민규는 현재 세븐틴에서 유일하게 원우랑 둘만 룸메가 있는 방을 쓰고 있구요 밥풀이랑 밥톨 이라는 비숑도 키우지만 아지라는 말티즈고 키우고 있는데 아지랑 민규랑 행동도 너무 닮아서 말티쥬 밍티쥬 라는 별명도 있어요 승철이를 잘 따라하구 멤버들을 너무 사랑하는게 보이는 사람이구 팬들한테도 그렇게 다정할수가 없어요 팬들을 우쭈쭈 해주면서 귀여워해주는 느낌이랄까 아무튼 사랑넘치는 사람이랍니다!!
-mingyu participates in writing/composing lyrics of their songs. -he is one of the members who eat a lot/well. -during their predebut, their management couldn't afford any stylists so he styled the members' hair. -he knows how to play bass guitar -he went to pledis and only wore sandals/slippers -members rely on him because he is flexible/a all-rounder -he's friends with the other k-idols who were born in 1997 -he made a cameo/special appearance in a thai-sitcom on 2017 -during their free time, him and wonwoo explore and learn about filming and editing -he has international driver's license -he filmed, directed, edited, and produced the music video of snapshoot -he is great in doing art -he was one of the models on seoul fashion week 2017 (not sure with the year) -he has a younger sister i feel like i still know a lot of facts about him but i can't remember everything >.
진짜 우리 밍구 오빠 멤버들 안을 때 너무 설레게 머리를 보슬보슬(?) 만져주는데 진짜 보는 사람을 설레게 만들어용ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 긴 팔다리로 춤추는데 무대를 장악하는 모습 설렙니다. 밍구 오빠의 만세 무대 봐주세요ㅠㅠ 우리 밍구 오빠의 너무 잘생긴 얼굴보고 이마쳤더니 제 거북목이 교정되었어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 너무 잘생겼어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 얼굴보면 감격해서 눈물 😭
Mingyu, from Going Seventeen episodes, is really a brilliant boy. The maths, the brain games he is playing with Seventeen, he won the title sexiest brain in Seventeen! He is good at cooking ramen with 15 packs at a time. He cooked at Weekly Idol for 15 people and has been approved for the best Ramen Cooker. I think if there's one to talk a lot and put out a lot of words just to emphasize his words better it's mingyu. In Ask in A Box , they talk about Mingyu almost writing a bibliography in one of their main albums.
사고뭉치라는 타이틀을 가진 멤버 민규오빠의 소개 되지 않은 정보를 소개 드립니다 1. 세븐틴 내에서 메이크업 전과 후의 차이가 별로 안 나는 멤버이기도 합니다 2. 요리도 잘하고 집안일도 잘해서 그런지 밍주부라는 별명이 있죠 - 요리를 잘해서 그런지 요리 관련 프로그램과 tmi news에도 나왔죠 3. 손이 키 만큼 큰 멤버이기도 한데요 한 번 야외 미니팬미팅을 했을 때 커피차가 있었는 데요 그때 판매한 커피를 엄지와 검지, 중지 세 손가락으로 잡은 거 보면 손이 크죠 4. 민규오빠의 공식 인스타 피드를 보시면 아실 수 있는 이번 정보 남친짤 제조기라고 생각이 듭니다 여기까지 짧은 정보 소개였습니다
골든리트리버라는 얘기도 있고, 말티쥬 같다는 얘기도 있죠. 제 개인적인 생각으로는 자기 덩치 모르고 애교 부르는 대형견같아요... 콘서트에서 자기 덩치를 잠시 까먹은체 멤버들에게 장난치는 모습이 자주 보여요. 그때마다 멤버들 휘청휘청 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 세븐틴에서 최장신입니다. 키도 큰데 다리도 길어요... 밍주부라는 별명도 있는데요, 요리를 정말 잘해요.. TMI NEWS에서 요리를 잘하는 아이돌 1위에 올라갔어요 맴버들 먹여살리는 밍주부... 분리수거나 청소도 스스로 해주더라고요.. 근데 이런모습과 반대로 매니저분께는 관심대상 1호라네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 항상 어딘가에 사라져있다가 제시간에 등장한다고 전지적 참견시점에서 밝히셨습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 골든리트리버라는 별명과 걸맞게 항상 사고를 치고 다닙니다.. 물건을 자주 떨어뜨려서말이죠... 민규님하면 자색고구마도 생각나네요. 2019년 12월 31일 MBC 가요대전에서 호시님 리허설 직캠 영상이 바로 그 자색고구마 영상입니다.. 순영님 직캠인데 민규님이 더 눈에 띄는 직캠이죠. 보라색 롱패딩을 입었다가 팬들이 자색고구마 같다고 해서 생긴 별명입니다. 그 롱패딩 발랜시아가 416만원 패딩이랍니다.. 세븐틴 최장신 민규님이 입었는데도 길이가 길었습니다... 거의 제 키만한 롱패딩을 입고도 인물이 사네요... 민규님은 남친짤의 정석이라는 소리를 듣고있죠! 머리를 넘기면서 자연스럽게 하면 된다고 팁을 주는것을 머리가 없으신(?) 분 옆에서 해서 웃음을 줬던 적이 있습니다! 첫인상 : 냉미남 현인상 : 댕댕이 민규님은 모든 모습이 다 리즈죠... 자고 일어났을때도, 쌩얼에도, 연습후에 땀 흘리며 쉴때도 모두 잘생겼습니다...
@BTS TXT Hybe Bighit 너희 팬덤 이미지 너같은 애들이 다 깎아먹는거 모르니ㅠㅠ 니말대로 우리가 개밑바닥 쓰레기면 여기서 네가 왜 존나 급발진인 거부터 설명 좀 해 줄래..? 너같은 잼민이들 때문에 아미 이미지 다 깎아먹는다는거 알아줬으면 좋겠어ㅠㅜ 그래놓고 어디가서 방탄 팬이라고 하기 창피하지 않아?😥
Mingyu has a lot of talents. DK even said in one of the interviews that he can make his own business because he is so smart and has a lot of skills. He recently developed a hobby which is photography and videography together with Wonwoo.
민규오빠는 벌크업때 운동이랑 닭가슴살만 먹고 7g을 쪘다고 했어요. 그리고 영상에서 말한 것처럼 민규오빠는 요리를 잘해서 티엠아이뉴스에서 요리잘하는 아이돌 중에서 1위를 했어요. 그리고 손재주가 좋아서 정글의법칙에서 화덕과 서치라이트를 만들었어요. 민규오빠의 갑분싸때문에 멤버들이 싸하다고 애기했어요. 그리고 민규오빠가 쿱스오빠를 따라했을 때 너무 웃기고 귀여웠어요. 전참시에서 민규오빠는 잠이 많아서 매니저가 가장 불안하다고 애기했는 데 그런데 시간은 잘지킨다고 애기 했어요. 그리고 민규오빠는 골든 리트리버란 별명도 있어요. 그리고 민규오빠는 자기 덩치를 잘 모르고 맴버들한테 달려드는 모습을 보고 귀여웠어요. 민규오빠는 세븐틴 맴버들 옆에 지나갈 때 어깨를 자주 친다고 애기했어요. 그리고 세븐틴 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다. ^^~
밍규 오빠ㅜㅜ 밍구 오빠는 승행설이 아니라 민행설이란 말이 있을 정도로 설레는 행동을 정말 많이 하는 우리 밍구 오빠 입니다ㅜㅜ 그리구 요리도 잘하구요 청소는 더더 잘하는 밍주부랍니다ㅜㅜ 우지오빠는 계속 누워있을때 우리 민규오빠는 정말 열심히 청소하면서 행복해하고 좋아하는 영상도 있어요ㅠㅠ 그리구 우리 민규오빠 보기와는 다르게 굉장히 수다쟁이란 얘기도 있을정도로 말이 많아요❤️ 아는형님에서 말 빨리 끝내니까 승관오빠가 나랑 같은 캐릭터인데 회사에서 비주얼이니 말을 아끼라고 제재 받는 캐릭터라고 말할정도로 우리 수다쟁이 오빠랍니다❤️
웃을때 튀어나오는(?) 송곳니가 아주 매력적인 김민규 이구요 말실수를 자주해서 그럼부터,역세급 등등 유행어?가 있습니다.살림살이를 잘해서 밍주부 라는 별명도 있고요,정글의 법칙 이라는 프로그램에 나가서 사냥무기를 스스로 만들어서 물고기를 잡기도했습니다. 큰덩치와 다르게 겁이 정말많고 아지라는 말티즈도 키우고 있어요!! 1997년 4월6일에 태어나 현재 24살 입니다. 세븐틴에서는 힙합팀에서 서브래퍼를 맞고있고 187로 팀내 최장신이기도 합니다. 최단신인 우지와 거의 20cm정도 차이가 나서 둘이 같이 서있으면 보기좋아요!! 잠이 많고 멤버들이 민규몰이를 자주합니다! 예를들면 뭐 민규오빠가 무슨 말을했는데 갑분싸가 돼는것? 암튼 매력덩어리 김민규 많이 사랑해주세요ㅜㅜ
He was born in Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. - He has a younger sister. - Education: Burim Middle School (‘13), Seoul Broadcasting High School (‘16) - He got cast by Pledis in his 2nd year of middle school. - He was a trainee for 4 years. - His nicknames are Mr. Wristband, Technician, Mingyu Shop, Kim-ssi ahjussi. - He ranks himself #1 visuals in Hip Hop unit. - He’s in charge of hair styling in the group. - He views himself as a tall kid with dark skin. - If he had the opportunity, he would like to date someone older than him. - His hobbies are: soccer, basketball, making plastic models/action figures. - Mingyu played soccer since primary school. His team even placed 2nd in national championships.
Mingyu is my fav. member, he thinks he is not so good in english but can speak whatever he know very fluently (he can communicate easily using body language), other than this I think doyouram has covered most of the info. Thanks for this video, I watched it well ❤️(wouldn't be surprised if doyouram made another video on mingyy)
민규 오빠가 부모님이랑 할머니한테 사랑을 많이 받고 자라서 어렸을 때 부터 애교가 많은 편이었어요~!! 그래서, 오빠가 더 사랑을 받고싶어서, 자연스럽게 애교를 많이 졌다고 합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 🤍🐶 민규 오빠 영상 만들어주셔서 정말정말 감사합니다~!! 다음 영상도 볼게용 ㅎㅎ 🤍
Another SVT content yay! -Members have the impression that Mingyu also wants to be labeled as a funny member. But, Seungkwan said Mingyu is holding himself back because of his "image". The company also advised him so HAHA -One of the things that he does well is to cook. Members even tell him that he can open his own shop. -When he was asked during an interview what scent he likes, he said powdery scent. -He’s the kind of person who ponders about a lot of things. He puts in as much effort as he can to live more positively. Mingyu so precious
Cannot wait for the other seventeen members videos. Indeed, 13 member have 13 different charms . Welcoming all baby carats all over the world. Let slip into this diamond life together. You'll never regret this. Seventeen fighting carats fighting ~~
Mingyu is so talented. He can paint well and had an exhibition with The8. On their 5th anniversary, Snapshoot MV was released with mingyu taking all credits from producing, directing, styling, and all!
*His future wife is Lucky* He cooks He does the household chores He is typically a housewife He can dance He can sing He raps He can be a great athlete He is intelligent He practically can do anything And his personality is great too I WUV HIM
If I have a chance to meet him, I'll confess my feeling, I'll say that I love him not only as a fan with Idol but I looked him as a man too, even though I'm older than him. Although he won't accept me I'm ok, I only want he knows that I love him like this.. :" -why do I feel so sad rnㅜㅜ
@@rxargyros2137 well mingyu once said that he prefer to date older girl if he has a chance so that gives a hope at least, btw i'm older than him too lol
Thanks for the video❤ Iam so happy you start making video about Seventeen members. Can you making video about SVT Vernon ( i know you have made one video before, buy can you make the 2020 version 😊)
Mingyu was casted by a Pledis staff even when he cant sing, dance or rap. He was casted because of his looks and sang the national anthem on the audition!! AND HE PASSED
우리 민규 오빠는 승행설에 이어 민규의 설레는 행동으로 유명합니다 ♥ 그리고 최장신이며 복스럽게 잘 먹습니다♥ 막내를 사랑하는 형으로 엄마모먼트가 있고 손만 대면 물건들이 고장나거나 깨지게 만드는 사고 뭉치 입니다 ㅠㅠ 사고뭉치지만 자신이 뒤처리하는 책임감 강하고요!!! 무엇보다 비주얼이 완벽합니다♥
Mingyu Fact: Mingyu played soccer since primary school. His team even placed 2nd in national championships. In middle school, he played forward position. I subscribed and liked the video. I really want a SEVENTEEN album. 😭💕
He is really caring and funny, he comes up with original ideas (for example he came up with the name "돈't lie" for episodes 3/4 of going seventeen 2020 in which they played mafia game and citizens had to find money mafias had hidden), he helps writing lyrics (for example he wrote his rap verse in Beautiful), he's skilled in literally everything: he can draw and he has created amazing artworks so far, he's really into photography and video making (he directed and edited all by himself a music video for snap shoot) and although he's really tall he dances really well and gracefully which is not easy so i wish people appreciated him for all of this and not just because he's handsome
Finally there's mingyu episode!! Thank you very much for making ep abt our mingyu 🌈 Mingyu facts : - he's from 광산 김씨 - he was the heaviest baby that born on the hospital he was born - mingyu afraid of height - mingyu have so many affection that he express through skinship - mingyu is a great cook - he has so many passions on different aspects (painting, photography, videography, design, soccer, cross stitch) - when he auditioned, he showed the dance he knew from his church - mingyu is a very positive minded person - he has many of survival skills, imo he would survive zombie apocalypse - he is kinda good at math and solving logical problems - he can play bass - his playlist consists of many sad songs - he is literally the most puppy-like-person in kpop - he's from anyang - one of his habit is holding someone's hand - most of the time whenever he talk, he would 갑자기 분의기 민규 lmao
우리 밍구는요~~ 음식도 가리지않고 아무거나 잘 먹고 세븐틴 내에서 유일한 탕수육 부먹파에요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘때 인형을 껴안고 한쪽으로 누워서잔다고 하는데 노래를 틀고 불을 키고 잔다고 했어요! 연습생때 텃세로 나중에 들어온 멤버들한테 선배라고 부르라고 했다가 지금까지도 까이고 있어요 ㅋㅋㅠㅠ 겁이 많아서 엄청 소리지르고 멤버들에게 자주 앵겨요. 멤버들하고도 자주 투닥거리며 자주 몰이대상이 되기도 해요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 꼭 당첨되고 싶네요ㅠㅠㅠ 우리 밍찌 항상 화이팅~!~!💙💙
Mingyu is the clumsiest member according to Seventeen because they say he often trips and falls, he often drops things that he holds like camera, mic, or even a trophy ( this is why seventeen forbid him to join the trophy throwing ceremony on left and right era), he even forgot is own luggage number lock and had to try it for along time. He can be seen biting his nails for a few times in a lot of shows and he often makes himself look shorter by bending his back a little bit until seungkwan told him to straighten his back and be confident about his height. He can easily sleep anywhere and anytime which makes the manager worries, but he always wakes up and appears right before the time he needs to do something.
Mingyu has a great spirit! He radiates positivity and energy, he loves what he does and he shares his good vibes with us, such a nice, smart, talented guy
the fact that i clicked this after 17 minutes of the upload❤️❤️❤️. one more : he so talented in cook. i can't imagine he cooks ramyeon like 7 years for 13 people like in military. good to him, his arm like dumbbell now. 😂😂😂
Thanks for another Seventeen content! The meaning behind Mingyu's name is that Min means ‘precious gemstone’ and Gyu means ‘star, --> a precious gemstone that shines like a star. Accurate! UWU Mingyu is so clumsy that SVT members said that they'll be surprised if he doesn't spill anything one day. He is a sleepyhead. His school days were active and lively. He was always doing things. He even played soccer since primary school
이렇게 민규오빠를 소개해주시는것도 감사한데 이벤트 까지 열어주시다니ㅠㅠ 감사합니다!! 먼저 절 한번하고...((🙇🏻♀️)) 먼저 민규오빠의 별명부터 말해볼게유!! 민규샵 원장님💇🏻♂️이란 별명이있는데 연습생때 멤버들 머리손질을 해주어서 민규샵 원장님 이란 별명이 붙었어요!! 그리고 잠민규😴란 별명도 있는데 방송프로그램에서 잠을 계속다고 잠에서 빠져나올수없는..? 그런모습을 보고 붙여진 별명입니다!! 다른 방송 프로그램에선 홈 안무를 보여주려는데 반주가 없어 직접 부르면서 하다가 다다닷다다 이런 추임새를 넣어 웃음을 준 적도 있습니당!!!🤣 그리고 고잉세븐틴-논리나잇 편에선 말이 많이 끊기며 민규몰이..? 를 아주 많이 당해요..ㅎㅎ 최근에 나온 술래잡기편에서는 겁쟁이 모먼트를 보여주며 귀여운 모습을 보여줬습니다ㅠ 제가 알고있는 정보는 여기까지구용!! 앞으로도 재밌고 좋은영상 기다릴게요 두유람님!!❤️❤️❤️❤
He once felt insecure because of his dark skin but the others said he's handsome and Mingyu one of the members can't wake up even though he has set the alarm his fangs make he's more attractive Bobpul now has a baby!!! It's so cute !!
Mingyu always sleeps a lot. If he found free time, he will sleep. Mingyu think of himself that he is not funny enough to etertain (as mwntioned in 5th Anniv. Of seventeen. Mingyu is really a good cook and even join competition during his pre debut days.
He can cook very well. He's very intelligent. He won every game they played. He's very sporty and can play various sports. He's very clumsy and often falls so he hurts himself a lot and his members worry about him. He's very creative and paints and draws well. He's interested in fashion and always dress up well. He loves photography and even directed, produced, filmed ,edited, even did the costume for their special MV "snapshoot"..he basically made that whole mv by himself. He's very talented.
He is sooo perfect. He clumsy but he knows how to clean up after himself very well, he is handsome and looks cool but he is actually warm and friendly, he looks manly but good at cooking and something delicate like painting, he is smart in either brainy and artsy sense. He is a full package that comes with so many giveaways and makes you unsure if this thing is a scam.
How is his face cold and has an arrogant personality? Honestly, all I see is a handsome, talented, kind, tall and clumsy puppy-like boy.....never once in my life have I thought he's cold or whatsoever. He's just Mingyu and his tan skin is a bonus! I love you, Kim Mingyu!
민규는 현재 세븐틴에서 유일하게 원우랑 둘만 룸메가 있는 방을 쓰고 있구요 밥풀이랑 밥톨 이라는 비숑도 키우지만 아지라는 말티즈고 키우고 있는데 아지랑 민규랑 행동도 너무 닮아서 말티쥬 밍티쥬 라는 별명도 있어요 승철이를 잘 따라하구 멤버들을 너무 사랑하는게 보이는 사람이구 팬들한테도 그렇게 다정할수가 없어요 팬들을 우쭈쭈 해주면서 귀여워해주는 느낌이랄까 아무튼 사랑넘치는 사람이랍니다!!
헐.. 드디어 내최아나오다니 일단민규오빠는 세븐틴내에 가장요리를 잘하여 밍주부라는 별명이있어요 민규오빠는 13소년표류기라는 예능에서 생닭으로 치킨을만들어을 정도로 요리를잘해요 제가이거의 반하여 세븐틴의 입덕한계기였어요.
@겸겸겸겸겸 ㅋㅋㅋ
헐... 드디어 내 최애가 나오다니. 일단 민규 오빠는 세븐틴 내에 가장 요리를 잘하여서 밍주부라는 별명이 있어요. 민규 오빠는 13소년 표류기라는 예능에서 생닭으로 치킨을 만들어 올 정도로 요리를 잘해요. 제가 이거에 반한 것이 세븐틴에 입덕한 계기였어요.
-mingyu participates in writing/composing lyrics of their songs.
-he is one of the members who eat a lot/well.
-during their predebut, their management couldn't afford any stylists so he styled the members' hair.
-he knows how to play bass guitar
-he went to pledis and only wore sandals/slippers
-members rely on him because he is flexible/a all-rounder
-he's friends with the other k-idols who were born in 1997
-he made a cameo/special appearance in a thai-sitcom on 2017
-during their free time, him and wonwoo explore and learn about filming and editing
-he has international driver's license
-he filmed, directed, edited, and produced the music video of snapshoot
-he is great in doing art
-he was one of the models on seoul fashion week 2017 (not sure with the year)
-he has a younger sister
i feel like i still know a lot of facts about him but i can't remember everything >.
세븐틴horanghae you are the best CARAT
Step omg thanks 🥰 hahaha 5 yrs of being a carat is worth it ✊🏼
Whoever breaks his sisters heart.... oof
thanks a lot for the info which maybe some of us do not know or have already forgotten!
Jasmine H also jeonghan! He’s so protective to his younger sister pfftt good luck to those boys
진짜 우리 밍구 오빠 멤버들 안을 때 너무 설레게 머리를 보슬보슬(?) 만져주는데 진짜 보는 사람을 설레게 만들어용ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
긴 팔다리로 춤추는데 무대를 장악하는
모습 설렙니다. 밍구 오빠의 만세 무대 봐주세요ㅠㅠ
우리 밍구 오빠의 너무 잘생긴 얼굴보고 이마쳤더니 제 거북목이 교정되었어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 너무 잘생겼어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 얼굴보면 감격해서 눈물 😭
1.사실 청소하고 요리하는건 이미지 라고...
2.연습생때 10시에 퇴근...신데렐라
3.민규가 사고를치면 이제 그냥 민규가 민규했네....당연한 행동
4.무인도에 가지고가고 싶은것은?이란질문에 세븐틴 맴버 대부분이 민규라고 말했다고.....
5.세븐틴에 유일한 부먹파.....
6.연습생때 부모님이랑 연락했을때 유일하게 감동이 없었다고.....
7.광산김씨인걸 까먹어 방송에서 엄마 전화찬스....
8.세븐틴 97즈에서 민규가 트러블 메이커....
9.남친짤에 정석....
10.사진찍고 그림그리는걸 좋아한다고...
11.웃기면 몸을 쭈그리고 무릎을 꿇는다고....
12.손톱 물어뜯는 버릇 있었음...현재는X
Mingyu, from Going Seventeen episodes, is really a brilliant boy. The maths, the brain games he is playing with Seventeen, he won the title sexiest brain in Seventeen!
He is good at cooking ramen with 15 packs at a time. He cooked at Weekly Idol for 15 people and has been approved for the best Ramen Cooker. I think if there's one to talk a lot and put out a lot of words just to emphasize his words better it's mingyu. In Ask in A Box , they talk about Mingyu almost writing a bibliography in one of their main albums.
민규는 사람을 껴안을때 되게 포근한 자세로 껴안아 줘요
얼굴을 팔뚝으로 껴안아 준다죠 ㅋㅋ
브이라이브때 호세가 컴백곡 스포를 하고나서 얼굴을 팔뚝으로 안아줘서 호시 얼굴이 다 가려 졌어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 우리 민규 너무 든든하고 귀엽죠!!?!!
wahhhh kim mingyu best boy!
것으로 대충보는 사람은 그를 차도남이라고 할것이고
속까지 들여다본사람은 귀염뽀쨕말랑콩덕깜찍발랄 댕댕이라고 느낄게에요!
사고뭉치라는 타이틀을 가진 멤버 민규오빠의 소개 되지 않은 정보를 소개 드립니다
1. 세븐틴 내에서 메이크업 전과 후의 차이가 별로 안 나는 멤버이기도 합니다
2. 요리도 잘하고 집안일도 잘해서 그런지 밍주부라는 별명이 있죠
- 요리를 잘해서 그런지 요리 관련 프로그램과 tmi news에도 나왔죠
3. 손이 키 만큼 큰 멤버이기도 한데요 한 번 야외 미니팬미팅을 했을 때 커피차가 있었는 데요 그때 판매한 커피를 엄지와 검지, 중지 세 손가락으로 잡은 거 보면 손이 크죠
4. 민규오빠의 공식 인스타 피드를 보시면 아실 수 있는 이번 정보
남친짤 제조기라고 생각이 듭니다
여기까지 짧은 정보 소개였습니다
밥풀이가 이번에 새끼를 낳아서 새끼강아지 이름은 밥톨이래요♡
서달달 밥토리래욤
He used to be Inkigayo's MC that the staff and even artists loved a lot.
민규는 진짜 어디에서나 사고를 잘쳐서 브이라이브 시상식에서 상도 깨먹은걸로 캐럿들 사이에서 유명합니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그리고 덩치가 크다보니까 모르고 멤버들을 툭툭치고 지나가곤 하는데 자기는 잘 몰랐데요 진짜 울 리트리버 짱귀에요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
골든리트리버라는 얘기도 있고, 말티쥬 같다는 얘기도 있죠.
제 개인적인 생각으로는 자기 덩치 모르고 애교 부르는 대형견같아요...
콘서트에서 자기 덩치를 잠시 까먹은체 멤버들에게 장난치는 모습이 자주 보여요.
그때마다 멤버들 휘청휘청 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
세븐틴에서 최장신입니다.
키도 큰데 다리도 길어요...
밍주부라는 별명도 있는데요, 요리를 정말 잘해요..
TMI NEWS에서 요리를 잘하는 아이돌 1위에 올라갔어요
맴버들 먹여살리는 밍주부...
분리수거나 청소도 스스로 해주더라고요..
근데 이런모습과 반대로 매니저분께는 관심대상 1호라네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
항상 어딘가에 사라져있다가 제시간에 등장한다고 전지적 참견시점에서 밝히셨습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
골든리트리버라는 별명과 걸맞게 항상 사고를 치고 다닙니다..
물건을 자주 떨어뜨려서말이죠...
민규님하면 자색고구마도 생각나네요.
2019년 12월 31일 MBC 가요대전에서 호시님 리허설 직캠 영상이 바로 그 자색고구마 영상입니다..
순영님 직캠인데 민규님이 더 눈에 띄는 직캠이죠.
보라색 롱패딩을 입었다가 팬들이 자색고구마 같다고 해서 생긴 별명입니다.
그 롱패딩 발랜시아가 416만원 패딩이랍니다..
세븐틴 최장신 민규님이 입었는데도 길이가 길었습니다...
거의 제 키만한 롱패딩을 입고도 인물이 사네요...
민규님은 남친짤의 정석이라는 소리를 듣고있죠!
머리를 넘기면서 자연스럽게 하면 된다고 팁을 주는것을 머리가 없으신(?) 분 옆에서 해서 웃음을 줬던 적이 있습니다!
첫인상 : 냉미남
현인상 : 댕댕이
민규님은 모든 모습이 다 리즈죠...
자고 일어났을때도, 쌩얼에도, 연습후에 땀 흘리며 쉴때도 모두 잘생겼습니다...
@BTS TXT Hybe Bighit 우리 암이 친구... 여기서 이러지 말고 너희 판 가서 노세요....ㅠㅠ 세계 미남이 어쩌구 하나도 안 부러워 미안한데ㅠㅠㅠ
@BTS TXT Hybe Bighit 너희 팬덤 이미지 너같은 애들이 다 깎아먹는거 모르니ㅠㅠ 니말대로 우리가 개밑바닥 쓰레기면 여기서 네가 왜 존나 급발진인 거부터 설명 좀 해 줄래..? 너같은 잼민이들 때문에 아미 이미지 다 깎아먹는다는거 알아줬으면 좋겠어ㅠㅜ 그래놓고 어디가서 방탄 팬이라고 하기 창피하지 않아?😥
Mingyu has a lot of talents. DK even said in one of the interviews that he can make his own business because he is so smart and has a lot of skills. He recently developed a hobby which is photography and videography together with Wonwoo.
입덕 전, 후 제일 다른 멤버 중 하나인 김민규..
민규는 겉모습에 비해 소녀스러운 면이 있어서 밍소녀라는 별명도 있어요!! 반전매력이죠 ㅎㅎ 덕분에 민규의 귀여운 매력이 더 극대화 되는 것 같아용
아니 솔직히 저런거 올려주시면 구독합니다...💙
참고로 우리 말티쥬는 멤버들을 안아주는것과
팔짱끼는것 등의 스킨십을 참 좋아해요.
멤버들을 안아줄때는 팔뚝이 얼굴을 가려요
괜히 대형말티쥬라 불리우는게 아니죠ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
is me the only one when see the word "mingyu" automatically click it😭😭
김민규랑 엠비티아이가같은 것은 가문의 영광
민규오빠는 벌크업때 운동이랑 닭가슴살만 먹고 7g을 쪘다고 했어요. 그리고 영상에서 말한 것처럼 민규오빠는 요리를 잘해서 티엠아이뉴스에서 요리잘하는 아이돌 중에서 1위를 했어요. 그리고 손재주가 좋아서 정글의법칙에서 화덕과 서치라이트를 만들었어요. 민규오빠의 갑분싸때문에 멤버들이 싸하다고 애기했어요. 그리고 민규오빠가 쿱스오빠를 따라했을 때 너무 웃기고 귀여웠어요. 전참시에서 민규오빠는 잠이 많아서 매니저가 가장 불안하다고 애기했는 데 그런데 시간은 잘지킨다고 애기 했어요. 그리고 민규오빠는 골든 리트리버란 별명도 있어요. 그리고 민규오빠는 자기 덩치를 잘 모르고 맴버들한테 달려드는 모습을 보고 귀여웠어요. 민규오빠는 세븐틴 맴버들 옆에 지나갈 때 어깨를 자주 친다고 애기했어요. 그리고 세븐틴 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다. ^^~
밍규 오빠ㅜㅜ 밍구 오빠는 승행설이 아니라 민행설이란 말이 있을 정도로 설레는 행동을 정말 많이 하는 우리 밍구 오빠 입니다ㅜㅜ 그리구 요리도 잘하구요 청소는 더더 잘하는 밍주부랍니다ㅜㅜ 우지오빠는 계속 누워있을때 우리 민규오빠는 정말 열심히 청소하면서 행복해하고 좋아하는 영상도 있어요ㅠㅠ 그리구 우리 민규오빠 보기와는 다르게 굉장히 수다쟁이란 얘기도 있을정도로 말이 많아요❤️ 아는형님에서 말 빨리 끝내니까 승관오빠가 나랑 같은 캐릭터인데 회사에서 비주얼이니 말을 아끼라고 제재 받는 캐릭터라고 말할정도로 우리 수다쟁이 오빠랍니다❤️
하 김민규 잘생겼고 요리도 잘하고요 집안일도 잘해요... 댕댕이같아서 진짜 귀여워요 ㅠㅠㅠ 근데 또 멋질땐 입틀막 시켜요 완벽그자체
How can someone be this perfect?
MINGYU is a tall handsome baby boy❤️❤️
MINGYUUUUUUU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU thank you Doyouram for making this! you capture our multifaceted puppy so well!
Every year he is in the Tccandler 100 most handsome man in the world
웃을때 튀어나오는(?) 송곳니가 아주 매력적인 김민규 이구요 말실수를 자주해서 그럼부터,역세급 등등 유행어?가 있습니다.살림살이를 잘해서 밍주부 라는 별명도 있고요,정글의 법칙 이라는 프로그램에 나가서 사냥무기를 스스로 만들어서 물고기를 잡기도했습니다. 큰덩치와 다르게 겁이 정말많고 아지라는 말티즈도 키우고 있어요!! 1997년 4월6일에 태어나 현재 24살 입니다. 세븐틴에서는 힙합팀에서 서브래퍼를 맞고있고 187로 팀내 최장신이기도 합니다. 최단신인 우지와 거의 20cm정도 차이가 나서 둘이 같이 서있으면 보기좋아요!! 잠이 많고 멤버들이 민규몰이를 자주합니다! 예를들면 뭐 민규오빠가 무슨 말을했는데 갑분싸가 돼는것? 암튼 매력덩어리 김민규 많이 사랑해주세요ㅜㅜ
He was born in Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
- He has a younger sister.
- Education: Burim Middle School (‘13), Seoul Broadcasting High School (‘16)
- He got cast by Pledis in his 2nd year of middle school.
- He was a trainee for 4 years.
- His nicknames are Mr. Wristband, Technician, Mingyu Shop, Kim-ssi ahjussi.
- He ranks himself #1 visuals in Hip Hop unit.
- He’s in charge of hair styling in the group.
- He views himself as a tall kid with dark skin.
- If he had the opportunity, he would like to date someone older than him.
- His hobbies are: soccer, basketball, making plastic models/action figures.
- Mingyu played soccer since primary school. His team even placed 2nd in national championships.
Mingyu is my fav. member, he thinks he is not so good in english but can speak whatever he know very fluently (he can communicate easily using body language), other than this I think doyouram has covered most of the info. Thanks for this video, I watched it well ❤️(wouldn't be surprised if doyouram made another video on mingyy)
His positive energy just AMAZING!!!!! Love him so much!!!!
Thank you❤
Our Mingyu. Love more more and more.
I cant stop smiling his smiles are contagious >
민규 오빠가 부모님이랑 할머니한테 사랑을 많이 받고 자라서 어렸을 때 부터 애교가 많은 편이었어요~!! 그래서, 오빠가 더 사랑을 받고싶어서, 자연스럽게 애교를 많이 졌다고 합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 🤍🐶 민규 오빠 영상 만들어주셔서 정말정말 감사합니다~!! 다음 영상도 볼게용 ㅎㅎ 🤍
Another SVT content yay!
-Members have the impression that Mingyu also wants to be labeled as a funny member. But, Seungkwan said Mingyu is holding himself back because of his "image". The company also advised him so HAHA
-One of the things that he does well is to cook. Members even tell him that he can open his own shop.
-When he was asked during an interview what scent he likes, he said powdery scent.
-He’s the kind of person who ponders about a lot of things. He puts in as much effort as he can to live more positively.
Mingyu so precious
Cannot wait for the other seventeen members videos. Indeed, 13 member have 13 different charms . Welcoming all baby carats all over the world. Let slip into this diamond life together. You'll never regret this. Seventeen fighting carats fighting ~~
- He was ranked 1st as an idol who has good cooking skills
민규는요 진짜 잠도 많아요 그리고 안경이 진짜 잘 어울리고 사진도 잘 찍어요 또 팬사랑도 엄청나요 민규가 찍은 사진도 하드털이해서 많이 올려줘요 진짜 항상 사랑이 넘치는 민규예요!
Mingyu is so talented. He can paint well and had an exhibition with The8. On their 5th anniversary, Snapshoot MV was released with mingyu taking all credits from producing, directing, styling, and all!
Oh haillll~~ been waiting for this since forever thank you!
*His future wife is Lucky*
He cooks
He does the household chores
He is typically a housewife
He can dance
He can sing
He raps
He can be a great athlete
He is intelligent
He practically can do anything
And his personality is great too
If I have a chance to meet him, I'll confess my feeling, I'll say that I love him not only as a fan with Idol but I looked him as a man too, even though I'm older than him. Although he won't accept me I'm ok, I only want he knows that I love him like this.. :" -why do I feel so sad rnㅜㅜ
anyone whom he will love is very very lucky, will all the good traits and characteristics that he has.
She will be the luckiest girl in the world... I ALSO LOVE HIM SO MUCH 😭 how I hope someone like him who will marry me in the future 😭
@@rxargyros2137 well mingyu once said that he prefer to date older girl if he has a chance so that gives a hope at least, btw i'm older than him too lol
@@moonlover1463 hahahah yes I know that, thank you, your reply actually give me mentality strenght😆 lol
Inkigayo Fam Loves him because of his personality, talent and etc.💕💕
Every single part of his body is handsome 😍😍💎
민규 청소도 잘하구 깔끔하고 귀여운 드립도 많이치고💜💜
Thanks for the video❤ Iam so happy you start making video about Seventeen members. Can you making video about SVT Vernon ( i know you have made one video before, buy can you make the 2020 version 😊)
진짜 고맙습니다 도유람씨!!!! 오늘부터 진짜 구독할게요!!!!
Mingyu was casted by a Pledis staff even when he cant sing, dance or rap. He was casted because of his looks and sang the national anthem on the audition!! AND HE PASSED
우리 귀여운 강아지.....많이많이 사랑스러워요
우리 민규 오빠는 승행설에 이어 민규의 설레는 행동으로 유명합니다 ♥
그리고 최장신이며 복스럽게 잘 먹습니다♥
막내를 사랑하는 형으로 엄마모먼트가 있고 손만 대면 물건들이 고장나거나 깨지게 만드는 사고 뭉치 입니다 ㅠㅠ 사고뭉치지만 자신이 뒤처리하는 책임감 강하고요!!!
무엇보다 비주얼이 완벽합니다♥
Mingyu Fact: Mingyu played soccer since primary school. His team even placed 2nd in national championships. In middle school, he played forward position. I subscribed and liked the video. I really want a SEVENTEEN album. 😭💕
저번에 기억해주시고 민규해주셔서 감사합니다 진짜 김민규는 완벽남이에요ㅠㅠ❤️❤️
thank you very much for making this, you have blessed us with this episode of our favorite. goodluck and Godbless
우리 밍구라니 밍구라니..재밌게 영상 보고 갑니다!!
He is really caring and funny, he comes up with original ideas (for example he came up with the name "돈't lie" for episodes 3/4 of going seventeen 2020 in which they played mafia game and citizens had to find money mafias had hidden), he helps writing lyrics (for example he wrote his rap verse in Beautiful), he's skilled in literally everything: he can draw and he has created amazing artworks so far, he's really into photography and video making (he directed and edited all by himself a music video for snap shoot) and although he's really tall he dances really well and gracefully which is not easy so i wish people appreciated him for all of this and not just because he's handsome
Uri Mingyu sunbaenim was the 'Inkigayo' MC for a year and 7 months time~
DOYOURAM, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍💕💕💕. I love this video and I always support you❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
Finally there's mingyu episode!! Thank you very much for making ep abt our mingyu 🌈
Mingyu facts :
- he's from 광산 김씨
- he was the heaviest baby that born on the hospital he was born
- mingyu afraid of height
- mingyu have so many affection that he express through skinship
- mingyu is a great cook
- he has so many passions on different aspects (painting, photography, videography, design, soccer, cross stitch)
- when he auditioned, he showed the dance he knew from his church
- mingyu is a very positive minded person
- he has many of survival skills, imo he would survive zombie apocalypse
- he is kinda good at math and solving logical problems
- he can play bass
- his playlist consists of many sad songs
- he is literally the most puppy-like-person in kpop
- he's from anyang
- one of his habit is holding someone's hand
- most of the time whenever he talk, he would 갑자기 분의기 민규 lmao
I see seventeen i click. Thank you for the video 😭🥰🥰
He's extremely good at art, and he also directed and filmed SVT's snapshot mv
우리 댕댕이 ㅠㅠㅠ 자기 덩치모르고 앵기는거 씹덕포인트에요 😭💘
다른 멤버들도 기대하겠습니다!
He is an artist, it may be in photography, videography, painting and sketches..
He is amazing
우리 밍구는요~~
음식도 가리지않고 아무거나 잘 먹고 세븐틴 내에서 유일한 탕수육 부먹파에요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
잘때 인형을 껴안고 한쪽으로 누워서잔다고 하는데 노래를 틀고 불을 키고 잔다고 했어요!
연습생때 텃세로 나중에 들어온 멤버들한테 선배라고 부르라고 했다가 지금까지도 까이고 있어요 ㅋㅋㅠㅠ
겁이 많아서 엄청 소리지르고 멤버들에게 자주 앵겨요.
멤버들하고도 자주 투닥거리며 자주 몰이대상이 되기도 해요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
꼭 당첨되고 싶네요ㅠㅠㅠ 우리 밍찌 항상 화이팅~!~!💙💙
민규가 팀내 긍정적인 역할을 맡고 있고 엄청엄청 깔끔해요!! 요리도 정말잘해서 tmi뉴스 요리잘하는 아이돌 1위도 했어요!!
Mingyu is the clumsiest member according to Seventeen because they say he often trips and falls, he often drops things that he holds like camera, mic, or even a trophy ( this is why seventeen forbid him to join the trophy throwing ceremony on left and right era), he even forgot is own luggage number lock and had to try it for along time. He can be seen biting his nails for a few times in a lot of shows and he often makes himself look shorter by bending his back a little bit until seungkwan told him to straighten his back and be confident about his height. He can easily sleep anywhere and anytime which makes the manager worries, but he always wakes up and appears right before the time he needs to do something.
Wait but why he is not confident with his height??!! Its just makes him so perfect!
Mingyu has a great spirit! He radiates positivity and energy, he loves what he does and he shares his good vibes with us, such a nice, smart, talented guy
mingyu can do anything, he is indeed a husband material. Mingyu also takes care of carats as well.
Mingyuu god literally the most handsome talented and sexiest Man Ever 🔥🔥🔥 is there anything he can’t do so fkn talented !!
끼 많고 돈도 많은 우리 민규는여.......키가 커요
안녕하세요! 오늘은 민규님이시군요!
민규님은 키크셔서 좋으시겠다ㅠㅠ
아으아아아ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 밍규ㅠㅠㅠ멋져ㅠㅠ세븐틴 많이 해주세여ㅠㅠㅠ
Not unexpected charms its expected since their debut
Not hidden...he is feding us well with his charm and cuteness...but he is a hottie
일찍 왔어요! 다양한 아이돌 소개에 이벤트까지 너무 좋아요💕
he's BABIE
Mingyu is the epitome of TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME
he is typically a perfect husband..im going jealous if his got marry 😭😭😭😭
우와! 넘 잼있어용!! 다음앤 오마이걸 효정 해주세용!!
the fact that i clicked this after 17 minutes of the upload❤️❤️❤️.
one more : he so talented in cook.
i can't imagine he cooks ramyeon like 7 years for 13 people like in military. good to him, his arm like dumbbell now. 😂😂😂
Mingyu also express his feelings towards doing arts‼️
Minggyu is the kindest.
Btw, please make for Seventeen Jun too.
Thanks for another Seventeen content!
The meaning behind Mingyu's name is that Min means ‘precious gemstone’ and Gyu means ‘star, --> a precious gemstone that shines like a star. Accurate! UWU
Mingyu is so clumsy that SVT members said that they'll be surprised if he doesn't spill anything one day.
He is a sleepyhead.
His school days were active and lively. He was always doing things. He even played soccer since primary school
Finally my loved ultimate♥ Thank you~
이렇게 민규오빠를 소개해주시는것도 감사한데 이벤트 까지 열어주시다니ㅠㅠ 감사합니다!! 먼저 절 한번하고...((🙇🏻♀️))
먼저 민규오빠의 별명부터 말해볼게유!!
민규샵 원장님💇🏻♂️이란 별명이있는데 연습생때 멤버들 머리손질을 해주어서 민규샵 원장님 이란 별명이 붙었어요!!
그리고 잠민규😴란 별명도 있는데 방송프로그램에서 잠을 계속다고 잠에서 빠져나올수없는..? 그런모습을 보고 붙여진 별명입니다!!
다른 방송 프로그램에선 홈 안무를 보여주려는데 반주가 없어 직접 부르면서 하다가 다다닷다다 이런 추임새를 넣어 웃음을 준 적도 있습니당!!!🤣
그리고 고잉세븐틴-논리나잇 편에선 말이 많이 끊기며 민규몰이..? 를 아주 많이 당해요..ㅎㅎ
최근에 나온 술래잡기편에서는 겁쟁이 모먼트를 보여주며 귀여운 모습을 보여줬습니다ㅠ
제가 알고있는 정보는 여기까지구용!! 앞으로도 재밌고 좋은영상 기다릴게요 두유람님!!❤️❤️❤️❤
He once felt insecure because of his dark skin but the others said he's handsome and Mingyu one of the members can't wake up even though he has set the alarm
his fangs make he's more attractive
Bobpul now has a baby!!! It's so cute !!
he was the president of his school's cross stitch club! so cute!!
i could not imagine mingyu doing cross stich TT
Mingyu is also very smart, he was an MC for Inkigayo and has many 97 line idol friends!! He is very kind hearted and listens well to his members 🤍🐶
멤버들 안아줄때 팔뚝으로 안아주는데 진짜 근육이 장난이 아니에요ㅠ❤️❤️
그리고 지금도 키가 크고 있다고 해요👍👍
Mingyu always sleeps a lot. If he found free time, he will sleep.
Mingyu think of himself that he is not funny enough to etertain (as mwntioned in 5th Anniv. Of seventeen.
Mingyu is really a good cook and even join competition during his pre debut days.
He can cook very well.
He's very intelligent.
He won every game they played.
He's very sporty and can play various sports.
He's very clumsy and often falls so he hurts himself a lot and his members worry about him.
He's very creative and paints and draws well.
He's interested in fashion and always dress up well.
He loves photography and even directed, produced, filmed ,edited, even did the costume for their special MV "snapshoot"..he basically made that whole mv by himself.
He's very talented.
He is sooo perfect. He clumsy but he knows how to clean up after himself very well, he is handsome and looks cool but he is actually warm and friendly, he looks manly but good at cooking and something delicate like painting, he is smart in either brainy and artsy sense. He is a full package that comes with so many giveaways and makes you unsure if this thing is a scam.
How is his face cold and has an arrogant personality? Honestly, all I see is a handsome, talented, kind, tall and clumsy puppy-like boy.....never once in my life have I thought he's cold or whatsoever. He's just Mingyu and his tan skin is a bonus! I love you, Kim Mingyu!
Mingyu is so great in taking photo. He has passion in photography.
Mingyu is a good cook and good at household chores ❤
- he filmed one of their music videos "Snapshoot"
- he participates in writing lyrics for their songs
- he is really good at painting