Tip: An easier way to chase the embers, go on the ground and they will be on the ground. Dashing on the ground is more efficient than in air. (Also if you run far away from the embers, they eventually start going back to you and you can easily dash towards them once they get really close.)
@WinterKloudz , the main idea people consider the Draco race to be is a teamer race, argued as a support race due to the buffs it provides to teammates. Despite that, its v3 (15% dmg increase for 10 seconds) and its v4 ability thorns (second gear on thorns is 1/3 incoming, but dependable if you are in the aoe and it is based on certain moves (I believe it relies on contact moves and I have the v4 so i did some testing, but i think it is mainly within the Draco v4 sphere)) make it a super good race to use. It would have been nice to have a defense buff, but you can be a monster when combining this race with the new diamond rework. You should pvp with the fruit as many people (including myself) argue it is better than portal due to the defense buff and the nasty instinct-breaking attacks diamond has. I use spiky and god human with it and you can use a sword of your choice. Quick insight: diamond c also works like serpent bow x, canceling moves for a short period (it is a super close range move though).
not me thinking the ringing the entire time was my phone, but it was the vid lol btw winterklouds I'm a pretty big fan i have been watching u for a while and i love Ur vids these vids are what make me feel better about myself Ur really the goat man keep up the good work
Huge fan winter i love you'r vids you absolutely make my day i enjoy a lot of you'r blox fruits videos Keep up the great work i hope you Grow even more my boy.
How come nobody noticed that the Draco race has NOT been put in the LAST banner behind the clock in the temple of time… this isn’t the race everyone thought would come 🤔
dragon talon now works well if you wanna grind with Buddha, the range and abilities work nicely, none of those weird aiming problems from other fighting styles, or at least way less than before.
Yo winter can you help me with getting v4 on this race? I'm struggling with getting the levi heart to hydra island because none of my friends have beast hunter and trying to find randoms with beast hunter us way to hard
Yo keep up the grind you are my favorite you tuber right now so keep uploading and being constant with your videos and I love you man have a good Christmas ❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
31:09 I think this would be op if you are a support, like phoenix + this ability, imagine healing allies while you buff them, this in a raid would be crazy
5 reasons why u need to stay in life 1 ur beautiful how u are 2 u can reach evreything u want 3 u are a nice person 4 u are good at evreything aslong as u try 5 u can reach ur goals
yall are the dumbest kids this generation has ever seen… KJ isn’t from strongest battlegrounds he was made from an animation and TSB was the first to make him a character also ALOT of moves look like that before KJ even existed
23:50 idk if you know but you can bribe the spy after doing about 20 sea events. Be it sea beasts, boats, terror sharks or even the small enemies that spawn in the sea.
can we just appreciate how winterkloudz puts so much grind into these vids💪💪💪💪 and this was the most helpful tutorial i found! thanks for all the tutorials in the past!
Heyy kloudz, im not asking for anything expensive, perm fruits, or anything. Im a HUGE fan and want to be featyred in one of your videos 😊 Keep going u can reach 2m ik it!!!
Kloudz since you thought COMETIC FIELD (new) (Dragon Pride Old) was mid at 31:09 but you’re wrong it’s actually good, the explosive orbs have very good damage.
The easy way to get blaze ember is to flash step to it. First stay still let the ember go away and after a bit of distance it will stop and u can flash step to it
Kloudz U can get black belt , tp hydra and claim black belt talk to wiz and go back to island to get egg (someone has to wait at island or else it will despawn
I just realised that with draco v4 we have the full color wheel: Red🟥(human) Yellow🟨(angel) Blue🟦(shark) Blue🟦+yellow🟨=green🟩(mink) Red🟥+blue🟦=purple🟪(cyborg) Red🟥+yellow🟨=orange🟧(draco) Red🟥+blue🟦+yellow🟨+orange🟧+purple🟪+green🟩=black⬛️(goul) That's actually goated
Think about it it’s very OP with dragon cause you barely take damage with dragon and if you have your friend riding, you pause, it just makes it more OP
The process for v4 is honestly stupidly tedious and hard. Not only do u hv to find a damn levi, u also hv to convince ur teamates that they shld sacrifice the levi heart so you can get v4. Honestly, they shld make it so that you can use the item levi heart, place it on some altar or smth, and it will still freeze hydra
Bro my son won’t stop talking about the belts he’s like mum, dad I just got red belt and I’m like what so I searched it up and now I know and my son is on black belt now and he needs help badly. Love your channel❤
I could get the race, but two days after the update, I got so sick that I can’t get up from my bed and walk to the computer (which is three feet away), sit down in my chair, and turn the PC on without getting absolutely exhausted
Btw bois the race has since been buffed when i finished this, ITS OPPPP
Yeee ❤
@@WinterKloudz sir u are really a amazing combo youtuber ❤️ i love u4 videos
W video Cloud
Winter aint touchin grass with this one.
he never does lol😂
@@Gamer-sx7su nah if winter sees that comment ur cooked
This is for the dent in your wallet 😂
that is NOT fixing anything😭🙏
@@zad_1.1 for winter it is
@IbrahimAhmed-fb4di he lives in the us, that currency isn’t doing anything💀🙏
This much money and barley any replies? That’s crazy but your a good person
Its 5 bucks and 72 cents 😂
2:46 WinterKloudz: *So let me pack up these boys right here.* *gets packed up*
Bro thought he was slick with the editing😂
Can you please give me a permanent dragon and the big fan of you?
@@JamesTruong-z2h bro, it is literally almost Christmas 😐
Tip: An easier way to chase the embers, go on the ground and they will be on the ground. Dashing on the ground is more efficient than in air. (Also if you run far away from the embers, they eventually start going back to you and you can easily dash towards them once they get really close.)
Video: getting Draco race v4 in 24 Hours
Winter: waits 3 days to get a black belt
Gotta get that clickbait
24 hrs of doing the quests i think, idk, idc i js wanna see the tutorial
4:12 you can trade with anybody no matter if he has dragon talon (i did it with my friend that doesnt have dragon talon but has dragon breath.)
Bro big respect for you now I realize how hard it is to be a bloxfruit TH-camr
It is very difficult but anyone can do it given enough time and dedication
@WinterKloudz ok now give me dragon perm
Red_proboi or parth_boss2
I’m just joking
23:52 he is on Levi cd, it won’t spawn
@WinterKloudz , the main idea people consider the Draco race to be is a teamer race, argued as a support race due to the buffs it provides to teammates. Despite that, its v3 (15% dmg increase for 10 seconds) and its v4 ability thorns (second gear on thorns is 1/3 incoming, but dependable if you are in the aoe and it is based on certain moves (I believe it relies on contact moves and I have the v4 so i did some testing, but i think it is mainly within the Draco v4 sphere)) make it a super good race to use. It would have been nice to have a defense buff, but you can be a monster when combining this race with the new diamond rework. You should pvp with the fruit as many people (including myself) argue it is better than portal due to the defense buff and the nasty instinct-breaking attacks diamond has. I use spiky and god human with it and you can use a sword of your choice. Quick insight: diamond c also works like serpent bow x, canceling moves for a short period (it is a super close range move though).
Thx for the info this helped
1:24 i swear druski has a meme for everything
And i had a ad of druski right before this video 😭🙏
just use buddha man
Note: the best way to catch Embers easily is by staying on ground. Try it and see, i get embers soo easily
+ budhha
*awakened budda
Funfact: I think Draco was a thing since the horned man quest was added cus horned man is probably a Draco in hiding.😅
Bro how no thought that!
Yo you’ve actually got a point😮
not me thinking the ringing the entire time was my phone, but it was the vid lol
btw winterklouds I'm a pretty big fan i have been watching u for a while and i love Ur vids these vids are what make me feel better about myself Ur really the goat man keep up the good work
Kloudz you should give perms to subscribers next vid
damn my boy arl got the v4 thats why ur the goat but do you like the new gas fruit?
I meant Draco was easy I got it already too in v4
@@DRAGON1TALON1STUDENT is it hat easy
@ yea
@@DRAGON1TALON1STUDENT bro tell me ur user I need you to help me in bloxfruit rq
@@DRAGON1TALON1STUDENTcan u help me w the belts and quest for the race
Huge fan winter i love you'r vids you absolutely make my day i enjoy a lot of you'r blox fruits videos Keep up the great work i hope you Grow even more my boy.
@9:35 why was the dragon randomly just sitting in that cornet😂
How come nobody noticed that the Draco race has NOT been put in the LAST banner behind the clock in the temple of time… this isn’t the race everyone thought would come 🤔
Because u dont get v4 from temple of the time
@@BOGA_NOOB I know, but what I’m tryina say is there will still be a race coming g to Blox fruits
Bro i ahve been watching u since 200k subs and u now inspired me to my new channel im on mobile so ig good luck to me 🤞🏻
This is insane ❤❤
congrats on getting verified 🎉
10:19 “alr ima get my lanternnn” *continues to get guardian*😂😂😂😂
i was looking for that comment lol
I was looking for that comment lol
Its ok bruhh
Congrats to everyone who is early and who found this comment!!!!❤
Welcome back scammer! Another scammer bots reported!!
@@MaygodprotectusinMINNESOTA what did he do😭
@@MADGAMER-hc3qgit’s a scammer
@@Chopper_GT so he/.s frendly
@ yeah but it probably leads to a website that can hack your acc
17:06 myou can fly with draco v2 and u will need it for the draco v4 trials
His friend: I rolled mammoth
Winter: drop
His friend: can I have it back
Winter: no
dang that’s so crazy
I love ur videos!!! I wish to meet you some day
Hey Kloudz im just wondering if ur planning on doing a trading video (rocket to dragon?)
11:22 dude u need one egg to get draco race not bones
Dear winter klounz I love your video they are so incredibly interesting, and lovable
I agree
Under 10 hour gang👇
Me lol😂
I went to the volcano island and beat it, but after there was no egg to pick up and i had dragon tether too.
I’m amusing you know this by now, but dragon eggs only spawn when there is two or people on island during the event
@@ty_zmandougie5982 i know, and i found out why, the relic health has to be above 90% and ours wasn't
Can you switch back to the cyborg race for free, if you’ve switched to another race?
dragon talon now works well if you wanna grind with Buddha, the range and abilities work nicely, none of those weird aiming problems from other fighting styles, or at least way less than before.
Yo winter can you help me with getting v4 on this race? I'm struggling with getting the levi heart to hydra island because none of my friends have beast hunter and trying to find randoms with beast hunter us way to hard
Omg this is gonna be so cool
19:29 nahhh i never get draco race v4 i can't even move at levi place form lag and I get disconnected 😭 I guess I just use ghoul
Yo keep up the grind you are my favorite you tuber right now so keep uploading and being constant with your videos and I love you man have a good Christmas ❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
31:09 I think this would be op if you are a support, like phoenix + this ability, imagine healing allies while you buff them, this in a raid would be crazy
Sound can also buff them so you could get a double buff
Who doesn't have permanent dragon fruit 😢
Me j wished j did Mu user Is NotGreenLeap NotGreenLeap
Who asked?
@@Tbfoxytofficialhe did
4:15 IT don't matter who you trade as long as u do a trade😊
No I tried that and it doesn’t work lol
@JustinBergin-w4m Idk I guess they patched it cuz when I did it my friend haven't started on Draco race at all and I still got it off him
Already a banger 0:00
@@Rzillathemonster that's crazy
@RamenRunner30 I'm not wrong
@@Rzillathemonsteryour wrong they joined 5yrs ago all not accounts on vids have like hours ago
I mean it’s overedited but I still can enjoy it
Hi winter, keep up the good work. :)
im a fan btw ur the reason i started youtube.
5 reasons why u need to stay in life
1 ur beautiful how u are
2 u can reach evreything u want
3 u are a nice person
4 u are good at evreything aslong as u try
5 u can reach ur goals
1:42 bro all the the strongest battlegrounds ppl know that its stoic bomb😂
yall are the dumbest kids this generation has ever seen… KJ isn’t from strongest battlegrounds he was made from an animation and TSB was the first to make him a character also ALOT of moves look like that before KJ even existed
Under 1 hour gang
57 minute GANG. Yessiirrr
Tasty profile pic 👍
W pfp
Sword state
Must have cryborg v3
Midnight cyborgv3 z x
Superhuman z c
@@Space_editszzzz lol dude calm down🤣🤣
23:50 idk if you know but you can bribe the spy after doing about 20 sea events. Be it sea beasts, boats, terror sharks or even the small enemies that spawn in the sea.
can we just appreciate how winterkloudz puts so much grind into these vids💪💪💪💪 and this was the most helpful tutorial i found! thanks for all the tutorials in the past!
who want to get v4 race for angel shark ghoul human r cyborg tag me i got shark
I have all exept dragon v4
I wanna I’m angel race
My user is rip_itatchi
And if that’s taken I can get ghoul or cyborg or mink
just wanna know for the v4 do you need to own beast hunter or can you use someone elses beast hunter?
Can u find levi solo now or we need 5 ppl still
@Yourfulltimeditor u still need 5 ppl
1 minute team 👇
Heyy kloudz, im not asking for anything expensive, perm fruits, or anything. Im a HUGE fan and want to be featyred in one of your videos 😊 Keep going u can reach 2m ik it!!!
Kloudz since you thought COMETIC FIELD (new) (Dragon Pride Old) was mid at 31:09 but you’re wrong it’s actually good, the explosive orbs have very good damage.
0:44 finally someone said this
Said what
That you need 500 masters
Under 1 day 👇
Me included
Under 1 hour 👇
Also, huge fan winter, I've learned so much from your videos
yessir. finally, I thought we wouldn't get this video. we lucky fr.
yall should sub cause bro clearly working hard
Alright winter this you?
No cap i just finished the draco race and its like oppp ...i had 5 mil bounty before and after 1 month i have 10 mil bounty
Bri ty for this viedeo❤❤❤❤❤❤
The easy way to get blaze ember is to flash step to it. First stay still let the ember go away and after a bit of distance it will stop and u can flash step to it
Bro can pack up a 30m bounty but gets packed up by level 2525 level NPC's💀
Your just a chill guy
9:35 did you drop the fruit back Mr. WinterKloudz??? 🤔🤔
Kloudz U can get black belt , tp hydra and claim black belt talk to wiz and go back to island to get egg (someone has to wait at island or else it will despawn
You this has been an amazing week dragons finally here with a bunch of other new stuff Cory's back like how could it have gotten better
Try equipping dragon fruit. And dragon talon. And the sword and the gun and maybe the bond and make WAAYYYYYY MORE DAMAGE so try it
Winter, the counter damage is that you like take damage, and if u hit the other person again, it does way more damage
Hey winterkloudz
I have a idea for video
You will hide in one server and we will find you
If we find you we will have perm friut
WinterCloudz: you only have to wait 12 hours
bro is the only youtuber who remembered to upgrade dragon v4
I just realised that with draco v4 we have the full color wheel:
That's actually goated
Can you make a episode? What is the strongest fruit in the game?
Who else using this as a guide
The grind for Draco race aboutta make me start tweaking
Think about it it’s very OP with dragon cause you barely take damage with dragon and if you have your friend riding, you pause, it just makes it more OP
miss when i used to watch winterkloudz for the gpo level progression
This is why I'm subbed to you. 🗿
ur the best bro
Bro I enjoy your content most 🧡
This gonna take my YEARS to complete😭
Now I am really dying to see zioles vs uzoth angel vs Draco hehehehe ☠️
The process for v4 is honestly stupidly tedious and hard. Not only do u hv to find a damn levi, u also hv to convince ur teamates that they shld sacrifice the levi heart so you can get v4. Honestly, they shld make it so that you can use the item levi heart, place it on some altar or smth, and it will still freeze hydra
At 3:20 or smth he said go to tiki. To progress you have to kill npc's in a range of 100 levels
Bro my son won’t stop talking about the belts he’s like mum, dad I just got red belt and I’m like what so I searched it up and now I know and my son is on black belt now and he needs help badly. Love your channel❤
What’s the best race and fighting style for dragon fruit?
Yo winterclouds I'm fan
I could get the race, but two days after the update, I got so sick that I can’t get up from my bed and walk to the computer (which is three feet away), sit down in my chair, and turn the PC on without getting absolutely exhausted
go touch some grass XD
Honestly, it looks fire.[so it prob is fire]
To be honest man, you can ask someone to stay at the volcano island and you can come back the island you went
23:14 kinda looks like that flaming dragon move tanjiro used on the emotion demons in demon slayer swordsmith village arc
@WinterKloudz you should use gas in pvp in ur next video
Myth: if you use infernal vortex in water you die even if ur shark
0:48 bro ran past a white cloud berry, I DONT THINK HE UNDERSTOOD HOW RARE THOSE THINGS ARE
This is kind of random but I couldn't help but notice that he passed a white berry😊. 0:49