Masterful! You lost me with the up button and scroll wheel (I learned on the original Apple mouse, and make a mess of gestures on Apple mouse, so dumbed it down.) Your facility with bèziers is remarkable, a work of art. I’m floored! Incredible art, something to strive for. Thank you.
Tyreek Crown Jewell There’s lots of free fonts online...In the 90’s, there was something called shareware in which you were on your honor to pay a small shareware fee. Once I paid $3 since the money was going to a student group of string players. David Rakowski responded by sending me his entire library. Many of his have been stolen and are online. That said, when I was working I bought tons of Adobe, Monotype, Agfa, Emigre, and P22 fonts. Check out the last two for inspiration.
wow so easy that 3d effect, i saw so many tutorials in illustrator using the blend tool hahaha. thanks affinity
Masterful! You lost me with the up button and scroll wheel (I learned on the original Apple mouse, and make a mess of gestures on Apple mouse, so dumbed it down.) Your facility with bèziers is remarkable, a work of art. I’m floored! Incredible art, something to strive for. Thank you.
Thanks, I had no problem following this on Affinity Designer for iPad 👍
This is actually pretty cool
Just a suggestion -- adding captions would be great! :)
Just saw the cursor jumping all over and became more confused than anything Narration and slowing down would have been a help
Kak mw tanya kalo di Affinity Designer supaya muncul auto keterangan batas tengah yg warna ijo itu kalo object digeser gimana ya kak?
Where'd you get the font?
I am facing in the intersection one near 11:02
how can you use the pen tool to draw anything that isn't a parabola
Just leftclick with the mouse/tip of the pen. So click and release, don't drag, that creates handles to make a curve. If that is what you were asking.
How do you have all those fonts ?
I'm guessing
Tyreek Crown Jewell There’s lots of free fonts online...In the 90’s, there was something called shareware in which you were on your honor to pay a small shareware fee. Once I paid $3 since the money was going to a student group of string players. David Rakowski responded by sending me his entire library. Many of his have been stolen and are online. That said, when I was working I bought tons of Adobe, Monotype, Agfa, Emigre, and P22 fonts. Check out the last two for inspiration.
my logo doesn't open with jpg and png. I think I made I bad choice buy this infinnity
gan ikhsan kalo affinity berbasis vector kah?
So good ❤
thanks good tuto ;)
Vc Não sabe falar não?