Intimations of a New Worldview, Part 9: The Epistemic Crisis

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ความคิดเห็น • 17

  • @michaelgarfield
    @michaelgarfield 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Brett based on your citation of and comments on Sloman and Fernbach I think you'd enjoy Complexity Podcast episode 57 with Jonas Dalege, who uses physics models to research cognitive dissonance and how people get stuck at various addresses on, or move to new ones across, networks of loosely- or tightly-coupled beliefs.

  • @harryboll8727
    @harryboll8727 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    YOU’RE BACK!!!!! So excited for this been checking every day since part 8! ❤😅

  • @michaelgarfield
    @michaelgarfield 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Remind me to tell you about the time that I was purged...

  • @michaelgarfield
    @michaelgarfield 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Have any evolutionary biologists taken Tomasello to task on his claim that lying could not have been part of the original evolution of language? Because we DO see copious false signaling in presyntactic, preverbal, even "prelinguistic" organisms. Sometimes it's distinctly deliberate, not just a matter of evolved traits of which the organism itself is unaware and working in its favor while it acts on instinct. His origin story for the lie has to have started at the very base of the phylogenetic tree if it is to be an accurate account at all...

    • @michaelgarfield
      @michaelgarfield 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      For instance, cancer is capable of "forging" complex biomolecules in order to solicit additional glucose from the rest of an organism's healthy body, which is the organic chemistry equivalent of lying to the government in order to get subsidies for illegal corporate activity. There's a clear benefit in the short term to the cancer and there's no intent to deceive as we would understand it, but nonetheless there are information theoretical properties of this relatively simple system such that some baseline level of falsity persists as an evolutionarily stable strategy in any system that can't "fact check" itself constantly.

    • @michaelgarfield
      @michaelgarfield 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      But he's not wrong that language evolves to serve positive sum games. That's woven into the cosmic "Will To Power" from the very first. Check out, again, Dave Deamer and Bruce Damer's work on hot springs abiogenesis and how the earliest hypothetical possible "life form" according to orthodox current definitions would have been a colonial super-organism, a prototypical biofilm. Biophysics research like Jeremy England's, building on earlier work on dissipative structures by Ilya Prigogine, characterizes life as fundamentally cooperative because teams outperform individuals at the task of free energy minimization at every level of coarse-graining.

  • @00i0ii0
    @00i0ii0 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Andrew Tate is another key figure in the cult of the "great" father; perhaps they are the "great" big brother haha

  • @forscherr2
    @forscherr2 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I applause your lecture - this was great!!
    Symbolically, GETTING YOUR OWN ACT TOGETHER and ADOPTING INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY (for whatever part of reality beckons to you with divine interest and admiration, whatever problems call out to you to be solved by you, personally) is equivalent to what in The Lord of The Rings is called the RETURN OF THE KING. The KING is the highest authority or function of the individual psyche, the conscious RATIO-nality (= capacity to properly ration the individual values, to integrate, order, stabilize and harmonize the hierarchy of values).
    If the KING loses humility and forgets that even he himself, in all of high sovereignty, has to remain a humble servant to God (Truth, Beauty, Good, the Sacred & Transcendent), he will turn into the SHADOWKING which is Satan, possessed by Luciferian pride, the hyper-rational intellect which rules with an iron fist, mistakes his own Map for the true Territory (the Transcendent), leaves no room for exceptions to tyrannical rule and stops the rejuvenating waterfountain of CHAOS, and desires only to control, whereas the true KING acts in the service of LOVE, which is the desire to see everything in his Kingdom (everything that the light of his individual consciousness touches, his roles/responsibilites in the world) flourish, blossom and unfold its latent potential and realize its awesome and radiant beauty.
    And the KING is not only the HERO who slays the Dragon, the KING also is the DRAGONRIDER, capable of unleashing and channeling the great Beast, all those primordial and powerful instincts inside of us, the archetypes of the mature masculine (and feminine): the wisdom of the SERPENT, the capacity to fly above & see far & pay attention & listen like the FALCON (eye of Horus), strong and dangerous as a sabertooth-TIGER who hunts down his game without mercy, the FIRE of true passion burning inside (enthusiastic joy for BEING and BECOMING), and the terrifying beauty that only the DRAGON as the alchemical synthesis of all of these archetypes himself can incarnate.

  • @roryg7773
    @roryg7773 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    JOHN 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.EZEKIEL 36:26
    I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.ACTS 3:19
    Repent and turn from your SINS, so your sins may be FORGIVEN!
    ROMANS 10:9
    Confess out loud JESUS is LORD, believe in your Heart GOD raised HIM from the Dead and you will be SAVED!

  • @roryg7773
    @roryg7773 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ecclesiastes 10:2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

  • @Echo_Online
    @Echo_Online ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey look whos back!

  • @PowWowDAO
    @PowWowDAO 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey haven't heard from you on TH-cam. Are you okay? I dont know you. I just care about you a lot. If you'd like to.. pls teach out.

  • @dalibofurnell
    @dalibofurnell ปีที่แล้ว

    Well, South Africa became a democratic country in 1994 and it is way better than what it was before- which was a discriminatory rank based tyranny and horrific, there was the apartheid era and when that ended so much changed for basically everybody, if it had not come out of apartheid and if we had not become a democracy I don't even want to imagine how much worse it would have gotten, I am simply sharing this to introduce a bit of hope, but also to suggest that maybe reading up on history of South Africa could be both interesting and helpful, educational in some way, and if not, I am sure there is something inspiring you can find in this country's history. I am also not talking about politics. Especially not cross country, and the news and media really distort things so it is mostly unpleasant to have to talk about for most, for some though, they love to talk politics, mostly out of boredom or to let out real life frustration about deeper things. Many people vent through political talk - which i find interesting. There is corruption in the government , but the people here, we push back, we spread the word, we educate, we ask and check, many people care about making a better place. there is a very important element of making effort in educating and informing one another. some get upset at the government and do nothing but puff up or in more extreme cases rally up and do insane things of violence, but that is not ignored, it is addressed. keeping informed about laws and keeping aware of anything that comes up proposing a change- usually ridiculous and people come together and petition against it. People want the truth, they want to keep it that way and no one here wants to go back at all. Obviously there is so much more to say, but there is something good, something that works in a democracy, that bring people together, and over time things start becoming a bit clearer , in the way that the rhythm goes, and understanding how certain processes work, etc etc. Anyway- the goal is unity. Unity is something I don't feel like I should have to explain. Not right now. It itself is simple solid stable and strong, how to get there is a bit more complex and would require a couple of things , wont name them all but definitely participation in the process, the process takes time, etc etc . But yeah , it seems a bit radical to many, and it takes time to help guide everybody and different ages in the ways they can all be a part of the movement or flow of the harmony and unity in a melodious way (I believe that is possible - maybe not all but a large amount can achieve it like this, etc etc. a good start though, begins with you, every person has a starting place and a place where they belong and a place to get to and that with others and that with nature and God too and that is important to get established or take resposibility for or realize there is a pre process and that at least youve got to get to a place where you as a person can stand firm, manage, adapt, make decisions, learn, grow, develop and form a good foundation for your identity to form and nourish that then into character and really just getting your own core going and then each area of your life and having that regulating well and being able to then co regulate with others etc- Thats not nothing that is a very important thing to do it contributes to the whole , etc etc Sorry I really had to cut myself off in a lot of places here. At the end of the day though, I do truly believe that it will all turn out for the better, and with that something that helps me is accepting that maybe I dont see the final result, but I know that what I do can make a difference especially when it contributes to a collective movement or change , the stepping toward unity and having helped lift a few others along the way, It is important to get to that content place in your soul, or you'll miss out on the quality you were and were a part of in quantity and quality and in quantum etc this all is bigger than "individual" blah blah ness, there is so much more and sometimes a bit of a turn is what is needed to orient into the revelation realization transformation situation that may begin with the tiniest insight lets say for example one could be "oh this is not about me" - sounds stupid but that's the point, it sounds stupid, but what is it really ? what is that about? what does it mean? what do I feel? what do I think? Who is it about? What is it about? aaah the start of a new enquiry into life that delves into completely different levels and when returning , slowly more and more makes sense together and something real and meaningful is created and with momentum, and certain other principles/keys/applications/etc one can find other dimensions and aspects of dimensions and wordly thinking collapses a bit and you shake a few things loose and make room for reality to come in you, upon you, through you and then return and find the source and find the roots and dig into life and be here, my goodness, I dont think there is another comment section where I let my mind lose for a moment. I might delete this. But I've gotta post it first.

  • @Hyumanity
    @Hyumanity ปีที่แล้ว

    So glad you're back! Quite the strong opinions of Trump you have! I don't know much so I can't really analyze your opinion - would love to hear you expand on a private patreon video or something.

  • @thephilosophicalagnostic2177
    @thephilosophicalagnostic2177 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with most of what you say. My assessment of Trump is radically different. I believe he is a brilliant politician because he doesn't mealy mouth things like most politicians. He plays Tit for Tat. I've seen him do this over and over again on TV. If you've helped him in any way, he'll praise you to the skies. He will be kind, considerate, loveable. If you have opposed him, he will treat you like dirt. This aspect of Trump is no doubt where you get your "piece of shit" description from. He was a rough, tough NYC contractor, with all that that implies. What most people don't know about him is that he's a teetotaler, has never taken an alcoholic drink. Why? Because his beloved brother died of alcoholism. He refused to go down that path. He is also fastidious. You wouldn't think a man in that position and with that temperament would be, but he's always demanded pristine conditions in his surroundings, his body, his people. And so, since I know this about him, I also know that every single political lie about him, especially the bit about him presumably peeing on a bed in Moscow is so outrageously false, and the intelligence community so egregiously at fault for spreading that lie and basing every single investigation into Trump based on that lie, leads me to believe every subsequent investigation was also based on purely malicious lies about him. I conclude, when you delve into real details, name-calling drops away, it can no longer communicate effectively. You know more of what is and name-calling simply makes the name-caller look bad. This is one crucial aspect of why our political discourse has been so corrupted as of late, no doubt.

    • @thephilosophicalagnostic2177
      @thephilosophicalagnostic2177 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Read Robert Axelrod's book, The Evolution of Cooperation, to learn what the strategy, Tit for Tat is.