Artist Sarah Stefana Smith on her 2023 BCA Center Exhibition "Willful Matters"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • In her BCA Center exhibition, Willful Matters, interdisciplinary visual artist and scholar Sarah Stefana Smith combines materiality, aesthetics, Black art and culture, and queer theory in two recent bodies of work that interrogate identity, Flag to the Abyss and Asymmetries/ Symmetries. Through imagery that is both provocative and contemplative, Smith challenges viewers to consider these intersecting ideas and how the lines of demarcation around difference - race, gender, or sexuality - are used to constitute and establish belonging.
    Using cotton, plastic, netting, fiberglass screen, and thread, Smith interrogates meaning through the possibilities of materials in her textile-based weavings, Flag to the Abyss. As the artist explores the tension between the definable and opaque, the familiar and the abstract, they employ photography and sculptural works on paper in Symmetries/Asymmetries to reflect on the formal relationships between light and shadow, line and form.
    Resisting transparency, and striving to express the boundless opacity of the marginalized subject, Smith engages viewers in Willful Matters to consider the relationship of these ideas within the context of Black and queer identity proposing they serve as a means for Black artists and cultural producers to exceed categorization.
    Willful Matters is on view at the BCA Center, 135 Church St, Burlington VT, from February 10 - May 6, 2023. Gallery hours are Wed-Fri 12-5 pm & Sat 12-8 pm. Learn more at

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