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Epic Fortnite Face-off: Meowdas Vs Midas In Glitchy Built-in Emote Showdown! 🕺💥
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.พ. 2025
- Watch Meowdas & Midas take over Fortnite with hilarious glitched emotes! In this video, I'm testing OG Midas and New Meowdas Skins with different built-in emotes from other Fortnite Skins, resulting in some funny and unexpected glitches. See what happens when Snoop Dogg does the 'Arym Guy' or 'Go Cat Go' Emote!
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#Fortnite #fortnitefunny #fortnitememes #epicpartner - เกม
Is Meowdas has Midas touch?
Unfortunately No, but at least he's reactive tho
Yes if you get 3 kills only if you hold it
Actually it's a glitch when you drop the gun it's meant to have his rap on it unfortunately it doesn't work right now
@@The_Red_Ryder08 wrap*
7:23 Midas looking mad crepe 😅
0:00 bro switched personalities
4:04 “he’s actually in horrible agony?”
So am I! Besties!!!!1!!1!1!!!!
How i look at the investigator after murdering every last cop in front of him7:22
1:45 ayo what midas and meowdas touching
I hate seeing that one on other skins 😭😭😭
also what was the point of mentioning it? Everyone knows what it looks like
I did not even see that intil I saw this comment😂 and ayoooo weird
5:24 "woah hoo!" Is the cutest Woah hoo i ever heard😭
Aaayoo wtf😂😂 1:45
2:43 im traumatized Thank you!
😂I 😂😂😂
This emote probably fits both cats ngl 0:29
I just got a badge holy crap
3:06 meow MEOW
Bro turned into elastic man 3:10
7:14 Fs in the chat for bubble gum
2:46 off brand skibid toilet
1:01 meowcles + Midas = meowdas
2:52 😊😊😊😊 beautiful
3:04 is funny 😂😂😂😂
1:50 🗿🗿🗿
1:50 what is bro doing😭???
2:50 crused😮
learn to write
3:05 What have you done ☠️💀bro😊
2:55 😂
The kitty rock is like:Glitching 100%
Le cat is so accurate to meowdas
the emote is actually called muscle cat but we cant see the full word because of screen space.
@@RegretInLifeformisserablepeeps shush, we know that. “Le cat” is funny
@Themoo_atcows true dat
Swole cat is perfect for meowdas
2:43 🐱0 🪙-999 💪🐱-999
3:45 midas' reaction to the agency getting taken over by snoop dog
I like the Minus skin
This is so broken🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 2:45
1:46 AYO 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
8:29 catfishing to the next level
I love the new profile picture
Thanks for noticing 😘
They should make it so you can use swole cat on meowdas
Got you to 500 likes
I love the toon meow scales emote
0:43 that fits meow dis
Not the kit one 😭
1:47 whatttttttt
3:05 is so funny
0:30 💀 all the girls are going to like Midas as he does the dance 💀😭
Ayoooooooooooooo 1:52
1:46 ☠️
2:46 midas and meowdas WTF WHAT IS THAT
2:42/is so cursed
This is cursed lol.
1:45 to 1:50 is crazy
5:15 sypher’s gf/ chun li
I just realized that Purr-demonium is Swole Cat, Pandemonium, and Paws and Claws combined
Beetlejuce emote
how do you make like this because it is funny😂
4:24 how midas gets the agency back
1:50 dude what💀
0:24 what the hell it came out their throats
This means most of the street fighter ones could be separate
I want Deadpool meowdas kit Midas bumblebee and X-force Deadpool - Deklen
How to make a W in real life 5:56
2:47 wth
AYO what they touching 1:45
AYO 1:50
1:47 bro wth
How do you make this bug?
You be a skin that has a built in emote use it than in the middle of use in it go in a changing booth and change the skin
Bro miaudas💀 1:53
Level 999
The cat go one was like skibibidi toilet like what?!
This was a thing before that. If anything, skibidi toilet copied
y’all brains be rotten
His neck💀 4:08
1:17 why meowdas look zesty
hi can u make all built in emote on all lynx skin pleaaaaaase or make go cat go on lynx all skin pls
My level is all ready 1,000☠️
Isn't meowdas meowscles but the midas version
So the meowscles flex emote kinda works for him
no it isn’t
2:48 why
What was they grabbing !? 1:50
Look midas and meowdas 1:52
2:54 what the heck 2:54
essa to ty
My 101
My level is 62
Mine is 7 more
I'm level 118
💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 1:47
Bro had a itch💀💀
2:44 thanks for the trauma bro
@Siderjacko56_AKA_Beetlejuice WTF bro
@@AJOLOT2011 😈
@Siderjacko56_AKA_Beetlejuice ☠️
Level 76
How did he do that?
53 as of now😅
5 just started
My level is 38
Level 46
I’m what level above you @josiahrobinette6863
I'm level 114
How he has mewdas if he has 1 level?
Check out my channel and you'll have even more questions)
Yes and no
Midas furry
Itcy balls 1:52