Great review Maggie. It is easy to hate on this film, but you gave a balanced and fair critique. I especially enjoyed when you said about Ms. Wilde, "... is it the patriarchy that you are really angry with or is it more yourself." Well said:)
I especially love the actress Daphné Patakia, who plays "Bartolomea"; have been intrigued by her since I first saw her in the 2015-2018 TV series "Versailles" about the rise and palatial life of Louis XIV, where she appears in the very last few episodes of the show as a Portuguese noblewoman meant to marry the ornate French king.
I think I enjoyed this film more than you did since I watched it three times but it's not perfect and I wish it had more nuance. I like that you didn't trash it or overpraise it. I'm really digging how you still recommend films you have very mixed feelings for.
08:32 "For some people..." Maggie nails the problem with a certain species of coastal liberal elitism... and, to be clear, I used to be one those smug elitists and till I banged my head against the brick wall of reality, pulled my nose out of my bubble and talked to, for lack of a better word, real people (and, yes, you can only pivot to "false consciousness" and "voting against one's interests" so many times...).
SPOILERS What bothers me about this movie is that Pugh's character seems to be happy until the matrix starts to glitch which starts her to question her reality. If this movie really where to criticize the old nuclear family structure with a male breadwinner and a housewife they could have done a better job at communicating that putting women in a corner where they have only a supporting role to their male counterparts is not a good idea. Pugh's character isn't really frustrated of a lack of self-fulfilment, and if the program behaved completely perfectly she apparently would have been completely fine staying at home and getting the good head from mr. Styles. In a sense, Olivia Wilde's film kind of unintentionally glorifies the patriarchal society of the 50's in the first half and in the second half criticizes sexism in the 2020's instead of doing something that is thematically cohesive.
I was wondering if you were going to review this. Ignoring everything behind-the-scenes and what's been said in the press, all of which I could care less about, I really didn't care for this movie. This is one of those movies where the discussions we're going to have about it are vastly more interesting than the movie itself.
I don't think it's a good film either but I agree. It's not THAT bad. The drama definitely contributed to the film's reception in an unfair way. There's a lot going for it and some genuinely interesting ideas explored. Florence Pugh is extraordinary. I wouldn't rewatch it, but I would definitely recommend it to older family members who who don't have the patience for something more idea-heavy.
Can you please review All Quiet on the Wester Front (2022)? It’s on Netflix and reminded me a bit of Come and See. Absolutely brutal at times and I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on that score.
My biggest problem with the movie is the fact, that at the end it extremely simple story pretending to be something more. It’s like a single episode of “The Twilight Zone” that is ok for 45 minutes but absolutely does not support more of that. Especially that the emotions and grit of the real world are the most interesting and powerful here but we only see it for couple of minutes.
I managed to stay away from the drama surrounding this film til recently and I think it's made my viewing of it much differently than others who were aware of the drama beforehand. I saw elements of Get Out, Stepford Wives and Death Becomes Her in _Don't Worry Darling_ . The latter I've yet to see anyone else bring up. I haven't seen Booksmart yet but I plan to at some point. Anyway, good review Maggie!
I do like the film mainly because I was charmed by the "Look at me! I'm a director!" level of eye popping visuals promised in the trailer - definitely something I would want to see projected on a large screen in stark contrast to Booksmart. (And of course Florence Pugh is so luminous and watchable so she can carry a broadly written film.) So my main issue isn't the choice of ending - B grade Black Mirror but with A+ cinematography - so much as the abruptness of it. For instance, I wanted to see a bit more of the culmination of Gemma Chan's arc which I didn't read as a patronising, "You go girl!" moment but actually more like Stephen from Django Unchained style female enforcer of the established order. It would've been cool to see a minute or two of that character continuing the Victory Project.
great review maggie, i think the big problem with this film for me is the writing.. it needed to be more complex and neutral in terms of Men Vs. Women aspect of things, the female characters here needed more layers and personality.. that said, i don't actually think it's as bad as people say, it's just a missed opportunity because it has something that could have been very interesting
At 6:00 minute mark, you mentioned it would be great to see more roots in the relationship. If you pick up the eerie perfection of the landscape and routine of these couples, you can get a feel for the foundation being hidden as the symbolic foreshadow. The whole point is that it's missing. Your not supposed to have it there without realizing that it's missing in the first place for a reason. Perfect for a psychological thriller.
Oh darling I was worried during the whole movie. This movie to me has no direction at all. Harry Style’s acting was not helpful either. Florence was the film’s saving grace.
Getting a bit tired of every movie now giving itself away by making the straight white man the enemy. Not only is it problematic, it’s cheap and counterproductive to entertainment. I enjoyed the movie.. but it was deeply flawed.
I very much agree that the film lacks stakes and grit and this is what makes it unsatisfying but also that it received a lot of hate that had everything to do with press and nothing to do with the film itself.
Imo this is a perfect example of putting to much story emphasis on the BIG TWIST. Like a lot of movies like that (coughShymalancough)-it just ends of feeling derivative and a lot of creators think a twist can fill in for things like good characters dialogue etc. You mention Get Out a lot and thats a movie that imo as much as theres so many great BIG IDEAS there at the end of the day kaluuya and williams relationship is what holds the movie together.
I would have liked to see Wilde explore the idea of controlling behavior in women and what a woman’s simulation and subjugation of men would look like. The 50s theme and visuals were kind of formulaic, it’s something we’ve all seen before so it didn’t seem fresh. I did really like the acting and camerawork, it was really creepy. It felt like a horror movie at times and I loved when Lee was seeing visions of her actual reality for split seconds at a time.
I didn't realize it until I saw the film several times and began to comprehended the quick flashbacks, but Jack takes Alice against her will--he knocks her out and places her on the bed. There's a flashback, that lasts only a second, where we see Alice being dragged across the floor of their apartment, a pool of blood (her blood) is in the background. As I said, I didn't "get" this until about the fourth viewing. Also, Alice is supporting Jack who's unemployed. She's a surgeon and he takes that career away from her without her consent. This movie is more a condemnation of the high tech industry and its close ties to the military industrial complex than a direct condemnation of patriarchy although the two are intricately linked. Keep in mind that Olivia Wilde is the daughter of Andrew Cockburn. I've carefully watched the film several times and saw no instance where the direction was uncertain or the acting inauthentic. I look forward to the next collaboration between Olivia Wilde and Kirsten Silberman.
Just seen it recently, average at best for me. I like how they brought back a retro vintage look, I just never really felt any connection to any of the characters to empathize to, the twists were nice and made it interesting to keep watching and the end they did leave it open to a sequel but overall let's say I'm just not anticipating another Olive Wilde film. A good Horror movie I'd compare it to that blows this one away is The Invitation which is worth watching.
Thank you for speaking out against its messaging. It's what ruined an otherwise intriguing movie for me. I find it really offensive to claim that I'm some menace to society just because I'm a man. I hated that Don't Worry Darling ended up just being a platform for Olivia Wilde to condescend these harmful beliefs to the audience, because it ruined what would have otherwise been an interesting movie
I just finished it. I agree with a lot of your opinions about it, but I probably liked it better than you did. It looks fantastic. Pugh is great, as always. But I think Wilde screwed herself by giving bad publicity. It’s just a classic twilight zone-type movie. It’s the incredibles, matrix, dark city, and Truman show. I could have used a little editing, more character development, and a little deeper dive into the darkness. The “Truman show” twist is totally fine, but would have been better to be a bit more sinister - maybe a bit more horror.
This was my thoughts as well. I didn’t think it was a great movie, but it’s not really bad either. It’s superficially entertaining. It has good performances, a great style, but really has nothing to say outside of vague pop-feminist notions, which I’ve seen done way better in other movies recently.
I think that I liked this film more than you did. I like your review. You provide a moderate thumbs up (in my interpretation) but for me, I liked that twist and the commentary that it makes on today's society. What seemed on first blush as a turnback retro film from the 50s, isn't that at all. Alice is a strong, smart, accomplished woman who questions her reality as events occur and she gets gaslit. At first, like a vacation she rolled with the ease of her housebound life with ballet lessons. But that changes. We see that Jack (and the male colleagues) are desperately trying to turn back the clock to the 50s, especially in their dealings with their wives and women. Often this is done without the wives' knowledge or consent. Chris Pine personifies the all-knowing man-with-a-plan who commands respect. How different is his plan than from the current political climate? I liked the surprises. I liked where it went and I feel I will appreciate it more upon a second viewing. I do think that the Olivia Wilde character in the film is also quite fascinating. Hints are given. Viewers need to pay attention. Worth a viewing.
This movie will eventually become a cult classic; it's not perfect but it has interesting things going for it, and the cinematography and sound design are incredible.
I was not a fan of this one. It started off really well then just went nowhere for basically the rest of the film. I really liked the music though. I thought that was genuinely great
I'm completing a PhD and I am on a college campus often, this patriarchy talk has kind of run its course, and men are giving women what they want and now they're ten times more miserable... Men do just fine without the nonsense of having women around
You would not have to kidnap or lie to women to get them to go there many women would love to go. Maybe not Instagram models but here In Baltimore if you talked to the average woman bar maid waitress or any other they would sing up an leave right now. House paryt's shopping no worry about bills not have to work and a good man is not just a dream for men but women to. But I left school to start building homes with the other males in my family so what do I know but I watched it with my fiancee last night an she said the same thing. Best wishes to you and yours.
The two things I liked from the movie is the looks of the 1950's style community, and the fact that the main bad guy is based on Jordan Peterson the king of the incels lol. F#ck the Patriarchy (power should be given as equally to both men and women) and f#ck capitalism most of all!
There was no real takedown of any of Peterson’s views, she just demonized him because he believes in inspiring confidence in young men. He’s pretty tame for someone in this space if you’re familiar, and he’s not a misogynist or remotely similar to Frank. In the film his desire was for control and to take an isolated wealthy community with a very specific way of life and spread out, a civilization separate from the poor and the “other”. She could have found a much better target who actually has these views (they’re out there and some are popular). Instead she just picked the first boogie man she could fin. It was pretty lazy on her part.
@@BB-ed4om Back in the 1940's the beginnings of what was the internet were created at MIT. This was done with tax payer dollars. By the way you yourself are a tax payer. So the public were the investors. After the MIT had a functioning internet, the government was all over that like flies on shit, because anytime there's a new invention the government will want to know if it has a military application. Of course it did so it was handed to the state. After a while the state handed the technology to private corporations like Apple and Microsoft who then market the hell out of it and sold the internet back us, the people. That simply had NOTHING TO DO WITH CAPITALISM. The people were the investors (with their tax dollars) and did not resive capital gain from it even though the investment was successful. They only resived the product wich was handed to them by the state 😂.
@@BB-ed4om Also peterson has taken several photos with that stupid icon Pepe which is a poster boy figure of the fascist far right. Yes peterson is like a quasi self help guru but he's also a rally point for fascists right wing caca mania.
@@RB-.- personal accountability, addressing your own issues before addressing world issues, general life advice for stability in life, exploration of the benefits found in maintaining traditions, etc etc
Hey! Huge new fan of yours, and I just watched Pastoral: To Die In The Country by Shuji Terayama. I am BLOWN AWAY. It is the greatest, most surreal movie I have ever seen and I'm sure it is right up your alley! Thanks for your all your videos!
10:15 I think it speaks more the chaotic volume of American politics. I guess relying on backers on candidates is the big issue, rather than representative focus within a political party which is more due respectful to opposition. Because with backers they can have huge influence and allow the crazy circus to say things without consequences. In either case, right wing autocrats are legit a threat interms of being against Democracy, threat actors and such. But i guess the point is whether the movie is good or not. Not seen it because i dont think the cinema has it here yet so far as i know. But would like to see it.
I don’t think it’s a good movie but I hate how any time a movie is about men oppressing woman, the movie gets slated as “Woke” Its so dumb. I mean Alien, Terminator, Thelma and Louise, all these movies would be called woke if they were made today
the entire movie is like the stepford wives. hollywood should stop using the "white man" or "the patriarchy" is the enemy. our enemy now is being entitled and woke.
I feel like this movie is how NOT to do The Stepford Wives (75). Now, the aforementioned isn't a perfect movie and it's really a dark satire of men's fears of women being independent of them, but it wasn't a mess like Don't Worry, Darling is.
I finally watched this…it’s like a very hackneyed , Mediocre extended episode of BLACK MIRROR. Pseudo feminism indeed….as the film moves along and you realize the story…it just gets worse and worse, more cliches as the “twist” is revealed, I literally went ON NO…UGH … . It seems to be VERY CLUMSILY TRYING TO MAKE A POINT , the point makes no sense really. I give it a C minus.
Great review Maggie. It is easy to hate on this film, but you gave a balanced and fair critique. I especially enjoyed when you said about Ms. Wilde, "... is it the patriarchy that you are really angry with or is it more yourself." Well said:)
Please, review Benedetta. It's Paul Verhoeven's latest work and I think it's one of his best.
I especially love the actress Daphné Patakia, who plays "Bartolomea";
have been intrigued by her since I first saw her in the 2015-2018 TV series "Versailles" about the rise and palatial life of Louis XIV, where she appears in the very last few episodes of the show as a Portuguese noblewoman meant to marry the ornate French king.
I think I enjoyed this film more than you did since I watched it three times but it's not perfect and I wish it had more nuance. I like that you didn't trash it or overpraise it. I'm really digging how you still recommend films you have very mixed feelings for.
08:32 "For some people..." Maggie nails the problem with a certain species of coastal liberal elitism... and, to be clear, I used to be one those smug elitists and till I banged my head against the brick wall of reality, pulled my nose out of my bubble and talked to, for lack of a better word, real people (and, yes, you can only pivot to "false consciousness" and "voting against one's interests" so many times...).
What bothers me about this movie is that Pugh's character seems to be happy until the matrix starts to glitch which starts her to question her reality.
If this movie really where to criticize the old nuclear family structure with a male breadwinner and a housewife they could have done a better job at communicating that putting women in a corner where they have only a supporting role to their male counterparts is not a good idea. Pugh's character isn't really frustrated of a lack of self-fulfilment, and if the program behaved completely perfectly she apparently would have been completely fine staying at home and getting the good head from mr. Styles.
In a sense, Olivia Wilde's film kind of unintentionally glorifies the patriarchal society of the 50's in the first half and in the second half criticizes sexism in the 2020's instead of doing something that is thematically cohesive.
I was wondering if you were going to review this. Ignoring everything behind-the-scenes and what's been said in the press, all of which I could care less about, I really didn't care for this movie. This is one of those movies where the discussions we're going to have about it are vastly more interesting than the movie itself.
Wilde needs to take a lesson from Anna Biller
I don't think it's a good film either but I agree. It's not THAT bad. The drama definitely contributed to the film's reception in an unfair way. There's a lot going for it and some genuinely interesting ideas explored. Florence Pugh is extraordinary. I wouldn't rewatch it, but I would definitely recommend it to older family members who who don't have the patience for something more idea-heavy.
This movie doesn't portray or explore a single thing that hadn't been overdone by the time the 80s came along.
This review had incredible depth. Making so many great points. Like how such a story with a deluded philosophy can be fascinating to watch.
Can you please review All Quiet on the Wester Front (2022)? It’s on Netflix and reminded me a bit of Come and See. Absolutely brutal at times and I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on that score.
My biggest problem with the movie is the fact, that at the end it extremely simple story pretending to be something more.
It’s like a single episode of “The Twilight Zone” that is ok for 45 minutes but absolutely does not support more of that. Especially that the emotions and grit of the real world are the most interesting and powerful here but we only see it for couple of minutes.
Excellent review, I think you nailed the flaws and explained why.
I managed to stay away from the drama surrounding this film til recently and I think it's made my viewing of it much differently than others who were aware of the drama beforehand. I saw elements of Get Out, Stepford Wives and Death Becomes Her in _Don't Worry Darling_ . The latter I've yet to see anyone else bring up. I haven't seen Booksmart yet but I plan to at some point. Anyway, good review Maggie!
What a great review. Incredibly incisive and interesting analysis. Thank you.
So many films to watch but I’d definitely recommend reviewing The Banshee of Inisherin after seeing at the movies last week
I do like the film mainly because I was charmed by the "Look at me! I'm a director!" level of eye popping visuals promised in the trailer - definitely something I would want to see projected on a large screen in stark contrast to Booksmart. (And of course Florence Pugh is so luminous and watchable so she can carry a broadly written film.) So my main issue isn't the choice of ending - B grade Black Mirror but with A+ cinematography - so much as the abruptness of it. For instance, I wanted to see a bit more of the culmination of Gemma Chan's arc which I didn't read as a patronising, "You go girl!" moment but actually more like Stephen from Django Unchained style female enforcer of the established order. It would've been cool to see a minute or two of that character continuing the Victory Project.
Agreed. I wish the film had another 30 minutes at least.
great review maggie, i think the big problem with this film for me is the writing.. it needed to be more complex and neutral in terms of Men Vs. Women aspect of things, the female characters here needed more layers and personality.. that said, i don't actually think it's as bad as people say, it's just a missed opportunity because it has something that could have been very interesting
At 6:00 minute mark, you mentioned it would be great to see more roots in the relationship.
If you pick up the eerie perfection of the landscape and routine of these couples, you can get a feel for the foundation being hidden as the symbolic foreshadow.
The whole point is that it's missing. Your not supposed to have it there without realizing that it's missing in the first place for a reason.
Perfect for a psychological thriller.
Oh darling I was worried during the whole movie. This movie to me has no direction at all. Harry Style’s acting was not helpful either. Florence was the film’s saving grace.
Such a great take on this movie and Olivia Wilde
Getting a bit tired of every movie now giving itself away by making the straight white man the enemy. Not only is it problematic, it’s cheap and counterproductive to entertainment.
I enjoyed the movie.. but it was deeply flawed.
I very much agree that the film lacks stakes and grit and this is what makes it unsatisfying but also that it received a lot of hate that had everything to do with press and nothing to do with the film itself.
Florence Pugh is such a powerhouse.
Wilde really couldn't find anyone better to pair her up with than a boyband person?
Imo this is a perfect example of putting to much story emphasis on the BIG TWIST. Like a lot of movies like that (coughShymalancough)-it just ends of feeling derivative and a lot of creators think a twist can fill in for things like good characters dialogue etc.
You mention Get Out a lot and thats a movie that imo as much as theres so many great BIG IDEAS there at the end of the day kaluuya and williams relationship is what holds the movie together.
I would have liked to see Wilde explore the idea of controlling behavior in women and what a woman’s simulation and subjugation of men would look like. The 50s theme and visuals were kind of formulaic, it’s something we’ve all seen before so it didn’t seem fresh. I did really like the acting and camerawork, it was really creepy. It felt like a horror movie at times and I loved when Lee was seeing visions of her actual reality for split seconds at a time.
I didn't realize it until I saw the film several times and began to comprehended the quick flashbacks, but Jack takes Alice against her will--he knocks her out and places her on the bed. There's a flashback, that lasts only a second, where we see Alice being dragged across the floor of their apartment, a pool of blood (her blood) is in the background. As I said, I didn't "get" this until about the fourth viewing.
Also, Alice is supporting Jack who's unemployed. She's a surgeon and he takes that career away from her without her consent.
This movie is more a condemnation of the high tech industry and its close ties to the military industrial complex than a direct condemnation of patriarchy although the two are intricately linked. Keep in mind that Olivia Wilde is the daughter of Andrew Cockburn.
I've carefully watched the film several times and saw no instance where the direction was uncertain or the acting inauthentic. I look forward to the next collaboration between Olivia Wilde and Kirsten Silberman.
Happy Halloween, Maggie.
Stay safe and have a beautiful day.
Just seen it recently, average at best for me. I like how they brought back a retro vintage look, I just never really felt any connection to any of the characters to empathize to, the twists were nice and made it interesting to keep watching and the end they did leave it open to a sequel but overall let's say I'm just not anticipating another Olive Wilde film. A good Horror movie I'd compare it to that blows this one away is The Invitation which is worth watching.
Love your reviews. Would love to hear your thoughts on the original Texas Chain Saw, and Violation.
We have pretty much the same taste. My review was that this is not a good movie, but not terrible as everyone was saying.
Beautiful looking movie with a lot of surface questions with no answers
You're right. The extreme feminism isn't the best look for Olivia Wilde.
And what is the best look for her?
Charolotte Carson!!
I knew from the trailer alone that the movie would have some kind of Twilight Zone twist.
Am I crazy or is she like…absurdly beautiful 👀
Is this on hbo max?
Now it is.
Thank you for speaking out against its messaging. It's what ruined an otherwise intriguing movie for me. I find it really offensive to claim that I'm some menace to society just because I'm a man. I hated that Don't Worry Darling ended up just being a platform for Olivia Wilde to condescend these harmful beliefs to the audience, because it ruined what would have otherwise been an interesting movie
I just finished it. I agree with a lot of your opinions about it, but I probably liked it better than you did. It looks fantastic. Pugh is great, as always. But I think Wilde screwed herself by giving bad publicity.
It’s just a classic twilight zone-type movie. It’s the incredibles, matrix, dark city, and Truman show.
I could have used a little editing, more character development, and a little deeper dive into the darkness. The “Truman show” twist is totally fine, but would have been better to be a bit more sinister - maybe a bit more horror.
I haven't seen this movie, and I don't know I want to see it...Anyways great review.
Your drawings are amazing.
This was my thoughts as well. I didn’t think it was a great movie, but it’s not really bad either. It’s superficially entertaining. It has good performances, a great style, but really has nothing to say outside of vague pop-feminist notions, which I’ve seen done way better in other movies recently.
I think that I liked this film more than you did. I like your review. You provide a moderate thumbs up (in my interpretation) but for me, I liked that twist and the commentary that it makes on today's society. What seemed on first blush as a turnback retro film from the 50s, isn't that at all. Alice is a strong, smart, accomplished woman who questions her reality as events occur and she gets gaslit. At first, like a vacation she rolled with the ease of her housebound life with ballet lessons. But that changes. We see that Jack (and the male colleagues) are desperately trying to turn back the clock to the 50s, especially in their dealings with their wives and women. Often this is done without the wives' knowledge or consent. Chris Pine personifies the all-knowing man-with-a-plan who commands respect. How different is his plan than from the current political climate? I liked the surprises. I liked where it went and I feel I will appreciate it more upon a second viewing. I do think that the Olivia Wilde character in the film is also quite fascinating. Hints are given. Viewers need to pay attention. Worth a viewing.
This movie will eventually become a cult classic; it's not perfect but it has interesting things going for it, and the cinematography and sound design are incredible.
Great acting florence
This movie was shockingly derivative. It’s as if the writers assumed the audience hasn’t seen a single movie in their entire life
I was not a fan of this one. It started off really well then just went nowhere for basically the rest of the film. I really liked the music though. I thought that was genuinely great
I'm completing a PhD and I am on a college campus often, this patriarchy talk has kind of run its course, and men are giving women what they want and now they're ten times more miserable... Men do just fine without the nonsense of having women around
Nice review
Harry Styles can’t act that’s the problem.
You would not have to kidnap or lie to women to get them to go there many women would love to go. Maybe not Instagram models but here In Baltimore if you talked to the average woman bar maid waitress or any other they would sing up an leave right now. House paryt's shopping no worry about bills not have to work and a good man is not just a dream for men but women to. But I left school to start building homes with the other males in my family so what do I know but I watched it with my fiancee last night an she said the same thing. Best wishes to you and yours.
For me, this movie felt like a long episode of Black Mirror.
The two things I liked from the movie is the looks of the 1950's style community, and the fact that the main bad guy is based on Jordan Peterson the king of the incels lol. F#ck the Patriarchy (power should be given as equally to both men and women) and f#ck capitalism most of all!
There was no real takedown of any of Peterson’s views, she just demonized him because he believes in inspiring confidence in young men. He’s pretty tame for someone in this space if you’re familiar, and he’s not a misogynist or remotely similar to Frank. In the film his desire was for control and to take an isolated wealthy community with a very specific way of life and spread out, a civilization separate from the poor and the “other”. She could have found a much better target who actually has these views (they’re out there and some are popular). Instead she just picked the first boogie man she could fin. It was pretty lazy on her part.
Also, iPhones, comment sections, big budget movies, and TH-cam are results of capitalism.
@@BB-ed4om Back in the 1940's the beginnings of what was the internet were created at MIT. This was done with tax payer dollars. By the way you yourself are a tax payer. So the public were the investors. After the MIT had a functioning internet, the government was all over that like flies on shit, because anytime there's a new invention the government will want to know if it has a military application. Of course it did so it was handed to the state. After a while the state handed the technology to private corporations like Apple and Microsoft who then market the hell out of it and sold the internet back us, the people. That simply had NOTHING TO DO WITH CAPITALISM. The people were the investors (with their tax dollars) and did not resive capital gain from it even though the investment was successful. They only resived the product wich was handed to them by the state 😂.
@@BB-ed4om Also peterson has taken several photos with that stupid icon Pepe which is a poster boy figure of the fascist far right. Yes peterson is like a quasi self help guru but he's also a rally point for fascists right wing caca mania.
There's one actor in this movie that has to be careful not to be typecasted as "guy in a 1950s simulation". Some of you know the one.
To be fair, she did do a total misread on our boi peterson
your boi peterson maybe
What exactly does peterson even stand for? not even hating i’ve just never seen his therapy
Agreed. She jumped to some seriously crazy conclusions about him.
@@RB-.- personal accountability, addressing your own issues before addressing world issues, general life advice for stability in life, exploration of the benefits found in maintaining traditions, etc etc
Peterson is so overrated
Hey! Huge new fan of yours, and I just watched Pastoral: To Die In The Country by Shuji Terayama.
I am BLOWN AWAY. It is the greatest, most surreal movie I have ever seen and I'm sure it is right up your alley!
Thanks for your all your videos!
I think it speaks more the chaotic volume of American politics. I guess relying on backers on candidates is the big issue, rather than representative focus within a political party which is more due respectful to opposition. Because with backers they can have huge influence and allow the crazy circus to say things without consequences. In either case, right wing autocrats are legit a threat interms of being against Democracy, threat actors and such. But i guess the point is whether the movie is good or not. Not seen it because i dont think the cinema has it here yet so far as i know. But would like to see it.
I don’t think it’s a good movie but I hate how any time a movie is about men oppressing woman, the movie gets slated as “Woke”
Its so dumb. I mean Alien, Terminator, Thelma and Louise, all these movies would be called woke if they were made today
the entire movie is like the stepford wives. hollywood should stop using the "white man" or "the patriarchy" is the enemy. our enemy now is being entitled and woke.
I feel like this movie is how NOT to do The Stepford Wives (75). Now, the aforementioned isn't a perfect movie and it's really a dark satire of men's fears of women being independent of them, but it wasn't a mess like Don't Worry, Darling is.
Hey. I want to know why you sit on the floor where you do for all of your videos?
What gossip?
I finally watched this…it’s like a very hackneyed , Mediocre extended episode of BLACK MIRROR. Pseudo feminism indeed….as the film moves along and you realize the story…it just gets worse and worse, more cliches as the “twist” is revealed, I literally went ON NO…UGH … . It seems to be VERY CLUMSILY TRYING TO MAKE A POINT , the point makes no sense really. I give it a C minus.
All the ugly baggage around the movie disincentives me from seeing it.
Couldn't finish the movie...Just not good.
This one sounds like an utter disaster. Jordan Peele is also an awful director, btw.
Bad movie made by the ideologically possessed. This isn't art, its propaganda. Go watch Blonde. Now that's art.
Maggie did you just say what's wrong with the patriarchy WTF. Talk about Stockholm Syndrome.
Hi Maggie .You are so beautiful girl