Why was everyone getting so hyped up about lack of PDA? Personally, if Aaron started making a habit out of PDA, it would be rather out of character. Besides, Jackson knows Aaron is somewhat uncomfortable so he's not gonna try anything before Aaron is ready. Basically, they're keeping it real. And at any rate, two people don't have to gush over each other to actually be a caring couple. Not to mention, it's early yet. They should really still be on the mate-boyfriend threshold.
kayzaac thank you See even with rob they aren’t always doing PDA and people complain . But no couple does do a lot but for some reason - people think that the same sex couples have to do it or they just look like mates instead of lovers 🙄
😂also tbf Aaron always had an interesting relationship with Holly because of him being her first and how he sadly used her to prove he was a “man” at the time it made an interesting dynamic between two mates Simlar to him and vic ahh where Aaron was allowed to be a proper character before boring robron couple ruined him
i love christian and olli to and i was so happy when they got married (both times). i loved the proposal episode too. it was so sweet how olli set it up and the way christian said yes, it make me cry.
I don't understand something; maybe someone can explain something to me. How can Roselyn consider herself a friend (mate) of Holly's when she provides her with drugs and also tempts her to use drugs when Holly's goal in the beginning of the night was to stay sober from drugs. That, in my books is not a friend but rather a person who wants someone to accompanies her to do something bad for selfish reason even though it will get her friend in trouble.
@Egu022 Just got into Manuel and Lalo myself...holy hotness!!!! It sorta stopped in English when he Andi's car got vandalized. Are there newer episodes in English?
wow fastest 8 minutes if my life.. i want the next episode! =p and for aaron and jackson i say give it some time.. i mean they just had a fall out and i bet things are still awkward between them..
I agree with some that the level of affection between Aaron and Jackson is not what most watching these videos are looking for but we've just come off a big focus on them and people have to remeber there are other characters on Emmerdale and some fans of the show haven't been happy with all the arron focus....the focus is now on Holly and her drug issues, see how the next bit of storyline pans out and the arrival of Jacksons mum before saying yeah or nah to the couple.
@sheepiefarm lost to the focus on other stories , I don't think either the Holly/Drugs part nor the Aaron/Jackson part worked tonight as it feels like they know where parts b and c and so on of this drug story are but couldn't figure out how to get from part a to part b and put a very forced 'night out' together when they hadn't really figured out how they were going to play the relationship out.
This scene was about Holly and the build up to her big plot. I think we need to see this as not really an "Aaron and Jackson moment" but rather a "Holly moment" I dont doubt we will have Aaron's 2nd coming out (ie: public displays of affection) when that is the story they are trying to develop. Until then, Im just glad we are getting them on screen.
It's about time we get to see Adam..we haven't got to see him with Aaron since Aaron and Jackson decide to give it another go, which I thought was weird since Adam is the one who got Jackson the construction job.
Question...What does Holly mean when she tells her friend that that guy thinks "he's on promise'? I have never heard that expression here in the U.S. Thanks.
I think(hope) the lack of physical affection now is because they're building up to a plot point where Aaron does show affection in public for Jackson. I can understand why Jackson doesn't initiate anything because he's worried about pushing Aaron, so the ball is in Aaron's court when it comes to this.
I was so happy to finally see Adam back. Man I was really missing him. I just love the sound of his voice. I feel Adam and Aaron have more natural chemistry together. I do not know if it is because they are friends in real life but they just fit. Jackson and Aaron have grown a little bit on me but they just do not seem like a couple. There is not much chemistry between them. They just seem like two guys hanging out. It is not about them having to kiss all the time there is no chemistry.
@clavix88 That is the annoying part of having supposedly "straight" actors play gay roles. Some of them limit themselves in terms of not being willing to commit to the level of physical and emotional intimacy which does the part real justice. It's early yet for Aaron and Jackson as a couple; but thumbs up to the actors who play Christian and Oliver in the German soap opera "Verbotene Liebe" (Forbidden Love). Their acting as gay men in love is superb.
@Carapheonix The fact that the actors live togehter is even better. They can rehearse several times at home so they can get more comfortable on that level. Who knows, they might even like it!
@durchhalter lol I think the writers still want us to believe that Aaron hasn't fully accepted himself yet, and that he is slowly becoming more comfortable with it. Its kind of hard to believe that he would still be unaccepting even after coming out, going on a few dates, having sex with a man, and naming Jackson his boyfriend...
@clavix88 Do you remember awhile back when Danny Miller was talking about Aaron and Jackson's relationship and how his hope was that they would just portray their relationship as two mates? So technically now they are just friends with benefits. Two mates who went out for a drink and Aaron became the all night babysitter.
@steluvjamie You are right about Aaron still not being comfortable in public with PDA.. That was typical Aaron reaction at the bar when Jackson was like people might think them a couple and Aaron gave a disgusted look... Typical reaction because yea Aaron is not ready to be doing the couple thing so that's why they look like two mates just hanging out.
@ztoical It's not the lack of affection - nor is it anything to do with how much screentime they're getting. It's the complete abscence of body language familiarity between them. These two guys are in a relationship (intimately) and yet thier body language does not express this at all. There was more interactive body language between them in Bar west before they became a couple - where has that gone???
@clavix88 I'd have to say I agree with you wholeheartedly. And this is not to say I don't enjoy Aaron and Jackson. But I think the writers are also trying to make it less uncomfortable for the actors themselves (which is wrong) especially since Aaron has been getting some negative comments in public. But I agree with you about the 'morning after': why weren't both guys shown in bed? Even if the next scene was Aaron crawling out of bed feeling a bit awkward it would have been more believable.
@mlorocker It's not the actors, it's the way it's being written. Given how big a deal a display of affection from Aaron would be, it's impossible for those moments not to be scripted.
@frozenbaby2004 A night of passion? Ha! Let me tell you what "a night of passion" is: Chrolli's first time after a build up of confusion and denial; McDean's first time before Craig went psycho and ran out of the room; DeRo's first time quickly followed by a second time in the shower. Aaron and Jackson's first time? A cringe-worthy kiss followed by a naked Jackson lying in bed alone, and a fully-clothed Aaron standing over him, asking "do you want tea or coffee". What's so passionate about that?
I think the biggest problem is the british soap, itself. Different british soaps have had gay couples, but you can count the times Christian and Syed have kissed, on one hand, and hugged or shown any other physical intimacy, on two. JP and Craig had a few scenes over a year or two but not many. I don't expect much from british gay soap couples, so whatever we do get is great.
@clavix88 Chemistry isn't their problem. They have shown that they have a lot of chemistry. The writing is the issue here but I think it's all for a reason.
I said ages ago how awkward they are together, but I think that's more the actors, and not the characters. They're just gonna have to bite the bullet eventually and -god forbid- make physical contact with each other!
@clavix88 Sadly, I agree. Don't get me wrong- the storyline and the acting has been great. However, both actors really need to get past the "gay" thing if they really want to portray a gay couple. No one ever said playing a homosexual was going to be easy, and I think its up to both Danny and Marc to put their pride aside and start asking the writers for some PDA. They need to sit down, watch some Chrolli or DeRo, and take notes. Hopefully they get more comfortable in the future.
@sheepiefarm An accurate description of the lack of authencity in this relationship. I'm so disappointed, I thought this was gonna be so good. Just goes to show that British soaps have a long way to go before they are able to portray gay couples as realistically as they do in German/Spanish/Catalan/Swedish soaps..
I can hear what aaron and Jackson say 3:08 - 3:18 but I don't understand why they said it. Why does Aaron think the bouncers might be funny and what does he mean about the two lads causing trouble?? Why would the bouncers think that? I'm sorry but could someone explain this to me please?!! x
@shaniali In some ways it's nice that they are portrayed as a couple, that their relationship isn't solely about kisses. I don't think Aaron is into public displays of affection-yet.
@shyathena34 Jo Weil (the guy who plays Olli) doesn't disclose his sexuality. He did say he was straight 8 years ago in an interview, but after that, he never discussed it again because he believes it would get in the way of how he is perceived as an actor. I think more straight actors should take that approach (ie. Danny, Marc, etc.).
@steluvjamie I know!!! what Jackson said at 8:02 "don't worry about me, you're the one who won't be getting any sleep tonight FOR ALL THE WORRY REASONS" Sexual innuendo already..I LOVE IT!!!
@ztoical The night out stuff was to be expected in the way it was portrayed. Aaron was never gonna be anything more than he was - in fact I think the way they interacted there was pretty much in keeping with the characters. Back at smithy cottage was bizarre. The body language between them was so distant. Watch it with the sound OFF and you could easily think that Jackson was just the cab driver who'd brought them home.
@Sorcerer8605 it takes a really open-minded straight man to fully support and portray a gay lifestyle... I do think that Danny and Marc are open minded but they still seem a little insecure with it all judging from their interviews. Amazingly, Igor from AWZ and Thore from VL are so secure with their sexuality that they allow themselves to get lost in the storyline. I know both Danny and Marc can be at their level if they let themselves. Thats all
@Egu022 It's not that the British are at fault it's more like the actors aren't comfortable enough to hop into that. I mean look at John Paul and Craig. *fans self* Though to be fair: Aaron is supposed to be uncomfortable with PDA's when it comes to guys. But when that passes (and it's supposed to be soon) if they don't try to become more comfortable with each other then it might be a problem.
@Sorcerer8605 Maybe it depends on the soap then. I too thought that actors had no control over ad-libbing or gestures. However, I was watching an interview with Thore from VL and he said that a lot of the intimate gestures both he and Jo make are unscripted. Little things like touching his face or holding hands... and I have watched plenty of interviews with both Danny and Marc, and like most heterosexual actors they seem uncomfortable and butch it up.
@Carapheonix I'm sorry to say this, but there is a huge difference in the intensity of the acting in gay sl's in British soaps compared to so many other soaps. Why I don't know. And Aaron is not only uncomfortable with pda's he is uncomfortable everywhere! Which does not make sense. Unfortunately I don't think we'll see much of a development here (though I hope I'm wrong). Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna rewatch Manuel y Lalo's sl for the 100th time >33
@clavix88 LMAO - apparently you haven't SEEN any of my videos (try out "Ouch - OMG). I have forgotten more about passion than you've yet to learn. That being said, there is MUCH more to being Gay than "passion as you put it,' especially if you are trying to establish a relationship. This is one of the most intelligent Gay SL in some time without the stereotypes of one being str8 and trying to play the download, or Gaybashing or any other vanilla strain. Imagination works wonders.
@XxEmilexX Nightclubs tend to not like letting gangs of young lads in on their own as they tend to get drunk and start fights and general just be a pain....lads going in with girls they assume are going to be better behaved and also more likely to spend more money as they assume they'll be buying drinks for themselves and the girls.
@clavix88 Having read the comments, I am amazed at the rather obvious divide over a kiss. On first viewing, I too was a bit surprised that at least a kiss on the cheek didn't happen. Then I watched it again, and I noticed something - they are COMFORTABLE with their relationship. Aaron invited and Jackson accepted to stay the night - without any drama. Then I remembered they've had a night of passion, one of many to come. A kiss at this point is moot. How many husbands leave without a kiss?
@WallehA Jackson says 'Stay here for a few few then move onto a club about 11?' and at 3:09, Aaron says 'Listen, now her mate's here, she might stop pecking out our head [or something along those lines?]. When we move onto the next club, stick close to 'er, I don't want the bouncers getting funny, d' ya know what I mean?'
@frozenbaby2004 Husbands may leave without a kiss, but not new couples. After the first "night" together and during the first few weeks, is the time most couples are very touchy feely.
Oh, Holly. How could you be so stupid... She's lucky that she's got Aaron and Jackson there. As for the two of them, I love the flirty banter. Haha. Jackson's freaking adorable. He always is. I was hoping for a kiss there at the end. Even a quick peck, but I guess we'll just have to wait for a time when Aaron's a little less distracted by Holly and her drug problem...
@itsonlysound I think chemistry IS the problem. When Aaron & Adam interact, I automatically feel a spark between them, and they don't even have to do much. I'm not saying Aaron & Adam should be together (I find it quite unrealistic at this point), but Danny needs to work with someone who can create a similar spark with Aaron. I like Marc, and I think Jackson is a cool character, but I'm not sure if I like Aaron & Jackson together. I don't even care to see them kiss. It just looks awkward to me.
I understand what everyone is saying about Aaron not being comfortable with himself and this SL being about Holly, but at the very least Jackson could've given Aaron an affectionate pat on the shoulder before he left. I mean, they're comfortable mentioning that they won't be having sex tonight, but not with any kind of touch? Granted, I will take all the Aaron/Jackson scenes that I can, but I just hope they get more believeable as a couple as time goes on.
Although, yes, I would like to see more lip action with those two, I think their banter is quite hilarious, and very realistically couple-ish. Holly needs a brain transplant. Maybe that was what she was trying for in this episode....
Let's not forget, Jackson got a whacking for merely touching Aaron's arm in public, and was afraid how Aaron would react when he accidently tapped Aaron's leg the other night. I guess Jackson is treading carefully. Aaron is not at a point where he is comfortable with showing affection in public - not even in front of Paddy. Give Aaron some time, hopefully we'll be able to see displays of affection in the open soon. Having said this, we should be treated to some private AarSon romance, right?
@clavix88 Yeah I keep hoping/begging/praying that Adam will suddenly pounce on Aaron reveal that he's gay and they would 'go to town' so to speak. But considering their actors live together that might make things a bit uncomfortable and I wouldn't want them to stop being friends so... yah..
@shyathena34 Christian and Ollie are by far the best gay couple on TV. The acting and chemistry is so good that it is the only soap that truly affects me when they are having relationship problems. Aaron is a good actor but limited in his ability to play intimate roles with a man. Maybe he would be more comfortable playing a couple with Adam, Their friendship outside the show should make it easier.
when holly said she has been acting like a robot i was like as if she didnt sound the part. she is painfully dull i mean no offence to holly fan(s). btw i think that they do have chemistry i mean their banter is more loving couple than scadam no offence to scadam fan(s).
Does anyone else CRINGE at 0:33? It just seems weird. Adam says to Aaron, 'See you in a bit.' Jackson comes into the frame and says, 'See you in a bit,' to Adam. I don't like it.
I don't think the lack of affection is due to the writers, I think it is because of the unwillingness on the actors' part. A gay sl w/o any physical affection is simply not realistic. I think I'll leave this sl for Botineras' Manuel y Lalo. Imagine that, Catholic, conservative Argentinians having more balls than the Brits. Lol, who would have guessed!
Why was everyone getting so hyped up about lack of PDA? Personally, if Aaron started making a habit out of PDA, it would be rather out of character. Besides, Jackson knows Aaron is somewhat uncomfortable so he's not gonna try anything before Aaron is ready. Basically, they're keeping it real. And at any rate, two people don't have to gush over each other to actually be a caring couple. Not to mention, it's early yet. They should really still be on the mate-boyfriend threshold.
kayzaac thank you
See even with rob they aren’t always doing PDA and people complain . But no couple does do a lot but for some reason - people think that the same sex couples have to do it or they just look like mates instead of lovers 🙄
Loved how protective Aaron was with holly like it’s his sister . Like how he is with Liv
It. Really? 🤦🙄
😂also tbf Aaron always had an interesting relationship with Holly because of him being her first and how he sadly used her to prove he was a “man” at the time it made an interesting dynamic between two mates Simlar to him and vic ahh where Aaron was allowed to be a proper character before boring robron couple ruined him
It's weird on Emmerdale if two people have just slept together and someone comes in the house they always come down stairs getting dressed. Lol.😂😉
+emmerdale fan haha...so true
'were you playing your zombie game? yeah its really good. Your flies are undone'
LOL owned.
Love seeing Aaron so protective. Showes what kind of man he is underneath his Macho fasade.
Thanks alot for posting, great to catch up since up i'm in the States.!
It allways makes me sad seeing Hanna. Thinking about what he is going through right now.
Oh Jackson, why you so lovely?
just noticed that Aaron went straight to Holly's stall. but how would he in which stall she was in? Continuity, guys.
thanks for the upload!!...love Aaron n jackson!!!!
Jackson's little smirk, when Aaron kicks the door down, promises Aaron lots of sexy fun time. >3
thank you for the upload :)
i love christian and olli to and i was so happy when they got married (both times). i loved the proposal episode too. it was so sweet how olli set it up and the way christian said yes, it make me cry.
It's nice to see the Barton's, it seems like it's been forever! Maybe not....but as far as them intervening with Aaron's story.
finally an adam an aaron scene
Question: at about 4:58 Holly says "He thinks he's on a promise". What does she mean by that?
Just realised Ros is leela from hollyoaks😋
And she's also Danny's Ex in real life.
I don't understand something; maybe someone can explain something to me. How can Roselyn consider herself a friend (mate) of Holly's when she provides her with drugs and also tempts her to use drugs when Holly's goal in the beginning of the night was to stay sober from drugs. That, in my books is not a friend but rather a person who wants someone to accompanies her to do something bad for selfish reason even though it will get her friend in trouble.
Junkies are evil 👹
Thank you very much even if I don't all understand !
I have an excuse : I'm French
@Egu022 Just got into Manuel and Lalo myself...holy hotness!!!! It sorta stopped in English when he Andi's car got vandalized. Are there newer episodes in English?
Great time..... I like this show..
Ah love Aaron and Jackson there such a couple now !!
wow fastest 8 minutes if my life.. i want the next episode! =p
and for aaron and jackson i say give it some time.. i mean they just had a fall out and i bet things are still awkward between them..
thanks jon i appreciate ya
Question: Does "giving someone a bell" mean calling them on the telephone?
Ryan Je Yep, or more generally that they'll talk later.
How Manc does Danny sound at 3.08???
I agree with some that the level of affection between Aaron and Jackson is not what most watching these videos are looking for but we've just come off a big focus on them and people have to remeber there are other characters on Emmerdale and some fans of the show haven't been happy with all the arron focus....the focus is now on Holly and her drug issues, see how the next bit of storyline pans out and the arrival of Jacksons mum before saying yeah or nah to the couple.
@sheepiefarm lost to the focus on other stories , I don't think either the Holly/Drugs part nor the Aaron/Jackson part worked tonight as it feels like they know where parts b and c and so on of this drug story are but couldn't figure out how to get from part a to part b and put a very forced 'night out' together when they hadn't really figured out how they were going to play the relationship out.
No kiss, no hug really ?
Let's all chip in and buy Holly some acting lessons.
This scene was about Holly and the build up to her big plot.
I think we need to see this as not really an "Aaron and Jackson moment" but rather a "Holly moment"
I dont doubt we will have Aaron's 2nd coming out (ie: public displays of affection) when that is the story they are trying to develop. Until then, Im just glad we are getting them on screen.
It's about time we get to see Adam..we haven't got to see him with Aaron since Aaron and Jackson decide to give it another go, which I thought was weird since Adam is the one who got Jackson the construction job.
Question...What does Holly mean when she tells her friend that that guy thinks "he's on promise'? I have never heard that expression here in the U.S. Thanks.
It means he's sure he's going to get laid.
I have not always followed this soap opera. I have not gone back to watch the earlier episodes. When did Adams sister get on drugs?
Arg, the noise of that club! Can't hear what Jackson says at 3:03, before Holly says "Sounds good", and then I can't hear what Aaron says at 3:09 :o
hey... so who are these 2 straight lads named Aaron and Jackson?
Why is there two toilets in the cubicle Holly was in?
I think(hope) the lack of physical affection now is because they're building up to a plot point where Aaron does show affection in public for Jackson. I can understand why Jackson doesn't initiate anything because he's worried about pushing Aaron, so the ball is in Aaron's court when it comes to this.
I was so happy to finally see Adam back. Man I was really missing him. I just love the sound of his voice. I feel Adam and Aaron have more natural chemistry together. I do not know if it is because they are friends in real life but they just fit. Jackson and Aaron have grown a little bit on me but they just do not seem like a couple. There is not much chemistry between them. They just seem like two guys hanging out. It is not about them having to kiss all the time there is no chemistry.
lmao at 4:37..... "wounded" ima need another bear to get over that....
@Ejolina this is Emmerdale, there will never be public display of affection
@clavix88 That is the annoying part of having supposedly "straight" actors play gay roles. Some of them limit themselves in terms of not being willing to commit to the level of physical and emotional intimacy which does the part real justice.
It's early yet for Aaron and Jackson as a couple; but thumbs up to the actors who play Christian and Oliver in the German soap opera "Verbotene Liebe" (Forbidden Love). Their acting as gay men in love is superb.
@Carapheonix The fact that the actors live togehter is even better. They can rehearse several times at home so they can get more comfortable on that level. Who knows, they might even like it!
Pendulum in the background tho. Yesss.
@pppmanly - The guys who play Roman and Deniz in the German soap "Alles Was Zählt (AWZ)" are quite good too. Wow, the Germans have this down packed.
For some reason Adam reminds me of Ben from supernatural Dean's girlfriend Lisa son
OMG....i thought that aswell. #SPNfam 👻
Two things about Holly that are criminal: ruining the boys' night out and her acting.
@durchhalter lol I think the writers still want us to believe that Aaron hasn't fully accepted himself yet, and that he is slowly becoming more comfortable with it. Its kind of hard to believe that he would still be unaccepting even after coming out, going on a few dates, having sex with a man, and naming Jackson his boyfriend...
@clavix88 Do you remember awhile back when Danny Miller was talking about Aaron and Jackson's relationship and how his hope was that they would just portray their relationship as two mates? So technically now they are just friends with benefits. Two mates who went out for a drink and Aaron became the all night babysitter.
Uh... I'm happy to see Aars.... I mean Daddy Barton :) wowza!
@dddennis83 It's Watercolour - Pendulum(:
@steluvjamie You are right about Aaron still not being comfortable in public with PDA.. That was typical Aaron reaction at the bar when Jackson was like people might think them a couple and Aaron gave a disgusted look... Typical reaction because yea Aaron is not ready to be doing the couple thing so that's why they look like two mates just hanging out.
@ztoical It's not the lack of affection - nor is it anything to do with how much screentime they're getting.
It's the complete abscence of body language familiarity between them. These two guys are in a relationship (intimately) and yet thier body language does not express this at all. There was more interactive body language between them in Bar west before they became a couple - where has that gone???
@clavix88 I'd have to say I agree with you wholeheartedly. And this is not to say I don't enjoy Aaron and Jackson. But I think the writers are also trying to make it less uncomfortable for the actors themselves (which is wrong) especially since Aaron has been getting some negative comments in public. But I agree with you about the 'morning after': why weren't both guys shown in bed? Even if the next scene was Aaron crawling out of bed feeling a bit awkward it would have been more believable.
@mlorocker It's not the actors, it's the way it's being written. Given how big a deal a display of affection from Aaron would be, it's impossible for those moments not to be scripted.
Holly you silly girl! Coke isn't even that good, the high only lasts just over an hour and you feel empty afterwards, don't do it guys!
All drugs are evil ☝🏽
Love Adam and Scarlet!
John's a tight wad haha
@frozenbaby2004 A night of passion? Ha! Let me tell you what "a night of passion" is: Chrolli's first time after a build up of confusion and denial; McDean's first time before Craig went psycho and ran out of the room; DeRo's first time quickly followed by a second time in the shower. Aaron and Jackson's first time? A cringe-worthy kiss followed by a naked Jackson lying in bed alone, and a fully-clothed Aaron standing over him, asking "do you want tea or coffee". What's so passionate about that?
I think the biggest problem is the british soap, itself. Different british soaps have had gay couples, but you can count the times Christian and Syed have kissed, on one hand, and hugged or shown any other physical intimacy, on two. JP and Craig had a few scenes over a year or two but not many. I don't expect much from british gay soap couples, so whatever we do get is great.
@clavix88 Chemistry isn't their problem. They have shown that they have a lot of chemistry. The writing is the issue here but I think it's all for a reason.
I said ages ago how awkward they are together, but I think that's more the actors, and not the characters. They're just gonna have to bite the bullet eventually and -god forbid- make physical contact with each other!
@clavix88 Sadly, I agree. Don't get me wrong- the storyline and the acting has been great. However, both actors really need to get past the "gay" thing if they really want to portray a gay couple. No one ever said playing a homosexual was going to be easy, and I think its up to both Danny and Marc to put their pride aside and start asking the writers for some PDA. They need to sit down, watch some Chrolli or DeRo, and take notes. Hopefully they get more comfortable in the future.
love jackson at 4.45
For some reason I don't understand why Holly reminds me of Miley Cyrus.
Adam is sexy, Aaron is sexy, his mom is sexy, his dad is sexy, his sister is sexy.......'thoughts are running wild'
If it was not for Holly, Jackson would have spent the night with Aaron. Damn!
@sheepiefarm An accurate description of the lack of authencity in this relationship. I'm so disappointed, I thought this was gonna be so good. Just goes to show that British soaps have a long way to go before they are able to portray gay couples as realistically as they do in German/Spanish/Catalan/Swedish soaps..
I can hear what aaron and Jackson say 3:08 - 3:18 but I don't understand why they said it. Why does Aaron think the bouncers might be funny and what does he mean about the two lads causing trouble?? Why would the bouncers think that?
I'm sorry but could someone explain this to me please?!!
@shaniali In some ways it's nice that they are portrayed as a couple, that their relationship isn't solely about kisses. I don't think Aaron is into public displays of affection-yet.
@shyathena34 Jo Weil (the guy who plays Olli) doesn't disclose his sexuality. He did say he was straight 8 years ago in an interview, but after that, he never discussed it again because he believes it would get in the way of how he is perceived as an actor. I think more straight actors should take that approach (ie. Danny, Marc, etc.).
@steluvjamie I know!!! what Jackson said at 8:02 "don't worry about me, you're the one who won't be getting any sleep tonight FOR ALL THE WORRY REASONS"
Sexual innuendo already..I LOVE IT!!!
@ztoical ooooooooooooh ok, wow, I feel like a silly little girl now for not realising. haha thankyou for explaining.
@ztoical The night out stuff was to be expected in the way it was portrayed. Aaron was never gonna be anything more than he was - in fact I think the way they interacted there was pretty much in keeping with the characters.
Back at smithy cottage was bizarre. The body language between them was so distant. Watch it with the sound OFF and you could easily think that Jackson was just the cab driver who'd brought them home.
@Sorcerer8605 it takes a really open-minded straight man to fully support and portray a gay lifestyle... I do think that Danny and Marc are open minded but they still seem a little insecure with it all judging from their interviews. Amazingly, Igor from AWZ and Thore from VL are so secure with their sexuality that they allow themselves to get lost in the storyline. I know both Danny and Marc can be at their level if they let themselves. Thats all
@Egu022 It's not that the British are at fault it's more like the actors aren't comfortable enough to hop into that. I mean look at John Paul and Craig. *fans self* Though to be fair: Aaron is supposed to be uncomfortable with PDA's when it comes to guys. But when that passes (and it's supposed to be soon) if they don't try to become more comfortable with each other then it might be a problem.
@Sorcerer8605 Maybe it depends on the soap then. I too thought that actors had no control over ad-libbing or gestures. However, I was watching an interview with Thore from VL and he said that a lot of the intimate gestures both he and Jo make are unscripted. Little things like touching his face or holding hands... and I have watched plenty of interviews with both Danny and Marc, and like most heterosexual actors they seem uncomfortable and butch it up.
@Carapheonix I'm sorry to say this, but there is a huge difference in the intensity of the acting in gay sl's in British soaps compared to so many other soaps. Why I don't know. And Aaron is not only uncomfortable with pda's he is uncomfortable everywhere! Which does not make sense. Unfortunately I don't think we'll see much of a development here (though I hope I'm wrong). Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna rewatch Manuel y Lalo's sl for the 100th time >33
@clavix88 LMAO - apparently you haven't SEEN any of my videos (try out "Ouch - OMG). I have forgotten more about passion than you've yet to learn. That being said, there is MUCH more to being Gay than "passion as you put it,' especially if you are trying to establish a relationship. This is one of the most intelligent Gay SL in some time without the stereotypes of one being str8 and trying to play the download, or Gaybashing or any other vanilla strain. Imagination works wonders.
@clavix88 There's more chemistry between Aaron and his dog than him and Jackson.
@XxEmilexX Nightclubs tend to not like letting gangs of young lads in on their own as they tend to get drunk and start fights and general just be a pain....lads going in with girls they assume are going to be better behaved and also more likely to spend more money as they assume they'll be buying drinks for themselves and the girls.
where is the occasional hug, kiss on the cheek or arm around the waist???
@clavix88 Having read the comments, I am amazed at the rather obvious divide over a kiss. On first viewing, I too was a bit surprised that at least a kiss on the cheek didn't happen. Then I watched it again, and I noticed something - they are COMFORTABLE with their relationship. Aaron invited and Jackson accepted to stay the night - without any drama. Then I remembered they've had a night of passion, one of many to come. A kiss at this point is moot. How many husbands leave without a kiss?
That's a bloody big toilet, int it? =|
@WallehA Jackson says 'Stay here for a few few then move onto a club about 11?' and at 3:09, Aaron says 'Listen, now her mate's here, she might stop pecking out our head [or something along those lines?]. When we move onto the next club, stick close to 'er, I don't want the bouncers getting funny, d' ya know what I mean?'
Husbands may leave without a kiss, but not new couples. After the first "night" together and during the first few weeks, is the time most couples are very touchy feely.
Oh, Holly. How could you be so stupid...
She's lucky that she's got Aaron and Jackson there.
As for the two of them, I love the flirty banter. Haha. Jackson's freaking adorable. He always is. I was hoping for a kiss there at the end. Even a quick peck, but I guess we'll just have to wait for a time when Aaron's a little less distracted by Holly and her drug problem...
Wounded! hahaha
@itsonlysound I think chemistry IS the problem. When Aaron & Adam interact, I automatically feel a spark between them, and they don't even have to do much. I'm not saying Aaron & Adam should be together (I find it quite unrealistic at this point), but Danny needs to work with someone who can create a similar spark with Aaron. I like Marc, and I think Jackson is a cool character, but I'm not sure if I like Aaron & Jackson together. I don't even care to see them kiss. It just looks awkward to me.
@araby212 They are my favourite gay couple as well. I'm really happy they got married :)
I understand what everyone is saying about Aaron not being comfortable with himself and this SL being about Holly, but at the very least Jackson could've given Aaron an affectionate pat on the shoulder before he left. I mean, they're comfortable mentioning that they won't be having sex tonight, but not with any kind of touch? Granted, I will take all the Aaron/Jackson scenes that I can, but I just hope they get more believeable as a couple as time goes on.
Although, yes, I would like to see more lip action with those two, I think their banter is quite hilarious, and very realistically couple-ish.
Holly needs a brain transplant. Maybe that was what she was trying for in this episode....
Let's not forget, Jackson got a whacking for merely touching Aaron's arm in public, and was afraid how Aaron would react when he accidently tapped Aaron's leg the other night. I guess Jackson is treading carefully. Aaron is not at a point where he is comfortable with showing affection in public - not even in front of Paddy. Give Aaron some time, hopefully we'll be able to see displays of affection in the open soon. Having said this, we should be treated to some private AarSon romance, right?
@clavix88 Yeah I keep hoping/begging/praying that Adam will suddenly pounce on Aaron reveal that he's gay and they would 'go to town' so to speak. But considering their actors live together that might make things a bit uncomfortable and I wouldn't want them to stop being friends so... yah..
@shyathena34 Christian and Ollie are by far the best gay couple on TV. The acting and chemistry is so good that it is the only soap that truly affects me when they are having relationship problems. Aaron is a good actor but limited in his ability to play intimate roles with a man. Maybe he would be more comfortable playing a couple with Adam, Their friendship outside the show should make it easier.
when holly said she has been acting like a robot i was like as if she didnt sound the part. she is painfully dull i mean no offence to holly fan(s). btw i think that they do have chemistry i mean their banter is more loving couple than scadam no offence to scadam fan(s).
omg...i feel no love between jack and aaron! garrrr!!!! wheres the love! ???
Are Aaron and Jackson just mates now?? Cause they surely do not behave as a couple..
Does anyone else CRINGE at 0:33? It just seems weird. Adam says to Aaron, 'See you in a bit.' Jackson comes into the frame and says, 'See you in a bit,' to Adam. I don't like it.
I don't think the lack of affection is due to the writers, I think it is because of the unwillingness on the actors' part. A gay sl w/o any physical affection is simply not realistic. I think I'll leave this sl for Botineras' Manuel y Lalo. Imagine that, Catholic, conservative Argentinians having more balls than the Brits. Lol, who would have guessed!