Which DBD Killers Are Actually Fun to Face? | Killa Whale Response

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 103

  • @Kondziorek55
    @Kondziorek55 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    "I wish I could love facing this killer but sadly I'm just stuck where I enjoy playing the killer"
    Literally me with every killer

    • @salvatore2004
      @salvatore2004 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      so why still play? lol

    • @sirfudgepops7169
      @sirfudgepops7169 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@salvatore2004 to play killer?

  • @certifiedclown939
    @certifiedclown939 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Wraith.. yeah. I loved his lore, but the amount of them I see that proxy camp has really soured him. Bonus points for being likely to have NOED

    • @MightyJabroni
      @MightyJabroni 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Wraith mains appear to be the black sheep among the M1 faithful. They are often so sweaty and tunnel players out at 5 gens. Which is a shame, because in and off itself, Wraith is a simple but well designed killer.

    • @sirfudgepops7169
      @sirfudgepops7169 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      im sorry but if ur still complaining about noed in 24' you might be bad

  • @Zoulz666
    @Zoulz666 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +46

    It depends on who's playing the killer imo. No killer is fun to go against if they camp hooks, tunnel people out, slug, run tons of slowdown/aura reading/noed etc. That being said, oftentimes having bad team mates will ruin the game more than whatever killer you happen to going up against as well.

    • @leaderofthecrabrevolution7755
      @leaderofthecrabrevolution7755 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      THIS! I think the player matters more than the killer they choose. Because even if they play a killer I find miserable like Trickster, if they at least play for fun and have a personality, I’ll have a much better time. It feels like so many killers are just tryhards who just want to win no matter what.

    • @white_hound6811
      @white_hound6811 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      I get it bud winning is fun so you get mad when people don't let you win lmao sound like a skill issue to be honest

    • @Zoulz666
      @Zoulz666 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You don't need to play like an asshole to win. If you do, then that's a skill issue.@@white_hound6811

    • @Reulonfr
      @Reulonfr 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@white_hound6811so you think camping and tunneling is the only way to win in pubs
      Lil self report there bud

    • @white_hound6811
      @white_hound6811 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@Reulonfr when did I say that?

  • @Bryan48950
    @Bryan48950 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I’m assuming that survivors rank killers based on who they get outplayed by lol.

  • @mushymcmushington7176
    @mushymcmushington7176 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Gotta defend my boy Pyramid Head. He's my main and my favorite Killer to play against. Pre-drop pallets, crouch through his trails, and hold W to the next tile after you manage to bait and dodge a Punishment. His recovery after Punishment is quite lengthy, which is the main thing to play around.
    Side Note: Petition to correct his weapon description that calls his weapon a chef's knife. It is very clearly, as his creator has confirmed, one half of a giant pair of scissors.

  • @spooky0_0.
    @spooky0_0. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    My personal thoughts on facing each killer:
    Trapper: Most of the time, I don't mind him, but he makes me paranoid at loops, causing me to constantly check the ground for traps in the next match 😂🥶🥶
    Wraith: Perfectly fine; the only time I get nervous is when he's running the silent bell add-on.
    Billy: Always a pleasure; he's a goated killer to face.
    Nurse: ... The least fun and interactive killer for me to play against. Nothing is more problematic than a killer ignoring gameplay mechanics.
    Huntress: It depends. Iri hatchet is unfun, and the hitboxes of her power upset me.
    Myers: Always makes me anxious, especially with Tombstone.
    Hag: Rare to encounter, so facing her feels like a new experience to me 😂😂
    Doctor: Neutral.
    Freddy: Neutral.
    Leatherface: I love looping skilled Bubbas and respect those who pull off insane chainsaw hits.
    Pig: I have PTSD facing her. She's cute, yes, but most pig players I encounter tunnel and camp. Also, I never have the luck of removing a trap on the first attempt, so I'm forced to waste time going around the map to interact with boxes.
    Clown: Neutral.
    Spirit: Dislike her because predicting her movements is hard, and I have a heart attack when she appears in front of me.
    Legion: Neutral and oddly satisfying when I make them miss a frenzy attack lol.
    Plague: Neutral most of the time, but I dislike it when my teammates cleanse early.
    Ghostface: Always makes me jump because I've had many games where I've been grabbed out of nowhere 😂😂
    Demo: Always fun and cute to face.
    Oni: I like facing skilled Onis, and when he's ready to activate his power, I'm terrified.
    Deathslinger: I enjoy going against him and predicting where he'll shoot through gaps.
    Pyramid Head: Mad respect for skilled executioners, but when they tunnel, it's not so fun. Usually, though, I enjoy facing Pyramid Head.
    Blight: Fun to face, but only when he's not using overpowered add-ons.
    Twins: Like Hag, encountering them feels like finding a unicorn in the middle of a grassland.
    Trickster: Neutral.
    Nemesis: He makes me laugh every time I face him 😂😂. His running animation is hilarious. The only killer who has permission to tunnel me 😂😂.
    Pinhead: I actually enjoy going against him. If I start to despise a Cenobite, it's because the solo queue factor makes him unbearable sometimes.
    Artist: I don't like her. Constantly throwing birds at gens and activating perks like DMS annoy me.
    Sadako: Similar to other stealth killers, she always scares me.
    Dredge: It's atmospheric, which I like, and another character that unnerves me.
    Wesker: Many people praise this character, but I don't see anything special about him. Yes, yeeting survivors sounds unique, and he has funny voicelines, but at the end of the day, he's another strong character with a "Dash" attack. Facing him is a 50/50. Sometimes it's enjoyable; other times, it's not. His popularity is starting to become annoying mostly.
    Knight: Okok hear me out. DISGUSTINGLY HOT TAKE: Knight becomes fun to face if you understand his counterplay. It's not just holding W. When I can loop him and a guard, I feel a sense of adrenaline. The only time I really dislike Knight is when he heavily stall the game.
    Skull merchant: Rare nowadays, and I feel neutral about her.
    Singularity: Neutral.
    Alien: Really fun, and I like covering myself with turrets lol. The tail attack feels unavoidable sometimes, but it depends on the loop mostly.
    Chucky: I love him, and going against him is funny. The counterplay feels unique. He's not a killer you loop normally because his height makes him challenging to face, but in a fun way. Plus, his voicelines are mean and make me chuckle 🤭🤭

  • @Ginamy72
    @Ginamy72 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why do people think removing overheat will do anything for Billy? I’ve LITERALLY NEVER overheated my chainsaw in 3 years of playing dbd. How might I buff billy? Just increase his speed while revving the chainsaw to some small decimal to prevent getting fu##ed by weird tiles constantly on certain maps.

  • @tealizard6671
    @tealizard6671 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    TRAPPER: Fun to play against, love playing around his traps. WRAITH: Boring/Annoying to play against M1 body block killer, also almost always runs Sloppy Butcher ;( . HILLBILLY: The MOST fun killer to face don't need anything more to say. NURSE: She is pretty fun when she isn't CRACKED but I enjoy her none the less. MYERS: Love facing him the suspense of whether or not he is a tombstone or not is the scariest part other than scratched mirror Myers jumping you around the corner. HAG: I haven't found a fun hag yet.... DOCTOR: I hate the part of his power where you can't use items or vault it sucks, and I get hit on hook the most by doctors ;( HUNTRESS: Love trying to dodge her hatchets usually pretty good players, the new ones are super fun too :) BUBBA: I love facing him my second favorite killer to face his power is good but not op, lopping him is fun and intense but not too hard I love Bubbas. FREDDY: Well this one is in the middle for me it depends fake pallets are awesome. Dream snares are alright but he is an M1 killer at the end of the day so I guess I like facing him. PIG: I like pig too (I love killers with secondary objectives plz add more killers with this) I think ambush is so fun to play against its very balanced. CLOWN: I get tunneled by Clown and hit on hook his power is fun to play against, but BM kinda ruins it sometimes ;( so not really. SPIRIT: I actually love facing Spirit I don't find her too bad I like play against her although I don't go against many spirits nowadays. LEGION: Mend Simulator :( PLAGUE: Love the idea of pick your poison with being basically exposed all game till around the last gen your to or play against Red Vomit Plague she is fun to loop too. GHOSTFACE: I get some pretty toxic ones and a few funny ones but I like facing against him another killer who is actually scary. DEMOPUPPER: I love Demopuppers they ain't op and not too weak also its fun play against shred :) ONI: Power is cool to play against they are usually good at the game and don't BM me that much so I like them :) DEATHSLINGER: Ok, I am a Slinger main as killer so I love facing him bc ik some tricks to make them miss >:) also just fun to play against a slinger who tries to go for crazy shots like Das was saying. PYRAMID HEAD: I love facing this killer too I love dodging his M2 and the torment thing is an awesome mechanic ( Also maybe slightly biased cause I've always loved Silent Hill...) BLIGHT: fun to face most of my Blights aren't adderall abusing monsters who use the same builds over and over his power is so fun to play against also hard to play against makes the game more challenging and intense :) TWINS: Sluggers bad kick Victor good me not like Twins tho, they hit me on hook too ;( TRICKSTER: He just isn't fun to play against idk. NEMESIS: Fun to play against his tentacle also the zombies are the stupidest AI in this game so it makes for good laughs. CENOBITE: I like the secondary objective part ( The box) but I always end up doing it all in all I like facing him. ARTIST: She is meh to play against I like certain parts of her kit but i guess I like her people need to play her more. SADAKO: I actually love the secondary objective part of the tapes its fun plus she can be scary at times so I like her. Dredge: He is scary, I love his gimmicks, I like the locker part of his kit they also happen to be very chill and no BMing like ever Top 5 favs for sure. WESKER: I love playing against his power it is one of my favs to play against they also try to good for long range grabs so I respect it alot. KNIGHT: I like facing knight he is hard to play against but evading him and his guards is really fun for me. SKULL MERCHANT: Terrible design idk what to say they need to rework her completely or something she is boring not scary she is idk forgettable. SINGUALRITY: I want to see more of you fun killer to play against the chases are different bc of the teleport mechanic and it makes them more fun. XENOMORPH: I love trolling with the turrets and placing them on a loop to be stupid (Yea ik they slug and tunnel alot but I find it so funny with the turrets so they cancel out I don't mind Xeno). CHUCKY: he is fun he is like Legion but better he has stealth, a fast vault and a big lunge he is the most unique killer so far and he is a blast.
    That's it my score was : 26 /34 Not bad, so I like 76% of the roster and don't like/hate 24% (Also feel free to judge or argue with my placements). Merry Christmas to everyone W vid again :)

  • @dyIann
    @dyIann 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The worst is fucking Wraith and Huntress like whew and not even in a anti-men way but a majority of the male killers are soooo unfun to go against such as Wraith, Clown, Blight, Pyramid Head etc. but I love Myers, Wesker, Billy, GF, and others
    HOWEVER, Twins, Pig, Chase Hag, Skull Merchant, are some of the most fun to me.

    @JOSHZOMBIEKILLER13 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video has changing my outlook on killers and has helped reignite my love for DBD

  • @mrbagel2214
    @mrbagel2214 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I only really hate three and a half killers. Wraith for his ability to proxy camp hooks, Nurse for avoiding loops and being difficult to escape, and Clown for the distortion his bottles give. Nurse and Wraith were created in early stages of DBD, so maybe a power change in regard to stealth or looping would make them better.
    Half point goes to twins because as much as I hate that little baby, they are a very rare occurrence in public matches

  • @Genjario
    @Genjario 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I write this before I watch the video
    Personally i really enjoy playing against deathslinger, don’t know why but he is my favorite killer to face
    Singularity is a killer I faced only 3 or 4 times and it was always fun
    Nemesis and Pyramide Head are killers I like to face because I play them to and see the matches as a opportunity to learn
    Ghostface is funny because I see it as meme rounds (scary movie 1 is the reason whaaaasuuuup)
    Killers I hate to face are Plague (only one fun game) huntress (it got better) Doktor (gen torture) and pig (personal trauma from one of my first matches)

  • @GorbombZombay
    @GorbombZombay 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Love facing my mains Myers chucky freddy twins top hated nurses huntress oni and coin flip between skull merch/wraith since their just boring to go against…Artist/Spirit can be tough but I rarely see em when I play survivor.. ever since that add on got switched on spirit I never see her but always liked facing her DMS artists can be annoying/boring tho

  • @slavajuri
    @slavajuri 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Ayy love the based Pinhead take. I like playing against every killer, I don’t necessarily like playing against many killer players. Something Whale mentioned that I found kinda meh in his videos was that not enjoying a killer means you didn’t enjoy anything about the match. Yeah it’s probably true for a lot of veterans - that’s a normal thing people go through.
    But it’s not true for everyone. I’ve had brutally unfun matches with hilarious moments that made them worth playing. And if I’m playing with friends, I’ll find any match a fine enough experience to keep playing with them.
    Edit: I love playing Sadako and I love mid-chase teleports! Unfortunately she’s very heavily incentivized to manage her TVs as a resource, and using them mid-chase is usually not the most efficient…

  • @mariasilenthill
    @mariasilenthill 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don't mind any killer as long as they play fair and not toxic

  • @metaberd5879
    @metaberd5879 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Heres what my list looks like.
    10 Enjoy: Trapper, Billy, Nurse, Huntress, Pig, Demogorgon, Oni, blight, twins, chucky,
    12 Neutral: Bubba, Freddy, legion, ghostface, pyramid head, trickster, nemesis, cenobite, onryo, knight, skull merchant, singularity,
    12 Dont enjoy: Wraith, Myers, Hag, Doctor, clown, spirit, plague, deathslinger, Artist, dredge, wesker, xenomorph
    I included a neutral because i honestly am not sure about a lot of those killers. Some lean towards like, and some leans toward dislike, but i gauged it on 3 different reactions.
    Oooooo (insert killer) vs. its (Killer) vs. Ughh freaking (killer). And it also just depends on my mood. Sometimes i will like playing against wraith or myers, but more often than not i want nothing to do with them. Same with some of the ones in enjoy. I play more killer than survivor though, probably for this reason, where I only really like to play against 1/3rd of the killers. so go figure i prefer the killer role.
    If i did sort the neutral ones it would probably be 18 enjoy, 16 dont enjoy, so thats basically 50/50.

  • @murdermonkey_lol
    @murdermonkey_lol 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The killers I don't like to face are: Wraith, Leatherface, Plague, Trickster, Cenobite and Alien

    • @thedutywarlord264
      @thedutywarlord264 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ohh no im an alien main 🥲

    • @murdermonkey_lol
      @murdermonkey_lol 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thedutywarlord264 Lol nw, my main is also in this list 😬

  • @hirammontesdeoca3826
    @hirammontesdeoca3826 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Make up your mind already! Tell me, what does Huntress is supposed to attack with when Survivors are within 4 Meters away from her?
    *A* Use M2 against the Survivor = I'll be called an tryhard sweat lord.
    *B* Use M1 against the Survivor = I'll be called an M1'tress.
    *C* Tell Survivors that they are valuable, and their only purpose on life is to reach their goals and live their dreams, and their future is brimmed with personal achievements and sociopolitical influence. They should take care of themselves ⛈🌧🌦🌥⛅🌤now☀.

  • @E_2the_mma
    @E_2the_mma 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't have much to say on which killers I enjoy facing as I mostly play killer but what I do have to say is that transition between games was was great

  • @unkownperson9250
    @unkownperson9250 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    all are fun including nurse and blight ppl need to stop crying abt the best killers

  • @nicolasbolas2247
    @nicolasbolas2247 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    You know a game is designed horribly when only half of the killers are fun to face and less than that of the maps are fun to play on

    • @DavidAlmodovar-eo8dg
      @DavidAlmodovar-eo8dg 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Are u going off someone else's opinion?

    • @nicolasbolas2247
      @nicolasbolas2247 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DavidAlmodovar-eo8dg No. My own

    • @Zakon673
      @Zakon673 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I mean most killers in the game have a wide variety of opinions on who finds them fun. I love playing vs Pinhead, most survivors hate him. But a lot of people like Plague for whatever reason and she is one of the only two killers I hate to play against.

  • @TarhosTheKnight
    @TarhosTheKnight 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    My top 4 killers I love playing against are...
    1. *Oni* - They're super rarely ever seen in the game lately, but back in the day I absolutely loved going against Oni. I
    2. *Ghost Face* - Huge fan of the Scream franchise, and it's hilariously terrifying to go against a killer who could see you from anywhere.
    3. *Huntress* - Hearing her lullaby from a distance and avoiding her hatchets just gets my heart pumping.
    4. *Knight* - Delightfully fun to meet a killer from the Medieval Times! Lately, I've met a bunch who just spared me; the first one I met during the recent Hallowed Blight event I chased after for an autograph LMAO.

  • @Tehstampede
    @Tehstampede 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Honestly I think it's fair to say that most survivor mains probably just don't enjoy DBD anymore but have spent so much time on the game that subconsciously they try to convince themselves that they're still having fun. I can't play survivor anymore because it feels braindead with such a limited toolkit. They have a ton of perks and items but lets be real the perks only tilt things slightly in a different direction; none of them are noticeable changes to the basic survivor gameplay loop. Killer mains on the other hand do have access to a huge variety of changes to the core killer gameplay loop because each killer has a skillset that changes how they interact with the map and survivors.
    I play killer 95% of the time so take this with a grain of salt, but I would enjoy playing survivor more if there were more ways to actually play as a survivor. For instance, there's really no way to evade detection because the smallest you can make yourself is a high crouch, and once you're in a chase the only way to evade the killer is to do some sick 420 MLG pro loop strats which let's be honest most people playing survivor struggle with.

  • @Razorhawkzor
    @Razorhawkzor 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Survivors have a low chance of liking the killer, killers have a low chance of liking the map.

  • @polarblade1159
    @polarblade1159 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't play survivor, but I think it all depends on the player- people have insulted my trapper because I "camped" (I didn't cuz its boring for me as well, they were just salty that I 4k'd them at 4 gens on RPD in Iri 1, no clue why I'm this high) and they have been very wholesome with my hag. Just have 50 hours of experience so can't be 100% certain

  • @MissionControlDRG
    @MissionControlDRG 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Trapper really just needs those addons :(. I hate running them but i gotta

  • @hyperboi4077
    @hyperboi4077 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like how I just started watching killer whale yesterday and this gets recommended to me.

  • @dion8895
    @dion8895 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    100% agree on the Wraith mains stereotype- the scummiest hard-tunneling, face-camping, slug-and-bleed out the team, players I've ever gone against have all been Wraiths. It's like when little Billy Booger-eater learns how to play the game just well enough to know how to be an asshole, that's the killer of choice for them. I have no respect left for Wraith, even for any "good" Wraith mains that may actually be floating out there. I just expect the worst type of scumlord as soon as I hear the first "whoosh"

  • @evanmelendez0627
    @evanmelendez0627 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When the pin heads are cracked, it’s not to enjoyable for me since if they hit their chains then there’s not much you can do besides I guess try and break them faster off of you. Box is no issue for me though lol

  • @ericbotondbatternay8452
    @ericbotondbatternay8452 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I actually prefer facing xeno than playing as simply because it’s satisfying to torch tf out of its power.

  • @dylux97
    @dylux97 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm a bad survivor (in chase) whoever I face, so it just comes down to aesthetics lmao

  • @BraidensWorldProductions
    @BraidensWorldProductions 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Very hot take: chucky, twins, nurse, huntress, and skull merchant are very fun to face

    • @Nutte.
      @Nutte. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As a twins player i do wish i saw more of them when i play survivor. Last time i saw one was uhhh....last winter (good lord its been a year)

    • @murdermonkey_lol
      @murdermonkey_lol 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I never faced a Twins so I don't really know what it is like. Imo a lot of killers are fun to face against if they don't just tunnel and camp

    • @Tehstampede
      @Tehstampede 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      If you know how to play against them yeah sure. Unfortunately most people don't and even when you do know what to do, it can still be frustrating to play within the survivor's limited toolkit.

    • @Marverick1998
      @Marverick1998 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Finally, someone else who thinks post rework Skully isn't actually that bad. I get quite excited facing her. She's a guilty pleasure of mine. 🤷‍♀️ I have yet to dislike a match against her now.

  • @raphaelcarre6144
    @raphaelcarre6144 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I likeraly only dislike at all times facing wraith and trickster + ( your solo Q teamates)
    Nice video as always

  • @Ginamy72
    @Ginamy72 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Lol bros mad at us Wraiths for having an info addon with a range of 8 meters lol. Go complain about ultimate weapon honestly. Complaining about wraith in 2023 even when he still hasn’t recovered from the .25 second post uncloak movement speed debuff is crazy.
    Still love you Das Food

  • @danielsurvivor1372
    @danielsurvivor1372 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    >Hates fighting wraith who's just silly lil billy who's innocent
    >Loves fighting nurse
    ??? Why though? Nurse is so infuriating even if the player is mid and isn't that good

  • @dkres82
    @dkres82 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I disagree that Pinhead is always a skill issue. Like I’ll be the only one on my team that will even attempt to get the box most of the time, while the rest just ignore it so I get tunneled out early or they insta DC but that’s usually a plus because the bots actually try to do the box.

  • @pitypotato1151
    @pitypotato1151 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Personally the only killers i dislike playing against is Clown cause of his distortion effect that makes me have a migraine and doctor cause the sound design makes me have a migraine, but i only play survivor with friends so i can always mute the game against doctor so the only killer I actually have a bad time against is clown, who ive only gone against like twice lol

  • @lillipton8838
    @lillipton8838 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Many factors go into as to why someone would dislike a killer, i dislike myers not because he is op, but because he doesnt have a power at all (you're gonna get out of tier 1 in 20 seconds so i dont count it) so every myers match for me is against an m1 killer with an expose (and even then, being exposed isnt a chase ability or something, just a status effect)

  • @freezerounds
    @freezerounds 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nurse aside (unironically = dc), most of my frustrations in my survivor matches comes from playstyles more than powers, as well as bad play by randoms.

  • @mattiacicchetti4728
    @mattiacicchetti4728 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wesker, Blight and Trickster are absolute devils of hell to go against. But the real nightmare are the teammates who lose even against Freddy and Artist. Those I can't stand. Overall, I find playing survivor much more fun(I can't wait for Decisive Strike buff), I want to feel anger, fear and anxiety, and some killers like Doctor, Myers, Clown, Dredge, Sadako and Ghostface can. So the game is not absolute garbage, but it has major issues

  • @yannaedc5934
    @yannaedc5934 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    YEAAHHH Love your videos man!

  • @deltaproto
    @deltaproto 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    honestly the amount a survivor enjoys facing a killer usually stacks up to interactability. how much of my survivability is in my hands to play around this killers power vs. being at the whim of the killers prowess on their main

  • @Hunko115
    @Hunko115 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Personally for me, I did it slightly different:
    - Fun
    - Neither
    - Not Fun
    I think there are truly some killers that I simply have no good or bad assumption towards.
    And most players I would assume also have.
    I managed to count for me:
    - 12 Killers I actually think are fun to face.
    - 7 Killers I find Neither Fun or Not Fun to face
    - And 15 Killers I don't find fun to face.
    Personally for me, that's like a rough 50% chance of facing a killer I absolutely despise or have a bad time with.
    I even looked at my steam chart, and I have an insane drop in playtime during the entire year.
    I think BHVR seriously needs to look at EVERY power
    for the killers that often gets hated on or criticised.

  • @stillyoungish
    @stillyoungish 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bro says the cenobite is a skill issue when 90% of cenobite mains camp the box entirely

  • @phoswright7453
    @phoswright7453 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love how every section is the killer name and then Freddy is "Fredster."

  • @jackcallahan9069
    @jackcallahan9069 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like playing vs oni,pyramid head, nemesis, twins, demo

  • @ChristopherAndersonPirate
    @ChristopherAndersonPirate 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    “Kicking the baby is fun” said this guy haha

  • @jonson116
    @jonson116 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm so sorry to tell you you can still easily 3 gen with the fun merchant.
    Tried it out myself on the ptb she got changed and saw Otz do it around a week ago as well.
    Good video tho Mr Food!

    • @slavajuri
      @slavajuri 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Much more map-dependent than it was before, and no longer her only worthwhile playstyle. From what I’ve seen anyway, only played 70 or so games since the rework.

    • @jonson116
      @jonson116 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@slavajuri the times i tried it it always worked. The other playstyle is also boring, uninteractive and shows almost no form of skill expression

  • @kylescomet6984
    @kylescomet6984 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I def agree with the points here. For me personally the only killers I dislike facing are Trickster, Pyramid Head, Cenobite, and Nemesis.

    • @beethebestgamer1368
      @beethebestgamer1368 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Trickster is understandable but why pyramid head pinhead and nemesis?

    • @svendaman925
      @svendaman925 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@beethebestgamer1368 pinhead is just a pub stomper, pyramid and nemi I personally find fun though

  • @MightyJabroni
    @MightyJabroni 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    🎄Merry Xmas! 🎄
    Doctor players tend to "not do so well", because they love to chase. I think, I have never ever been camped by a doctor, outside of the end game. I feel, that because they find chases so easily, they often bait themselves into playing "fair" to a fault (as in juggling survivors). Because let's face it: If you consistently go against survivors of a certain quality (and/or simply get a shit map), juggling their hook states in their best interest is going to bite you in the ass, far more often than not.
    Doctor players often are simply not really sweaty, in my experience. I wouldn't even be able to recall, if a Doctor player ever tunneled me. The few that are sweaty and are good can however be really opressive to go against (especially on indoor maps).
    The impression of "Doctor mains" being often not that good, may also stem from the fact, that many beginners / aspiring killers love to play him (which actually makes sense). He is fun to play as and his power is super accessible, does a lot of tracking and a bit of overthing else (save for mobility). Doctor also has probably some of the best desigened add ons in the entire game and can synergize with many perks (even obscure ones) because of it.
    Oh - and let's not forget that Doctor is an absolute BP machine (for survivors as well). When I play Doctor, everybody gets to make bank, if they play their cards right.

  • @zandromex8985
    @zandromex8985 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I did the test he said where you take the play percentajes of killers and find out what percentaje of games you are likely to enjoy, and I got 72%. The killers I didn´t put I liked were wraith, huntress, doctor, hag, legion and artist, but really the only killers I legitimately dislike going against are wraith, legion and artist, because they feel like a nuissance and that there´s little interaction imo. The others I´m just not a fan of.

  • @yandelpagan7876
    @yandelpagan7876 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What do you use to edit your videos?

  • @NoxyNugYT
    @NoxyNugYT หลายเดือนก่อน

    Always respect the boop!

  • @Perfect0n
    @Perfect0n 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My top 3 least favorites killers to go against have got to be, Plague, Artist, and Singularity.
    Plague, is a lose/lose situation, if the killer isn't good enough to screw you over, chances are that your teammates will.
    Artist is just a less intense Knight in my book, you run to a loop, she places down a crow, you either leave the loop or go down until she's able to catch you
    and Singularity is mostly just because he has a lot of 3 gen focused playstyles and it's generally very annoying to have to break the 3 gen, they typically play like a Dull Merchant 2.0

  • @MissionControlDRG
    @MissionControlDRG 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    People honestly liked billy and now like bubba for their.....braindead counterplay

  • @DEez..
    @DEez.. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Me personally I don’t mind going against any killer other than huntress for some reason I hate the huntress with a passion maybe it’s because 45% of all my games have been against her idk😭😭😭

  • @CardDontShoot
    @CardDontShoot 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a wraith main I understand.

  • @solarhrts
    @solarhrts 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pyramid Head
    Don't Enjoy:
    Michael Myers
    Skull Merchant

    • @solarhrts
      @solarhrts 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      don't think i forgot anyone? my fav to play against is nemesis

    • @maxigromek4444
      @maxigromek4444 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Xeno and huntress over dredge is crazy

  • @Wenedi
    @Wenedi 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I know you're cracked at clown, but it would be nice to see the actual killer gameplay in the background when talking about them. This starts to feel like low quality content :|

  • @ImNotCho
    @ImNotCho 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Herman’s only flaw in my opinion is his T3 is sooooo LOUD and when you’re on the hook you can’t do ANYTHING about that noise other than drop the volume to zero (i use 15) or just tab out (rip for the Console players) i do not like doctor ASMR in my ears other than that he’s a funny guy

  • @drown6882
    @drown6882 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    IMO huntress is boring as shit

  • @kittyneko5521
    @kittyneko5521 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As I said on the original video I think what would maybe help some of the frustion with running in to some killers would be to add the ability for suvuoirs to in a sence ban a killer so that they would never have to face that killer that way people would have more of a chance of faceing a killer they like and on the data side it would help bhvr look at the stats of what killer are getting banned more and maybe look at why that is
    Now I understand that would incress que times for certain killers and as someone who more or likely players a few of the killers that would get banned I do think it would be good long term for the health of the game as annoying killers could have more of a chance of getting reworked suvuoirs could feel less fucked by matchmaking
    Also to balance it out remove map offerings and allow killers to ban one map so that poor Billy's never have to go to hawkins lol

    • @kittyneko5521
      @kittyneko5521 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also for me the ones I dislike faceing is docter because evey time I face one I get a headache and call me a dickhead but no match is worth real pain so I do dc when it's a docter
      Oni this is purely down to the face that solo que team mates either allways want to heal or never heal as are least in my experience they heal against a legion but not a oni
      In that vain legion as I do enjoy faceing them but I dont enjoy being in a team when I'm faceing one as most of the time I just see teammates healing and I just get mad
      And lastly singularly just feels like he has way to much pressure even with emps and if he is even half go you dont espace him

  • @GoatMan7658
    @GoatMan7658 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In my opinion all killers are unfun to face except for Herobrine

  • @casedistorted
    @casedistorted 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like the videos you make but the thumbnails need a bit of work for sure. They are not appealing to make me want to click on them at all. I just stumbled upon this video because it autoplayed from one of your others.

    @GEEKEDANIMENERD 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So for me I hate , trapper hag, bubba , trickster , dredge ,ghost face , spirt , clown , xeno , chucky , knight,nurse ,huntress and deathslinger, pyramid head ,pinhead and onryo
    So for anyone to ask why I hate them so much I’m a deaf player in my right ear 👂 I have 2.2k hrs in the game so I don’t really enjoy playing against stealth killers i live my life day to day no hearing out my right ear it be nice tj just enjoy a game where I can hear stuff u know what I mean.? As well as I can’t really play against spirt
    Throwing killers I think is bad gameplay and design

  • @blackyoda2278
    @blackyoda2278 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Demo 🔛🔝

  • @ravenextracts1892
    @ravenextracts1892 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I actually really enjoy playing vs knight and sadako. I like knight because I main him so I know all the counterplay very well (yes he DOES have counterplay, stop treating Scott jund like gospel) and now that most sadakos actually play around condemned it’s really fun trying to manage tapes, just not so great when someone gets modi’d in 3 minutes because they didn’t understand the tapes properly

  • @thatlemonadeguy6742
    @thatlemonadeguy6742 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My personal rank for the killers;
    Trapper: Enjoy, love the feeling of paranoia at loops.
    Wraith: Don't enjoy, I just don't like Wraith's playstyle.
    Billy: Enjoy, specially if he's good with his chainsaw.
    Michael: Enjoy (not tumbstone tho), only killer that still makes DbD feel like a horror game.
    Nurse: Enjoy, she just changes the way you loop in a trial.
    Doctor: Don't enjoy, his power feels spammy and annoying.
    Hag: Enjoy, she's what "Chess Merchant" thought she was.
    Huntress: LOVE. Nothing better than going against a Huntress.
    Freddy:" Enjoy" is a very strong word but I don't hate him.
    Bubba: Enjoy, he's just a goofy guy.
    Pig: Enjoy, having an active bear trap is legit one of the most intense things in this game.
    Clown: Hate. The absolute worst.
    Ghostie: Enjoy, I like the stealth aspect.
    Spirit: Don't enjoy, I have terrible hearing.
    Legion: They're fine I guess, low-tier enjoy.
    Plague: Enjoy, very unique mechanic.
    Demo: Enjoy, good boi.
    Oni: Enjoy, pure adrenaline.
    Deathslinger: Enjoy but kinda dislike the whole "vault and get hit or don't vault and get hit".
    Pyramid Head: Enjoy, wall mindgames are fun.
    Blight: Don't enjoy just bc 99% of the playerbase use the same combo of busted addons.
    Twins: Enjoy, Victor is fun.
    Trickster: Don't enjoy, talking about spammy and annoying.
    Nemesis: Fun, the tentacle mechanic is fun.
    Pinhead: Enjoy, but I play solo-q so it can be a nightmare.
    Artist: Don't enjoy, she's a worse version of Slinger's "pick your poison" situation.
    Sadako: Enjoy, I actually like her condemn mechanic.
    Dredge: Enjoy, the remnant mindgame is fun.
    Wesker: Don't enjoy, his hitbox is pure bs.
    Knight: Enjoy, I just like him lol.
    Skull Merchant: Do I really need to say it?
    Singularity: Enjoy, he makes the trials fast paced in a funny way.
    Alien: Don't enjoy, his tail attack is clunky.
    Chucky: Enjoy, he's soo fun.

  • @bulladicto1079
    @bulladicto1079 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not agree at all😬

  • @TowerdefenseRules
    @TowerdefenseRules 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    survivors just crying because they lose it has nothing to do with going against they arent even playing the killer you cannot say its unfun to go against when this is not a issue with the game its a you issue