From what I’ve seen online it appears the wobble is from the lateral slack of the rear soft tail at the joint. When they added the weight of the rear battery it exacerbated the design flaw. Essentially like a dog wagging its tail/butt.
I believe that it’s got nothing to do with the weight itself, but where it is mostly centered. The front fork requires a larger angle. If it fits a size bigger front wheel might help.
Ok a few things about the wobble. I ride every day 30-50 miles. I golfball hunt at night for my job. I go from pavement to grass, and rocky gravel roads. Have 1000 plus miles riding so far. About a month since i got the wired. PROs: torque and speed are awesome. Love the green color. Handle bars and display are great. Suspension is awesome I only had front before never the back, wow that maks a difference. Tires are so so, i changed them out with hed allscape witch are a little heavier. More solid ride. Dual batterys fricking awesome, i can go 40-50 miles and still have 50% left. Double. Chrgers are nice. Easy programming, love the password protected to turn on. Cruise control a good suprise. Bright headlight. This is what i can think of now. CONS: Customer service is not the best, I tried online and called. Had questions about the start about feeling like the motor is no help, there was a squeal in the rear no help. DEATH WOBBLE IS JUST HORRIBLE! All sounds from fenders and back rack and battery rattling. Taillight rattle. No shock pump for suspension i bought one. THING I HAVE DONE: Tighting everything, rubber washers for anything making sounds. Between the rear rack and the rear battery jamed in foam to stop the movement of the battery. Better pedals. New all scape tires. New headset, putting it on tonight. (The one they sent) Took motor insert out and regrease.(there was not enough grease from factory) Adjust shock with high pressure pump. Put a GPS sticker on.(fake) if I Remermber more I will add it later. Any questions leave a reply. The pros outweighs the cons for me. Love this bike, could be better though. One last thing I have rear saddle bags I use alot, put 10-20 pounds each side helps with the wobble.
Update: The top hellbender visco set is awesome! No play at all, but I'm getting used to it. I can tell i need to ride more to get the feel. High speeds 35-40 there is no wobble and the bike rides great. Every ebike should have this! I hit bumps and a small shimmy would happen on any bike that I have owned. No shimmy at all in the front. A little wobble in the back but not in the front. I'm going to put the headbands visco head set on every bike that I will own. Best way to describe it, like getting new tierods on a car, no play of shimmy!
Judging by the comments, if I was Wired, I'd be shitting my pants right now. This has class action written all over it. There is nothing wrong with customers wanting a secure safe build. Instead of excuses and pointing fingers at the end users they should recall the bikes with a full refund for the bike and shipping. All it's going to take is one really bad spill, a major injury or worse and it's going to get nasty. There must be a design flaw. If there was knowledge of it before releasing the bikes, hoping no one would notice, that's a criminal act. Foisting this product on an unsuspecting public is unethical. My bike wobbles and It's too bad. My excitement has dwindled. I cannot ride it without giving this flaw my tacit approval. Right now, I'm looking at a $2,000.00 door stop. Wired needs to make it right by informing all purchasers in writing, along with an appropriate solution.
I have the 24 Wired and it is so bad im scared to ride my bike. I rode it today and i took my hands off the bars to ride with "no hands"and It whipped into a death wobble so bad I almost ate shit and died. It Sucks. Im super bummed.
Must've seriously affected future sales. Them saying, "This is a non-issue" really does nothing to help those who've parted with their money to buy this bike. Wasn't there a massive rivalry between this brand and the "E-Cells" e-bikes? If this is how they are treating their customers, well it's a no-brainer and people will take note and they're gunna buy the 'E-cells 5 star' (or another similar E-bike) instead. They should be reaching out to their customers and offering to fix/resolve the issue at the very least. Shame on them.
I'm partly to blame because I watched the "Tailhappy" video about the "Freedom" and pulled the trigger, I should have done more research, but I know one thing for certain, I wouldn't even buy a bicycle bell from "Wired," ever.
@@karoslif9818 Happy Tails been accused of fudging the top speed claims of some of his E-bike reviews in the past.. I've read things people have said who've also regretted buying purely off the back of his glorification of said E-bike. But there's also the argument that 50/50% of wired "Freedom" customers are very happy with their purchase. Strikes me that half of the "Freedoms" work just fine, the other half don't. I'm pretty sure Wired have now got an improved headset stem bearing (or similar parts) that totally fixes the death wobble issue, and also the rear rack / battery placement seems to fix it if configured slightly differently - but don't quote me on this, as it's not written in stone so to speak, and I'm not 100% sure ⚡👍🚲
The wobble happens without any inducement. It doesn’t happen when you take the rear battery out. Tightening down the headset does nothing. I received the email and was like no thanks I’ll just pay out of pocket for one if it’s shown to correct the problem. I just didn’t like the tone of the email tbh.
I have the new 2024 freedom and it has been fantastic and customer service in my opinion has been AWESOME. I’ve never had to wait long for a response or for something that was damaged from shipping to to get delivered quickly. As far as the death wobble goes I experienced a bit of shaking and jumping but quickly figured out, that was from the rear suspension being too soft from my weight. After some adjusting and pumping some more air now it’s a smooth riding machine. I don’t ever take my hands off the bars either when I’m riding. Also how many of us actually retighten all the bolts and everything prior to riding? I know I didn’t. I do hear some creaking but that’s from the rear rack and I just need to retighten those as well and make sure everything is lined up to fix that problem. I would absolutely buy this bike again without a doubt! If I do experience any wobbling I will surely let you guys know and see what customer service says.
I spent over a month researching ebikes... I wanted something fast, powerful, and had solid customer service. Two bikes stood out at the top of my list. I'm so glad I ordered a Kings Crown and didn't have to end dealing with this BS from Wired.
One quick way they could fix this problem would be to fit a steering damper to the bikes. Something along the lines of the Scott's units used by motorcycle racers would work well. All that would be needed is a mount custom fit to the bike.
Citizen cycle puts this battery on all of his fully suspension e-bikes and they all wobble it's something that happens with a full suspension heavy cargo e-bike they all do it
I find it interesting that there is no comparison videos comparing the wired freedom and the E cells five star. What turns me off about wired is how it’s customers worship the freaking company, and you never get the truth out of it, you only get them bad mouthing you if you dare question the company or its bikes. I’ve actually talked to the owner of East sales personally, and the dude was very approachable and open to any questions I had for him. I bought an Onyx CTY2 last year, and I love it, but now I’m looking to purchase an ecells five star at the beginning of this next year.
Its in the geometry and the more weight you put on the back rack the worse it is especially if your rear rack is out of alignment. I called this out in in the 2023 version. I lessened it by tightening stem bolt and removed the rear rack. I can ride hands free all day now.
I bought this bike about a week ago and didn't realize the death wobble is a thing it does. My bike arrived yesterday around 5pm, had it built by 6. Pumped the tires up, rode it around and had an amazing time. I noticed a little wobble but not much. Later that night, my brother wanted to ride it and less than 5 minutes in he had a death wobble so bad he crashed into a van parked on the side of the road. He broke his femur, bike is pretty destroyed. Less than 4 hours of the bike being built and someone broke a FEMUR. Luckily it was only the femur (so far, doctors are checking if ankle or foot is broken today). He has to go in to surgery about 20 minutes after my writing this, getting a titanium rod installed through his entire femur, from the hip to knee. Going to need physical therapy for a long time, too. I really like the bike. I want it to be fixed. The company better be giving me a tested replacement with the hellbender headset installed so it doesn't do the wobbles again.
What's a good alternative to Wired Cruiser? I've been think about getting one until I saw the complaints about damage during shipping which is paid for to the some of $275 and then another $75 that they want you to pay for insurance. What are people being charged $275 for delivery for if it's going to show up damaged?
wow. thanks for the info. ... i had considered buying a wired stepthru cruiser over the past year. Once I had the funds set aside to purchase the bike, I chatted with them on a couple of questions. They spoke to me in this rude manner also. It really turned me off and decided to go look at other bikes. and my questions weren't even about the wabble, but actually more about potential future torque censor and chain guards. I'm assuming this attitude was because of thier frustration with their wobble and safety/quality complaints they are receiving.
People are strange, tell them anything and they will jump on to join in on the drama to enjoy for years to come, do I believe there is a wobble on WIRED bikes? I sure do, how do I know, I have a 24 WIRED with the dual battery setup. does my WIRED Bike wobble? a little bit yes. However, I have had other non-electric or motorized bikes in the past and some of those had a wobble as well, to me, this issue with WIRED is rife with a whole lot of hyperbole and drama as I said, people will gravitate a cause and run with it regardless if they even own a WIRED or not, humans are strange yet fascinating creatures and I personally write a lot of this to this fact. Now, could WIRED have done a better job handling all this and other issues? Absolutely, you should never discount peoples/customers legitimate concerns and come up with a solution that's not BS and that is fair to all parties involved. Over all I think WIRED bikes are well made, strong, fast and powerful, but after riding it for just over 2 weeks now, I wish I had not bought it, why do I say this? the bike is huge, heavy and cumbersome for me and while I actually enjoy riding it, I am not really all that happy with the overall look and largeness of this bike. perhaps in time I will get used to it. but I don't think so, It seems now that my own personal ego is preventing me from likening this bike, however this is just personal preference not necessarily the fault of or reflection of WIRED. My guess at the end of the day, there is a problem that needs to be addressed for sure, but I bet 75% of the new complaints are from people who actually never discovered the issue on their own and have just now joined the bandwagon with this drama, people really love drama and there is no denying this fact. If you have a circle of 25 people and you start a rumor by whispering to the person next to you, by the time the last person hears the story it’s totally changed from the original, this is one of the flaws or traits in human nature, why? I have no idea. HUMANS LOVE DRAMA
I ended up buying a Wired Cruiser in September and received it with a gouge in the fork, bent screw in the rear rack, loose screw floating freely on top of the frame battery and the pedal assist and throttle being unresponsive when it's in PAS 1. Steve wants me to jump through hoops before he'll do anything about it. Meaning that he wants me to diagnose it myself before he'll send me any parts. I don't think he believes me. Why would I lie? Also there's a torn dust guard in the headset which looks like it was done in the manufacturing process.
Just wondering do you and all the other people experiencing this wobble drive your car or truck without hands also all or do you keep both hands on steering wheel like your supposed to.
The two bikes I personally would choose to purchase right now are the ecells five star or the goat power bike v3. Although the company is out of business, anyone who can still find a used Onyx CTY2 or Onyx rcr at a reasonable price, BUY IT! They are wonderful bikes, and much more powerful than either of the two bikes that I’ve mentioned at the top of this comment.
Have you seen this video? He did some really good test and seems to have narrowed it down to the rear battery pack on the 2024 models. Seems like an frame engineering issue and weight issue. If some other company fails to engineer their bike properly and someone throws 10 to 15 pounds on their rear seems they'd have the same issue. Wired needs to step up and own it and find a solution whether that be sending owners to authorized bike repair shops or reimbursing current owners the cost of repairing the bike. If the bike can't be repaired due to engineering, they need to eat the cost, fix the issue, and send a new bike out to current owners. Being defensive about the issue and telling people that it's their manufacturers fault is how companies become a memory. I was sold on this bike based off of so many positive reviews and I'm glad I didn't buy it. Now, if e-cells would fix their stupid site so I can choose my bike size, color, and customize other parts like video reviews showed you could...I'd order their bike.
@@benhartland4708 ya, I have a rattan pathfinder that I am at right now 976 miles and plan on passing the 1k mark today on the ride I’m on come hell or high water. It’s just a hard tail and honestly too slow plus I want a step through, I’m too fat to keep swinging my leg over the back, especially since I put that 2nd battery on the rack.
@@benhartland4708 unfortunately I’m in Ohio but isn’t there warehouse in the Chicago area? If I decide I don’t want to pay for the shipping then I might take you up on it before pickup.
@@benhartland4708 good info to know. As far as wired or the other, I know the owner of e-cells also will troll and such from what I see on posts although he’s never said anything to me. The question I need to answer myself is 6 hours each way and battling with Chicago in my Silverado is worth the shipping charges.
@@benhartland4708 why are the tires so much better? I have cst tires on my rattan and I don’t have any strong feelings either way for them. I will say it says inflate to 30 and I’m at 25 (was 15) and now it’s rattling my teeth it’s so firm.
Legally you see in that notice to owners of the wired freedom 24+ is the result of the ownership of the bike company. From what I understand or remember reading it owned by two attorneys. From what I understand of the differences in the manufacturing techniques between the wired and the cell five star which is an equivalent bike, the cells is using bearings at the rear suspension, pivot points, where the wired freedom uses plastic bushings. This accounts for the sloppiness in the wired design which causes the head wiggle experience by riders of the freedom.
Man I'm so glad I went with E-cells 5 star and avoided all this mess. How ironic that Jayfly or whoever he is told me that I was making a terrible decision and that the 5 star was going to have massive cancellations because it's not UL certified. So is the Wired UL certified or not? What a joke he is. But anyway I've been loving my 5 star! I know they say not to but I can probably ride miles hands free if the path is correct.
I have delt with Wired.....I had an issue with it (slight noise) and they blew me off saying it was my problem.....Dan knows nothing about the basic details of the bike which he should...They are nothing but middlemen and only want to sell bikes....They do not care about you as a customer....I have a 24 with 600 miles with no wobble. I ride it hard and the bike seems to be ok. I would not buy from them again
Just went thru this, the new 2024 models with dual batteries are NOT UL 2849 certified. I referenced the blog article on their page that says they are and looked over the drop box UL testing documents. They were for the single battery version. The UL 2849 cert is for the entire system, batteries, controller and chargers. They changed to a 45 amp controller so, balancer and extra battery so it needs a new cert. I contacted wired and told them it was confusing because the product names are identical but the UL certs are different. They told me the new models are in the process of certification and UL has the bikes now. I cancelled my order and will reorder when they are UL certified and it was most primary consideration when selecting a bike. Probably why they removed the UL article as it was misleading. This was on 7/31/24.
I saw citizen cycle did a video on the wobble. He basically made a case since other bikes do it that it’s okay for the wired bike to do it. Not a good argument at all. He also discovered it’s a weight distribution issue. Can you imagine putting a kid seat on the back with a kid in it. Imagine that wobble. The only answer should be all these bikes need to fix the wobble. I canceled my order due to really late delivery after seeing the wobble I am glad I did. Ecells needs to step up their game a little bit in controller and power. Wired did force Ecells to offer more bike at a better price. So that the only win out of the new 2024 wired model
@@StayConnectedEV yes he shows the wobble in his video. He had to induce it and found when he had more weight on the front like an extra motor it didn’t wobble. It’s a weight distribution issue with the suspension. He also showed many bikes wobble like that. I think it’s a flaw in the design of some of these e-bikes. There are plenty of dual suspension e bikes that don’t wobble. They might just need to redesign things. Being weight on the rear of the bike increases the amount of wobble
This is not the only video about this wobble, it's starting to show up all over the web. I was hot on this bike and was going to get one when they were back in stock but no more. I wonder how many potential customers Wired lost because of this? I've seen the Ecells and like their bikes. I've also been noticing the Furious Road Warrior Ultimate which seems to be a little better build but I haven't seen many demos on it. Does anyone know anything about them?
Look when you add 12+ lbs to the rear you will induce a wobble, on pretty much every high center of mass bike. Take the back battery off and it is MUCH better. Also, if you're fat (230+ lbs and under 6'6'') that is going to mess with the center of mass and induce a wobble. Lose some weight.
I was soooo blessed by Wired that i got my "Visco Hellbender" with my bike, which I installed after a very sketch ride, but shaking the bike by the handlebars right after installation revealed to me that the problem was still there, if not worse, i then reinstalled the original headset which at least allows me to turn the handlebars without straining my muscles. Wired bikes Suck!!!!
Great video! My question is, are they actually telling customers to tighten the headset bolt as tight as possible? I don't own one of these bikes, but I can tell you that I've read and also been told by my bike shop that you should never tighten the headset bolt as tight as you can, as this will damage the headset bearings. I've replaced three stems on different bikes that I own and was always told to just tighten that bolt to the recommended torque specs.
If you're riding an e-bike then you should always have both hands on the handlebar just like electric scooters. Unless you have a steering dampener within the steering column then all ebikes will wobble as you accelerate. If you're just pedaling or coasting then I seriously doubt it's going to wobble. Someone do a test with the ecell bike and you'll get the same wobble.
@@StayConnectedEV Try it with other ebikes then. It will happen. Wobble is due to lack of traction from the front wheel due to weight distribution, tires, etc. You either have a stiff steering column or put more weight on the front wheel. It happens on motorcycles too.
This doesn’t make sense. There are bikes out there that don’t wobble with a rear battery. It is called strengthening the frame or proper balance. No hands is a skill set Used on the fields to help riders relieve pressure from their shoulders and hands. Unexpected rider that released their hand may end up in a serious accident which is a civil lawsuit. It simple. No wobble means good bike. There are bikes out there with a rear battery that don’t wobble.
@@StayConnectedEV one hand maybe but it feels sketchy af. I ride my 29 bmx hands off for miles but not the freedom. I love the bike but that wobble worries me.
Wired pays citizen cycle $300 for each bike that is sold through his affiliate link, so it’s no wonder why he seems to be so invested in their success and refuses to criticize them in any way whatsoever.
@@TheTcat1000How much would you like to bet? Do you, and the rest of his fans never wonder why he refuses to review an E-Cells ebike, even though E-Cells is wireds biggest competitor? What I mean is, the e-cells five star is the obvious equivalent, and yet citizen cycle doesn’t feel any need to review it? Do you honestly believe that the man who’s literally already made 8-10 freaking videos, exclusively for the purpose of highlighting the latest wired freedom and wired cruiser bikes alone, was doing so for any purpose other than because he’s obviously a paid spokesperson? The dudes literally NEVER said anything critical of the company or the bikes. Quite the contrary! A few videos back, he made a video solely for the purpose of trying to quickly get out ahead of the devastating articles and customer complaint videos regarding dozens, if not hundreds of wireds customers warning current and potential customers about how their wired e-bikes were plagued with what they themselves called a “death wobble”. If his subscribers were actually capable of thinking critically, that video itself might have been the career ended for citizen cycle, considering he was putting his reputation on the line to defend a bike and company, even while knowing the warnings about the deaths wobble were true! Why would he risk everything to make that propaganda video to save wired from the impending doom that was on the horizon? Well duh! It was because he feared the potential impact its downfall and destruction was surely going to have on his own future earning ability with the companies success! YES, you can take it to the bank! $300 per ebike which is sold using his link to purchase wireds e-bikes! Besides though, while it may seem as though the wired freedom is the five star equivalent, e-cells doesn’t charge extra for shipping, they actually stand behind their product 100%, and the frame on every e-cells ebike is backed by a lifetime warranty! Compare that to Wired ebikes, a company that has never taken ownership of any of the problems their customers have had with their wired ebikes!
Death wobble is a bike defect common with motorcycles that have bad design for high speed acceleration .. mostly due to improper tire pressure or loads not balanced. It happens even if both hands are on the bars or grips. Death wobble can not happen on an e bike if you are riding with hands on the bars .. If it does, you really bought a piece of crap.
If you race a motorcycle at 150 mph and take a hand off the left grip ... the tire grips a little dip to the left or right, your tire speedily reacts and a not so firm grip on the bars will cause it to wobble.
Probably because they censor and remove anyone from their pages/groups that has any problems or issues. They do a lot of censorship on their pages which should be concerning to people aswell. Shady business lol
Haha thats what the chinese companies do. I bought a romeo 2 for $2600. It was delivered defective and after jumping through some eahora hoops and sending them video. They told me it was the controller which is installed where the pedal levers are like a mid drive motor. Need a special tool to remove the pedal lever. They expect me to do all that and run wire and all that after just dropping 2600 bucks! 😂 I just called my bank and disputed the charge and got my money back. Guess what yall. Look at your wired freedom bike box. Made in China it reads. So when I got mine I knew it was a gamble. Unlike the Romeo 2 my wired freedom works. However yes the wobble is there along with a metal sounding vibration noise coming from the rear when I push it forward and back. But hey, at least it works!! 😂
Dont buy this bike. I bought one and its so so so gnarly.The death wobble is like nothing I've ever encountered. Ive owned over half a dozen ebikes. The stem bolt torque is bullshit. I did that. It still whips. I tried to returnnmy bike and they told me i should not ride a bike without hands. I was like,"Excuse me?" Bikes should be able to ride smooth without hands. Period. Its physics. These bikes go 40-45 miles per hour and if you go that fast and eat shit, you could die. This company is on thin ice if they think there is nothing wrong. Buy the E cells. Im pissed I drew the wrong straw. I should have listened to Dave Cleveland at E Cells. I will next bike I buy.
@StayConnectedEV you're suggesting their bikes are better quality than Wired Bikes but neither has UL certifications on the batteries. You can't take points away from Wired for not having the certification and then pump up Meelod when they do the same thing.
@@kevinduprey9326 I couldn’t figure this out. I posted some issues on the FB page and I got my teeth kicked in for asking a question and needing help with this bike. I feel they have several people invested in this company and they are allll over FB and TH-cam to defend this company with a passion.
With the rear battery in, it shakes violently without provocation, if you take your hands off the bars. If I take the battery out, the bike tracks flawlessly. Take it or leave it. I have no dog in this fight. If I have the battery in and put weight in the front basket, it mitigated the death wobble somewhat.🫡
That’s the lamest sales pitch I’ve ever seen…is there any bike company that will put in writing, we recommend that you let go of the handlebars…and pedal with assistance no handed since you can’t use the throttle. This video is one biased joke.
From what I’ve seen online it appears the wobble is from the lateral slack of the rear soft tail at the joint. When they added the weight of the rear battery it exacerbated the design flaw. Essentially like a dog wagging its tail/butt.
They need to recall this for sure
I believe that it’s got nothing to do with the weight itself, but where it is mostly centered. The front fork requires a larger angle. If it fits a size bigger front wheel might help.
Ok a few things about the wobble. I ride every day 30-50 miles. I golfball hunt at night for my job. I go from pavement to grass, and rocky gravel roads. Have 1000 plus miles riding so far. About a month since i got the wired. PROs: torque and speed are awesome. Love the green color. Handle bars and display are great. Suspension is awesome I only had front before never the back, wow that maks a difference. Tires are so so, i changed them out with hed allscape witch are a little heavier. More solid ride. Dual batterys fricking awesome, i can go 40-50 miles and still have 50% left. Double. Chrgers are nice. Easy programming, love the password protected to turn on. Cruise control a good suprise. Bright headlight. This is what i can think of now. CONS: Customer service is not the best, I tried online and called. Had questions about the start about feeling like the motor is no help, there was a squeal in the rear no help. DEATH WOBBLE IS JUST HORRIBLE! All sounds from fenders and back rack and battery rattling. Taillight rattle. No shock pump for suspension i bought one. THING I HAVE DONE: Tighting everything, rubber washers for anything making sounds. Between the rear rack and the rear battery jamed in foam to stop the movement of the battery. Better pedals. New all scape tires. New headset, putting it on tonight. (The one they sent) Took motor insert out and regrease.(there was not enough grease from factory) Adjust shock with high pressure pump. Put a GPS sticker on.(fake) if I Remermber more I will add it later. Any questions leave a reply. The pros outweighs the cons for me. Love this bike, could be better though. One last thing I have rear saddle bags I use alot, put 10-20 pounds each side helps with the wobble.
so is the wobble as bad as let on and is it only when you are trying to ride hands free or is it all the time?
Thanks for the thorough info!!!
The top hellbender visco set is awesome! No play at all, but I'm getting used to it. I can tell i need to ride more to get the feel. High speeds 35-40 there is no wobble and the bike rides great. Every ebike should have this! I hit bumps and a small shimmy would happen on any bike that I have owned. No shimmy at all in the front. A little wobble in the back but not in the front. I'm going to put the headbands visco head set on every bike that I will own. Best way to describe it, like getting new tierods on a car, no play of shimmy!
@@97JoMiller one hand and a small bump it would start. Both hands it's there but undercontrol. The hellbender headset fixed99% of it
@@berickson3200 which hellbender did you get?
Judging by the comments, if I was Wired, I'd be shitting my pants right now. This has class action written all over it. There is nothing wrong with customers wanting a secure safe build. Instead of excuses and pointing fingers at the end users they should recall the bikes with a full refund for the bike and shipping. All it's going to take is one really bad spill, a major injury or worse and it's going to get nasty. There must be a design flaw. If there was knowledge of it before releasing the bikes, hoping no one would notice, that's a criminal act. Foisting this product on an unsuspecting public is unethical. My bike wobbles and It's too bad. My excitement has dwindled. I cannot ride it without giving this flaw my tacit approval. Right now, I'm looking at a $2,000.00 door stop. Wired needs to make it right by informing all purchasers in writing, along with an appropriate solution.
I have the 24 Wired and it is so bad im scared to ride my bike. I rode it today and i took my hands off the bars to ride with "no hands"and It whipped into a death wobble so bad I almost ate shit and died. It Sucks. Im super bummed.
Yes, agree
Must've seriously affected future sales.
Them saying, "This is a non-issue" really does nothing to help those who've parted with their money to buy this bike.
Wasn't there a massive rivalry between this brand and the "E-Cells" e-bikes?
If this is how they are treating their customers, well it's a no-brainer and people will take note and they're gunna buy the 'E-cells 5 star' (or another similar E-bike) instead.
They should be reaching out to their customers and offering to fix/resolve the issue at the very least.
Shame on them.
Yes I am a bit shocked myself.
I'm partly to blame because I watched the "Tailhappy" video about the "Freedom" and pulled the trigger, I should have done more research, but I know one thing for certain, I wouldn't even buy a bicycle bell from "Wired," ever.
@karoslif9818 sorry 😢
@@karoslif9818 Happy Tails been accused of fudging the top speed claims of some of his E-bike reviews in the past..
I've read things people have said who've also regretted buying purely off the back of his glorification of said E-bike.
But there's also the argument that 50/50% of wired "Freedom" customers are very happy with their purchase.
Strikes me that half of the "Freedoms" work just fine, the other half don't.
I'm pretty sure Wired have now got an improved headset stem bearing (or similar parts) that totally fixes the death wobble issue, and also the rear rack / battery placement seems to fix it if configured slightly differently - but don't quote me on this, as it's not written in stone so to speak, and I'm not 100% sure ⚡👍🚲
The wobble happens without any inducement. It doesn’t happen when you take the rear battery out. Tightening down the headset does nothing. I received the email and was like no thanks I’ll just pay out of pocket for one if it’s shown to correct the problem. I just didn’t like the tone of the email tbh.
Thats horrible. What did the company do to fix it?
I have the new 2024 freedom and it has been fantastic and customer service in my opinion has been AWESOME. I’ve never had to wait long for a response or for something that was damaged from shipping to to get delivered quickly. As far as the death wobble goes I experienced a bit of shaking and jumping but quickly figured out, that was from the rear suspension being too soft from my weight. After some adjusting and pumping some more air now it’s a smooth riding machine. I don’t ever take my hands off the bars either when I’m riding. Also how many of us actually retighten all the bolts and everything prior to riding? I know I didn’t. I do hear some creaking but that’s from the rear rack and I just need to retighten those as well and make sure everything is lined up to fix that problem. I would absolutely buy this bike again without a doubt! If I do experience any wobbling I will surely let you guys know and see what customer service says.
Thank you so much for sharing!!!!
I spent over a month researching ebikes... I wanted something fast, powerful, and had solid customer service. Two bikes stood out at the top of my list. I'm so glad I ordered a Kings Crown and didn't have to end dealing with this BS from Wired.
Wow impressive. Did you use my code for discount.
@@StayConnectedEV Yes! I actually did use your code... Thank you!
@@jeffcarello7446 Glad I was able to save you some $$$! ENJOY!
One quick way they could fix this problem would be to fit a steering damper to the bikes. Something along the lines of the Scott's units used by motorcycle racers would work well. All that would be needed is a mount custom fit to the bike.
So glad I went with My Ecells 5 Star Dual Star.
Im glad you are happy! E-Cells does a good job for sure
Many users have reported the same for several brands of e-bikes with a rear battery in place.
Citizen cycle puts this battery on all of his fully suspension e-bikes and they all wobble it's something that happens with a full suspension heavy cargo e-bike they all do it
@@devinthedude5784I’ve never seen a video of any other bike doing this
Im glad this is being called out. I had the original and it was a piece of garbage. I sold it the first week i received mine.
Well I have so many people who email me and just want to give them a platform.
I have the 2023 model and YES it Wobbles. SMFH
I'm so glad I've bought two Ecells. David Cleveland listens to his customers and if there's a problem, he addresses it immediately!
But he doesn't answer emails!
Can't argue thst.
Love my Revv1 thanks DAVE for bringing this to light
As do I!!! You're welcome Gary!
I find it interesting that there is no comparison videos comparing the wired freedom and the E cells five star. What turns me off about wired is how it’s customers worship the freaking company, and you never get the truth out of it, you only get them bad mouthing you if you dare question the company or its bikes. I’ve actually talked to the owner of East sales personally, and the dude was very approachable and open to any questions I had for him. I bought an Onyx CTY2 last year, and I love it, but now I’m looking to purchase an ecells five star at the beginning of this next year.
Totally agree!
I was about to purchase one today,,, what a relief 😅😅 thank God I didn't
And big props my friend , thanks for the info
Its in the geometry and the more weight you put on the back rack the worse it is especially if your rear rack is out of alignment. I called this out in in the 2023 version. I lessened it by tightening stem bolt and removed the rear rack. I can ride hands free all day now.
Don’t understand
I bought this bike about a week ago and didn't realize the death wobble is a thing it does. My bike arrived yesterday around 5pm, had it built by 6. Pumped the tires up, rode it around and had an amazing time. I noticed a little wobble but not much.
Later that night, my brother wanted to ride it and less than 5 minutes in he had a death wobble so bad he crashed into a van parked on the side of the road. He broke his femur, bike is pretty destroyed. Less than 4 hours of the bike being built and someone broke a FEMUR. Luckily it was only the femur (so far, doctors are checking if ankle or foot is broken today). He has to go in to surgery about 20 minutes after my writing this, getting a titanium rod installed through his entire femur, from the hip to knee. Going to need physical therapy for a long time, too.
I really like the bike. I want it to be fixed. The company better be giving me a tested replacement with the hellbender headset installed so it doesn't do the wobbles again.
That’s rough, hopefully they’ll do the right thing
What's a good alternative to Wired Cruiser? I've been think about getting one until I saw the complaints about damage during shipping which is paid for to the some of $275 and then another $75 that they want you to pay for insurance. What are people being charged $275 for delivery for if it's going to show up damaged?
wow. thanks for the info. ... i had considered buying a wired stepthru cruiser over the past year. Once I had the funds set aside to purchase the bike, I chatted with them on a couple of questions. They spoke to me in this rude manner also. It really turned me off and decided to go look at other bikes. and my questions weren't even about the wabble, but actually more about potential future torque censor and chain guards. I'm assuming this attitude was because of thier frustration with their wobble and safety/quality complaints they are receiving.
Thanks for liking
People are strange, tell them anything and they will jump on to join in on the drama to enjoy for years to come, do I believe there is a wobble on WIRED bikes? I sure do, how do I know, I have a 24 WIRED with the dual battery setup. does my WIRED Bike wobble? a little bit yes.
However, I have had other non-electric or motorized bikes in the past and some of those had a wobble as well, to me, this issue with WIRED is rife with a whole lot of hyperbole and drama as I said, people will gravitate a cause and run with it regardless if they even own a WIRED or not, humans are strange yet fascinating creatures and I personally write a lot of this to this fact.
Now, could WIRED have done a better job handling all this and other issues? Absolutely, you should never discount peoples/customers legitimate concerns and come up with a solution that's not BS and that is fair to all parties involved.
Over all I think WIRED bikes are well made, strong, fast and powerful, but after riding it for just over 2 weeks now, I wish I had not bought it, why do I say this? the bike is huge, heavy and cumbersome for me and while I actually enjoy riding it, I am not really all that happy with the overall look and largeness of this bike. perhaps in time I will get used to it. but I don't think so, It seems now that my own personal ego is preventing me from likening this bike, however this is just personal preference not necessarily the fault of or reflection of WIRED.
My guess at the end of the day, there is a problem that needs to be addressed for sure, but I bet 75% of the new complaints are from people who actually never discovered the issue on their own and have just now joined the bandwagon with this drama, people really love drama and there is no denying this fact.
If you have a circle of 25 people and you start a rumor by whispering to the person next to you, by the time the last person hears the story it’s totally changed from the original, this is one of the flaws or traits in human nature, why? I have no idea. HUMANS LOVE DRAMA
I ended up buying a Wired Cruiser in September and received it with a gouge in the fork, bent screw in the rear rack, loose screw floating freely on top of the frame battery and the pedal assist and throttle being unresponsive when it's in PAS 1. Steve wants me to jump through hoops before he'll do anything about it. Meaning that he wants me to diagnose it myself before he'll send me any parts. I don't think he believes me. Why would I lie? Also there's a torn dust guard in the headset which looks like it was done in the manufacturing process.
Wow.. So sorry!
@@StayConnectedEV Thanks
I’ve had my 2024 wired freedom since September I’ve not had any death wobble but my bike overheats after 4 minutes of riding
Just wondering do you and all the other people experiencing this wobble drive your car or truck without hands also all or do you keep both hands on steering wheel like your supposed to.
I get the wobble using one hand
The two bikes I personally would choose to purchase right now are the ecells five star or the goat power bike v3.
Although the company is out of business, anyone who can still find a used Onyx CTY2 or Onyx rcr at a reasonable price, BUY IT! They are wonderful bikes, and much more powerful than either of the two bikes that I’ve mentioned at the top of this comment.
I agree with Ecells.
Have you seen this video? He did some really good test and seems to have narrowed it down to the rear battery pack on the 2024 models. Seems like an frame engineering issue and weight issue. If some other company fails to engineer their bike properly and someone throws 10 to 15 pounds on their rear seems they'd have the same issue. Wired needs to step up and own it and find a solution whether that be sending owners to authorized bike repair shops or reimbursing current owners the cost of repairing the bike. If the bike can't be repaired due to engineering, they need to eat the cost, fix the issue, and send a new bike out to current owners.
Being defensive about the issue and telling people that it's their manufacturers fault is how companies become a memory. I was sold on this bike based off of so many positive reviews and I'm glad I didn't buy it. Now, if e-cells would fix their stupid site so I can choose my bike size, color, and customize other parts like video reviews showed you could...I'd order their bike.
Yes and shows it wobbles. Lol
question I have, the new batch that will be shipped mid sept... did they fix the issue on it or will it be a continual issue?
Have no idea
@@benhartland4708 ya, I have a rattan pathfinder that I am at right now 976 miles and plan on passing the 1k mark today on the ride I’m on come hell or high water. It’s just a hard tail and honestly too slow plus I want a step through, I’m too fat to keep swinging my leg over the back, especially since I put that 2nd battery on the rack.
@@benhartland4708 unfortunately I’m in Ohio but isn’t there warehouse in the Chicago area? If I decide I don’t want to pay for the shipping then I might take you up on it before pickup.
@@benhartland4708 good info to know. As far as wired or the other, I know the owner of e-cells also will troll and such from what I see on posts although he’s never said anything to me. The question I need to answer myself is 6 hours each way and battling with Chicago in my Silverado is worth the shipping charges.
@@benhartland4708 why are the tires so much better? I have cst tires on my rattan and I don’t have any strong feelings either way for them. I will say it says inflate to 30 and I’m at 25 (was 15) and now it’s rattling my teeth it’s so firm.
Legally you see in that notice to owners of the wired freedom 24+ is the result of the ownership of the bike company. From what I understand or remember reading it owned by two attorneys.
From what I understand of the differences in the manufacturing techniques between the wired and the cell five star which is an equivalent bike, the cells is using bearings at the rear suspension, pivot points, where the wired freedom uses plastic bushings. This accounts for the sloppiness in the wired design which causes the head wiggle experience by riders of the freedom.
Yes you are on point!
Bottom line, Wired is junk compared to the eCells they tried to copy.
Could this be the knobby tires?
Man I'm so glad I went with E-cells 5 star and avoided all this mess. How ironic that Jayfly or whoever he is told me that I was making a terrible decision and that the 5 star was going to have massive cancellations because it's not UL certified. So is the Wired UL certified or not? What a joke he is. But anyway I've been loving my 5 star! I know they say not to but I can probably ride miles hands free if the path is correct.
Glad you’re happy!!
I have delt with Wired.....I had an issue with it (slight noise) and they blew me off saying it was my problem.....Dan knows nothing about the basic details of the bike which he should...They are nothing but middlemen and only want to sell bikes....They do not care about you as a customer....I have a 24 with 600 miles with no wobble. I ride it hard and the bike seems to be ok. I would not buy from them again
That’s horrible.
Just went thru this, the new 2024 models with dual batteries are NOT UL 2849 certified. I referenced the blog article on their page that says they are and looked over the drop box UL testing documents. They were for the single battery version. The UL 2849 cert is for the entire system, batteries, controller and chargers. They changed to a 45 amp controller so, balancer and extra battery so it needs a new cert. I contacted wired and told them it was confusing because the product names are identical but the UL certs are different. They told me the new models are in the process of certification and UL has the bikes now. I cancelled my order and will reorder when they are UL certified and it was most primary consideration when selecting a bike. Probably why they removed the UL article as it was misleading. This was on 7/31/24.
Absolutely horrible.
I have exact same wobble. Scared me to death the 1st time it happened.
I dont feel bad owning one bud! I'd buy another. Non issue!
All good for you
@@StayConnectedEV Yes. As many are. All good.
I saw citizen cycle did a video on the wobble. He basically made a case since other bikes do it that it’s okay for the wired bike to do it. Not a good argument at all. He also discovered it’s a weight distribution issue. Can you imagine putting a kid seat on the back with a kid in it. Imagine that wobble. The only answer should be all these bikes need to fix the wobble. I canceled my order due to really late delivery after seeing the wobble I am glad I did. Ecells needs to step up their game a little bit in controller and power. Wired did force Ecells to offer more bike at a better price. So that the only win out of the new 2024 wired model
He said it wobbles
@@StayConnectedEV yes he shows the wobble in his video. He had to induce it and found when he had more weight on the front like an extra motor it didn’t wobble. It’s a weight distribution issue with the suspension. He also showed many bikes wobble like that. I think it’s a flaw in the design of some of these e-bikes. There are plenty of dual suspension e bikes that don’t wobble. They might just need to redesign things. Being weight on the rear of the bike increases the amount of wobble
Love that color....
That green is different!
Agreed guys, they are such vibrant colours 👍
Why not add a heavy duty front rack to dispurse weight?
I have the wobble also
This is not the only video about this wobble, it's starting to show up all over the web. I was hot on this bike and was going to get one when they were back in stock but no more. I wonder how many potential customers Wired lost because of this? I've seen the Ecells and like their bikes. I've also been noticing the Furious Road Warrior Ultimate which seems to be a little better build but I haven't seen many demos on it. Does anyone know anything about them?
Look when you add 12+ lbs to the rear you will induce a wobble, on pretty much every high center of mass bike. Take the back battery off and it is MUCH better. Also, if you're fat (230+ lbs and under 6'6'') that is going to mess with the center of mass and induce a wobble. Lose some weight.
No doubt.. Mine works fine and I'm a fit 180 lbs, 5'10" and I hold on to the handlebars.. ; ) lol Since that's why they are there.
I was soooo blessed by Wired that i got my "Visco Hellbender" with my bike, which I installed after a very sketch ride, but shaking the bike by the handlebars right after installation revealed to me that the problem was still there, if not worse, i then reinstalled the original headset which at least allows me to turn the handlebars without straining my muscles. Wired bikes Suck!!!!
Great video! My question is, are they actually telling customers to tighten the headset bolt as tight as possible? I don't own one of these bikes, but I can tell you that I've read and also been told by my bike shop that you should never tighten the headset bolt as tight as you can, as this will damage the headset bearings. I've replaced three stems on different bikes that I own and was always told to just tighten that bolt to the recommended torque specs.
You’re welcome. This is a email that’s circulating.
If you're riding an e-bike then you should always have both hands on the handlebar just like electric scooters. Unless you have a steering dampener within the steering column then all ebikes will wobble as you accelerate. If you're just pedaling or coasting then I seriously doubt it's going to wobble. Someone do a test with the ecell bike and you'll get the same wobble.
disagree if you take your hand off for second shouldnt happen
@@StayConnectedEV Try it with other ebikes then. It will happen. Wobble is due to lack of traction from the front wheel due to weight distribution, tires, etc. You either have a stiff steering column or put more weight on the front wheel. It happens on motorcycles too.
@@StayConnectedEV Citizencycle just did a test with it. It's a non-issue.
This doesn’t make sense. There are bikes out there that don’t wobble with a rear battery. It is called strengthening the frame or proper balance. No hands is a skill set Used on the fields to help riders relieve pressure from their shoulders and hands. Unexpected rider that released their hand may end up in a serious accident which is a civil lawsuit. It simple. No wobble means good bike. There are bikes out there with a rear battery that don’t wobble.
@@773Chicago I totally agree!!
I get the wobble when trying to maneuver quickly from left to right. I never ride hands free.
You don’t ever take your hands off
@@StayConnectedEV one hand maybe but it feels sketchy af. I ride my 29 bmx hands off for miles but not the freedom. I love the bike but that wobble worries me.
@@StayConnectedEV I'm going to upload a video. I found a couple of things that made the issue less of a wobble but it's still there
You remind a lot of Jay Leno. You even speak like him. 😊
@@firstinlastout thanks.
Wired pays citizen cycle $300 for each bike that is sold through his affiliate link, so it’s no wonder why he seems to be so invested in their success and refuses to criticize them in any way whatsoever.
How do you know that?
What a troller!… how the hell would you know?
@@TheTcat1000How much would you like to bet?
Do you, and the rest of his fans never wonder why he refuses to review an E-Cells ebike, even though E-Cells is wireds biggest competitor? What I mean is, the e-cells five star is the obvious equivalent, and yet citizen cycle doesn’t feel any need to review it? Do you honestly believe that the man who’s literally already made 8-10 freaking videos, exclusively for the purpose of highlighting the latest wired freedom and wired cruiser bikes alone, was doing so for any purpose other than because he’s obviously a paid spokesperson? The dudes literally NEVER said anything critical of the company or the bikes.
Quite the contrary!
A few videos back, he made a video solely for the purpose of trying to quickly get out ahead of the devastating articles and customer complaint videos regarding dozens, if not hundreds of wireds customers warning current and potential customers about how their wired e-bikes were plagued with what they themselves called a “death wobble”.
If his subscribers were actually capable of thinking critically, that video itself might have been the career ended for citizen cycle, considering he was putting his reputation on the line to defend a bike and company, even while knowing the warnings about the deaths wobble were true!
Why would he risk everything to make that propaganda video to save wired from the impending doom that was on the horizon? Well duh! It was because he feared the potential impact its downfall and destruction was surely going to have on his own future earning ability with the companies success!
YES, you can take it to the bank! $300 per ebike which is sold using his link to purchase wireds e-bikes!
Besides though, while it may seem as though the wired freedom is the five star equivalent, e-cells doesn’t charge extra for shipping, they actually stand behind their product 100%, and the frame on every e-cells ebike is backed by a lifetime warranty!
Compare that to Wired ebikes, a company that has never taken ownership of any of the problems their customers have had with their wired ebikes!
Death wobble is a bike defect common with motorcycles that have bad design for high speed acceleration .. mostly due to improper tire pressure or loads not balanced. It happens even if both hands are on the bars or grips. Death wobble can not happen on an e bike if you are riding with hands on the bars .. If it does, you really bought a piece of crap.
Yes good points but I can tell you I don't have it on 90% of the bikes I've driven.
@StayConnectedEV just a bit of of the time a tire change can help. Or more front down force on the front..
If you race a motorcycle at 150 mph and take a hand off the left grip ... the tire grips a little dip to the left or right, your tire speedily reacts and a not so firm grip on the bars will cause it to wobble.
@DanRidesElectric 100% I'd be furious..😖
@@JohnBabcock-qy1cs yeah, but this is an E-bike that does about 40 mph, bit of a difference John.
I have the new wired lime green cruiser that came with the sticker!…it was sent in the mail!
Can you post it or send us a copy via email please
I would think theres a reason Dave had to go to double wall wheels years ago. IDK why people hate on ecells
Probably because they censor and remove anyone from their pages/groups that has any problems or issues. They do a lot of censorship on their pages which should be concerning to people aswell. Shady business lol
I received the sticker in the mail last month.
What is UL #
@@StayConnectedEV UL 2849
Great job!
Thank you Bruce! I just hope this company helps their customers
@@StayConnectedEV ...i hope they have a sale so I can buy a Lime Green Step-Through.... :)
I have a wired freedom from 2023 and i do have my UL sticker
Can you email me it
Haha thats what the chinese companies do. I bought a romeo 2 for $2600. It was delivered defective and after jumping through some eahora hoops and sending them video. They told me it was the controller which is installed where the pedal levers are like a mid drive motor. Need a special tool to remove the pedal lever. They expect me to do all that and run wire and all that after just dropping 2600 bucks! 😂
I just called my bank and disputed the charge and got my money back.
Guess what yall. Look at your wired freedom bike box. Made in China it reads. So when I got mine I knew it was a gamble. Unlike the Romeo 2 my wired freedom works. However yes the wobble is there along with a metal sounding vibration noise coming from the rear when I push it forward and back. But hey, at least it works!! 😂
That’s awful!
Dont buy this bike.
I bought one and its so so so gnarly.The death wobble is like nothing I've ever encountered.
Ive owned over half a dozen ebikes.
The stem bolt torque is bullshit.
I did that. It still whips.
I tried to returnnmy bike and they told me i should not ride a bike without hands.
I was like,"Excuse me?"
Bikes should be able to ride smooth without hands. Period. Its physics. These bikes go 40-45 miles per hour and if you go that fast and eat shit, you could die.
This company is on thin ice if they think there is nothing wrong.
Buy the E cells.
Im pissed I drew the wrong straw.
I should have listened to Dave Cleveland at E Cells.
I will next bike I buy.
Meelod’s batteries on their models are not UL Certified
Ok I never said they were.
@StayConnectedEV you're suggesting their bikes are better quality than Wired Bikes but neither has UL certifications on the batteries. You can't take points away from Wired for not having the certification and then pump up Meelod when they do the same thing.
No UL certification???
That’s a big NFW for me.
9:25 is a loose stem.
Yeah I know. That’s the purpose of the video
lol. I must have missed that.
I would hate to be on this bike going downhill at 30 mph+
That would be dangerous.
It's the battery on the back rack. This will also happen on the ecells dual battery.
Wrong! Its already been tested.... Please do research before you make incorrect comments.
None of ECells ebike models have this death wobble. Rock solid bikes, top quality, great price 🤙🏼
Company is so shady, hope they go out of business
What a complete mess. This company needs to have a class action lawsuit
Well Im not sure that will happen but I do believe there are many unhappy people
@@BadruddeenKhalili lol.. no.. Just be careful and don't try to race around no handed 🤣
Be careful and be safe bro!
I disagree!!!
Why? I can make my Aventon do the same thing. A handlebar on a bike exists for a reason.
The funniest part is fanboys who refuse to admit the issue😅😅.. They handle wired's light work.
@@kevinduprey9326 I couldn’t figure this out. I posted some issues on the FB page and I got my teeth kicked in for asking a question and needing help with this bike. I feel they have several people invested in this company and they are allll over FB and TH-cam to defend this company with a passion.
My new Ecells five star with extra battery does the same thing
Sure it does
With the rear battery in,
it shakes violently without provocation, if you take your hands off the bars. If I take the battery out, the bike tracks flawlessly. Take it or leave it. I have no dog in this fight. If I have the battery in and put weight in the front basket, it mitigated the death wobble somewhat.🫡
That’s the lamest sales pitch I’ve ever seen…is there any bike company that will put in writing, we recommend that you let go of the handlebars…and pedal with assistance no handed since you can’t use the throttle. This video is one biased joke.
sales pitch? this is owners problems