Crossfire West - New Garnet Weapon Wavelite lotto

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 13

  • @AuramaxYGO
    @AuramaxYGO ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Been wanting a worthy upgrade for my Shark Barrett for years so decided to go for everything except Dual Colt as it feels completely out of place for the set and they should`ve just made a vip retrain for regular CFS Colt instead. Other than that pretty sweet set and Rhodium USP will most likely take the missing spot to complete the set for me ツ
    I would probably suggest waiting at least 10-15 seconds before each opening so that there is enough time to reset/randomize the algorithm for next spin as it usually feels more potent and slightly extends the thrill ;P

    • @GaminGiga
      @GaminGiga  ปีที่แล้ว

      i was aiming for the nades anyway, barret/Dual colt/kukri aren't interesting for me. I will consider the preorder for the next vip nades, much cheaper XD

    • @AuramaxYGO
      @AuramaxYGO ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GaminGiga Both Barrett and Kukri honestly look amazing up-close especially Kukri which is hard to tell by others videos/reviews about until you see it from your own point of view, more defined streaming radiant lines and sensation of the flickering flame on top of golden/greeny skin which just feels vigorous. But yeah if you`re aiming for thrown set this can definitely get costy and the way it feels now we might never get another preorder for a weapon set since they have probably realized its more advantageous for them to put them in garnet system than sell directly ;P Also feels like we are just never getting that White Tiger at this point with garnet/lapis each month

    • @GaminGiga
      @GaminGiga  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AuramaxYGO yeah I was waiting for scar L white tiger but things are unexpected, except the tickrate improvement, LOL

    • @AuramaxYGO
      @AuramaxYGO ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GaminGiga It almost feels like there is just that one or two players on discord that are pretty close to GM`s and keep telling them not to release White Tiger like its some kind of overpowered weapon that will end the game while it has barely seen much play in China or other Asian versions from what i have seen over 2 years and players just keep using M4A1.
      As for me its basically just a fun and magnificent looking version of Scar Light with an addition of silencer which i find fresh and will most likely use for casual fun and pretty much only primary weapon left that im still interested from future pool ツ

    • @AuramaxYGO
      @AuramaxYGO ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Aside of that the only interesting weapon set i find from future releases is Gaming/Crowning Glory set as it introduces seemingly first vip Colt and pretty intense Cheytac skin although not sure if its meant to be released for us as it seemed like some kind of festive set with specific year and abbreviations on it.

  • @rayramkeenmajid6402
    @rayramkeenmajid6402 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is this a VIP weapon or just VIP background?

  • @heartriah
    @heartriah ปีที่แล้ว +2

    all that cash you spent and u got a dual colt……….. this is why lapis spins r more appreciated

    • @GaminGiga
      @GaminGiga  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Or preorder, even better. I wanted 5 set grenade in the begining but as the garnet is kind of hard so I gave up.

  • @lxc1292
    @lxc1292 ปีที่แล้ว

    most ugliest set in the history, I saw the test video of the nades in CN crossfire, the range is too short, compare to a normal vip grenade doesnt have any advantage

    • @GaminGiga
      @GaminGiga  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, because this is a ghetto greande version, the throw distance is shorter. Basically this vip weapon is the worst selling one in CF CN, on one use this.