My PCP will not get the stratified blood draw for cholesterol so I told him don’t bother even discussing it with me- it’s off the table. I’m nearly finishing my 5th year of keto & fasting- brought ALL my metabolic markers down to really good levels but still working on my HDL/triglycerides ratio- almost there! He said in shock how did it do it… I told him repeatedly I was starting keto & fasting so now I will be starting my 6th year 8/12 … off ALL Rx 4 years this month! I get him to order blood draws so I can measure my progress or where I need to adjust my supplements for OPTIMAL results. He STILL doesn’t understand & fights me on that saying the tests should be once or twice a year. So now I’m carnivore keto… too bad what he wants. I care about my health even if he hasn’t a single clue!
Same here and now they want me on Statins! I’m not taking them because that’s a lifetime commitment. My values equal out to a good value. Went to a cardiologist and he told me the same thing. I’m almost at the point of saying it’s more big pharma then it is about my health. It’s scary and very exhausting!
@@MindOverEverything I thoroughly agree with you! I had a 6 day hospital stay for surgery in my mouth and my cardiologist’ colleague stopped to see how I was doing since I am a heart patient and he casually said “I se you’re not on a statin ( I got off ALL 17 Rx ) so my reply was “do I look statin deficient?” Since my bloods show I’m doing fantastic….
I’m an avid cyclist, but last year decided to revisit my training since I’ll be 60 this year. I started a zone 2-based training regimen, including a little running and regular rowing, and resistance. Work out 6 days a week (which careful zone 2 will let you do). Went for a check up, bp- 115/80 (although went to a doc about 4 month and it was 96/58. Lost 30 pounds. Doc comes into my checkup and begins, “this ldl…” and goes on to tell me I’m pretty much on my last leg. ???? I just don’t know what to think about healthcare anymore.
@@fryertuck6496 It has nothing to do with coming in first or last. They all think this way because the curriculum is wrong, and has never been right. The true problem is a) the food guide, b) excess carbohydrate c) excess added sugars d) processed seed oils, e) demonization of animal and saturated fats f) demonization of cholesterol g) big food and big pharma h) modern medical dogma that makes it hard to reverse or practice counter to the old ways. It's a big mess now, even doctors who know the truth have a hard time practicing contrary to the "established guidelines", as they may be sanctioned for contravening "practice standards".
It’s not rare to see Bp under 110, with avid cyclists, some even have a pulse under 40 when 55 to 60 is ideal for athletes. I also think that cycling hard 5 to 6 days a week is too much, if you are not racing or competing, maybe do a very relaxed recovery ride every other day or simply ride 3 or no more than 4 days a week, extreme workouts just increase cortisol and creates other issues like stress and very low testosterone. There is a way to find out if your cholesterol is a concern or not. Total cholesterol minus LDL and HDL and if you get 17 or lower, you are fine, it is called remnant cholesterol
I had a similar response from my doctor because my ldl was 242. I told him I was a lead hyper responder. He looked at me and said what the f is that. I also said I would take a Fasting Insulin a test. The result was 2.4. Zero CAC score at the age of 58. I'm waiting for his next move.
At age 70 My ApoB was 134 mg/dl. (shock horror) But I know I’m metabolically healthy so I’m not worried. My waist to height ratio is 0.5 My fasting glucose 72 mg/dl Insulin 2.9 uIU/ml HbA1c 5.2% High sensitivity C reactive protein was 0.52 mg/dl Trigs were 54 Liver panel totally normal CAC was 0 three years ago. Edit. CAC in 2024 zero again. Still eating crnivore and thriving.
ApoB is the newest lipid hype. Forget it. Only if *the ratios* between VLDL (triglycerides), HDL and LDL are out of balance, that could be a *marker* (a symptom!) of an atherosclerotic static.
My ApoB was 133 (LDL 160. I am 51 years of age and have a similar blood profile to yours. Although I have not done a CAC I will do a CIMT this week. From the liver diagram at 12.46 on the video it seems that ApoB is a normal biological process and is not a problem unless or until it becomes oxidated (am I understanding this correctly?). So could it be that healthy individuals like you and I have high LDL/APO-B, but this APO-B is not oxidized, but yet still shows up on the blood count as a high number?
Thank you for this, Mike. I will take a look at this paper. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote the book, "The Clot Thickens". In that book, he identified the one common issue that led to atherosclerosis: Damage to the glycocalyx and the epithelium. He outlines how only arteries are affected and NOT veins because it is the high pressure and turbulence that causes the damage that calls macrophages to the site of the damage. He also details how myriad things cause the damage: Hypertension, smoking, air pollution, elevated blood sugar, etc. Therefore, it is not that the LDL is bound to the wall of the artery, it is bound to the damaged wall. I need to take that issue and put it together with the ApoB research to see how clots form preferentially with ApoB laced lipoproteins at the site of blood vessel damage.
Good point Gregg Rocheford. I think the new focus on ApoB is much like the longstanding focus on LDL. While ApoB is not unimportant, their is no hard evidence to prove ApoB is "causing" atherosclerososis, and I believe the study's use of the term "causally related" is misleading. Rather, ApoB is most likely involved because of other factors. For me, the most important part of the video is at 5:50, where we hear about the danger of oxydation. I'm less worried about the ApoB number than I am about the state of the particles. At my next blood test, I'm getting checked for Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein (OxLDL), LabCorp TEST: 123023.
Not just that. High inuslin prevents the healing of the arterial wall. Why do you think a fatty streak consists of a huge number of not-functional monocytes? Why in every and each step of atherosclerosis you see a dysfunctional component of the immune system? There are two leading causes: high insulin which disturbs the immune system signalling and the Warburg effect (e.g. in fibroblasts) which prevents the resolution of e.g. the firbous tissue. Both of which are caused by eating sugar. Even if you damage your glycocalix and your endothelium, as soon as you are metabolically healthy, your arteries will heal and there will be no "plaque".
Review Dr. Allan Schiederman's work, as well as Dr. Tom Dayspring, there is significant evidence that ApoB is casual for athrogenic disease. It is the most important direct connection to heart disease.
I don’t know if we will be ever be able to figure out what makes a level proper. Back in 2004 as a vegetarian my total LDL and HDL was 100. Now many years later I eat carnivore my total LDL/HDL is 622. My apoB was 249 with 59 listed as oxidized(I had that tested as well). I have a zero calcium score and had no carotid artery plaque as well. I feel 100% fine no aches no pains and no meds. At 53 my goal is to keep myself feeling the way I do now until the end of my days on this planet.
I am a hyper-responder. My total cholesterol went from 200 to 639 after 4 months on carnivore diet (meat, fish, eggs, salt, water, coffee ). I am wandering if I should continue this diet.
Me too, my total rose to 622. I have better body composition than when I was 16 and about the same weight I was back then. I feel incredible and have seen too many positives to look back. I have been carnivore for almost 4 years now. At the end of the day you have to do what you think is best though.
This is all smoke and mirrors. High LDL always means high ApoB. It's a mathematical certainty. And since ApoB is the new hot thing, we now have this weird situation where in the keto and carnivore community, people who are completely dismissive of their LDL in the 300 to 500 range, are suddenly concerned about their elevated ApoB. You can't be fine with one and not fine without the other. It would be the equivalent of being fine with your weight in kilograms, but not fine with your weight in pounds. Attia and Dayspring have been aggressively pushing this ApoB narrative. But really, its just a kinder gentler way to tell you that your LDL is too damn high! I'm really surprised how many people are falling for it. So at the end of the day we're still talking about LDL. You're either fine with your LDL level, and level of ApoB that comes with it, or you're not. If you're not then you need to lower your LDL because that's how you lower your ApoB.
Correct. Both LDL and ApoB are irrelevant. It is insulin what matters. High insulin / insulin resistance elevates the LDL/ApoB in completely different maner from keto/fasting. The LDL subfractions are still relevant...
My total cholesterol 246...hdl 63...ldl 172 Triglycerides 95. Calcium Score Test..264 I'm 69 years old. Doc put me on Pravastatin 10mg. I was in denial that I hD high blood pressure so I put off meds. I think the high BP caused the Calcium Score. I'm now eating better avoiding sweets and eating small amounts of wheat. My A1c was 5.1
I went out of pocket when the VA wouldnt pay for the comprehensive CardioIQ test that breaks all this down. Bottom line is my ApoB is high 128 but my ApoA1 is also high 172 which creates a ratio of .7 and makes me in average risk because the ApoA1 is so high. I also have a Lipo(a) of 131.8 which is also high and supposedly makes me at higher risk for cardio disease. Yet my HDL and Triglycerides are 90 and 70 respectively giving me a ratio of less than one meaning my metabolism is stellar and healthy and my fasting and average blood glucose is in 70s-90s only goes up around 145 max typically. I was pre diabetic, high blood pressure 200 lbs and reversed all of it been around 160 lbs for a year and a half. My advice is get your standard lipid panel watch your HDL snd Triglycerides as well as your A1C and fasting glucose and fasting insulin if you can. Your HDL to Trig ratio and blood glucose means more than all the advanced lab work can tell you. The bottom line is once you find out your ApoB is high and you are eating right and getting exercise there isnt a damn thing you can do about it. We all will die at some point and all these labs wont change that or help you to fix anything. Additionally i think all the cholesterol hypothesis is largely bunk. Xholestetol is a repair mechanism for damage caused by habitually high blood glucose not from oxidized LDL and all this complex garbage. Its pretty obvious eating processed food which is predominantly grain snd seed, pure sugar and fat poured into a digestive system, liver, body designed for whole food leads to metabolic dysfunction. Insulin resistance is a fallacy type 2 diabetes is a fat storage dysfunction that leads to ectopic fat in the liver and other organs and muscle. Liver damage leads to complete metabolic dysfunction. If the body only has 600 grams of total glycogen/glucose storage snd you continue eating high glycemic food the liver has to convert the excess into fat/triglycerides. Its not that the cells are insulin resistant they are full. So then obviously its a fat storage dysfunction issue not a glucose storage issue. Lastly why would we feed the human body a machine designed to burn fat as its primary fuel a constantly habitual over load of carbs/ glucose. At rest and during day to day activity we burn mostly fat not glucose because glucose is reserved for fight or flight or intense activity. Eat in equilbrium to a slight deficit snd get plenty of moderate intensity exercise and let all the stress go about cholestetol. No other animals are dying of heart attacks and strokes or have diet related health issues. You really think the body when fed a whole food natural diet has a problem with cholesterol in the majority of the human species 😂 Its all one big G damn scam for profits. From the science and medical eatablishment to the big corporate agriculture profiting off of and promoting disease. If it grows in nature and we have evolved to eat it or is an animal its largely not going to cause dietary dysfunction and disease. There is nothing natural or remotely conducive to health in processed grain and seed. Animals only eat grain as part of a whole plant not as a ground up pure sugar flour or oil.
Ah but now theyre pushing for "lab grown" meat, aka "Plant Based". They strip the soy and pea of nutriants and vitamins then inject their man-made rubbish into it. B i ll g at es comes to mind as does certain folks from ch yna buying farms in CAN and the states and using their junk seeds to destroy our crops and labd.
So what based on the jumbled mess above do you eat to stay well? Because the last half of your perspective is unclear, do you eat whole natural foods/grains or processed stuff. Some idea of those particular things would be nice. And agreed, if the entire md establishment wanted people "healthy", they'd go out of business.
Do you know any sources(videos/articles) that talk about the apo b/apo a1 ratio? My apo b is high but so is my apo a1. Also my hdl and triglycerides are good.
It’s like you knew I needed this video! Was checking this out yesterday! Trigs are 73, HDL 70, LDL was 162 n total Chol was 244 and an A1C of 4.8 my glucose about an hr or two after eating was 96.0 mg/dl on a modified, carnivore lifestyle, mostly removed processed foods, sugar, alcohol, exercise 4-5 times a week. Definitely getting those tests asa so I can know the full picture!
Hi Mike -- it's been a minute! Actually, now that I think about it, it's been at least two... we have the 4 papers on LMHRs & the Lipid Energy Model, and the LMHR study is well underway at UCLA. Speaking of -- our participants will likely have ApoB in the very highest % compared to the general population. But will we see a likewise signal in baseline and progression of atherosclerosis at a population level? Per the LEM, I hypothesize this as unlikely given I think there's a clear distinction in functional vs dysfunctional lipid metabolism with regard to resulting ApoB levels, but only our coming data will provide key insights on this given it is the first to prospectively study those with extremely high LDL/ApoB without corresponding ASCVD risk factors (given the context).
Lipids don't matter. Insulin does. High insulin causes the usual atherogenic dyslipidaemia. High insulin also causes atherosclerosis by dysregulating the immune system. The doctors got it all wrong...
My APOb and APOa is closely related to his and my hba1c is 4.7 GGt is 8. My blood work actually is very similar to his all the way around. Animal based(pound of meat a day) with fruits and a couple vegetables. Not low carb per-say just “organically” low carb ha glad to hear I’m doing good (I do blood work on my own even though I’m healthy it’s super interesting)
My cardiologist keeps preaching statins and pushed back on more through tests. I pushed him towards the NMR test to deeply analyze the particle sizes. He also balked on a CAC score and said both are not called for in the guidelines. My LDL is about 300 now. I’m complete Carnivore. Undetectable C-Reactive Protein, CAC score is zero. All other tests are pristine. Waiting for that NMR but no matter what, there will be no statins for me.
CAC is basically a useless test unless your coronary disease has progressed a lot. LDL isn't a perfect measure, but it's a much closer estimator of ApoB than CAC.
I have a calcium score of 2450. Statins were prescribed even though my cholesterol levels are fine. I have refused statins. My cardiologist is not happy. I'm 68 5ft 9in and 68 klg or 150lbs. So I'm eating meat , zero sugar , and zero seed oils. I take vitamin K7, berberine, and magnesium with tumeric. I will keep doing what I believe will help me.
Consider having a CT angiogram with IV contrast....with such a high calcium score, you probably have coronary vessel disease ! A cardiac angiogram may be in your future as well.
I love how you don’t shy away from details and diagrams in your videos. That’s why I show them in my AP bio, anatomy, and health classes. God bless you for all your efforts Mike 🙏
Remember the old VAP test? We used that a lot, they no longer have that test. They do have specialized cholesterol testing looking at ApoB, it’s not used frequently, only a very few cardiologist in my area. It’s was not covered by insurance companies years ago when I practiced medicine. I paid out of pocket for my testing.
I think ApoB links to Carb intake. I had been doing Keto for 5 years and after I started to take Carbs, my ApoB and LDL increased significantly. I think I i will go back to Keto again!
@@phwshopping1426 Right about what ?? They said they ate a certain way, then switched and levels went up, so decided I ded to go back to eating the other way. No right or wrong there. They're going to see if #'s go back down.
ApoB100 is the new hype especially by Peter Attia. By itself, it is not an alarm. Only if it is oxidized. TG number is a good indication of glycation. A low carb diet is the key which includes sugar of course. I prefer dihydroberberine to berberine. Much better bioavailability and less side effects since you only need 100-200mg per day instead of 1000mg for berberine. ApoA to ApoB ratio is also a good biomarker which is not mentioned in this video. Bergamot extract to lower LDL is well researched and published. My husband took it and LDL was lowered by 30% in 3 months. 500mg per day in 2 divided doses but no side effects. Just a suggestion. Your fasting insulin sensitivity biomarker tells you your metabolic health. If I am insulin sensitive, I would not worry too much about my ApoB.
I've come to my own theory, after much study, about LDL and HDL. The liver is not stupid. Feed it a proper human diet and it knows what to do. I don't take any drugs that interfere with that intellegence.
Some "experts" I follow say ApoB is a rather useless marker as it is a value that includes large LDL particles (that are not problematic, not oxidized, etc.) plus small dense LDL particles. In other words, it's as misleading as LDL-C for all intents and purposes. They would suggest we focus specifically on the "small LDL particle number" and not get too concerned about what your ApoB value is.
That's what I've read. Lipo (a) is far more dangerous. If someone is pattern A like me, but by Lipo B is 191 ((a) is 19) I think the real risk is still low since my TG and HDL are in good range.
Yep, size of LDL particles matters - and obviously this is what ApoB measures indirectly (generally speaking you want less particles / lower ApoB) but you can’t come out with a certain ApoB value being optimum as it does not take account of particle size which is th emost important thing. So yes ApoB is better than the usual formulae/estimate but not as good as LDL-p test.
Just to confirm your point about high cholesterol not necessarily indicating atherosclerosis. I was given a total cholesterol reading of 350, which was so high that I was sent for a CT scan for a coronary calcium score. This turned out to be zero. The doctor still wanted me on statins though.
sweet to see you have a new video as after my blood work my doctor tried to put me onto the crazy statin again - so I had done the ApoB to ApoA1 test and my result was 149 MG/DL. The Cholesterol 292, Triglycerides 147, HDL 67, and LDL 194 - I've been doing best off the seed oils, lower sugar, and getting exercise best I can with bad knee these days. Sleep isn't as happy as I want it if that might make a difference. I do the best I can to be healthy. Daughter who is so sweet and loving says do more for your diet maybe. I enjoy stuff as older at 62. Keep learning and yearning to understand this some how. God bless and have a happy Easter!
Try under 25 grams of total carbs a day, your trigs should plummet.. and if you are over weight your other numbers should go down too, people with extra pounds tend to respond well to keto diet (their numbers gown down, more so than thinner people) no more than 25 grams of carbohydrates a day NO ADDED SUGAR BREAD OR PASTAS ETC..
Great video. Enjoy investing time in your channel. I just had my Functional Med Dr run APOb, CRP, LPa, Homocysteine, Glutathione, and Lipid Particle Test. Sadly, PCP will not run those tests because of healthcare system hasn’t recognized them as important. She recommended FMed Dr. Insurance isn’t accepted there but HSA reimbursement is accepted. Just an FYI for your VLOG peeps interested. Also those tests only cost $125. Great investment in my health. Keep videos rolling. Great job!
So correct me if I am wrong, but from the diagram at 12.46 it shows that ApoB is a normal biological attachment to the VLDL/IDL/LDL particle from the liver, and is not a problem unless or until it becomes modified through oxidative stress? If this is the case, then could it be that people with a high APOB that are otherwise healthy in all other biomarkers, May have the majority of this APOB un-oxidized, and therefore not atheroslerotic? If so, do tests need to be tuned to distinguish between oxidized APOB and non-oxidized APOB?
Until I look at my ApoB to apo A-1 ratio, my labs look like I have bomb in my chest ready to go off any minute. My ApoB/A-1 ratio (130/220) is .59 which is excellent but my doctor wants me on statins and is begging me to limit animal foods and saturated fat because my ApoB is so high. She wont account for this ratio that measures the balance between atherosclerosis indicating B and protective A-1. For context, I'm a 44 yr old female with strong family hx of cvd and have been keto for almost 9 yrs and have had literally zero cheat days. I don't eat seed oils, nuts or processed keto junk food. I eat whole, animal based foods. My family is worried and I'm wondering if I should be.
I agree! Why is the ratio of APO-B/APO-A not discussed? I would also check your fibrinogen, homocysteine and Oxydized LDL to be sure you are o.k. KETO is a life saver.. it lowered my triglycerides from 101 to 44! I need to get back on it!
@@luk5827 "Need to have low insulin level ? And low insulin resistance ? " Correct. "Why doesn’t matter the Apo B / Apo A1 ratio ?" Because it is just a marker of insulin resistance / sensitivity...
@@btudrus But why doesn’t need to worry about LDL ? Normally LDL can’t be lowered . Insulin and Insulin resistance can be lowered with : fasting , low carbs , exercises . I have LDL = 123 mg/dL , but i don’t know what Apo B and Apo A1 i have . What Insulin and Insulin Resistance should i have ?
So being on keto for 3 years and at 58 years old, I did see that my apoB from 6/2022 was 123. All other markers looked great. So I'm going to try something different - drop saturated fat and replace with mono and polysaturated fats, think less red meat, dairy, and butter and more olive oil. I see my PCP in November so I'll get him to check my apoB and compare from 1.5 years earlier.
Regarding liver enzymes @ 12:10 in the video...Over the years my GGT has always been high (e.g. 60 - 90 U/L) but my ALT is normal (e.g 20 - 30 U/L). I've had several liver ultrasounds and although mild fatty liver was once detected years ago, no fatty liver is observed now as I've changed my diet to be more animal-based. I don't drink any alcoholic beverages, which can raise GGT. So, the idea that high GGT could be indicative of fatty liver doesn't seem to apply in my case.
I'll never take statins again. I naively took them 22 years ago when my Dr said i needed them, but after aching all over and not being able to train, I stopped taking it. The more research I've done, the more I see that statins cause a lot of harm and do very little to help with heart disease. I'll stay pure carnivore and drug free, except for my warfarin, because I have Factor 5 Leiden, thank you.
unfortunately my doctor simply reject me when I suggested to add apo a and b tests. So when I want to go more science but usually doctors only care about standard procedure!
At 12:20 the presenter says, "starting at the very dense lipoproteins known as VLDL." I believe he misspoke and meant to say, "starting at the very low dense lipoproteins..."
Hi Mike, I got my blood work results! Can you please tell me if I need to go on a statin Drug? My doctor said you should take it immediately now! Total cholesterol 335 HDL 101. Triglycerides 61 LDL 217. Non-HDL 234 Apo B 148. I appreciate what you’re doing for us.
My cardiologist looked at my cholesterol and I told him I’m allergic to all kinds of statins, then try to give me Repatha injection, told him no. Asked him to order APOB. I’m going to schedule a lab.
Just measured my ApoB, which came back as 110!!!! Elevated LDL particle number + LDL small & medium. No other abnormality in any important biomarker at all. I fast, exercise, don't smoke or drink alcohol (at all) and NEVER eat any of the things that could elevate LDL / ApoB. No wonder why I have such elevated numbers... 😢
Doesn't science show that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat lowers risk of heart disease? With what science are vilifying polyunsaturated fats?
Well, the best gold standard test is still NMR Lipid profile test…..Besides particle size…and particle numbers also gives you Insulin resistance .and triglycerides …
Would you believe Aetna denied coverage of my Apoe test? They don’t cover homocysteine either, unless you need it for certain reasons (mine was high due to MTHFR, but there’s no code for that). What’s more, Quest billed them $4k for my panel-it ended up costing me $135, only needing to pay 20% coinsurance, since my deductible was met. The state of healthcare is horrendous.
So I'm a very active 32 year-old man and have been at an ideal weight since I was probably 12. I started doing keto several years ago just to be optimal, and Ive been hypercarnivore for something like a year now. My LDL is elevated as one would expect, by my triglycerides are stubbornly high at about 140 mg/dL and my HDL is between 55 and 65. I eat *very* little carbohydrate and essentially zero of that would be from sugar, and I lift weights, jog, and hike regularly. Can you help me understand why this could be happening? Oh, also my CRP is practically zero at
I thought LDL-C is linear correlated with ApoB. If this holds true, then there is no way someone with 200 LDLC can have less than 100 ApoB, which still has the same conclusion that it’s bad. So does that mean LDL-C and ApoB measurement give the same conclusion even though it measures different things?
Exactly. My LDL is 312, but I'm pattern A with ApoB 191. The fact that I have more than double the "standard" LDL would probably also indicate a matching increase in ApoB. My Lipoprotein (a) is 19. TG 85, HDL 60.
@@xiradio Yeah, I am really confused about all the talk with ApoB. To me this is just looking at the same conclusion from different angle. My Tg 48, HDL 58, LDL 200, VLDL 7. I am pretty sure my ApoB is more than 100. I did NMR lipid before and it was pattern A. Insulin less than 5, hs-crp 0.7. My LDL is the same as three years ago prior to KETO. I guess I am born to get CVD? 😆
My LDL is 169 so the cardiologist wants a CT calcium score. Seems like a lot of dangerous radiation. Is that the only way to know if your arteries are filling up with plaque?
Honestly Peter Attia is kind of a nut with the ApoB hysteria. It’s amazing how he can be so clued in on some stuff while pushing “New science” mainstream stuff at the same time.
@@Hornet135 Attia is more than a "nut" he is fear mongering many, intentional or not with his apoB hysteria...everyone should have 70 or under ApoB smh.
How does ApoB test relate to NMR Lipid Profile test? My doc in Australia suggested NMR, but I'm living in Asia now and NMR is not available. ChatGPT said: An NMR LipoProfile test can determine the proportion of small, dense LDL particles in a person's lipid profile. A higher proportion of sdLDL particles generally indicates a higher number of atherogenic particles and a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. However, it is important to note that while the size of LDL particles can provide some indication of the number of atherogenic particles, it does not provide a direct measure like the ApoB test. Combining the results of the NMR LipoProfile test with other tests, such as the ApoB test or traditional lipid panel, can provide a more comprehensive assessment of an individual's cardiovascular risk.
@@Highintensityhealth NMR is more meaningfull than ApoB as it can show different LDL patterns. ApoB is just ideologically pushed because the medicial discipline is unable to abandon it's old dogma.
After watching Peter Attia talk about ApoB - I asked my doctor to include it in my last labs. She was like Ap-what? Had no idea what it was! She ordered it for me anyway - and it's kinda high. I'm very reluctant to go on meds to lower it - will you do a video on natural ways to bring it down?
Check your APO-A to B ratio! APO-A is HDL protective Check you CRP, homocysteine, fibrinogen and you VLDL and your OXY-LDL. My APO-is 109 but my APO-A is 177! Ratio is 0.61 low risk! My homocysteine is the problem and I am on methyl B Complex to bring that down! Avoid STATINS!!
Wrong. ApoB is the newest lipid hype. Forget it. Only if *the ratios* between VLDL (triglycerides), HDL and LDL are out of balance, that could be a *marker* (a symptom!) of an atherosclerotic static.
I just had Lipoprotein(a) test and my result was 58 nmol/L which was apparently pretty good. I will have to get the Apolipoprotein b test sometime soon.
Mike , thank you so much for keeping us informed. I have high lipo (a) I moved to a plant based diet 6 yrs ago. It help some, really helped my inflammation. ( I'm 63, 104lb) My Dr, runs all my labs through the Cleavland Heart Lab - I just looked and the requisition form( I make a copy before I take to lab) and there is no test for the Lipo B. they have the AopA1 but not the B - find that interesting. I might just call them and ask. How can I get a list of the labs you recommend so I can go back to my Dr. and have him order the ones that were missed. Thanks again for the content 🙏
Hi Mike. I went to see my Doctor today to get a physical and requested an ApoB measurement on my lipid profile. His answer: "waste of time" "no evidence to support it". He would not even consider asking for it on my profile even if I paid for it. He also stated that Tg/HDL ratio is useless. I said well why are they doing this in other parts of the world? His answer: "We only follow Canadian Guidelines". He also stated that if he asked for tests other then the standard lipid profile his governing body which is the Canadian College Of Physicians would deem him an incompetent Doctor. He felt very uncomfortable with my questions but basically what he is saying is that it does not benefit him to question existing public health authorities. Thoughts?
It's not just a Canada thing. My doctor said the same thing about trigs/HDL and Apob. I get off my rigorous Ketovore diet while I'm backpacking in the summer, so my tris go way up. At the same time, my total C goes down. The dumbass congratulated me on lowering my total C! Mind numbingy stupid.
I find it almost impossible to have high ldl eat lots of saturated fat on a carnivore diet and still find ways of having a low apo b. If anybody on here is on a keto or carnivore diet with low ldl and apo b please hit me up and tell me how to do it. Without statins!
Best way to get plaque out of arteries? My ct Scan of my heart was 283 & was told I had 80 year old arteries 😱 been on a 5 mg rosuvaostain a day for a year 👎 Does this drug get rid of the plaque? Concerns with cognitive decline with satins. Thanks 👍🙏✝️🇺🇸🏄
"Best way to get plaque out of arteries?" Normalize your insulin. Which means no sugar, no cabohydrates, no vegetables, no fruit, a lot of meat and animal fat. Excercise regularly, manage stress and have a good sleep... If your insulin is low, your immune system will heal your arteries for your...
@HighIntensityHealth - What are all the key tests we should be requesting? What are healthy ranges for these tests? All these years they are wasting time testing cholesterol?
Look, measuring triglyceride to HDL ratio is definitive and more reliable for cardiovascular risks. No need to go into deep forest like you do about other particles. LDL is not only irrelevant as you say, high LDL is actually good for your longevity.
I suspect he means a high level of large LDL particles is healthy - it is small LDL particles that are potentially dangerous : oxidised LDL and LP(a). The best test is LDL-p to test the particle sizes.
@@danteburritar2822 if your trig/HDL ratio is good (below one ), then particle size numbers are irrelevant, since the first determines the other. Particle size test is about 10x more expensive, while trig/HDL is cheap, part of standard lipid panel. My ratio is 0.53, which is beyond good. So I do not care that my LDL is above 250 mg/dl.
So i jay hot all my blood work done. My ApoB is 150. But all of my metabolic markets are great. Fasting insulin is 4.8 A1c is 5.1 C-peptide is 1.01 my HDL is 78 and my triglycerides are 76 and total cholesterol is 321. And they say I’m Pattern A. So I’m Confused. How do I have such a high ApoB if all Else Is on point? Any answers?
Medical field is captured most doctors are told to sell the pharmaceuticals. Amazingly most patients never figure it out. It’s like they get a reason not to heal themselves and wear their maladies as a Medal of Honor. Listening to type 2 diabetics proudly discuss their symptoms is one weird ass conversation.
You fail to see the mental depression that Low D-obese/diabetics get trapped in! Humanity needs to be freed from these traps, not shamed into deeper self-hate. My slow path worked painlessly: 1) Raise D LEVEL > 50ng or 125nmol 2) Go Keto/IF 3) Add exercise
Hi doc, after watching your video, I have the impression that the error in the Friedwalde equation is likely to give a false negative rather than false positive, with regard to whether LDL is too high. In other words, if the figures from lipid test shows LDL is acceptable the real situation will be possibly worse, never BETTER. Which means, there is no point to get additional ApoB check, in case I get a passable LDL number. Grateful if you could comment. Thanks doc.
Friedewald is no longer used since Feb 2021. Labs now use the NIH formula from Martin\Hopkins, as it is more sophisticated and handles a broader range of TG.
Just got call from doctor office, as I was listening to this. I started IF 7 weeks ago, 1 week ago had labs done. The doctor's office told me my levels are all high, which I saw on my patient portal. The test recommended here was not done. The woman I talked with said to cut out saturated fats, egg yolks, down on beef and pork and fried foods. Increase all veggies all colors. I've had statins before, which I didn't tolerate. Now they said to check with my cardiologist to see what they recommend. Recently, I have increased my egg consumption, almost daily sometimes oatmeal or grerk low fat yogurt with pecans. Use ghee and olive oil to cook in. From several yt videos I hear sat fat isn't such a problem and egg yolk does not raise cholesterol. I'm thinking it does raise it. I'm so confused. I doubt my doc will do this test or understand this stuff, as it goes against what traditional western medicine is.
Is 112 apob very bad??? I have low triglicerides , my liver is perfect - very low ast alt ggt. My insulin and glycise is low, but i smoke occasionally nicotine ( iqos). Is this a couse???
Question... If your HDL is optimally high and your triglycerides are low isn't your ApoB always at a healthy level and if it is there is no reason to check ApoB. What say you?
If you're on a weight-loss program, does it make sense to even measure any cholesterol until your weight has stabilized? My understanding is that cholesterol can temporarily increase while one is losing weight.
I think this is important but my problem is that my cardiologist does not. All he wants is the LDL-C number and that's it. I had these Advanced Apolipidprotien levels done at my own expense but he would not even look at the results saying "the AHA does not recognize these test as a legitimate predicter of future cardiac events."
Anyone concerned about CHD should care about his insulin and make sure he is insulin sensitive. Which means not eating sugar and carbohydrates in general. Good sleep. Excercise. Prefer animal food over the toxic plants...
@@josephpchajek2685 "Plants are not "toxic"" Yes, they are. Learn the facts: "Most antinutrients are more healthy than they are not." BULLSHIT. These will make you nutrient deficient. That's what happens to vagoons...
Great video! I have phone consultation with my Lipidologist next week and look forward to discussing ApoB. I'm not sure if can hold my nerves if this person calls LDL a bad cholesterol😏
Hi MikHi, thank you for your eThank you for the explanation on ApoB. But as I understand, ApoB (as also ApoA1 on HDL) is an important protein that is necessary for the LDL to be recalled by the liver (and other organs). But yes, damaged/oxidized LDL, hence damaged ApoB cannot be recalled by the liver, and then maybe taken by the macrophage in the lining of our arteries. Now does the ApoB lab test actually counts the damaged ApoB? or does it count all the ApoB circulating in our blood?It should only count the oxidized ApoB if it should be an identifier for atherosclerosis. Thank you.
You nailed it, but the only caveat here is some people on a low-carb, high-fat diet can have an increase in ApoB...this is why IMO reducing seed oil consumption in the diet is essential! More on that next week.
You are still ignoring the whole root cause of atherosclerosis, which is sugar. Not cholesterol. Sugar oxidizes and binds to cholesterol. Sugar damages cholesterol. A standard Lipid Panel will not pick this up. You have to look at your Triglycerides, and also measure your LDL particle sizes. Dr. Paul Mason has great videos on this. Sugar causes heart disease.
The mentioned kinds of fat are more dense and floating to the top? I think, that's an incorrect statement. If not, please explain otherwise. (I know, that due to their molecular structure, they are not directly watersoluable and form a boundary/layer within pure water at room temperature.) Correct me, if I'm wrong.
I've watched a few videos about this and some are saying there's no evidence that very robust artery walls prevent apob particles entering the wall and that there's no good evidence about this oxidization hypothesis. I'd love to see some and fire it back at them.
"What's the difference between Apob and Lp(a)" Lp(a) is a subset of LDL particles carrying extra protein. ApoB is the constituent protein marking a LDL particle. "Which one is bad?" None. Association is not a causation.
Inflammation is “bad” and once the inflammation has damaged the intima then LP(a) may become an indirect problem. The solution being getting rid of inflammation (stop the seed oils and carbs and smoking) and (if possible) in the short term the lowering of LP(a) and taking a blood thinner as precautions - as LP(a) is a secondary factor not the primary cause.
@@danteburritar2822 "Inflammation is “bad”" First of all, "inflammation" is a very bad term as it is very suggestive (it's like "flames" which needs to be "extinguished" - but that is exactly what is wrong). It would be much appropriate to speak about "healing processes". That way it will become clear that these are absolutely necessary for the body to stay healthy. What is however the real problem is when these healing processes become dysregulated and (therefore) less effective. Eventually this will lead to dysfunction of such processes and even to a more damage. This is EXACTLY what atherosclerosis is all about...
my ApoB and my HS CRP were both off the chart. I am at a loss as to what to do. I am 62, I just lost 20 pounds so I am 6'1 200lbs now. My ALT was 26 and my Hemo A1c was 5.0.
I find myself wondering if people doing Paleo diets notice a difference in LDL and apob dependent on whether they are consuming industrial meats or grass fed meats
My Apo-B is on the higher-normal range. My LDL is "too high" but my CRP and triglycerides are low. Will keep measuring it, a statin would be overkill I think
My PCP will not get the stratified blood draw for cholesterol so I told him don’t bother even discussing it with me- it’s off the table. I’m nearly finishing my 5th year of keto & fasting- brought ALL my metabolic markers down to really good levels but still working on my HDL/triglycerides ratio- almost there! He said in shock how did it do it… I told him repeatedly I was starting keto & fasting so now I will be starting my 6th year 8/12 … off ALL Rx 4 years this month! I get him to order blood draws so I can measure my progress or where I need to adjust my supplements for OPTIMAL results. He STILL doesn’t understand & fights me on that saying the tests should be once or twice a year. So now I’m carnivore keto… too bad what he wants. I care about my health even if he hasn’t a single clue!
Same here and now they want me on Statins! I’m not taking them because that’s a lifetime commitment. My values equal out to a good value. Went to a cardiologist and he told me the same thing. I’m almost at the point of saying it’s more big pharma then it is about my health. It’s scary and very exhausting!
@@TA0096 fired 2 docs because of pushing statins.
@@junkgirltoo5005 I’ve got excellent insurance. And I have LabCorp here. Thanks for letting me know about this!
@Tabby Avoid pharma drugs and NEVER take a statin
Marek health has affordable testing services
@@MindOverEverything I thoroughly agree with you! I had a 6 day hospital stay for surgery in my mouth and my cardiologist’ colleague stopped to see how I was doing since I am a heart patient and he casually said “I se you’re not on a statin ( I got off ALL 17 Rx ) so my reply was “do I look statin deficient?” Since my bloods show I’m doing fantastic….
I’m an avid cyclist, but last year decided to revisit my training since I’ll be 60 this year. I started a zone 2-based training regimen, including a little running and regular rowing, and resistance. Work out 6 days a week (which careful zone 2 will let you do). Went for a check up, bp- 115/80 (although went to a doc about 4 month and it was 96/58. Lost 30 pounds. Doc comes into my checkup and begins, “this ldl…” and goes on to tell me I’m pretty much on my last leg. ???? I just don’t know what to think about healthcare anymore.
"I just don't know what to think about healthcare anymore."
Know what the person who comes last in med school becomes?
That would be a doctor. 🤔
@@fryertuck6496 It has nothing to do with coming in first or last. They all think this way because the curriculum is wrong, and has never been right. The true problem is a) the food guide, b) excess carbohydrate c) excess added sugars d) processed seed oils, e) demonization of animal and saturated fats f) demonization of cholesterol g) big food and big pharma h) modern medical dogma that makes it hard to reverse or practice counter to the old ways.
It's a big mess now, even doctors who know the truth have a hard time practicing contrary to the "established guidelines", as they may be sanctioned for contravening "practice standards".
@@contrarian604 My point was that even the worst medical student in every class gets the qualification.
You wasted time with that pointless answer.
It’s not rare to see Bp under 110, with avid cyclists, some even have a pulse under 40 when 55 to 60 is ideal for athletes. I also think that cycling hard 5 to 6 days a week is too much, if you are not racing or competing, maybe do a very relaxed recovery ride every other day or simply ride 3 or no more than 4 days a week, extreme workouts just increase cortisol and creates other issues like stress and very low testosterone. There is a way to find out if your cholesterol is a concern or not. Total cholesterol minus LDL and HDL and if you get 17 or lower, you are fine, it is called remnant cholesterol
I had a similar response from my doctor because my ldl was 242. I told him I was a lead hyper responder. He looked at me and said what the f is that. I also said I would take a Fasting Insulin a test. The result was 2.4. Zero CAC score at the age of 58. I'm waiting for his next move.
At age 70
My ApoB was 134 mg/dl. (shock horror)
But I know I’m metabolically healthy so I’m not worried.
My waist to height ratio is 0.5
My fasting glucose 72 mg/dl
Insulin 2.9 uIU/ml
HbA1c 5.2%
High sensitivity C reactive protein was 0.52 mg/dl
Trigs were 54
Liver panel totally normal
CAC was 0 three years ago.
Edit. CAC in 2024 zero again.
Still eating crnivore and thriving.
Yeah nobody seems to explain this contradiction..
Those are great numbers ! Mine are not as good as yours. Most recent are trig 78 a1c 5.4 and H crp
ApoB is the newest lipid hype. Forget it. Only if *the ratios* between VLDL (triglycerides), HDL and LDL are out of balance, that could be a *marker* (a symptom!) of an atherosclerotic static.
So you're saying ApoB is B.S., too. That's probably more true than LDL is B.S. The host of this channel is no expert on such matters.
My ApoB was 133 (LDL 160. I am 51 years of age and have a similar blood profile to yours. Although I have not done a CAC I will do a CIMT this week. From the liver diagram at 12.46 on the video it seems that ApoB is a normal biological process and is not a problem unless or until it becomes oxidated (am I understanding this correctly?). So could it be that healthy individuals like you and I have high LDL/APO-B, but this APO-B is not oxidized, but yet still shows up on the blood count as a high number?
Thank you for this, Mike. I will take a look at this paper. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote the book, "The Clot Thickens". In that book, he identified the one common issue that led to atherosclerosis: Damage to the glycocalyx and the epithelium. He outlines how only arteries are affected and NOT veins because it is the high pressure and turbulence that causes the damage that calls macrophages to the site of the damage. He also details how myriad things cause the damage: Hypertension, smoking, air pollution, elevated blood sugar, etc. Therefore, it is not that the LDL is bound to the wall of the artery, it is bound to the damaged wall. I need to take that issue and put it together with the ApoB research to see how clots form preferentially with ApoB laced lipoproteins at the site of blood vessel damage.
Yes, I agree 💯 %. Take a look at endocalyx pro and arterosil hp, they are two very interesting supplements for microvascular health. 👍
Good point Gregg Rocheford. I think the new focus on ApoB is much like the longstanding focus on LDL. While ApoB is not unimportant, their is no hard evidence to prove ApoB is "causing" atherosclerososis, and I believe the study's use of the term "causally related" is misleading. Rather, ApoB is most likely involved because of other factors. For me, the most important part of the video is at 5:50, where we hear about the danger of oxydation. I'm less worried about the ApoB number than I am about the state of the particles. At my next blood test, I'm getting checked for Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein (OxLDL), LabCorp TEST: 123023.
Not just that. High inuslin prevents the healing of the arterial wall.
Why do you think a fatty streak consists of a huge number of not-functional monocytes?
Why in every and each step of atherosclerosis you see a dysfunctional component of the immune system?
There are two leading causes: high insulin which disturbs the immune system signalling and the Warburg effect (e.g. in fibroblasts) which prevents the resolution of e.g. the firbous tissue. Both of which are caused by eating sugar.
Even if you damage your glycocalix and your endothelium, as soon as you are metabolically healthy, your arteries will heal and there will be no "plaque".
Review Dr. Allan Schiederman's work, as well as Dr. Tom Dayspring, there is significant evidence that ApoB is casual for athrogenic disease. It is the most important direct connection to heart disease.
@@gp74990 Thank you, GP!
I don’t know if we will be ever be able to figure out what makes a level proper. Back in 2004 as a vegetarian my total LDL and HDL was 100. Now many years later I eat carnivore my total LDL/HDL is 622. My apoB was 249 with 59 listed as oxidized(I had that tested as well). I have a zero calcium score and had no carotid artery plaque as well. I feel 100% fine no aches no pains and no meds. At 53 my goal is to keep myself feeling the way I do now until the end of my days on this planet.
I am a hyper-responder. My total cholesterol went from 200 to 639 after 4 months on carnivore diet (meat, fish, eggs, salt, water, coffee ). I am wandering if I should continue this diet.
Me too, my total rose to 622. I have better body composition than when I was 16 and about the same weight I was back then. I feel incredible and have seen too many positives to look back. I have been carnivore for almost 4 years now. At the end of the day you have to do what you think is best though.
Do a CIMT Carotid study
You'll find the inflammation soft plaque
In you're artery walls.
@@russg1475 you are taking a huge risk
@@russg1475 why would you stop
It's videos like these that caused me to share with a bunch of people. You do some really good research and your presentation is also really good
This is all smoke and mirrors. High LDL always means high ApoB. It's a mathematical certainty. And since ApoB is the new hot thing, we now have this weird situation where in the keto and carnivore community, people who are completely dismissive of their LDL in the 300 to 500 range, are suddenly concerned about their elevated ApoB.
You can't be fine with one and not fine without the other.
It would be the equivalent of being fine with your weight in kilograms, but not fine with your weight in pounds.
Attia and Dayspring have been aggressively pushing this ApoB narrative. But really, its just a kinder gentler way to tell you that your LDL is too damn high!
I'm really surprised how many people are falling for it.
So at the end of the day we're still talking about LDL. You're either fine with your LDL level, and level of ApoB that comes with it, or you're not. If you're not then you need to lower your LDL because that's how you lower your ApoB.
Correct. Both LDL and ApoB are irrelevant.
It is insulin what matters.
High insulin / insulin resistance elevates the LDL/ApoB in completely different maner from keto/fasting. The LDL subfractions are still relevant...
Well said 👏
@@btudrus Stop spreading fake science. The data does not support your hypothesis.
Smoking is not good for you. It causes lung cancer, which is a much slower and painful death than a nice quick ass kicking heart attack.
My total cholesterol 246...hdl 63...ldl 172
Triglycerides 95.
Calcium Score Test..264
I'm 69 years old. Doc put me on Pravastatin 10mg.
I was in denial that I hD high blood pressure so I put off meds. I think the high BP caused the Calcium Score. I'm now eating better avoiding sweets and eating small amounts of wheat. My A1c was 5.1
I went out of pocket when the VA wouldnt pay for the comprehensive CardioIQ test that breaks all this down. Bottom line is my ApoB is high 128 but my ApoA1 is also high 172 which creates a ratio of .7 and makes me in average risk because the ApoA1 is so high. I also have a Lipo(a) of 131.8 which is also high and supposedly makes me at higher risk for cardio disease. Yet my HDL and Triglycerides are 90 and 70 respectively giving me a ratio of less than one meaning my metabolism is stellar and healthy and my fasting and average blood glucose is in 70s-90s only goes up around 145 max typically. I was pre diabetic, high blood pressure 200 lbs and reversed all of it been around 160 lbs for a year and a half.
My advice is get your standard lipid panel watch your HDL snd Triglycerides as well as your A1C and fasting glucose and fasting insulin if you can. Your HDL to Trig ratio and blood glucose means more than all the advanced lab work can tell you. The bottom line is once you find out your ApoB is high and you are eating right and getting exercise there isnt a damn thing you can do about it. We all will die at some point and all these labs wont change that or help you to fix anything.
Additionally i think all the cholesterol hypothesis is largely bunk. Xholestetol is a repair mechanism for damage caused by habitually high blood glucose not from oxidized LDL and all this complex garbage. Its pretty obvious eating processed food which is predominantly grain snd seed, pure sugar and fat poured into a digestive system, liver, body designed for whole food leads to metabolic dysfunction. Insulin resistance is a fallacy type 2 diabetes is a fat storage dysfunction that leads to ectopic fat in the liver and other organs and muscle. Liver damage leads to complete metabolic dysfunction. If the body only has 600 grams of total glycogen/glucose storage snd you continue eating high glycemic food the liver has to convert the excess into fat/triglycerides. Its not that the cells are insulin resistant they are full. So then obviously its a fat storage dysfunction issue not a glucose storage issue. Lastly why would we feed the human body a machine designed to burn fat as its primary fuel a constantly habitual over load of carbs/ glucose. At rest and during day to day activity we burn mostly fat not glucose because glucose is reserved for fight or flight or intense activity.
Eat in equilbrium to a slight deficit snd get plenty of moderate intensity exercise and let all the stress go about cholestetol. No other animals are dying of heart attacks and strokes or have diet related health issues. You really think the body when fed a whole food natural diet has a problem with cholesterol in the majority of the human species 😂
Its all one big G damn scam for profits. From the science and medical eatablishment to the big corporate agriculture profiting off of and promoting disease. If it grows in nature and we have evolved to eat it or is an animal its largely not going to cause dietary dysfunction and disease. There is nothing natural or remotely conducive to health in processed grain and seed. Animals only eat grain as part of a whole plant not as a ground up pure sugar flour or oil.
Ah but now theyre pushing for "lab grown" meat, aka "Plant Based". They strip the soy and pea of nutriants and vitamins then inject their man-made rubbish into it. B i ll g at es comes to mind as does certain folks from ch yna buying farms in CAN and the states and using their junk seeds to destroy our crops and labd.
So what based on the jumbled mess above do you eat to stay well? Because the last half of your perspective is unclear, do you eat whole natural foods/grains or processed stuff. Some idea of those particular things would be nice. And agreed, if the entire md establishment wanted people "healthy", they'd go out of business.
Do you know any sources(videos/articles) that talk about the apo b/apo a1 ratio? My apo b is high but so is my apo a1. Also my hdl and triglycerides are good.
It’s like you knew I needed this video! Was checking this out yesterday! Trigs are 73, HDL 70, LDL was 162 n total Chol was 244 and an A1C of 4.8 my glucose about an hr or two after eating was 96.0 mg/dl on a modified, carnivore lifestyle, mostly removed processed foods, sugar, alcohol, exercise 4-5 times a week. Definitely getting those tests asa so I can know the full picture!
your apoB will likely be around 180
very very high unfortunately
@@mohamedtawfeeq8524 thanks for your opinion, I’ll definitely get it checked and go from there 🤷♀️
@@mohamedtawfeeq8524 Mine was quite high at 165. I'm going back to my old keto ways from hypercarnivore.
Hi Mike -- it's been a minute! Actually, now that I think about it, it's been at least two... we have the 4 papers on LMHRs & the Lipid Energy Model, and the LMHR study is well underway at UCLA.
Speaking of -- our participants will likely have ApoB in the very highest % compared to the general population. But will we see a likewise signal in baseline and progression of atherosclerosis at a population level? Per the LEM, I hypothesize this as unlikely given I think there's a clear distinction in functional vs dysfunctional lipid metabolism with regard to resulting ApoB levels, but only our coming data will provide key insights on this given it is the first to prospectively study those with extremely high LDL/ApoB without corresponding ASCVD risk factors (given the context).
Lipids don't matter. Insulin does. High insulin causes the usual atherogenic dyslipidaemia. High insulin also causes atherosclerosis by dysregulating the immune system. The doctors got it all wrong...
Thanks for commenting, Dave.
Saved me a few minutes to type a similar comment )
My APOb and APOa is closely related to his and my hba1c is 4.7 GGt is 8. My blood work actually is very similar to his all the way around. Animal based(pound of meat a day) with fruits and a couple vegetables. Not low carb per-say just “organically” low carb ha glad to hear I’m doing good (I do blood work on my own even though I’m healthy it’s super interesting)
@@alertsemail7057 Who is "his" ? Dave didn't mention anyone.
My cardiologist keeps preaching statins and pushed back on more through tests. I pushed him towards the NMR test to deeply analyze the particle sizes. He also balked on a CAC score and said both are not called for in the guidelines.
My LDL is about 300 now. I’m complete Carnivore. Undetectable C-Reactive Protein, CAC score is zero. All other tests are pristine. Waiting for that NMR but no matter what, there will be no statins for me.
Also, take a look at a carotid intima-media thickness test (CIMT), used to detect soft plaque.
CAC is basically a useless test unless your coronary disease has progressed a lot. LDL isn't a perfect measure, but it's a much closer estimator of ApoB than CAC.
As long as you are insulin sensitive, forget "cholesterol"...
@@btudrus I agree 💯%. 👍
Both hubby and I did CAC scan. Mine 0 hubby 800 and now has a stent! Please fight to get it. Both of us low carb and runners.
Kraft test on insulin resistance is more indicative of heart attack and stroke.
It is because high insulin combined with endothelial damage is the ACTUAL cause of heat attack. Forget cholesterol...
What research are you basing that on? This absolutely does not align with the research done on CVD.
I have a calcium score of 2450. Statins were prescribed even though my cholesterol levels are fine. I have refused statins. My cardiologist is not happy. I'm 68 5ft 9in and 68 klg or 150lbs. So I'm eating meat , zero sugar , and zero seed oils. I take vitamin K7, berberine, and magnesium with tumeric. I will keep doing what I believe will help me.
Consider having a CT angiogram with IV contrast....with such a high calcium score, you probably have coronary vessel disease ! A cardiac angiogram may be in your future as well.
I love how you don’t shy away from details and diagrams in your videos. That’s why I show them in my AP bio, anatomy, and health classes.
God bless you for all your efforts Mike 🙏
Remember the old VAP test? We used that a lot, they no longer have that test. They do have specialized cholesterol testing looking at ApoB, it’s not used frequently, only a very few cardiologist in my area. It’s was not covered by insurance companies years ago when I practiced medicine. I paid out of pocket for my testing.
The VAP was incredibly inaccurate though, too! Glad it's retired.
@@Highintensityhealth agree, it was the only one available years ago.
I think ApoB links to Carb intake. I had been doing Keto for 5 years and after I started to take Carbs, my ApoB and LDL increased significantly. I think I i will go back to Keto again!
I haven’t seen anyone address this I wonder if you’re right?
You should have eaten Oreos 😂
@@phwshopping1426 Right about what ?? They said they ate a certain way, then switched and levels went up, so decided I ded to go back to eating the other way. No right or wrong there. They're going to see if #'s go back down.
OMG! I just got finished reviewing my blood work results and then your video appears! Perfect timing!.Thank you!!
5:04 Oil is less dense; that's why it floats. It's counterintuitive because the viscosity makes us think that it's denser but is not.
Was just told this by my Dr. I laughed so hard that I accidentally dropped the phone and hung up on him.
GPs are essentially useless and ignorant in the lipid concepts. It's all about selling you statins.
If your ldl is high, your ApoB is high
this guy is not a doctor stop lisentining to youtube
LDL is highly correlative with ApoB so, have some humility, call your doctor back and get your ApoB levels checked
I'll check that
next time.
Love your work Mike. Relevant and clear. Especially this one and the recent berberine study one have been very helpful
ApoB100 is the new hype especially by Peter Attia. By itself, it is not an alarm. Only if it is oxidized. TG number is a good indication of glycation. A low carb diet is the key which includes sugar of course. I prefer dihydroberberine to berberine. Much better bioavailability and less side effects since you only need 100-200mg per day instead of 1000mg for berberine. ApoA to ApoB ratio is also a good biomarker which is not mentioned in this video. Bergamot extract to lower LDL is well researched and published. My husband took it and LDL was lowered by 30% in 3 months. 500mg per day in 2 divided doses but no side effects. Just a suggestion. Your fasting insulin sensitivity biomarker tells you your metabolic health. If I am insulin sensitive, I would not worry too much about my ApoB.
I've come to my own theory, after much study, about LDL and HDL. The liver is not stupid. Feed it a proper human diet and it knows what to do. I don't take any drugs that interfere with that intellegence.
Some "experts" I follow say ApoB is a rather useless marker as it is a value that includes large LDL particles (that are not problematic, not oxidized, etc.) plus small dense LDL particles. In other words, it's as misleading as LDL-C for all intents and purposes. They would suggest we focus specifically on the "small LDL particle number" and not get too concerned about what your ApoB value is.
That's what I've read. Lipo (a) is far more dangerous. If someone is pattern A like me, but by Lipo B is 191 ((a) is 19) I think the real risk is still low since my TG and HDL are in good range.
@@xiradio Insulin is what matters.
Yep, size of LDL particles matters - and obviously this is what ApoB measures indirectly (generally speaking you want less particles / lower ApoB) but you can’t come out with a certain ApoB value being optimum as it does not take account of particle size which is th emost important thing. So yes ApoB is better than the usual formulae/estimate but not as good as LDL-p test.
Just to confirm your point about high cholesterol not necessarily indicating atherosclerosis. I was given a total cholesterol reading of 350, which was so high that I was sent for a CT scan for a coronary calcium score. This turned out to be zero. The doctor still wanted me on statins though.
still wanted your money though
@@honkytonk4465 to be fair, none of this cost me any money. We get free healthcare in the UK
Tell the doctor he can have your statin portion.
Hopefully I will hear that information soon from you including the aPOB to aPO A ratio as you mentioned for another webinar.
sweet to see you have a new video as after my blood work my doctor tried to put me onto the crazy statin again - so I had done the ApoB to ApoA1 test and my result was 149 MG/DL. The Cholesterol 292, Triglycerides 147, HDL 67, and LDL 194 - I've been doing best off the seed oils, lower sugar, and getting exercise best I can with bad knee these days. Sleep isn't as happy as I want it if that might make a difference. I do the best I can to be healthy. Daughter who is so sweet and loving says do more for your diet maybe. I enjoy stuff as older at 62. Keep learning and yearning to understand this some how. God bless and have a happy Easter!
if sleep is bad, honestly just get a CPAP machine. Unless you mean its from some chronic aches in the body.
@@differentlyabledmuslimjewi4475 it's from dreams actually and not good ones :(
Try under 25 grams of total carbs a day, your trigs should plummet.. and if you are over weight your other numbers should go down too, people with extra pounds tend to respond well to keto diet (their numbers gown down, more so than thinner people) no more than 25 grams of carbohydrates a day NO ADDED SUGAR BREAD OR PASTAS ETC..
Great video. Enjoy investing time in your channel. I just had my Functional Med Dr run APOb, CRP, LPa, Homocysteine, Glutathione, and Lipid Particle Test. Sadly, PCP will not run those tests because of healthcare system hasn’t recognized them as important. She recommended FMed Dr. Insurance isn’t accepted there but HSA reimbursement is accepted. Just an FYI for your VLOG peeps interested. Also those tests only cost $125. Great investment in my health. Keep videos rolling. Great job!
My favorite combo is Pomegranate-Serrapeptase-Natokinasse and rutin 😊
So correct me if I am wrong, but from the diagram at 12.46 it shows that ApoB is a normal biological attachment to the VLDL/IDL/LDL particle from the liver, and is not a problem unless or until it becomes modified through oxidative stress? If this is the case, then could it be that people with a high APOB that are otherwise healthy in all other biomarkers, May have the majority of this APOB un-oxidized, and therefore not atheroslerotic? If so, do tests need to be tuned to distinguish between oxidized APOB and non-oxidized APOB?
Until I look at my ApoB to apo A-1 ratio, my labs look like I have bomb in my chest ready to go off any minute.
My ApoB/A-1 ratio (130/220) is .59 which is excellent but my doctor wants me on statins and is begging me to limit animal foods and saturated fat because my ApoB is so high. She wont account for this ratio that measures the balance between atherosclerosis indicating B and protective A-1.
For context, I'm a 44 yr old female with strong family hx of cvd and have been keto for almost 9 yrs and have had literally zero cheat days. I don't eat seed oils, nuts or processed keto junk food. I eat whole, animal based foods.
My family is worried and I'm wondering if I should be.
"My family is worried and I'm wondering if I should be."
No. Insulin is what matters.
I agree! Why is the ratio of APO-B/APO-A not discussed?
I would also check your fibrinogen, homocysteine and Oxydized LDL to be sure you are o.k. KETO is a life saver.. it lowered my triglycerides from 101 to 44! I need to get back on it!
@@btudrusWhat you mean exactly ? Need to have low insulin level ? And low insulin resistance ? Why doesn’t matter the Apo B / Apo A1 ratio ?
@@luk5827 "Need to have low insulin level ? And low insulin resistance ? "
"Why doesn’t matter the Apo B / Apo A1 ratio ?"
Because it is just a marker of insulin resistance / sensitivity...
@@btudrus But why doesn’t need to worry about LDL ? Normally LDL can’t be lowered . Insulin and Insulin resistance can be lowered with : fasting , low carbs , exercises . I have LDL = 123 mg/dL , but i don’t know what Apo B and Apo A1 i have . What Insulin and Insulin Resistance should i have ?
brilliant video!
So being on keto for 3 years and at 58 years old, I did see that my apoB from 6/2022 was 123. All other markers looked great. So I'm going to try something different - drop saturated fat and replace with mono and polysaturated fats, think less red meat, dairy, and butter and more olive oil. I see my PCP in November so I'll get him to check my apoB and compare from 1.5 years earlier.
Regarding liver enzymes @ 12:10 in the video...Over the years my GGT has always been high (e.g. 60 - 90 U/L) but my ALT is normal (e.g 20 - 30 U/L). I've had several liver ultrasounds and although mild fatty liver was once detected years ago, no fatty liver is observed now as I've changed my diet to be more animal-based. I don't drink any alcoholic beverages, which can raise GGT. So, the idea that high GGT could be indicative of fatty liver doesn't seem to apply in my case.
I'll never take statins again. I naively took them 22 years ago when my Dr said i needed them, but after aching all over and not being able to train, I stopped taking it. The more research I've done, the more I see that statins cause a lot of harm and do very little to help with heart disease. I'll stay pure carnivore and drug free, except for my warfarin, because I have Factor 5 Leiden, thank you.
unfortunately my doctor simply reject me when I suggested to add apo a and b tests. So when I want to go more science but usually doctors only care about standard procedure!
At 12:20 the presenter says, "starting at the very dense lipoproteins known as VLDL." I believe he misspoke and meant to say, "starting at the very low dense lipoproteins..."
Hi Mike,
I got my blood work results!
Can you please tell me if I need to go on a statin Drug?
My doctor said you should take it immediately now!
Total cholesterol 335
HDL 101. Triglycerides 61
LDL 217. Non-HDL 234
Apo B 148.
I appreciate what you’re doing for us.
My cardiologist looked at my cholesterol and I told him I’m allergic to all kinds of statins, then try to give me Repatha injection, told him no. Asked him to order APOB. I’m going to schedule a lab.
ApoB is BS like LDL. Just get a CAC score.
Just measured my ApoB, which came back as 110!!!! Elevated LDL particle number + LDL small & medium. No other abnormality in any important biomarker at all. I fast, exercise, don't smoke or drink alcohol (at all) and NEVER eat any of the things that could elevate LDL / ApoB. No wonder why I have such elevated numbers... 😢
Very important video. Thank you for looking out for my health!
Doesn't science show that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat lowers risk of heart disease? With what science are vilifying polyunsaturated fats?
Well, the best gold standard test is still NMR Lipid profile test…..Besides particle size…and particle numbers also gives you Insulin resistance .and triglycerides …
Would you believe Aetna denied coverage of my Apoe test? They don’t cover homocysteine either, unless you need it for certain reasons (mine was high due to MTHFR, but there’s no code for that). What’s more, Quest billed them $4k for my panel-it ended up costing me $135, only needing to pay 20% coinsurance, since my deductible was met. The state of healthcare is horrendous.
Thank you for Doc for this valuable information... Appreciate your help
So I'm a very active 32 year-old man and have been at an ideal weight since I was probably 12. I started doing keto several years ago just to be optimal, and Ive been hypercarnivore for something like a year now. My LDL is elevated as one would expect, by my triglycerides are stubbornly high at about 140 mg/dL and my HDL is between 55 and 65. I eat *very* little carbohydrate and essentially zero of that would be from sugar, and I lift weights, jog, and hike regularly. Can you help me understand why this could be happening? Oh, also my CRP is practically zero at
I thought LDL-C is linear correlated with ApoB. If this holds true, then there is no way someone with 200 LDLC can have less than 100 ApoB, which still has the same conclusion that it’s bad. So does that mean LDL-C and ApoB measurement give the same conclusion even though it measures different things?
Exactly. My LDL is 312, but I'm pattern A with ApoB 191. The fact that I have more than double the "standard" LDL would probably also indicate a matching increase in ApoB. My Lipoprotein (a) is 19. TG 85, HDL 60.
You're completely correct.
@@xiradio Yeah, I am really confused about all the talk with ApoB. To me this is just looking at the same conclusion from different angle. My Tg 48, HDL 58, LDL 200, VLDL 7. I am pretty sure my ApoB is more than 100. I did NMR lipid before and it was pattern A. Insulin less than 5, hs-crp 0.7. My LDL is the same as three years ago prior to KETO. I guess I am born to get CVD? 😆
ApoB is yet another BS. Just ignore. Concentrate on insulin and metabolic / mitochondrial health, that's what matters.
Ldl (C) is a proxy...meaning proportional to apoB.
My LDL is 169 so the cardiologist wants a CT calcium score. Seems like a lot of dangerous radiation. Is that the only way to know if your arteries are filling up with plaque?
Thank you Dr. Peter Attia for shedding light on this critical blood marker and Mike for elaborating on it !
Honestly Peter Attia is kind of a nut with the ApoB hysteria. It’s amazing how he can be so clued in on some stuff while pushing “New science” mainstream stuff at the same time.
@@Hornet135 Attia is more than a "nut" he is fear mongering many, intentional or not with his apoB hysteria...everyone should have 70 or under ApoB smh.
How does ApoB test relate to NMR Lipid Profile test? My doc in Australia suggested NMR, but I'm living in Asia now and NMR is not available. ChatGPT said:
An NMR LipoProfile test can determine the proportion of small, dense LDL particles in a person's lipid profile. A higher proportion of sdLDL particles generally indicates a higher number of atherogenic particles and a greater risk of cardiovascular disease.
However, it is important to note that while the size of LDL particles can provide some indication of the number of atherogenic particles, it does not provide a direct measure like the ApoB test. Combining the results of the NMR LipoProfile test with other tests, such as the ApoB test or traditional lipid panel, can provide a more comprehensive assessment of an individual's cardiovascular risk.
NMR isn't very accurate...would go with ApoB, and Apo A-1
@@Highintensityhealth NMR is more meaningfull than ApoB as it can show different LDL patterns.
ApoB is just ideologically pushed because the medicial discipline is unable to abandon it's old dogma.
After watching Peter Attia talk about ApoB - I asked my doctor to include it in my last labs. She was like Ap-what? Had no idea what it was! She ordered it for me anyway - and it's kinda high. I'm very reluctant to go on meds to lower it - will you do a video on natural ways to bring it down?
She didn't know🤔
These doctor's😕
Check out niacin and how it affects ApoB.
@@anthonyshaw8698 I know, right!
@@lpg12338 I started niacin and Psyllium - hopefully I'll see a difference next time it's checked.
Check your APO-A to B ratio! APO-A is HDL protective
Check you CRP, homocysteine, fibrinogen and you VLDL and your OXY-LDL. My APO-is 109 but my APO-A is 177!
Ratio is 0.61 low risk!
My homocysteine is the problem and I am on methyl B Complex to bring that down!
Wrong. ApoB is the newest lipid hype. Forget it. Only if *the ratios* between VLDL (triglycerides), HDL and LDL are out of balance, that could be a *marker* (a symptom!) of an atherosclerotic static.
I love your content, love your passion! I'm grateful, please keep it up 👊🏻🙏🏻
I just had Lipoprotein(a) test and my result was 58 nmol/L which was apparently pretty good. I will have to get the Apolipoprotein b test sometime soon.
Mike , thank you so much for keeping us informed. I have high lipo (a) I moved to a plant based diet 6 yrs ago. It help some, really helped my inflammation. ( I'm 63, 104lb) My Dr, runs all my labs through the Cleavland Heart Lab - I just looked and the requisition form( I make a copy before I take to lab) and there is no test for the Lipo B. they have the AopA1 but not the B - find that interesting. I might just call them and ask. How can I get a list of the labs you recommend so I can go back to my Dr. and have him order the ones that were missed. Thanks again for the content 🙏
I can't figure out why. If you have high LDL, you will almost automatically have high apoB, or am I missing something?
Cardiac cat scans only show calcified plaques, late stage of atherosclerosis, not soft plaques. What tests show soft plaques?
carotid intima-media thickness test (CIMT)
@@lpg12338 plus echo.
and / or angiography but it's invasive.
The problem with the guidelines on AST and ALT is the normal limit is too high.
Agreed, imo both alt and ast should be in the low 20's, if not lower, aim for 15. Much like a1c, officially it's 5.7 (prediabetes)...aim for 5 imo
Thanks that was very informative to find out that LDL-C is a guesstimate of TC-HDH-VLDL
Hi Mike. I went to see my Doctor today to get a physical and requested an ApoB measurement on my lipid profile. His answer: "waste of time" "no evidence to support it". He would not even consider asking for it on my profile even if I paid for it. He also stated that Tg/HDL ratio is useless. I said well why are they doing this in other parts of the world? His answer: "We only follow Canadian Guidelines". He also stated that if he asked for tests other then the standard lipid profile his governing body which is the Canadian College Of Physicians would deem him an incompetent Doctor. He felt very uncomfortable with my questions but basically what he is saying is that it does not benefit him to question existing public health authorities. Thoughts?
It's not just a Canada thing. My doctor said the same thing about trigs/HDL and Apob. I get off my rigorous Ketovore diet while I'm backpacking in the summer, so my tris go way up. At the same time, my total C goes down. The dumbass congratulated me on lowering my total C! Mind numbingy stupid.
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I find it almost impossible to have high ldl eat lots of saturated fat on a carnivore diet and still find ways of having a low apo b. If anybody on here is on a keto or carnivore diet with low ldl and apo b please hit me up and tell me how to do it. Without statins!
Best way to get plaque out of arteries? My ct Scan of my heart was 283 & was told I had 80 year old arteries 😱 been on a 5 mg rosuvaostain a day for a year 👎
Does this drug get rid of the plaque?
Concerns with cognitive decline with satins. Thanks 👍🙏✝️🇺🇸🏄
"Best way to get plaque out of arteries?"
Normalize your insulin. Which means no sugar, no cabohydrates, no vegetables, no fruit, a lot of meat and animal fat. Excercise regularly, manage stress and have a good sleep...
If your insulin is low, your immune system will heal your arteries for your...
@HighIntensityHealth - What are all the key tests we should be requesting? What are healthy ranges for these tests? All these years they are wasting time testing cholesterol?
All doctors at the Veterans affairs hospitals need to watch this video! They are obsessed with LDL!
Look, measuring triglyceride to HDL ratio is definitive and more reliable for cardiovascular risks. No need to go into deep forest like you do about other particles. LDL is not only irrelevant as you say, high LDL is actually good for your longevity.
There is no scientific backing to your statement.
I suspect he means a high level of large LDL particles is healthy - it is small LDL particles that are potentially dangerous : oxidised LDL and LP(a). The best test is LDL-p to test the particle sizes.
@@danteburritar2822 if your trig/HDL ratio is good (below one ), then particle size numbers are irrelevant, since the first determines the other. Particle size test is about 10x more expensive, while trig/HDL is cheap, part of standard lipid panel. My ratio is 0.53, which is beyond good. So I do not care that my LDL is above 250 mg/dl.
So i jay hot all my blood work done. My ApoB is 150. But all of my metabolic markets are great. Fasting insulin is 4.8 A1c is 5.1 C-peptide is 1.01 my HDL is 78 and my triglycerides are 76 and total cholesterol is 321. And they say I’m Pattern A. So
Confused. How do I have such a high ApoB if all
Is on point? Any answers?
I may not be a doctor but I can sure play the part when I go see the doctor on my next visit 😂 !
Medical field is captured most doctors are told to sell the pharmaceuticals. Amazingly most patients never figure it out. It’s like they get a reason not to heal themselves and wear their maladies as a Medal of Honor. Listening to type 2 diabetics proudly discuss their symptoms is one weird ass conversation.
You fail to see the mental depression that Low D-obese/diabetics get trapped in! Humanity needs to be freed from these traps, not shamed into deeper self-hate.
My slow path worked painlessly:
1) Raise D LEVEL > 50ng or 125nmol
2) Go Keto/IF
3) Add exercise
Why not cure diabetes to lower APOB and not statins
My buddy Boddy Ocampo from Dr. Ford Brewer channel, good to see you here! 😁👍
Hi doc, after watching your video, I have the impression that the error in the Friedwalde equation is likely to give a false negative rather than false positive, with regard to whether LDL is too high. In other words, if the figures from lipid test shows LDL is acceptable the real situation will be possibly worse, never BETTER. Which means, there is no point to get additional ApoB check, in case I get a passable LDL number. Grateful if you could comment. Thanks doc.
what medications would lower ApoB?
Friedewald is no longer used since Feb 2021. Labs now use the NIH formula from Martin\Hopkins, as it is more sophisticated and handles a broader range of TG.
My apoB runs about 109 but I have low trigs (58) and a CAC of zero… so not sure what to think.
Just got call from doctor office, as I was listening to this. I started IF 7 weeks ago, 1 week ago had labs done. The doctor's office told me my levels are all high, which I saw on my patient portal. The test recommended here was not done. The woman I talked with said to cut out saturated fats,
egg yolks, down on beef and pork and fried foods. Increase all veggies all colors. I've had statins before, which I didn't tolerate. Now they said to check with my cardiologist to see what they recommend. Recently, I have increased my egg consumption, almost daily sometimes oatmeal or grerk low fat yogurt with pecans. Use ghee and olive oil to cook in. From several yt videos I hear sat fat isn't such a problem and egg yolk does not raise cholesterol. I'm thinking it does raise it. I'm so confused. I doubt my doc will do this test or understand this stuff, as it goes against what traditional western medicine is.
I think it's all about biochemical individuality. Keep monitoring. Do what works for you
Is 112 apob very bad??? I have low triglicerides , my liver is perfect - very low ast alt ggt. My insulin and glycise is low, but i smoke occasionally nicotine ( iqos). Is this a couse???
Can you do an updated video on just general tests that you recommended for people to get?
If your HDL is optimally high and your triglycerides are low isn't your ApoB always at a healthy level and if it is there is no reason to check ApoB. What say you?
My HDL is 63, triglycerides 44. But my ApoB is 131.
If you're on a weight-loss program, does it make sense to even measure any cholesterol until your weight has stabilized? My understanding is that cholesterol can temporarily increase while one is losing weight.
I think this is important but my problem is that my cardiologist does not. All he wants is the LDL-C number and that's it. I had these Advanced Apolipidprotien levels done at my own expense but he would not even look at the results saying "the AHA does not recognize these test as a legitimate predicter of future cardiac events."
Forget cholesterol makers.
Anyone concerned about heart disease should consider a Coronary Artery Calcium scan.
Also, a carotid intima-media thickness test (CIMT).
Anyone concerned about CHD should care about his insulin and make sure he is insulin sensitive. Which means not eating sugar and carbohydrates in general. Good sleep. Excercise. Prefer animal food over the toxic plants...
"Plants are not "toxic""
Yes, they are. Learn the facts:
"Most antinutrients are more healthy than they are not." BULLSHIT.
These will make you nutrient deficient. That's what happens to vagoons...
What are your thoughts on cardiac calcium CT scans?
It can be a helpful test, just like a carotid intima-media thickness test (CIMT), they may allow you to plan a future lifestyle change, if needed.
Saved my husband’s life. Had a score of 800 and now has a stent. Has been a lifelong runner and low carb diet. We were shocked. You never know!
So, how long will ApoB be the Heart Disease Villain before they change their minds and it's something else? 10 years? 15 years? maybe 20?
Great video! I have phone consultation with my Lipidologist next week and look forward to discussing ApoB. I'm not sure if can hold my nerves if this person calls LDL a bad cholesterol😏
I would be finding a new doctor if mine said that to me.
Keto dieter said if your LDL particle size are mainly large fluffy LDL, no matter how high your AopB is, don’t need worry. Are they right?
Hi MikHi, thank you for your eThank you for the explanation on ApoB. But as I understand, ApoB (as also ApoA1 on HDL) is an important protein that is necessary for the LDL to be recalled by the liver (and other organs). But yes, damaged/oxidized LDL, hence damaged ApoB cannot be recalled by the liver, and then maybe taken by the macrophage in the lining of our arteries. Now does the ApoB lab test actually counts the damaged ApoB? or does it count all the ApoB circulating in our blood?It should only count the oxidized ApoB if it should be an identifier for atherosclerosis. Thank you.
How is this related to insulin resistance? Will insulin sensitivity lower APOB? What is the root cause?
You nailed it, but the only caveat here is some people on a low-carb, high-fat diet can have an increase in ApoB...this is why IMO reducing seed oil consumption in the diet is essential! More on that next week.
5:06 “…it’s more dense…” small correction: fat is less dense (than water)…
What's your opinion on The Mendelian randomization trials clearly showing a linear effect of LDL on CVD risk based on lifetime exposure?
Correlation. But not ... (starts with letter c)
Mendelian randomization is just epidemiology which is associative and cannot inform on cause and effect.
HDL 58
LDL 77
You are still ignoring the whole root cause of atherosclerosis, which is sugar. Not cholesterol.
Sugar oxidizes and binds to cholesterol. Sugar damages cholesterol. A standard Lipid Panel will not pick this up. You have to look at your Triglycerides, and also measure your LDL particle sizes. Dr. Paul Mason has great videos on this.
Sugar causes heart disease.
The mentioned kinds of fat are more dense and floating to the top? I think, that's an incorrect statement. If not, please explain otherwise. (I know, that due to their molecular structure, they are not directly watersoluable and form a boundary/layer within pure water at room temperature.) Correct me, if I'm wrong.
I've watched a few videos about this and some are saying there's no evidence that very robust artery walls prevent apob particles entering the wall and that there's no good evidence about this oxidization hypothesis. I'd love to see some and fire it back at them.
Thank you for this 😊
What's the difference between Apob and Lp(a) ? Which one is bad?
"What's the difference between Apob and Lp(a)"
Lp(a) is a subset of LDL particles carrying extra protein. ApoB is the constituent protein marking a LDL particle.
"Which one is bad?"
None. Association is not a causation.
Inflammation is “bad” and once the inflammation has damaged the intima then LP(a) may become an indirect problem. The solution being getting rid of inflammation (stop the seed oils and carbs and smoking) and (if possible) in the short term the lowering of LP(a) and taking a blood thinner as precautions - as LP(a) is a secondary factor not the primary cause.
@@danteburritar2822 "Inflammation is “bad”"
First of all, "inflammation" is a very bad term as it is very suggestive (it's like "flames" which needs to be "extinguished" - but that is exactly what is wrong).
It would be much appropriate to speak about "healing processes". That way it will become clear that these are absolutely necessary for the body to stay healthy.
What is however the real problem is when these healing processes become dysregulated and (therefore) less effective. Eventually this will lead to dysfunction of such processes and even to a more damage. This is EXACTLY what atherosclerosis is all about...
my ApoB and my HS CRP were both off the chart. I am at a loss as to what to do. I am 62, I just lost 20 pounds so I am 6'1 200lbs now. My ALT was 26 and my Hemo A1c was 5.0.
take a statin and inhibitor
I find myself wondering if people doing Paleo diets notice a difference in LDL and apob dependent on whether they are consuming industrial meats or grass fed meats
My Apo-B is on the higher-normal range. My LDL is "too high" but my CRP and triglycerides are low. Will keep measuring it, a statin would be overkill I think
Literally kill your kidneys 😅
So, does crestor/statins, actually lower Apo b?
My Apo b is 130. Was 160.
On keto, and intermittent fasting.
Yes. If you were to go on a statin, I’d recommend a low-dose rosuvastatin with ezetimibe.
no statins !
I remember hearing a while back that ldl-p is the best biomarker--is it splitting hairs between the two? Apob vs ldl-p that is.