how do ya go about making cash, i know this is a question you get often and probably won't answer because trade secrets. Just thought i'd ask, for the hell of it.
Imperial alchemy + cooking + stacking up sunflower for trade run to val from epheria + afk fishing while sleeping (trading to at val : needs 192 inventory : stacking up relics and run it when 50 stacks up)+ Grinding at high end places when not cooking and between imperial delivery intervals + boss wep runs every popup. So basically, you play 24 hours.
LOL, question. How in the blue blazes are you generating fail stacks so freakishly high?! The biggest FS I've ever got was 42 using a set up Duo Rocaba gear! But how do you keep the stack going to a staggering 126???
And at the end of the day you walk away, shut down your computer, What have I done to make my li-fe better? Nothing... What do I have for 100's if not thousands of hours of g,a,m,e TYme. Nothing.
Its funny .. cuz i did tet bares belt to Pen with 12 fs .. i tried it for the lols since i was new to the game and vioala .. i have it there with 8 ap useless as fuck 😢😢😢😢
Grats I have Enchant PTSD so I watch these success videos for therapy LOL !!
lmao i can't even enhance a TRI ulti awakening Q_Q
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahh good one
I was salty when you started using the tet kzarka for fail stacks.
And I used 1.17 billion to buy a TET Kzaka for DK, now I hate him even more.
playing a dk? Hate yourself loolol
Dude I don't even know how I feel about heart went numb
TheSeymowr back then alot of people considered dk's broken class (2nd highest damage and most s in the game)
1:49 absolute madman
i need fs lol
For the price of a tet kzarka I can make you 45 fs 10 times.
Qynchou ต
hell, i have one kzarka and i'm struggling to get it to DUO and this guy blows a TET to make fs
I finally found it... the first enhancing video I ever watched
Enjoy your Vids hope you will uplode more stuff :D
Balls of steel, congratz.
Grats on the big win
and to me this is a dream, of a mad man to try and reach such levels
You're the bane of my existence
And to think Ill be making money for 4-5 months to buy these...
if you have a tri orge ring , why not just go for tet orge u will %100 get it
no balls.
100% XD
it'll take you 5 months to get the money, and then another 5 months to win the bids
Well if you double the efficiency of your most profitable nodes you can cut that time down in half.
Very nice. :D
so YOURE the reason I can't get any concentrated stones on the market
Scragg Melt necklaces?
witches=2 sharps
its between 1-2 it's random.
Nice Video, Beautiful Song and Bloody tons of Money :D
meanwhile i got 4 alts with 80-110fs trying to get TET....
yeah feel ya man, took me 118
and im creeping around with +15 xD
Hi, i would like to know with which logiciel do you record plz ?
this song has been looping in my brain for the past 4 months!!
oh wow
haha nice man gratz rng luck is real
ty lol
1:51 hurt my soul
still enjoyd rest of video ^^
excellent choice of music
how do ya go about making cash, i know this is a question you get often and probably won't answer because trade secrets. Just thought i'd ask, for the hell of it.
Grinding more than 10 consecutive hours per day i guess.
Grinding isn't teh best for cash, imperial alchemy and cooking is way better .
Imperial alchemy + cooking + stacking up sunflower for trade run to val from epheria + afk fishing while sleeping (trading to at val : needs 192 inventory : stacking up relics and run it when 50 stacks up)+ Grinding at high end places when not cooking and between imperial delivery intervals + boss wep runs every popup. So basically, you play 24 hours.
sounds good to me =D
Android though most of the 1st wealth players just abused the investment bank exploit and get 500 millions a day for nothing.
I love you too
I... I can't even...
[Zantasu] was unfaily killed by [Black Spirit [,]
i honestly dont understand that 45 FS PEN attempt. There are better methods to get a TET stack than failing with intention PEN bossgear
dat double failstacking on kzarka TET was the part with higher luck score :D
What is the name of this song
song? its lit lol lol
how do you get so much money??
nice music.. name?
im cringing as im watching this video. how can this guy do this? what gave him the guts to do this?
how did you build your fail stacks? like what did you use ?
What music is this?
How hard was it to press that button? lol
LOL, question. How in the blue blazes are you generating fail stacks so freakishly high?!
The biggest FS I've ever got was 42 using a set up Duo Rocaba gear!
But how do you keep the stack going to a staggering 126???
>cry< No... and I'm legally blind and this video isn't in braille but thank you for telling me how he made a 126fs =)
And at the end of the day you walk away, shut down your computer, What have I done to make my li-fe better? Nothing... What do I have for 100's if not thousands of hours of g,a,m,e TYme. Nothing.
personal entertainment
how are you so rich jesus
failed TRI Ogre 67 fs and 46 fs
then failed dou with 48 ;/
rip .... let it be
Watching this go through keeps me saint.
now go for pen ogre ring lmfao
44fs tet kzarka, I cant get tet kzarka at 120 fs. feelsbadman
So like is RNG ur bff or something? Lmaoo
Lmao @Hooyah, you get a sub bruh.
You're crazy
U Indian.? Soundtrack says so.
so you DONT NEED 200+ CONTRIBUTION TO MAKE MONEY! COOL. now i need to get dande :/
Wow im jelly i wish i was rng carried like u. I spent 7bil on tri ogre and i still dont have it -. -
Are you on NA?
scary... im staying away from u...
Now the AP 190 DP 200 lol
Fuck it man!! TET OGRE!
lucker )
spend that much and still be #4 on wealth, on your server? something smells fishy here.... none the less, gratz ^-^
LUL that tet with 44 fs , grats now ul'll delete ma ass even more in rfb ;=;
0:58 TET Zarka off 44 Failstacks? LOL 1% success rate?
actually it is 11%
The stack for that TRI ogre makes me wanna die. I was like there's now way it's gonna work that low. Welp. GZ
44 fs hahahahaha
why god?
could you make a guide on how to get fail stacks?
what do you do for income? That's a lot of money you spent there just for failstacks
he got tet with 44 and i got my green awak to tri with 62 rng haha
I would save the stacks for TET attempts if it reaches 50, 62 stacks for only a TRI doesn't feel very good.
Awesome !
Name of the music clip ?
Its funny .. cuz i did tet bares belt to Pen with 12 fs .. i tried it for the lols since i was new to the game and vioala .. i have it there with 8 ap useless as fuck 😢😢😢😢
I hate you but I love you ♪♫
Gz but fu >_
lol GG
You probably hack to get that much money.
TxInfinity lol jelous much
Holy shit man....
Ew a Ranger >,> I got my 2 TET weps on 2 fail stacks each lol on Kuno
126 fs what in the hell
126 stacks is pretty easy to make >.> got 108 atm just trying to tet my kzarka, showing no signs of dinging tet :S
carried by rng
gg music?
haha my pen is 46 fs basilik just yolo
44 fs to TET doesn't surprise me ! :) zero fs on 14+ kzarka to 15+. But the important thing is I had 3 30fs toons on 13+ to 14+
Whats the song name?
как играть в гавно когда додикам просто фартит а норм пацанам нет(
What is song?
I am rlly unlucky with fs. with 0 or 1 fs I get pri or duo rings. but I used cheap rings, belts
this is the worst music ive ever heard
LoL the point is how to people make all these money to get here and stacks??
watafaaaaaaaaaaaack is that!?!?!?!?
what's the song?