Eddsworld’s ‘The End’ has PROBLEMS

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
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  • @thebenexperience
    @thebenexperience 6 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    The thing with Eduardo and Jon is because it's supposed to say that people can overreact.
    The idea is that Eduardo says he wishes Jon was dead, but then when he actually died Eduardo realises that he overreacted and wishes he could take back everything he said, but it's to late to apologize.

  • @brynntaylor8802
    @brynntaylor8802 7 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    I almost entirely agree. Most of the issues with this Eddisode are kinda knit-picky, by my main issue with this Eddisode is Tord. I've never really seen as a villain. Not to mention that his real life counterpart left eddsworld because of the fans. With him being the villain of the end, he's got more of a firestorm than ever.
    Your audio sounds way better. 👌

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thanks! And yeah, I totally agree. I wish things were less black and white in this episode.

    • @CJCroen1393
      @CJCroen1393 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I don't necessarily have too much of a problem with him as a villain, as I do with the fact that he feels like a totally different character. Tord's rivalry with Tom was never this pronounced before, he comes off as _too_ mean to everyone whose name isn't "Edd" for most of the episode when the original Tord tended to come off as more apathetic when not being violent, OG!Tord was fairly quiet, not much of a talker, while TheEnd!Tord _never seems to shut up,_ instead constantly making wisecracks and jokes (usually at Tom's expense), etc. Also, why does he sound _Russian_ all of a sudden? Wait, that's probably just because Jamie can't do a Norwegian accent.
      It's not a HUGE problem, but it's kind of distracting, especially since they never explain WHY this change happened. The basic idea seems to be "Well, it's just because he's evil now", which...isn't a good enough explanation. Yes, I can accept that Tord changed because of whatever he was doing to become a villain, but can we have an _explanation_ as to _why_ Tord decided to become evil? Seriously, that could be an episode in and of itself! (I -may- have a fanfic idea in mind for that tbh) Idk, maybe we'll get an explanation when the show comes back, but until then, that's my take on it.

  • @Spongi_124
    @Spongi_124 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Here's my version of The end:
    The beginning is exactly the same, except here instead of Tom going to his room to see Tord, Edd should go to the Fridge to get a cola and then someone is already standing there which is Tord! After the intro Matt is the one that greets Tord and then goes on a small rampage of stuff they've done when he left but then Tom Silences him. Tord then asks where he can go and then Matt can say that you can go into my room, which then preceeds with a montage where they do stuff from previous Eddisodes, except this time while doing all of this Edd notices that Tord would much rather go in a different place and do other stuff. At the end of part 1 we could see Tord going to what seems like a dead body while laughing (I'll explain what it means later.)
    In Part 2 Edd notices that Tord is doing stuff he wouldn't really expect him to do, like denying any Bacon, not liking guns and also actually liking the song Sunshine and Lolipops. This then leads into the Supermarket scene with some Jokes for Matt and Tom to give them some of the Spotlight, which then preceeds into Tord saying that he has to go back home to do something, but that's when Edd decides to secretly follow Tord back home which then leads into him finding Tord's secret room with all the guns which then into Tord explaining everything to Edd: Basically this Tord was actually a Clone from Spares, who ended up in the reject room for not acting like the actual Tord, with that Hybrid of the 4 characters ya know. However that Tord manages to get out and follow all the other clones to their House, and when Edd was attacked to the clones, the Tord clone took his chance and decided to act like he's the real one by helping Edd and the others, and the mass Shooting leaded into the real Tord actually getting shot to death alongside all the other clones, hence the dead body at the end of Part 1. And the thing also is is that the next Episode Tord was in was Moving targets where he barely did anything symobilsing he doesn't know how the Real Tord would act. Meanwhile he would be working on a giant robot trying to kill the real guys for vengance of only being a clone, and then of course he leaves with his car because... maybe to join the army again because he had a really good time there? Then after that whole explanation Tord would activate the giant Robot trying to kill Edd while Tom and Matt are arguing on how to help him, then Edd would put on his Karate outfit from The Dudette next door and do that dance of the beginning of the episode, of course tord doesn't get it cuz he's a clone which then leads into Tord grabbing Edd and throwing him right on the roof and crash through the ground. That then proceeds with Eduardo questioning what is happening and then tord destroys their Home. After that Tom and Matt try to actually do something like Tom using Susan as a Weapon while Matt tries to use his "beautiful looks" to confuse tord. Of course that doesn't work which leads into him trying to shoot a Rocket at them but it's in this moment where Edd runs to them, says "You still owe up for that last piece of Bacon" and then uses his Karate kicks to send the rocket back at the giant robot which makes it explode and Tord lands all the way back in the reject room, where the real life Matt greets him again. This would lead into Edd falling unconcious and then waking up in a bunch of clouds and seeing a giant gate that's golden and behind the bars were tons of Cola, he gets excited but it's then when it happens then Edd gets pushed away from the Wind falling of the Clouds and falling asleep, he then wakes up in a Hospital while Matt and Tom question if he's alright. He assures them and then it cuts into a 3 week epilogue where Edd gets out of the hospital sayingi the final line: "I guess this world really has its ups and downs." While the camera Zooms out showing multiple references to previous eddisodes like the Broken Mirror, Zanta's grave and remains of their own made roof, etc. Roll Credits. After the credits end we see the 3 going by a Gravestone sad, and its then revealed that the Grave belonged to the actual Tord that died in the mass shooting, then there would be a joke where lightning strikes and we see his hand rise with his spoons, basically just a reference to Zombeh attack 2.
    So I hope you didn't have a stroke reading this and understand my Viewing of The end.

    • @Spongi_124
      @Spongi_124 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Tuto the Fox Si, si ma bruda

  • @katt0133
    @katt0133 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I TORDale agree

  • @edgymcfries5674
    @edgymcfries5674 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I should use your idea for The End for an animation-

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Holy frick. Yes please do it

    • @edgymcfries5674
      @edgymcfries5674 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ava L welp I better get flipaclip and start working on it :D

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes! That would be awesome! (Credit me tho)

    • @edgymcfries5674
      @edgymcfries5674 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ava L (of course I'll give credit to you) it might take a few months.. heh ^^;

    • @bushwoom
      @bushwoom 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Apollo-hi1jj
    @Apollo-hi1jj 6 ปีที่แล้ว +25


  • @davestrider4973
    @davestrider4973 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    ‘The gosh diddly darn day’

  • @infiniteemma7817
    @infiniteemma7817 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I dont know why I'm commenting this I just want to set out straight, I agree with you on the most part. I think why edd takes tords side is that he hasn't seen him in over years and doesn't want to fight. Tom is angry at this because tord is replacing him. but the edd not being the main character I can tordally see that, the way you put the story is perfect. I just needed to get my point a cross.
    also if we didn't have the injured tord in the end, (because my guess that edd would not try to kill someone) we wouldn't get the tbatf au or bunches of other I really enjoy

  • @trashnuggetdraws8351
    @trashnuggetdraws8351 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Me: *Jon dies* . . . . *starts sobbing loudly* WHATS THE POINT IN LIFE IF MY LITTLE SMOL BEAN IS DEAD!? (Insert over exaggerated screams) ;^;

  • @CrazeVerse
    @CrazeVerse 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Edd likes to watch things

  • @teaboundturtle
    @teaboundturtle 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I have to agree, but maybe Matt will make it better :T

    • @nuttiebun
      @nuttiebun 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I feel Matt doesn’t even give a shit if the show is good or not...
      Some of the fans will accept ANYTHING from Eddsworld...
      (Personally I think the comics are already starting to drop in quality. I know they’re just 4-panel jokes, but the new ones aren’t very funny anymore...)
      I’ll be sticking around to look into the new episodes (you know, if they ever get around to making any)

    • @rmaster4784
      @rmaster4784 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nuttiebun look man i agree with you in the comics part but what do you mean with "Matt dosen't give a shit anymore"!!!???? Matt and Tom
      tried their best to continue Edd's series after he's death and Matt is still triying to this day even when Tom left the show, just to make sure he's friend's world would keep spining.
      So answer me this why he would do ALL of this if he din't "give a shit anymore"?

  • @TammiLyn39
    @TammiLyn39 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I Agree with about half the things you said, but with added on detail to those things, like with Tom and Tord's rivalry, its like they ignore everything that happened in the past, plus the fact that they dont hate eachother that much, in eddsworld behind the scenes, Tord specifically says he looks back at how him and Tom used to fight and just laughs, so it doesnt make sense

  • @karseniberra
    @karseniberra 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Being honest I never got why Tom & Tord were made rivals. I mean Tom was mostly hostile towards Matt & Edd was manly hostile towards Tord so it doesn’t really make sense.

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think it was because of that really early Eddisode from 2005, and the fact that the real Tom and Tord were rivals in real life.

    • @kimmikat4205
      @kimmikat4205 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rileyovertherainebow really because by the looks of it Tom is trying to help tord out like I heard that why I tord was villan in the end is to try to make everybody hate the character but it didn't work and then Marc lavallo's interview he felt really bad how the way toward found out about Ed's death maybe you could say back then their rivals but maybe by Edd's death I wouldn't say

  • @featheredphoen1x
    @featheredphoen1x 7 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I totally agree, I mean Edd literally is the main character! Honestly, I hated the end, every other episode was good though. Also, Edd in this episode seemed useless.

    • @nuttiebun
      @nuttiebun 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I despise the episode so much, i say that it’s the worst episode of the entire show (to me)

    • @derwent8781
      @derwent8781 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Feathered Phoenix actually, you're incorrect. I've read somewhere that all of them are main characters, being in ALMOST every eddisode. So the shows main focus can literally be any of the 4.

    • @nuttiebun
      @nuttiebun 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But Edd is the title character

  • @UniverseHole
    @UniverseHole 7 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    I would honestly prefer your version of The End
    the things that you pointed out makes sense.
    The End lacked a lot of stuff that would have made it better. When I watched it (a second time because I wanted to look for Easter eggs and stuff-), I noticed how much it lacked. It also seemed to not have that humour or cleverness that the old episodes had.
    Yet again, it can't be perfect.
    Good video by the way!

  • @radioactiveseaotter
    @radioactiveseaotter 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That last bit is not really Edd-ish I would say this is where Edd becomes more like Future Edd and maybe shoot tord with one of the things tord made maybe? Uses the future gun? That's how I see it

  • @greenwolf2315
    @greenwolf2315 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I kinda like your version of The End, but i kept on thinking about this thing i heard about Tord being a possible representation of Edd's cancer, so your version was kind of fitting.

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Actually, Tom recently confirmed that the whole cancer symbolism thing wasn’t true, but I’m glad you like my interpretation!

  • @chelbelplayzxdpika1547
    @chelbelplayzxdpika1547 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    They probably just didn't wanna remind the fans about edd dying ._.
    (just telling ya :3)

  • @shrewkit
    @shrewkit 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think Edwardo always cared about Jon, just his it like tsunderes. (not love though)
    and I think they used edd less since they had tom and Matt as voice actors and since edd died they had a different actor.
    and maybe edd and tom could do the harpoon thing together as the 'I am not your friend, is a reference to when tord. first leaves

  • @kimmikat4205
    @kimmikat4205 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This video was effing brilliant it showed all my hatred against the end and perfectly and your version is way better
    I see people in the comments saying that it makes sense for Tom to be the main star because he's the leader of edgewell now but dude the show is called Eddsworld he should be the main effing character now don't get me wrong Tom is a good character I loved him in the classic episodes The legacy episodes not so much but he was pretty funny sometimes but he feels more like a side character not a background character but a side character and did Tom and tord really have a rivalry? I mean tord said that he looks back and laugh now that him and Tom are less fighting and even after that we had the bacon episode which they did fight in but it wouldn't make sense for EDD to say "I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND"because even if they fought tord was like the tamest to Edd in the entire show I only recall them fighting twice but Ed makes fun of matt and doesn't really care for matt, he totally abuses and makes fun of Tom's pain, and I don't really recall him being mean to tord and more like two episodes so the "I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND"line shouldn't work for all the characters at all. I actually had an idea for an eddsworld episode that matt secretly controls the Red army and tord Doesn't know and that's more like a serious / comedic and narcissistic villain but all in my silly head keep up the good eddsworld work and I can't wait for your review of the scrapped eddsworld fan movie

  • @unholydoctor2083
    @unholydoctor2083 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1. your sound is amoozing and 2, i sorta agree but one thing is that the "i am not your freand" is kinda his whole thing as well as it may be hard due to edd died before the eddasode was made (as you might know ;-; ) it may be hard to find someone to replace or do as many lines as the real edd would im not smart at all so i may be wrong but its my oppenion but as for a better ending i think it sould be the same but edd is sapsus as well and does more then watch as stuff GOES DOWN but more he becomes less of a side charaicter but more placed in the story sorry for this being long im a nerd and i love this stuff so i cant help it

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No problem! And yeah, I get why Edd can't have as much as a role, but it still bothers me that he doesn't really do anything in the episode nevertheless.

  • @thedaejavu
    @thedaejavu 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with your version

  • @shutu_pn3rd
    @shutu_pn3rd 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    People should remember that THE END was made by a different person, not Edd so i think we should just deal with what we got because if you dont like it then you might as well make your own show and see how hard and stressful it is..
    Note: Also Tom usually didnt get many lines in the show, so i think that making Tom the hero in the end was sweet and i think if Edd would be the hero in the end, then i feel like the plot wouldnt make any sense because Edd was pretty good friends with Tord in the show but with Tom, he didnt really like Tord what makes 'the end' really different from any other episodes i watched because it kind of focused on Tom and Tord more (characters who sometimes didnt really speak much)
    -This is just my opinion so dont get pissed at me if u think im wrong

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I respect your opinion, but I just didn’t like this Eddisode, especially when comparing it to the other legacy Eddisodes (also not made by Edd) that were amazing. I know we got what we got and we should deal with it, but this is the FINALE. I was expecting more out of it because it was so huge.
      Also, think about this: if your friend betrayed you, destroyed your home and attempted to kill your other friends you would probably be angry, and willing to hurt the one who betrayed you. Also, Tord and Edd had a rivalry in the past. I don’t think Edd as a character would mind hurting him again.

    • @shutu_pn3rd
      @shutu_pn3rd 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      wasnt the rivalry in real life? (idk, i dont remember)

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well, the characters are supposed to be separated from real life. In some really old Eddisodes (Breakfast, Dudette Next Door, etc.), Tord and Edd tended to fight a lot.

    • @shutu_pn3rd
      @shutu_pn3rd 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      yaaa, lets just leave our opinions to ourselves :')

  • @wackyrody6278
    @wackyrody6278 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with this

  • @diabetic_drawings5567
    @diabetic_drawings5567 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    But think about it, Tom and tord both were treated poorly but tom, Tom WAS treated like shit but when tord left, he got slowly treated better but when tord came back he got treated like shit again so he’s upset that’s why hes pissed but if Tom and Edd switch places it would not be a metaphor any more.

  • @gachaslime-o5843
    @gachaslime-o5843 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree so edd can be the hero and make Evan funnier

  • @ethancampbell6629
    @ethancampbell6629 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    just going to say eddwardo cried becuase jon is his freind he may bully jon but at the end of the day there freinds

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      If that’s the case, why did the show only feature Eduardo abusing Jon and nothing having to do with their friendship? Idk, I just wish there was more buildup to a breakdown like that.

  • @machonachos2172
    @machonachos2172 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    3:48 im her in the backround..im like! tragic.......

  • @cupheadandfamilyguyfan5205
    @cupheadandfamilyguyfan5205 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I honestly agree

  • @iceshine4413
    @iceshine4413 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    i think that tom leave then is that that matt and edd dont listen to him

  • @lordnheaven
    @lordnheaven 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    You're audio is good please,
    Also foreshadowing

  • @funtimebonnie8776
    @funtimebonnie8776 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @noviranger88
    @noviranger88 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have a new intro?

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      NoviRanger83 Yeah, that’s gonna be my intro for Eddsworld videos,.

    • @noviranger88
      @noviranger88 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well, I like it!!

  • @karenzekauskas3006
    @karenzekauskas3006 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    tsktsktsktsk hmmmmmm you don't get it do everythings there for a reasan it's comeing back so you better wach your mouth.

  • @joelcrooky3104
    @joelcrooky3104 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I hope you realise that there's a small team, sometimes one person, working on the story and animating. You're criticising an amateur animation like it's rly professional. Also, Edd is not with us anymore, he lost a battle with cancer. This video was made by different people than usual. Also... It's a CARTOON. This is a silly, awesome cartoon, not some elaborate, intelligent comedy show.
    And again (I'm writing this as I watch the video) Edd is gone. It makes sense that they would not focus on him. Stop criticising this cartoon, because it's obviously different to the original. Edd is gone.

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I understand that a small group of people worked really hard on this, but here’s the thing: whether one or one thousand people make something, it is not exempt from criticism. As well as that, while this is normally a goofy cartoon show, this episode in particular is one that is taken seriously. There are real stakes here, characters do die, and the focus isn’t so much on humor. And because they take it so seriously, I feel it’s only fair that I can criticize it seriously as well, as I see problems with it.
      Also, this is a show called EDDsworld. The legacy was dedicated to Edd. Wouldn’t it make more sense to focus on his character rather than keep him in the background?

    • @joelcrooky3104
      @joelcrooky3104 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fair enough.

  • @mimi_kawaii4638
    @mimi_kawaii4638 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well so you think you can do better? Prove it.

    • @rileyovertherainebow
      @rileyovertherainebow  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @skitsandstfuff1013
      @skitsandstfuff1013 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      remembering that this is AvaL opinion and that she did not say that she could do better.

    • @mimi_kawaii4638
      @mimi_kawaii4638 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      wild child yeah but if she has her own opinion, she can make her own animate for an eddsworld ep. Isn't It!?

    • @skitsandstfuff1013
      @skitsandstfuff1013 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm not trying try to get in a fight here and maby she didnot have time to make this animations.

    • @mimi_kawaii4638
      @mimi_kawaii4638 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      wild child If she can't i dont think she most judge others animations ( i know everyone has a opinion, but she and the others who make This type of vídeo must guard they opinion for himself ) i not here to fight etheir but i Just think that :/