She’s not wrong about that sleep mask. It’s amazing. Everything is adjustable and customizable and literally black out. I was skeptical about that part but it’s literally awesome
I have sleep insomnia and I have never fallen asleep by videos and I fell asleep in under 15 minutes watching this. You have worked wonders for me! Thank you!!!
@@matthewbrewer4046 TH-cam analytics let's you know how much of your video people watch and if they skip specific parts. I don't know if sponsors see/request that data but I let it play just in case.
Hi Sarah. This is phenomenal timing. It's 2:30am here in England. I can't sleep at all but this will be a big help. I've been struggling with depression the last week or so, feeling quite low. I know I'll feel better soon but it's been a rough week. I know everything will be fine though. Anyway, best wishes to you and I hope everything is going well in Mexico 💙
We’ve been in this pandemic too long, when she said “sleep masks” I immediately thought “why would we have to wear masks when we sleep? Is it for couples who are high risk?” 🥲🥲🥲🥲 i hate myself lmao
you could even be like "well the tests came back positive" and it would take me a minute to snap out of the relaxation and be like "oh that's bad, huh?"
Does any of these people get paid for this? Also I get these tingling when I go to the MD and he listens to my lungs. Thought it was just me though. New to these but I do like them. Also the regular assessment videos also
Firstly, I absolutely loooove your videos!! Your voice, the tingles- - the pure relaxation I have at the end of each video is 💆🏻♀️.... ok, serious question what is the name of the lipstick you are wearing???
This was very nice! I love the real ness in the little things, like changing the gloves and saying the reason why your using a pen and paper is because the system is down and when you say things like “stare at my face okay” like how did you know I was watching the touch hahah, so great haha, in other videos I watch they never add this much detail and it just makes a big difference!! Thanks girl! You are great! Xox Also I’m watching from Austraila, what country are you filming from? Xox 💗💗
New subscriber here came from Be Brave asmr and I I've your videos now I alternate between 2 of The best asmrtists I tend to watch the same videos so I look forward to watching all
Her voice is so comforting
Idk why but your voice is the best trigger
Yes! Her whisper voice is perfect.
Yes, but FredsvoiceAsmr is also very good in my opinion
she's born for it!!
I'm a big fan of longer ASMR videos. Not that I ever stay awake for the whole thing.
lol mood
2:55-2:58 is such a simple but cool transition 👏🏾
She should do a vid where she puts the mask over the cam like that and either leaves it there while she speaks or takes it on and off.
I have to admit that your doctor roleplays are all time favorites for me 😊 Also congratulations on reaching 80k!
Thank you Aleksandar! :)
Sarah Lavender doing a doctor ASMR?? Say no more, good night everyone!
She’s not wrong about that sleep mask. It’s amazing. Everything is adjustable and customizable and literally black out. I was skeptical about that part but it’s literally awesome
Her doctor role plays are absolutely god tier
S tier
13:06 “Please stare at my face ok?”
Me: 👁👄👁
honestly just you explaining the sponsors product is so relaxing
I have sleep insomnia and I have never fallen asleep by videos and I fell asleep in under 15 minutes watching this. You have worked wonders for me! Thank you!!!
Omg i've been using the manta sleep mask since it started back on kickstarter in 2017. It's honestly the best sleep mask i've ever worn!
How this page only has 80k subs is beyond me, surely be at least a mil by the end of the year. Excellent vid as usual 👌
We need an ear cleaning type video, when you go from ear to ear and whisper the whole time and some inaudible whispers😍 Love all your videos💯
Me, a medical student, watching the night before my check offs. Thank you for teaching me and for the ASMR goodness!!!
When you hit 1 million subs I'll be proud to say that I was around since you were 40k
I originally skipped the ad at the start but then felt bad, went back and played it all the way through.
Get paid girl.
@@matthewbrewer4046 TH-cam analytics let's you know how much of your video people watch and if they skip specific parts. I don't know if sponsors see/request that data but I let it play just in case.
my ad was 12 minutes long ;^[
I skipped it too. Saw this comment, felt bad and went back and watch it 🤣
@@Jaimothy They pay you ahead of time. They don’t just take the money back lmao
@@ryantrejo5684 Fair but they might not re-up the sponsorship if the numbers aren't there.
I’m here to get my Tingle prescription refilled.
She’s getting sponsors now👍👍👍 love how her channel is growing
Dr Sarah 'whispering' has become my go to sleep aid. Thanks Sarah! See you in the morning
As soon as I saw it was a Doctor roleplay I knew I would sleep well. I was not disappointed. Thanks Sarah.
Just ordered the Manta sleep mask with your code! Naps are life, and I love supporting my favorite creators. :)
Yay thank you Anthony! Hope you like it! I literally use mine every night haha
@@SarahLavenderASMR You’re welcome!Definitely will be using mine for my daily nap!
I need you to do a part two of the teacher one! That was so good, I watched it over 20 times! All of your videos are awesomely done!
Thank you Maisie! 💕
Her role plays are next level, this was so relaxing. Thank u for this
Lavender and Belle are top tier right now
“As comfortable as possible” might be the best asmr phrase of all time
“Do you have any areas of concern?”
Me: broadly gestures towards my face
me too bud, me too :(
Hi Sarah. This is phenomenal timing. It's 2:30am here in England. I can't sleep at all but this will be a big help. I've been struggling with depression the last week or so, feeling quite low. I know I'll feel better soon but it's been a rough week. I know everything will be fine though. Anyway, best wishes to you and I hope everything is going well in Mexico 💙
Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time. Sending you the best of wishes
Hoping for the best for you❤️
@@krystle8090 Thank you for your kindness.
@@fizzydogg Thank you very much.
Stay strong bro, better times are ahead🙏
I really love the Doctor role plays 👍🏻
Your voice is so comforting especially with the gloves 🧤
I could watch this all day.
i always fall asleep super fast to your videos so honestly i probably have only seen like 10minutes of each of your videos since i’ve found you 😅
We’ve been in this pandemic too long, when she said “sleep masks” I immediately thought “why would we have to wear masks when we sleep? Is it for couples who are high risk?” 🥲🥲🥲🥲 i hate myself lmao
(15:17) "You have a very good general bill of health."
*Realism shattered.*
Your like the whole galaxy itself lays inside. 😍😍💖💖🌌
You’re my favorite ASMRtist ever Sarah! 💜
This was so relaxing, Sarah! The setup of this video was amazing! So tingly as well! Loved it!
You deserve a million subs
Your puppy eyes just made my day
9:30: "big breath in" *inhales* "another one" *struggles*
Sarah Lavender doctor role plays are the ultimate cheat code!
Just what we needed, true and only true. Wohoo!!
Good: day, night, nap, sleep, work hours, or whatever the thing you are doing fellow citizen.❤
I fell asleep at my desk listening to 2 of her vidoes! love asmr
I am from México, and a few days i discover your channel and I love it, thanks for all videos
Just wanted to pop in & say that you’re wonderfully talented. Thank you for the respite you grant us with every video
Keep up the great work! Your asmr is my favorite 🤩 I’d love if you could make more videos about living in Mexico!!
I am currently super sick and just feeling over all horrible and your videos always make me feel better thank you
Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon!!
So relaxing laying down for the evening. ☺️
you could even be like "well the tests came back positive" and it would take me a minute to snap out of the relaxation and be like "oh that's bad, huh?"
also the reflections in the glasses and on the wall were a really cool and unique element of this video.
Best of the best! Thanks for sharing and greetings from Germany!
Man Tingle overload 😁 Nice work Sarah👌
Awesome roleplay! 💜👍🏼👍🏼
I love this video, and would love it if you made longer medical roleplays.
Also, you look just like Belle from Beauty and the Beast ❤
Very soft and comfortable voice 🌹
I feel like an actual medical practice is a safe fall back for her.
Best medical videos are yours keep up the awesome work 👍
Love the video and the sleep mask looks so cozy! 😴
I swear bruh I'm glad i subscribed, cause i been enjoying all her vids, definitely helps me relax and get sum sleep 🙏.
Can confirm, was relaxed
It took me 24 minutes into this video to realize that’s the reflection of the ring light and not a lit up mirror....
80k subs. Congratulations!
Damn. I fell asleep before the manta sleep plug was over
Can confirm Manta Sleep masks are amazing
Thank you so much, medical videos! Doctor Sarah role plays! Good luck 👍 thank you 👍
🔥🔥🔥 I need more role plays you just kill each and every one
Gracias, Doctor Lavender! This put me to sleep quickly last night, had to watch the end today... Excelente! 😉
Does any of these people get paid for this? Also I get these tingling when I go to the MD and he listens to my lungs. Thought it was just me though. New to these but I do like them. Also the regular assessment videos also
Watch your videos falling asleep every night. Greeting from China
Love your videos!! Can you please do a dentist asmr video with gloves and mask and white turtleneck?
Firstly, I absolutely loooove your videos!! Your voice, the tingles- - the pure relaxation I have at the end of each video is 💆🏻♀️.... ok, serious question what is the name of the lipstick you are wearing???
10:49 I’ve used that line before
You have a lovely relaxing voice.
The gloves so nice 😀
Best asmr channel 👍🏻
Oh my gooooooooodnessss 😴 Im so relaxed rn
Best notification ever 🤩🤩
Hi Sarah could you do a whole video but for the 22:20 part from your cranial nerve exam video? It's so good
This is so nice and tingly
I really enjoyed your exam that you do more like this
This was very nice! I love the real ness in the little things, like changing the gloves and saying the reason why your using a pen and paper is because the system is down and when you say things like “stare at my face okay” like how did you know I was watching the touch hahah, so great haha, in other videos I watch they never add this much detail and it just makes a big difference!! Thanks girl! You are great! Xox
Also I’m watching from Austraila, what country are you filming from? Xox 💗💗
Thank you Elly!! 💗 I love Australia! My best friend lives in Sydney :) I'm from the US but right now I'm living in Mexico!
So tingly
This is amazing! You’re beautiful! Thank you so much for making these videos! ♥️
I got such a good nights sleep thanks to this :))
Hey Doc Lavender, back in town. ☺️🌷
Doctor, your voice feels like frizzy soda flowing in my brain 😌
Thinking that mask can help with my migraines. I need it super dark to get any relief
This is a great video very relaxing
New subscriber here came from Be Brave asmr and I I've your videos now I alternate between 2 of The best asmrtists I tend to watch the same videos so I look forward to watching all
Ur the best !
Worlds best asmr-tist 🏆
I swear to god all of her videos just knock me unconscious. She’s a menace
Where did you get those glasses??? PLEASE YOU BEAUTY😍😍😍
where do you get all those tools??
I was asleep before the video even began😍
my favorite series! doctorrrrrr zzzzzzzzzzz
u r so relaxing woman ♥♥
Very relaxing!
Lavender > Sleep masks