaaaa, you conduct this collaboration😂😂,, your vote is very low only 5 votes (also my vote including) are on your comment❤
1:10 - 1:12 Mizo moments ❣️
37:33 😂😂😂😂
Someone said “Well well well Ishowslow🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉💀💀🍉🍉🍉🍉Ishowmeat Messi better “
56:19 was speed doing gang signs???!
I love you from a far is worst than 'I love you as a streamer' 😂😂
4:39:22 bro wanted to be a hokage 🥲
4:37:42 this moment bruh😂
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family
She is a good girl, hope he treats her well
She was giving you a heart my dude 😂
Damn bro i just woke and i saw 6 hours stream of speed, God bless this dude😳👏
Oooooo wow you are adicted to this stream, I know, I am also addicted 😂😂
3:33:12 got me absolutely dying of laughter at 1:30 in the morning😂😭💀💀
2:38:56 💀
People who came from the stream
4:13:11 we all know what aaliyah was thinking 😂
1:10:45 bro that's north is Indian not new zea land😂😂 btw ik what he's tryna tell u to say it's "I love u mizo people" i think mizoram is a state and their launguage is mizo which i live in lol
Speed's fans are on a whole nother level 😂
Speed deleted his newest stream
Edit: this is the most likes I’ve had on a comment
Where is speed what happened
Yep idk why
No freaking wonder he was playing so much copyrighted music
Brrroooooo youuuu see wtffff
Ahhh hell nah
The way his stream ends😭
4:38:33 blud was acting like he was on a audition 😂
It could be a good meme template NGL 😭😂
C’mon speed if you keep doing that you will lose fans , subscribers, and respect!! You have no idea how excited we are when your live pops up , and we haven’t been getting the endings we deserve, we need your W ends again ma bro!
stop bro ur a troll lmao
Haha ain’t we all
Right bro this shit annoying asf
@@memesfact1552correct bro but I am indian, where are you from❤
@@Komz8782❤✌, hello🙋♂️
2nd ishowmeat in the chat😂😂
IShowNinja'sDiscord, this stream changed my life. My entire view on everything that exists in this world. in fact, even in the entire universe. I can never look at anything the same way again. This stream represents emotions that most humans could never understand, but I can. Thanks to this stream, I have been awakened to many things previously considered unimaginable. Thank you for this exquisite stream.
Speed check out South African Teams.
@@joey6451 how is dude laughing at this 💀
3:09:23 killing the fellings 💀
can we appreciate speed for doing 6 hours stream for us 🎉🎉❤
Speed check out South African Teams.
Nigga wha yo problem?
1:08:50 don't I look like a Nintendo 😂😂😂😂
Bro this gotta be one of the funniest streams bruh💀
speed needs a new fanbase
Why tf are you replying to your own corny unoriginal comment
Speed check out South African Teams.
Speed and aliyaah streams are so good
Dear ishowspeed, sorry for all the hate from your haters. This stream has changed my perspective of the world. I have realized that the world is full of hate, love, and jealousy. Please continue to stream often. This world cannot live without you. Don’t die. From, undisclosed.
Speed is trash, go cry about it 😂😂
@haigIgi2keep crying 😂😂😂😂
@haigIgi2I made you cry 😂😂
Speed check out South African Teams.
@haigIgi2keep crying 😂😂
Can’t lie I was happy when he finally got the win with Aaliyah he damn near was trying for 2 days 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Bro I can’t stop laughing when speed Aliyah lost the dub
Speed finally confronting his fear of scaring ladies away
Speed doesn’t get any girls, go cry about it 😂😂
@@Godsson32128 He scared strawberry tabby away and that chick has huge boobs🤡🤡🤡🤡😁😁😁😁😉😉😉😉😉
@@Viralreacts00speed doesn’t get any girls, go cry about it 😂😂😂
@@Viralreacts00keep crying 😂😂
@@Viralreacts00keep crying 😂😂😂😂
12:57 bruh the chat is crazy 💀💀💀💀
Always better ❤️❤️❤️
Speed is trash, go cry about it 😂😂😂
Speed check out South African Teams.
Hey man, if youre having a hard time with all the mean comment's i js wanna say that you have been through so much and yet YOU still ENTERTAIN us with your amazing content. Ive seen all the memes and shit but everytime i see u stream u seem so nice. Its just the people that bring out the stuff you'd see on those weird shorts. Stay safe speed, we all love you. God bless 🙏
Omg ishowspeed commented on my most recent video!!
hey does my music have any potential? just looking for advice
@@seyvem bru you got sm potential jus try not to mumble
@@gab_luvs ok for sure ill work on it!
Exactly like they weak people like they love trolling 💀
4:40:45 موتني يوم شغلها عشق سبيد 🇸🇦🇸🇦 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Thxs for the 6 hour stream keep doing it but make sure u get sleep
Speed is trash, go cry about it 😂
Bro deleted his most recent stream cause he don’t want Aliyah to find out he cheatin
Keep grinding 💪
Speed never fails to finish me off
Speed doesn’t get any girls, go cry about it 😂😂
@@Clarenceisgoathe has a gf dumbass
Mizo khih khah😂,the Mizo guy thoo...Hey Speed shout out fro Mizoram ✌🏽👈🏽
1:36:04 😂
5:15:42 IShowSpeed - In This Club
1:10:44 his mizo im mizo too his now popular mizo ho kha ka hmangaigh che u ❤😂
Thx speed bcs u always entertaint me when I'm not In the mood, really appreciate that hope God bless you wherever you going
Speed doesn’t get any girls, go cry about it 😂
@@KennyChao-rk8vvhow does that have to do with what he said dumass?
Yes yes + dont get Banned please
4:38:55, hahahha bro.... shower for her🎉🎉😂😂😂😂
Speed u made me cry bro idk🥹🤷🏻♂️
1:36:03 speed goes very funny 🤣😂
No exception are present in speed😅😅, I thought ✌
When you release speed is biggest promoter of prime
Speed needs a better community
Yes af cause, i am leader of this community😂😂,
Speed always finds different ways to end streams.
The foreshadowing is crazy ☠️ 4:30
4:13:19 she side eye is crazy yk im saying 😏