Found 11 Livskvadronen Husarregementet records for my 2nd great-grandfather from 1843-1874 in Riksarkivet, thanks to this information. It solved a decades-old family mystery about the family name Ferando, which certainly didn't sound Swedish. It took a while to find the first record, but all the others were easy after that. I hope that the indexed records in ArkivDigital will make it easier to find my 3rd great-grandfather's records after resuming my subscription shortly. Thanks, Kathy!
Found 11 Livskvadronen Husarregementet records for my 2nd great-grandfather from 1843-1874 in Riksarkivet, thanks to this information. It solved a decades-old family mystery about the family name Ferando, which certainly didn't sound Swedish. It took a while to find the first record, but all the others were easy after that. I hope that the indexed records in ArkivDigital will make it easier to find my 3rd great-grandfather's records after resuming my subscription shortly. Thanks, Kathy!
Cavalry ( military unit), not Calvary (place of crucifixion)