It's a hidden gem, for me. Just found out via youtube. No recommendations because I was listening to Morphine and Deus, no, I had to find out by look for Barman and scroll some. Maby would be easier if it got better tags, or something. Ever since I was a teenager, I've been very much into many types of music and was in love with Deus. From Iceland and first heard Suds & Soda in 95 or 96, their first song on the first album was a lot played on the alternative rock station. Followed them the next decade. Got to see them in Reykjavik,2008 or 2009, I think. Amazing concert. Then I read that one of their heroes was Captain Beefheart so I dug his music up and tried but got some of it. Like this band, Taxiwars. Fueled with experimental stuff, Jazz and Morphine. I love Morphine. Just watched Cure for Pain, Mark Sandman's documentary. I would like to see more of this. It's great music you got going here. I'm just beginning to get to know this but I can see that Barman is still trying out new things. I like that. I'm definitely going to stick around and hopefully see them one day on the mainland.
Just TaxiWars. Best regards from Poland.
It's a hidden gem, for me. Just found out via youtube. No recommendations because I was listening to Morphine and Deus, no, I had to find out by look for Barman and scroll some. Maby would be easier if it got better tags, or something.
Ever since I was a teenager, I've been very much into many types of music and was in love with Deus.
From Iceland and first heard Suds & Soda in 95 or 96, their first song on the first album was a lot played on the alternative rock station. Followed them the next decade. Got to see them in Reykjavik,2008 or 2009, I think. Amazing concert.
Then I read that one of their heroes was Captain Beefheart so I dug his music up and tried but got some of it. Like this band, Taxiwars. Fueled with experimental stuff, Jazz and Morphine. I love Morphine. Just watched Cure for Pain, Mark Sandman's documentary.
I would like to see more of this. It's great music you got going here. I'm just beginning to get to know this but I can see that Barman is still trying out new things. I like that. I'm definitely going to stick around and hopefully see them one day on the mainland.
Yep, they got Cool that they ain't even used yet!
brilliant and shared on our channel !
Love it!!! 👍
F-in' A These guys are so cool. I dig it, I dig it deep!