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My Daughter's First Day at a NEW SCHOOL
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- My daughter Salish has one hour to complete her first day at a new school. At the end of the day she has a HUGE decision to make!
Visit Santiago Charter: www.santiagoch...
FOLLOW SALISH: / saysaymatter
Follow Santiago Charter: / santiagochartermiddle
Salish & me: / @jordanmatter
Salish: / @salishmatter
Hudson: / @hudsonmatter
Thumbnail art by Aamir Patel (@aamirdzn on Twitter)
Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER: / @jordanmatterphotochal...
MERCH: shopjordanmatt...
Business Inquiries: info@jordanmatter.com
Video by Sandy Chase
Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound
Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!
I have a question for Salish-- would she consider starting her own channel (mostly because some people are impersonating her and she's literally taking over Jordan's channel)?
Not in a bad way or anything….
Salish is really brave trying out a new School even if she says yes or no, she’s still really brave
I thought Salish has a channel already?
31 one minutes
Omg she looks 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕦𝕡 𝕟𝕠𝕨 ❤
What do you prefer, a big school or small school?
First less goo
Def a small school
Hi def small school
Def a small school
I prefer a big school because you can have a lot of fun
We all know that Jordan's "Today my daughter Salish" Will Never get old
Yeah because jordan is old😂
Good one 😂
Your write 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Haha for real though
@@petethepainter Not trying to be that person but my ocd can’t it’s right not write
0:47 Science
1:48 PE
4:39 French
5:54 Band
7:49 Cheerleader Class
9:20 Hike
10:21 English
11:31 Culinary
13:18 Art
14:17 Esports
I love how supportive all the students is❤😊
@dontreadmyprofilepicture07858 I just did hahaha haha 😂
I saw your vid wtf
The "Today my daughter Salish..." never gets old ❤
“Stolen” never gets old ❤
omg mr beastttttt
Also, “today my daughter Salish and her best friend Nidal” as well never gets old
what if it turns to “today my son..”
"Today my daughter Salish" never gets old❤😂
True ❤😂
true 😂
At 13.26 I went to the Pablo Picasso museum in Málaga his art is amazing and we made his drawings in school hope you like your school Salish
I love how the people were treating her so nicely😍🌸❤️ I wish I had a school like that😅 But I still like my school that I go to now😊
EDIT: Tysm for all the likes🥰
Same 😢
@@Millesrblx definitely
short girl is so good at gymnastics I go there sometimes and my name is Lily and I am Amy I am her daughter
when they were playing basketball and jordan was cheering salish handled it well i would pass away💀(yes, i liked my own comment)
the 'today my daughter Salish" NEVER gets old
No es el momento del amor y por el momento que te sientes a un ritmo y no lo haces porque te lo vas al mundo con 1:50 de mi alma que me da la vuelta al baño que no puedo ni con mi hermano me lo voy al médico a ver a los niños de mi hija a las niñas de mi hija de que se la lleve el médico de las cosas de las tres de los niños de mi casa a mi casa para el sábado a casa que 😮 que no me voy al médico porque 😊😊😊😊😊Uu de acuerdo con el informe sobre los que ha tenido el derecho del gobierno
Te amo tus videos ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
Let's Just Appreciate Everything That Salish & Jordan Do For Us, They Are Incredible!! 💛
That is true @Oceanne (Jade
Yea ❤
I still watch Salish and Nidal when I'm 16 and I never get bored. Their videos are amazing. They put a lot of dedication, time and effort into these videos and that's amazing. Thank you so much!
No she have to be with nedal
I am also 16 and i watch Salish and Nidal too
@@fatimaalkhamiri7828 it’s Nidal not nedal
Shut up
@@P1ercetheash3r breh thats what she saidd
Sailsh is so amazing and strong and she works so hard on these videos and we all are very thankful for that.
I feel so bad for Jordan😢 7:39 ❤
I just really appreciate the effort you guys put in your videos and i love how you put a smile on all our faces 😃❤
Who agrees here that Salish and Nidal are like soulmates? (not the romantic thing yet but just their energy)
@Anazala Family Vlogs ur not real Anazala Family Vlogs
I wish I was born with you guys because my family doesn’t even pay attention to me 😢
& I love you guys so much ❤❤❤
Stay strong hope it gets better♥
I’m sorry
I kinda felt bad when people were throwing food arlt Jordan
People who are watching this in 2025❤
14:52 Nidal better watch out! 😂❤
I was about to say that 😂...
Salish just try,s a big school today🎉🎉
Salish is so strong and can handle anything her way. She has grown so much over these tear that i have been watching your videos.
I love how Jordan is always supportive of Salish
ikr i wish i had a dad like that
I think it will be hard for Sailish because it’s her new school. Good luck!😊😊😊❤❤❤😊😊😊
Aww ❤ when she was at her e-sports class the way that boy helped her was so heartwarming 🥲
Salish is such a joyful teenager!! Love you guys!! Salish has such a great personality and that makes your videos way more better!💙
Big school
your right
Who else thinks Jordan is the best dad ever!!!
My dad died a 6 years ago and I like to think that this is what he would be like 😍✨
I’m so sorry for that 🫶
Yeah I think Jordan is one of the best too💕
Sorry 😢
That student in back just trying to go to school to learn😂😂😂. 4:24
Here is Salish being embarrassed of her dad while most of us wish our dad was like this🥺…..Jordan you really are the best
yup I defo want my dad to be like that
Yeahhhh.. 😂
@DONT READ MY PROFILE PICTURE its a rickroll right
You guys never fail making us entertained 7:48pm
I just know that Salish will definitely make firends!!! Good luck Salish!!!Love your vids!
You guys should try to do elephant toothpaste. I tried it before, it was so fun!
How awesome would it be to be friends with Salish she’s so sweet and cool!! 💕✨
I love how they treat her so nicely and I’m glad she made friends! She seems so nice, I would totally go that school
Video is fake I go to Santiago and they told everyone what to do and how to act totally fake
@sometimesidraw yes I live in the city of orange and at Santiago we have this group of kids called ASB which they plan assemblies and other stuff pretty much kids with good grades and behavior who were told to act nice and the entire day was planned
@sometimesidrawi mean obviously
@sometimesidraw duh these vids r scripted
Salish is so awesome and brave! I can’t wait to see move on and on! You got this Say Say!❤
Love you guys!!!!❤
Salish is a brave and talented and strong girl. Believe in yourself and anything is possible. You guys are incredible for putting in the hard work for us to be entertained ❤️. Thanks for everything over the last 2 years I have been subbed!
@Idalia Salmeron its fake🫥
The only way you will get 💯 with this one 1️⃣ day 😮
I love how Jordan is so energetic and supportive. I wish I have a dad like that. My mom and dad live separately for some reasons that I don’t know since I was born😭
If anyone could say something to cheer me up, that’d make me feel a lot better
I hope you are feeling well and happy ❤
I grew up with divorced parents and it was really hard sometimes so I understand how you feel. Just try to appreciate all the moments you have with each of them
As long as you have encouragement and are confident in yourself you are garenteed to make it
I am so sorry you feel that way! I'm sure they both love you very much!
@@jordanmatter Knowing that you also had to go through that, it makes me feel less lonely and I will try my best to get through it ❤ and thanks a lot for the reply.
I love how much Jorden loves Salish!!!
Salish, I would be super happy if my dad was with me on my first day of school! The students are super sweet and supportive ✨♥
4:26 are we not going to talk about how that kid tried to talk to them and failed??
I’ve had to handle a school like that for 3 years now and it’s hard to get used to a school with a lot of people like that Salish is so strong
Its literally nothing 😂😂
I love everything in Salish! She is definitely going to find friends in a second! She is pretty, nice, brave and funny! I love your videos Jordan! I’ve been here since 2 million!
Salish inspires me so much to be a gymnast she is just amazing also your such a nice dad Jordan!Salish matter HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT GYMASTICS???!!! I watch you every single day I’m gonna subscribe and like all your videos! Have a wonderful rest of your life!!!
I spek france 🍑🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰
i FEEL SO BAD FOR U JORDAN😞😭🥺 my dad loves me so much, he has made my life so awesome, i cant imagene how lovely and happy Salish's life is, every moment of this video i appreciate for what you have done for means so much for me and all your subscribers, (btw i am a subscriber)💝💖❤🔥💗 *Ty for the likes*
I think she should be kinder
@@alcapone571 who?
@@hamnagul1316 Salish
@@kiko-8719 Jordan knows that Salish is joking
@@alcapone571 7:21 she just joking
We ALL know that "Today my daughter Salish..." will never get old
Whoever reading this, whoever you are, whenever you are, you are still the meaning of perfection. Luv ya’ll! Stay safe, Say say, Jordan, Hudson~ and all of you!
thank you!❤
Thankyou so much you have really brightened my day.
so sweet thanks
Love salish's relationship with her Dad
ye bro i go there it’s fire you can play fortnite minecraft and allat🔥🔥 15:49
@@Sswmeets actually fire 🔥 you got discord?
Did anyone realize the poor little boy while salish was asking for help in room 405 they boy tired talking to her dad and her❤ 4:19
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed that
@@avavoelkel173 ya
Yea I saw it
𝕐𝕖𝕒 𝕚𝕜𝕣
Big school! I hope Salish likes it. Hopefully she can get around good and remember where everything is. GIRL POWER💓💓💓
I kinda feel bad for jordan who else thinks salish should appreciate jordan
Let"s appreciate the fact that they do this for us switching schools is very hard.
Salish is such an amazing talented girl! She will have fun at her school. Its a very special day for Salish. Hope she gets a great welcome too. Good luck Salish. Your videos are so inspiring. Your content is filled with so much joy and happiness and excitement too. Great content and channel. I hope Salish has a great day at her school. You are so confident and smart and intelligent also brave and strong.
She already has a wonderful father. I do not think there is a reason to be ashamed of her father, but rather she should be proud of him and appreciate his presence. There are indeed those who wish to have an amazing father like hers ❤❤
@@kaylagadson8557 shabbat and it😂
Yeah your right
I absolutely agree with you💖
That's true but I don't think that its a big deal I mean she could be embarrassed of him sometimes but thats normal
This video is amazing like all of them and i love being in a big school ive never been in a small school its just good cuz if theres too much kids somewjere u can just go on the second floor cuz on 1st floor theres so much kids when classes over they go to lunch and theres like 4 floors in my school but next year im going to a different school i cant be in 1 school for 9 years like i got 6 more school years until high school
She has the coolest dad ever... Many kids dream of having a dad like that who's like a friend ❤
Her dad😀😀😀😀 My dad😐
Big advice for Salish and Nidal. Sure being an adult is fun at times. But do not rush your childhood. Because once it is gone you never get it back.
Salish is an incredible talented girl! She’s so energetic and fun she’ll make so much friends! You have an incredible family Jordan! You’re content makes my days ❤
Same but they don’t post that often anymore 😢
@@svalerio01 well they post 1 awesome video a week?
Your* please edit your comment to fix the grammatical mistake.
@@hoghuhaghu8506 ehh no thanks
We love you guys so much ❤️
“I’m gonna eat lunch by myself”
I feel so bad for him I wanna cry😢
Ikr 😥
2:50 this is a dad stawp moment right @@lexidtv1
lol the fact I read this comment when it happened to
Me too 😢❤
Salish, don't be embarrassed by your father. Rather, truly enjoy and appreciate his presence always while you can.❤😊A father's pride and joy are his kids.
Honestly coming from a teen I love my dad and stuff but him doin this is embarrassing especially if your a teen I can tell you she’s going to get bullied just from this 💀
@Aj Winner Today's society, in general, is quite ignorant nowadays when it comes to the important values. I understand the feeling, though, but look at it from the loving parents' perspectives, too. "There is no shame in love." I am not a teen anymore, and I have kids now and that my friend has broadened my understanding too.
@@gardenscapeNastya fr
i hope say has fun at her new school since she deserves it and the amount of love and support given by jordan is just amazing i have known say since she was 12 and she is still the same wonderfull person to me been here since 10 million ❤
SALISH can you come to my birthday party im a huge fan
Did salish Wright it ?😮😮😮😮😮
@Michael It’s an impersonator look at the subs on that channel and compare it to her original account stay safe ♥️
Jordan literally slurping the noodles with no chill like btw I'm on that par
salish is gonna make lot of friends in a minuit I can tell that she is gonna love this school ❤❤
Can I just say that Jordan always takes time to make videos for us
Hi guys I want her to go to small school but what ever she wants❤
we not going to talk about the poor kid in the background at 4:26
Fr he was actually talking
I swear if Salish enrolled in my school, I don’t care who’s sitting next to me! I’m asking the teacher if I can move next to Salish. I love her personality and she’s such an inspiration for younger girls like Mila!! 💗
If Salish enrolled in my school I would implode into my schwarzschild radius and die.
Now let’s just take a moment to appreciate how much they did for us❤
Teacher:Go for it let's herar one
Salish: *Bangs drum*
Teacher: OH your hired! SHE'S A NATURAL
i honestly think jordan is a wonderful dad that is trying his best....i love how salish appreciates that even tho she doesnt show it you can see it in her eyes
so fun!! i knew she would pick the big school and it’s so nice that the kids were nice to her! i would be embarrassed if my dad came to school with me, too! lol ❤😂🎉
Salish, you shouldn't be embarassed by being with your dad. I lost my father when i was 5 and the thing i miss the most is spending that much time with him. Just enjoy every second you can spend with him
Yh that's really true
so so true , every second i spend with my dad now is so special cuz we never know when we wont be able to have these precious moments again
I’m so sorry 😢😖
Omg im so sorry for you 😢😢😢
@@kaylahkatimba3663yes I said that
She deserves to go to a school who will be kind and respectful it doesn't matter if its big or not with a heart like hers❤
Salish is better than the last one to 😎🤩😁🤪🏙️🫥🏙️😛🏙️😍😄🥰😃🥰😡🫢😲😮😦🙀💚✨💘🤍💘💝🩶💝🩶🩵💛🩵👄🦿
I hope this page never ends and keeps spreading happiness
When Jordan said " WHAT WAS THAT" in front of the drum kid had me rolling on the floor dying🤣
as a kid i was also in a private school and before i went to public school for the last 7 years went to private school for a few years then i came back to public school and it was very scary but i met really nice people on the way so now i am used to public school more than anything! I wish you goodluck in school say say, keep the grades up, and enjoy these little moments in life and enjoy these fun times with your dad. luv ya say say! 😘 ✨
Yes 👍
I love the band teacher 😂❤ " Youre hired!" "She's a natural people, she's a natrual"
Zara don't trust these people that act like Jordan and give u a chance for a give away and send u a fake shipment ID and ask u money 💰 for shipping but pls don't get scammed ❤
if u met her you wouldn’t like her trust she’s the band teacher at my middle school
@@lakshya479 I wouldt sign up for a give away for anyone but thanks 😊 🙏
@@js.anaya.69 did you meet Salish then?
The "Today my daughter Salish" never gets old (like her dad)😂😂😂😂😂
Copying other comments doesn’t make you cool…….
@@sumiyakalif lol
@@sumiyakalifThat mean you are not cool to
YOU GO SHALISHH!! I feel like that’s a great decision because you get to experience new things and I think it’s a lot of fun and you’ve made a lot of great friends think about the next few days it’s a big school and there is a plenty of kids you’ll get to know them and be friends with them I’m so excited for u!! 🎉🎉❤
Who else thinks that Salish loves everything that’s happening with Nalish!!
7:38 lol that was so funny 😂😂 😂
the kids were so sweet and supportive 🥹😊❤
0:26 the girl in the green glasses 💀
Oh 😂
It’s a guy
The way Jordan drink the pasta😂😅 13:02
😂😂😂 4:57
Jordan is the kind of parent I wish I had. So supportive, so loving.
Having your dad coming to your first day of school is cra cra crazy
Salish is honestly amazing as she is so strong in many ways! 🦄 1. She can beat up her dad! 🥊 2. She can handle many things in her ways! 👑 She’s a queen! 🛍 She can do so much things! ✨ Keep being great! 🌷 Stay awesome!! 💗
Salish's I really love to watch you videos i learned French in school❤❤
I think my school is big but after i saw this even with games, omg now i see that my school is smal😢😅❤😊
I love all of Jordan's videos he spends so much time making good content for all of us.
Team Small School here 🤗😊 I'm a teacher from Poland, Europe and after a few fails on my career path I finally found my place in a perfect small-not-public school. For the first time I feel like a real member of a community, like I belong. Kids, listen to the old lady in her '30s - when it comes to finding a job, NOTHING matters more than finding the perfect team where you feel like you belong! This Santiago place seems cool though (E-sport?! Schools in Poland could never!).
Imagine having esports as a subject at school, my dream ❤😂
The "Today my daughter Salish..." never gets old . I love how much Jorden loves Salish!!!.
He uses her.
@@tml184 does not they are literally father and daughter
Hepworth you are a good person and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a 🤫🙄