Maria Carmela

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ม.ค. 2025
  • James Chappell ikkompona l-marc Maria Carmela bhala rigal ghall-habib Gudjan tieghu P. Fulgenz Galea OSA li xtaq isemmi l-marc bl-isem ta' Karmenu, l-isem nattiv li kellu qabel ma' dahal Patri Agostinjan u ghall-Madonna. Il-marc indaqq mill-Filarmonika La Stella tal-Gudja fl-1993.
    James Chappell composed this march as a gift for his friend from Gudja, Father Fulgenz Galea OSA, who named this march for himself, Carmelo, this being his birth name before joining the Augustinian Order, and for our Holy Mother; thus Maria Carmela. This march was played and recorded by the La Stella Philharmonic Band of Gudja in 1993.
    Credit for mp3 conversion: Josef Bugeja

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