The entire detachment feels like it was written before the Miacle Dice nerfs. Still seems fun, just obviously expecting you to have miracle dice to spend, which we really don't now.
@@thelegendsmith3063 you can only affect 1-3 units so it has the limiting factor on the top end of the rules. Not to mention that you also have units that have MD expenditure in their own dataslate (like Zephyrim and Palatines for example) so this seems a bit tone deaf IMHO
They made an entire detachment about Celestian Sacrosants and they still aren't worth playing, even if this had launched prior to the balance data slate. 1 CP and 1 Miracle dice to give a mediocre unit +1 Str and +1 AP isn't worth it. What is with these weak buffs? 1 Miracle dice for +1 Movement or you could, you know, set an advance. It needed to be +3 minimum.
They do a lot of work with a Palatine and with the Army of Faith's +1Ap stratagem. Add on the Blade of Saint Ellynor and you're looking at 30 attacks with Sustained and Lethal at +3AP plus the Palatine's 4 attacks with extra mortal wounds and +4AP that will generate you 2 miracle dice if they kill even a single model.
Wow that's almost amazing in how bad this is. Spend MD that you now have 2x-3x times less of on up to 3 units to give them buffs. Unfortunately paragons don't need this buff and sacresants\bss hardly benefit from them. Awesome. Also enhancements are meh, not one generate MD for you to consume. Also stratagems are straight up garbage, you have similar but way better in AoF. Merry Christmas from GW.
Morvens Unit hits on 2+ against vehicles and monsters anyway.. edit: you mentioned it later on. But lets be honest here vahlagons are a unit not in need of stratagems to wreck shit.
and if you put her with a unit of paragon warsuits, the whole unit hits on 2+ with full hit and wound rerolls AND +1 to hit and wound on monsters and vehicles
@@lassemelson5668Which, with the bonus AP only works out to about 2 more damage on averge when compared to using the army of faith extra AP strat. Which instead of costing a miracle dice generates one if you kill something, and lets you use the miracle you committed for the righteous buff on increasing vall's attack instead, which could also generate an extra miracle dice.
Surprised at least one enhancement doesn't just make the bearer's unit perma-righteous... feels like that wouldn't be too strong but would be nice now that MD are more scarce.
GW in 2019: We believe in and support a community united by shared values of mutual kindness and respect Also GW in 2024: Its Christmas! Here my Sororitas Players, have a deep, heavy nerf and a shitty box. Happy New Year ♥
Here's what this SHOULD have been: Righteous units, discard ONE MD to select up to 3 units. Righteous gives: autopass battleshock, +1 WS/BS, the unit gains the assault keyword. +2 OC to INFANTRY models. Stratagem: select a sacressant unit, it gains 4+ FNP... Instead we got toilet paper.
Oh cool, so now I have to go out of my way to include units that can earn MD for me so I actually have MD to spend to use the detachment ability more than one time a game, which means picking units that do not benefit from the detachment rule. I knew this new detachment was not gunna be good 😂😂
Well get Morven, she benefits and generates miracle dice. Aestred and Agatha with a unit of Sacresants makes a strong melee unit with Devastating Wounds that will also generate miracle dice. Then it's BSS with simulacrums. It's not great but yeah...
@PatrixBest Morvenn Vahl requires you to spend a Miracle Dice to active her ability to recoup a Miracle Dice, plus this detachment requires you to spend another Miracle Dice in order to get the boost, so your spending 2 to hopefully get 1 back. Of course that's considering she only takes out one unit. Aestred and Agathae can generate MD too, but they would be better attached to a unit like Novitiates that can re-roll hits to fish for mortals to turn devastating. This detachment also assumes you'll take more than one Sacresant Squad, which are arguably the worst unit available to us, and even with the boosts from this detachment aren't worth taking. I mean I think we both agree this isn't a great detachment anyway
@BigWhiskey09 rerolling hits wont get you mortal wounds from devastating. Besides you can get 50% more attacks in with a better WS with a sacresant unit and get sustained hits to get even more wound rolls and a chance to score devastating wounds. With the extra AP and strength too, their attacks that dont score devastating wounds will still carry more damage through to the target and have a higher chance to score a kill and get MD Correct me if my math is wrong but 20 attacks at WS4 with hit rerolls will average 15 hits and 2-3 devastating wounds, while 30 attacks at WS3 with sustained hits will average 25 hits and 4 devastating wounds. Celestians win out on devastating wounds alone and that's not counting all the other hits, higher strength and higher AP
@PatrixBest how does rerolling hits not give you the opportunity to fish for mortals? If you roll a 6 on your hit, you get a mortal, if you get a mortal with dev wounds that just negates a fnp save against the mortal? Also sure you can get up to 10 dev wounds in melee with Sacresants that have sustained, or you can get the exact same number of possible dev wounds with a simulacrum and infiltrator core ability which is much more valuable than reducing wounds by 1 into a unit thats going to get rolled either way the moment they get engaged. Sacresants just don't make sense
I swear GW sucks at writing these detachments for these armies. Shouldn't be called grotmas more like crapmas because we've been getting nothing but coal detachment rules lol! The stratz and Enhancements are good.l throughout across all armies, but they need fix army rules to work with these new detachment. The detachment should've been 2 MD the most and fix the army rule for MD.
to me the whole idea of have autopass die is bonkers in a game of chance they should change the army rule so they got something else imo... but thats just me
Starting to see why Triumph was nerfed/limited to a single dice each activation...still, this detachment might actually make me hesitate to charge in against them. And this is coming from a Templars player
The detachment alone is mid, but two of the enhancements make the attached units actually viable and scary to go against. A Cannoness and Hospitilar leading a maxxed out blob of Sacrisants was already annoying as it is. But now a single squad of them has the potential to more or less be better Lychguard. And don't forget that the Battle Sisters unit itself has an upgrade that can give you free miracle dice every turn, for each unit within range of an objective. Unless I missed an errata, this isn't restricted to just one unit each command phase; that means a potential MD farm that can just sit on the home objective while also serving as a deterrent against attempting "Behind Enemy Lines"
You cannot actually attached to characters to a sacrosaints squad, so no canmones and hopitaller. And while a simulacrum unit can generate you an extra miracle Dice from your home objective, you still would only be able to buff two units at the cost of having no army rule for the battle round
This detachment feels a little insulting to be honest
As a Knight Player, yes. They hate us
Was this detachment written with knowledge of the dataslate change? Doesn’t seem like it.
Absolutely doesn’t seem like it 😂
No doubt it was not, but even it was written with the nerfs in mind it's still not a great detachment
My money is on all these detachments were written during the codex but were removed for this very reason to slow drop feed players.
The entire detachment feels like it was written before the Miacle Dice nerfs. Still seems fun, just obviously expecting you to have miracle dice to spend, which we really don't now.
Idk whole point of the change thought it was overkill was they felt sister had to many could you imagine this with 4 to 6 dice per turn
@@thelegendsmith3063 you can only affect 1-3 units so it has the limiting factor on the top end of the rules. Not to mention that you also have units that have MD expenditure in their own dataslate (like Zephyrim and Palatines for example) so this seems a bit tone deaf IMHO
@0MaxK0 that's just for righteous buff. The generic mircle dice auto wounding or auto 6 dmg on a successful wound etc in addition to this
You have to love waking up and getting amazing 40k content. You guys make my mornings on my way to work.
I dont even play or like sisters and this detachment feels insulting.
They made an entire detachment about Celestian Sacrosants and they still aren't worth playing, even if this had launched prior to the balance data slate. 1 CP and 1 Miracle dice to give a mediocre unit +1 Str and +1 AP isn't worth it. What is with these weak buffs? 1 Miracle dice for +1 Movement or you could, you know, set an advance. It needed to be +3 minimum.
I've ran them my last 3 games, that -1 to wound itself is pretty good. Especially for a bodyguard unit.
They do a lot of work with a Palatine and with the Army of Faith's +1Ap stratagem. Add on the Blade of Saint Ellynor and you're looking at 30 attacks with Sustained and Lethal at +3AP plus the Palatine's 4 attacks with extra mortal wounds and +4AP that will generate you 2 miracle dice if they kill even a single model.
Wow that's almost amazing in how bad this is.
Spend MD that you now have 2x-3x times less of on up to 3 units to give them buffs. Unfortunately paragons don't need this buff and sacresants\bss hardly benefit from them. Awesome. Also enhancements are meh, not one generate MD for you to consume. Also stratagems are straight up garbage, you have similar but way better in AoF.
Merry Christmas from GW.
my Tanks, Dominions, Retributors, Seraphims, zephyrims, gain nothing from this 😪also nice nerfing MD and then want us to discard them.
Technically they gained the ability to spend 1 Miracle die to get +1 movement and +1 leadership.
@@chrisbaldwin8570 that`s definetly gonna help me win some Tournaments 😂
19:22 Repentia are blenders in combat? Sounds like someone hasn't experience the mediocrity of 10th edition repentia.
But when everything is made mid in 10th, does that not make them mid blenders?
This is competing for worst detachment in grotmas
Morvens Unit hits on 2+ against vehicles and monsters anyway..
edit: you mentioned it later on. But lets be honest here vahlagons are a unit not in need of stratagems to wreck shit.
and if you put her with a unit of paragon warsuits, the whole unit hits on 2+ with full hit and wound rerolls AND +1 to hit and wound on monsters and vehicles
@@PatrixBest so if u use one of the strats u wound big knights on 2's
@@lassemelson5668Which, with the bonus AP only works out to about 2 more damage on averge when compared to using the army of faith extra AP strat. Which instead of costing a miracle dice generates one if you kill something, and lets you use the miracle you committed for the righteous buff on increasing vall's attack instead, which could also generate an extra miracle dice.
Surprised at least one enhancement doesn't just make the bearer's unit perma-righteous... feels like that wouldn't be too strong but would be nice now that MD are more scarce.
100% written before the nerf was decided on
GW in 2019: We believe in and support a community united by shared values of mutual kindness and respect
Also GW in 2024: Its Christmas! Here my Sororitas Players, have a deep, heavy nerf and a shitty box. Happy New Year ♥
I'll stick to Army of Faith and use my miracle dice normally. Better MD generation and more utility for *all* my units
Oh dear... That said thank you for the awesome video! As always very comprehensive.
Nice trolling GW, lol
Here's what this SHOULD have been: Righteous units, discard ONE MD to select up to 3 units. Righteous gives: autopass battleshock, +1 WS/BS, the unit gains the assault keyword. +2 OC to INFANTRY models. Stratagem: select a sacressant unit, it gains 4+ FNP... Instead we got toilet paper.
DOA detachment.
Oh fun sisters are finally here
Oh cool, so now I have to go out of my way to include units that can earn MD for me so I actually have MD to spend to use the detachment ability more than one time a game, which means picking units that do not benefit from the detachment rule. I knew this new detachment was not gunna be good 😂😂
Well get Morven, she benefits and generates miracle dice. Aestred and Agatha with a unit of Sacresants makes a strong melee unit with Devastating Wounds that will also generate miracle dice. Then it's BSS with simulacrums.
It's not great but yeah...
@PatrixBest Morvenn Vahl requires you to spend a Miracle Dice to active her ability to recoup a Miracle Dice, plus this detachment requires you to spend another Miracle Dice in order to get the boost, so your spending 2 to hopefully get 1 back. Of course that's considering she only takes out one unit. Aestred and Agathae can generate MD too, but they would be better attached to a unit like Novitiates that can re-roll hits to fish for mortals to turn devastating. This detachment also assumes you'll take more than one Sacresant Squad, which are arguably the worst unit available to us, and even with the boosts from this detachment aren't worth taking. I mean I think we both agree this isn't a great detachment anyway
@BigWhiskey09 rerolling hits wont get you mortal wounds from devastating. Besides you can get 50% more attacks in with a better WS with a sacresant unit and get sustained hits to get even more wound rolls and a chance to score devastating wounds.
With the extra AP and strength too, their attacks that dont score devastating wounds will still carry more damage through to the target and have a higher chance to score a kill and get MD
Correct me if my math is wrong but 20 attacks at WS4 with hit rerolls will average 15 hits and 2-3 devastating wounds, while 30 attacks at WS3 with sustained hits will average 25 hits and 4 devastating wounds.
Celestians win out on devastating wounds alone and that's not counting all the other hits, higher strength and higher AP
@PatrixBest how does rerolling hits not give you the opportunity to fish for mortals? If you roll a 6 on your hit, you get a mortal, if you get a mortal with dev wounds that just negates a fnp save against the mortal? Also sure you can get up to 10 dev wounds in melee with Sacresants that have sustained, or you can get the exact same number of possible dev wounds with a simulacrum and infiltrator core ability which is much more valuable than reducing wounds by 1 into a unit thats going to get rolled either way the moment they get engaged. Sacresants just don't make sense
@@BigWhiskey09 devastating wounds applies to the wound roll, not the hit roll.
That guy on the right looks like a handsome British Bricky. Vanguard Tactics? More like Handsome Tactics amirite?
Add a comment...😮
@zarbonian reply...
I swear GW sucks at writing these detachments for these armies. Shouldn't be called grotmas more like crapmas because we've been getting nothing but coal detachment rules lol! The stratz and Enhancements are good.l throughout across all armies, but they need fix army rules to work with these new detachment. The detachment should've been 2 MD the most and fix the army rule for MD.
to me the whole idea of have autopass die is bonkers in a game of chance they should change the army rule so they got something else imo... but thats just me
Any feet pics coming with it?
Crap in-playable detachment,vehicle without fuel
Starting to see why Triumph was nerfed/limited to a single dice each activation...still, this detachment might actually make me hesitate to charge in against them. And this is coming from a Templars player
NO ONE is running this
The detachment alone is mid, but two of the enhancements make the attached units actually viable and scary to go against. A Cannoness and Hospitilar leading a maxxed out blob of Sacrisants was already annoying as it is. But now a single squad of them has the potential to more or less be better Lychguard.
And don't forget that the Battle Sisters unit itself has an upgrade that can give you free miracle dice every turn, for each unit within range of an objective. Unless I missed an errata, this isn't restricted to just one unit each command phase; that means a potential MD farm that can just sit on the home objective while also serving as a deterrent against attempting "Behind Enemy Lines"
You cannot actually attached to characters to a sacrosaints squad, so no canmones and hopitaller.
And while a simulacrum unit can generate you an extra miracle Dice from your home objective, you still would only be able to buff two units at the cost of having no army rule for the battle round
@@duffles3106 I'm literally looking at the online datacards right now; both the Canoness and Hospitilar can lead them
Great channel, trash detachment.
It's awful. Awful.