I’m up having a coffee, my dog who I’ve had for almost 17 years is being euthanized in 2 hours. I sat here on my deck and thought rather than becoming a mess I should listen to some Eckhart. I typed in “Eckhart Tolle on death” and this was the first one that opened. I feel the same way as the man who spoke. My dog Rocky, was a wonderful example of consciousness falling into mass. How fortunate I was to have been around him for as long as I was.
The only thing that is appearing to stop you from enlightenment/self-realization/eternal life/knowing yourself to be unconditional love is identification with thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences instead of being aware of being aware and knowing yourself to be that unconditional love pure consciousness in which all thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences appear but are not inherently one with you; they are an expression of unconditional love; you are that infinite that is expressing itself as suffering/pleasure but inherently you are neither; you are that nothing/unconditional love/pure consciousness in which they are appear and by which they are perceived; Suffering/pleasure comes and goes; there is an awareness that is aware of them coming and going; that you are; remember and know what you are; never identify with anything that is appearing within you; since it appears within you; it can't be you; you are that in which it appears. When you abide as that in which it appears instead of identifying; nothing has a grip on you; if anything comes; it quickly goes; like clouds passing; only if you identify as a cloud then it will appear as if the cloud is here for longer than it is originally supposed to; if you simply rest as the awareness and do not identify; it will quickly dissolve; be unconditional love by being aware of being aware; this is the highest; this is what you are seeking in absolutely everything else; you are seeking yourself; you are seeking unconditional love; but you are looking outside of yourself; instead of being aware that you already are unconditional love. Love love
When we are able to see our true nature in the dog that is looking at us, the tree towering overhead, the bird passing by, the butterfly fluttering about... when we are able to share a commonality with all that "transpires" in our field of awareness, then you are able see that there is no death...only the unraveling of form, forms which obscure because we assign our consciousness to those forms and develop attachment to the form and not that which they arise from. The dog, the bird, the butterfly and YOU and ME all arise from the oneness of all life, of all existence. We are but brief waves raised into being by the wind and soon we fall back into the ocean. But truly we are the arising, the arisen, and that from which all phenomena arise.
I'm sorry for your loss. We had to put our German Shepherd down on March 18th of this year. It nearly broke me. He was such a big part of all our lives and my kids did not know life without him, until now. I struggle with what happens after this life. I've read the Power of Now many many times, but still struggle with what it means that we're all 'one life' or 'one consciousness' - does this mean we go back into a big pool of consciousness... to what end?
Our son died 12 years ago. I've also loved and lost dogs through the years. Eckhart's response to the gentle man who had the courage to ask his question was the most comforting explanation I've heard about "loss and grieving." I realize now that 'form' is so temporary and insignificant. Like clothes really. Form is only our 'earth suit' and all life is One no matter the earth suit or form. What a hopeful and beautiful knowing. Thank you, Eckhart!
I'd be careful about the 'all is one' stuff. We are exactly what we are as individual spirits. We are not one except that we are all the same spirit (non)substance at the core.
@@chadkline4268 Who knows what the truth is. All of us are afraid of death. It seems like we all SHARE LOVE, which indicates individuality. The entire idea of love is “many minds at once” sharing thoughts. One mind, ultimately, cannot love. It has nothing to share, and it cannot lie to itself about what it knows about existence. If one mind exists, ultimately, it will know. It cannot trick itself in a believable way to think many minds exist at once, when the real true is that all minds are really just one. All lying causes a bad mood. And all of us are aware of our moods within. If one mind existed, ultimately, LOVE wouldn’t be real, and there is no way mood could ever elevate. Lying would prevent it. That is the logic I use within. I am still afraid. If love is real, which we all know it is, then it is likely we are always individuals, but connected in thought.
@@OOBEJuanKenobiI can say this for certain: the spirit is awareness, conscience, and a power of intent. That is what our presence is comprised of. Similar to our presence in a dream but with perfect clarity. It is zero dimensional and outside of spacetime. It is thus eternal. It binds to a field of consciousness due to sensual intents, desire for the things of body+mind. It binds similar to magnets. Consciousness is a bidirectional field of the nervous system wherein sensory input is radiated. Awareness reads consciousness, filters with conscience, and optionally writes back with intent to initiate thought or muscle movement. No body with a nervous system can function without binding a spirit. Our spirit is our presence, our sense of 'am here'. It's not a collective thing. It's exactly what we already are, excluding body+mind. I don't know from direct experience the whole of the processes we undergo, nor the nature of our final destination, but I do know that spirits bind in accord with sensual intents, and I would expect that excepting those that have eliminated sensual intents, all spirits instantly bind to another available field of consciousness at the death of the current one. The danger is that we never get a choice in the matter. You could end up being the dog next time, and your dog, the human. The main factor is our conscience, or virtue, and the sensual desires that eminate from our spirit. Like our dreams, a new life will just arise, almost instantly. Ie, death-birth is one thing, not two.
I finally got it! I am eternal, my body is not, my brain, my mind are not. I am not my thoughts, they belong or are part of my mind and brain and hence this body I use while on Earth. I am a tiny part of a big ever expanding LOVING consciousness, this is how I know I am eternal. It took me to get cancer to finally get it. Thanks Mr Tolle.
The Infamous Dragon ah? System is the problem 🏡 Our Life should be around these Great Qualities..... 1, Show all living creatures; all the love and kindness as much as you can. 2, Only try to be honest with yourself. If you try to be honest with others, you will get into big trouble soon or later. 3, Aim only one target at a time; otherwise you are chasing two rabbits and you will miss both. So, the reason behind it. Have one powerful reason and never ever give up the one you want the most. 4, Don't try to be good person only but be the powerful person. We will grow to be the one or we will die. There is no other choice. 5, Always learn and look for to improve something your life. 6, You are not alone. Love and faith the high power reduces unnecessary stress in life. But never completely rely on it. 7, Success and happiness are the byproducts of our usefulness. So, always increase the possibility of success. 8, Life is not going to be easy. Because of our unnecessary things. Eliminate all the unnecessary things as much as you can by organising yourself well with the environments. 9, Never believe anything without the proper evidences. 10, Always try to give more than you take. Because it is dignity/ character of the divinity within you. 🌎 As long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us. Joy comes from that bliss of connectedness. I believe that unarmed truth and love will have the final word in reality. To love; you should have good heart. I am a good person until I see a person better than my standard of goodness. Being good is the progress towards a worthy cause. Love is God. Whoever lives in love, lives forever. How selfish it is to try to keep something forever? Love is all about nourishing, nurturing, sharing and expanding the love within you for all. The principle to which we adhere to is that we have kindness of love at heart for the whole of mankind. As long as there is the unnecessary differences within us; we can not live peacefully so we have to eliminate all the unnecessary differences among us so we can love all. People abilities may vary but not there true love. If we love a person/ God for a reason then we love the reason but not the person. No reason is the reason to love the person because true love never fails. So do not compare or measure the true love as first or the last but love all truly. If you love people truly then you can understand people. If you don't love then you don't understand people at all. People are controlled by system why? The Cyclical Consumption is the current economy all over the World. It is making the scarcity problems of the earth finite resources to deteriorate day by day. Current Monetary System is legalised theft. Real money is Gold and Silver. Scarcity gives the money more value. Real money won't lose it's value. When Governments stay away from Gold & Silver then very easy to transfer the wealth / resources to upper class the Rich (Corporatocracy) Elite. When the Governments are printing out more new fiat currency with reserve banks, our old currency is losing its purchasing power everyday. They are printing millions of currency everyday. All governments and laws are existing right now to transfer wealth to upper class the rich elite. The USA Government & other Governments are in many countries, bailed the investment banks & financial institutions in 2008 against the majority of the people. There is no democracy in any countries. Because of the Money System based on profits motive only above all else even humans lives and well-being. So, we do not have freedom to protect our values with the money so on. The violence, bankruptcy & all the negativities are build into the Monetary System of our society. All are owned (including ourselves) by Reserve Bank. Which is private cartel the corporation. So, in legal system, we are legally considered as chattel the properties. They make money in the capital markets with our birth certificates. They do not consider us as Humans. That's the truth. We are at the invisible war with the Elites (Corporatocracies). We have to fight for our Freedom. Resource Based Economy is the Solution. We have to declare the earth resources as the heritage of all the people of this world. So everyone has access to it. Please have your research about zeitgeist movement then you know the truth more. Truth About Health/Drugs Industry Because Of It Your Life At High Risk The drug industry is a 1/2 trillion dollars a year worldwide conglomerate. Almost 300 billions dollars just in North America. That is really big business. What would happen if everyone were well? There is no money in health. You see, good health makes a lot of sense but it doesn't make a lot of dollars. Because everything they do is toxic. Every drug they use, prescription drugs, all drugs are liver toxic, bar none. If you've had amalgam fillings put in your mouth by dentists. It is highly toxic. There's cancer because most of the chemos are themselves carcinogens. To view the tumor as the cancer and we know the tumor is not the cancer. The cancer industry is 200 billions dollars a year. The more work they get, the more profit there is. You have to dismantle; If the truth ever came out about what we would need to do. 30% of people of females in America are at risk of getting, will get cancer of the breast. The ones that are already dead have been grossly mistreated by the medical profession and by the government that supposedly is supposed to encourage free research and development of all possibilities. Why would medical doctors who studied medicine and practice medicine and are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies why would they go and look into vitamins? That they never had the answer orthomolecular. And as more and more of our population start taking their health into their own hands, there's going to be even more and more of changes. It can't go on the way it is. The system is failing apart. We must make nutrition the primary prevention strategy for the population. You are what you eat. You are everything that you have ever done to yourself. The choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. - (Food Matters Documentary in Netflix) 😊 Well, I truly love God. I am not religious but very spiritual person. So, I believe 1) Religion is the beliefs in someone experiences But spirituality is having my own experiences. The mainstream religions people promote religious ideology by giving guidelines and guide but In my spiritual life; I do not want anyone or anything between God and me to restrict my freedom to worship God. 2) We do not need any authorities to do good work. The god work is the good work always. In contrast; organised mainstream religions are claiming that they have the authorities to do God works as leaders so on. 3) God is not capable of doing wrong thing, change the past for us and create anything out of nothing for us. Nothing means not anything. So, even God is limited. The mainstream religious people believe that God is unlimited. 4) God wants us to take responsibilities for our righteousness life but not for all the consequences of our actions because they are continued to exist among us. So, How can god punish us for all our consequences? The mainstream religious people believe we are full of sins because of all our actions. 5) Freewill is an illusion. People always choose the perceived path of greatest pleasure. So, we do not have choices all the time. In contrast teachings of the mainstream religions are promoting people to do god's will always because we all have choices of freewill always. 6) We can not separate everything into groups. So, everything for good and evil and there's no success and failure for everything. If everything is real then real things can not be threatened. Once you come to understand that God/The Holy Spirit is in each of us, You will no longer need a Book to tell you how to live. Then why we need religious scriptures? The Virtue is the expression of the basic goodness in our actions. The Basic goodness is the fundamental worthiness of every individuals. We are worthy to God always in everything. 7) Beliefs in a cruel God makes a cruel man. No matter what; every living creatures has the right to live and What makes their life cheap? Everything depends on everything. Nothing too big or too small in value. We can not love and hate at the same time; Being a vegetarian means love without cruelty happily. The mainstream religious people are killing people and sacrificing animals in the name of God. They promote God's cruel punishments. The Punishment is endless for Sinners/Devil according to religious scriptures. But God is love always. Overcome hate with love. If all religions for peace, unity? No way. Because they are not for peace. 8) Well, The God gave us everything to go from moment to moment in our lives as we do our part and pray only to thank god then the Love is in progress. The Love is always for everyone. We are always worthy of the God's love. Our greatest fear is; not to be loved by anyone but we are all loved by someone. When we eliminate all our unnecessary differences among us then true peaceful life is possible with the true love. If we can't find the peace within ourselves then we will never find it anywhere else. 9) This is the Fight for independence and freedom of humanity to worship God freely without religious guide and guidelines to restrict us. Unnecessarily, We do not want third party controls over us in anything ; especially in spirituality. 10) Revive Survive Thrive. Sincerely, The Real Peacemaker against religious oppression. Even If I know hundred percent, I am not going win, I can not live without giving my best; good fight. So to increase the possibility for others.
Life is eternal? Where do you get this from? According to Christian doctrine only God has eternality and those to whom this quality has been given by an act of sharing it from God. All creation depends on God to sustain it.
Eckhart Tolle and any one that suggests that death is anything but the complete and final cessation of all experience. is a liar and a fraud. If death is *not* the complete and absolutely final cessation of all experience, what you are discussing is not death. When you go to sleep or are under a general anaesthetic, you cease experiencing- experince *Nothing*- and that is death or if it is not the cessation of all experience or is not death, but something else. There is simply no way that Eckhart Tolle or any other liar and fraud can know- directly immediately personally experience( as directly immediately and personally as pain) whether or not there is *any* experience after death, because if there is *any* experience after death what occurs to you is not death. If you have ever been knocked unconscious or experienced a general anaesthetic you will know for a certainty that you experience nothing of either, and if you do you (by_definirion) have not been lnocked unconscious arehad a general anaesthetic. there *Is* no experience after or simultaneous with being knockedunconscios or anaesthetised be bceause that is what un conscious or anaesthetised *Means*- you stop knowing or experiencing anything because that is what dead or unconscious *Means, and the only words for those that pander to some rather infantil hope that dead is not final or *No_After*. are liar and fraud- and fool that understands nothing is also apt.A dead body is a piece of meat-*Obviously* and you can only experience or know or be conscious(means with_knowledge) anything via the brain or body, from which it folows as the night the day, no body, no experience/knowing/consciousness just as there is noknowing/experience/ consciousness when you are unconscious-or asleep for that matter, and anyone that seeks to sell the lie that death is no more than a form of sleep and thus temporary is a lying fraud exploiting the naïve credulousness of the extremely stupid or having been stupefied, and those that do that are charlatans scoundrels, liars and frauds, and Eckhart Tolle is one such, and if he suggests that thereis *any* experience whatsoever after the destruction forever of the body/brain, he is what we lawyers call *l-y-i-n-g* He must* be lying because there is no way he or anyone can possibly have any experience after the ddestruction of the body/brain, and I suppose there is a word for those that lie knowing full well that they are lying. If you experience anything after death you are not dead -did not die, and if you experience nothing and you cannot experience nothing, no worries. When you are knocked unconscious or are anaesthetised you do not have any experience *At_All* because that is what unconscious *Means*, and between being unconscious/dead/ asleep you have no experience whatsoever- certainly no idea of for how long you have been asleep, but the whole meaning of death is that it is unconscious no or no experience*Forever* and if it is not forever . it is not death. By_Definition*you cannot experience death or unconscious ness, because if you did you would not be dead or unconscious, and by the same token you cannot experience that you are asleep or otherwise dead or unconscious(and certainly not the moment that you fall asleep , die, or become unconscious, because if you experience anything while dead asleep or unconscious you are *not* dead, asleep or unconscious( means no knowledge or experience, so death means the *Permanent state of unconsciousness, and if it is *not* permanent, it is not death, because *Either* death means *NO+After* * Or* it means nothing, and you are discussing something *Other* than death. When you are anaesthetised or knocked unconscious you do not experience *Any*_thing, certainly not oh gosh here I am in the happy hunting ground off to meet mister god mummy and daddy and all my pets, and anyone that sugests otherwise , is lying, but you can test it out for yourself by discovering if you can experience the moment tht you become unconscious or fall asleep and you will discover that you cannot, thus nether dying nor falling asleep are experiences that you can experience; you cannot experience I am asleep or otherwise unconscious, only that you *Have_been* sdleep or unconscious, but you cannot an d will not experience I (have_been* dead, because either death is permanent (and you know *for_a certainty* that it is, or it is not death, and believe me the dead do not come back to life- although there is a fraud that one man once did die and come back to life, but that is a fraud designed to deceive that credulous and stupefied. *In_Practice* you do no t encounter mummy, daffy, grany, granpa pets ever again because they do not experience*themselves* ever again, and *Anyone that suggests otherwise is a liar fraud and charlatan or one called Eckhart Tolle, who, *on any view* is a scoundrel of the first water.
I’ve been rewatching this video for the past three years, I came across it while searching for Answers and understanding after I lost my beautiful Labrador of 14 years, Tonight I feel the need to listen again, I’ve never grieved any human like I have my beautiful boy Jack 🙏🏻
I had a beloved pet when I was a young girl. She was a little mixed breed and her name was Tammy. She got run over by a car one Saturday morning and died in my arms. I was heartbroken and cried for weeks. One night, I was awoken by a presence, I sat up in my bed and there was my Tammy , with a "friend" , runny around, healthy and so happy. They were surrounded in a blue/white light. I thought I was dreaming, but knew I was awake. She came to put my mind and heart at rest. Our house keeper told me me she "saw" my Tammy running in and out of my room long after she passed. Animals have the most beautiful souls! I was 14 yrs old when she died. I`m 62yrs old now and she is forever in my heart xxxx '
this mans deep devotion to his beloved dog is heart wrenching. made me well up with tears. i hope if i am lucky enough i will be with my animals too. lovely gentlman.blessing....says a lot about your love for an animals.bless you again.
I understand implicitly how this man feels about his pet. I lost my dog and had to have him euthanised because of cancer. Even after 5 years I miss him more everyday.. He understood me and I him. Xx
Those who have never had a close relationship of trust and love with a dog or a cat, misses a lot of unbelievable unconditional love. When they pass, it can hurt just as much as losing a loved one. The peace comes with knowing that you gave that being all the love that they needed throughout their lives and accepted the love this being gave back to you in so much abundance. I recently lost a cat, Julie, the most special little being that I have ever known. She gave love to absolutely everyone she met and provided so much joy in my life. I loved her so much and it hurt so much inside when she decided to go. But I know she is pure energy now, around me and always with me. The memories of her are priceless and forever etched in my mind. Animals are special, all of them.
I lost my golden retriever almost 10 years ago. I still grief when I think of him. Losing a dog or cat is really unbearable. Took me many years to not cry when I talk about him. He’s such a goofy ball. And really showed me what conditional love is.
I just lost my dog..she was my life..my soul..my best friend..who knew when i was down..who listened when i was troubled..who lifted my spirit when things we going wrong..and now shes gone..i am totally devasted..i will never be the same..no amount of words will diminish my pain..i am lost..and as a lifelong depressive..i have basically lost my phyciatrist..god bless you daisy 😻til i walk with you again xxx
I had my German Shepherd PTS at home on the 20/01/20 after a battle with Cancer she was starting to fail. She was everything to me too. My reason for waking up in the morning. My best friend. My world. She would do everything for me as your dog did for you. I feel so lost. I still talk to her, just incase shes around still. X
@@danniismith6205 i talk to my dog every morning..every time i return home..every night before i sleep..just in case she is still around..i have a pillow with her photo printed on it..i still kiss it..and pat it..as if its really her..it is a little bit of comfort..but i will never get over it..so i do feel your pain..i know what your goin through..you take care 👍
Hi Chris , I understand your pain . I would like to share with you my experience . I am an animal rescuer of 50+ years . I rescue the very old sick and dying ones , the ones that rarely have a chance of being adopted , I am constantly having to say goodbye to them . I learned a long time ago that the ones we really truly bond with , the special ones (although I love each and everyone of them ) find their way back to us . They have to leave us to rest and renew their physical bodies and if the bond is strong enough they return and seek out our energy signature and will come back into our lives at some point . It is a completely new life, new existence , new experience, new body, a different physical appearance but the same special essence. It has happened 4 times in 30 years to me with one little soul , Ozzie,,that keeps coming back . I have rescued approx upwards of 800 dogs but I always know when she is back .You will too. Look out for her She will find you again . At the moment, my Ozzie, is a small male terrier type but she hs been various breeds so don’t rule out any dog that’s finds it way to you !It sometimes takes a few days weeks months to recognise them but one day when you are playing or hugging your “new dog” it hits you and you will just know she is back regardless of her new appearance .xxx
@@The2391daniel hi cherie..thank you for your words..i find some comfort in them..also i congratulate you on your work..i am an animal lover especially dogs...funny enough last year i went to a little dog friendly village (with my dog) called Pembery (old ww2 spitfire base).and nearly everyone had a dog..and i got talkin to a guy..who like you was a dog rescue.he had a dog with him he brought back from cyprus..an i was horrified to be told that the cypriots send out squads to shoot stray dogs..my anger rose by 200%!..i listen to the poem "rainbow bridge" most days..and one part gets me every time.the part where the dog is runnin free..he stops and sees a familiar face in the distance.and runs to greet..i sincerly hope that its true when my time comes..sometimes when its quiet i see like a "white whirl" much like a mini whirlwind (my dog was white).i sincerly hope it is her...but now i cannot have another dog..age and the thought of having another dog undermines my love for her..thank you for your thoughts and words..ime even getting upset writing this..thank you😚
@@The2391daniel Wow. Thank you so much for this... you have no idea just how much you comforted me. . . 🥺I don't understand why more people have not upvoted your comment. I truly believe you are an earth angel. 👼🏻 Keep doing what you are doing, you are so very inspiring. Thank you for all you do for the animals. You are truly such a brave and kind soul. You have all my respect. ❤️
Velma 207 I couldn’t get over my beautiful black lab’s death and he used to smile . I did a painting with the dog in it years ago and to my shock realised the last day that I’d unconsciously had put a kind of halo around his grave .I was concentrated on my old house but accidentally that’s what happened.I loved him
I am scared 4 life becouse of my husky princess died 5.5 years ago and never want to get another dog or any other ANIMAL what so ever again becouse i cant manage to be so sad and bad that i haved felt sinse she diseperied from life. I dont even alow my self to Think of her becouse i miss her so much that my heart will never be whole again... what shall i do.... anyone?
@@sanningssokarevileverimann6975 Please give your love to another pet, a rescue, who needs it. You are lucky to have a life longer than a pet's so you can shower your loving care on more than one. Your pet who has passed will smile from above when you do this.
My oldest son saw my little dog sitting up on the couch beside my desk where I was sitting, six months after his death. My son says Buddy cocked his head and looked right at him. My son didn't really take in what he saw, and went back to his room. A few minutes later he realised what he had seen and dashed back into the living room. Our dog was no longer visible, but now we know why we're sometimes sure we hear him jump off the foot of my bed. Our precious boy is still with us. Love like that does not die.
What a courage to speak about your buddy and your pain as a man in front of an audience. What a golden heart this man has. How many people can fully understand the loveconnection between a pet and a person. I lost my best friend 2,5 years ago,, it still hurts. But in the following days after his passing i felt at one night when i was turning in bed his wet nose in my hand, (he slept with me often) so he,s not dead, only his body...but we miss the the furbody right? I may, or not may cried a little when listening to him trying to control himself, jeez
We heard our dog barking several times ( he developed a very unusual bark as he got older) in the back garden for several months after he died. It was a huge comfort. He was selfless to the end.. a wonderful spirit
I am grieving with the heaviest of heart and my tears won’t stop as I write while I listen to my boy wheeze and walk on his arthritic legs that carry his broken body. I have had animals my whole life and Ioved them all, but they are not Tye. My fiancé has stage 4 lung cancer at age 39. I have lost dear family members and have mourned their loss. Nothing even compares to the suffering I am feeling over my best friend. My dog
Those of us who love deeply also feel suffering and loss deeply. Tye has been a teacher and a very important friend who has brought out in you the ability to Love and care for another in ways you never experienced before. So, so difficult to say goodbye to a friend who blessed us like no other. The loss and the grief will have a life of it's own and complete when it completes. Could take years.........and thats okay. Grief and loss is also a blessing that grows empathy for others who may be going through the same thing. So the life......and passing of Tye will ultimately be the greatest of blessings for you.......in time. My lab Roscoe taught me all of this. 4 years after his passing, hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him. Occasionally there is still a tear. I will always miss him. He was a great soul. So is Tye. Best wishes.
I come to youtube for relief and I found this video. I just had my little dog passed away last week in my arms. I'm a man, but even after 1 week, I drown myself in tears and sadness everyday. I don't want to eat, don't want to do anything, except sitting with empty feeling, remembering how he left me while I held him in my arms. I know I should be glad that he was not suffering, because he was just suddenly gone after 1 week diagnosed with cardiac problem. He was 14 years old. On the day he died, he just suddently had breathing problem, and in just 2 hours he passed away peacefully in my arms knowing I was always by his side. I didn't even realize he was gone, because I didn't feel any jerky movement or anything. It was like he suddently fell asleep and gone. I just realize he was gone when I looked at him, and he was staring blank motionless. I saw his chest, and there was no pumping. I called his name and no reaction. I burst into tears uncontrollably. I lost him. My dog is my best friend ever and he was always gentle and loving to any humans and animals. I feel like I'm losing my own son. For 1 week, I secretly cried a lot, drowning myself in sadness and I feel like my whole world has ruined, and I feel no purpose in life. I feel so alone, and nobody would understand my feeling. I imagined how people would ridicule me for being so dramatic about losing a dog. Never have I thought I would find this video where a man also feel so devastated with losing his dog/ his best friend. Watching this video makes me feel a little better, but somehow I still feel so much emptiness. He always clinged on me, put his head on my chest looking at me like I was the best thing ever in his world. The thought that he would be confused in the other realm looking for me for protection is very unbearable. I feel like I should have protected him, but I failed. The thought keeps torturing me.
My friend, you're not alone. I just lost my little buddy. He was 27. He was a hybrid ringed neck parrot. He and I talked everyday. He would often nuzzle at my neck at night and sleep there for hours. The house is so lonely now. I lost him on December 26, 2019. It's been a couple weeks now and I have cried every single day so far. He was blind for the last 15 years, I think his blindness was due to his breeding, but he adapted well. He mimicked my partner's voice perfectly too, which makes it extremely hard since she passed 10 years ago. So please know that I understand your pain. But on the other hand, I'm so grateful for having him for so long. He made my life so much richer.
Yours is a sad but beautiful story and I hope you are feeling better now. A dog’s love is truly unconditional and there is no judgement ever. It is the best love. Don’t feel guilty as your dog was so lucky to have found a caring and compassionate master. You couldn’t have done any more than did. Blessings.
Hope you found peace. Your dog is just fine, no need for guilt at all. He knows love and how much you love him. Its enough, really!!! Just keep loving and he will be happy receiving that love.Guilt is useless and negative. Sounds too easy but send love , its never wasted. X
I watched this video for the first time when my dog was really sick in her later years. I couldn’t finish it then-I was too sad to listen to the talk. I asked myself what the essence was behind all the atoms and molecules that held her together. She passed away a year later. Now, four years have passed since then. I still miss her very much, but I’m no longer suffering. I’ve gradually come to understand that we both benefited from the love we had for each other and completed a wonderful life journey together. For that, I’m forever grateful.
Just lost my furry little mate too. So unexpected and tragic. Worst day of my adult life. My dog was my life. He came everywhere with me. A true zen master who lived in the now. No ego. No judgement. Pure unbridled happiness. I’d give anything for one more day together. I miss him more than any human I’ve ever lost. I don’t really understand why. RIP Mr Cuddles. I totally get your pain sir. I’m so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how extremely heartbreaking and painful it is. I still cry over my pit bull that passed away 3 yrs ago...I feel I receive signs from her such as white feathers which helps alot. Prayers for you.
So sorry for your loss. My dog logan has cancer with days left. He would be 10 in two weeks. Will say goodbye at home where he's comfortable. Feel lost. Gave up my job two years ago to care for him due to a heart condition. We fought that together. We have been inseparable, but we lost this fight.
My cat just died and I needed to hear this, even though I already know it, I just needed to hear it, and I broke myself in tears watching this video, but suffering is the best teacher ever, and this situation is a great lesson. Thanks so much for uploading this video.
My cat passed 3 yrs. ago today and I know I feel hurt deep inside , after being with her for 16 years I just stuff it , I can feel it deep down. I have cried enough.
This is very empowering. I've lost 4 family members and 3 friends in the course of 2 years. I really needed to hear this lesson from Eckhart. Thank you.
A book that might help, is The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion. I too have lost many. Her book, her words are what the rest of us can not put into words
Geoffrey Ringham, yes, you said it perfectly. Also, they have no control over their destiny at all, so totally helpless. Therefore, when this poor man had to put his dog to sleep, it's not just grief, it's guilt. I've been there, and it is something I hope I never, ever have to do. I still cry when I think of all the suffering he had to go through.
Perhaps we feel the loss and greater grief, when a beloved animal departs because it never said a bad word or did a bad deed. (Not even true for all animals. There are animals that can become a real nuisance and a pain. When they finally go, we may just feel relieved of their burden, no matter how much we loved them and they loved us.) Unlike humans who can do so much harm with their words and deeds, animals show love, affection, loyalty, gratitude and protection in so many ways. I hope to find all of my animals on the other side, including pesky, messy, terribly jealous, mean, demanding, electrical cords chewing, fire starting cat Camelia, the one and only stubborn mule in a cat body. I was the "love of her life" and she made me pay for it dearly. Over twenty years of pure hell. She only wanted to eat can food throughout the day, etc. etc. I was just too glad when she died, but I caressed her to the end with my gloved hands (due to cats' allergy) and she purred happily waiting to receive her final injection from the Veterinarian. I am sure she will be there waiting for me the moment I leave my body, pushing all the other animals aside to get to me. Her spirit may still be in the home because the other cat seems to see or feel something that troubles her preferring the heated built in garage (since the death of Camelia). This particular animal really tried my irremediable animal loving soul. Her mind was absolutely alert to the end, in spite of old age and troubling, untreatable condition. Some cat!
Geoffrey Ringham, when you truly love there is NO sense of "loss", to experience loss is merely the ego sense of attachment! It doesn't matter how one interprets "human love", the ego-sense is the same!
Actually I believe it's because animals can more earnestly and simply express love, which humans often cannot. Except as children. Their innocence allows us to experience it freely with them without fear of judgment or betrayal. In this way they become more precious to us, because of the intensity in which we love.
May be, but your animal chums are not "lost", or "gone", they are *Dead*, and death means no_after* or it means nothing at all. Yes, people do indeed experience and are the slaves of, the mechanical reactions of their functions but that is neither cured nor prevented by teling them *delibertate_lies*.
I found Eckhart’s teachings about this sensitive subject of death to be most moving and profound. The loss of a beloved pet or loved one can be devastating. Thank you Eckhart for such beautiful guidance.
You call *deliberate_Lies* "beautiful guidance" do you? If that be right rthere is an enotmous amount of "beautiful guidance" about, and you do not comfort the distraught and unhappy by telling them *liberate lies*-Or maybe the likes of you and tole do, or at least seek to so so.There is simply *no_way* that Anyone* could know or directly immediately personally experience -as dirextly immediately and personally as pain *anything* about what happens after or at the time of the complete and utter final and permanent cessation of all experience, just there is no possibility of anyone standing on theeir own shoulders, so Tolle can only possibly be l a liar charlatan fraud and scoundrel. as is anyone that does the exact equivalent of describing the experience of standing on their own shoulders. His confidence trick has been perpetrated by better liars frauds and scoundrels than him. What happens after the destruction of the experiencing apparatus(without which there can be no experience), what the fcuk do you think but it is identical to what happens after you stand on your own shoulders, and even a gullible credulous half-witted imbecilic child should be able to work out that one. Tolle - cleverly, exploits the greatest weakness of men(human beings):"They*pasively* mechanically automatically(=choicelessly) accept with out question or *believe*
When our family dog of eight years Little Bella suddenly died in 2019 I was in shock and then experienced pain as great as when I lost my father fifteen years ago. Our pet somehow become part of our family. In fact we show affection towards our pet unconditionally and most willingly in a heart beat. It's a bonding sometimes stronger than between two human beings. I can definitely resonate with the pain of the gentleman in this video who lost his pet and best friend.
The meaning and purpose of life is in this simple nursery rhyme: Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. _Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily._ *Life is but a dream!*
This guy with the dog story is heart wrenching. When you make a decision you know is right at the time, you cannot keep questioning yourself or you will experience depression...I KNOW. You make your decisions in life, and don't look back, that is the best way to live in the now, and not live in the past.
I feel for this poor man. I know that feeling very well. It is harder, I think, for pet parents to lose a beloved pet because they are, on some level, like a child to us. When parents or other adult humans pass, we view it much differently. We don't feel the same depth of responsibility. When a pet or child passes, the grief can be quite profound because we are overcome with the feelings of "I would have done anything! Paid anything! Gone to the ends of the Earth!" to save it, restore it, hang on to that love, that precious presence. We feel a strange guilt that we couldn't prevent it, solve it. Failure to protect. Then we feel as if we've betrayed our friendship when we take an active step to end that life. It leaves a terrible aching hole that takes a long time to fill.
it happens to me too... I kinda know why! the one who have the most calming effect on me is Mooji... sometimes I disappear listening to him talking what for the mind seems to be rubbish
Yes! with many spiritual teachers. and then you begin to just do this on your own. without thoughts, the mind is quiet. this is the revelation of true self. Yay!
I have had dogs all my life..in fact I've always said that I prefer the company of dogs. Two years ago I lost my Bella,she was a 13 year old German pointer and more human than most humans I know..a week or so after my sister went to see a medium and upon entering her home the medium immediately asked my sister if she had recently lost a dog and told my sister that as soon as she entered a beautiful dog appeared. My sister was stunned...then the medium said"no ! She's not your dog..I can see her jumping through green fields with a smile on her face and she's telling me to tell you to tell her mum(me)to please stop being sad & crying for her because she's safe & happy & knows that she was loved "..so yes! I believe that there is no death,just a transition to an other place. R.I.P my beautiful Bella..till we meet again.
This man started my journey many years ago. I will never forget the line, if I dont like me then there must be someone else here with me? Hmm now that got me thinking
And we think words represent the truth. Sure, we communicate through words in the conventional world, but as they say: a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
It means that consciousness transcends the brain! Do you only reason that we need this body, it’s so that we can learn some lessons and go back to where we’re from which is home. Sometimes I get a little scared if I figure out all the answers it’s my turn next but you know what there’s nothing to be afraid of the only thing to be afraid of is possible suffering but you know what I know thanks and Eckert Showed me a lot of things like I know things that he already that I already know but he like told me I’m like oh OK I get it I’ll pop goes off that’s why he has a little lightbulb at the end of his sentences because it’s like an epiphany it’s like oh wait a minute there’s an hour remember that’s where I’m from. I’m not my body I am life I have nothing to be afraid of at all it’s almost kind of funny makes me feel like laughing like a little cherub I love it what he said is everything that we always knew I love this guy what a guru we may not know all of the answers but if we did it wouldn’t be a test now would it?
Ive never had an NDE but I've had experiences where people I've known who passed on have helped me and there is no denying it was them. I really know nothing about the spiritual realm but I am convinced there is such a realm.
My Dog died in his old age due to an accident. Soon after I saw a white Eskimo dog looking at me in my meditation probably suggesting his rebirth. Within few months an Indian Spitz came through the long channel, who was familiar with my home and everyone around. It is very rare to see a grown-up dog adjusting to a new environment so naturally.
When my mama's 14 year old boxer got to the point that she was suffering we made that choice too. It was tough but our vet was amazing. He came and helped her pass on the couch so she was comfortable and got to go so peacefully. You could just tell by looking at her body once she was gone that she was no longer there. That spark was gone. My mama was devastated but we knew itbwas the right thing to do
I too, appreciate what the audience member said about grieving for his dog. I feel for him. His grief is as valid as anyone else's who lost a being who meant 'the world to him'. The form/body, the (sentient) being comes in, is irrelevant.
grief cum self pity; you could see him working it up in himself which is - like all self-pity, a form of masturbation. Never a pretty sight and the sense of with _knowledge can spot it a thousand miles away and is not fooled. Tolle is a lying fraud charlatan and scoundrel.
I'm ashamed to say that I was affected more when my cat of 17 years died, than when my mum or dad died. It's strange because I'm not a cat person at all and we were not close. She was a member of the family and watched over us. The difference is my parents both died as naturally as possible, but our cat was taken by her beloved family to the vets to be:- well what can I call it!
To the empath sitting to the speaker's right. I felt you. Our hearts together will always bring love to this existence. It is the army of empaths who bravely share the emotions of beings and still proceed with kindness, who are helping, thank you for your being
I reconnect with Elsa, the being in form of a cream labradoodle 2000-2014, quite often. She came to me in an EMDR therapy session and told me of the boundless love between dimensions, no matter what form we incarnated in. I processed that traumatic memory that very moment
Greatly appreciate ,The way Eckhart explains ,the simple understanding how the conscious awareness grows as it intermingles in relationships between human life and animal life thank you. What a beautiful contribution.🙏
@@joelewing4498 There is nothing wrong to pay for knowledge and develop wisdom. Usually is far more rewarding than paying for other treats...However, this lesson was free for us ;-)
@@joelewing4498 this video has 1 million views, definitely made money, but he got nothing from it, it's not his channel, if he cared so much about money, he would sue them for copyright violation, btw how much you paid to watch this video and how much Eckhard costs you?
@@joelewing4498 Wow. Do you pay your doctor to diagnose you? Just because someone does _spiritual_ work does not mean it is any _less_ work - and is, oftentimes, MORE. It often has more _value_ - and often for _less_ pay. Many others write books. They get paid. Eckhart Tolle wrote books. He got paid. Many youtubers make videos; they earn a certain commission. Eckhart Tolle creates videos, too. He gets a commission. WTF are you actually saying?? And how much have _you_ paid Eckhart Tolle?? How can you seriously look down on someone for needing to _survive_ like everyone else?? 😤Eckhart Tolle provides _value_ and if you don't think so, go "fly fish" somewhere else. Man, I don't know what world you live in, but it clearly isn't a logical one.
This is so helpful. I've known for a while that there is no real death, because we are all energy. A young man named John Taylor was shot and killed last week. I did not know him personally, but my family did. I had such an emotional reaction to the senselessness of his death, but there are no mistakes. Knowing this truth even intellectually is such a help. Thank you
For the person who is watching this because the idea of death is scary. Accept death, feel it, don't try and run from it by 'following' an idea or a person. Just go sit down, cry, be sad, all of it. That's the only way you'll get past it. Life is not about finding a shelter from suffering, it's about learning to live with it.
I have listened to a lot of Eckhart Tolle over the years. Tremendous stuff. My life is drawing to a close now. I am only a little sad, I have had a great life with plenty of love, adventures and the good fortune of helping others through working for the health services. The weird thing is this video has opened on my screen for the third time in a few days. Each time it is when I fumble the mouse. I have never heard of this book and I have no shortcuts to it. I have not heard of the New World Library either. I think it might be time to watch this. Life is wonderful when I give it room to blossom for me.
It is comforting to hear someone say that losing a pet can hurt more deeply for some and others might not understand because they haven't experienced as deep of a connection to an animal before. I lost my dog over a year ago and I still cry sometimes. No other humans around me really understand so it is nice to hear eckhart say this and see some of the comments.
Ahhh Twain...death is the opposite of life...my everything is gone but my memory and my lineage. That's it...acceptance. The after life is a quaint way of helping us ease the pain of the finality. We have it drilled into us to cry where other cultures embrace accept and even thrive. I have gone thru such a major internal transition these last 12 years that I now see the benefit of letting go to my massive ego. Fearless in some ways...the sky is blue and I will die. The end.
Absolutely. Love is energy and your dear dog is now in energetic form so there is no barrier. If you still your mimd you may feel it's love and appreciation for you x
@@judydunlop1964 Thank you Judy . I needed to hear this. I /We lost OUR Milo Toy Fox terrier 2 weeks ago this week. Inoperable cancer caused Milos organs to fail and he was in great pain.We did not want him to be in pain or suffer,he would throw up bile and could not& would not eat .We brought him into our vet, Immediately and They took xrays and found this huge mass of cancer in 3/4 of his insides and he could barely breathe or hold his head up.It came on in just 3 days days.. because Jan. of 2020 he had his 6 month check up they said he was fine ,got all of his shots ,heartguard and flea protection was about 4 pounds over weight but ok .We thought he was ok up Until June 7th 2020 .That week he seemed uncomfortable and distant then stopped wanting to eat because he threw it up..When he wouldn't eat ,I called the Vets office and made an appt for as soon as they could take him in. they said in 2 days.The vets office thought it was due to the weather,it was hot but he was an indoor dog ,only going out to potty or enjoy the nice days for a bit outside .But I told them if he doesn't eat in the morning I am bringing him right in .And we DID.And after they examined him and showed us the xrays ,We were in shock. .And they said there was nothing they could do. He would not make it through an operation ,he was TOO WEAK with his organs having failed They said they can give him a shot so he could rest and not be in pain and then we can decide what to do but they said the most unselfish thing to do was not make him suffer anymore.They said he would just drift off and not be in pain anymore.We would not be cruel and make him suffer. We could see he was barely hanging on.It killed us to let him go . We held him all the rest of his time and kept telling him how much we loved him and would always love him and we both were crying so hard .We held him and we didn't want to let him go. Each day is painful without him&Our hearts are broken and our other dog Icey,Lab Husky aged 8yrs. misses him too. We can tell.She looks everywhere for him&.Its sad to see her wondering where Milo is. If Milo can come back to us ,we will wait and pray and every day I keep calling out to him and telling him we love him always and forever.. I keep his blankets close to or bed where he slept and his favorite toys.We both feel he had gone too early{we rescued him at 8months and he would have been 5yrs July 4th 2020,} and he should have the choice of coming back in a cancer free body to experience more of life& playing and being loved and he WAS LOVED SO VERY MUCH. So we will keep praying he hears us telling him we love him and miss him and to please show us how to find him. We will be looking for signs that may lead us to him reincarnated and we will pray that Milo will come back to us. Just knowing he hears us and knows hes missed and Loved ,really helps. Thank you so very much.And God Bless you and your Family and your furry loved ones as well.
I have a new life goal. Learn to view every moment with every person as an “unknown phenomenon”. I’m so sick and tired of assuming this and that about people. I find myself having racist, sexist thoughts. But not just that. Based on what they wear, based on their mannerisms, based on all of the things which Tolle calls “form”. I am so attached to form. It’s transient and cannot be depended on. Only change can be depended on. Not sure how to defeat this insane attachment to form. I haven’t been able to defeat it with what we call kindness because kindness can’t be faked.
I suspect your being judgemental grew from early childhood, and has continued because you were influenced by someone (adult), that was verbally judgemental about many sentiment beings and other thing s. I also suspect this person a had a great impact in your life and you were in the person 's c company, much of the time. One way to defeat thks, is to equalize yourself and others. At the end of the day, all sentient beings are suffering. In the grave we are all the same. You will have to work on this daily, often, mind and thought training, heart and compassion training.
Be still and live in the present moment. Your thoughts are false; now and always. Your language is a construction and is limited by the flow of time. Your language was a gift of your ancestors so that you could witness these material events but every word in a sentence speaks of its opposite; its a duality. Therefore every word and sentence is laced in lies and deception. Realise that youre not your thoughts, but the voice of a parent, a friend, a teacher, a stranger, a politician, or a grandparent and youll soon find your true self. After that then you can begin living in the present. Its so simple.
There is no judgemental v non-judgemental people. There is self-aware v non-self-aware. and you are obviously very self-aware which must be an important step to non-attachment.
"No ones"knows what happens to life after death,but one thing for sure this man experienced wonderful times with his dog and has wonderful memories. Beautiful beings dogs
To paraphrase in a way, Eckhart Tolle's words said in a different context: "There is no such thing as MY love. I don't have 'A' love. I AM love. I and love are ONE. So how can I lose something that I AM." So when we lose someone we love, we don't lose love. Nor do we lose love when we are betrayed by someone we love.
Yes. When my dog was "put to sleep" by the vet, I held her until he said she was gone. I felt absolutely no change. I felt her body go completely still, but her presence had not changed in any way, because her presence had nothing to do with her body. She is with me now.
Update: our Bubbles (who passed) left a little of himself behind by impregnating Shadow, our other younger cat... and we are now the proud grandparents of x4 very cute, chubby, little, demanding, individuals... sharing our gratitute
@@derektaylor5556 That's cool. I love cats. The outside is a very dangerous place for cats. Hell, I know this dude who hated cats and would run them over if he saw them crossing the road. I think an outdoor cat has a life expectancy of 5 years old.
@@peaceonearth351 This is correct. Cat lovers, it's best to keep them indoors. I was told this by my own veterinarian. People, he said, even hunt down black cats to maim/kill on Halloween - as sick as that is. It really p!sses me off that people like this even exist. Guys please love and protect your pets the best that you can... it is our duty as their "parents" ❤️
I just had to put down my dog Kirby, it was unexpected since she was fine earlier today. I have also never witnessed someone I know die. She made me feel so safe and loved, she made me laugh and feel at peace. It's difficult knowing I won't be able to hug her again, but I know she is not truly gone.
I miss my Alfredo....my buddy. I also feel that I betrayed him when I took him to the vet to put him down....How could I do that? It was a month ago and my life has changed since.
@@The_Real_Indiana_Joe When I look at a puppy, I think: "Oh my, that's a cute puppy. How wonderful the universe is!" The idea of a sky-fairy doesn't come up; I would think that it's a very weird thing to think of when you see a puppy.
You are not alone in your feeling. I feel this way about my dog I lost years ago. His loss I still feel even more so than losing my husband. I have spoken with many who feel this way.
Page 63 - "Celestial Messages" by Boster - Plato speaks (along with Socrates in book) on what they have learned in the Afterlife. Could save you about 5000 years in the afterlife This book represents the highest teachings on the planet today. (Channeled messages from early 1900s) - Better yet => Instagram [6Divine_Sculptor] Peace and Love.
@@thatsinpossible4967 You seem to believe that philosophy is the same as science, and you have absolutely no proof that there should be an afterlife, and even less of an argument for why it would conform to your ideas and expectations if it did ... any critical thinker would realise this, so we can safely assume that you are not one of those when it comes to this subject. That further suggests that you are really not one to give other people life advice.
@Bongo Man Science is a method, not an object of worship. But it's very nice with all these blanket statements of yours - by what method did you establish that they are true? I am not asking you "how do you know" I am asking you what method you used to determine that things are in fact as you perceive them to be ... I'll be waiting ...
@Bongo Man "Allow me to point out to you that I answered your question in my post". - No, you did not. "This is all common knowledge in esoteric circles" - Why should anyone care about that. Provide a reason why "esoteric circles" are at all worth taking seriously. "and can be found in materials by Alice Bailey (Lucis Trust), Blavatsky, Henry T. Laurency, the Theosophical Society, and others." - Don't give me reading assignments and I won't do the same to you. Just provide me with a coherent description of what you mean by soul, and your best piece of evidence that it should exist at all. Pick the best. The one that really convinced you. If it's any good it should work for me as well. "It takes effort on your part to understand it more deeply, and I don't expect you to take my word for it". - You're an arrogant, self righteous fuck aren't you? Shall we just stay with you don't know the first thing about me. "My mention of science relates to the tendency among materialists and scientific reductionists to demand the truths stand up to a double-blind lab test". - Sweeping statements and generalisations gets you nowhere with me. You just provide me with one example and show me on what basis you generalise that to universities across the world. This is not an esoteric question so you can safely stick with common rules of scientific generalisation. "Science is too limited, it can't even tell you what consciousness is". - And nor can you, but you are welcome to try. Lets have your definition of consciousness and the reason why we should consider it worthwhile as a reference to something real. "It is like asking that I prove the color green exists, but I must prove it by showing you through your red filters". - This is a basic fallacy of false equivalency. It is useful for you because it saves you the trouble of expressing what you are actually talking about and demonstrating why anyone should take you seriously. It is also a straw man, that betrays your ignorance of modern scientific knowledge production. Getting on a high horse and telling the world about all the things they have to learn to get to your level is dishearteningly typical of people with nothing to show ... Anyway - pick your favourite claim and try to support it with your favourite reasons why anyone else should entertain it ... probably best to stick to one item at a time ...
Hello Again Mr. Tolle. I've come to hit your like button. Remember me? I feel like I know you. You were introduced to me by a favorite teacher back in the late 70's. I adored this teacher, and I have followed some if your books. Thank you for your shared knowledge with us all. Yes I believe as you doing this video. I will never have a dog as a pet again. The pain of loosing her devastated me. I'm going to listen now. Be Blessed, as you are a Blessing.
I understand this 100 %. Love is love,. Why should love be different? It is not. My love to my beloved friends is the deepest kind of love I have ever felt in my entire life. When years go by, my love remains as deep and as purifying.
8:00 When Consciousness takes a side-trip into 3D form, it experiences a phenomena known as "suffering" .. This is why the crucifix is such a striking icon - it is what we are ALL doing ... Brilliant
I don’t see how suffering is such a great teacher? It is debilitating after so much that I don’t really want to get out of bed anymore. Some positive in ones life would really be a help. ❤️🙏🏽
Our Belgian Shepherd, Lily, had to be euthanised today , she was 16 and was in a lot of pain but she fought to live to the very end ; she will be dearly missed !
My dog, Buddy, is the same. He loves almost everybody and every other dog. I have had many dogs and loved them all. Same with the horse I had as a boy. I look forward to reuniting with them when I return to the dimension from which we all come.
Guys, the statement simply means that death is just the falling of the body & the mind that is covering you to discover the true self, it just means the death is actually the true awakening and that death is the fall of form but the continuity of what is beyond form as (talk to the body) understood it and also Mr.eckhart said the same thing with different words, he said that the secret of life is to die before you die and find out that there is no death, which on a deeper level means death is just another big shift in conscious just the same as eckhart experienced in his life but on a bigger scale.....now you jeff as a helpful advice to you man if you want some evidence look up and listen to interviews about NDE and you will understand, even if you don’t, i’m not here to convince nor to judge you, it is your life.....NOW putting that aside, guys you don’t have to agree with each other to love each other and i send you ALL love, love that is inclusive Not exclusive to anyone, love that is beyond the differences of the minds. Have a great day and spread love across the world❤️
Al Garnier man you do have so much hatred and your mind is playing a lot of things on you, i believe you have not understood the teachings of eckhart tolle at all, you only seem to have used your “mind” to “analyze” something that eckhart himself said this is beyond the perception of the mind “Ego” which you seem only to have known and believed in your “mind” or “the ego”...end of conversation : i don’t nor any one need to convince you of anything, your ego just plays games on you..i certaintly don’t care if you believe or not..it is your life, your death and your belief... you shall wait and see for yourself, as too everyone shall see for themselves. You seem to have not understood my comment because there is much anger in your “ego” and i’m not here to convince you to see because if you can’t see beyond the mind and body then that is your problem , that i dont care about..but what i do care about is being greater than one’s Ego and i live to be that
TalkToTheBody man! Quit replying to him, he seems to talk from the uncosciouns mind without realizing it, i thank you for being open and understanding, you do Not have to convince him of anything. Just follow Eckhart tolle and other great teachers out there to find your true self and be free from the judgement of ego “the mind” and enjoy your life to fullest, sending love to you and to all..thanks again
5/3/20 I was forced to make the decision to end the life of my little Hunny cat -- the only being who ever loved me completely and unconditionally, and who I loved more than life itself. And my heart goes out to the questioner, because when he speaks of the sense of guilt and betrayal he felt on having to make the same call... I am right there with him. Loss of the one thing you care about in life is bad enough, but when you are forced into the position of being the instrument of that loss it seems that much worse. I don't feel Mr. Tolle had an an answer for that man's specific issue.
The One Consciousness expressing Itself... rays of Sunlight...Consciousness incarnating and evolving in billions and ways and forms..." What a beautiful, compassionate teaching. If we all could listen to one another as Eckhart does here. My experience listening to Eckhart is a greater openness of mind and heart!
I relate to Tolle's teachings. I read an article saying Tolle is wrong but the biblical teachings are true. People are free to believe whatever resonates, yet is anyone wrong? I was conditioned with the beliefs of Christianity. I have come to know the spirit is what some call God. We can realize new thoughts and beliefs at any time. I know where I am now is more peaceful and loving. That's what I share throughout my day. I move away from ego as I recognize it. We're all on this journey together. Please see the love in others, human and nature.
"There are no mistakes in the universe." We all lose, we all suffer in some way, shape or form throughout life from the moment of birth until death. There is not just physical death but also the death of a job through job loss, firing, lay off, retiring or quitting. Death of relationships by way of break up, divorce, abandonment, betrayal, indifference, meeting someone new etc. Death of a relationship with some material object through break down, theft, loss, indifference, neglect or any number of other criteria. And it is through death that what we knew physically and spiritually in that person, animal, object or entity, goes back to the source from which it came. And so will we.
Wow. Thank you so much You are truly an amazing person. Your genuineness and love shines from you. This way of accepting a pets passing is so very helpful. As a healer. (As actually everyone can be in their own way). I have developed my right brain with meditation etc…. I have felt the body energies Everything is energy. I can see auras of inanimate objects. Letting go of ego is not an easy way Just accepting who you are and that we are all joined together in Gods love Is the way forward for me personally. As this man says. Try to stay in the now dear souls 💗
I’m up having a coffee, my dog who I’ve had for almost 17 years is being euthanized in 2 hours. I sat here on my deck and thought rather than becoming a mess I should listen to some Eckhart. I typed in “Eckhart Tolle on death” and this was the first one that opened. I feel the same way as the man who spoke. My dog Rocky, was a wonderful example of consciousness falling into mass. How fortunate I was to have been around him for as long as I was.
The only thing that is appearing to stop you from enlightenment/self-realization/eternal life/knowing yourself to be unconditional love is identification with thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences instead of being aware of being aware and knowing yourself to be that unconditional love pure consciousness in which all thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences appear but are not inherently one with you; they are an expression of unconditional love; you are that infinite that is expressing itself as suffering/pleasure but inherently you are neither; you are that nothing/unconditional love/pure consciousness in which they are appear and by which they are perceived;
Suffering/pleasure comes and goes; there is an awareness that is aware of them coming and going; that you are; remember and know what you are; never identify with anything that is appearing within you; since it appears within you; it can't be you; you are that in which it appears. When you abide as that in which it appears instead of identifying; nothing has a grip on you; if anything comes; it quickly goes; like clouds passing; only if you identify as a cloud then it will appear as if the cloud is here for longer than it is originally supposed to; if you simply rest as the awareness and do not identify; it will quickly dissolve; be unconditional love by being aware of being aware; this is the highest; this is what you are seeking in absolutely everything else; you are seeking yourself; you are seeking unconditional love; but you are looking outside of yourself; instead of being aware that you already are unconditional love. Love love
When we are able to see our true nature in the dog that is looking at us, the tree towering overhead, the bird passing by, the butterfly fluttering about... when we are able to share a commonality with all that "transpires" in our field of awareness, then you are able see that there is no death...only the unraveling of form, forms which obscure because we assign our consciousness to those forms and develop attachment to the form and not that which they arise from. The dog, the bird, the butterfly and YOU and ME all arise from the oneness of all life, of all existence. We are but brief waves raised into being by the wind and soon we fall back into the ocean.
But truly we are the arising, the arisen, and that from which all phenomena arise.
I have discovered that love is ....wheresoever it’s directed...blessings to you my friend
I'm sorry for your loss. We had to put our German Shepherd down on March 18th of this year. It nearly broke me. He was such a big part of all our lives and my kids did not know life without him, until now. I struggle with what happens after this life. I've read the Power of Now many many times, but still struggle with what it means that we're all 'one life' or 'one consciousness' - does this mean we go back into a big pool of consciousness... to what end?
@@CoryColt to what end?. There's no answer, it is what it is
Our son died 12 years ago. I've also loved and lost dogs through the years. Eckhart's response to the gentle man who had the courage to ask his question was the most comforting explanation I've heard about "loss and grieving." I realize now that 'form' is so temporary and insignificant. Like clothes really. Form is only our 'earth suit' and all life is One no matter the earth suit or form. What a hopeful and beautiful knowing. Thank you, Eckhart!
I am so
Sorry for your lose. My heart feels for you. I know your pain.
Rest in peace beautiful soul. I pray from my heart for strength and happiness to you and your family 🙏
I'd be careful about the 'all is one' stuff. We are exactly what we are as individual spirits. We are not one except that we are all the same spirit (non)substance at the core.
@@chadkline4268 Who knows what the truth is. All of us are afraid of death. It seems like we all SHARE LOVE, which indicates individuality. The entire idea of love is “many minds at once” sharing thoughts. One mind, ultimately, cannot love. It has nothing to share, and it cannot lie to itself about what it knows about existence. If one mind exists, ultimately, it will know. It cannot trick itself in a believable way to think many minds exist at once, when the real true is that all minds are really just one. All lying causes a bad mood. And all of us are aware of our moods within. If one mind existed, ultimately, LOVE wouldn’t be real, and there is no way mood could ever elevate. Lying would prevent it. That is the logic I use within. I am still afraid.
If love is real, which we all know it is, then it is likely we are always individuals, but connected in thought.
@@OOBEJuanKenobiI can say this for certain: the spirit is awareness, conscience, and a power of intent. That is what our presence is comprised of. Similar to our presence in a dream but with perfect clarity. It is zero dimensional and outside of spacetime. It is thus eternal. It binds to a field of consciousness due to sensual intents, desire for the things of body+mind. It binds similar to magnets. Consciousness is a bidirectional field of the nervous system wherein sensory input is radiated. Awareness reads consciousness, filters with conscience, and optionally writes back with intent to initiate thought or muscle movement. No body with a nervous system can function without binding a spirit. Our spirit is our presence, our sense of 'am here'. It's not a collective thing. It's exactly what we already are, excluding body+mind.
I don't know from direct experience the whole of the processes we undergo, nor the nature of our final destination, but I do know that spirits bind in accord with sensual intents, and I would expect that excepting those that have eliminated sensual intents, all spirits instantly bind to another available field of consciousness at the death of the current one. The danger is that we never get a choice in the matter. You could end up being the dog next time, and your dog, the human. The main factor is our conscience, or virtue, and the sensual desires that eminate from our spirit. Like our dreams, a new life will just arise, almost instantly. Ie, death-birth is one thing, not two.
I finally got it! I am eternal, my body is not, my brain, my mind are not. I am not my thoughts, they belong or are part of my mind and brain and hence this body I use while on Earth. I am a tiny part of a big ever expanding LOVING consciousness, this is how I know I am eternal. It took me to get cancer to finally get it. Thanks Mr Tolle.
Hope your still about this really struck me. Beautiful words
“Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. Death is the opposite of birth. Life is eternal.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
The Infamous Dragon ah? System is the problem 🏡 Our Life should be around these Great Qualities.....
1, Show all living creatures; all the love and kindness as much as you can.
2, Only try to be honest with yourself. If you try to be honest with others, you will get into big trouble soon or later.
3, Aim only one target at a time; otherwise you are chasing two rabbits and you will miss both. So, the reason behind it. Have one powerful reason and never ever give up the one you want the most.
4, Don't try to be good person only but be the powerful person. We will grow to be the one or we will die. There is no other choice.
5, Always learn and look for to improve something your life.
6, You are not alone. Love and faith the high power reduces unnecessary stress in life. But never completely rely on it.
7, Success and happiness are the byproducts of our usefulness. So, always increase the possibility of success.
8, Life is not going to be easy. Because of our unnecessary things. Eliminate all the unnecessary things as much as you can by organising yourself well with the environments.
9, Never believe anything without the proper evidences.
10, Always try to give more than you take.
Because it is dignity/ character of the divinity within you.
🌎 As long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us. Joy comes from that bliss of connectedness. I believe that unarmed truth and love will have the final word in reality. To love; you should have good heart. I am a good person until I see a person better than my standard of goodness. Being good is the progress towards a worthy cause. Love is God. Whoever lives in love, lives forever. How selfish it is to try to keep something forever? Love is all about nourishing, nurturing, sharing and expanding the love within you for all. The principle to which we adhere to is that we have kindness of love at heart for the whole of mankind. As long as there is the unnecessary differences within us; we can not live peacefully so we have to eliminate all the unnecessary differences among us so we can love all. People abilities may vary but not there true love. If we love a person/ God for a reason then we love the reason but not the person. No reason is the reason to love the person because true love never fails. So do not compare or measure the true love as first or the last but love all truly. If you love people truly then you can understand people. If you don't love then you don't understand people at all.
People are controlled by system why?
The Cyclical Consumption is the current economy all over the World. It is making the scarcity problems of the earth finite resources to deteriorate day by day. Current Monetary System is legalised theft. Real money is Gold and Silver. Scarcity gives the money more value. Real money won't lose it's value. When Governments stay away from Gold & Silver then very easy to transfer the wealth / resources to upper class the Rich (Corporatocracy) Elite. When the Governments are printing out more new fiat currency with reserve banks, our old currency is losing its purchasing power everyday. They are printing millions of currency everyday. All governments and laws are existing right now to transfer wealth to upper class the rich elite. The USA Government & other Governments are in many countries, bailed the investment banks & financial institutions in 2008 against the majority of the people. There is no democracy in any countries. Because of the Money System based on profits motive only above all else even humans lives and well-being. So, we do not have freedom to protect our values with the money so on. The violence, bankruptcy & all the negativities are build into the Monetary System of our society. All are owned (including ourselves) by Reserve Bank. Which is private cartel the corporation. So, in legal system, we are legally considered as chattel the properties. They make money in the capital markets with our birth certificates. They do not consider us as Humans. That's the truth. We are at the invisible war with the Elites (Corporatocracies). We have to fight for our Freedom. Resource Based Economy is the Solution. We have to declare the earth resources as the heritage of all the people of this world. So everyone has access to it. Please have your research about zeitgeist movement then you know the truth more.
Truth About Health/Drugs Industry Because Of It Your Life At High Risk The drug industry is a 1/2 trillion dollars a year worldwide conglomerate. Almost 300 billions dollars just in North America. That is really big business. What would happen if everyone were well? There is no money in health. You see, good health makes a lot of sense but it doesn't make a lot of dollars. Because everything they do is toxic. Every drug they use, prescription drugs, all drugs are liver toxic, bar none. If you've had amalgam fillings put in your mouth by dentists. It is highly toxic. There's cancer because most of the chemos are themselves carcinogens. To view the tumor as the cancer and we know the tumor is not the cancer. The cancer industry is 200 billions dollars a year. The more work they get, the more profit there is. You have to dismantle; If the truth ever came out about what we would need to do. 30% of people of females in America are at risk of getting, will get cancer of the breast. The ones that are already dead have been grossly mistreated by the medical profession and by the government that supposedly is supposed to encourage free research and development of all possibilities. Why would medical doctors who studied medicine and practice medicine and are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies why would they go and look into vitamins? That they never had the answer orthomolecular. And as more and more of our population start taking their health into their own hands, there's going to be even more and more of changes. It can't go on the way it is. The system is failing apart. We must make nutrition the primary prevention strategy for the population. You are what you eat. You are everything that you have ever done to yourself. The choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. - (Food Matters Documentary in Netflix)
😊 Well, I truly love God. I am not religious but very spiritual person. So, I believe 1) Religion is the beliefs in someone experiences But spirituality is having my own experiences. The mainstream religions people promote religious ideology by giving guidelines and guide but In my spiritual life; I do not want anyone or anything between God and me to restrict my freedom to worship God. 2) We do not need any authorities to do good work. The god work is the good work always. In contrast; organised mainstream religions are claiming that they have the authorities to do God works as leaders so on. 3) God is not capable of doing wrong thing, change the past for us and create anything out of nothing for us. Nothing means not anything. So, even God is limited. The mainstream religious people believe that God is unlimited. 4) God wants us to take responsibilities for our righteousness life but not for all the consequences of our actions because they are continued to exist among us. So, How can god punish us for all our consequences? The mainstream religious people believe we are full of sins because of all our actions. 5) Freewill is an illusion. People always choose the perceived path of greatest pleasure. So, we do not have choices all the time. In contrast teachings of the mainstream religions are promoting people to do god's will always because we all have choices of freewill always. 6) We can not separate everything into groups. So, everything for good and evil and there's no success and failure for everything. If everything is real then real things can not be threatened. Once you come to understand that God/The Holy Spirit is in each of us, You will no longer need a Book to tell you how to live. Then why we need religious scriptures? The Virtue is the expression of the basic goodness in our actions. The Basic goodness is the fundamental worthiness of every individuals. We are worthy to God always in everything. 7) Beliefs in a cruel God makes a cruel man. No matter what; every living creatures has the right to live and What makes their life cheap? Everything depends on everything. Nothing too big or too small in value. We can not love and hate at the same time; Being a vegetarian means love without cruelty happily. The mainstream religious people are killing people and sacrificing animals in the name of God. They promote God's cruel punishments. The Punishment is endless for Sinners/Devil according to religious scriptures. But God is love always. Overcome hate with love. If all religions for peace, unity? No way. Because they are not for peace. 8) Well, The God gave us everything to go from moment to moment in our lives as we do our part and pray only to thank god then the Love is in progress. The Love is always for everyone. We are always worthy of the God's love. Our greatest fear is; not to be loved by anyone but we are all loved by someone. When we eliminate all our unnecessary differences among us then true peaceful life is possible with the true love. If we can't find the peace within ourselves then we will never find it anywhere else. 9) This is the Fight for independence and freedom of humanity to worship God freely without religious guide and guidelines to restrict us. Unnecessarily, We do not want third party controls over us in anything ; especially in spirituality. 10) Revive Survive Thrive. Sincerely, The Real Peacemaker against religious oppression.
Even If I know hundred percent, I am not going win, I can not live without giving my best; good fight. So to increase the possibility for others.
Extinction is the opposite..of life ET is sometimes mistaken
Life is eternal? Where do you get this from? According to Christian doctrine only God has eternality and those to whom this quality has been given by an act of sharing it from God. All creation depends on God to sustain it.
We are not eternal, we are mortal beings.
fcastellanos57 our souls are eternal , maybe.
Aren’t we blessed to be alive at the same time as this wonderful man ❤
Eckhart Tolle and any one that suggests that death is anything but the complete and final cessation of all experience. is a liar and a fraud.
If death is *not* the complete and absolutely final cessation of all experience, what you are discussing is not death. When you go to sleep or are under a general anaesthetic, you cease experiencing- experince *Nothing*- and that is death or if it is not the cessation of all experience or is not death, but something else.
There is simply no way that Eckhart Tolle or any other liar and fraud can know- directly immediately personally experience( as directly immediately and personally as pain) whether or not there is *any* experience after death, because if there is *any* experience after death what occurs to you is not death.
If you have ever been knocked unconscious or experienced a general anaesthetic you will know for a certainty that you experience nothing of either, and if you do you (by_definirion) have not been lnocked unconscious arehad a general anaesthetic. there *Is* no experience after or simultaneous with being knockedunconscios or anaesthetised be bceause that is what un conscious or anaesthetised *Means*- you stop knowing or experiencing anything because that is what dead or unconscious *Means, and the only words for those that pander to some rather infantil hope that dead is not final or *No_After*. are liar and fraud- and fool that understands nothing is also apt.A dead body is a piece of meat-*Obviously* and you can only experience or know or be conscious(means with_knowledge) anything via the brain or body, from which it folows as the night the day, no body, no experience/knowing/consciousness just as there is noknowing/experience/ consciousness when you are unconscious-or asleep for that matter, and anyone that seeks to sell the lie that death is no more than a form of sleep and thus temporary is a lying fraud exploiting the naïve credulousness of the extremely stupid or having been stupefied, and those that do that are charlatans scoundrels, liars and frauds, and Eckhart Tolle is one such, and if he suggests that thereis *any* experience whatsoever after the destruction forever of the body/brain, he is what we lawyers call *l-y-i-n-g* He must* be lying because there is no way he or anyone can possibly have any experience after the ddestruction of the body/brain, and I suppose there is a word for those that lie knowing full well that they are lying.
If you experience anything after death you are not dead -did not die, and if you experience nothing and you cannot experience nothing, no worries.
When you are knocked unconscious or are anaesthetised you do not have any experience *At_All* because that is what unconscious *Means*, and between being unconscious/dead/ asleep you have no experience whatsoever- certainly no idea of for how long you have been asleep, but the whole meaning of death is that it is unconscious no or no experience*Forever* and if it is not forever . it is not death. By_Definition*you cannot experience death or unconscious ness, because if you did you would not be dead or unconscious, and by the same token you cannot experience that you are asleep or otherwise dead or unconscious(and certainly not the moment that you fall asleep , die, or become unconscious, because if you experience anything while dead asleep or unconscious you are *not* dead, asleep or unconscious( means no knowledge or experience, so death means the *Permanent state of unconsciousness, and if it is *not* permanent, it is not death, because *Either* death means *NO+After* * Or* it means nothing, and you are discussing something *Other* than death.
When you are anaesthetised or knocked unconscious you do not experience *Any*_thing, certainly not oh gosh here I am in the happy hunting ground off to meet mister god mummy and daddy and all my pets, and anyone that sugests otherwise , is lying, but you can test it out for yourself by discovering if you can experience the moment tht you become unconscious or fall asleep and you will discover that you cannot, thus nether dying nor falling asleep are experiences that you can experience; you cannot experience I am asleep or otherwise unconscious, only that you *Have_been* sdleep or unconscious, but you cannot an d will not experience I (have_been* dead, because either death is permanent (and you know *for_a certainty* that it is, or it is not death, and believe me the dead do not come back to life- although there is a fraud that one man once did die and come back to life, but that is a fraud designed to deceive that credulous and stupefied.
*In_Practice* you do no t encounter mummy, daffy, grany, granpa pets ever again because they do not experience*themselves* ever again, and *Anyone that suggests otherwise is a liar fraud and charlatan or one called Eckhart Tolle, who, *on any view* is a scoundrel of the first water.
Yes we truly are
Ironically he is always talking about there is no time
I just love that guy who misses his dog, what a real gent. You sir, are a very quality man.
mrcookie0890 I miss my cats😿 hope they are Happy 😻
Jess G.......earth needs more quality people like that kind man who cared deeply for his deceased pet.
What a sensitive, fine man.
I’ve been rewatching this video for the past three years, I came across it while searching for Answers and understanding after I lost my beautiful Labrador of 14 years, Tonight I feel the need to listen again, I’ve never grieved any human like I have my beautiful boy Jack 🙏🏻
I recently lost my sweet lab, Daisy. I've also never grieved any human like I have this sweet girl. The heartache is astounding.
Sending love to you both!!! ✨♥️✨
You will know your beautiful Labrador again! I had an nde and saw my grandfather and other dogs back "home." Jack will come to you when you get there.
I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️. I understand you. 10 years now since my German shephard died, and the grief comes fully now and then.
Love 💞
I had a beloved pet when I was a young girl. She was a little mixed breed and her name was Tammy. She got run over by a car one Saturday morning and died in my arms. I was heartbroken and cried for weeks. One night, I was awoken by a presence, I sat up in my bed and there was my Tammy , with a "friend" , runny around, healthy and so happy. They were surrounded in a blue/white light. I thought I was dreaming, but knew I was awake. She came to put my mind and heart at rest. Our house keeper told me me she "saw" my Tammy running in and out of my room long after she passed. Animals have the most beautiful souls! I was 14 yrs old when she died. I`m 62yrs old now and she is forever in my heart xxxx
Love that story!
Wow thanks for sharing!
Sweet ❤
This is not a story but the reality. Thanks dear Sunshine for sharing this event!
this mans deep devotion to his beloved dog is heart wrenching. made me well up with tears. i hope if i am lucky enough i will be with my animals too. lovely gentlman.blessing....says a lot about your love for an animals.bless you again.
I understand implicitly how this man feels about his pet. I lost my dog and had to have him euthanised because of cancer. Even after 5 years I miss him more everyday.. He understood me and I him. Xx
My brother died 4 years ago and today I was finally able to celebrate his life & essence. I more understand his body is gone but he is not. ❤
Those who have never had a close relationship of trust and love with a dog or a cat, misses a lot of unbelievable unconditional love. When they pass,
it can hurt just as much as losing a loved one. The peace comes with knowing that you gave that being all the love that they needed throughout their lives and accepted
the love this being gave back to you in so much abundance. I recently lost a cat, Julie, the most special little being that I have ever known. She gave love to absolutely
everyone she met and provided so much joy in my life. I loved her so much and it hurt so much inside when she decided to go. But I know she is pure energy now, around me
and always with me. The memories of her are priceless and forever etched in my mind. Animals are special, all of them.
I feel my Loki around me.
My boy so beautiful a soul he had.
... and my beautiful Misty and than later on Zelda ...... even if I know ... I still feel the pain 😻😿
I love my dog whom I considered so special. They just love you unconditionally .
I lost my golden retriever almost 10 years ago. I still grief when I think of him. Losing a dog or cat is really unbearable. Took me many years to not cry when I talk about him. He’s such a goofy ball. And really showed me what conditional love is.
Each Angel that has graced my life had a wagging tail, and cold wet nose!!! I’ve learned more about love from my pets than any human being!
I just lost my dog..she was my life..my soul..my best friend..who knew when i was down..who listened when i was troubled..who lifted my spirit when things we going wrong..and now shes gone..i am totally devasted..i will never be the same..no amount of words will diminish my pain..i am lost..and as a lifelong depressive..i have basically lost my phyciatrist..god bless you daisy 😻til i walk with you again xxx
I had my German Shepherd PTS at home on the 20/01/20 after a battle with Cancer she was starting to fail. She was everything to me too. My reason for waking up in the morning. My best friend. My world. She would do everything for me as your dog did for you.
I feel so lost.
I still talk to her, just incase shes around still.
@@danniismith6205 i talk to my dog every morning..every time i return home..every night before i sleep..just in case she is still around..i have a pillow with her photo printed on it..i still kiss it..and pat it..as if its really her..it is a little bit of comfort..but i will never get over it..so i do feel your pain..i know what your goin through..you take care 👍
Hi Chris , I understand your pain . I would like to share with you my experience . I am an animal rescuer of 50+ years . I rescue the very old sick and dying ones , the ones that rarely have a chance of being adopted , I am constantly having to say goodbye to them . I learned a long time ago that the ones we really truly bond with , the special ones (although I love each and everyone of them ) find their way back to us . They have to leave us to rest and renew their physical
bodies and if the bond is strong enough they return and seek out our energy signature and will come back into our lives at some point . It is a completely new life, new existence , new experience, new body, a different physical appearance but the same special essence. It has happened 4 times in 30 years to me with one little soul , Ozzie,,that keeps coming back . I have rescued approx upwards of 800 dogs but I always know when she is back .You will too. Look out for her She will find you again . At the moment, my Ozzie, is a small male terrier type but she hs been various breeds so don’t rule out any dog that’s finds it way to you !It sometimes takes a few days weeks months to recognise them but one day when you are playing or hugging your “new dog” it hits you and you will just know she is back regardless of her new appearance .xxx
@@The2391daniel hi cherie..thank you for your words..i find some comfort in them..also i congratulate you on your work..i am an animal lover especially dogs...funny enough last year i went to a little dog friendly village (with my dog) called Pembery (old ww2 spitfire base).and nearly everyone had a dog..and i got talkin to a guy..who like you was a dog rescue.he had a dog with him he brought back from cyprus..an i was horrified to be told that the cypriots send out squads to shoot stray dogs..my anger rose by 200%!..i listen to the poem "rainbow bridge" most days..and one part gets me every time.the part where the dog is runnin free..he stops and sees a familiar face in the distance.and runs to greet..i sincerly hope that its true when my time comes..sometimes when its quiet i see like a "white whirl" much like a mini whirlwind (my dog was white).i sincerly hope it is her...but now i cannot have another dog..age and the thought of having another dog undermines my love for her..thank you for your thoughts and words..ime even getting upset writing this..thank you😚
@@The2391daniel Wow. Thank you so much for this... you have no idea just how much you comforted me. . . 🥺I don't understand why more people have not upvoted your comment. I truly believe you are an earth angel. 👼🏻 Keep doing what you are doing, you are so very inspiring. Thank you for all you do for the animals. You are truly such a brave and kind soul. You have all my respect. ❤️
Grief is the price of love. So grateful for the time I had with my pets while they were on the earth.
Velma 207 nicely said Velma, i always say the same 👍🏻
with great light comes great night -st. john of the cross
Velma 207 I couldn’t get over my beautiful black lab’s death and he used to smile . I did a painting with the dog in it years ago and to my shock realised the last day that I’d unconsciously had put a kind of halo around his grave .I was concentrated on my old house but accidentally that’s what happened.I loved him
I am scared 4 life becouse of my husky princess died 5.5 years ago and never want to get another dog or any other ANIMAL what so ever again becouse i cant manage to be so sad and bad that i haved felt sinse she diseperied from life. I dont even alow my self to Think of her becouse i miss her so much that my heart will never be whole again... what shall i do.... anyone?
@@sanningssokarevileverimann6975 Please give your love to another pet, a rescue, who needs it. You are lucky to have a life longer than a pet's so you can shower your loving care on more than one. Your pet who has passed will smile from above when you do this.
My oldest son saw my little dog sitting up on the couch beside my desk where I was sitting, six months after his death. My son says Buddy cocked his head and looked right at him. My son didn't really take in what he saw, and went back to his room. A few minutes later he realised what he had seen and dashed back into the living room. Our dog was no longer visible, but now we know why we're sometimes sure we hear him jump off the foot of my bed. Our precious boy is still with us. Love like that does not die.
What a courage to speak about your buddy and your pain as a man in front of an audience. What a golden heart this man has. How many people can fully understand the loveconnection between a pet and a person. I lost my best friend 2,5 years ago,, it still hurts.
But in the following days after his passing i felt at one night when i was turning in bed his wet nose in my hand, (he slept with me often) so he,s not dead, only his body...but we miss the the furbody right?
I may, or not may cried a little when listening to him trying to control himself, jeez
We heard our dog barking several times ( he developed a very unusual bark as he got older) in the back garden for several months after he died. It was a huge comfort. He was selfless to the end.. a wonderful spirit
I am grieving with the heaviest of heart and my tears won’t stop as I write while I listen to my boy wheeze and walk on his arthritic legs that carry his broken body. I have had animals my whole life and Ioved them all, but they are not Tye. My fiancé has stage 4 lung cancer at age 39. I have lost dear family members and have mourned their loss. Nothing even compares to the suffering I am feeling over my best friend. My dog
Those of us who love deeply also feel suffering and loss deeply. Tye has been a teacher and a very important friend who has brought out in you the ability to Love and care for another in ways you never experienced before. So, so difficult to say goodbye to a friend who blessed us like no other. The loss and the grief will have a life of it's own and complete when it completes. Could take years.........and thats okay. Grief and loss is also a blessing that grows empathy for others who may be going through the same thing. So the life......and passing of Tye will ultimately be the greatest of blessings for you.......in time. My lab Roscoe taught me all of this. 4 years after his passing, hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him. Occasionally there is still a tear. I will always miss him. He was a great soul. So is Tye. Best wishes.
@ Timothy and Tararyze- thank you for your beautiful words
I come to youtube for relief and I found this video. I just had my little dog passed away last week in my arms. I'm a man, but even after 1 week, I drown myself in tears and sadness everyday. I don't want to eat, don't want to do anything, except sitting with empty feeling, remembering how he left me while I held him in my arms. I know I should be glad that he was not suffering, because he was just suddenly gone after 1 week diagnosed with cardiac problem. He was 14 years old. On the day he died, he just suddently had breathing problem, and in just 2 hours he passed away peacefully in my arms knowing I was always by his side. I didn't even realize he was gone, because I didn't feel any jerky movement or anything. It was like he suddently fell asleep and gone. I just realize he was gone when I looked at him, and he was staring blank motionless. I saw his chest, and there was no pumping. I called his name and no reaction. I burst into tears uncontrollably. I lost him.
My dog is my best friend ever and he was always gentle and loving to any humans and animals. I feel like I'm losing my own son. For 1 week, I secretly cried a lot, drowning myself in sadness and I feel like my whole world has ruined, and I feel no purpose in life. I feel so alone, and nobody would understand my feeling. I imagined how people would ridicule me for being so dramatic about losing a dog.
Never have I thought I would find this video where a man also feel so devastated with losing his dog/ his best friend. Watching this video makes me feel a little better, but somehow I still feel so much emptiness. He always clinged on me, put his head on my chest looking at me like I was the best thing ever in his world.
The thought that he would be confused in the other realm looking for me for protection is very unbearable. I feel like I should have protected him, but I failed. The thought keeps torturing me.
My friend, you're not alone. I just lost my little buddy. He was 27. He was a hybrid ringed neck parrot. He and I talked everyday. He would often nuzzle at my neck at night and sleep there for hours. The house is so lonely now. I lost him on December 26, 2019. It's been a couple weeks now and I have cried every single day so far. He was blind for the last 15 years, I think his blindness was due to his breeding, but he adapted well. He mimicked my partner's voice perfectly too, which makes it extremely hard since she passed 10 years ago. So please know that I understand your pain. But on the other hand, I'm so grateful for having him for so long. He made my life so much richer.
Yours is a sad but beautiful story and I hope you are feeling better now. A dog’s love is truly unconditional and there is no judgement ever. It is the best love. Don’t feel guilty as your dog was so lucky to have found a caring and compassionate master. You couldn’t have done any more than did. Blessings.
Hope you found peace. Your dog is just fine, no need for guilt at all. He knows love and how much you love him. Its enough, really!!! Just keep loving and he will be happy receiving that love.Guilt is useless and negative. Sounds too easy but send love , its never wasted. X
I watched this video for the first time when my dog was really sick in her later years. I couldn’t finish it then-I was too sad to listen to the talk. I asked myself what the essence was behind all the atoms and molecules that held her together. She passed away a year later. Now, four years have passed since then. I still miss her very much, but I’m no longer suffering. I’ve gradually come to understand that we both benefited from the love we had for each other and completed a wonderful life journey together. For that, I’m forever grateful.
Just lost my furry little mate too. So unexpected and tragic. Worst day of my adult life. My dog was my life. He came everywhere with me. A true zen master who lived in the now. No ego. No judgement. Pure unbridled happiness. I’d give anything for one more day together. I miss him more than any human I’ve ever lost. I don’t really understand why. RIP Mr Cuddles. I totally get your pain sir. I’m so sorry for your loss.
lmtlsss ♥️♥️♥️
So sorry 😐
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how extremely heartbreaking and painful it is. I still cry over my pit bull that passed away 3 yrs ago...I feel I receive signs from her such as white feathers which helps alot. Prayers for you.
So sorry for your loss. My dog logan has cancer with days left. He would be 10 in two weeks. Will say goodbye at home where he's comfortable. Feel lost. Gave up my job two years ago to care for him due to a heart condition. We fought that together. We have been inseparable, but we lost this fight.
Sorry for your loss and sadness. You are right, dogs are very Zen, we can learn so much from them.
My cat just died and I needed to hear this, even though I already know it, I just needed to hear it, and I broke myself in tears watching this video, but suffering is the best teacher ever, and this situation is a great lesson. Thanks so much for uploading this video.
I understand your pain very well. Pets are family. Rest in peace, little angel. I'm very sorry for your loss
Me too...
My cat passed 3 yrs. ago today and I know I feel hurt deep inside , after being with her for 16 years I just stuff it , I can feel it deep down. I have cried enough.
Bless you xx
Understand Presence and you will know that nothing really dies.
This is very empowering. I've lost 4 family members and 3 friends in the course of 2 years. I really needed to hear this lesson from Eckhart. Thank you.
A book that might help, is The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion. I too have lost many. Her book, her words are what the rest of us can not put into words
You are a warrior
Hope you’re going strong
Underground Wes
Go to Jesus brother
This guy can’t help
I am so very sorry for your loss... there is no replacing those we love. May your heart find peace in the midst of such troubling times.
Pets are like vulnerable little children. So when they die its possible to feel a greater loss than when an adult human we love passes on.
Geoffrey Ringham, yes, you said it perfectly. Also, they have no control over their destiny at all, so totally helpless. Therefore, when this poor man had to put his dog to sleep, it's not just grief, it's guilt. I've been there, and it is something I hope I never, ever have to do. I still cry when I think of all the suffering he had to go through.
Perhaps we feel the loss and greater grief, when a beloved animal departs because it never said a bad word or did a bad deed. (Not even true for all animals. There are animals that can become a real nuisance and a pain. When they finally go, we may just feel relieved of their burden, no matter how much we loved them and they loved us.) Unlike humans who can do so much harm with their words and deeds, animals show love, affection, loyalty, gratitude and protection in so many ways. I hope to find all of my animals on the other side, including pesky, messy, terribly jealous, mean, demanding, electrical cords chewing, fire starting cat Camelia, the one and only stubborn mule in a cat body. I was the "love of her life" and she made me pay for it dearly. Over twenty years of pure hell. She only wanted to eat can food throughout the day, etc. etc. I was just too glad when she died, but I caressed her to the end with my gloved hands (due to cats' allergy) and she purred happily waiting to receive her final injection from the Veterinarian. I am sure she will be there waiting for me the moment I leave my body, pushing all the other animals aside to get to me. Her spirit may still be in the home because the other cat seems to see or feel something that troubles her preferring the heated built in garage (since the death of Camelia). This particular animal really tried my irremediable animal loving soul. Her mind was absolutely alert to the end, in spite of old age and troubling, untreatable condition. Some cat!
Geoffrey Ringham, when you truly love there is NO sense of "loss", to experience loss is merely the ego sense of attachment! It doesn't matter how one interprets "human love", the ego-sense is the same!
Geoffrey Ringham that is the biggest loss of my life. My dog, my everything.
Actually I believe it's because animals can more earnestly and simply express love, which humans often cannot. Except as children.
Their innocence allows us to experience it freely with them without fear of judgment or betrayal. In this way they become more precious to us, because of the intensity in which we love.
Loss is loss, no matter what is lost. I still cry for my dogs who are gone & I do miss them more than I miss my mother.
May be, but your animal chums are not "lost", or "gone", they are *Dead*, and death means no_after* or it means nothing at all.
Yes, people do indeed experience and are the slaves of, the mechanical reactions of their functions but that is neither cured nor prevented by teling them *delibertate_lies*.
I found Eckhart’s teachings about this sensitive subject of death to be most moving and profound. The loss of a beloved pet or loved one can be devastating. Thank you Eckhart for such beautiful guidance.
You call *deliberate_Lies* "beautiful guidance" do you?
If that be right rthere is an enotmous amount of "beautiful guidance" about, and you do not comfort the distraught and unhappy by telling them *liberate lies*-Or maybe the likes of you and tole do, or at least seek to so so.There is simply *no_way* that Anyone* could know or directly immediately personally experience -as dirextly immediately and personally as pain *anything* about what happens after or at the time of the complete and utter final and permanent cessation of all experience, just there is no possibility of anyone standing on theeir own shoulders, so Tolle can only possibly be l a liar charlatan fraud and scoundrel. as is anyone that does the exact equivalent of describing the experience of standing on their own shoulders.
His confidence trick has been perpetrated by better liars frauds and scoundrels than him.
What happens after the destruction of the experiencing apparatus(without which there can be no experience), what the fcuk do you think but it is identical to what happens after you stand on your own shoulders, and even a gullible credulous half-witted imbecilic child should be able to work out that one. Tolle - cleverly, exploits the greatest weakness of men(human beings):"They*pasively* mechanically automatically(=choicelessly) accept with out question or *believe*
Eckhart has a dog too and i love the way how he answered the question, great
When our family dog of eight years Little Bella suddenly died in 2019 I was in shock and then experienced pain as great as when I lost my father fifteen years ago. Our pet somehow become part of our family. In fact we show affection towards our pet unconditionally and most willingly in a heart beat. It's a bonding sometimes stronger than between two human beings. I can definitely resonate with the pain of the gentleman in this video who lost his pet and best friend.
The meaning and purpose of life is in this simple nursery rhyme:
Row, row, row your boat.
Gently down the stream.
_Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily._
*Life is but a dream!*
Is true!
So simple, so profound
I took that rhyme for granted until just now. What an amazing spiritual principle
That from Alan Watts?
Row row row your boat
gently down the stream
or don't, it doesn't matter
everything is ok
haha, still working on the rhyme :)
Absolutely wonderful. I saw my Mums essence leave her body when she died. We had a deep understanding of each other!
This guy with the dog story is heart wrenching. When you make a decision you know is right at the time, you cannot keep questioning yourself or you will experience depression...I KNOW.
You make your decisions in life, and don't look back, that is the best way to live in the now, and not live in the past.
I feel for this poor man. I know that feeling very well. It is harder, I think, for pet parents to lose a beloved pet because they are, on some level, like a child to us. When parents or other adult humans pass, we view it much differently. We don't feel the same depth of responsibility.
When a pet or child passes, the grief can be quite profound because we are overcome with the feelings of "I would have done anything! Paid anything! Gone to the ends of the Earth!" to save it, restore it, hang on to that love, that precious presence. We feel a strange guilt that we couldn't prevent it, solve it. Failure to protect. Then we feel as if we've betrayed our friendship when we take an active step to end that life. It leaves a terrible aching hole that takes a long time to fill.
My son's death led to my discovery of Eckhart's teachings. I am forever grateful.
These videos are more than just interesting, they have a calming effect on me. Very strange! I don’t know if anybody else as had this experience.
It is because, deep inside, your true "you" recognises the truth Eckhart Tolle speaks.
it happens to me too... I kinda know why! the one who have the most calming effect on me is Mooji... sometimes I disappear listening to him talking what for the mind seems to be rubbish
Yes! with many spiritual teachers. and then you begin to just do this on your own. without thoughts, the mind is quiet. this is the revelation of true self. Yay!
@@AmiChenMillsNaim is amazing! isn't it?
Yes I feel that too
I have had dogs all my life..in fact I've always said that I prefer the company of dogs. Two years ago I lost my Bella,she was a 13 year old German pointer and more human than most humans I know..a week or so after my sister went to see a medium and upon entering her home the medium immediately asked my sister if she had recently lost a dog and told my sister that as soon as she entered a beautiful dog appeared. My sister was stunned...then the medium said"no ! She's not your dog..I can see her jumping through green fields with a smile on her face and she's telling me to tell you to tell her mum(me)to please stop being sad & crying for her because she's safe & happy & knows that she was loved "..so yes! I believe that there is no death,just a transition to an other place. R.I.P my beautiful Bella..till we meet again.
That was profound. Thanks for sharing
This man started my journey many years ago. I will never forget the line, if I dont like me then there must be someone else here with me? Hmm now that got me thinking
oh wow.. what video or text of his is that from?
@Resident Zero thank you!
"Language gives us the illusion that we know, but dont really know"
That's is all we have words..we can not know death...
And we think words represent the truth. Sure, we communicate through words in the conventional world, but as they say: a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
@@FCPCPF Ive heard him say its whats between the words that matters more, the stage on which they are spoken.
Amazing phrase
And time. We made it all up.
This is so powerful, I can't even put it into words.
This video needs to be watched by every human being. LOVE
Consciousness never dies it only transforms
So you believe our human consciousness transcends the brain? Would it be our consciousness or is some vast matrix we all reenter?
...into?...Someones opinion. No one knows. Many guess. No one knows...yet.😏🙏
It means that consciousness transcends the brain! Do you only reason that we need this body, it’s so that we can learn some lessons and go back to where we’re from which is home. Sometimes I get a little scared if I figure out all the answers it’s my turn next but you know what there’s nothing to be afraid of the only thing to be afraid of is possible suffering but you know what I know thanks and Eckert Showed me a lot of things like I know things that he already that I already know but he like told me I’m like oh OK I get it I’ll pop goes off that’s why he has a little lightbulb at the end of his sentences because it’s like an epiphany it’s like oh wait a minute there’s an hour remember that’s where I’m from. I’m not my body I am life I have nothing to be afraid of at all it’s almost kind of funny makes me feel like laughing like a little cherub I love it what he said is everything that we always knew I love this guy what a guru we may not know all of the answers but if we did it wouldn’t be a test now would it?
I understand
"There are no mistakes in the Universe.." says Eckhart Tolle. I just love that statement. Great video too.
I used to find mistakes all over the place, then I realize the mind see mistakes
But there *Are* lying frauds scoundrels and charlatans.
How utterly perfect his initials are E.T. So much love for you Master Eckhart. 🙏🏻💜💙💚🙏🏻
Ive never had an NDE but I've had experiences where people I've known who passed on have helped me and there is no denying it was them. I really know nothing about the spiritual realm but I am convinced there is such a realm.
My story was the same with my best friend Brooklyn my dog 12 months ago and 4 weeks ago my mum passed away Devine timing message for me thank 💕
Found this video after fling a search because my Akita died suddenly one week ago. Good video..I miss my dog so much
greg michaelides we've just suffered a loss. Watching this video helps so much. Bless you and I'm sorry for your loss.
@@CreativeCreatorCreates thank you and I wish you the best in the future
So sorry ,we just lost our we dog ,it's a difficult time 🙏
My Dog died in his old age due to an accident. Soon after I saw a white Eskimo dog looking at me in my meditation probably suggesting his rebirth. Within few months an Indian Spitz came through the long channel, who was familiar with my home and everyone around. It is very rare to see a grown-up dog adjusting to a new environment so naturally.
I feel that one of my dogs came back to me, also. For years, I kept calling him the name of the first dog.
Hi, that's such a beautiful story, ❤️Do you have any tips for a beginner meditator? If you wouldn't mind, of course.
When my mama's 14 year old boxer got to the point that she was suffering we made that choice too. It was tough but our vet was amazing. He came and helped her pass on the couch so she was comfortable and got to go so peacefully. You could just tell by looking at her body once she was gone that she was no longer there. That spark was gone. My mama was devastated but we knew itbwas the right thing to do
"Language gives us the illusion that we know"
I too, appreciate what the audience member said about grieving for his dog. I feel for him. His grief is as valid as anyone else's who lost a being who meant 'the world to him'. The form/body, the (sentient) being comes in, is irrelevant.
grief cum self pity; you could see him working it up in himself which is - like all self-pity, a form of masturbation. Never a pretty sight and the sense of with _knowledge can spot it a thousand miles away and is not fooled. Tolle is a lying fraud charlatan and scoundrel.
I'm ashamed to say that I was affected more when my cat of 17 years died, than when my mum or dad died. It's strange because I'm not a cat person at all and we were not close. She was a member of the family and watched over us. The difference is my parents both died as naturally as possible, but our cat was taken by her beloved family to the vets to be:- well what can I call it!
Bless you Laura Makin x
To the empath sitting to the speaker's right. I felt you. Our hearts together will always bring love to this existence. It is the army of empaths who bravely share the emotions of beings and still proceed with kindness, who are helping, thank you for your being
When my guinea pig passed away, such loss, no one understands
I know how you feel. I felt the exact same when my pet worm died 😔
I totally understand you.
When I lost my pet rock...I didn't know how I would recover....
Elegant Thief - was it an intestinal worm?
@@Wrenhollow-arts Well that wasn't very nice. Why the need to discredit someone's feelings?
I reconnect with Elsa, the being in form of a cream labradoodle 2000-2014, quite often. She came to me in an EMDR therapy session and told me of the boundless love between dimensions, no matter what form we incarnated in. I processed that traumatic memory that very moment
Greatly appreciate ,The way Eckhart explains ,the simple understanding how the conscious awareness grows as it intermingles in relationships between human life and animal life thank you. What a beautiful contribution.🙏
Mr Tolle looks like he's ready to go fly fishing..
He fishes for people's wallets. He usually gets his limit.
However there are more overt hucksters out there
@@joelewing4498 There is nothing wrong to pay for knowledge and develop wisdom. Usually is far more rewarding than paying for other treats...However, this lesson was free for us ;-)
@@joelewing4498 this video has 1 million views, definitely made money, but he got nothing from it, it's not his channel, if he cared so much about money, he would sue them for copyright violation, btw how much you paid to watch this video and how much Eckhard costs you?
@@joelewing4498 Wow. Do you pay your doctor to diagnose you? Just because someone does _spiritual_ work does not mean it is any _less_ work - and is, oftentimes, MORE. It often has more _value_ - and often for _less_ pay. Many others write books. They get paid. Eckhart Tolle wrote books. He got paid. Many youtubers make videos; they earn a certain commission. Eckhart Tolle creates videos, too. He gets a commission. WTF are you actually saying?? And how much have _you_ paid Eckhart Tolle?? How can you seriously look down on someone for needing to _survive_ like everyone else?? 😤Eckhart Tolle provides _value_ and if you don't think so, go "fly fish" somewhere else. Man, I don't know what world you live in, but it clearly isn't a logical one.
This is so helpful. I've known for a while that there is no real death, because we are all energy. A young man named John Taylor was shot and killed last week. I did not know him personally, but my family did. I had such an emotional reaction to the senselessness of his death, but there are no mistakes. Knowing this truth even intellectually is such a help. Thank you
losing my best friend.....was the most painful event in my life..i have not gotten over it..and i never will.
Thank you for sharing this. I wish I had a year of classroom learning to fully immerse myself into what I need to learn.
There's a gazillion online lectures and classrooms that are completely free! Learn all you can.
Wonderful words. Peace and love, our animal friends reflect both.
For the person who is watching this because the idea of death is scary. Accept death, feel it, don't try and run from it by 'following' an idea or a person. Just go sit down, cry, be sad, all of it. That's the only way you'll get past it. Life is not about finding a shelter from suffering, it's about learning to live with it.
I have listened to a lot of Eckhart Tolle over the years. Tremendous stuff.
My life is drawing to a close now. I am only a little sad, I have had a great life with plenty of love, adventures and the good fortune of helping others through working for the health services.
The weird thing is this video has opened on my screen for the third time in a few days. Each time it is when I fumble the mouse. I have never heard of this book and I have no shortcuts to it. I have not heard of the New World Library either.
I think it might be time to watch this. Life is wonderful when I give it room to blossom for me.
Thank you for this beautiful comment....especially this part, "Life is wonderful when I give it room to blossom for me."
@@NewWorldLibrary Thank you for posting this video.
Warmly - Kevin
It is comforting to hear someone say that losing a pet can hurt more deeply for some and others might not understand because they haven't experienced as deep of a connection to an animal before. I lost my dog over a year ago and I still cry sometimes. No other humans around me really understand so it is nice to hear eckhart say this and see some of the comments.
"Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool"~Mark Twain
Cool quote. I reckon religion was formed from deep spiritual truth being manipulated to bring fear-based egoic control.
Love That quote - Mark Twain was very clever and Fanny at the same time 😇
Ahhh Twain...death is the opposite of life...my everything is gone but my memory and my lineage. That's it...acceptance. The after life is a quaint way of helping us ease the pain of the finality. We have it drilled into us to cry where other cultures embrace accept and even thrive. I have gone thru such a major internal transition these last 12 years that I now see the benefit of letting go to my massive ego. Fearless in some ways...the sky is blue and I will die. The end.
Wow, true that!
That was helpful. My dog's essence has gone back to the source. Can the essence still feel my love, I wonder.
Absolutely. Love is energy and your dear dog is now in energetic form so there is no barrier. If you still your mimd you may feel it's love and appreciation for you x
@@judydunlop1964 Thank you Judy . I needed to hear this. I /We lost OUR Milo Toy Fox terrier 2 weeks ago this week. Inoperable cancer caused Milos organs to fail and he was in great pain.We did not want him to be in pain or suffer,he would throw up bile and could not& would not eat .We brought him into our vet, Immediately and They took xrays and found this huge mass of cancer in 3/4 of his insides and he could barely breathe or hold his head up.It came on in just 3 days days.. because Jan. of 2020 he had his 6 month check up they said he was fine ,got all of his shots ,heartguard and flea protection was about 4 pounds over weight but ok .We thought he was ok up Until June 7th 2020 .That week he seemed uncomfortable and distant then stopped wanting to eat because he threw it up..When he wouldn't eat ,I called the Vets office and made an appt for as soon as they could take him in. they said in 2 days.The vets office thought it was due to the weather,it was hot but he was an indoor dog ,only going out to potty or enjoy the nice days for a bit outside .But I told them if he doesn't eat in the morning I am bringing him right in .And we DID.And after they examined him and showed us the xrays ,We were in shock. .And they said there was nothing they could do. He would not make it through an operation ,he was TOO WEAK with his organs having failed They said they can give him a shot so he could rest and not be in pain and then we can decide what to do but they said the most unselfish thing to do was not make him suffer anymore.They said he would just drift off and not be in pain anymore.We would not be cruel and make him suffer. We could see he was barely hanging on.It killed us to let him go . We held him all the rest of his time and kept telling him how much we loved him and would always love him and we both were crying so hard .We held him and we didn't want to let him go. Each day is painful without him&Our hearts are broken and our other dog Icey,Lab Husky aged 8yrs. misses him too. We can tell.She looks everywhere for him&.Its sad to see her wondering where Milo is. If Milo can come back to us ,we will wait and pray and every day I keep calling out to him and telling him we love him always and forever.. I keep his blankets close to or bed where he slept and his favorite toys.We both feel he had gone too early{we rescued him at 8months and he would have been 5yrs July 4th 2020,} and he should have the choice of coming back in a cancer free body to experience more of life& playing and being loved and he WAS LOVED SO VERY MUCH. So we will keep praying he hears us telling him we love him and miss him and to please show us how to find him. We will be looking for signs that may lead us to him reincarnated and we will pray that Milo will come back to us. Just knowing he hears us and knows hes missed and Loved ,really helps. Thank you so very much.And God Bless you and your Family and your furry loved ones as well.
I have a new life goal. Learn to view every moment with every person as an “unknown phenomenon”. I’m so sick and tired of assuming this and that about people. I find myself having racist, sexist thoughts. But not just that. Based on what they wear, based on their mannerisms, based on all of the things which Tolle calls “form”. I am so attached to form. It’s transient and cannot be depended on. Only change can be depended on.
Not sure how to defeat this insane attachment to form. I haven’t been able to defeat it with what we call kindness because kindness can’t be faked.
I suspect your being judgemental grew from early childhood, and has continued because you were influenced by someone (adult), that was verbally judgemental about many sentiment beings and other thing s. I also suspect this person a
had a great impact in your life and you were in the person 's c company, much of the time. One way to defeat thks, is to equalize yourself and others. At the end of the day, all sentient beings are suffering. In the grave we are all the same. You will have to work on this daily, often, mind and thought training, heart and compassion training.
remember, just smile or laugh at your minds thoughts, those thoughts are very normal instances.
Be still and live in the present moment. Your thoughts are false; now and always. Your language is a construction and is limited by the flow of time. Your language was a gift of your ancestors so that you could witness these material events but every word in a sentence speaks of its opposite; its a duality. Therefore every word and sentence is laced in lies and deception. Realise that youre not your thoughts, but the voice of a parent, a friend, a teacher, a stranger, a politician, or a grandparent and youll soon find your true self. After that then you can begin living in the present. Its so simple.
There is no judgemental v non-judgemental people. There is self-aware v non-self-aware. and you are obviously very self-aware which must be an important step to non-attachment.
You might like Rupert Spira's teaching then. You can find him on yourtube
"No ones"knows what happens to life after death,but one thing for sure this man experienced wonderful times with his dog and has wonderful memories.
Beautiful beings dogs
To paraphrase in a way, Eckhart Tolle's words said in a different context: "There is no such thing as MY love. I don't have 'A' love. I AM love. I and love are ONE. So how can I lose something that I AM."
So when we lose someone we love, we don't lose love. Nor do we lose love when we are betrayed by someone we love.
Love comes from hell, gets into us and eats away at our poor souls until we wake up and search for the truth.
Yes. When my dog was "put to sleep" by the vet, I held her until he said she was gone. I felt absolutely no change. I felt her body go completely still, but her presence had not changed in any way, because her presence had nothing to do with her body. She is with me now.
@@stuartbritton7408 Most irrational statement I've ever read!
@@philenealvarado5008 it's not irrational. It's shockingly true.
My father had passed from covid this has helped alot,
So comforting.And true. Love to the man sharing his story.
Thank you... my cat of 9 years never came home one night - miss him tremendously...
Update: our Bubbles (who passed) left a little of himself behind by impregnating Shadow, our other younger cat... and we are now the proud grandparents of x4 very cute, chubby, little, demanding, individuals... sharing our gratitute
@@derektaylor5556 Very happy for you.
@@derektaylor5556 That's cool. I love cats. The outside is a very dangerous place for cats. Hell, I know this dude who hated cats and would run them over if he saw them crossing the road. I think an outdoor cat has a life expectancy of 5 years old.
@@peaceonearth351 This is correct. Cat lovers, it's best to keep them indoors. I was told this by my own veterinarian. People, he said, even hunt down black cats to maim/kill on Halloween - as sick as that is. It really p!sses me off that people like this even exist. Guys please love and protect your pets the best that you can... it is our duty as their "parents" ❤️
@@peaceonearth351 People like that p!ss me off to no end... I am a very empathetic person who has no sympathy whatsoever for people like that.
I just had to put down my dog Kirby, it was unexpected since she was fine earlier today. I have also never witnessed someone I know die. She made me feel so safe and loved, she made me laugh and feel at peace. It's difficult knowing I won't be able to hug her again, but I know she is not truly gone.
I miss my Alfredo....my buddy. I also feel that I betrayed him when I took him to the vet to put him down....How could I do that? It was a month ago and my life has changed since.
So interesting. Love to hear more on the relationship between humans and pets
There is nothing more beautiful, then a man showing vulnerability. ❤
Heaven is a place where all the dogs you've ever loved run to great you.
Mike Buettell I sure hope so...
@@blueplasma5589 eat
I don't know how anyone can look at a puppy, and think that there is no God.
@@The_Real_Indiana_Joe When I look at a puppy, I think: "Oh my, that's a cute puppy. How wonderful the universe is!" The idea of a sky-fairy doesn't come up; I would think that it's a very weird thing to think of when you see a puppy.
Joking aside. This is one of the most directly profound and sound things I've ever heard.
You are not alone in your feeling. I feel this way about my dog I lost years ago. His loss I still feel even more so than losing my husband. I have spoken with many who feel this way.
We love the Essence of the person, animal,,,,
Fantastic explanation. Thank you Eckhart.
I have always agreed what Plato stated,which was"The Human Body is only the Vehicle of the Soul."
For no god damn good reason too I am sure ...
Page 63 - "Celestial Messages" by Boster - Plato speaks (along with Socrates in book) on what they have learned in the Afterlife. Could save you about 5000 years in the afterlife This book represents the highest teachings on the planet today. (Channeled messages from early 1900s) - Better yet => Instagram [6Divine_Sculptor] Peace and Love.
@@thatsinpossible4967 You seem to believe that philosophy is the same as science, and you have absolutely no proof that there should be an afterlife, and even less of an argument for why it would conform to your ideas and expectations if it did ... any critical thinker would realise this, so we can safely assume that you are not one of those when it comes to this subject. That further suggests that you are really not one to give other people life advice.
@Bongo Man Science is a method, not an object of worship. But it's very nice with all these blanket statements of yours - by what method did you establish that they are true? I am not asking you "how do you know" I am asking you what method you used to determine that things are in fact as you perceive them to be ... I'll be waiting ...
@Bongo Man
"Allow me to point out to you that I answered your question in my post".
- No, you did not.
"This is all common knowledge in esoteric circles"
- Why should anyone care about that. Provide a reason why "esoteric circles" are at all worth taking seriously.
"and can be found in materials by Alice Bailey (Lucis Trust), Blavatsky, Henry T. Laurency, the Theosophical Society, and others."
- Don't give me reading assignments and I won't do the same to you. Just provide me with a coherent description of what you mean by soul, and your best piece of evidence that it should exist at all. Pick the best. The one that really convinced you. If it's any good it should work for me as well.
"It takes effort on your part to understand it more deeply, and I don't expect you to take my word for it".
- You're an arrogant, self righteous fuck aren't you? Shall we just stay with you don't know the first thing about me.
"My mention of science relates to the tendency among materialists and
scientific reductionists to demand the truths stand up to a double-blind lab test".
- Sweeping statements and generalisations gets you nowhere with me. You just provide me with one example and show me on what basis you generalise that to universities across the world. This is not an esoteric question so you can safely stick with common rules of scientific generalisation.
"Science is too limited, it can't even tell you
what consciousness is".
- And nor can you, but you are welcome to try. Lets have your definition of consciousness and the reason why we should consider it worthwhile as a reference to something real.
"It is like asking that I prove the color green
exists, but I must prove it by showing you through your red filters".
- This is a basic fallacy of false equivalency. It is useful for you because it saves you the trouble of expressing what you are actually talking about and demonstrating why anyone should take you seriously.
It is also a straw man, that betrays your ignorance of modern scientific knowledge production.
Getting on a high horse and telling the world about all the things they have to learn to get to your level is dishearteningly typical of people with nothing to show ...
Anyway - pick your favourite claim and try to support it with your favourite reasons why anyone else should entertain it ... probably best to stick to one item at a time ...
Hello Again Mr. Tolle. I've come to hit your like button. Remember me? I feel like I know you. You were introduced to me by a favorite teacher back in the late 70's. I adored this teacher, and I have followed some if your books. Thank you for your shared knowledge with us all. Yes I believe as you doing this video. I will never have a dog as a pet again. The pain of loosing her devastated me. I'm going to listen now. Be Blessed, as you are a Blessing.
I understand this 100 %. Love is love,. Why should love be different? It is not. My love to my beloved friends is the deepest kind of love I have ever felt in my entire life. When years go by, my love remains as deep and as purifying.
8:00 When Consciousness takes a side-trip into 3D form, it experiences a phenomena known as "suffering" ..
This is why the crucifix is such a striking icon - it is what we are ALL doing ...
The crucifix represents consciousness descending into matter.
"The body may perish but the spirit live on." This is something I've read when very young and makes so much sense now after watching this.
Dogs ARE unconditional love. They are my family. To me personally…. Humans are definitely not above dogs. Dogs are truly precious Precious beings.
I can especially relate to this. I’ve had dogs in the past and never learned the proper way to grieve their loss.
I don’t see how suffering is such a great teacher? It is debilitating after so much that I don’t really want to get out of bed anymore. Some positive in ones life would really be a help. ❤️🙏🏽
One consciousness is expressing in different forms. Eckhart Tolls is one one of the best authors and enlightened personalities in the world.
---It is not the individual which has consciousness it is consciousness which assumes innumerable forms.
_Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
inner light Ekhart is great. But Maharajs book “I am That” is the best at explaining consciousness.
"I am That" is an amazing book!
pseudoscience gone mad its also been claimed that a rock a bike a car has consciousness but it s all nonsense
So is pain, suffering, diseases, a rock also a form of consciousness ? What form does consciousness not take ?
@@militaryaircraftvideos2464 Watch Eckhart's video,starts at 5.10
Our Belgian Shepherd, Lily, had to be euthanised today , she was 16 and was in a lot of pain but she fought to live to the very end ; she will be dearly missed !
My dog, Buddy, is the same. He loves almost everybody and every other dog. I have had many dogs and loved them all. Same with the horse I had as a boy. I look forward to reuniting with them when I return to the dimension from which we all come.
Your explanation is wonderful! Thank you!
*“Death is not extinguishing the light, it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come”* -Rabindranath Tagore
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard
Guys, the statement simply means that death is just the falling of the body & the mind that is covering you to discover the true self, it just means the death is actually the true awakening and that death is the fall of form but the continuity of what is beyond form as (talk to the body) understood it and also Mr.eckhart said the same thing with different words, he said that the secret of life is to die before you die and find out that there is no death, which on a deeper level means death is just another big shift in conscious just the same as eckhart experienced in his life but on a bigger scale.....now you jeff as a helpful advice to you man if you want some evidence look up and listen to interviews about NDE and you will understand, even if you don’t, i’m not here to convince nor to judge you, it is your life.....NOW putting that aside, guys you don’t have to agree with each other to love each other and i send you ALL love, love that is inclusive Not exclusive to anyone, love that is beyond the differences of the minds. Have a great day and spread love across the world❤️
Al Garnier man you do have so much hatred and your mind is playing a lot of things on you, i believe you have not understood the teachings of eckhart tolle at all, you only seem to have used your “mind” to “analyze” something that eckhart himself said this is beyond the perception of the mind “Ego” which you seem only to have known and believed in your “mind” or “the ego”...end of conversation : i don’t nor any one need to convince you of anything, your ego just plays games on you..i certaintly don’t care if you believe or not..it is your life, your death and your belief... you shall wait and see for yourself, as too everyone shall see for themselves. You seem to have not understood my comment because there is much anger in your “ego” and i’m not here to convince you to see because if you can’t see beyond the mind and body then that is your problem , that i dont care about..but what i do care about is being greater than one’s Ego and i live to be that
TalkToTheBody man! Quit replying to him, he seems to talk from the uncosciouns mind without realizing it, i thank you for being open and understanding, you do Not have to convince him of anything. Just follow Eckhart tolle and other great teachers out there to find your true self and be free from the judgement of ego “the mind” and enjoy your life to fullest, sending love to you and to all..thanks again
5/3/20 I was forced to make the decision to end the life of my little Hunny cat -- the only being who ever loved me completely and unconditionally, and who I loved more than life itself. And my heart goes out to the questioner, because when he speaks of the sense of guilt and betrayal he felt on having to make the same call... I am right there with him. Loss of the one thing you care about in life is bad enough, but when you are forced into the position of being the instrument of that loss it seems that much worse. I don't feel Mr. Tolle had an an answer for that man's specific issue.
The One Consciousness expressing Itself... rays of Sunlight...Consciousness incarnating and evolving in billions and ways and forms..." What a beautiful, compassionate teaching. If we all could listen to one another as Eckhart does here. My experience listening to Eckhart is a greater openness of mind and heart!
What a magnificent description of the relation between humans
and animals..
I relate to Tolle's teachings. I read an article saying Tolle is wrong but the biblical teachings are true. People are free to believe whatever resonates, yet is anyone wrong? I was conditioned with the beliefs of Christianity. I have come to know the spirit is what some call God. We can realize new thoughts and beliefs at any time. I know where I am now is more peaceful and loving. That's what I share throughout my day. I move away from ego as I recognize it. We're all on this journey together. Please see the love in others, human and nature.
What an inspiration this man is!
Paul Jacobs is he?
"There are no mistakes in the universe." We all lose, we all suffer in some way, shape or form throughout life from the moment of birth until death. There is not just physical death but also the death of a job through job loss, firing, lay off, retiring or quitting. Death of relationships by way of break up, divorce, abandonment, betrayal, indifference, meeting someone new etc. Death of a relationship with some material object through break down, theft, loss, indifference, neglect or any number of other criteria. And it is through death that what we knew physically and spiritually in that person, animal, object or entity, goes back to the source from which it came. And so will we.
Im crying......
I'll be listening to this daily!
Wow. Thank you so much You are truly an amazing person. Your genuineness and love shines from you. This way of accepting a pets passing is so very helpful. As a healer. (As actually everyone can be in their own way). I have developed my right brain with meditation etc…. I have felt the body energies Everything is energy. I can see auras of inanimate objects. Letting go of ego is not an easy way Just accepting who you are and that we are all joined together in Gods love Is the way forward for me personally. As this man says. Try to stay in the now dear souls 💗