If they impounded the bikes bent up tags I am sure that is not an impoundable offense in the state of Florida it is considered improper display of a tag. Punishable by a ticket. I would contact a lawyer and let them know your bike was stolen at bike week in Daytona and it was last seen at police impound and get a lawsuit started.
Protecting and serving you right out of your property
If they impounded the bikes bent up tags I am sure that is not an impoundable offense in the state of Florida it is considered improper display of a tag. Punishable by a ticket. I would contact a lawyer and let them know your bike was stolen at bike week in Daytona and it was last seen at police impound and get a lawsuit started.
4:13, now the kid has to walk home. PsOS
F Daytona ill never be back. Thanks 5 oh for ruining another good time