Dad use to have a professional job maybe because he faked sickness for so long he lost it. Now he gets firewood and plants like a woman. Oh no here he goes again, the drama he passed out, oh well she wanted him now she's got him. What a clown😅😅
I try so hard to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself but I’m at the point where Ngoan is getting on my nerves. She’s so excited and acts so happy that her ex has made some appearances that it’s frustrating. What has he done? Yes, cooked a couple meals for them while using a frying pan and rice cooker another man bought to make life easier for his family. Plus, watching his child roll around too that he sorely needed again bought by someone else. Lord forbid they have to depend on his foraging skills to feed the family because we’ve witnessed the lack of those in this episode. We all agree however that he can not walk or function in the woods!!! Drama King!!
Karenhill1497 Greetings from Cyprus. I fully agree with you.Ngoan is certainly getting on my nerves too. She was happy to receive the gifts from the policeman it sort of led him on by her reactions when she saw the gifts. Then the mama boy loser of an ex came and cooked her a couple of meals and she thinks all is well again. Wake up Ngoan your ex is a loser and once a loser always a loser. Think of your children.
A me invece mi sta innervosendo vedendo che non è abbastanza accorta con i figli . Si suppone che sia freddo perchè vedo che hanno dei gibbini pesanti perche allora li manda sempre scalzi ? almeno metti le calzine
@@vickirickman5828 It use to be a good show but now it's very frustrating to see how those kids are being raised. It's winter time and Mit is barefooted and she will be back in the hospital next and her Mother will sit and cry. I am over this...
Seu marido tem que agir feito homem responsável, parar de fazer graça caindo tombos🤦♀️ gaste o dinheiro dos seus vídeos com uma máquina de lavar, ou o cinegrafista fica com mais e vocês com menos🤔🤝🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Не давайте малышам кукурузу!!!! Эта пища очень тяжелая для желудка малых деток!!!! По утрам нужно варить детям разные кашки из крупы на молоке, а не кукурузу или заваринная лапша! 😊😊
I agree , she has all kind of ducks and chickens but No Eggs ever for these kids for breakfast. The other Mother's I have seen, put a egg or 2 in with the noodles.
That’s ridiculous, corn doesn’t harm a small child in any way that I know of and I’ve raised 3 kids! She is feeding her children! THATS WHATS IMPORTANT! This woman takes care of her children the best she can and gets very little help from her ex. So please don’t post texts stating she’s doing something wrong….she’s not
Irónico,Tit estaba con un cuarto de mazorca ( maíz), luego cocina fideos y la ración que le da ( la mamá) a Tit es minúscula. Ella come con gran avidez. Mit está muy delgada. Tit está feliz por que la estàn bañando. Mit otra vez con mocos, y siempre la limpia con un trapo hecho nudo. Una mujer muy descuidada. Opino a través de lo que deja ver.
In Asian countries, noodles are for breakfast. The different types of noodles are served in cafes and restaurants, and people go there for breakfast (if not at home). Respect others' cultures.
She's a good person but she's not a good Mother or she would keep socks and good shoes on those children's feet. Both children have runny noses and she can't see that they need medicine before it gets worse. Mit never minds and that will only get worse.
@@fayepelfrey3823 Prosím, už se neptejte a neraďte, ale odhlašte se ze sledování. Oni o rady a dotazy nestojí, jenom chtějí peníze za sledovanost. Tahle podívaná je ztráta našeho času. Pryč odsud!
I cannot imagine how bad the child's butt must hurt from wearing urine all day and night. She only cares about her lazy husband and the kids are on the bottom of the list!!
Buenas noches quiero comentar algo con mucho respeto la niña mayor le falta que la reprenda y que obedezca hace lo que quiere es muy maleducada tiene que aprender a obedecer🙏🏻
Não deixe a sua filha subir para cima da mesa onde comem, ensine a ter regras na sua filha, ela faz tudo o que quer, isso não é ser bons pais😢😢 anda descalça está sempre constipada 😢😢
One of my grandkids could climb out of that ravine whats with the phony weakling loser no job so now no money mommies little boy he cheats he lies he’s deceives her all the time And a smart resourceful woman like her needs or wants someone like him ???? REALLY!!!!!!! I DONT THINK SO. COME ON WRITERS WE ARE PRETTY SMART CAN YOU JUST WRITE HIM OUT OF THE SCRIPT AND GET ON WITH HER VIDEOS BEFORE YOU LOSE SUBSCRIBERS BY THE DOZENS
Babies should not be fed noodles coz it has a lot of salt The mother is not cooking his baby food anymore When she’s pregnant again the ex husband will leave her again!!!
Отец какой-то не состоявшийся, неудачник, как малый ребёнок, ему самому надо играть в игрушки. Сделать детей несложно, а вот воспитать и вырастить и содержать ему видимо трудно, не приспособленный ни к чему. Плохо это😢
He couldn’t see it was a ravine that veggie doesn’t grow anyplace else just on the very edge of that particular ravine HOW OLD ISTHIS DUMMY AND HOW MANY TIMES CAN HE FALL OFF OF SOMETHING OR DOWN SOMETHING THESE VIDEOS ARE GETTING SO BORING AND THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER 😮
Нгоан ,вы очень легкомысленно относитесь к здоровью детей.Одевете детям теплые куртки ,а ноги босые,шапки не по размеру,уж лучше совсем не одевать такие шапки,толку отних все равно нет.К питанию отноитесь как для себя и детей тоже плохо,мяса в рационе нет,фруктов тоже,молока мало дети получают.Детки всегда грязные,я уже писала,что когдамвы были беременны Титом ,вы гораздо больше времени уделяли уборке,купанию Мит,старались готовить.Мит всегда получала молоко,а вот Тит нет.Обидно,очень переживаю за вашу семью,а от вас исходит сплошная безответственность.И еще этот папа ни к чему не приспособленный мужик,как не упадет ,так умирает.Оператор,снимай уже просто жизнь Нгоан.
I totally agree with you. I have mentioned the same thing half a year ago and many seemed to have different opinions then. I still can NOT trust this ex-husband since he is not truthful to his wife and his mother. I see he loves his children but he is not a devoted husband to his wife. By the way, why many of the people who appears in this video keep fainting and been rescued right away? Is there something wrong with their health?
She's a LAZY Mother and her son is MALNOURISHED because she doesn't feed him correctly.. She's still breast feeding him..and she has no milk! She is USELESS. He is 8 months old..
@@adrianapereira-wu3svu babičky sousedky seděl jak u ní doma tak když ona byla u nich. Jen Ngoan nemá čas, ale když sledujete její videa od začátku - co nadělala práce s malinkou Mittou a těhotná s Titem - to teď neudělá ani třetinu. Uklizeno jak kdy, vaří jak kdy, zahrádce se věnuje občas, tudíž pravidelný možný prodej nepřichází v úvahu a chov slepic a kachen to je bída s nouzí. A teď její bývalý manžel, který ji, těhotnou a s cca dvouměsíční Mitt, vykopl spolu se svou matkou z jejich domu-tedy chalupy. Vždyť ona dřela, s pomocí současné sousedky se vypracovala tam, kde je a objeví se tento "poklad". Nějak scénáristu nechápu. Místo, aby se její život zlepšoval, jde to naopak od deseti k pěti.
It seems like he’s held and carried like a two day old baby. Most times with hand behind his head. Unless something is physically wrong he should be able to hold his head and back straight.
Отец твоих детей,совсем неприспособлен к трудностям!За него,всё делала мама!Сам пошёл в джунгли и тут же упал!Хватит падений для молодого парня-это очень глупо!У тебя 2е детей,а ты артистом хочешь быть-комиком!Иди ищи стабильную работу-детей надо кормить и одевать!Помогай матери твоих детей ростить их.
Я такого еще не видела !Накупать ребенка одеть ему куртку но не одеть носочки !Почему дети ходят в куртках и босые ноги!Девочка постоянно с соплями ! Это все делается для контента ,или у них так принято?
Voces precisam comer mais nutrientes proteína como ,carne ovos peixe frango ,macarrão deuxa vices francos dar tontura vitamina B12 tem tá alta 900 pra cima tiver 2 dar agonia franqueza e tambem vitamina C vitamina D para subir imunidade
Por qué éstas estupideces de desmayos y caídas?? Estamos hartos de decir que el de la cámara tiene que ayudar, no?? En vez de hacer vídeos creíbles, estáis haciendo el ridículo con éstas tonterías absurdas.
Tu niña más grande otra ves está enferma asé frío y solo descalsa la traes siempre los tienes enfermos noles pones la atención adecuada la dejas qsela pase mojando
why do you people watch this if you hate it so much. all you do is criticize her about every little thing. your so rude and hurtful ! MEAN PEOPLE! I’m sure your not raising your children any better bc your probably just as mean to them as you are here
Good too see the kids have coats on, but if it is cold enough to have coats why do they NOT HAVE SOCKS ON THEIR FEET???? AS MUCH AS YOUR KIDS HAVE RUNNY NOSES AND IT BEING COLD THEY SGOULD HAVE SOCKS AND SHOES ON THEIR FEET....
@rowenareinertsen4749 He falls into ditches all the time because he is as the British say a Twit. He really needs to get a proper job it may save him from falling all the time.
Mi opinio pienzo que elle sola puede mas que estando con su ex y ella trabaja mas que el acriado sus hijas sola almo su casa ella estoda una gererra creo el deveria ser mas fuerte para que no resbale en una gota d agua😂😂😂😂😂
Why is it he falls or get into accidents constantly. She forages with a baby on her back and sometimes a toddler and they com out safe. I know they are trying to keep our interest but that’s ENOUGH with this guys clumsiness. He is totally inept. Peace and ❤
Bence baba işten atıldı. İşi yok.o yüzden parada yok. Nogehan calışir kocasini ve çocukları bakar. İnşallah yeniden çocuk yapmazlar. Bu gidiş hi iyi değil.
Baby cries when need if milk or change of diaper but mom engage in her work only ,only feeding the kids not clean them ,they look always shabby dirty with running nose
Voces sao uma família abençoada, mas esse tipo de alimentação nao é a adequada para vocês. Café da manhã, as crianças tem que tomar leite , comer paes , biscoitos, bolos,etc. Macarrão, miojo , nao acrescenta nada para voces em questao de nutrição. É necessario para crianças e adultos ingerir : proteina , carboidratos, legumes , verduras e frutas. Desejo que prosperem para mudar o tipo de alimentação... Deus os abençoe muito e derrama muitas graças em suas vidas. ❤😅❤😅❤😅beijos 💋 💋 💋 💋
😂Мама у тебя с головоц все в порядке?Мало того что Мит после купания бегала босая,так ты одеваешь обувь на грязные ноги,а Тит так и остался с голыми но😂гами.Утаких нерадивых родителей детей надо забирать и отдавать нормальным заботливым людям.
Mas esse marido cai heim, muito fraco, ele não trabalhava na empresa de obras? Agora vai colher na floresta? Outra coisa não dê milho para o Tit, pode engasgar. Coloque uma caixa com.pan para cachorra, esta frio. Boa sorte ❤
I don’t think the husband has a job anymore. He didn’t go to work yesterday. He just walked around then came back to Ngoan’s house as if he was at work. I think she just needs to kick him to the curb and get to know the policeman better. He obviously likes her.
Put shoes and socks on your little girl she's already getting sick she needs to learn that she is not getting everything she wants right now while she is little teach her to mine you
You're absolutely correct 👍He lies to her but she's madly in love with him although she pretends to kick him out when she's angry 👎with him. But after he has brought over more gifts, she loves the gifts and treats him nicely. Poor woman!
Każdy rozwój dziecka jest inny,u mnie było podobnie,dwie córki i każda w innym czasie suadala i chodziła. Pierwsza wszystko powoli i z opóźnieniem,druga żywioł ,także proszę się nie martwić ,poradzi😀
Yes.. She'll be back in hospital the next news.. Screaming her awful head off,when the Mother let's her have injections instead of medicine. Same thing.. Just a different day .
Tutti siamo bravi a dare consigli,sei libera di fare ciò che ritieni giusto x i tuoi figli xche li conosci meglio di noi ,xche vediamo solo uno scorcio della tua vita ,ma la bambina scalza prenderà il raffreddore,non serve coprirli sopra e poi i piedi scalzi, se terra le scarpe ti risparmierai tanti problemi e soldi 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Could you one time love on the baby and let him eat in peace. He gets no noodle no great milk no box milk. Just one time can you give him full attention and make sure he gets as much good broke as you allow your daughter today junk.
Старшая дочь ходит в сад и миленького сына надо отдавать сад , и устраиваться на работу где люди работают целый день и получают зарплату за месяц два раза и покупать еду нормальную , а то посадит а огород не много вырастит пойдёт продаст и все но это не деньги совсем а копейки, что у них каких заводов нет , предприятия большие , фермы где выращивают животных туда устроиться и работать. А так нечего с небо не упадёт , надо полагаться на свои силы .
Her husband is dumb first time he ride a bycycle he has accident recenty onother accident now carrying small wood he fall on the slope we call that is a dum and clamcy 😂😂
Hola bendiciones por favor abrigue bien a los niños póngales calcetines xk el suéter el gorro y la ropa abrigada esta bien pero los calcetines siempre tien k usarlis x salud y para k anden completamente abrigados bendiciones familia feliz año nuevo ❤❤❤❤
Takového manžela tedy rozhodně ne, to je dárek nad dárky. Teď se o něj ještě bude starat. Práci očividně ztratil, peníze tedy taky nedá, z čeho budou žít, když už do teď třou bídu s nouzí. Co Ngoan neprodá a za utržené peníze nekoupí, nenasbírá v lese nebo na poli nebo hodná sousedka nedá, nemají. Svoje rodiče už min.tři roky neviděla tchyně? Škoda slov.!!!
Ellos nunca se bañan y cundo lo hacen no usan ni javon ni shanpo no entiendo las costumbres de este pais jamas se ponen zapatos simpre andan en chanclas q feo
Muy bueno el capítulo de hoy,papá luchon juntando jengibre y hojas de te se fue por el barraco!😂😂😂,esta muy bueno igual que colabore por el bien de su família un abrazo y besos a Mit y Thi💕💕💕💕
Salve non fatte altro che criticare Vorrei vedere voi vivere in questo contesto Io ammiro molto questa famiglia nel loro piccolo non manca nulla Buon anno ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Hay una comentarista que dijo que todo es falso ,el matrimonio y los dos niños viven en la casa de la abuela y van a la choza a hacer videos y no están separados están los cuatro juntos
Tomu věřím a tak je to u všech podobných videí. Jen z komentářů a lajků dostávají od YT finanční prostředky, a pro ně to natáčejí. Tak jsou chudí nebo ne???
Just because one have a fall or accident he/she is weak. No one wish to be in an accident. Rather than critizing, why not just wish for the good and of the family.
Dad use to have a professional job maybe because he faked sickness for so long he lost it. Now he gets firewood and plants like a woman. Oh no here he goes again, the drama he passed out, oh well she wanted him now she's got him. What a clown😅😅
I try so hard to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself but I’m at the point where Ngoan is getting on my nerves. She’s so excited and acts so happy that her ex has made some appearances that it’s frustrating. What has he done? Yes, cooked a couple meals for them while using a frying pan and rice cooker another man bought to make life easier for his family. Plus, watching his child roll around too that he sorely needed again bought by someone else. Lord forbid they have to depend on his foraging skills to feed the family because we’ve witnessed the lack of those in this episode. We all agree however that he can not walk or function in the woods!!! Drama King!!
Karenhill1497 Greetings from Cyprus. I fully agree with you.Ngoan is certainly getting on my nerves too. She was happy to receive the gifts from the policeman it sort of led him on by her reactions when she saw the gifts. Then the mama boy loser of an ex came and cooked her a couple of meals and she thinks all is well again. Wake up Ngoan your ex is a loser and once a loser always a loser. Think of your children.
Este ex , es un vividor, que lo eche a la calle con su mamá , va a pesarle , y llorará de nuevo
Exactly, he has been under Mama too long.
Yes, you have a reason to be frustrated because this woman is a looser👎 and has zero grounding!
A me invece mi sta innervosendo vedendo che non è abbastanza accorta con i figli . Si suppone che sia freddo perchè vedo che hanno dei gibbini pesanti perche allora li manda sempre scalzi ? almeno metti le calzine
Esse seu marido só cai ele é mto fraco mais um drama kkkk😅😅😅
Him and her both
Tit is the best baby! I just love him. He’s so calm and sweet❤
Yeah god bless him he has to grow up with the older kid. She his barefooted. After a bath. And the. The mom cries when she gets sick. Realky
@@vickirickman5828 It use to be a good show but now it's very frustrating to see how those kids are being raised. It's winter time and Mit is barefooted and she will be back in the hospital next and her Mother will sit and cry. I am over this...
It won’t be long before he is naughty like mit as I notice he watches everything she does.
Can anybody tell me why the bath water was brown she was bathing Tit in? And MIT was putting it in her mouth 🤢🤮
Seu marido tem que agir feito homem responsável, parar de fazer graça caindo tombos🤦♀️ gaste o dinheiro dos seus vídeos com uma máquina de lavar, ou o cinegrafista fica com mais e vocês com menos🤔🤝🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Не давайте малышам кукурузу!!!! Эта пища очень тяжелая для желудка малых деток!!!! По утрам нужно варить детям разные кашки из крупы на молоке, а не кукурузу или заваринная лапша! 😊😊
I agree , she has all kind of ducks and chickens but No Eggs ever for these kids for breakfast. The other Mother's I have seen, put a egg or 2 in with the noodles.
That’s ridiculous, corn doesn’t harm a small child in any way that I know of and I’ve raised 3 kids! She is feeding her children! THATS WHATS IMPORTANT! This woman takes care of her children the best she can and gets very little help from her ex. So please don’t post texts stating she’s doing something wrong….she’s not
Irónico,Tit estaba con un cuarto de mazorca ( maíz), luego cocina fideos y la ración que le da ( la mamá) a Tit es minúscula.
Ella come con gran avidez. Mit está muy delgada.
Tit está feliz por que la estàn bañando.
Mit otra vez con mocos, y siempre la limpia con un trapo hecho nudo.
Una mujer muy descuidada.
Opino a través de lo que deja ver.
Чтобы купить разные каши и молока нужны деньги.
In Asian countries, noodles are for breakfast. The different types of noodles are served in cafes and restaurants, and people go there for breakfast (if not at home). Respect others' cultures.
Why don’t you make Mit behave, and keep socks and shoes on her feet. That’s why she always sick, and stop playing in water,
She's a good person but she's not a good Mother or she would keep socks and good shoes on those children's feet. Both children have runny noses and she can't see that they need medicine before it gets worse. Mit never minds and that will only get worse.
@ I agree
@@fayepelfrey3823 Prosím, už se neptejte a neraďte, ale odhlašte se ze sledování. Oni o rady a dotazy nestojí, jenom chtějí peníze za sledovanost. Tahle podívaná je ztráta našeho času. Pryč odsud!
Até que enfim deu banho nessa criança!!
I cannot imagine how bad the child's butt must hurt from wearing urine all day and night. She only cares about her lazy husband and the kids are on the bottom of the list!!
Buenas noches quiero comentar algo con mucho respeto la niña mayor le falta que la reprenda y que obedezca hace lo que quiere es muy maleducada tiene que aprender a obedecer🙏🏻
Esse homem é um molenga, qualquer tombinho ele ja quase morre
Weak mamma 's boy😮
A weak wimp who goes running to his Mummy
I've fallen a few times in my life and never fainted. They have a small nature
Ну просто скотьлся не падал удара не было и тут не может вылести да что вы снимаете такую чушь мужик вообще не пииспособлен к жизни
Как не приспособлен, детей делает, не дай бог третий ребенок появиться.
Não deixe a sua filha subir para cima da mesa onde comem, ensine a ter regras na sua filha, ela faz tudo o que quer, isso não é ser bons pais😢😢 anda descalça está sempre constipada 😢😢
One of my grandkids could climb out of that ravine whats with the phony weakling loser no job so now no money mommies little boy he cheats he lies he’s deceives her all the time And a smart resourceful woman like her needs or wants someone like him ???? REALLY!!!!!!! I DONT THINK SO. COME ON WRITERS WE ARE PRETTY SMART CAN YOU JUST WRITE HIM OUT OF THE SCRIPT AND GET ON WITH HER VIDEOS BEFORE YOU LOSE SUBSCRIBERS BY THE DOZENS
Появление третьего ребенка их должно волновать больше,чем нас,это их дело.
Babies should not be fed noodles coz it has a lot of salt
The mother is not cooking his baby food anymore
When she’s pregnant again the ex husband will leave her again!!!
Don't know how cold it gets there but one kid has coat on one has a sweater no shoes but always cough and runny nose and bath in cold water
I always notice that too. I’m confused 🤔
Папа упал в овраг, и снова будет отлеживаться без сознания. Лентяй.
Отец какой-то не состоявшийся, неудачник, как малый ребёнок, ему самому надо играть в игрушки. Сделать детей несложно, а вот воспитать и вырастить и содержать ему видимо трудно, не приспособленный ни к чему. Плохо это😢
Agora que vcs estão juntos não engravidar tom anticoncepcional ok ❤❤
He couldn’t see it was a ravine that veggie doesn’t grow anyplace else just on the very edge of that particular ravine HOW OLD ISTHIS DUMMY AND HOW MANY TIMES CAN HE FALL OFF OF SOMETHING OR DOWN SOMETHING THESE VIDEOS ARE GETTING SO BORING AND THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER 😮
Haha 🤭🤭 that’s so funny 🤣. You are correct 👍
Нгоан ,вы очень легкомысленно относитесь к здоровью детей.Одевете детям теплые куртки ,а ноги босые,шапки не по размеру,уж лучше совсем не одевать такие шапки,толку отних все равно нет.К питанию отноитесь как для себя и детей тоже плохо,мяса в рационе нет,фруктов тоже,молока мало дети получают.Детки всегда грязные,я уже писала,что когдамвы были беременны Титом ,вы гораздо больше времени уделяли уборке,купанию Мит,старались готовить.Мит всегда получала молоко,а вот Тит нет.Обидно,очень переживаю за вашу семью,а от вас исходит сплошная безответственность.И еще этот папа ни к чему не приспособленный мужик,как не упадет ,так умирает.Оператор,снимай уже просто жизнь Нгоан.
I don’t trust the ex husband at all. He’s going to hurt her again.
I totally agree with you. I have mentioned the same thing half a year ago and many seemed to have different opinions then. I still can NOT trust this ex-husband since he is not truthful to his wife and his mother. I see he loves his children but he is not a devoted husband to his wife. By the way, why many of the people who appears in this video keep fainting and been rescued right away? Is there something wrong with their health?
It's nice seeing a complete family eat together even life is simple❤God bless and everything goes okay.
Почему не сажаешь ребенка??? Он как морж на животе ползает! Учи малыша сидеть! 😮
Ele ñ sabe sentar.
She's a LAZY Mother and her son is MALNOURISHED because she doesn't feed him correctly..
She's still breast feeding him..and she has no milk!
He is 8 months old..
@@adrianapereira-wu3svu babičky sousedky seděl jak u ní doma tak když ona byla u nich. Jen Ngoan nemá čas, ale když sledujete její videa od začátku - co nadělala práce s malinkou Mittou a těhotná s Titem - to teď neudělá ani třetinu.
Uklizeno jak kdy, vaří jak kdy, zahrádce se věnuje občas, tudíž pravidelný možný prodej nepřichází v úvahu a chov slepic a kachen to je bída s nouzí. A teď její bývalý manžel, který ji, těhotnou a s cca dvouměsíční Mitt, vykopl spolu se svou matkou z jejich domu-tedy chalupy. Vždyť ona dřela, s pomocí současné sousedky se vypracovala tam, kde je a objeví se tento "poklad".
Nějak scénáristu nechápu. Místo, aby se její život zlepšoval, jde to naopak od deseti k pěti.
It seems like he’s held and carried like a two day old baby. Most times with hand behind his head. Unless something is physically wrong he should be able to hold his head and back straight.
I agree with you
Tit is 8 months old!
Why is your husband so prone of accident?
Weak body
Porque es tonto
Because he didn't grow up. He was under mom's thumb too long.
@@oceane48nfNebo se mu nechce pracovat.
Отец твоих детей,совсем неприспособлен к трудностям!За него,всё делала мама!Сам пошёл в джунгли и тут же упал!Хватит падений для молодого парня-это очень глупо!У тебя 2е детей,а ты артистом хочешь быть-комиком!Иди ищи стабильную работу-детей надо кормить и одевать!Помогай матери твоих детей ростить их.
Я такого еще не видела !Накупать ребенка одеть ему куртку но не одеть носочки !Почему дети ходят в куртках и босые ноги!Девочка постоянно с соплями ! Это все делается для контента ,или у них так принято?
Ну и что из того что скатился??? 😂😂😂😂 Что опять в кому впал??? 😂😂😂😂Не смешите людей!!! 😂😂😂
Im worried ig ngoan got pregnant shes suffer a lot.her ex husband i think not work permanent.
Voces precisam comer mais nutrientes proteína como ,carne ovos peixe frango ,macarrão deuxa vices francos dar tontura vitamina B12 tem tá alta 900 pra cima tiver 2 dar agonia franqueza e tambem vitamina C vitamina D para subir imunidade
Сколько ей писали о питание, она не даёт питательную пищу своем детям и себе тоже.
Wow wow husband went to get food and came back with 2 packs noodles for a family 😢 sad individual he needs to go, you have done better by yourself.
Por qué éstas estupideces de desmayos y caídas?? Estamos hartos de decir que el de la cámara tiene que ayudar, no?? En vez de hacer vídeos creíbles, estáis haciendo el ridículo con éstas tonterías absurdas.
Le abrigas la cabeza y no le pones calcetines, y a la niña no le pones zapatos
Pa taj čovjek više ne radi,,,,izgubio posao???
That husband is a whimp! Let him stay with his mom you gone have to take care of the kids and him.
Tu niña más grande otra ves está enferma asé frío y solo descalsa la traes siempre los tienes enfermos noles pones la atención adecuada la dejas qsela pase mojando
The Mother let's her do what she wants.. that's why I don't like that kid
Here we go again ,every body fall in a ravine,🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Este hombre vive en el suelo patas flojas 😂😂
Melhor comprar um andador para esse cara pra fortalecer as pernas, cada vídeo q vejo e um mais chato q outro.
Jajaja 😅. Siempre se anda cayendo ❤
why do you people watch this if you hate it so much. all you do is criticize her about every little thing. your so rude and hurtful ! MEAN PEOPLE! I’m sure your not raising your children any better bc your probably just as mean to them as you are here
Go back in your box,Brenda..
Time for your NAP
Good too see the kids have coats on, but if it is cold enough to have coats why do they NOT HAVE SOCKS ON THEIR FEET???? AS MUCH AS YOUR KIDS HAVE RUNNY NOSES AND IT BEING COLD THEY SGOULD HAVE SOCKS AND SHOES ON THEIR FEET....
I’m convinced that Tit is the only one in this family with common sense 😊
helenwilder7434 From one Helen to another I loved your comment I had a good laugh reading it.Bravo you are so so right. Greetings from Cyprus. 😂
Why does this dude always fall into a ditch? 😂
I guess he is too weak
@rowenareinertsen4749 He falls into ditches all the time because he is as the British say a Twit. He really needs to get a proper job it may save him from falling all the time.
Oh geez, what is up with this guy falling into ditches all the time. Can we move on already to something more interesting🤔
It’s the writers fault not her husband😊
amen I am so tired of his childish ways and the daughter getting g everything she wants and not being raises like other kids I watch in these videos.
MIT's an awful kid who's left to do whatever she wants because the Mother can't discipline her own daughter.Mits,spoilt
She's already out of hand
Mi opinio pienzo que elle sola puede mas que estando con su ex y ella trabaja mas que el acriado sus hijas sola almo su casa ella estoda una gererra creo el deveria ser mas fuerte para que no resbale en una gota d agua😂😂😂😂😂
@@EliteSecurityServicesUKTit is starting to act like his sister when he cries. Both sound so much alike.
Estou feliz porque eles estão bem
Why is it he falls or get into accidents constantly. She forages with a baby on her back and sometimes a toddler and they com out safe. I know they are trying to keep our interest but that’s ENOUGH with this guys clumsiness. He is totally inept. Peace and ❤
Tit está sin zapatos y sin medias😢se enferma!!!!
Now I believed this is drama this man & the policeman acting in another single mother script so I stop follow now
That’s it mits got a cough and she it no shoes and socks on
Felicidade e muita saúde pra você e sua família 👪 Deus abençoe
Кроме лапши, почему папа ничего не купил??? Мясо, рыбы, молока,??? Или у вас не продают????
Bence baba işten atıldı. İşi yok.o yüzden parada yok. Nogehan calışir kocasini ve çocukları bakar. İnşallah yeniden çocuk yapmazlar. Bu gidiş hi iyi değil.
His Mummy didn't give him POCKET MONEY 💰
Why doesn't the infant get milk when the brat does. This mom is not fair to the baby at all.
Baby cries when need if milk or change of diaper but mom engage in her work only ,only feeding the kids not clean them ,they look always shabby dirty with running nose
She just wants to save a packet of milk for eldest girl since the infant is always quiet did not cries and breast feeding milk is free.
Voces sao uma família abençoada, mas esse tipo de alimentação nao é a adequada para vocês.
Café da manhã, as crianças tem que tomar leite , comer paes , biscoitos, bolos,etc.
Macarrão, miojo , nao acrescenta nada para voces em questao de nutrição.
É necessario para crianças e adultos ingerir : proteina , carboidratos, legumes , verduras e frutas.
Desejo que prosperem para mudar o tipo de alimentação...
Deus os abençoe muito e derrama muitas graças em suas vidas.
❤😅❤😅❤😅beijos 💋 💋 💋 💋
Sem falar que a menina não comeu nada. O pai comeu o dele e o da filha. 😂
😂Мама у тебя с головоц все в порядке?Мало того что Мит после купания бегала босая,так ты одеваешь обувь на грязные ноги,а Тит так и остался с голыми но😂гами.Утаких нерадивых родителей детей надо забирать и отдавать нормальным заботливым людям.
Mas esse marido cai heim, muito fraco, ele não trabalhava na empresa de obras? Agora vai colher na floresta? Outra coisa não dê milho para o Tit, pode engasgar. Coloque uma caixa com.pan para cachorra, esta frio. Boa sorte ❤
This drama is not good always have an accident,
I don’t think the husband has a job anymore. He didn’t go to work yesterday. He just walked around then came back to Ngoan’s house as if he was at work. I think she just needs to kick him to the curb and get to know the policeman better. He obviously likes her.
You know he doesn't have a job. He is a mama boy.
Put shoes and socks on your little girl she's already getting sick she needs to learn that she is not getting everything she wants right now while she is little teach her to mine you
You're absolutely correct 👍He lies to her but she's madly in love with him although she pretends to kick him out when she's angry 👎with him. But after he has brought over more gifts, she loves the gifts and treats him nicely. Poor woman!
How can you tell he doesn’t have a job from a 30 minutes to an hour show . You ladies are so judgmental .
Tôi cũng nghĩ anh ấy nói dối là đi làm nhưng anh ta thương vợ con là sự thật.
The ex husband look clumsy & mama’s boy
Deus proteja essa família
Tired of asking to please add subtitles for ALL CONVERSATIONS..
O bebê ñ sabe sentar com 8 meses?
Każdy rozwój dziecka jest inny,u mnie było podobnie,dwie córki i każda w innym czasie suadala i chodziła. Pierwsza wszystko powoli i z opóźnieniem,druga żywioł ,także proszę się nie martwić ,poradzi😀
Czasami tak bywa,mam dwie córki i z każdą było inaczej 😍Spoko,poradzi!
Put some shoes and socks on your little girl it's cold she is getting sick already
Yes.. She'll be back in hospital the next news..
Screaming her awful head off,when the Mother let's her have injections instead of medicine.
Same thing..
Just a different day .
Sebaiknya ke dua Putrimu nic msh kecil jangan terlalu banyak makan mie ga baek buat ank²🙏
O tit é um menino 😍
Tutti siamo bravi a dare consigli,sei libera di fare ciò che ritieni giusto x i tuoi figli xche li conosci meglio di noi ,xche vediamo solo uno scorcio della tua vita ,ma la bambina scalza prenderà il raffreddore,non serve coprirli sopra e poi i piedi scalzi, se terra le scarpe ti risparmierai tanti problemi e soldi 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Какие они не приспособленные,что муж,что жена,а детей умеют делать.А воспитывать и содержать детей не знают как.
Could you one time love on the baby and let him eat in peace. He gets no noodle no great milk no box milk. Just one time can you give him full attention and make sure he gets as much good broke as you allow your daughter today junk.
Mit è stato male poco tempo fa e gira scalzo,devi essere un po' più severa e farti obbedire.
good morning advance happy new year to you all miss ngoan ❤❤❤
Honestly I cannot give 👍 if you do not add subtitles.. Tell video man to add them.
I put a thumb down as well
Старшая дочь ходит в сад и миленького сына надо отдавать сад , и устраиваться на работу где люди работают целый день и получают зарплату за месяц два раза и покупать еду нормальную , а то посадит а огород не много вырастит пойдёт продаст и все но это не деньги совсем а копейки, что у них каких заводов нет , предприятия большие , фермы где выращивают животных туда устроиться и работать. А так нечего с небо не упадёт , надо полагаться на свои силы .
Her husband is dumb first time he ride a bycycle he has accident recenty onother accident now carrying small wood he fall on the slope we call that is a dum and clamcy 😂😂
Oh I cannot stand this childish behaviour of young dad 😤. I can easily see young mother is the hard bread winner in this relationship. Wake up girl!!!
Espero dessa vez ele realmente te assuma e te dê uma ma vida mais estabilizada e que reine a paz vc precisa disso paz 🕊️
Tanta frutas e legumes vegetais. Levam saúde p mercado e comem muito mal com macarrão e arroz.
Como frutas maçã banana mamão abacaxi pela manhã salada de frutas pode fazer papinha para criança liquidifique
Ngoan what type of herbs do you add to the water when you bath Tit? Have a nice day
She did better alone. At least she wasn't talking care, a grown man.
What an Awful KID MIT is!
У них,наверное,принято ходить босыми.Сами взрослые ходят в куртке,но с босыми ногами и в пластиковых тапках.
وأخيرا استحميتوا كلكم 👏👏
Cuando no se cae ella se cae él no tienen imaginación estos vietnamitas😂
Buenas noches disfruto viendo tu canal os a mo familia❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hola bendiciones por favor abrigue bien a los niños póngales calcetines xk el suéter el gorro y la ropa abrigada esta bien pero los calcetines siempre tien k usarlis x salud y para k anden completamente abrigados bendiciones familia feliz año nuevo ❤❤❤❤
Então a esposa só deve querer o esposo se ele trabalhar? Se f não tiver emprego no momento ela 😮
Takového manžela tedy rozhodně ne, to je dárek nad dárky. Teď se o něj ještě bude starat. Práci očividně ztratil, peníze tedy taky nedá, z čeho budou žít, když už do teď třou bídu s nouzí. Co Ngoan neprodá a za utržené peníze nekoupí, nenasbírá v lese nebo na poli nebo hodná sousedka nedá, nemají. Svoje rodiče už min.tři roky neviděla tchyně? Škoda slov.!!!
She's no longer a single mother when she's with her husband!!!..
A byli vůbec manželé?
Как можно не замечать,что ребенок в одном ботиночке?
Ellos nunca se bañan y cundo lo hacen no usan ni javon ni shanpo no entiendo las costumbres de este pais jamas se ponen zapatos simpre andan en chanclas q feo
Só nesta família eu vejo outros vídeos e tem tudo isso
Lempeng aja nggak usah drama❤
Зачем ты даёшь ему грудь,он уже все ест?Сама отъешься.
I have a feeling the husband wife stay together.
Какое мыло, вы о чем пишите, вы хотя бы раз видели чтобы она сама мылась или чистила зубы, дети всегда грязные и сопли до подбородка
То же мне мужчина,у него сил нет,от ветра качает,а он дрова несёт...😂
Muy bueno el capítulo de hoy,papá luchon juntando jengibre y hojas de te se fue por el barraco!😂😂😂,esta muy bueno igual que colabore por el bien de su família un abrazo y besos a Mit y Thi💕💕💕💕
Abençoe vocês família abençoada🎉🎉
Esses vídeos estão sem criatividades néq não é a secretária má, é a sogra ou esses tombos sem sentido, muito repetitivo
좋아요를 누르면서도 속상해요 수돗가도 정리안하고 아궁이도 사방을 막고 지붕을 해서 비도 가리면 좋겠네요
Eu ta bem amor ❤️ seus vídeos deus abençoe você e sua família ❤️❤️❤️
Why is Mit barefoot most of the time. Put shoes on her.
Salve non fatte altro che criticare Vorrei vedere voi vivere in questo contesto Io ammiro molto questa famiglia nel loro piccolo non manca nulla Buon anno ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Detičky by mali mať ponožky s topánky,lebo je zima chodia bosé a budú choré😢
Hay una comentarista que dijo que todo es falso ,el matrimonio y los dos niños viven en la casa de la abuela y van a la choza a hacer videos y no están separados están los cuatro juntos
Бедная бабушка.Все сидят на ее шее.
Tomu věřím a tak je to u všech podobných videí. Jen z komentářů a lajků dostávají od YT finanční prostředky, a pro ně to natáčejí. Tak jsou chudí nebo ne???
El chico no sale del suelo está débil tienen que alimentarse bien comer proteínas y algo de carne para agarrar fuerza en las piernas 🙏🙏🙏
Todo mundo cai .Fica todo mundo julgando o esposo 😮Tomará que não aconteceu nada grave com ele .Fiquem com Deus ❤❤❤
Just because one have a fall or accident he/she is weak. No one wish to be in an accident. Rather than critizing, why not just wish for the good and of the family.
Doesn’t mummy use nice soap on Baby Boy instead of using this stinking water on his baby skin Bless❤