Vs 1 Placed on a cross and broken Should anyone have to see their son die get crucified I've never known a king I've never known a prince of Peace to give himself up for you and me Now I know a Father that gives Himself for orphans To be part of His family. Chorus Blood and pain completely faced. It is vain for those who don't stop to listen Innocence put to death for the hearts that are wicked Burn a hole in my heart until I am all You are......Holy 2nd verse Now I have the peace Above comprehension And this Joy rising in this heart You are True Salvation I’ve never known a love to carry all my shame to cancel all my sins wipe away these stains Now I know a Savior that gives Himself for sinners FOREVER part of HIS family Chorus Bridge: All we Like sheep have gone astray We have turned everyone to his own way But You have laid upon Yourself The iniquity of us all You were bruised for our transgression Crushed for our sin All we like sheep You have left the 99 for me. --
Vs 1
Placed on a cross and broken
Should anyone have to see their son die get crucified
I've never known a king I've never known a prince of Peace to give himself up for you and me
Now I know a Father that gives Himself for orphans To be part of His family.
Blood and pain completely faced. It is vain for those who don't stop to listen
Innocence put to death for the hearts that are wicked
Burn a hole in my heart until I am all You are......Holy
2nd verse
Now I have the peace
Above comprehension
And this Joy rising in this heart
You are True Salvation
I’ve never known a love to carry all my shame to
cancel all my sins wipe away these stains
Now I know a Savior that gives Himself for sinners
FOREVER part of HIS family
All we Like sheep have gone astray
We have turned everyone to his own way
But You have laid upon Yourself
The iniquity of us all
You were bruised for our transgression
Crushed for our sin
All we like sheep
You have left the 99 for me.