He hates that Harem they drive him crazy!! He trusted the wrong women and people though. Should have trusted Ruyi more his mother said in 20 years she was the only one who didn't change. She had a decent heart and kept it. The other chick Hailan who was one of his consorts was nice to the one who helped Ruyi with her adoptive son I can't remember her name.
RUYI is the Emperor childhood sweetheart.. He not going to let them harm her.. You can see his expression..But his Empress sure will keep trying to get rid of her..Since she knows she was not his first pick or his true love.
@@beanetricemcdaniel249 what's the point? Later hw he disrespected her, insulted, humiliated her! That broke ruyi from inside that her lover is not the person she loves! Later she never had will to live and wanted to be free and that's too she died!
Lindamente filmado com ótimos atores e uma história envolvente...a lição que tira dessa linda série é o quanto o ser humano luta pelo poder e do que é capaz pra consegui lo e que poligamia nao traz nada de bom pra ninguém...
Estos kilombos se daban en china,Turquía y Egipto porque los hombres tenían varias esposas las cuales rivalizan por poder! Imagínense que una .Iker con muchos hombres peleando por poder
Male nobilities at that time were not thought to control their lust and that they can keep as many women as possible due to the patriarchal nature of the society at that time, not only that the harem is a place to consolidate power to stabilise the empire. Emperor needed constant support from powerful people after all.
@@SwimmerPrince it's not just about lust, but more tradition and political matter. If it's just about lust, why many concubine were untouched by emperor? Harem was family matter and in that place, women were the decision maker. Empress dowager or empress consort more had authority in the harem than men, even emperor. Emperor's domain was in government. Don't just blame to men about everything. Both men and women had their own struggle.
Ruyi and Hailan are platonic soulmates
Hailan barged in without hair and makeup done! That's how you know someone's sincere ❤️❤️
👍👍👍👍👍 I love it.
I love Hailan and Ruyi's friendship. @ 11:16 Ruyi is like "yeah witch give me back my propriety, my ride or die is here".
She said jealousy is banned in the palace but she was jealous of Ruyi all along. 🥴
Like the empress got room to talk
Well apparently rules don't apply to you when you're an empress with a stupidly strong backer.
12:45 Ruyi: wtf did I have anything to do with this
He hates that Harem they drive him crazy!! He trusted the wrong women and people though. Should have trusted Ruyi more his mother said in 20 years she was the only one who didn't change. She had a decent heart and kept it. The other chick Hailan who was one of his consorts was nice to the one who helped Ruyi with her adoptive son I can't remember her name.
Do you mean noble consort Chun?
Jealousy banned in the palace
Yah one man, 100 women, good luck with that.
Lol yeah jealousy for a woman is banned jealasy for a man is just suspicion. Hated the sexist mindset in these days.
Jejeje 🤣
The emperor very bussy with all of wife problems. When he working for country......😅😅
The empress and the cocumbine wanted to frame her because she knows that emperor love him,
RUYI is the Emperor childhood sweetheart.. He not going to let them harm her.. You can see his expression..But his Empress sure will keep trying to get rid of her..Since she knows she was not his first pick or his true love.
Yes he will so much for his love only good for as long as another b...ch comes in.
@@beanetricemcdaniel249 just wait till later on, he doesn't even Care for her
@@beanetricemcdaniel249 what's the point? Later hw he disrespected her, insulted, humiliated her! That broke ruyi from inside that her lover is not the person she loves! Later she never had will to live and wanted to be free and that's too she died!
Empress don't have any room to talk
看了這個劇後, 全天下男人絕不敢有多妻的想法
@@hubert12ism 我也想多夫
其實皇后跟玫答應沒有聯手陷害如懿 只是剛好兩個人都要對付如懿
皇后就是看到事情跟如懿有關就會見獵心喜 然後不加調查就會覺得一定是如懿做的硬要賴給她
@@loasannoy3883 後面幾場太后有提到 只有後宮的水渾了 太后出來主管後宮才名正言順 她是為了維持自己後宮領導人的地位不落入皇后或是寵妃手裡
故事裡太后的人設是因為非皇帝生母 所以對地位有不安全感 需要在後宮拿穩話語權才不會失去身為太后的威勢(如果太后是皇帝生母的話這些身份權勢就是名正言順的 就因為是養母所以要施一些手段穩固地位)
因為皇后忌妒如懿 怕她搶了皇后之位加上耳根子軟 所以一直針對她
She got room to talk she's jealous of ruyi and the love 💕 with the emperor
Lindamente filmado com ótimos atores e uma história envolvente...a lição que tira dessa linda série é o quanto o ser humano luta pelo poder e do que é capaz pra consegui lo e que poligamia nao traz nada de bom pra ninguém...
Хайлан всегда на стороне Руйи, и умеет быть смелой, когда это потребуется. 💕
Жуйи - мужество Хайлан Гондоу.💕
Wow that's a BBF!!!
Estos kilombos se daban en china,Turquía y Egipto porque los hombres tenían varias esposas las cuales rivalizan por poder! Imagínense que una .Iker con muchos hombres peleando por poder
不是吧 是枚答應 一報還一報
是嘉妃貓慫恿玫嬪去做的阿 嘉妃貓自己也承認了
What a man always believing everyone else.
Detesto a Mei
Hailan é incrível
Please tell us which episode each clip is from! 🙏😁
Ep 8
這邊的皇后感覺選角不錯 看起來人畜無害的外表
沒什麼技能 又醋桶重症類型
看得出來是那種很弱的反派 所以沒有深沉的氣場
@@lisahsuan325 喔喔原來是太后的意思
To many wife.....
太后指使玫嬪去做的 是玫嬪自己往臉上抹白花丹
为什么不污蔑贵妃 要诬陷娴妃呢?
Интересный сериал,спасибо за комменты на русском языке,невозможно оторваться от фильма,настолько захватил сюжет
Me da risa, no me lo puedo tomar en serio. 🤡👌
What is the point had women in his life ???.
Male nobilities at that time were not thought to control their lust and that they can keep as many women as possible due to the patriarchal nature of the society at that time, not only that the harem is a place to consolidate power to stabilise the empire. Emperor needed constant support from powerful people after all.
Maybe we should do a research ☺️
@@SwimmerPrince it's not just about lust, but more tradition and political matter. If it's just about lust, why many concubine were untouched by emperor? Harem was family matter and in that place, women were the decision maker. Empress dowager or empress consort more had authority in the harem than men, even emperor. Emperor's domain was in government. Don't just blame to men about everything. Both men and women had their own struggle.
才正說呢 戲就演到了 我們 漢王劉邦
要跟中華民國的蔣萬安蔣王子說 聽不懂什麼叫民主
那些一天到晚 小三小三不離口的 去找皇后吧
要是 皇后以正宮自居 說其他妃子是小三
我是相囯府的 相囯府不管這事 這是皇后的職權 曹操 曹丞相 翁小蕙