I'm completely a fan of Boondox, despite being a rocker. This guy is pure talent. It's a shame it's so underrated and unknown around the world. Freak Bitch is my favorite music.
This song is something especially with a good system! It makes me laugh because it makes me think of my kids had passed away in February, RIP babe, especially with the part of the song where they talk about being up in the engine and running from the canine LMFAO! He told me a story about how he was running from the cops and he did the exact same thing. So this song brings some good memories and I love it! Thankful for those stories to be able to remember them!
SO HYPED FOR THIS!!! 🖤🤘🖤 One of my favorite tracks... and dammit if I don't laugh EVERY TIME I hear Rittz say "so damn tragic/ mama got shot at Joann Fabric" 🤣
There was a icp type group that had a song that started off with samuel l jackson ezekiel 25:17 from pulp fiction. I cannot remember for the life of me what song it was or who it was by. There were like 3 different rappers on it. The only lyrics I remember and Im not sure if they're right was from an artist (I wanna say they called themselves smokey or something) an it was something like "fuck ya muscle kid I'm the one you don't wanna tussle with.... Fuck around and bomb ya building like osama bin". If anyone can tell me what tf I'm thinking of I'd be eternally grateful.
This track reminded me of how some girls hang out with ugly ones to make themselves look better. If you left strange to do this, I hope you're keeping up with your chef skills
La muerte, es uno de los eventos más grandes que jamás tendrá lugar en tu vida. Afrontamos la muerte todos los días, consciente o inconscientemente de ella; la muerte acecha en cada rincón de nuestra vida. Como un león esperando atrapar a su presa, la muerte nos llega a todos en muchas formas y formas; aparentemente no hay nadie que pueda escapar de las fauces de la muerte. ¿Pero sabías que hay una razón por la que morimos? La idea de la muerte con la que está familiarizado es solo la punta del iceberg. Mira, morimos porque hemos pecado contra Dios. La muerte según la Biblia es paga "porque la paga del pecado es muerte" (Romanos 6:23).Debido a que el hombre pecó contra Dios, vivimos en un mundo caído, antes era perfecto, pero ahora está en ruinas. Ahora que el pecado existe, Dios viene a juzgar al mundo con justicia. Está establecido que un hombre muera una vez y después de este juicio "(Hebreos 9:27). El estándar por el que te juzgará son los 10 mandamientos, la ley moral de Dios. Él es tan serio acerca del pecado que le dio a cualquiera que pecara la sentencia de muerte, la Biblia dice que te la has ganado pecando contra Dios y cada vez que pecas, acumula su ira. "El alma que pecare, esa morirá". (Ezequiel 18: 4) El castigo son los fuegos eternos del Infierno "Donde habrá llanto y crujir de dientes" (Mateo 13:42) Tendrás que enfrentarte a Dios el Día del Juicio. ¿Irás al cielo o al infierno? Aquí hay una prueba rápida: 1-No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí. 2-No harás ídolos. 3-No tomarás el nombre del Señor tu Dios en vano, porque el Señor no dará por inocente al que tome su nombre en vano. 4-Recuerda el día de reposo. 5-Honra a tu padre y a tu madre. 6-No matarás. 7-No cometerás adulterio. 8-No robarás. 9-No mentirás. 10-No codiciarás. ¿Alguna vez has dicho una mentira? robado algo? usó el nombre de Dios en vano? ¿Alguna vez has mirado a alguien con lujuria? Él ve la lujuria como adulterio, “Cualquiera que mira a una mujer con codicia, ya adulteró con ella en su corazón” (Mateo 5:28). ¿Alguna vez has odiado a alguien? él ve el odio como un asesinato, "Cualquiera que odie a otro hermano o hermana es un homicida" (1 Juan 3:15) Santiago 2:10 dice, "la persona que guarda todas las leyes excepto una es tan culpable como una persona que ha quebrantado todas las leyes de Dios". No confíe en su propia bondad o buenas obras para salvarlo. Eso es como sobornar a Dios para que te deje entrar al cielo; Ni una iglesia, pastor, sacerdote o religión alguna. Ninguno de nosotros es bueno en absoluto, incluso los asesinos, violadores, incluso Hilter se llamarán buenos y tratarán de justificarse por sus buenas obras. Pero la biblia dice: • "Pero todos somos como cosa inmunda, y todas nuestras justicias son como trapos de inmundicia; nos marchitamos como una hoja, y nuestras iniquidades, como el viento nos llevaron". (Isaías 64: 6) La definición de Dios del bien es moralmente excelente y, por lo tanto, exige perfecciones absolutas. Nadie puede igualar sus estándares. Por eso Jesús dijo: • "Nadie es bueno sino solo Dios". (Lucas 18:19) Si ha hecho alguna de esas cosas, Dios lo ve como culpable de quebrantar su ley y la Biblia advierte que los culpables terminarán en el infierno. ¿Serás culpable el día del juicio final? "Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, pero la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro". (Romanos 6:23) Dios envió a su Hijo a sufrir y morir en la cruz. Jesús tomó el castigo sobre sí mismo y derrotó a la muerte en la cruz; no por tu Bien sino porque Dios es rico en misericordia. "Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, el que en él cree no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna". (Juan 3:16) Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos y venció a la muerte. Arrepiéntete (vuélvete del pecado) hoy y confía en Jesús y Dios te concederá vida eterna; también nacerás de nuevo. Él te dará un corazón nuevo que desea la justicia, lo que es justo y un corazón que amará a Dios. por eso Jesús dijo: "De cierto, de cierto os digo, que el que no nazca de nuevo, no puede ver el reino de Dios". (Juan 3: 3) Luego, lea la Biblia y obedezca lo que lee. ☆ ¿Cuándo vas a estar bien con Dios? "Hoy, si escuchan su voz, no endurezcan su corazón como lo hicieron en la rebelión" (Hebreos 3:15) "Ahora es el tiempo aceptable, he aquí ahora el día de salvación". (2 Corintios 6: 2) • "Tampoco hay salvación en ningún otro, porque no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo dado a los hombres en el que podamos ser salvos". (Hechos 4:12) Es tu elección. Los dejo con esto: "¿De qué le aprovechará al hombre si gana el mundo entero y pierde su alma?" (Marcos 8:36). Si te estás tomando esto en serio, ¿te gustaría una oración? Esta oración no es garantía de que serás salvo, eso es entre tú y Dios. Sin embargo, me gustaría que este fuera un buen comienzo para su viaje. "Padre, te agradezco por el corazón abierto de esta persona y le pido que se arrepienta y confíe solo en Jesucristo. También te pido que guíes sus pasos en su camino para que pasen de la muerte a la vida. En el nombre de Jesús Amén. Cuando encuentre tiempo, lea esto: www.livingwaters.com/save-yourself-some-pain/
Death, it's one of the biggest events that will ever take place in your life. We face death everyday, conscious or unconsciously of it; death lurks around every corner of our life. Like a lion waiting to catch its prey, death comes for us all in many shapes and form; seemingly there is no one who can escape from the jaws of death. But did you know there is a reason why we die? The idea of death you're familiar with is only the tip of the iceberg. See we die because we've sinned against God. Death according to the bible is wages " for the wages of sin is death " (Romans 6:23). Because man sinned against God, we live in a fallen world, it was once perfect, but now in ruins. Now that sin exists, God is coming to judge the world In righteousness. "It's appointed a man once to die and after this judgement" (Hebrews 9:27) The standard he'll judge you by is the 10 commandments, God's moral law. He's so serious about sin that he gave anyone who sins the death sentence, the bible says you've earned it through sinning against God and God pays you in death. each time you sin you build up his wrath. “The soul who sins shall die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) The punishment is the eternal fires of Hell " Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:42) You will have to face God on Judgement Day. Will you go to Heaven or Hell? Here’s a quick test: 1.You shall have no other gods before Me. (Have you always loved God above all else?) 2.You shall not make yourself an idol. (Have you made a god in your mind that you're more comfortable with, a god to suit yourself?) 3.You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's holy Name as a cuss word?) 4.Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. 5.Honor your father and mother. 6. You shall not murder. (God considers hatred to be as murder, 1 John 3:15). 7. You shall not commit adultery. ("Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart" Matthew 5:27-28; this also includes sex before marriage). 8. You shall not steal. (Have you ever stolen anything? the value of the item is irrelevant). 9. You shall not lie. (Have you lied even once? Including answering these questions). 10. You shall not covet. (Have you ever jealously desired what belongs to others?) James 2:10 says, “the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.” The Bible says that God will punish all murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, adulterers, etc. He will even judge our words and thoughts. If you have done any of those things, God sees you as guilty of breaking His law and the Bible warns that the guilty will end up in Hell. Will YOU be guilty on Judgement Day? "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) God sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross. Jesus took the punishment upon Himself and defeated death on the cross; not because your Good but because God is rich in mercy. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death. Repent (turn from sin) today and trust in Jesus and God will grant you everlasting life. Then, Read the Bible and obey what you read. Pray something like this: "Dear God, today I turn away from all of my sins (name them). This day I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. He is the only way for me to be saved. He is 'The way, the truth, and the life.'" Please forgive me, change my heart, and grant me Your gift of everlasting life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen." When you find time please read this, it's Christian principles for growth: www.livingwaters.com/save-yourself-some-pain/
I think Rittz kinda lacked on this one. Still love him, though. Just kinda disappointed me with that verse. Dox fucking CRUSHED IT though. That first verse had me wild. Can't wait to see Dox do this live - that hook is gonna be CRAZY.
I'd like to say I loved it, Just couldn't feel it. The beat, the verses on both rappers parts, I dunno, Just wasn't no vibe. Was hoping for something & This wasn't it this time.
@@2ScoopsofWhoop you clearly don’t know what your talking about 😂 tech made an interview about rittz there is no bad blood rittz had a short deal with strange and his goal was to do his own thing like most plan to do when they go underground/independent artist
Okay straight up, not dissing Rittz, this song would have been a solid Boondox song if it didn’t have a feature on it. Especially as an album opener it hardly made sense to me, I just prefer what he did on his first 4 records I guess. And please, stop using jamie madrox or young wicked on every single chorus and hook. I want BOONDOX on a Boondox track, a feature is okay ONCE in a while. Like fr. That goes for everyone on that label at this point. Its just annoying and lazy as fuck. Other than that the songs decent and the videos pretty cool actually.
ahhhh ... all that being said... nobody gives a fuck what you want!!! .... they are making the music they WANT to make...maybe post none cry baby posts in the future? ... good day sir..
Hearing this make me wish Boondox and Rittz would just do an entire album together. They mesh very well with eachother.
I reported this comment
You ain't line
That's what I'm saying they should of done some shit together years ago
add yela to
Hell yeah! Boondox still killin' it all these years later!
This is for the ones that thought boondox didn't still have it!!
Special track
Why don't this have more views than it really should
shoutout waco, tx
Get them BOONDOX ur one of a kind
still getting it man I want new boondoxxxx
Boondoxs sounding like yela and i love it.
💯💯💯💯💯🤠👍🏽🇺🇸really amazing song, can’t wait for the new cd!
Best song and album that's come out from the Scarecrow in a minute.
Whoop whoop boondoxs all day my hero forever
Two of my favorite rappers of all time. Independent Southern Rap really has some real powerhouses if you think about it.
for realz!! shoot the underground scene is BLOWING UP !!
I'm completely a fan of Boondox, despite being a rocker. This guy is pure talent. It's a shame it's so underrated and unknown around the world. Freak Bitch is my favorite music.
Same, though i like memphis rap.
Boodox rolling is my jam
Wooo yeah
I seen boondox perform back in the day His set was on point.
Red Clay Crazy
Boondox always been some of my favourites out of all the juggalos, their shit just hits different fr
Whoop whoop
How does this not have over 100mil views
Lovely 🌹
This needs an official video
Rittz is a legend, makes any song pop off. #clintel
Been lovin Boondox since '09 when I found it. Youre shit is from the heart and hard af yo! Sickest flow out there
This song is something especially with a good system! It makes me laugh because it makes me think of my kids had passed away in February, RIP babe, especially with the part of the song where they talk about being up in the engine and running from the canine LMFAO! He told me a story about how he was running from the cops and he did the exact same thing. So this song brings some good memories and I love it! Thankful for those stories to be able to remember them!
I don’t know who will give him a thumbs down y everything he does is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 all day 👀👀😁😁
Boondox you did great in this song
Nobody tells a wicked story like boondox I almost feel like I'm living the horror of his songs
2 legends
Yeah bro 😎 hard guys y’all always say it all power to youll cool 😎❤️👑✊
Rittz killed it
🔥 FIRE 🔥
Went to school with David Hutto aka boondox...he was a very quiet kid..played bass....we went to Rockdale high school! Keep it up bro!
"Been pissing on the game before R. Kelly!" 🤣
SO HYPED FOR THIS!!! 🖤🤘🖤 One of my favorite tracks... and dammit if I don't laugh EVERY TIME I hear Rittz say "so damn tragic/ mama got shot at Joann Fabric" 🤣
albums been out for months
@@johnnytimestamp8224 Uh yeah, I'm fully aware.
th-cam.com/video/UYzvjeM6oTQ/w-d-xo.html 🤷♂️😊
Phucking Bangarang my brothers. Yall blend well. Looking forward to more tracks together
Can't wait 😈
albums been out for months
The first 10 seconds gave me a Left 4 Dead vibe
Complete fire! Love this shit!
This is Awesome 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Whoop Whoop MMFWCL 🔥 🔥 🔥 cheers from Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪
Whoop Whoop MMFWCL from Texas.
This brew is for u mate cheers from the darkness
I'm from England, haven't listened to any MNE or Psychopathic for a long time and never heard of Rittz either.
@@7Lace77 check out some of those Lyrical Snuff Production (LSP) artists they spit that raw wicked shit. Keep it wicked my ninja WHOOP WHOOP MMFWCL
@@Hellgan666 I prefer hardcore and Frenchcore, but I mite have a look later. LSP?
This song is 🔥 Holy shit thanks dox and RITTZ beat is off the hook
AYo wat it do homie sick 💯
Kings of Horrorcore
Idk what these fools talking about. This is a good song imo!
Hi by the way I can't remember if I am mentioned it yeah I'm in Northern California Sacramento having fun dealing with a lot of stupid people😊
Yo you got you a good real ads homie on it #Gwinnett County were it from
Imagine a alternative version with a sitar or whatever they called like middle Eastern guitar sounds
"Summon" me. 😈
Id buy a mix tape with these cats power combined
🙆♂️ The South like: "WTF?" & the Nawf like: "OTW"
Lucifer has turned him in a conduit and its beautiful
Coming from the home of red clay dirt I kinda wanna be offended. That'll never happen tho love where I'm from Oklahoma all day
Old turn coat dirty beating the track with rittz🙏cure for covid is here
Owwwwwe this shit go hard!! Kinda shytee
Callab of these 2 long over due
albums been out for months
Anyone who notice that "psycho" was spelled wrong?
So he switched from Turn Coat Dirty to Boondox, back to TCD, then back to Boondox? TCD always made me think of Crown-loyal revolutionary traitors.
At 0:28 there is a typo on "Psychos".
Shit went hard WHOOP WHOOP MMFWCL.
Rittz needed a check
One love for the Pyscos?
Fuckin awesome shit! I love it!
Fucking DOPE!!!!!
Just lost my dad joe pouliot age 82 rest papa boondox was the only rapper he liked
Sorry for your loss may they rest in peace.
Did Strange, & "the label" have a falling out? Been genuinely curious since I've noticed a few features from Strange on MNE.
You really need to collaborate with upchurch
There was a icp type group that had a song that started off with samuel l jackson ezekiel 25:17 from pulp fiction. I cannot remember for the life of me what song it was or who it was by. There were like 3 different rappers on it. The only lyrics I remember and Im not sure if they're right was from an artist (I wanna say they called themselves smokey or something) an it was something like "fuck ya muscle kid I'm the one you don't wanna tussle with.... Fuck around and bomb ya building like osama bin". If anyone can tell me what tf I'm thinking of I'd be eternally grateful.
Demon in the dark-SHI or turncoat dirty ft smokey ramerez
@@Cuddletheinfectionx it was demons in the dark lol. My brother eventually remembered what it was and reminded me.
This track reminded me of how some girls hang out with ugly ones to make themselves look better. If you left strange to do this, I hope you're keeping up with your chef skills
Did you not hear his solo album "put a crown on it"? That's what he left strange to do lol
@@honorforge4150 that one and picture perfect are dope. Tracks like this just ain't for me I guess
La muerte, es uno de los eventos más grandes que jamás tendrá lugar en tu vida.
Afrontamos la muerte todos los días, consciente o inconscientemente de ella; la muerte acecha en cada rincón de nuestra vida. Como un león esperando atrapar a su presa, la muerte nos llega a todos en muchas formas y formas; aparentemente no hay nadie que pueda escapar de las fauces de la muerte.
¿Pero sabías que hay una razón por la que morimos? La idea de la muerte con la que está familiarizado es solo la punta del iceberg. Mira, morimos porque hemos pecado contra Dios. La muerte según la Biblia es paga "porque la paga del pecado es muerte" (Romanos 6:23).Debido a que el hombre pecó contra Dios, vivimos en un mundo caído, antes era perfecto, pero ahora está en ruinas. Ahora que el pecado existe, Dios viene a juzgar al mundo con justicia. Está establecido que un hombre muera una vez y después de este juicio "(Hebreos 9:27). El estándar por el que te juzgará son los 10 mandamientos, la ley moral de Dios.
Él es tan serio acerca del pecado que le dio a cualquiera que pecara la sentencia de muerte, la Biblia dice que te la has ganado pecando contra Dios y cada vez que pecas, acumula su ira. "El alma que pecare, esa morirá". (Ezequiel 18: 4) El castigo son los fuegos eternos del Infierno "Donde habrá llanto y crujir de dientes" (Mateo 13:42)
Tendrás que enfrentarte a Dios el Día del Juicio.
¿Irás al cielo o al infierno?
Aquí hay una prueba rápida:
1-No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí. 2-No harás ídolos. 3-No tomarás el nombre del Señor tu Dios en vano, porque el Señor no dará por inocente al que tome su nombre en vano. 4-Recuerda el día de reposo. 5-Honra a tu padre y a tu madre. 6-No matarás. 7-No cometerás adulterio. 8-No robarás. 9-No mentirás. 10-No codiciarás.
¿Alguna vez has dicho una mentira? robado algo? usó el nombre de Dios en vano? ¿Alguna vez has mirado a alguien con lujuria? Él ve la lujuria como adulterio, “Cualquiera que mira a una mujer con codicia, ya adulteró con ella en su corazón” (Mateo 5:28). ¿Alguna vez has odiado a alguien? él ve el odio como un asesinato, "Cualquiera que odie a otro hermano o hermana es un homicida" (1 Juan 3:15)
Santiago 2:10 dice, "la persona que guarda todas las leyes excepto una es tan culpable como una persona que ha quebrantado todas las leyes de Dios".
No confíe en su propia bondad o buenas obras para salvarlo. Eso es como sobornar a Dios para que te deje entrar al cielo; Ni una iglesia, pastor, sacerdote o religión alguna. Ninguno de nosotros es bueno en absoluto, incluso los asesinos, violadores, incluso Hilter se llamarán buenos y tratarán de justificarse por sus buenas obras. Pero la biblia dice:
• "Pero todos somos como cosa inmunda, y todas nuestras justicias son como trapos de inmundicia; nos marchitamos como una hoja, y nuestras iniquidades, como el viento nos llevaron". (Isaías 64: 6)
La definición de Dios del bien es moralmente excelente y, por lo tanto, exige perfecciones absolutas. Nadie puede igualar sus estándares. Por eso Jesús dijo: • "Nadie es bueno sino solo Dios". (Lucas 18:19)
Si ha hecho alguna de esas cosas, Dios lo ve como culpable de quebrantar su ley y la Biblia advierte que los culpables terminarán en el infierno. ¿Serás culpable el día del juicio final?
"Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, pero la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro". (Romanos 6:23)
Dios envió a su Hijo a sufrir y morir en la cruz. Jesús tomó el castigo sobre sí mismo y derrotó a la muerte en la cruz; no por tu Bien sino porque Dios es rico en misericordia.
"Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, el que en él cree no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna". (Juan 3:16)
Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos y venció a la muerte. Arrepiéntete (vuélvete del pecado) hoy y confía en Jesús y Dios te concederá vida eterna; también nacerás de nuevo.
Él te dará un corazón nuevo que desea la justicia, lo que es justo y un corazón que amará a Dios.
por eso Jesús dijo: "De cierto, de cierto os digo, que el que no nazca de nuevo, no puede ver el reino de Dios". (Juan 3: 3)
Luego, lea la Biblia y obedezca lo que lee.
☆ ¿Cuándo vas a estar bien con Dios?
"Hoy, si escuchan su voz, no endurezcan su corazón como lo hicieron en la rebelión" (Hebreos 3:15) "Ahora es el tiempo aceptable, he aquí ahora el día de salvación". (2 Corintios 6: 2)
• "Tampoco hay salvación en ningún otro, porque no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo dado a los hombres en el que podamos ser salvos". (Hechos 4:12)
Es tu elección. Los dejo con esto: "¿De qué le aprovechará al hombre si gana el mundo entero y pierde su alma?" (Marcos 8:36).
Si te estás tomando esto en serio, ¿te gustaría una oración? Esta oración no es garantía de que serás salvo, eso es entre tú y Dios. Sin embargo, me gustaría que este fuera un buen comienzo para su viaje.
"Padre, te agradezco por el corazón abierto de esta persona y le pido que se arrepienta y confíe solo en Jesucristo. También te pido que guíes sus pasos en su camino para que pasen de la muerte a la vida. En el nombre de Jesús Amén.
Cuando encuentre tiempo, lea esto:
what happaned to boondox? hes not with psycopathic records anymore?
Rittz said fuck ur style, pay me for a verse!!!
wana be kanye eat
Really? Again with the southern devil?
Mama got shot at Joanne fabric...💀💀💀💀
Death, it's one of the biggest events that will ever take place in your life. We face death everyday, conscious or unconsciously of it; death lurks around every corner of our life. Like a lion waiting to catch its prey, death comes for us all in many shapes and form; seemingly there is no one who can escape from the jaws of death.
But did you know there is a reason why we die? The idea of death you're familiar with is only the tip of the iceberg. See we die because we've sinned against God. Death according to the bible is wages " for the wages of sin is death " (Romans 6:23).
Because man sinned against God, we live in a fallen world, it was once perfect, but now in ruins. Now that sin exists, God is coming to judge the world In righteousness. "It's appointed a man once to die and after this judgement" (Hebrews 9:27) The standard he'll judge you by is the 10 commandments, God's moral law.
He's so serious about sin that he gave anyone who sins the death sentence, the bible says you've earned it through sinning against God and God pays you in death. each time you sin you build up his wrath. “The soul who sins shall die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) The punishment is the eternal fires of Hell " Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:42)
You will have to face God on Judgement Day.
Will you go to Heaven or Hell?
Here’s a quick test:
1.You shall have no other gods before Me. (Have you always loved God above all else?)
2.You shall not make yourself an idol. (Have you made a god in your mind that you're more comfortable with, a god to suit yourself?)
3.You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's holy Name as a cuss word?)
4.Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.
5.Honor your father and mother.
6. You shall not murder. (God considers hatred to be as murder, 1 John 3:15).
7. You shall not commit adultery. ("Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart" Matthew 5:27-28; this also includes sex before marriage).
8. You shall not steal. (Have you ever stolen anything? the value of the item is irrelevant).
9. You shall not lie. (Have you lied even once? Including answering these questions).
10. You shall not covet. (Have you ever jealously desired what belongs to others?)
James 2:10 says, “the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.”
The Bible says that God will punish all murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, adulterers, etc. He will even judge our words and thoughts.
If you have done any of those things, God sees you as guilty of breaking His law and the Bible warns that the guilty will end up in Hell. Will YOU be guilty on Judgement Day?
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
God sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross. Jesus took the punishment upon Himself and defeated death on the cross; not because your Good but because God is rich in mercy.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death. Repent (turn from sin) today and trust in Jesus and God will grant you everlasting life.
Then, Read the Bible and obey what you read.
Pray something like this:
"Dear God, today I turn away from all of my sins (name them). This day I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. He is the only way for me to be saved. He is 'The way, the truth, and the life.'" Please forgive me, change my heart, and grant me Your gift of everlasting life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
When you find time please read this, it's Christian principles for growth:
Hail Satan
Shiiiit I keep it wicked Motha Fucka. #CULTSHIT4LIFE #LSP4LIFE #CULTCREWLOVE L's Up 👆👆 Motha Fuckos.
WHOOP WHOOP MMFWCL Juggalo Love Motha Fuckos.
I think Rittz kinda lacked on this one. Still love him, though. Just kinda disappointed me with that verse. Dox fucking CRUSHED IT though. That first verse had me wild. Can't wait to see Dox do this live - that hook is gonna be CRAZY.
I agree his verse kinda threw the song off but he brought it back hence he started chopping it up and boondox finally rapping the wicked shit!!!!
Red: Clay Crazy, Dirt Road, Mist & October....none with Redd lol
i gotta stop smoking lol
I'd like to say I loved it, Just couldn't feel it.
The beat, the verses on both rappers parts, I dunno, Just wasn't no vibe.
Was hoping for something & This wasn't it this time.
I can somewhat agree with this im kinda torn on this one
Listen a dozen or so times. Due to mere exposure you'll start to like it.
It sounds like chomo music
I don't think z rittz did his best on this one, could've been nett
Only here for boondox
Definitely only here 4 rittz
I'm just here for that wicked shit
Now I see why Violent J kept him on a short leash. Sloppy af.
Yea right and Violent J is the best you wish
Same reason Tech must've kept Rittz on one. That was hot garbage.
@@2ScoopsofWhoop you clearly don’t know what your talking about 😂 tech made an interview about rittz there is no bad blood rittz had a short deal with strange and his goal was to do his own thing like most plan to do when they go underground/independent artist
You all clearly don't know what you're talking about. Aaron just text me and said I was right.
Okay straight up, not dissing Rittz, this song would have been a solid Boondox song if it didn’t have a feature on it. Especially as an album opener it hardly made sense to me, I just prefer what he did on his first 4 records I guess. And please, stop using jamie madrox or young wicked on every single chorus and hook. I want BOONDOX on a Boondox track, a feature is okay ONCE in a while. Like fr. That goes for everyone on that label at this point. Its just annoying and lazy as fuck.
Other than that the songs decent and the videos pretty cool actually.
ahhhh ... all that being said... nobody gives a fuck what you want!!! .... they are making the music they WANT to make...maybe post none cry baby posts in the future? ... good day sir..
Didn't know you had your own channel bruh.. subb'd just not a fan of this song...can't win em All though...
I like it but Boondox can do better...