Manramp: "Pyramid Country" Episode 5
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- More Man and more Ramp than ever before, the Worblers meet up with the PC squad in AZ with special guest Ronnie Kessner. This is bigger than worlds colliding.
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This is the best series on Thrasher by far
Best series on TH-cam
I agree.
I literally went down to post this comment just to find it posted already xD
couldn’t agree more
Now he can mess with space and time? HELL YEAH!!
Thats the damn coolest, everyone needs a manramp!!!
Dude this stuff just looks fun as heck
looks heckin fun, cha!
I think I'm gonna be Manramp for halloween this year
Good idea, I might be too lmao
Omg, great idea. One other Dad in my neighborhood might get it!
Why tho? Manramp isn't scary...he's a HERO!!!!
I think im going to steal your idea. I was gonna be the Muska, but now i can be half ramp AND skate around on halloween.
I wouldn't do it
Manramp and Pyramid Country is the greatest collab we didn’t deserve. Thank you
The man himself finally got a clip on the other side of the wood
I always love it when AZ is included in a skate video so 🔥
Manramp is the greatest skating innovation since the introduction of polyurethane wheels.
Even OSHA can't stop him
These dudes know how to have a good time man
That was great to see "the wedge" in scottsdale az. I learned to skate there, watched Muska skate there in person. Classic spot!
lol my local ditch is called “the wedge” too. wonder how many wedges there are
The Man from the Manramp is the best Man of all the Mans and all the Mansramps.
Manramp is the best series of anything ever. you cant change my mind
so glad to have helpful people like manramp on this earth
These are the best skateboarding videos of all time. They just keep getting better
thrasher is where i come for that sweet man on man, ramp on ramp action
Please never stop man ramp
ManRamp is one of the best things to ever happen
As soon as I see a new man ramp episode I have to watch it
My favorite series!!!
Man ramp feat. A happy medium coming soon!
How amazing would that be?! I cannot even fathom the possabilities
The best skating in a man ramp video by far, so very good
Manramp and Rampman- the dream team
That ramp to boardslide ramp out was tight as hell
🙌 Hands down, best series ever!
Manramp is such a positive and helpful character - exactly what we need in these dark times. Love you Manramp!
This editing and music choice is so good
Agreed, legit music adds so much
These episodes are most excellent
Man, this is so fucking rad to see. Was on a team with Man Ramp back when he was (insert secret actual name) way back when. He and the Worble boys are some of the kindest, most fun skateboarders I've had the pleasure of skating with. Warms my heart to see em finding success. They sure as hell deserve it.
Hell yea, shits cool. Lotta these tricks wouldn't be possible without the manramp 🍻🙋
I can’t get enough man ramp
Yes. The evolution of man ramp continues.
The best series of the channel
every crew needs a manramp!
This series has been Epic.
These just keep getting better 🦖🇮🇪
Definitely ramp of the year
these just keep getting better and better.
Give this manramp a raise
Manramp is nuts. So many things that could go wrong.
If someone ever raised the question "Will man ramp?" the answer is a crystal clear yes.
I thought to myself there cant be anything that different about this one from the other videos. I was wrong, so good!
Youre a National treasure Manramp.
I love these episodes so much
I must've hit my head too hard skating I'm seeing double?
these sre so 80s themed but i still love them. keep them coming
It's official: Manramp is the best series on the Thrasher channel.
Best dudes, best series!
cobra man has been killing these beats
For me this one is the best one!
I keep thinking it can't get any better, but each episode is just as amazing as the last!
Manramp goty of the year!
Manramp of the Year
Super manramp bros! Now just turn this into a video game 🙏🤩
Hail ManRamp!
Finally we needed this one
Best episode so far!
I love seeing clips filmed at the wedge
Man ramp rules!! Much love 💕
Best edit yet
My favourite superhero.
seeing aaron skate at the wedge w manramp was like a dream come true 💙
Frog leap hippy blew my mind instantly.
Manramp's gains are loyal.
Never thought I would see this many episodes of man ramp, hyped🔥
Better and better every time
it's the best video i've ever seen
Long live The Ramp!
When i grow up i wanna be a pro man ramper.
bro saaame!
You better study hard.
That's some of the most creative and fun I've seen in a bit
Can’t wait to see man ramp Halloween costumes
Dude we need more man ramp
AZ love!!!!
the two best brands in skating
Crazy I lived in Man Ramps old house we rented it from his dad we still have contact with them it’s kinda cool I watch all his old clips to find spots around me
I love you Cobra Man
Oh hell yeah that was the best one so far
this gets me so hyped to skate
Adeodat track at the end 👌
Whaaaaat! there's two of em now!!???twice the fun biatch!
Ah, I see it a good Friday indeed.
I really hope this never ends
Man you guys are killin it on some man ramp!! Sooo brutal 🤘🤘
this is the best thing ever!
manramp is a lifestyle
Keeps getting better. That green screen was a creative addition
we need more fun and impressive content like this 10/10
Top shelf.. rad as..
Man Ramp 4 Prez 🙌🏼
manramp is the best ramp
Oh finally another video
This is music! Devo or Men without hats couldnt do it better, and the skate is beyond bundaries.
My god... Manramp... He's multiplied. Manramps? Menram? Rampmans? What are a group of them to be called? A gaggle of Ramps? So many questions...
I thought it was like the Highlander. There can be only one!
Loved this