for people that are curious, I tried to do the perma stun thing in practise tool and it doesn't work, I tried max cdr and q doesn't get low enough cd and you can't attack fast enough, I also tried full attack speed with quick blades and it's basically the same but you can stack fast enough, a quick blade with a little attack speed then full cdr works best but it's still a little off from perma stun.
Certified frog v 5 moment at the end, there. Also, gassing kids _AND_ posting soundtrack sauce in the description? This level of based should not be allowed, leave some for the rest of us.
Ranged top isn’t that bad. If you’re losing to teemo then you would lose to a competent bruiser player, it’s just that league players love to complain and hate taking responsibility
Whately IRL singed
mind = controlled
no fart whatley
on fart whatley, lol
İ am not trapped here with you you are trapped in here with me moment
Whatley with the 'Dirty Bomb' in the middle east.
The Moral Farts also know as Noble Gasses.
Ideal gasses too
coming from post-coma whatley, I can confirm, the brain damage didn’t hit any part of the content part of your brain
The instant "Sit." on the Jinx was so satisfying
Frog of Ages got penta
Peak intro 😅
end game ap tahm kench is like a real tank shooting everywhere
That kid totally had it comin
bro farted
beans on toast
1:00 on most elevators you can unpress the button if you press and hold or double tap, pretty useful
Who would have thought "the blind is cucking me" would be foreshadowing
holy moly this video could be it's own movie
No Arm Whatley, I loved this video so much, I had to hit the like button!
you're a responsible person
11:34 *DJ spinner noises*
2 minutes into a whatley video and already on the floor
Whatley why did you fart on a small childs head
He kinda deserved it tho
12:48 Good music choice.
thank you for your service
My first ever penta was last year on kench :)) this reminding me of good times
i hope game vs toplane Ivern will become a cute little juicy vid
I feel you with the ranged Matchups
@Peacewick thanks guy apparently the song was from shantae
Editor why cut half the screen for the penta. Just let me watch the play man :(
i don't know why nobody is talking about the fact that he wrote sit mid fight
Well at least you Fell from the 3rd Floor Not the 48th
no fiber whatley
No arm fartley
for people that are curious, I tried to do the perma stun thing in practise tool and it doesn't work, I tried max cdr and q doesn't get low enough cd and you can't attack fast enough, I also tried full attack speed with quick blades and it's basically the same but you can stack fast enough, a quick blade with a little attack speed then full cdr works best but it's still a little off from perma stun.
what is that intro story
That ending tho 💀
Has anyone ever tought that No Arm Whatley, in acronym is NAW?
I already saw this penta on Synapse FeelsBadMan
i was actually trying to make perma stun kench 2 moths ago haha
Vayne is the harshest
best man
why am i watching this one handed 😅
Bro 7:18 becomes Kled
Never using R to save teammates is based
What if you go last item zephir
Certified frog v 5 moment at the end, there. Also, gassing kids _AND_ posting soundtrack sauce in the description? This level of based should not be allowed, leave some for the rest of us.
42 seconds pog
Ranged top isn’t that bad. If you’re losing to teemo then you would lose to a competent bruiser player, it’s just that league players love to complain and hate taking responsibility
2 hours and 3.2k views? Damn, Whatley fell off...
Rare for you maybe but I get one every game 😴
actually 1v9 ur team was soo useless