Hi there, I don't personally but I can see Rightmove have 2 houses available at the moment. You can take a look at the below link, hope this helps! 😊 www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/108324479?
I have heard that the schools in Tunbridge wells are very good. The standard of those schools can be compared to those top schools in Kingston and Sutton? My budget is about 60K. But really hesitate to buy the houses in UK before landing in UK. There is a new living area called Knights Wood which is being built now. I guess you may know so. Not sure if the property company which is responsible for building it is reliable. I really want to know if you know the school places are very limited in Tunbridge wells? I think there are many ppl want to live there as the schools there are good. As mentioned before, I like Sutton, Barnet and Kingston. However, the school places are so limited that the students are finally assigned to the schools beyond catchment areas. Besides, do you think the Grammar schools in Kent or even Tunbridge wells are very demanding?? Many HW, tests, etc to push students to study so as to keep the standard of academic performance? Or students of grammar schools can still have whole person development and enjoy different extra-curricular activities? It's so hard to search for such aspect of information from internet. I really want to know about it. I will seriously consider Tunbridge wells and Sevenoaks. I have to search for more information about Sevenoaks first. Not sure the quality of schools there is really good too. Ophelia, thanks so so much for answering. You are really really great to let us know different aspects of UK. What you have done is highly appreciated!!
the schooling in tunbridge wells is exceptional, the two main boys grammar schools are near the centre and the most famous would be the girls grammar school, which is also very close. however it is a rather expensive area, but by my observations, the entry to the schools isn’t actually that limited as long as you score well in your entry exam and uphold that standard, all grammar schools also offer very well organised sports clubs that tend to score high and do well in tournaments, as well as the combined cadet forces that teach the students respect and help with team building. the knights wood area is only a bus ride away from both schools and seems to be a relatively well established building site, i hope this helps a little
係我自己喜歡嘅地區先會介紹畀大家😉 多謝支持! ❤️
Thank you Ophelia 💜
My pleasure ❤️
Hi Ophelia, 妳好呀🌻第一次睇到妳嘅影片👍👍👍非常讚🌹🌹🌹謝謝您悉心分享咁好嘅資料😘㊗️妳生活愉快🌻🌻🌻身體健康🎋🎋🎋🙏🙏🙏
Hello, 你好! 唔使客氣, 大家咁話, 多謝支持! 😊🙏
THANK YOU, KENT對於港人相對陌生, 謝謝介紹.
Kent 有好多地方都唔錯, 適合香港人過嚟落腳, 有機會同大家介紹多啲. 😊
好呀, 有機會介紹多啲 Kent唔同嘅地方! 😊
@@opheliachan 你照顧二孩仍要拍片真不容易啦!有機會也可分享下你自己移英的心路歷程。😃
thank you! I hope so too 😊🙏
Lived there for 9 months, a few years ago. It is expensive, but it also represented the best period of my life
The area is very nice indeed 👏
@@opheliachan you can say that again. And the residents are welcoming and well educated. However, scotland is even better :-)
hello會唔會分享吓 Canterbury ? thx
好呀, 搵一 集同大家分享下! 😊
我都起Tunbridge Wells 落腳,下個月搬入去
移民英國唔容易, 恭喜你找到適合自己嘅地方, 加油! 😊
@@opheliachan 我係無BNO所謂港票一族.從大陸走難來香港,再Tier 2走難來UK.都係蒙上帝恩典,多得起香港八年經驗,人脈幫助唔少,永遠感謝香港哩個地方.香港變大陸,真係心痛.懷念香港個花花世界,青山綠水.
@@davidau3984 謝謝你分享自己嘅故事, 祝福你在英國展開人生新的一頁, 天父必在英國看顧你!
David, 你將會在Tunbridge Wells 那裏落腳?可否分享一下你的置業心得?Thanks
你拍些片好睇!, 加油
唔使客氣, 多謝支持!
唔使客氣, 多謝支持!
小朋友最喜歡去玩具店! 我依家去得最多就係toy shop 😂
No idea
我入政府網想搵你video內提及的排名表,搵唔到。請問係邊個位一次過show哂Royal Tunbride Wells中學排名呢?唔需要加哂啲學校去My School Checklist?
Royal Tunbridge Wells 真係唔錯架! 過嚟睇下你就知道啦!
Ophelia, 我同你一樣有兩個小朋友,歲數都相近。請問您覺得Tunbridge Wells 適合家庭d定Sutton好d?
Hello Tiffany, 兩個地方都好, Tunbridge Wells 環境靚啲, 如果有多啲Budget可以揀Tunbridge Wells, Sutton入倫敦方便啲!
@@opheliachan 多謝你回覆!Kent除左TW之外,有無其他新樓盤近倫敦d既選擇呀?
唔使客氣! 😉
Redhill 有好多選擇, 我鍾意食健康啲, 通常會去馬莎買salad. 有非常多種類選擇. 熱嘢可以買整好嘅ready meals. 例如有意粉, 西班牙飯等等, 質素都好好. 😊
@@opheliachan thank you😍
你好,升學顧問介紹Bethany school,唔知好唔好,另外如果讀呢間學校,住tunbridge ok嗎?謝謝🙏
Thank you Ophelia from Hong Kong
my pleasure! 😊
Hi can I ask any one bedroom introduce for rental/buy? And the price? Thx
Hi there, I don't personally but I can see Rightmove have 2 houses available at the moment. You can take a look at the below link, hope this helps! 😊
Ophelia Chan Thank you😊
@@paml6112 my pleasure!
Excuse me, may I ask this place is soft water or hard? I like your video. Thank you for sharing.
Hi, south of the Uk are usually hard water area. You can easily install a softening water system at home, hope it helps!
which area? you can email me for more info ;)
唔同時段唔同收費, open return ticket 大概20磅左右😊
Hello, 你好啊! 😊
已經出咗倫敦, 係倫敦東面嘅Kent!
但Kent 最近破產
46分鐘火車到達zone 1 London Bridge.
I have heard that the schools in Tunbridge wells are very good. The standard of those schools can be compared to those top schools in Kingston and Sutton?
My budget is about 60K. But really hesitate to buy the houses in UK before landing in UK. There is a new living area called Knights Wood which is being built now. I guess you may know so. Not sure if the property company which is responsible for building it is reliable.
I really want to know if you know the school places are very limited in Tunbridge wells? I think there are many ppl want to live there as the schools there are good. As mentioned before, I like Sutton, Barnet and Kingston. However, the school places are so limited that the students are finally assigned to the schools beyond catchment areas.
Besides, do you think the Grammar schools in Kent or even Tunbridge wells are very demanding?? Many HW, tests, etc to push students to study so as to keep the standard of academic performance? Or students of grammar schools can still have whole person development and enjoy different extra-curricular activities? It's so hard to search for such aspect of information from internet. I really want to know about it.
I will seriously consider Tunbridge wells and Sevenoaks. I have to search for more information about Sevenoaks first. Not sure the quality of schools there is really good too.
Ophelia, thanks so so much for answering. You are really really great to let us know different aspects of UK. What you have done is highly appreciated!!
the schooling in tunbridge wells is exceptional, the two main boys grammar schools are near the centre and the most famous would be the girls grammar school, which is also very close. however it is a rather expensive area, but by my observations, the entry to the schools isn’t actually that limited as long as you score well in your entry exam and uphold that standard, all grammar schools also offer very well organised sports clubs that tend to score high and do well in tournaments, as well as the combined cadet forces that teach the students respect and help with team building. the knights wood area is only a bus ride away from both schools and seems to be a relatively well established building site, i hope this helps a little
@@mermisha Thanks so much for your valuable information.
甘同Sevenoaks 邊好啲?
兩個地方都好, 視乎個人需要不同. 如果有讀中學嘅小朋友咁Tunbridge Wells會好啲, 因為多啲中學選擇. Sevenoaks係倫敦通勤小鎮, 入倫敦非常方便, 我自己鍾意Sevenoaks 多少少. 😊
@@opheliachan 多謝。🙏
@@opheliachan Ophelia, 上次你介绍Pontoon Dock apartment 做投資出租,但入去property agents 的纲睇下發現价錢都幾貴。两房apartment 平均要四十到五十萬英磅。可能係近市中心的原因?
若要揾两房apartment大约三十萬到四十萬英磅的最好選邊到好? 係地鈇沿線和治安好嘅。
@@joannechan9130 Hi Joanne, 如果你要找London 300,000嘅兩房單位, 地段可能會冇咁好. 一房單位就好多選擇. 你可以參考以下網址:
@@opheliachan 會否两房容易租出?其實想買两房。可能租的租客生BB都唔晒搬。😄
Year 9 開始要揀科目, 預備中四讀咩以及會考.
好似同倫敦樓價差不多, 東倫敦仲平點, 但車費咁貴?
Tunbridge Wells 有些區域比起有啲東倫敦嘅樓價為貴, 可能因為佢係Kent 算係比較富裕嘅區域. 車費貴係因為要搭高速火車入倫敦, 先可以用46分鐘入到倫敦zone one. 😊
Royal Tunbridge Wells 真係好地方喎!未移民的巴打同埋色是打快快起程移民英國咯,唔係第二時特區政府落閘果陣時,想走都無門路。
Royal Tunbridge Wells 真係好地方, 所以介紹俾大家! 我自己都好喜歡! 😊
Tunbridge wells同Surrey 比較那區好
講真, 係好難比較. 因為Tunbridge Wells 係 Kent其中一個小鎮, 比較細, Surrey好大. 我諗要睇下係Surrey邊一區. 度度都有好有唔好, 冇十全十美嘅, 睇下你自己嘅需要最為重要. 😉
我找緊Surrey new build有冇好介紹見過Epsom有,TW有
Can you make video in English
Sure I can add english subtitles next time, will it help? Unfortunately I don't have enough time to make an English version😅
York. City 比佢靚好多 !英國大把 small city 好靚 , 只係你哋識唔識享受 local !
English gentleman n lady !
York的確都好靚, 無錯, 其實英國都有好多小鎮係好嘅落腳地.
英國買樓送老婆是真的? $599,000的幸福美滿一家Plan, 老婆x1, 小朋友x2, how about 老婆x2, 小朋友x1?
Thanks! 請問當地就業機會多嗎?
請問你係找什麼工作呢? 零售業工作會比較多, 好多人都會選擇入倫敦工作, 因為人工高啲! 😊
肯特 房价不便宜。Chatham有个中文学校
要睇下係Kent邊一區...你住係Kent? thanks for sharing.
Bye bye 👋
You can email me at: itsmeopheliac@gmail.com