As a Baalas Teshuva who became Shomrei Shabbos at age 13-14 I would be lost without Art Scroll especially Interlinear Siddur, Tehilim and Machsorim. Art scroll is a major part of my house. Please have some international Podcasts.
Hey! I love all these incredible interviews; If i can suggest 2 possible questions to ask on the show: 1. What do you find is your Most Difficult Mitzvah to Perform? 2. What is the most priceless object that you own? 3. Which Beracha of Shmoneh Esrei do you find the most meaning in?
Amazing job you guys are doing Here's an idea for a future interview you guys should get Rabbi Yaron Reuven on that would be great he was a multi millionaire then became very sick and he made teshuva and he has a incredible story and now works for free as kiruv rabbi to help others
Meaningful minute is doing a fantastic job! Kol hakavod. The more you do the better. I wish you hatzlacha with everything.
Love Artscroll thank you K'vod HaRav for your amazing service to Am Yisroel!
As a Baalas Teshuva who became Shomrei Shabbos at age 13-14 I would be lost without Art Scroll especially Interlinear Siddur, Tehilim and Machsorim.
Art scroll is a major part of my house.
Please have some international Podcasts.
The most important are the people that are working on this projects publishing Jewish books, which ate very beautiful.
Excellent. What a man!
Hey! I love all these incredible interviews; If i can suggest 2 possible questions to ask on the show:
1. What do you find is your Most Difficult Mitzvah to Perform?
2. What is the most priceless object that you own?
3. Which Beracha of Shmoneh Esrei do you find the most meaning in?
also ask how much do you weigh. and theyre social security number. and ask how long their nose is
The podcast whom we talk to ppl who are “meaningful “
Amazing job you guys are doing Here's an idea for a future interview you guys should get Rabbi Yaron Reuven on that would be great he was a multi millionaire then became very sick and he made teshuva and he has a incredible story and now works for free as kiruv rabbi to help others
but he is also anti semetic. slight problem
Amazing that he respects the son of his friend.
Waiting for Shilchon Oruch
keep on waiting