Jan-Erik Andersson & Shawn Decker: Bird's Nest Jakobstad/Pietarsaari

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ม.ค. 2025
  • A site specific sculpture/sound installation made for the Rusk festival at the Campus Allegro in Jakobstad/Pietarsaari from the19th of November 2024 until 6th of February 2025.
    The structure is made of 170 triangular modules creating a very stabile chaos. The concept of the module has been widely used in modernist architecture, resulting in monotonous buildings with repeated patterns. In the Bird’s Nest-structure, however, the arrangement of the triangular modules in a semi-chaotic manner creates a space which is more organic - and rooted in structures and ways of constructing found within natural systems. Building it, Andersson uses the same method as the birds; taking one element and fastening it to another, according to a shape in his head. No mechanical measures are used.
    Decker's site specific sound incorporates eight channels of sound that refers to classical and orchestral music. Small snippets of music from the Rusk concert program, along with recordings of orchestras warming up and tuning, as well as other sources are used. These sounds create a rich collage referencing the festival that is analogous to the many small bits of material
    collected by a bird building a nest.
    This Nest version is in the collections of the Pro Artibus foundation. Thanks to the Rusk festival.
    The first Nest was built in Retretti Art Centre in 2001 and since that, different Nest structures, with different sound worlds, have emerged in for example Chicago, Wakefield, Berlin, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, Porvoo, Tammisaari and Turku.

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